(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2002/0106966 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Aug. 8, 2002
`Jimenez et al.
`US 20020106966A1
`(76) Inventors: Oscar Jimenez, Coral Gables, FL (US);
`Fancisco Jose Barreras SR., Miami
`Beach, FL (US); Roberto Echarri,
`Miami, FL (US); Guillermo Echarri,
`Miami, FL (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`Thomas R. Vigil
`CHICAGO, IL 60606 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Feb. 8, 2001
`Publication Classi?cation
`....A63H 30/00
`(51) Int. Cl? .
`(52) Us. 01. ............................................................ ..446/454
`The remote-controlled air, land or Water borne toy vehicle
`comprises: a body; a printed circuit board mounted in or to
`the body; a receiver connected to the printed circuit board
`for receiving commands; hardWare on the printed circuit
`board including control circuitry for manipulating the toy
`vehicle in response to commands received by the receiver;
`and a motor drive mechanism mounted on or to the toy
`vehicle for moving or propelling the toy vehicle in response
`to control signals from the control circuitry. Preferably at
`least one of several infrared emitting simulated Weapons are
`mounted on the toy vehicle and are selected from the group
`including a machine gun, a cannon and a missile.
`Parrot 1007, Page 1

`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 8, 2002 Sheet 1 0f 7
`US 2002/0106966 A1
`FIG. 1
`Parrot 1007, Page 2

`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 8, 2002 Sheet 2 0f 7
`US 2002/0106966 A1
`FIG. 2
`Parrot 1007, Page 3

`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 8, 2002 Sheet 3 0f 7
`US 2002/0106966 A1
`Am A mm M
`<N .GE
`mi 8 M arm :
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`Parrot 1007, Page 4

`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 8, 2002 Sheet 4 of 7
`US 2002/0106966 A1
`Parrot 1007, Page 5
`Parrot 1007, Page 5

`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 8, 2002 Sheet 5 0f 7
`US 2002/0106966 A1
`Hr 155m n__>__._m
`mm N F
`/. ow Mu mm
`3w .GE
`mm ow ma g8 to
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`8 -H
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`Nwl/P Z0 +
`mw .GE
`Parrot 1007, Page 6

`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 8, 2002 Sheet 6 0f 7
`US 2002/0106966 Al
`A 535281 A EIESE mm I
`E55 5%? 5552. /v |
`% mm mm rm 8 T%\ .w
`I ll .\
`x 5
`Parrot 1007, Page 7

`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 8, 2002 Sheet 7 0f 7
`US 2002/0106966 A1
`FIG. 6
`Parrot 1007, Page 8

`US 2002/0106966 A1
`Aug. 8, 2002
`[0001] 1. Field of the Invention
`[0002] The present invention relates to a radio controlled
`toy blimp and to a method for constructing a remote
`controlled toy blimp for amusement purposes having cir
`cuitry capable of ?ring and detecting infrared light beams
`bearing speci?c codes. TWo or more such toy blimps can
`then be used to stage a simulated battle for entertainment
`purposes. Several Weapons are available to each toy pilot. A
`“light artillery” simulates a machine gun Which in?icts
`minor damage to a toy blimp, requiring a high number of hits
`to disable the opponent’s toy. A “heavy artillery” simulates
`a large caliber cannon Which in?icts heavier damage than
`light artillery, requiring less hits to disable the opponent’s
`toy blimp. An “explosive missile” is the most damaging
`Weapon requiring only a single hit to disable the opponent’s
`toy. A red lamp in the opponent’s toy Will ?ash When a
`successful “hit” is made.
`[0003] When the required number of hits to disable the
`opponent’s toy is reached, the opponent’s toy Will automati
`cally engage in an “out of control” maneuver, such as erratic
`motion to simulate a disabled vehicle. Also, the red lamp
`Will ?ash continuously for a pre-set time to indicate that the
`toy has been mortally Wounded. In another aspect of this
`invention, an infrared Wall target is provided for shooting
`[0004] Each toy’s gun can be set to transmit a different ID
`code so that the strikes of each player can be identi?ed.
