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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionaryv— Eleventh ed.
`Includes index.
`(Igninateduhlndexed : alk. paper) 5’-
`ISBN-13: 978F0-87779-807-l
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`1. English language—Dictionaries. I. Title: Collegiate dictionary. II. Merriam-
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`tion of articipating in or catalyzing only one or at
`tinm ll: e ~ at an enzyme)
`cw chmlfil‘ “ '
`apecit pertormmee n 1750)
`i : the performance of
`tmct strictly or substanti
`ly according to its tel-rm 2 : :n .
`remedy attaining rpectnc performance
`spec-Hy Vane-shin w 419d; -ty-ln [ME WM. lr. AF ,
`Ll. mutton. tr: wed/tars) (14c)
`: to name or state qua:
`2 : to include as an item in I Elccit‘lazuon — 390:4
`Mme-Twin“ adi —- spoo-i-fi-cr \‘sposc-fiofln n
`s-mcn. 'spcsoA n [1,. tr. sperm to look .1 '
`speed-men \'s
`1 n : an individuet, item. or “1100mm
`more at arr“ 6l0)
`at] on group. class. or whole I: : n portion or quality of that _
`use in (realm. exitmilmuon. orstndy (it urine ~) 2 a : gem “
`obviously belong to a particular allegory but I": noticed by m
`an individual dintln ulshing chamelerislic b; Pnnsom mu“ "
`: n plant grown for exhibition or in the n n 1
`‘ ‘
`She's a tan it ~)
`sue-t: one i
`W twormn am we rs:
`1 ob: : arrow 2 : finnmwn
`rut, plausible. fr. spa-1539513)
`attraction or allure
`:l : raving a (nine look of truth or gun“ ”a"
`: sorms-nc (~ reasoning) -spo‘clous.iv adv —8po.o|°u3.
`'npeclt \‘spm u we .t‘por‘kt', n. or: nil-mu] (bet. 11c)
`1 : . ma". ~il J
`coloration or spot esp. from stnln or deal
`2 : I very 5mm] “mm/’1:
`: arr 3 : something marked or
`Lb specks — moat
`\‘speim art;
`W‘ ntl4c) : to produce mocks on or in
`0 co
`unread; Vane-ks“ :1 (ME:
`in to OE om] (lSe) : a little Spec! Ill
`We vr spook-ted; spout-ling \-k(a-)il.p\_(l5c)
`1 : to marl: wizl
`speckle: 2 : to be distributed in or on like speckle:
`speckled ntch n (1856) : BLACK curl-n:
`1 :nooK-rrtorrr 2:901‘rnpm no to
`speckle lntertarometrv n (I970) : a technique for urinating u
`conrpualte hnnge of n ceieatlal object blurred by atmospheric tut}; ,
`lance in which a large number of short-exposure pllotbgrlplu" ~
`mathematically correlated? accmputer

`8990-de \‘fipe 41-1631 Gino -.ll-Itai\ :- WE.
`r. AF. (r. Lspocr
`specs \‘tpcltflnil [contra
`cs) (1
`:: omega:
`ir. special: to watch. freq. of rpm to look. look at — more nt‘.
`(Mo) 1 a : cornethlns'cxhibitcd to View or unusual. notable. o'r'e'n‘
`tatnlng: em : an eye-catching or drumallc
`bllc display b : on o
`of curiosity or content t'(madc a ~ of
`‘2 pl : outer
`: something (as n:
`marking on an enimnl canceling a
`smiaelod \-Irald\ any ([607)
`1 : havim or wearing a
`: having martian suggesting a poir oi rpocucler (II-- dim ;’ '
`enact-clad heun(1835):abiackordarkbrownbear(
`1 ram) of the Andes mountains with white rnnrltiop‘urclmlin tlt‘n -
`spectacular \speItJtn—kya-lzr. smk-\ ad! ammunm] (1563.7)
`tdnlln] to or being a spectacle : ammo. marrow (it ~ dt
`2 cl lireworltr) — IMllC-thhf-ly adv
`‘ ’ " ,
`lrn. television. or the-trim] production
`sgsctuculern (1873) :aontethtnz that lsrpcctaculnr. cm : In ola- . ‘ f;
`annotate \‘rpetrfioityvi spec-tot“: cm-tnt-tngtbuck—io
`spec-timer 'Ipcljlfi-iot. spelt-N :- l'L. fr. win": to war
`1 (ca. l
`ir. ”aluminum : to be “went as limo! (I; at a 30m even
`t : one who looks on or watches 2 : a woman's pump umhm'ry
`colors with e. perforated design all the toe
`heel _ 359cm» aw — me-ta-tor-i-el wit—wt «had,— ‘
`spec-tn-tor-nhln \hpokaimar-nh
`rpek-'\ u
`_ kl" ‘
`spec-hr 0:.wa ‘\'spck-ear\ In M in L Warn awe-n
`ance. specter tr. 1mm in look. look at — more at my (IGOS)
`t :n
`visible dimnhodied itvltlt : ouoa'r ,2 : something that mitt or per;
`spacoti-nocrnv-cirt \epeIt-tz-no-‘mlar‘m rr
`arr- (tr. .NL wealth.
