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`Philippines Copyright 1993 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
`First Printing 1993
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. — 10th ed.
`Includes index.
`ISBN 0-87779-708-0 (unindexed). —- ISBN 0-87779-709-9 (indexed).
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`(1868) 1[fr. his habit of arriving at a ma
`food and lodging too late to do any war?
`i chiefly Brit: a drink taken _at sundown
`) : a dress with an abbreviated bodice iii“
`s. and back .
`[lsuridry] (1755) : miscellaneous smaii am
`pl but sing or pl in constr (1784) : any of
`(genus Oeriothera) of the evening-pi-ims°"~. "38:
`E. different for each. fr. OE syndrig, f,_ in
`. ea] (l3c) : MISCELLANEOUS. VARIOUS (~ mi:
`and ~ Edward I-luberman>
`r (l5c) : an indeterminate number (1-mom
`1 : ocean S_UNFlSH 2 : any of numem
`y fishes (family Centrarchidae. esp, gen“
`compressed body and metallic luster
`I for a light sailboat that has one sail and i
`re than two people
`(1597) 2 any of a genus (Heliimthus) o
`f New
`dible oi
`ith large yellow-rayed flower heads 1;
`. rl afsmo
`'ing) Siirig].(167.f>) : a Chinese dynasty dated
`- by cultural refinement and achievemenis in
`. art — Sung ad]
`1 : a convex lens for converging me
`o protect the eyes from the sun
`2) : a god that represents or personifies iiie
`(i861) : a goddess that represents or peisonii
`(ca. 1889) 2. any of a_ small family (fleliornit
`, and American tropical birds related to the
`1' part ofSINK
`essed in spir-its 2: i>_ciivi=.i=oi1.i:iiiNi=.o
`t the bottom of a body of water
`a : uoi,
`ME sankyn, pp. of sinken to Sink; (14c)
`lying in a depression (a ~ garden)
`El) level
`: constructed below the normal
`: a ditch with a retainingwall used to divide
`andscape — called also ha-ha
`(1885) : an electric lamp designed to mix
`from ultravioletvto infrared
`: lacking sunshine: DARK.CHEERLEsS
`he light of the sun 2 SUNSHINE
`lighted by or as if b the sun
`fr. Skt saiia] (1774 : an East Indian legumi-
`ncea) withslender branches. simple leaves,
`its valuable fiber resembling hemp that is
`j te
`'sa(n)~\ n. often cap [Ar sunmili]
`mic custom ‘and practice based on Muham-
`the Muslims
`1 :
`rNxunrii'y. fr. simnah] (1595)
`at adheres to the orthodox tradition and ac-
`caliphs as rightful successors of Muhammad
`nni Muslim — Sunni ad]
`\ rt (1892) :
`thereligious system or distinctive
`: SUNN12 — Sun-nite \'si'i(n)-.nit\ (Id;
`i-er; -est (14c)
`1 : marked by_ brilliant suns
`or wamied by the sun (8 ~ room) —- sun-n -
`: CHEERFULOPTIMISTIC (a ~ disposition) i
`n ness \'sa-né-nas\ ii
`id-'ap\ ad; (on. 1901) of an egg: fried on one
`rch\ n (1918) :' a screened-in or llla55ed'l"
`1 : the apparent rising of the sun abowfimz
`1 e sun appears above the horizon as a raw
`mpanying atmospheric effects
`2 :
`the uni
`952) : a panel in an automobile roof that 3”“
`ure—ca e asosunparar
`it (19171:
`alglass-ericllosed Porch '3' l“'"'g
`855) : an injury of woody plants (as‘§F'S-“‘):n‘:3_
`- by localized death of the tissues ai1mewm_
`sed when it occurs in the summer 17)’ mm, by
`n and low temperature to produce re
`heat and light of the sun and in thefwlezmg of
`1 738) : a screen to protect against sufliifgs ii,
`benzoic acid) used in suntan P|'el7“”eeii,ing
`essive ultraviolet radiation — sun-S01’
`(1954) : a person who travels to 3" 5'”
`1 : the apparent descentof the sun‘
`mpanyirig atmospheric effects‘ 2 -as 3
`he sun disappears below the horizpfl. esp :
`f the earth 3 : a period of decline.