`[0005] An additional aspect of the present invention relat
`ing to a toy blimp, employs a single printed Wired board to
`serve, in an unconventional manner, as the structural beams
`supporting all three ?ight motors While at the same time
`providing the conventional interconnections betWeen all the
`electrical circuitry, signi?cantly reducing the time and cost
`required to assemble a blimp.
`[0006] Also, relating to a toy blimp, a further aspect of the
`present invention provides for a “docking station” used for
`rearming and refueling the blimp. This docking station can
`be rendered out of order by the opponent’s infrared Weap
`ons. Therefore, each pilot in addition to defending his/her
`blimp, must also defend his/her docking station to ensure
`rearming and refueling capabilities.
`[0007] A ?nal aspect of the present invention provides for
`a mechanism for reducing the angle of the transmitted
`infrared beam in order to increase the level of dif?culty
`required for hitting the target.
`[0008] 2. Description of the Prior Art
`[0009] A number of neW, state-of-the-art toy blimps have
`been developed for amusement purposes. These lighter
`than-air blimps are ?lled With lighter-than-air gases, such as
`helium. Typically, a gondola is attached to the bottom, With
`reversible motor driven propellers Whose thrust can be
`directed doWn for climbing or up for descending. By engag
`ing one motor forWard and the other in reverse, the blimp
`can rotate 360° or turn left or right.
`[0010] A search of the prior art brought to light the
`folloWing US patents Which disclose devices in the same
`general ?eld of the present invention but Without the unique
`and novel advantages of the present invention:
`[0011] US. Pat. No. 4,931,028: TOY BLIMP. This docu
`ment discloses a toy blimp having at least one engine, and
`preferably tWo, mounted on the top side of an in?atable
`helium balloon-blimp like member, and an infrared control
`circuit and poWer supply mounted on the bottom side. A
`remote control transmitter With push buttons transmits an
`infrared control signal to a receiver in the balloon for
`horiZontal and vertical ?ight control exclusively. This prior
`art device doesn’t offer any capability for remotely con
`trolled infrared Weapons.
`[0012] US. Pat. No. 5,882,240: TOY BLIMP. This docu
`ment discloses a toy blimp, including a gas ?lled body, a
`plurality of ?ns, a Wind-up propulsion system consisting of
`a rubber band or a spring loaded motor, and small Weight
`clips for buoyancy control. This prior art device doesn’t
`offer any capability for remotely controlled infrared Weap
`[0013] US. Pat. No. 4,891,029: REMOTE CONTROL
`LIGHTER-THAN-AIR TOY. This document describes a
`remotely controlled lighter-than-air toy having an in?atable
`container shaped as dirigible for holding lighter-than-air gas.
`A removable gondola is attached to the underside of the
`dirigible. This gondola has a ?rst electric motor coupled, by
`means of gears, to a shaft passing through the gondola. A
`second and third reversible motors are mounted on each end
`of this shaft, on either side of the gondola. These second and
`third reversible motors drive propellers used provide for
`Ward and reverse thrust, thus providing horiZontal ?ight
`control. The ?rst reversible motor is used adjust the position
`of the shaft relative to the horiZontal plane, thus providing
`vertical ?ight control. All three motors are remotely con
`trolled by a conventional radio transmitter knoWn to the art.
`This prior art device does not offer any capability for
`remotely controlled infrared Weapons.