`tut-bathe mindnltmnsu (the~of:hunieé)
`specific epithet otswpranncer wed bllu) t womb] (196.4): a
`white u'yytnlllne broad-rpectntm with
`need by;
`bacterium wymycer mcubflh) that is used clip
`y esp. in the
`tom) of its
`hioride to treat gonorrhea
`specvtral \'spek-tra n4! (1769)
`1 : or. relating topor mun; n
`morn-dc byaapoctnm—Im
`Ipoctral no n (1849) : one o! a series of llnar int-so! filmed by ,1
`monograph orsimllar Instrument andcorrmpondins to a nnmwpot-
`or source
`lb. or the spectrum at the radiation emitted unabsorbed by a tau‘llcll'
`396cm)- comb In)!» [NL mm] : spectmm'cwecmo
`am-tm-tlwo-rom-c-ter \'
`.)tro‘-l,flo-'rt-mrtar.-tlo-filw epoc-
`tro-ttu-o-rtrn-e-ter \Jri-VI
`: a evice [or m
`and record-
`. -.niir-\ all -‘ mc-mJIu-o-romeotry \-nIth‘-lb-ife. "no-tn
`:25‘ fluorucencc apcctrn — ING-trodlu-o-roamet-rlc \-.t'ltlro-'tnc-
`epoc-troqrnm \' mum-mm” [18V] (1892) : a photograph. im-
`age. or diagram 9 aepcctrum
`INC-tro-gt’apl’t \wgran n [ISV] (1884) : an inrtrurnent for disperslnl
`trum and recording or mapping the spectrum —— spec-tram 40
`radiation (as electromagnetic radiation or sound waves) hito egg“:-
`Mel“ 'm'l-l'llt\ ltd] ‘- mo-tr’o-ornnM-cot-ly \-n-I<(:l-)IE\ adv
`- warn n .
`:. a.
`spec—mm '33:; Wank-«mega '
`ll or the run that is made by monochromaticilgut and sham the
`nun : [molar and promineneec ,
`cpec-tm'he-lio-urlph harm It [13V] 1892) : an
`ratus tnr rut-
`tng spec
`03mm — epoc-tro-hv l-og-ra-phy ~.lré-iéJi:g-:-i6\
`epoc-tro-he-tlo-ecope \-'hE-lE-Nlt6 \ n 115V] ([906)
`in: tremo-
`2 : an instrument sin-liar to n tpectrohelioanph used
`for visunl an distinguished from pilot
`phlc obscrvatinm -'
`cpoc-trom-e-icr \npck-‘lrii-mhd n 15V) (187
`1 : an hutrumcnt
`used {or measuring waveicn lbs or light spectm
`: anyot’nrious ul-
`nlytical instrument: in whlc an emission (at or pnrtieicl orarndiatlon)
`is dispersed nocordins to tome property (or mm: or energy) of the
`ambition and the amount of dbpcrslon in muted (nuclear mas-nah:
`specialized o spectrometer
`end or use (specialized their study) ~ vi
`1 : to concentrate one's cl-
`forts in a special activity. field. or practice 2 : to undergo specialize-
`tion; to : to change adaptively
`special zed ad] (1163)
`1 2 characterized by or exhibiting biological
`specialization: up : highly dill'crcntintcd esp. in a particular direction
`or (or a particular end 2 : designed. trained. or fitted Ior one particu-
`lar purpose or occupation (~ personnel)
`Special Kn 0937) : the anesthetic ketnmine used Illtcltly usu. by being
`inhaled in
`wdercd form esp. for the dreamlike or hallucinogenic
`state it
`1 i in a special manner (treated
`ope-clam \‘spcoh(a»)lé\ adv (Mo)
`her triutds ~) 2 a : [or it special purpose (tin-toes made ~ [or the
`occasion) b : In particular : SPECIFICALLY (made ~ for you)