`(1842) something used as a W039‘
`a : the sun's light or direct "1
`pulating the [periodic review Of
`order to continue their existence
`5|!-i>er»com.p ¢.i.¢ive
`c : a spot or surface on
`, mg warmth and light given by the sun’s rays
`which the sun’s light shines
`2 : something (as a person, condition, or
`_ hi-n5 a J
`3'1/2.1 radiates warmth. cheer, or happiness — sun-shiny
`giiiisliine adj (1972)
`: forbidding or restricting closed meetings of
`igglSlfltlVC or executive bodies and sometimes providing for public ac-
`cess to records (~ law)
` _\-.spiit\ n (1868) : any of the dark spots that appear from
`siime to time on the sun’s surface and are usu. visible only througha
`slfliffjtmke \-.strok\ n (1851) : heatstroke caused by direct exposure to
`luhi-:.struek \-.strak\ ad‘ (1794) : affected or touched by the sun
`5uii.5uit \-.s'Lit\ rt ([929 : an outfit worn usu. for sunbathing and play
`siiwtan \-.tan\ n (1904)
`1 : a browning of the skin from exposure to
`me rays of the sun
`2 pl : a tan-colored summer uniform — sun-
`taimed \-,taiid\ adj
`5uii.up \-.-sp\ n (1712): SUNRISE
`isiimward \'san-word\ or sun-wards \-wardz\ izdv(1611):
`Ksilii-iyvard ar1j(1769) : facing the sun
`siimwise \'s:>n-.wiz\ adv (ca. 1864): CLOCKWISE
`isiii, \'ssp\ vb supped; sup-ping ME suppen, fr. OE so an, ‘suppan;
`akin to OHG siifan to drink, sip, 0 sop sopi vi (bef. 12c : to take or
`drink in swallows or gulps {*1 vi. chie_ y dia : to take food and esp.
`iiquid food into the mouth a little at a_time
`up )1 (ca. 1570): a mouthful esp. of liquor or broth : SIP; also: a small
`isup vi suppe ; sup-ping ME soupen, suppen, fr, OF souper. fr. soupe
`quantity of lliauld <pou_r me just a ~ of tea)
`sap, soup‘— more at SOUP (l4c)
`1 : to eat the evening meal
`2 : to
`make one’s supper‘ —- used with an or off(~ on roast beef)
`isuoper \'sii-par’\ adj super-] (1837)
`a — used as a generalized term
`Of upproval (a ~ coo_ ) b : of high grade _or quality 2 : very large _or
`powerful (a ~ atomic bomb)
`3 : exhibiting the characteristics of its
`iype to an extreme or excessive de ree (~ secrecy)
`isiiper rt (1838)
`l [by shortening
`a : SUPERNUMERARY; esp : a super-
`niimerary actor
`the supennten-
`dent of an apartment building 2 [short for obs. superhive] : a remov-
`iibie upper story _of a beehive
`3 ['super] : a superfine grade or extra
`large size 4 [origin unknown] : a thin loosely woven open-meshed
`siarched cotton fabric used esp. for reinforcing books
`iiiuper ady [super-] (1946)
`1 : VERY. EXTREMELY (a ~ fast car)
`2 : to
`an excessive degree
`iiipep prefix [L. over, above, in addition. fr. super over, above, on top
`gf—— more at OVER]
`(1) : over and above : hi her in quantity,
`quality. or degree than : more than (superhuman)
`2) :
`in addition
`: extra (supertax) b (1) : exceeding or so as to exceed a norm (super-
`licat> (2) :
`in or to an extreme or excessive degree or intensity (super-
`e : surpassing all or most others of its kind (superhighway) 2
`: situated or placed above, on, or at the top of (superlunary); specif
`; situated on the dorsal side of
`: next above or higher (supertonic)
`3: having tlic (specified) ingredient present in a large or unusually
`large proportion (superpliosphate) 4;‘ constituting a more inclusive
`category than that specified (superfamily> 5 : superior in status. title.
