`Books and Documents
`Science for the Prosecution
`Cellulose Pulp and Allied Products
`Fluorescence Analysis
`in Ultra- Violet Light
`oratory Handbook of Pulp and Paper Manufacture
`[American and British Usage]
`Containing the Words Generally Used in Chemistry,
`and Many of the Terms Used in the Related
`Sciences of Physics, Astrophysics, Mineralogy,
`Pharmacy, Agriculture, Biology,
`Medicine, Engineering, etc.
`Based on Recent Chemical Literature
`Completely Revised and Edited by
`M.SC., PH.D., F.R.I.e.
`New York
`St. Louis
`San Francisco
`Kuala Lumpur
`New Delhi
`Rio de Janeiro
`Page 1 of 3
`IP Bridge Exhibit 2006
`TSMC v. IP Bridge

`Copyright © 1969 by McGraw-Hill,
`All Rights Reserved.
`renewed 1972 by Julius Grant.
`Copyright 1944, 1937, 1929 by M~Gl'a.w-Hill, Inc.
`All Rights Reserved.
`Printed in the United Sta.~es of Ar:nerICa.
`No part of this publication ma.;,:be reproduced,
`stored m a retrieval system,
`or transmitted, m any form or by any means,
`electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
`recording, or otherwise,
`the prior written permission of the publisher.
`of Oangtess Catalog G!!rd Number
`07 -024064-7
`9 10 11 - MAMM - 8 4 3 2
`The unprecedented advances in science in general and chemistry in particu
`the 25 years that have elapsed since the third edition of this Dictionary was,
`have created some .special problems in the preparation of this new edition.
`vances referred to have, of course, produced many new words, which have
`defined, Coping numerically with these is a problem in itself,
`though by
`an insuperable one. The author started "collecting" as soon as the manuscr
`third edition left hie hands; and although he does not presume to have recor-
`new word which has appeared, he feels fairly safe in claiming the inclueioi
`new words of a.ny importance.
`A Dictionary of this nature must define new
`even many obsolete terms (indicating, of course, that
`they are obsolete), and e
`the total number or words now defined, is nearly 55,000. Due attention- has,
`been given to the fact
`the Dictionary is intended to include words fro:
`sciences, as well as from chemistry.
`Since new organic compounds are being recorded in the literature at the rata
`thousands a year,
`is obvious that
`relatively few of them can be include
`Dictionary. With compounds of minor importance however, a "definicion"
`little more than a chemical formula and a list of a few physical properties, and
`easily obtainable from the chemical literature.
`An explanation of the policies adopted in dealing with some special pr(
`desirable. Often, a commonly accepted or abbreviated name for a chemical c,
`or preparation has, in the course of years, become a registered trade name j
`versa, Thus difficulties have occurred in the second and third editions of the D
`when a company has wished to register a trade name, because the question I
`whether the name is already accepted as a common description of the compo
`oerned, Since the Dictionary has been widely quoted as an authority in ar
`decisions of this nature,
`it should be made clear that
`the listing of a word
`chemical term does not necessarily mean that
`it has not been adopted as a tral
`and that
`there is no intention to use a term in a generic sense if it is in fact a trat
`In the present edition, product names have been given an initial capital
`described as trademarks when such information has been available. Other
`have been shown similarly and identified as proprietary
`or trade names wl
`information is known. The use of a general designation does not therefore exc
`possibility that a more specific designation may properly apply,
`It has alw:
`,the policy of the author not to mention by name individual companies owning (
`ated with trade-name
`entries, registered or otherwise, and this policy is still fell.
`Page 2 of 3

`A reagent
`in water.
`ghtly soluble
`;. in 5 X lOS gives a purple-red
`An isomer of methyl
`~a = 180.18.
`rite powder;
`a preservative.
`acid. An isomer
`of hygric
`nent no. 43 (Ogawa); not verified.
`castings: Cr 64, Co
`lIoy for dental
`~,C 0.2 %, with traces of Si and AI.
`ith N~ 12-15, Cu 5-7, Cr 1.5-4 %;
`and in manifold
`iobile engines.
`A cocaine
`in water;
`a local anesthetic.
`~2N2 = 204.11.
`an anti-
`lark of commercial
`of Streptococcus laotie:
`by strains
`.nd inhibits
`food spoilage bacteria:
`by Strepto-
`iide a.ntibiotic produced
`for canned
`e). Cf. Reading unit.
`lHa602 = 356.29. A highly un-
`'om fish-liver oils.
`acid (d.1.42)
`I~5 ml nitric
`An etching
`Chile- or cubic-
`.ssium nitrate.
`Norwegian- Calcium nitrate.
`spirit of- Spirit
`im chloride.
`cake. Crude
`vygen. n.
