`Page 1
` )
` Petitioner, ) CASE IPR2016-01703
` )
` vs. ) CASE IPR2016-01709
` )
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
` JULY 19, 2017
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`witness at the instance of the PETITIONER, and duly
`sworn, was taken in the above-styled and -numbered
`causes on July 19, 2017, from 8:54 a.m. to 2:08 p.m.,
`before Louise Nielson, Certified Court Reporter in and
`for the State of Georgia, reported by machine shorthand,
`at Hyatt Place Atlanta Airport South, 1899 Sullivan
`Road, Conference Room 1, College Park, Georgia, pursuant
`to Rule 37 C.F.R. ยง 42.53 and the provisions stated on
`the record or attached hereto.
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.1


`Page 2
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` Steptoe & Johnson, LLP
` 115 South LaSalle Street
` Suite 3100
` Chicago, IL 60603
` (312)577-1272
` James H. Williams, Panduit Chief Patent Counsel
` Christopher S. Clancy, VP, Legal & General Counsel
` Kirkland & Ellis, LLP
` 300 North LaSalle Street
` Chicago, IL 60654
` (312)862-2480
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
` Brad C. Rametta, IP Attorney
` Adam R. Weeks, IP Attorney
` Benjamin F. Nardone, Litigation Counsel
` - - -
` (Whereupon, disclosure as required by the
` Georgia Board of Court Reporting was made by the
` court reporter, a written copy of which is
` attached hereto.)
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.2


`Page 3
`Examination by MR. EBERSPECHER 4
`Examination by MR. HAYES 109
`Re-examination by MR. EBERSPECHER 114
`Re-examination by MR. HAYES 115
`Exhibit Description Page
` 1 Declaration for U.S. Patent 10
` 6,758,600
` 2 Professional Fiber Optic 12
` Installation Excerpt - The
` Essentials for Success
` 3 Fiber Optics Standard Dictionary 19
` 4 U.S. Patent 6,758,600 22
` 5 U.S. Patent 7,209,614 22
` 6 Declaration for U.S. Patent 25
` 6,869,227
` 7 Publication Number H11-160542 25
` 8 U.S. Patent 6,869,227 27
` 9 Declaration for U.S. Patent 38
` 8,184,938
` 10 Declaration for U.S. Patent 38
` 8,184,938
` 11 U.S. Patent 7,570,861 39
` 12 U.S. Patent 5,420,958 39
` 13 Declaration for U.S. Patent 70
` 8,452,148
` 14 U.S. Patent 8,452,148 71
` 15 Patent Application Publication 71
` Number U.S. 2008/0037209 A1
` 16 Fiber Optics Standard Dictionary 72
` 17 Patent Application Publication 90
` Number U.S. 2009/0214171 A1
` 18 Occupational Employment Statistics 101
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.3
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical


`Page 4
`having been first duly sworn, was examined and testified
`as follows:
`BY Mr. Eberspecher:
` Q All right. Good morning, Mr. Pearson.
` Have you been deposed before?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And do I understand you've been in
`about 18 different litigations over the years?
` A Yeah. It's some number like that.
` Q When did you -- when was your first
`litigation you provided support for?
` A 1992. It was a patent in a patent
`infringement case between BICC and the United Kingdom
`and a company called Focas, F-O-C-A-S, that I believe
`was located in Alpharetta, Georgia.
` Q Okay. And how many, in the nineties, how
`many litigations did you provide support for?
` A I don't have those by the years.
` Q Any sense of how many you -- litigations
`you provided support for since 2010?
` A Less than a dozen. 8 to 12, I would guess.
` Q And in these 18 or so litigations, have you
`always served in an expert capacity?
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.4


`Page 5
` A Yes; all but one. In one case I was an
`observer and was assisting the attorney who was
`asking the questions.
` Q When did you graduate from undergrad?
` A MIT.
` Q Mm-hmm.
` A Material science and metallurgy.
` Q When did you graduate?
` A Oh, when? Sorry. 1969.
` Q What -- just give me a really brief
`synopsis of kind of your career path; what you've
`been doing since -- and I believe you have a master's
`degree; is that true?
` A That is correct.
` Q Same degrees?
` A Yes.
` Q Metallurgy and material sciences?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Just give me a real brief synopsis
`of your employment history. And if I want to ask you
`more questions about any given time, I will.
` A Right out of grad school I worked for
`General Electric in Knolls Atomic Power Lab. I was
`designing nuclear reactor core components. After
`that, I was a quality manager at a investment casting
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.5