`or position (superpower)
`au-per-male -
`toward the
`su-per-rich '
`sunshine 0 supercool
`su-pen r.ile
`su-p weapuin
`su-per-a-ble \'sii-p(a-)ra-bal\ ad‘ [L superabilis fr. superare to sui-.
`mount — more at INSUPERABLE] (J1629) : capable of being overcome or
`conquered — su-per-a-bleoness n —— su-per-a-bly \-b1E\ adv
`su-per-abound \.sii-par-9-'bai‘ind\ vi [ME, ir. LL iuperaburidare, fr. L
`si2per- + izburidure to abound] (,14c) : to abound or prevail in greater
`measure or to excess
`su-per-abun-dant \-‘ban-dant\ adj [ME,
`fr. LL superizburidant-, 5“.
`peraburidans. fr. prp. of superabundare (15c) : more than ample : Ex.
`a v
`C5SSlVE — su-per-abundance \-dan t)s\ ri — su-per-abun-dant-ly
`su-per-add \.sii-par-_'ad\ vi [ME, fr. L superaddere, fr. super- + addere
`to add] (150) :
`to add esp. in a way that compounds an effect (the loss
`of his job was ~ed to the loss of his house)
`su-per-agen-cy \'sii-par-.5-jan(t)-sé\ ri (1943) : a large complex gov-
`ernmental agency esp. when set up to supervise other agencies
`su-per-al-loy \.sil-par-'a-.loi. -9-'loi\ n (1948) : any of various high:
`strength often complex alloys resistant to high temperature
`su-per-al-tern _\.sii-par-'61-t:;rn\ n [s_uper- +, subaliern] (1921) : a uni-
`versal proposition in traditional logic that is a ground for the immedi-
`ate infercnce of a corresponding subaltern
`su-per-an-nu-ate \.sii-par-‘an-ya-.wat\
`-at-ed; —at-ing
`formation fr. superannuated] vi (1649)
`1 : to make. declare, or prove
`obsolete or out-of-date
`2 : to retire and pension because of age or
`irifinnity ~ vi
`1 : to become retired 2 :
`to become antiquated —
`su-per-an-nu-a-tion \'wa-shan\ n
`su erannuated adj [ML superarinudtus, pp. of xuperannuari to be too
`0 d. fr. L super- + iimius year — more at ANNUAL] (1740) :
`tated or disqualified for active duty by advanced age
`su-perb \si‘i—'parb\ adj [L su erbus excellent. proud, fr. super above +
`-bus (akin to OE bean to be — more at OVER. BE] (1549) : marked to
`the highest degree by grandeur, excellence, brilliance, or competence
`syn see SPLENDID -- su,-perb-ly adv — su-perb-ness 71
`Su-per-ball \'sii-par-.bo1\ trademark — used for a toy rubber ball with
`a high bounce
`su-per-block \-.blak\ n (1928) : a very large commercial or residential
`block barred to through traffic, crossed by pedestrian walks and some-
`.times access roads, and often spotted with grassed malls
`Super Bowl n [lI'. the Su er Bowl, annual championship game of the
`National Football Leaguei)(1969) : a contest or event that is the most
`importantor prestigious :3
`its kind (the 2,500-‘mile. 24-day Super Bowl
`of bicycle racin —John Krakauer)

`lsu-per-cal-em er \'sii-par-.ka-lan-dar\ vi (1888) : to process (paper)
`in a supercalender
`1supercalender ri (1894) : a stack of highly polished calender rolls
`used to give an extra finish to paper
`su-per-car-go \.sii-par-'k2ir-UB1‘). ‘sir-par-.\ n [Sp sobrecargo, fr. sabre-
`over (fr. L super-) + cargo cargo] (1697) : an officer on a merchant
`ship in charge of the commercial concerns of the voyage
`supercede var ofSUPERSEDE
`su-per-charge \'sii-par-.chiirj\ vt (1876)
`1 :
`to charge greatly or ex-
`cessively (as with vigor or tension)
`2 : to supply a charge to the intake
`of (as an engine) at a pressure higher than that of the surrounding at-
`mosphere 3: PRESSURIZEI —supercharge n
`su-per-charg-er \-.char-j9r\ n (1921) : a device (as a blower or com-