`[0014] The present invention relates to a remote-con
`trolled air, land and/or Water borne toy vehicles. For illus
`trations purposes only, a lighter-than-air toy blimp is used as
`an eXample to describe the teachings of this invention. The
`blimp includes conventional radio frequency remote control
`means knoWn to the art for controlling vertical and horiZon
`tal ?ight patterns. A gondola is attached to the underside of
`the toy blimp Which secures three reversible electric motors
`each having a propeller attached to its output shaft. TWo of
`these motors are placed at each side of the gondola on a
`horiZontal plane and are used to provide forWard and reverse
`thrust. Also, steering is provided by placing one motor in
`reverse and the other in forWard, or alternatively, turning off
`one motor While the other motor continues to run. The third
`motor is placed in the vertical plane under the gondola so
`that doWnWard thrust of the motor pushes the blimp up or
`upWard thrust pulls the blimp doWn.
`[0015] One unique aspect of this invention is the addition
`of innovative remote control means for ?ring infrared Weap
`ons to enhance the amusement capability of prior-art toy
`blimps beyond a simple remote controlled ?ight or free
`?ight. These infrared digital signals contain a series of ones
`Parrot 1007, Page 9

`US 2002/0106966 A1
`Aug. 8, 2002
`and Zeros representing a speci?c binary code de?ning (a) the
`type of Weapon ?red, such as a machine gun, high caliber
`cannon or an explosive missile and (b) the ID of the blimp
`?ring the Weapon. Each blimp has at least one infrared
`transmitter and at least one infrared receiver. The transmitter
`is used by the attacking blimp to shoot infrared signals and
`the receiver is used by the blimp under attack to detect and
`decode those infrared signals striking the blimp. The attack
`ing pilot must ?rst arm the Weapon of choice by selecting
`betWeen machine gun, cannon or explosive missile in the
`remote control unit. Then When the attacking blimp is
`properly aimed at opponent’s blimp or Wall target, the user
`presses the trigger button in the remote control unit to shot
`the armed Weapon. These different Weapons operate as
`[0016] Machine gun: In?icts minor damage to the oppo
`nent’s blimp. A high number of hits are required to shot
`doWn an opponent. A high quantity of ammunition is pro
`vided during arming prior to a “dog ?ght.” HoWever, since
`this is a rapid ?ring Weapon, the trigger must be used
`judiciously to avoid prematurely running out of ammunition.
`[0017] Cannon: In?icts heavy damage to the stricken
`blimp. AloWer number of hits are required to shot doWn the
`opponent’s blimp. A loW quantity of cannon rounds are
`available, therefore good aim is important.
`[0018] Explosive Missiles: A single hit causes the imme
`diate shot doWn of the opponent’s blimp. Each blimp is
`loaded With only three missiles. As a defensive measure, the
`pilot of the blimp under attack may temporarily activate a
`“radar shield” in order to become invisible to the incoming
`missile. HoWever, the “radar shield” is only active for a short
`time after Which a “Wait time” must be observed prior to
`reactivation. This may alloW the attacking missile to slip
`through and hit the opponent’s blimp if the missile is ?red
`Within the inactive WindoW of the “radar shield”. On the
`other hand, if a missile is ?red When the “radar shield” is
`active, the attacking missile Will miss the target and the
`attacker Would have Wasted one out of the three missiles
`available. The “radar shield” does not offer protection
`against machine gun or cannon shots.
`[0019] Reloading: After all ammunition are ?red, full
`reloading of all Weapons systems may be accomplished by
`landing the blimp at the “docking station.” Proper landing is
`con?rmed by alignment betWeen the electrical contacts at
`the bottom of the gondola and the corresponding contacts at
`the docking station. Once proper landing is con?rmed,
`rearming commences and a preset Waiting time must be
`observed for full reaming to take place. This may alloW your
`opponent to shoot your blimp While it is rearming and/or
`refueling. If the full rearming time is not observed, partial
`rearming Will occur and the next dog ?ght Will be happen
`With a shortage of ammunition. When a blimp is ?nally shot
`doWn, the stricken blimp is forced into a “simulated crash
`maneuver” such as a fast descent. Additionally, a red lamp
`at the blimp Will ?ash continuously to indicate a shot doWn
`[0020] In another aspect of this invention, one or more
`blimps can be used to simultaneously attack a Wall target.