`Page 6
`foundry that made jet engine parts.
` Q What time frame were you at GE?
` A I was at GE from 1970 to 1974.
` Q Okay. And then, again, after that?
` A Went to an investment casting foundry. The
`company's name was Castech. It made investment -- I
`was a quality manager for the company that made
`investment castings for firearms, jet engines,
`nuclear power plants.
` Q Okay. And how long were you there?
` A Less than a year.
` Q Okay. And then what about after that?
` A I ran a toy gun factory.
` Q And how long did you do that?
` A For about 15 months.
` Q Okay. And after that?
` A Went to another investment casting foundry
`in Manlius, New York. It made the same kind of parts
`as the first casting foundry.
` Q When you talk about investment casting,
`give me a description of --
` A Lost wax method where they make -- they
`inject wax into a mold that creates a part to coat
`the mold with essentially sand, then cure that sand
`so it becomes rigid, melt the wax out, pour the
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.6


`Page 7
`molten metal in.
` Q Okay. Doing material -- developing
` A Yeah.
` Q And when were -- when did you wrap that up,
`the time frame, this -- the toy gun factory?
` A Toy gun factory would have been nineteen --
`I think it was 1976.
` Q Okay. And after that?
` A I went to a Corning division called Corning
`Components that made tantalum, tantalum --
`high-reliability tantalum capacitors. It was in
`Biddeford, Maine. I was a quality manager.
` Q And give me a -- what kind of products
`again did this division of Corning --
` A High-reliability tantalum capacitors; those
`used in pacemakers, cruise missiles; high-reliability
` Q So, again, you were overseeing creating
`materials that would go into these products?
` A Involved in materials, but in that case I
`was the quality manager. I was testing the products
`before they went out the door.
` Q What kind of testing would you typically
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.7


`Page 8
` A Electronic testing --
` Q Conductivity?
` A -- burn-in testing, capacitance,
`resistance, driving them to failure; or trying to
`drive them to failure by pre-aging them.
` Q Okay. So others would create the
`materials, and then you would come in and do a
`quality control and test the materials?
` A Right.
` Q Okay. And how long were you at this
`Corning entity?
` A About 15 months.
` Q Okay. And then after that?
` A To the Corning headquarters manufacturing
`and engineering division, which was a corporate level
`that was running the fiber -- the optical fiber pilot
` Q And what were you doing -- well, tell me
`this: What time frame? When would you have started
`at Corning headquarters?
` A '78.
` Q And how long were you there?
` A Little more than a year.
` Q And now back to what were you doing when
`you were at Corning headquarters?
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.8


`Page 9
` A I started out as a senior process engineer
`where we were taking an R&D process and converting it
`into a manufacturing process.
` Q What kind of R&D process?
` A Making optical fiber.
` Q You were actually making the fiber itself?
` A Yes.
` Q The materials that make up fiber?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And after you left Corning
`headquarters, you say, what, about '79 or so?
` A About that. I went to Times Fiber
`Communications, which -- and there I was in charge of
`converting a fiber R&D process into a manufacturing
`process, developing a cable -- fiber cable
`manufacturing process.
` Q Okay. And, again, was this related to
`developing materials?
` A It was.
` Q Traditional material scientist-type stuff?
` A I don't know what traditional material
`science means. Material science is so broad you
`always take a piece of it and you work with that
` Q And after, after you went to Times Fiber,
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.9


`Page 10
`what next?
` A Then I went out on my own as an independent
` Q And what time frame? When did you start?
` A 1980.
` Q Okay. And it's from -- do I take it from
`1980 till present day you've been working as a
` A That is correct.
` Q This is -- what is it? -- Pearson
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. In the field of fiber optics, how
`would you define a ribbon?
` A I would like to see my deposition to be
`sure I'm consistent with it.
` Q Your deposition. Your declaration?
` A Declaration. Yes, please.
` Q One moment.
` I will hand you for now your declaration
`for the U.S. Patent 6,758,600. And we'll just refer
`to it as the 600 patent going forward. Is that fine?
`Is that fair?
` (Whereupon, the court reporter
` marked Pearson Exhibit No. 1 for
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.10


`Page 11
` identification.)
` A Yes.
` Q You can answer when you're ready.
` A A ribbon would be a group of optical
`fibers. They have -- they're covered by a common
`ribbon layer. They are aligned and attached by that
`common layer usually in a planar form.
` Q What paragraph are you reading from, sir?
` A 22, please.
` Q Okay. And you're just reading from the
`specification of the 600 patent?
` A Yes.
` Q And I just -- outside of the context -- my
`question is a little broad.
` Outside of the context of the 600, the 227
`patent, do you have a general understanding of what
`the definition of a ribbon would be in the field of
`fiber optics?
` A Yes.
` Q And what would that definition be?
` A Fibers aligned in the parallel planar
`structure coated by a common layer that maintains
`that alignment.
` Q Okay. I'd like to hand you what we will
`mark as Pearson Exhibit 2 and have you just take a
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.11