`pressor) for pressurizing the cabin of an airplane or for increasing the
`volume air charge of an internal combustion engine over that which
`would normally be drawn in through the umping action of the pistons
`su- or-cil-l-ary \.sii-par-'si-ii‘\ adj ENL superciliaris, fr. L super-
`ci ium] (1732): of, relating to, or adjoining the eyebrow : sUP1lAoP.-BITAL
`eyebrow, haughtiriess, fr. super- + -ci lum eyelid (akin to celare to
`su-per-ell-ious \-'si-le-as, -'sil-yss\ adj EL superciliosiis. fr. supercilium
`‘hide) — more at HELL] (1598) : coolly and patronizingly haughty
`syn see PROUD — su-per-cil-ious-ly adv — su-per-cil-ious-ness It
`su-per-city \'é\ n (1925) : MEGALOPOLIS
`su-per-class \-.klas\ ri (ca. 1891) 2 a category in biological classifica-
`tion ranking below a phylum or division and above a class
`su-per-clu-ster \'sii-par-.kl9s-ter\ n (1926) : a group of gravitationally
`associated clusters of galaxies
`su-per-coil \-.koi(a)1\ ‘n (1965): SUPERHELIX —-supercoil vb
`su-per-col-lid-er \-ks-.‘li-dar\ ri (1984) : a very large collider capable of
`accelerating particles to very high energies
`su-per-com-put-er \-kam-.pyii-t9r\ n (1968) : a large very fast main-
`frame used esp. for scientific computations
`su-per-con-duct \.sii-par-ken-'dakt\ vi (1952) : to exhibit supercon-
`ductivity — su-per-con-duc-tive \-'dok-tiv\ adj
`su-per-con-due-tiv-i-ty \-.kan-.d9k-‘ti-vs-té, -ken-\ n (1913) : a com-
`lete disappearance of electrical resistance in a substance esp. at very
`ow temperatures — su-per-con-duc-for \-ken-'dek-ter\ n
`-.kant-nant\ n (1960)
`: a
`former large continent from which other continents are held to have
`broken off and drifted away
`su-per-cool \
`par-'kiil\ vt (1906) : to cool below the freezing point
`without solid ication or crystallization ~ vi : to become supercooled
` :jj
`\o\ abut
`\’\ kitten, F table \ar\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \‘a'\ mop, mar
`\au\ out
`\ch\ chin
`\e\ bet
`\é\ easy
`\g\ go
`\i\ hit
`\i\ ice
`\j\ job
`\iJ\ sing \5\ go \o\law \<'>i\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \li\lont
`\i'i\ foot
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision \ii, lg. ". oe.
`(Te; us. E. "\ see Guide to Pronunciation
`IGT EX. 1004 - 3/4

`supercritical 0 superlativeness
`su-per-critoi-cal \-’kri—ti-kel\ adj (1934) : being or having a tempera-
`ture above a critical temperature (~ fluid)
`\'sii-par-.k:>r-ant, -.ka-ront\ n (1940) : a current of
`electricity flowing in a su
`su-per—du-per \'sii-par-'du-p:-)r\ adj [redupl of ‘super] (1940) : of the
`greatest excellence,
`ze, effectiveness, or impressiveness
`su-persego \.sii-per-‘é-(.)go also -'e-(.)go\ n [NL, trans. of G Uber-ich,
`iiber over + ich I] (1919) :
`the one of the three divisions of the
`psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is only partly conscious, repre-
`sents internalization of parental conscience and the rules of society. and
`functions to reward and punish through a system of moral attitudes,
`conscience, and a sense of guilt —— compare 1360. ID
`su-per-el-e-vate \-'e-lo-.vat\ vl(ca, 1945): BANK lc
`the vertical distance
`su-per-el-e-va-tion \-.e-ls-'va~sh:;n\ n (1889)
`1 :
`between the heights of inner and outer edges of highway pavement or
`railroad rails
`22 additional elevation
`su-per-er-o-ga-tiun \.sii-pa-.rer-9-'ga-shori\
`n [ML .rupererogation—.
`supercrogatio, fr. supererogare to perform beyond the call of duty, fr.