`The Wall target decodes the binary code identifying the
`attacking blimp and the Weapon type reaching the Wall
`target, then it updates the score displayed for the appropriate
`blimp. One point is scored for each machine gun hit, ?ve
`points for each cannon hit and tWenty points for each missile
`[0021] In an additional aspect of this invention, each
`blimp is initially provided With a limited amount of time
`(fuel) used to poWer the blimp’s motors. The blimp’s
`microprocessor keeps track of the amount of time each
`motor is used. When the total allocated time is consumed, a
`yelloW lamp under the gondola begins to ?ash continuously,
`indicating to its pilot that the blimp only has one more
`minute of motor poWer before it runs out of fuel. Then the
`blimp’s pilot must land the blimp his/her “docking station”
`to refuel and rearm the blimp before it runs out of fuel.
`HoWever, the opponent can destroy your docking station by
`shooting infrared Weapons to it. Upon the number of hits
`reaching a preset number, a solenoid in the docking station
`is energiZed, causing the landing platform to collapse, thus
`preventing it’s used for refueling or rearming.
`[0022] In a ?nal aspect of this invention, the angle of the
`infrared beam transmitted used to simulate a Weapon ?ring,
`can be adjusted by means of a tube having a re?ective inner
`surface Which is attached in front of the infrared transmitting
`diode. Tubes of different lengths can used to obtain different
`beam angles.
`[0023] FIG. 1 is a perspective vieW of the remotely
`controlled toy blimp 1 shoWing the blimp’s gas ?lled body
`2, the gondola 3, and the printed Wired circuit board/chassis
`4 integrating all three ?ight control motors 5, 6 and 7. Also
`shoWn are the “loW fuel” lamp 9, the “hit lamp”10 used to
`indicate a successful strike by the opponent, the infrared
`transmitter 11 used to shoot infrared Weapons at (a) the
`opponent’s blimp, (b) a Wall target or (c) the opponent’s
`docking station. Infrared detectors 12 and 13 Which are
`employed to detect a direct hit by the opponent’s infrared
`Weapon are shoWn. Electrical contacts 14 and 15 Which are
`used to con?rm an on-target landing at the docking station
`and initiates rearming and refueling are shoWn. Also shoWn
`is the propeller 17 Which is rotatably attached to the shaft of
`the motor 5, the propeller 18 Which is rotatably attached the
`shaft of motor 6 and the propeller 19 Which is rotatably
`attached to the shaft of the motor 7 With the three reversible
`electric motors being used to control the direction and
`altitude of the blimp’s ?ight.
`[0024] FIG. 2 is an exploded perspective vieW of the
`circuit board and gondola illustrating the assembly of the
`printed circuit board/chassis 4 and the gondola 3. FIG. 2A
`is a block vieW of the Flight And Weapons Remote Control
`RF Transmitter, and FIG. 2B is a plan vieW of the Joy Stick
`Decoder, the Radio Frequency Transmitter and the Weapon
`Control Module.
`[0025] FIG. 3 is the electrical block diagram for the
`printed circuit board 4 of FIG. 2. Also shoWn is the remote
`control RF transmitter 25 Which the pilot employs to trans
`mit ?ight and Weapons commands to blimp 1. Further shoWn
`are the interconnections of all the electrical components,
`Which additionally and unconventionally also serves as a
`structural beam to support all three ?ight motors, greatly
`reducing (a) the number of parts required, (b) the assembly
`time and (c) the cost of the toy blimp.
`Parrot 1007, Page 10

`US 2002/0106966 A1
`Aug. 8, 2002
`[0026] FIG. 4A illustrates a Wall mounted target 52 used
`for target practicing by one or tWo toy blimps.
`[0027] FIG. 4B illustrates the electrical block diagram
`employed in the Wall mounted target 52.
`[0028] FIG. 5A is a perspective vieW of the docking
`station 71 used for rearming and refueling the toy blimp.