`Page 12
`look at that. And see if -- do you recognize that as
`being a cover page of anything?
` (Whereupon, the court reporter
` marked Pearson Exhibit No. 2 for
` identification.)
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And it says -- it's titled
`Professional Fiber Optic Installation, the Essentials
`for Success. And it says, Eric R. Pearson. Is this
`a publication that you've created?
` A Yes.
` Q And who is this text -- who is this
`textbook written for? Who is to use it?
` A It is designed as a training text for those
`involved in the installation of fiber optic cables,
`connectors, and splices.
` Q Okay. And I think somewhere in here it
`says the intended audience is installers,
`supervisors, and trainers. Does that sound accurate?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And I'll direct your attention to
`just the third page. We've taken a page from the
`glossary or the definitions. And at the very bottom
`right-hand side it says, "ribbon." And it says, "a
`structure on which multiple fibers are precisely
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.12


`Page 13
`aligned." Is that an accurate definition of ribbon?
` MR. HAYES: Objection. Vague. Outside of
` the context of the 600 and 227 patents.
` THE WITNESS: I don't know what "accurate"
` means, but it's --
` Q (By Mr. Eberspecher) Did you --
` A But it is a reasonable definition.
` Q Would this have been a reasonable
`definition in -- I believe in your declaration
`somewhere you say ribbons have been around since the
`1980s. Is that, is that accurate, or your
` A That's when I -- the early eighties or late
`seventies is when I ran across ribbons and started
`watching them.
` Q Would this have been a reasonable
`definition for ribbons back at that time frame in the
` A Yes.
` Q Did you have any assistance in drafting up
`the content for this, this textbook?
` A No.
` Q You created all the content on your own?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Let's turn back to your declaration
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.13


`Page 14
`then. This is the declaration you submitted in
`support of Corning's response in this inter partes
`for review proceeding?
` A It is.
` Q And are all of the opinions that you intend
`to offer relating to the 600 patent contained in this
` A Yes.
` Q Let's go back to your understand -- or your
`understanding of what the 600 patent -- and given
`that the specifications are the same, I'm going to
`assume that you mean that for the 227 patent as well.
`Let's go back to your understanding.
` A That is not in my opinion in this document.
` Q Okay. Well, I can hand you the 227
`declaration here in a bit and we can go over it and
`see any differences. I think the language is the
`same, but, in any event...
` So your understanding of ribbon common
`layer, the definition that you read earlier when you
`were referring to page -- paragraph 22 of your
`declaration, that understanding is based on -- your
`understanding that a ribbon requires a ribbon common
`layer is based upon what you have read in the 600
`patent; is that correct?
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.14


`Page 15
` A Please repeat that question.
` Q You speak of a -- an optical ribbon
`requiring a ribbon common layer. And I just wanted
`to get an understanding. I wanted to confirm that
`your basis for that definition is from your reading
`of the 600 patent.
` A Not just the 600 patent.
` Q What else besides the 600 patent would give
`you a basis to say that an optical fiber ribbon must
`have a ribbon common layer, and that -- which further
`requires an outside coating that covers all the fiber
`ribbons inside -- fibers inside of the ribbon?
` A That's the structure in the definition in
`the glossary.
` Q Pardon me?
` A That's the structure in the definition of
`the glossary.
` Q So what you're saying is that even though
`you've defined ribbon in your text as a structure on
`which the multiple fibers are aligned, your testimony
`today is that structure absolutely requires a ribbon
`common layer which further includes a group of fibers
`with outside coating covering them all?
` A Yes.
` Q Why didn't you define -- in your definition
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.15


`Page 16
`of ribbon, why didn't you state that? Why didn't you
`state that a ribbon is a -- it includes a ribbon
`common layer and refers to an outside coating that
`covers all the fibers inside of a ribbon?
` A I don't --
` MR. HAYES: Objection. Vague.
` Did you say -- I'm sorry. Did you say why,
` or what?
` MR. EBERSPECHER: Eric, objection should be
` objection to form in PTAB proceedings. You know
` how they take it, so...
` MR. HAYES: Can I have it read back,
` please?
` (Whereupon, the court reporter read back
` the previous question on page 15, line 25.)
` MR. HAYES: Objection. Vague.
` (Interruption in the proceedings.)
` THE WITNESS: I do not know.
` Q (By Mr. Eberspecher) Turning to your
`declaration again, in paragraphs 10 and 11 you identify
`your full understanding of claim construction
`principles; is that fair?
` A Yes.
` Q And was that understanding provided to you
`by Corning's counsel?
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.16