`LL. to expend in addition, fr. L super-
`crogarc to expend public
`funds after asking the consent of the people. fr. e- + rogare to ask —
`more at RIGHT] (1526) : the act of performing more than is required by
`duty, obligation, or need
`smpeperog-a-to-ry \.s'1i-pa-ri-'r?a'-gs-.t6r-e, -.tor—\ adj (1593)
`1 : ob-
`served or performed to an extent not enjoined or required 2 : exceed-
`ing what is needed : SUPER!-‘LUOUS
`su-per-fam-i-ly \'sii-perqfam-lé. -‘fa-ma-\ n (ca. 1890) : a category of
`biological classification ranking below an order and above a family
`su-peg-fat-ted \-.fa-t2d\ adj (1891) : containing extra oil or fat (~
`i su-per-fe-cun-da-tion \.sii-pcr-.fc-kan—'di1-shan, -.fé-\ n (ca. 1855)
`: successive feriilivation of two or more ova from the same ovulation
`esp. by different sires 2 : fertilization at one time of a number of ova
`excessive for the species
`su-per-feota-tion \~fe~'ta-shen\ n [ML xuperfetation-, super/etatio, fr. L
`superfeture to conceive while already pregnant, fr. super- + fetus act of
`bearing young, offspring —-— more at FETUS] (1603) 1 a progressive accu-
`mulation or accretion reaching an extreme or excessive degree
`su-per-fi-cial \.sij-par-'fi-sli91\ adj [ME, fr. LL super/icialis. fr. L super-
`ficies] (l5c)
`(1) . of or relating to a surface
`(2) : lying on, not
`penetrating below, or affecting only the surface (~ wounds) b Brit, of
`a unit of measure : SQUARE (~ foot)
`2 a : concerned only with the
`obvious or apparent: SHALLDW h: lying on the surface: EXTERNAL c
`: presenting only an appearance without substance or significance —
`-per-fi-cial-ly \—'fi-sh(a—)lé\ adv
`.-‘-yn SUPERFICIAL. SHALLOW. CURSORY mean lacking in depth or solidity.
`SUPER}-‘ICIAL implies a concern only with surface aspects or obvious
`features (a superficial analysis of the problem). SHALLOW is more gen-
`erally derogatory in implying lack of depth in knowledge. reasoning,
`emotions, or character (a light, shallow, and frivolous review). CUR-
`SORV suggests a lack of thoroughness or a neglect of details (gave the
`letter on! a cursory readin ).
`superficial fascia It (1876 : the thin layer of loose fatty connective
`tissue underlying the skin and binding it to the parts beneath 4 called
`also hy odermis
`su-pcr- i-ci-al-i-ty \.sii—é-'u-la-té\ n. pl -ties (1530)
`1 : the
`quality or state of being superficial
`2 : something superficial
`su-per-fl-cies \-‘ii-(,)shez, -sh5.ez\ n. pl superficies [L, surface. fr.
`1- facies face, aspect — more at FACE] (1530)
`1 : a surface of a
`1 mg
`bhody or a region of space
`2 :
`the external aspects or appearance of a
`su-per-fine \.sii-par-'fin\ adj (1575)
`1 2 overly refined or nice
`2 : of
`extremely fine size or texture (~ toothbrush bristles) (~ sugar) 3 : of
`high quality or grade — used esp. of merchandise
`su-per-fix \'sii-par-.fiks\ n [super- + -17): (as in prefix)] (ca. 1948) : a
`morpheme consisting of a pattern of stress. intonation, or juncture
`features that are associated with the syllables of a word or phrase (as
`the distinctive stress patterns of the noun subject and the verb subject)
`su-per-flu-id \.s'tl-par-'fli.i-9d\ n (1938) : an unusual state of matter
`noted only in liquid helium cooled to near absolute zero and character-
`ized by apparently frictionless flow (as through fine holes) -
`- super-
`fluid r1dj—— su-per-flu-id-i-ty \-flii- ' do-té\ ti
`su-per-flu-i-ty \.sii-par-'f1ii-9-té\ n, pl -ties ME superfluitee, fr. MF
`superfluité, fr. LL superfluilat-, supcrfluitas,
`r. L superfluus] (140)
`a : excess. OVERSUPPLY b : something unnecessary or superfluous
`: immoderate and esp. luxurious living. habits, or desires
`su-per-flu-ous \siZi-‘par-flii-os\ adj [ME, fr. L superfluus. lit.. running
`over. fr. superfluere to overflow, fr. super —l— flucrc to flow — more at
`FLUID] (15c)
`a 2 exceeding what is sufficient or necessary : EXTRA