`: psi-sun“ 2 (makes it ~ the curry) (was ~ plunged with the gift)
`soeclat master n (I953) : worrmt 4h
`special needs n pl (1915) : the individual requirements (as for educa-
`tion) of a person with a disadvantaged background or a mental, emo-
`tional. or physical disability or a high risk of developing one —
`special-noods ad]
`special Pleadhg n (1684)
`l : the allegation oi‘ special or new matter
`to offset the effect of mutter pleaded by the opposite side and admitted,
`as distinguished from a direct denial of the matter pleaded 2 : mis-
`leading argument that presents one point or phase as If It covered the
`entire question at issue
`special relativity n (1937): noun-rm 33
`special theory at relativity (1920) : itsumvn'v 3a
`spooclal-iy Vane-shal-tfl n. pl -tios alien aurib [ME specialte in AF er-
`pecialle. (r. H, specialitaI-. specialikzr, 1r. 1. repzclalir special] (15c)
`: n distinctive mark or quality 2 a : a special object or class of ob'
`(l) : a legal agreement embodied in a scaled instrument
`( ) : a
`product 01' a special kind or 01 special excellence (tried chicken is my
`~) I) : the state of being special. distinctive. or peculiar 3 : some—
`thing in which one s
`epevci-a-tlon \.sp€—s
`‘-'i~shon. -se-\ :1 (1906) : the process oi“ biolo Ical
`species [ornution — ape-chats \kpe-she-AL -se-\ vI — soo-cl-a-tlon-
`al \,5 évsiui-‘i-Ishnoi. -sé-. -$lu-n’|\ mlj
`‘epe- e Vane-site -5i3\ n (fr. in We. (r. L. in kind) (1617) 2 money in
`coin — in specie : in the some or like form or kind (ready to return
`Insult in
`It): aLw : In coin
`etc It
`ack-fon'natlon fr. specie: (taken as n pl.)) ([647) nonmnd
`‘aoacies \npetmhu. {arm n. pl species (ME. in L mum.
`ice. in more to look — more at and (Me)
`1 a : KIND.
`: a chm 0! individual: having common attributes and dosh-
`compre ensive clam (contesting sins in ~ and in number) 0 : the hu»
`nated by a common nltmc; mat] : a logical division ot a genus or more
`than raw : human beings — otten used will! the (survival oi the ~ in
`the nuclear
`r) d (I) : n category of biologiual classification ranking
`low the maul or :ubgenus. cornprlriug related omn-
`unnl or
`tattoos potentially capable of lntcrtrrccdinn. end being
`designated y a binomial thnt consists oi the name of a genus followed
`by 1 Latin or Irlinimri uncapltnlintl noun «adjective a fleeing yarn—
`rnaticeily with the [tenor name
`): nn iruilriduul or ltln belonging to
`a biological species 0 : it part cular kind at atomic nucleus, dam.
`molecule, or ion 2 -: the consecrated euchartrtlc element! 01‘ the RD-
`tunn Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Eucharist 3 e : a mental image;
`uh; gamma object
`I) : in object of thought correlative with a nut-
`*spooloc M (1:99) : belonging to a biological species as distinguished
`[mm a hortbultural variety (it ~ rose)
`epochs-ism Vivé-sltEl-J-zaln. -se(.-\ a l9?!)