`19 some bisulfate
`and nitrate;
`le manufacture
`of nitric
`acid by
`.ds used in spacecraft
`y have high ductility
`and impac~
`rk of a series of 'I'i-Ni alloys, used
`radon, actinon,
`(2) Radon.
`3:602N 2 = 180.12. Nitro-acet-
`s crystals.
`ortho- m.92. meta-
`H2NOa +, Nitriacidium
`for the
`~elieved to be responsible
`mie compounds
`by nitric
`mization equilibrium:
`2HNOa ~
`from the
`ing bacterial
`sguminous plants.
`of steel
`3SS for
`the preparation
`ing by degreasing,
`86, which
`and thoron
`in. fus~d potassium nitrate
`. Blister
`IS thereby minimized.
`mtralloy. Cr-AI
`by nitridation.
`Nitra~.. Tra~e name. for prills of ammonium nitrate
`. fertI~Izer, with a delIquescence-preventing
`NH2N02 = 62.1. Colorless
`phenyl- CSH5NH·N02 = 138.1. Colorles~
`crystals, m.46, soluble in water.
`nitr~mid~s. A gro~p
`?f compounds
`by the
`and ~Iffermg from nitramines
`as, N02'NH'COOR
`(I) An organic
`(2) P' n
`. 2
`n. An indicator,
`at pH 10.5
`from colorless
`(weakly alkaline)
`to brown (stron I
`118 1 Col 19Y
`diethyl- Et2N'NO
`or ess
`dimethyl- Me2N'N02 = 90.1.
`2 -
`Iiquid ,
`Colorless crystals, m.58,
`in water.
`= 90.1. Colorless liquid, m.3.
`A compound
`the radical
`phenyl- NHPh'N02 = 138.1. Colorless crystals
`phenyl methyl- MeNPh'~
`m.46, soluble in water.
`~02 = 152.2. Colorless
`crystals, m.39,
`propyl- PrNH·N02•
`m water.
`n. acetic acid.
`The radical N02NH-.
`= 120.2. A homolog
`crystals, m.103,
`(strongly acid).
`nitranilic acid. CSH20sN2 = 230.07. Dinitrodihy_
`170, soluble
`In water.
`CSH5N:NO'OH = 138.1.
`An isomer
`phenyl nitramine.
`Colorless crystals, m.46, soluble
`In water.
`nitraniIine. NH2·CsH4·N02 = 138.1.
`1,2- Colorless
`in water.
`needles, m.71,
`~eta- or 1,3- Yellow needles, m.114, slightly soluble
`para- or 1,4- Yellow needles, m.146,
`m wat~r.
`sol~ble. m water.
`All used in organic synthesis
`di- See dinitro-
`as mdlOators
`nitraniIines. Compounds
`from benzene
`the substitution
`of 2 or more H atoms by one or
`~ore NH2-:-:- and N02-
`The higher-
`. nitrated
`anilines are powerful explosives.
`mtrate ", ~1) A salt
`of nitric
`or compound
`(2) Nitration.
`~. Ion. The ~~a
`ion, ?olorless,
`and forming no
`n. of
`precipibatas WIth metallic
`hme. Calcium n.
`n. of potash.
`Potassium n.
`n. ?f soda. Sodium n.
`n. of soda-potash- A crude
`C~Ilean saltpeter:
`sodium nitrate
`75, potassium
`25 %; a fertilizer.
`nitr~te.d. Describing
`tammg the -N02
`nitratine. A mineral
`form of sodium nitrate.
`~he introduction
`of the N02 group into
`a~ organic
`by means
`of a
`of sulfuric and nitric acids.
`Cf. nitrito-.
`. containing
`the radical-0·N02.
`nltrator. A vessel,
`at 5000C
`device, used
`n. hydrate.
`or cooling coils and stirring
`for nitration.
`Nitrazine Paper. Trademark
`impregnated with sodium dinitrophenyl
`to indicate
`pH values:
`yellow 4.5, olive green 6.2, blue 7.0. N. yellow.
`An indicator
`(pH 6.5: yellow-acid
`to blue-
`nitre. Niter.
`n. air.
`See oxygen.
`nitrenes. Compounds
`type R2C: NR: CR2.
`nitriacidium ion. Nitracidum ion.
`acid. HNOa
`63.02. Colorless
`doo1.53, m.-40.3,
`in water;
`as its aqueous
`(I) Fuming:
`86% HNOa with some N204.
`liquid, d.1.48-1.5;
`an energetic
`oxidizing agent
`chemical analysis and synthesis.
`(2) Concentrated:
`65 % HNOs'
`yellow liquid, d.1.40-1.42.
`Used as a solvent
`and an oxidizing
`in etching
`many chemical operations;
`'and to nitrate
`32-34% HNOs'
`10% HNOs'
`per- HN04.