`b : not needed : UNNECESSARY 2 abs : marked by wastelulness : EX-
`TkAvAoANr— su-per-flu-ous-ly adv a su-per-flu-ous-ness n
`su-per-gene \'sii-par-.jt’:n\ n (ca. 1949) : a group of linked genes acting
`as an allelic unit esp. when due to the suppression of crossing-over
`su-per-gi-ant \-.ji-ant\ n (1926) : something that is extremely large; esp
`: a star of very great intrinsic luminosity and enormous size — super-
`giant: adj
`su-per-glue ri (1946) : a very strong glue; rpecif: a glue whose chief
`ingredient is a cyanoacrylate that becomes adhesive through polymer-
`ization rather than evaporation of a solvent
`suoper-graph-its \-.gra-fiks\ n pl but sing or pl in constr (1969) : bill-
`board-sized graphic shapes usu. of bright color and simple design
`su-per~grav-I-ty \.sii-per-'gra-vo-té\ n (1976) : any of various theories
`in physics that are based on supersymmetry and attempt to unify gen-
`eral relativity and quantum theory and that state that the principle
`transmitter of gravity is the graviton
`\'sii-par-.griip\ n (1968)
`: a rock group made up of
`prominent onner members of other rock groups; also : an extremely
`successful rock group
`lsu-per-heat \.sii-par-'hét\ vi‘ (1859)
`1 : to heat (a vapor not in con-
`t'act‘with its own liquid) so as to cause to remain free from suspended
`liquid droplets (~ed steam)
`2 :
`to heat (a liquid) above the boiling
`point without converting into vapor — su-per-heat-er n
`Zsu-per-heat \'sii-par-,het, .sii-par-'\ n (1884) : the extra heat imparted
`to a vapor in supcrhcating it from a dry and saturated condition; also
`the corresponding rise of temperature
`su-per-heat-e_d \-,he-tad, -‘he-\ uclj(1857) : very hot; also : exceedingly
`emotional or intense
`su-per-hea-vy-weight \.sii-par-‘he-vé-.wat\ rt (1971) : an athlete (as an
`Olympic weightlifter, boxer, or wrestler) who competes in the heayjm
`class or division
`su.pei-.he.lix \'s'u'-per-.hé—liks\
`ri (.1964) : a helix (_as of D_l_\IA) which
`has its axis arranged in a helical coil — su-per-he-li-cal \.su-par-'l.e_1i_
`ksl, -‘hé-\ adj
`su-per-hero \-.hir-(.)o, -.he-(.)ro\ n (1917) : a fictional hero having
`extraordinary or superhuman powers; also : an exceptionally skillful or
`successful person
`su-per-het-erosdyne \.sii-per-‘he-ta-to-.din,
`+ heterodyne] (1922) : used in or being a radio receiver in which an
`incoming signal is mixed with a locally gcncrated frequency to produce
`an ultrasonic signal at a fixed frequency that is then rectified. amp]i_
`lied, and rectified again to reproduce the sound — superheterorjynfi
`su-per-liigli frequency \'sii-par-.hi-\ n (ca. 1945) 2 a radio frequency
`invthe next to the highest range of the radio spectrum -— see RADIO
`su-per-hi h-way \.s'ii-par-‘hi-.wa,
`'sii-par-.\ n (1925)
`: a multilane
`highway %as an expressway or turiipik
`designed for high-speed traffic
`su.pei-«liu-man \.sii-par-'hyii-man, -'yii-\ adj (1633)
`1 : being above
`the human : DIVINE (~ beings)
`2 : exceeding normal human power
`size. or capability : HERCULI-1AN(a ~ effort); also ~ having such power’
`su-per-hu-mam y \-'hyii-man-le, -'yii-\ adv — su-per-hu-mamness
`size, or capability — su-per-hu-man-i-ty \-liyii
`ta-na-te, -yii-\ ,. \’
`\-man-nas\ n
` \.sii-par-ini-'p6z\ vt (1794) 2 to place or lay ove; or
`above something (superimposed images) (sitperimpaxed a formula on
`the stories) — su-per-im-pos-able \-‘p6-29-b:>l\ adj — su-per-im.pn_
`si-tinn \'zi-slian\ n
`su-per-in~cum.bent \-in-'kom-bont\ adj [L superincumbent-,
`cumbens. prp. of superincumbere to lie on top of, fr. super- + incumbere
`to lie down on — more at INCUMBENT] (1664) :
`lying or resting and
`usu. exerting pressure on something else — su-per~in-cum-bent.|y
`-‘vi-jo-wal, —‘vi-j91\ adj
`(l9l6) : of. relating to. or being an organism, entity, or complex of
`more than individual complexity or nature
`su-per-in-duce \-in-'diis, -'dyiis\ vt [L superinducere,
`f_r. super. 4.