`1 : prejudice or dis-
`ertmlnatlon hand on specter: esp : disc
`ion against Animak 2
`: the assumption or human superiority on which medutsm tr tinted
`'cpe-cll-lo \api-‘al-fild ml] [LL spew-mi. tr. t. Wu] (ca. 1631)
`t o
`: constitution or falling Into a specitiahle category I! 3 sharing or be-
`ing than properties oi aomcthin that allow It to be rcicncd to a par-
`ticular category 2 n : rertricte to a putt-ruler individual. ni
`rotation. or effect (a disease ~ to homes)
`I) : exenlnn a distinctive in-
`fluence (no on a body part or a disease) (~ antibodies) 3 : free from
`ambiguity : Accrmn'ljrr (a ~ctaternent of talth) 4 : or, relating to. or
`various a
`trary phytlcal constants end esp. one relating nquantitalive
`comtltut‘r‘is o'spcciea end up. nbioluclcni species 5 n : being any of
`attribute to unit man. volume. or area b : In:
`at a fixed rate per
`unit (ea 0! weight or count) (~ import duties — compote AD VALD'
`rum elm see mew. nxnrcrr — melt-local-Iy-t-fi-ktoalmndv
`’spoclfic n (166l)
`‘I I : nomctllln; peculiarly adapted to ’n’ purport: or
`use b : a drug or remedy having a rpedlic mitigating client on a dis-
`our. (used as a ~ against malaria-<21 : a characterlatk: Illllllly or
`trait b : ph‘l‘Alu, twmcuuuts — usu. used in I. (hauling over the
`‘noN a
`[cut] glut financial ~e 01' independence —17mc
`c pl : SPECIFICA-
`milk: comb form l‘vmlfitl : relating or applying specifically to or
`epoc-l-iI-co-tlon \ppe-
`a-‘iri-shan. fines-IA n (-1633)
`1 : the act’or
`Intended specilicnlly I’onl/ic)
`process or specifying 2 n : a detailed Em presentation of some-
`natement of cut particulars: (at of ehwger or or contract terms): also
`thing or clarion or proposal for somei Ina — usu. used in pl. b : e
`:1: single item at such statement c z a written description ofnn Inven-
`tion for which a patent ltt nought
`clilc epithet n (1903) : the Latin orlntlnlwd noun or adjective that
`allows the genusnnme In it taxonomic binomial
`specific ravttv n t 1660) : the ratio or the nanny or n substance to the
`dcrnit a some unbalance (on pure inter) taken as a standard when
`titles are obtained by weight
`in alr'
`specific heat It (1799): the heat In ca one: rcoulrctt to raise the tem-
`perature ofonc yarn of a substance one dcgmc Celina
`BDECll‘lc Impulse It (1947) : the thrust produced per unit rate 01 con~
`per pound of prope not used per mound and that is n measure oi the
`xumption oi‘ the prrflrellnnt that is run. exptwscd in [With of thrust
`efficiency of a rocket engine
`npcc-i-lic-I-ty \spe-so-‘li-ro—tfl n 0875) : the quality or condition oi
`ual or your) of organisms (host ~o a parasite) b : the condi-
`beta specific: as n : the condition of beta peculiar to a particular in-
`Page 3 of 4


`unhollness 0 unique
`with others : conforming to one rule or mode : (‘0Nt0NANI' 4 : pre-
`' P
`age 4 0f 4
`- "
`., 1‘
`1 : showing dist'egrird for what is
`un-ho-ly \.an—'ho-lé\ mil (lief. Dc)
`uni-lingual \.yii-nl-'lin«gwal.-gyo.wol\ ("U [ruii- + L ling“, "m
`holy : WEED 2 : deserving of censure (tin ~ alliance) 3 : very un-
`‘1 In.
`guugc —— more to I'DNOUE] (1866) ; contrmsed In or ugly. o
`all“ is ""t “ L“’"dil
`pleasant ; ouoenwrur. <an ~ mesa) — un-ho-ii-neos u
`t "‘ “hunt,“
`usUAl- (3 VSW 1» 1).:
`tin-hood \~'ht'ld\ 1‘! (13¢) : to remove it hood or covering from
`un-I «maimed \.=n 'u-ziunm all! (1915) : free from illusion
`1"“ "w" “‘“l” “n.
`un-hook \-'ht’ik\ "(1611)
`i : tn remove 1mm 11th 2 : to untuten
`unl-Ioe-u-Iar \. 0-111
`{tyrialw (1.7531 : cunminlnxn sinrle -
`if”; "”f'm"
`by disengaging a hook 3 : to free from a habit or dependency
`\n’n-O- Mirna-h .
`- "ii-PA ”’1’ “61'
`: not luv“,
`mm" a? gun?”