`[0029] FIG. 5B illustrates the electrical block diagram
`employed in the docking station 71.
`[0030] FIG. 6 illustrates the infrared beam angle reducer
`tube 95 employed to concentrate the infrared light emitted
`by infrared transmitter 11 into a narroW angle beam in order
`to increase the level of dif?culty for hitting the target.
`[0031] Referring noW to the draWings in greater detail, a
`toy blimp 1 ?lled With lighter-than-air gas is illustrated in
`FIG. 1, having an in?atable body 2 that is shaped like a
`blimp and a gondola 3 attached under the body 2. This
`gondola 3 accommodates the printed Wired circuit board/
`chassis 4 Which integrates all the circuitry required to
`decode and execute the ?ight and Weapon commands (trans
`mitted by RF transmitter 25 of FIG. 3), but also provides the
`structural support for the three ?ight motors 5, 6 and 7. The
`horiZontal ?ight motors 5 and 6 are located at the end of
`supporting beams Which are sideWays extensions of the
`printed Wired board/chassis 4. The vertical ?ight motor 7 is
`located at the bottom rearWard extension of the printed
`Wired circuit board/chassis 4.
`[0032] When motors 5 and 6 are driven to provide rear
`Ward air ?oW, the blimp 1 is displaced forWard. When
`motors 5 and 6 are driven to provide forWard air ?oW, the
`blimp 1 is displaced backWard. When the motor 5 is driven
`to provide rearWard air ?oW and motor 6 is driven to provide
`forWard air ?oW, the blimp 1 Will turn to the right. When the
`motor 5 is driven to provide forWard air ?oW and motor 6 is
`driven to provide backWard air ?oW, the blimp 1 Will turn to
`the left. When motor 7 is driven to provide doWnWard air
`?oW, the blimp 1 Will ascend. When motor 7 is driven to
`provide upWard air ?oW, the blimp 1 Will descend. The
`printer Wired circuit board/chassis 4 incorporates infrared
`detectors 12 and 13 Which are used to detect a hit from the
`opponent’s infrared Weapon. Also, the printed Wired circuit
`board/chassis 4 incorporates the infrared transmitter diode
`11 Which is used as a Weapon to ?re infrared light beams at
`the opponent’s blimp. Additionally, the printed Wired circuit
`board/chassis 4 incorporates a pair of electrical contacts 14
`and 15 pointing doWnWard Which are used to con?rm
`on-target landings at the “docking” station for rearming and
`refueling purposes. Lastly, the printed Wired circuit board/
`chassis 4 incorporates lamp 9 to indicate a “loW fuel”
`condition and lamp 10 to indicate a “hit” by the opponent’s
`infrared Weapon.
`[0033] Referring to FIG. 2, this is an exploded vieW
`illustrating the assembly of the printed Wired circuit board/
`chassis 4 into gondola 3. The gondola 3 is attached under the
`body 1 of the toy blimp by means of hook and loop strips 24
`sold under the trademark VELCRO.