`duccrc to lead in ——— more at INDUCE] (ca. 1555)
`1 :
`to introduce as an
`addition over or above something already existing 2 : BRING ON. IN.
`i)uci«:——su-per-in-duc-tion \-'d:k-shan\ n
`su-per-in-fee-tion \-in-'fek-shan\ n (ca. 1922) : reinfection or a second
`infection with a microbial agent (as a bacterium, fungus, or virus) \
`su-per-in-feet \-'fekl\ vl
`su-per-in-tend \.sii-p(o-)rin-‘tend, .sii-porn-\ vt [LL superinicndere. fr,
`L su er- + intendere to stretch out, direct — more at INTEND] (ca,
`1615 : to have or exercise the charge and oversight of: DIRECT
`su-per-in-ten-deuce \-‘ten-dsn(t)s\ n (1603) :
`the act or function of
`superintending or directing : SUPERVISION
`su-per-in-ten-den-cy \-dcn(t)-se\ n. pl -cies (1598) : the office, post,
`or jurisdiction of a superintendent; also : SIJPERINTENDENCE
`su-per-in-ten-dent \-d9nt\ n [ML superintendent-, xuperintendens.
`LL, prp. of superiritendcrc (1554) : one who has executive oversight
`and charge — superinten ent adj
`‘su-pe-ri-or \s\'1-'
`E-ar\ adj [MF.,
`fr. MF superieur.
`fr. L superior,
`compar. of superus upper, fr. super over, above ~— more at oven] (l4c)
`1 : situated higher up : UPPER 2 : of higher rank. quality, or impor-
`tance 3 2 coura eously or serenely indifferent (as to something painful
`or disheartening? 4
`a : greater in quantity or numbers (escaped by
`~ speed)
`In : excellent of its kind : BETTER (her ~ memory)
`5 : be-
`ing a superscript
`6 a nf an animal structure : situated above or ante-
`rior or dorsal to another and esp. a corresponding part (a ~ artery)
`ofa plant structure : situated above or near the top of another part: as
`(1) ofa calyx : attached to and apparently arising from the ovary (2)
`of an ovary : free from the calyx or other floral envelope
`7 : more
`comprehensive (a genus is ~ to a species)
`8 : affecting or assuming
`an air of superiority : SUPERCILIOUS — su-pe-rl-or-ly adv
`lsuperior n (150)
`1 : one who is above another in rank, station, or
`office; exp :
`the head of a religious house or order
`2 2 one that sur-
`passes another in quality or merit
`superior conjunction V1 (1833) 2 a conjunction in which the prnmiry
`of an orbiting celestial body is aligned between the celestial body and
`an observer
`superior court It (1686)
`1 : a court of general jurisdiction intermedi-
`ate between the inferior courts (as a justice of the peace court) and (115
`higher appellate courts
`2 : a court with juries having original jurisdic-
`superior general 11. pl superiors general (1775) : the superior of a
`religious order or congregation
`su-pe-ri-or-i-ty \si'i-.pir-E-‘o
`11. pl -ties (150) 1 *1”
`quality or state of being superior; also: a superior characteristic
`supcriorit complex 21 (ca. 1924) : an exaggerated opinion of oiieselh
`supegior p anet n (1583) : a planet whose orbit lies outside that nit 6
`superior vena cava n (1901) : the branch of the vena cava of at verthc;
`bratc that brings blood back from the head and anterior part of I
`body to the heart
`su-per-ja-cent \.sii-par-'ja-s°nt\ adj [1. xuperjucent-, superjt_1CEnS. PU’-‘fie
`superjacére to lie over or upon, fr. super- + jacere to lie; akin to LJfl€f~
`l"UC S
`to tlln-giw — more at JET] (1610) :
`lying above or upon : OVERLYING
`su-per-jet \'sii-par-._iet\ n (1958) : a very large jet airplane
`lsu-per-la-tive \su-‘per-la-tiv\ adj [ME superlaiif, fr. MF, fr.