`un-hoped \-'hapt\ adj (14c) archaic : not hoped for or expected
`3b]! or corn rehcnsiblc 0" "PM” " untimgln-ab V \~I,|é\'“'ul~
`“‘3 N either if “3’"
`un-horso \-'h0rs\ v! (14c) : to dislodge from or as if from a horse
`"n'lm'peaF 'abie \I'“'|m"i’°'ch°‘b“'\ “dJ “7 i Z
`impen if
`1M" 1pm," umrmf’.
`un-hou-soiod \-'hat’.i-zald\ adl (1532) archaic : not having received the
`95 a :"im'ic beyond ' doubt <~ evidence) (an ~Knll1‘tc) 1 filial
`”ii-Indicted h), 1”“.
`Eucharist cw shortly before den",
`liable to accusation . IKRPJ'ROAL'HAIHI: (III ~ lcpulltlnn) \ unlit“
`to"A luck ‘m ”will;
`tin-howled \-'hat-bd. -'h:-réd} adj (ca 1774) : not hurried : LEISURELY
`1 ”o‘ch'ab'y "bi.“ arlv
`» 7
`”:1: when ticco d .
`(an ~ we) — un-hur-riod- y adv
`un-lm-omved \-, ntflwh million-) olu . not removed or ad
`r 1',
`zunlrnproved ad} (1665) ' not lm rovcd' as a '
`tilted "Um ”filth
`uni- pr ,Lv IL, fr. tum: — more iii 0W] : one : tingle (unicellular)
`d f
`d ' t‘i .
`‘ "01 “Nerf. hum ed
`3 1(i8181 oi lohnl'
`unl-al~ga1\.ytt-ne-'tu-gat\ adjt1914) : of. relating to. or derived from a
`or firm” f’mfl’c ”4"”.3") 3" >. not-521‘“ 7““ Dr Cmployed‘ ”f
`‘35“..- A'mimti m.“
`single algal individual or cell (n~ culture)
`V‘mfi‘cgrsz wggfig‘unt es
`6 '
`“NW” hr“ for he‘d‘
`’rrd foreign lutti cn’
`Uni-ate or Uni-at \'yii-né, 'ii-\ I! [Ukrtiinlan uni/rt, uniyar one in fa—
`u‘iI-in-thib-I '8d \an-ln-‘h‘i-brtam ad} (183)) .
`P “me n hrolden‘
`vat of the union of the Greek and Roman Catholic churches, fr. uni'ya
`c‘ubcrnnce . a1", . boisterousi
`informal (aft 5:. 1mm Inltlhition
`s (lit-'1‘! llllllllk‘rer'
`union. in Pol uni/a, fr. LL unto —— more at UNlON] (1833) : a Christian
`In-th-it-o -'ly hm)“ un-lmhihvit-ed-nesa n" "'-‘ ~ narty) ‘ 5""
`modification nre Wk
`of a church adhering to an Eastern the and discipline but submitting to
`un-lni-tlato \fln.;.-ni.smé_)fl\ ml} (1801) : not initi
`untied SETH“ 1h am“.
`papal authority — Unlate my
`ENC“ __ “Mum... ,.
`“’4 = ”mum.-
`and without quirll
`unl-ax.I-al \.vii.né.'akosé~al\ ad] (ca. 1828)
`1 1 having only one axis 2
`“min.“a“ \.:in—ln-‘stol\ w (1985) : to “me “Mm":
`wm,”x \‘yti-nrfieks
`: of or relating to only one axis
`um- system c,
`. train it gym-nu (1,3,1 n d
`’ “0m 3 e
`almtrlshzlblc filt- by
` \.yt'l-ni-'kiln1-lal. -'ka-ma-\ ad)‘ [uni- + LL camera mom,
`- iii-tango. 43:1.me0.5.1311.
`TOBY?!” ‘ '96?) . 1 i
`:1“ in emit-ugh
`chamber — more at CHAMBER] (1853? : having or consisting of a single
`(1390] ; lack of imflcst
`Q‘M\ it
`legislative chamber — uni-camoetva fly adv ‘
`unlnmflOd my (1661) : not interested : no. liming the
`w-ux-u-ai hymns-it
`UNICEF abbr [United Nations International Children‘s Emergency Fund,
`engaged usagosec ”[SIN'ffiuu‘llgD
`in MI or (w.
`to. or nitrictmi to,
`its former name] United Nations Children's Fund
`un mingle-ate \‘yt‘rmiJnfl-klé-M. JnytH ad] (1885) : hnvl
`tic D 3 'D ' 1N9l
`unheal-tu-Iar \.yi.'t-tti-'sel-yo-Ior\ ad] (1858) : having or consisting of a
`"8 I ting.