`[0034] An additional aspect of this invention, is that the
`printed Wired circuit board/chassis 4 integrates tWo normally
`unrelated functions: (a) it is used to interconnect all the
`electrical components, such as battery 20, resistors 22,
`capacitors 23, integrated circuits 21, etc., and (b) also serves
`as the structural beam to mechanically support all three
`?ight motors 5, 6 and 7. This innovative application of a
`printed circuit board in a toy blimp signi?cantly reduces the
`number of parts required to assemble a toy blimp, substan
`tially reduces the assembly time and costs by eliminating
`many independent Wires or harnesses and structural mem
`bers While at the same time improving reliability and func
`[0035] Referring to FIG. 3, it illustrates the electrical
`block circuit diagram for the printed Wired circuit board/
`chassis 4 of FIG. 2. Brie?y directing ones attention to the
`remote control RF transmitter 25, this unit is used by the
`pilot to transmit ?ight and Weapons commands to the blimp
`1 of FIG. 1. The pilot uses joy stick 26 to change the
`direction and/or elevation of the blimp 1. Also, the pilot
`presses push button 27 to select the Weapon to be ?red. A
`machine gun is selected When lamp 28 is lit. A cannon is
`selected When lamp 29 is lit. An explosive missile is selected
`When lamp 30 is lit. The pilot presses the trigger button 31
`to ?re the selected Weapon. If the pilot suspects that the
`opponent is about to shoot a missile at his/her blimp, the
`pilot may activate a temporary “radar shield” on his blimp
`by pressing the shield button 33. This “radar shield” makes
`his/her blimp invisible to the opponent’s missile, causing it
`to miss his/her blimp. The “radar shield” is accomplished by
`temporarily suspending decoding of incoming missiles at the
`Weapons control module 41. The ?ight and Weapons com
`mands are transmitted from antenna 32 to antenna 34 Where
`they are transformed into a series of binary ones and Zeros
`by RF Receiver 35 and supplied via Wire 36 to RF decoder
`37 Where they are assembled into distinctive binary codes
`representing ?ight and Weapons commands. The ?ight com
`mands are supplied via buss 38 to the ?ight control module
`39 Which interprets Which motors, 5, 6 and /or 7 are to be
`energiZed and in What direction. Weapon commands are
`supplied via buss 40 to the infrared Weapons control module
`41 Which interprets What infrared Weapon is to be ?red. Then
`Weapons control module 41 supplies, via Wire 45, a burst of
`current pulses representing the Weapon ?red. These current
`pulses are supplied to infrared transmitter 11, producing a
`series of infrared light ?ashes. The interval betWeen ?ashes
`is modulated to denote a one or a Zero. A unique code
`identi?es the Weapon type and is folloWed by a series of
`pulses each representing a single machine gun bullet, can
`non shell or a missile. If the Weapon is the machine gun,
`bullets continuously Will be ?red for as long as the pilot
`keeps the trigger button 31 depressed. If the Weapon is a
`cannon, a single shell Will be ?red each time the trigger
`button 31 is pressed, but the trigger 31 must be ?rst released
`and then depressed again to ?re another shell. If the Weapon
`is an explosive missile, one missile Will be ?red each time
`the trigger 31 is depressed.
`[0036] NoW directing ones attention to the opponent’s
`blimp, the infrared ?ashes ?red by the attacking blimp are
`converted back into current pulses by infrared detector 8.
`These current pulses are decoded by infrared ampli?er 43
`into a series of binary ones and Zeros. These binary signals
`are then supplied via Wire 44 to the Weapons control module
`41 for Weapon identi?cation and to count the number of
`successful hits. If the Weapon ?red by the attacking blimp
`Was a machine gun burst, module 41 Will count and record
`Parrot 1007, Page 11

`US 2002/0106966 A1
`Aug. 8, 2002
`hoW many hits (?ashes) it detected. If the existing count
`reaches or exceeds one hundred hits, the infrared Weapons
`control module 41 Will force the blimp into a “shot doWn
`maneuver” Which is a steep and rapid descent.
`[0037] If the Weapon ?red by the attacking blimp Was a
`cannon burst, the Weapons control module 41 Will count and
`record hoW many hits (?ashes) it detected. If the current
`count reaches or exceeds ?fteen hits, the infrared Weapons
`control module 41 Will force the blimp into a “shot doWn
`maneuver”. If the Weapon ?red by the attacking blimp Was
`a missile, the infrared Weapons control module 41 Will
`immediately force the blimp into a “shot doWn maneuver”.
`Each time a hit is sensed by the infrared detector ampli?er
`43, the Weapons control module 41 Will cause, via Wire 45,
`lamp 10 to light for a short duration to indicate a successful
`hit. During a “shot doWn maneuver” infrared Weapons
`control module 41 Will cause, via Wire 46, lamp 10 to ?ash
`continuously for a preset time to indicate that a lethal shot
`doWn has occurred.