`See chloro-,
`An acid
`of doubtful
`n. anhydride. Nitrogen pentoxide.
`HNOs + 32 % H20.
`d15•501.414, b.I21.
`nitric ether.
`Ethyl nitrate.
`nitric oxide. NO = 30.0. N 202 = 60.0. Nitrogen
`bv-- 153,
`soluble in water.
`Formed in the electric arc from
`air; oxidizes readily to nitrogen peroxide.
`(1) Formation
`of metallic
`heating metals
`in nitrogen
`to increase
`Cf. nitration.
`(2) De-electronation
`in the ammonia
`the water
`Cf. nitridizing agent.
`nitride. A binary compound of nitrogen and a metal.
`and earth-alkali
`hydrolyzed: MgaN2+ 6H20 = 3Mg(OH)2+
`agent. A substance'
`or causes
`an exchange
`of electrons
`as, hydrazoic
`nitric acid), HNa; analogous
`to nitric acid, HNOs'
`as oxidizing agent.
`nitrifiable. Descibing a nitrogen compound that can
`be transformed
`into nitrates
`by soil bacteria.
`nitrification. Oxidation
`of the nitrogen in ammonia
`to nitrous
`and nitric acid or salts .
`Soil bacteria which oxidize ammonia
`its derivatives
`to nitrites
`(as nitromonas)
`(as nitrobacter).
`To cause the oxidation
`by n. bacteria
`and n. catalysts.
`nitrilase. A catalase
`nitrile. A cyanide
`from an acid amide,
`- H20 = R·CN; on hydrolysis
`yield the corresponding
`acid and evolve ammonia.
`n. group. The negative ==N from ammonia
`n. rubber.
`of its 3 H atoms.
`q. v.
`nitriles. Cyanides.
`acid- Nitrile. A name indicating
`the radical-CN.
`the relation ofn. with the -COOH group:
`basic- NRs.
`~ -C:N.
`OH ~ -C(:0)'NH2
`amine having 3 different C atoms attached
`of .ammonia
`and nitrates,

`for a polyacrylonitrile
`di- Dioyanide. A compound
`same N.
`to the
`radicals. mono- A compound
`2 -CN
`one -CN radical.
`atom, ==N .
`Nitrilon. Trade
`thetic fiber.
`nitrine. N a = 42.02. A hypothetical
`form of nitrogen
`to ozone, Os'
`active nitrogen.
`nitrite. A salt
`or a
`of nitrous
`are all insoluble,
`of the type MN02
`the alkali nitrites.
`The organic nitrites
`or nitrito
`compounds may
`be isomeric,
`with the corresponding
`nitro compounds.
`nitrito- Describing an organic compound containing
`n. cobalomin.
`the radical-O·N:O
`The vitamin produced by replacing
`Vitamin Bl2e.
`the -CN group of vitamin Bl2 by a -N02
`(I) A prefix which denotes
`the presence
`the radical-N02
`or -N(O'
`Nitro compounds
`from the
`are usually yellowish in color, and differ
`(2) A misnomer
`as, nitroglycerin
`radical HOON =.
`iso- See iso-
`nitroacid. A compound
`both the radicals
`as: N02'CH2'COOH,
`and -N02;
`acid; N02'CH2'CH2'COOH,
`nitroalizarin. C14H502(OH)2N02 = 285.1.
`<X- or
`4,1,2- Yellow crystals,
`3,1,2- Alizarin
`244, slightly
`soluble in water,
`used as dye, and as an intermediate
`organic synthesis.
`nitroamine. Nitramine.
`CSH4(OMe)N02 = 153.1.
`Yellow liquid, d.1.268.
`m.9, b.265. meta- m.38, b.258.
`para- Colorless
`or yellowish plates, d.1.233, m.54, b.258.
`in water,
`soluble in alcohol or ether.
`C14H9N02 = 223.2. Nitroso-
`Yellow needles, m.146,
`soluble in benzene or chloroform.
`CSH4(CO)2CsHaN02 = 253.1.
`Ctoo or 1- Yellow needles, m.228,
`subliming when
`in water,
`in alcohol
`[3- or 2- Yellow needles, m.184, subliming
`when heated,
`in water,
`soluble in alcohol
`or ether.
`n. sulfonic acid. A reagent
`for sugars.
`Nitrobacter. A soil
`other micro-
`organism that oxidizes ammonia and its derivatives,
`Soil bacteria;
`sococcus, or Nitrosomonas.
`barium nitrate.
`A native
`nitro benzaldehyde.
`CSH4(N02)CHO = 151.1.
`ortho- Yellow needles, m.44,
`water. meta- Colorless
`Colorless prisms, m.l06,
`soluble in water;
`used in
`indigo synthesis.
`as, Nitrobacter,
`Page 3 of 3

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