`I nuctem (it ~ yuut cell)
`single cell (~ lttlcrootgnitlaim)
`unlon \‘ytlii-yam Il [MIL fr. AF. ft. LL ultimo, unto "Ilene“ u
`unicorn \'yi’i»n:».|tom\ r: [ME u/iirarrie, it. AF, fr. LL unicorni'x. fr. L.
`' 8;
`I a : an act or trauma (“1110mm
`urn/r one v— more :11 ONE] (lSci
`having one horn. fr. mu» + mrnu horn — more at HORN] (13c) : a
`(ll : the “Wharton "(rattling
`ltlSLi b .8 . 11.,
`Joining two or more things into one: its
`mythical animal generally de icted with the body and head of it horse.
`ect Wu":
`political unit from two or more Mpllfll: tutti independent uni: I
`.4' [he-‘-
`the hind legs ofa stag, the ta‘ ota lion. and a single horn in the middle
`(3) : the ”J“? *‘
`uniting in nurtiagemlm : suit/it. tm-pncuL-n '
`I“ Phylrfi‘mé (using?
`of the forehead
`I) : a unified condition :mttitmlmm ' x.
`gcther of severed parts
`. V ’ 0C Ill _ m‘u" i
`mniit: one : something formed hy ll combining or no
`unicorn plant It 11847) : DEVIL'S cmw
`"ON (a gracious ~ of excellence and strength) 2 : tumethl I
`[u $1.3» (n elm-s";
`unhoy-cio \‘yfl-ni-lsi—kahn [uni— ii fi'L‘IL' (as in tricycle”
`(1869) : n vehicle that has a simm- wheel and is usu. pro-
`tncmbcn: as a : a confederation of independent it'llri‘im‘ufl” ‘
`. q“?i{i|;\ n [1
`pelled by pedals ,_ unf-Cy-O'im\1‘il—k(§-ilifil\ u
`iron; or person) for mine 60'1""an Purpose 5 (l) :
`”1 n 1
`shta-in’l also -.tli—\ mli‘ (1333) : ONE-DIhflLNSIONAl. —
`constituting an organic \\ hole fainted mu. from units whm“ “1 le'
`' “1"“? "HI-2". "J
`. a) ndoptcd as it st.
`vioosly governed separately (m Ensluttd and Scotland in 17
`also ‘ m“
`l I
`unl-di-mon-elon >al-i-ty \-.tnen(t)-sha-'na«lo.ti-\ n
`which have surrendered or delegated their principal powers to 11..
`‘ killed In critlentioi
`\.vii-nl-d:i-‘rc1t-:tltn:il. —t11-. —rh:-Ii'l\
`' Llologionlly nctlvo‘.
`crnrncnt of the whole or to a newly «rented government (an that)‘ n“
`ml] (1883)
`: involving, functioning. moving. or u:-
`tic result — co
`(2) nip 1 the federal union of states during the pcrlodo’fi.
`sponstve in n single direction (it ~ microphone)
`Aiitci run Civil War c imp : tut otsiutlmtltut on it college or on
`, portionwt group:
`: not subject to change or reversal of direction -- uni-
`campus providing recreational. SOCilll. cultural. and stunning“
`di-roc-tlon-al-ly adv
`ertnhlleh nientl
`ll materiel)
`t: :i
`incliitlex: ulm : the building housing such iln organization (It 3‘
`unldimctlonal current It (1883) : DIRECI curutmvt
`of all clement: belonging to one or more via givcil collection“:
`.mpariicuinr it";
`uni-fl-oo-tlon hyd—na-fa-‘kil—sham n (1851) :
`the act,
`more sets —cnl|eri aim ,fnfn, mm o : LAnok UNION 3. u‘
`,1 them: a .1 l
`process. or result of unifying: the (1110 of being tinilft‘d
`‘1 molecule ct-
`' JV)
`eiiiblcrnntlc of the union of iwoltn' more mveieigntles borne on
`uni-fD-II-ale \-'fo-lé-at\ trill [unl- + quIimn lctif — more
`a. polymer)"
`"0'!" "08 Willa"? In the upper Inncr Comer or constituting
`at BLADE] (1849)
`1 : hnving only one lenf 2 : UNiFouomi-i;
`)- 1pm.",- 5““- ed-
`drill" 0! "If "an II: I111 Ilntier Inm'l‘ L‘omcr "1 I "In d : rem
`unl-to-ll-clolate \-'in.te-o-.uit\ my [uni + 1.1-Iollnllmr leaflet. dim. of L
`ions dcvncs for commune pans (in of n "Inchinci; aw : lcoupl
`m “Emma can ,
`fulillru leaf] (ca. 1859) afa leaf: compound but h-vlns only a single
`‘ “r
`i 9‘ “‘1 "3”“3‘
`leaflet and distinguishable from .1 simplc lent by the basal joint
`2“(‘1 on old‘ 1707) 1 Di. tcluilttg 10'.llciililiurwll|l. or coniilttiii
`- ({'>?f?-)nagij’\n:'(fj
`'unl-form \‘yumhitimn trill [ME illilfurme. fr. MP. fr. L lint/71mm, fr.