`[0038] Referring to FIG. 4A, a Wall mounted practice
`target 52 is shoWn. The unit is contained in an enclosure 53.
`The unit may be hung from a nail in the Wall by means of
`hook 54. Wall target 52 incorporates an infrared detector 55
`Which detects a direct hit by an infrared Weapon. One or
`more blimps can shoot infrared Weapons at the target. Each
`infrared hit is decoded to identify the attacking blimp and the
`Weapon ?red. Then the score is updated at the corresponding
`display 56 or 57 in the Wall target 52. Each missile hit Will
`add one hundred points to the corresponding score. Each
`cannon hit Will add tWenty ?ve points to the corresponding
`score. Each machine gun hit Will add ?ve points to the
`corresponding score. Additionally, speakers 57 or 59 Will
`emit a distinctive tone identifying the scoring blimp.
`[0039] Referring to FIG. 4B, it illustrates the electrical
`block diagram employed by the Wall target 52. When a direct
`hit by an infrared Weapon strikes infrared detector 55, the
`received infrared ?ashes are ampli?ed and transformed by
`infrared ampli?er 64 into a series of current pulses repre
`senting binary codes identifying both, the attaching blimp
`and the type of Weapon ?red. This information is passed, via
`Wire 65, to the score keeper pP 66 Which decodes the
`information, updates the corresponding display 56 or 58 and
`sounds the appropriate speaker to identify the scoring blimp.
`[0040] Referring to FIG. 5A, this is a perspective vieW of
`the docking station 71 used for rearming and refueling the
`toy blimp 1. The docking station 71 incorporates an infrared
`detector 81 Which senses a direct infrared hit by the oppo
`nent’s infrared Weapon. The docking station 71 incorporates
`a solenoid 76 Which is mechanically attached betWeen pins
`79 and 80. Pin 79 is attached to the release lever 75 and pin
`80 is attached to the base 72. Platform 73 pivots at shaft 74
`at one end While the other end normally rest on top of the
`release lever 75. The bottom of release lever 75 is free to
`pivot at shaft 83 Which connects the release lever 75 to the
`base 72. Battery 82 provides the electrical poWer to energiZe
`solenoid 76. Additionally, the docking station 71 incorpo
`rates the score keeper MP 86 Which keeps a running score of
`the successful infrared hits made by the opponent’s Weapon
`and, as a secondary function, also con?rms a proper landing
`by a blimp When electrical contacts 84 and 85 of docking
`station 71 mate With the electrical contacts 14 and 15 of
`blimp 1 in FIG. 1. A secondary function of mating contacts
`84 and 14 is to send a partial or full rearming signal to the
`blimp 1. Similarly, a secondary function of mating contacts
`85 and 15 is to send a partial or full refuel to the blimp 1.
`The loW fuel lamp 9 Will turn off only upon reaching a full
`fuel condition. Upon the running score reaching the
`“destruction threshold”, score keeper pP 81 Will brie?y
`energiZe solenoid 76, pulling solenoid plunger 77 into its’
`cylinder and compressing spring 78. As the solenoid plunger
`77 is draWn inside solenoid 76, it Will pull shaft 79 and
`release lever 75 toWards the solenoid 76. When the top of
`release lever 75 clears the end of the landing platform 73,
`this end of the landing platform 73 Will collapse under its’
`oWn Weight and jam in the doWn position betWeen pin 79
`and the upper bar of the release lever 75. In this manner, the
`docking station 71 is rendered out of order for future
`rearming or refueling until the platform 73 is manually
`reposition on top of the release lever 75. This requires that
`each pilot to not only protects his/her blimp but also his/her
`docking station as Well.