`lativus. fr. L superlatur (pp. of superferre to carry over. raise I'I1Sll(1'
`super- + Imus, pp. of ferre to carry — more at 1"OLERA”l'l;. BEAR
`1 : of, relating to, or constituting the degree of grammatical 0011]}:
`son that denotes an extreme or unsurpassed level or extent
`9 ' .'
`passing all others : SUPREME h z of very high quality .
`: EXCESSIVE, EXAGGERATED # su-per-la-tive-ly adv — su-
`ness n
`isuperlative rt (15c)
`a :
`the superlative degree of compariso
`n in 3

`b : 3
`superlative or n‘
`person or _Il’1lng
`Esiipierifliiiiélesf \-
`‘E; great size
`su-peI"ll.lul‘IIln|-y \
`,-uper- + lung m
`the moon : Cl-;,]_[:5
`gunner-man \ sn_
`super + Manse;
`Nietzsche has leg
`and dominance 1]
`extraordinary on
`,n.per-mar-kct \
`Igtail market spin
`[hing resembling
`goods or_services
`5n.per-mi-cro \._
`and powerful mm
`slpper-nal \si’r.'n;
`above — more at
`i-iEAviat~ii.v. ETHE
`\.n -c\ adv
`2 ;
`9u.per-na-tant \,5
`(1 22)‘: the usu.
`gugernatare to no
`precipitation, or c
`,-alis,_fr. L super. '.
`of existence beyo;
`t0 Gnd Or a sod,.
`is usual. or norma
`b; attributed to 3
`ral n — su-per.
`adv -— su-per-nai
`[3 power an or
`1:1 the quality orzi
`— su-per-nat-u-r
`gu-per-na-ture \'i
`the realm
`gu-per-nor-mal \,
`ml or average
`MAL_~ su-per-nc
`\-‘nor-ma-lé\ adv
`5u.per-no-Va \'gfi.
`very large star in
`nosity one billion
`prominence or pet
`: excee ing tie u
`adj [LLd§uper;ium
`: not enumerated
`of a military organ
`or desired 3 : mi
`thing 2: an acto
`c assi ica ion ran
`st}-pe_i-f-‘orgicr \'s1i(i
`+ subordinate] (ll
`as O 8 S0918 MISC!
`1 Su-per-ovll-la-tioll
`exceptional numb
`ilat. -'6v-\ vb
`compoun contair
`S11-peraoxaide \-"a
`I Slllleroxide dis-m
`tancous oxidation
`enzyme that reduc
`iluring normal me‘
`1 ization 0 a ho
`kind ~ used esp. c
`1 a so u e mixt
`msuluble mineral
`“Fer-Phys-i-cal I
`“)6 Dhysical world
`“!‘I1er.pli1s-tic \-'1
`“DH under low strt
`'11 as- ic-i-t
`glégysl 2 E of or rt
`sl")"PBl'.pose \lsi,":p
`“Ck-fonnation fr.
`“Werllonere to sup
`1 :
`30138 to make all I
`layer or part
`R“'P3l'tpow-er \'sii
`g“"V<;r 2 a : an I
`1 ufclzleinant states ir
`We :§‘§f.i§.i2‘l.§'
`"ed \-.Dai1i(-:)rd\
`IGT EX. 1004 - 4/4

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