`CW» WP i of. relating m- 0" ”0"“! ”W “'40 “1W“!!! “1°
`unit 2 2 amour
`unl- + Jami; ~form] (15c)
`: having nlwny.‘ the snnlo form. mlnner.
`W‘HD-itl’m.“ n
`Anicnrnn ( ivil Wflr (Union troops)
`.Ilmlfltl for the to‘
`or degree : not varying or varllihlc (~ prnrcthirct)
`2 : consistent In
`union “rd " (1874)
`1 i R curd certifying itcrsonnl motl- '
`conduct I)! opinion (~ Interpretation of lane) 3 : ur the mute fortn
`30““ «landing in “ "‘1’” ““k‘“ 2 ‘ “""uu‘mB "W resombl. X
`iI-en Myriam-nerd
`cnrtl esp. In being necessary for clitpluviimnt or in pruvldlm t'
`m, : One What
`wnling tin iinvarictl nnpmritncc of qurfncc. pattern. or color (~ red
`of iii-group status
`bilck houses) 5 : rclntl
`to or being convergence of .1 series whom:
`"mo" Chum" " (”47’ - 3 ""3“ Cmm-i‘ uniting rucmbctsofd‘
`it! free uh: ofdn
`termt: are functions in true 1 1111"le that the nhx’olulr mine of the dif-
`nomin-tionll hncltgrounds in an lntcnknnminutlonal con -
`'« "‘1 social mun“
`l‘ercnce between the sum 01' the first it terms of tilt: scrim tutu the sum
`un-ion-l-Ba-tlon. union-loo "r” W" "I ' intoxiu'rtoN. UM'
`. ”'1 m0. o/len g;
`union-18m \‘vOn-vzhnl-Latm n (1845) ;
`lie principle or M61
`of all icrrtu: can he made arbitrarily small for all values of the domain
`of the functions by choosing the nth term sufficiently fut salon
`in the
`his or udhering to 1 union: u: 11::in . ndiwrence totha - -
`l t
`vi ”YD-Ilium 4“ a
`series — unl-tormdy \‘yi’i-nthform-lé.
`.yti-na-'\ adv —. un 4mm-
`letter-l union between the states 01 the United Suite: up.
`1-4 Mmchnmcterfi
`b : the principles, theory, Idvococymf'
`Civil War period
`trade unions
`2 nos: \‘yii-no-.fomt-nos\ It
`uniform v! (on. 1681)
`1 : to bring into uniformity 2 : to clothe with a
`I g
`)1 ”9i” ? tilt: in
`union-lat \-nist\ rt (1799): tin advocate or supporter“ ‘
`‘ ‘ieristirt uf uh»
`t hi
`uniform n (1748) : dress of a distinctive design or fashion worn by
`‘. Milo-.1 ..