`[0041] Referring to FIG. 5B, it illustrates the schematic
`block diagram used in the printed circuit board 87 for the
`docking station 71 of FIG. 5A. When the opponent’s
`infrared light beam (Weapon) hits infrared detector 81, these
`signals supplied, via Wire 89 to infrared ampli?er 89 Where
`they are ampli?ed and shaped into current pulses represent
`ing a series of binary ones and Zeros and supplied, via Wire
`91 to score keeper pP 86 Which decodes and identi?es the
`type of Weapon ?red and the number of successful hits
`made. Upon the running score reaching the “destruction
`threshold”, solenoid 76 is brie?y energized Which pulls, noW
`in FIG. 5A, the release lever 75 aWay from under the
`landing platform 73 . This alloWs the landing platform 73 to
`collapse under its’ oWn Weight, thus temporarily rendering
`the docking station out of order for future rearming or
`refueling until manually reset.
`[0042] It is understood that the same principles explained
`here can be applied to other types of remotely controlled
`toys, including model airplanes, boats and land vehicles.
`[0043] Referring to FIG. 6, this is a perspective vieW of
`the infrared beam angle reducer tube 95 used to concentrate
`the infrared light into a narroW beam in order to increase the
`level of dif?culty required for hitting the target. The angle
`reducer tube 95 has a re?ective inner surface 96, such as a
`Millar, so that all of the infrared light emitted by infrared
`transmitter 11 is focused into a narroW beam. The actual
`diameter of the beam can be adjusted by changing the length
`of the tube 95. A longer tube Will produce a narroWer beam
`and a shorter tube Will produce a Wider beam.
`[0044] From the foregoing description, it Will be apparent
`that the toy blimp of the present invention includes the above
`described method of construction and use, circuitry, soft
`Ware, hardWare, and mechanical mechanisms for providing:
`(a) a defensive shield, (b) infrared Weapons of different
`types, (c) distinctive operation for each type of Weapon, (d)
`adjusting the beam angle of the infrared transmitter Weapon
`for varying the level of dif?culty required for hitting the
`target, (e) structural supports for the ?ight motors incorpo
`rated into the printed circuit board,
`a practice target With
`different audible tones to identify the hits made by each
`blimp and tWo displays to shoW the score for each attacking
`blimp, (g) softWare induced “shot doWn” maneuver upon
`reaching a speci?c number of hits, (h) a lamp to indicated a
`Parrot 1007, Page 12

`US 2002/0106966 A1
`Aug. 8, 2002
`a lamp to indicate a “loW fuel”
`“shot” doWn condition,
`situation, and
`a docking station for refueling and rearm
`ing. Also, it Will be apparent that the present invention has
`a number of advantages, some of Which are described above
`and others Which are inherent in the invention. Further, it
`Will be understood that modi?cations can be made to the
`invention Without departing from the teachings of the inven
`tion, and that the teachings of the present invention can also
`be applied to other toy vehicles, such as land vehicles, toy
`boats and fast model airplanes.
`[0045] Accordingly, the scope of the present invention is
`only to be limited as necessitated by the accompanying
`We claim:
`1. Aremote-controlled air, land or Water borne toy vehicle
`a remote control transmitter console used by a pilot of the
`toy vehicle to: (a) control the speed, direction, or
`altitude of the toy vehicle, (b) select among several
`Weapons each simulated by a unique infrared code,
`each Weapon imparting a different level of damage to
`an opponent’s vehicle and (c) shoot a selected Weapon;
`an infrared light transmitting means for shooting a series
`of infrared light pulses at the opponent’s vehicle;
`encoding means for modulating said infrared light pulses
`to (a) specify the type of Weapon ?red comprising one
`of a machine gun, cannon or eXplosive missile and (b)
`identifying the toy vehicle ?ring said infrared pulses;
`an infrared light detecting and amplifying means for
`sensing said infrared light pulses ?red by an opponent’s
`decoding means for (a) identifying the type of Weapon
`?red by the opponent’s toy vehicle and (b) identifying
`the toy vehicle doing the shooting;
`score keeping means for up-dating and storing the number
`of successful hits made by t

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