`members of a particular group and xerving as a means of identification:
`{V . .2; _" ( 1902) .:
`“gait“::flflgfim‘évfifigfislznxi t’t'ifilogiift'Bng1
`i2.\ 7" -lzed: -lz-ing w (1890) : to -
`- on: (ten
`unlonJfio \‘yt'tn-yo-
`broadly : distinctive or characteristic clothing
`5.11955, . a ‘ir
`labor union ~ w'
`; to run“ mini“ a labor union
`Uniform (1956) — a communications code word for the letter M
` a " I674 1 . I a“ comlstiu (,f mc union - , &_Wf " ‘unionized nil/(1900) : chmuhrizm lay the present): of-unMor-mhtanlmn \.yu-no—.for-ma-'tcr«c-an\ n (1mm 1 : an adherent I!“ vb “flit-eh; of the doctrine of unliutmitatianisrn 2 : an advocate of unifonnily — LI 0
`uniformttarian “4’
`Sign"; 55," by :)1iic stoic {lug of (he {Tinted KWM '
`m _
`unl-tor-ml-tar-l-antism \-e-a-.m-zom\ n (1865) : n geological doctrine
`me “in“ a, ”w British mmmml mm"
`that processes acting in the same manner as at present and over long
`union shop I, ”904) . a" establishtllflfll in whim lit-.11, .
`spans of time art: sufficient to account for all current geological fea-
`ngrocmcnt is free to hir'c mmnambym u well to mom
`turcs and all past geological changes — compare CATASTROPHISM
`m" retains nonmt'mheiV m. m: xuyloli only on mild
`unl-fonml-ty \.Yi.i-n9"f6r-ma-ii\ n. pl -ties (15:)
`the quality or
`coming numb“; 0‘ the union witlii qmgciikdiim' tl~
`state of being uniform 2: an instance of uniformity
`union suit 7; (1391) g
`,m unrivrgnrtnt‘lll with F
`'1 m V
`uniform resource Iocator n (1993 : tint
`Maw“: In one piece
`uh 7
`unI-iy \\ 1'] 41911: -fy-lng [
`I. tuitfluirte. tr. l.luil- 4 quart - r)
`union “who” r: “979) : a centrally administeredi
`(1502): to mahc into it unit or n coherent whole : tiNri‘n ~
`dwmm, (,f India
`uni-fl-flh o
`“”44““ 04"“ “"Ml‘" \\ ”
`unl-pn-ron-toi \lyii-irhpar'rcn-t‘“ mi} (1900" I”. ‘2‘
`uni-lat-er-al \.yL1-nl-'lu-ia-tat. -'ln-ital\ utli (1802i
`1 o :rluttc or under
`“Wing. 0, derived {mm a “mi..- pnlcll“ ”W "n
`taken by one person or party b : of. relating to, or affecting one side
`mg m ”:1"! Inheritance in which all or 1"“1 u
`of a subject : ONE-SIDED c : constituting or relating to n contract or
`sprlul“ gcnolypc (us hi)!
`it tht‘H of it hit pun“
`engagement hy which an express obligation to do or lorhear is imposed
`gous chromosomes) is July“! from n - nglt
`on only one party
`2 a : having patts arranged on one side (:1 ~
`un|.pa.rgn.m|.|y \.Pl.é\ adv
`taceme) b : occurring on. performed on. or affecting one side of the
`uni-pool” \.yl'|-'|1-'p€v~l:ir\
`ill” i 1965! 1 r‘lfiiiszll: [vb '
`oil with. or being it llullit'dCP'cHIUt (“sold”)-
`body or one of its [71]”) ~ CXODhthaim05> 3 1 UNIUNBAL 4 I hav-
`there is only it (ieprL'thC l'fflll
`so <~ “Wm"
`ing only one side —- unl- abet-ably adv
`unmet-shaman \.)'il-ni-'la-t(o-)ra-.liez:mr\ rt (1926) : a policy of taking
`unilateral action (as in international affairs) regardless of outside sup-
`. n. L tin/Mi [3.11:5 _
`unique \vtt-'nc'it\ ail]
`ring 111: 0|} {mn't
`more «I ONE) ”602)
`~ concern was his own comm”) <
`ort or reciprocity: aim : advocacy of such a policy — unl-Iat-er-al-
`Willi a ~ copy. Suppose 1 luni “7 "“ imt
`3‘ Hi5“ ’1 0’ “(if
`~ fnctorizntion of n number into I" FQUM'ED
`unl-lln-o-al \-'li-né-a|\ ad] (1935) 2 tracing descent through either the
`: being without .1 “kc or equal f
`maternal or paternal line only
`uni-iln-o-ar \.y0-nl-'ll-né-ar\ m0 (1910) : developing in or involving a
`stun: .11 the flames. cttcll one nevi.
`t‘nnver) b : dittinctivcll‘ ““7
`series of stages usu. from the primitive to the more advanced

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