`Page 17
` A I don't know how to answer that question.
` Q Tell me this: Do paragraphs 10 and 11
`identify your full understanding of claim
`construction principles?
` A My full understanding. I believe so.
` Q In paragraph 13, you identify a person of
`ordinary skill in the art as having a bachelor's
`degree in mechanical engineering, material science,
`or related field, and two years of experience in
`fiber optic design. And you further state that your
`opinions contained herein are from the perspective of
`that person of ordinary skill in the art. I just
`want to confirm that, that all of the opinions
`contained in your declaration here are from that
` A They are.
` Q Let's go back to 23. And you state that
`your interpretation consistent with the specification
`of the term optical fiber ribbon requires at least
`fibers coated with a ribbon common layer. Do you see
` A Where is that? Which paragraph?
` Q Paragraph 23.
` A I see that.
` Q And then in paragraph 26, you state that a
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.17


`Page 18
`ribbon common layer refers to an outside coating that
`covers all of the fibers inside of the ribbon. Do
`you see that?
` A I do.
` Q And so I just -- I want to get a handle on
`the entirety of your definition of an optical fiber
`ribbon. If I read these two definitions together, am
`I -- my understanding of your definition of an
`optical fiber ribbon is fibers coated with a ribbon
`common layer which further requires an outside
`coating that covers all the fibers inside of the
` A Please state that again.
` MR. EBERSPECHER: Could you read that back
` for him?
` (Whereupon, the court reporter read back
` the previous question on page 18, line 7.)
` Q (By Mr. Eberspecher) And when you say "covers
`all the fibers," are you referring to individual
`fibers? Does each individual optical fiber have to be
`surrounded entirely in an outer substrate or coating?
` MR. HAYES: Objection. Form.
` Q (By Mr. Eberspecher) Going back to your
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.18


`Page 19
`definition you provided in your fiber -- Professional
`Fiber Optic Installation text where you say a ribbon is
`a structure on which multiple fibers are precisely
`aligned, are there any requirements for that structure?
` A The structure maintains the planar
`arrangement and coats the fibers to maintain that
` Q Can that structure be a tape?
` A I have never worked with it, so I don't
` Q Can that structure be strips of plastic?
` A Not in my experience.
` Q I will hand you what we'll mark as Pearson
`Exhibit 3. Are you familiar with the Fiber Optic
`Standard Dictionary?
` (Whereupon, the court reporter
` marked Pearson Exhibit No. 3 for
` identification.)
` A I have seen it at some time in the past.
` Q Have you ever referred to this dictionary
`in your professional career?
` A I believe so.
` Q Do you consider the definitions identified
`in this dictionary as reliable?
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.19


`Page 20
` A To the best of my knowledge.
` Q Okay. And I'll direct your attention to
`the second page of this document where it --
`actually, the very last page of this document. My
`apologies -- where it says "fiber optic ribbon." And
`it states, "A fiber optic cable consisting of optical
`fibers arrayed side by side and held in place by one
`or more materials such as tapes, adhesives, or
`plastic strips." Do I take it that you yourself
`would utilize a narrower definition for fiber optic
`ribbon than what's stated there?
` MR. HAYES: Objection. Vague.
` THE WITNESS: My definition comes from my
` experience, so the answer is yes.
` MR. EBERSPECHER: Read the question and
` answer back for me, would you, please.
` (Whereupon, the court reporter read back
` the previous question and answer beginning on
` page 20, line 2.)
` Q (By Mr. Eberspecher) Okay. And so, in your
`experience, the definition of fiber optic ribbon is
`narrower than what's stated in the Fiber Optics
`Standard Dictionary?
` A Yes.
` Q And when you were doing your analysis of
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.20


`Page 21
`what the definition of optical fiber ribbon would be
`in this case, did you apply your own experience in
`determining that definition?
` A Yes.
` Q So the statement that anything that aligns
`fibers and attaches fibers together in some form is a
`ribbon, you would disagree with that statement?
` A Please repeat that question.
` Q If I were to say that anything that aligns
`fibers and attaches fibers together in some form is a
`ribbon, you would disagree with that statement?
` A In the context of the 600 patent, I would
`disagree with it. Yes.
` Q And when you say "in the context of the 600
`patent," that's because it's your opinion that the
`patentee defined what they thought was an optical
`fiber ribbon?
` A Yes.
` Q I don't have any pressing questions on this
`just yet, but I'm going to hand you what I'll mark as
`Pearson Exhibit 4, which is the 600 patent.
` And I'm also going to hand you now what I'm
`going to mark as Pearson Exhibit 5, which is United
`States Patent Number 7,209,614 to Tanaka, et al.
` Okay. And I don't have any detailed
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.21


`Page 22
`questions about this patent, but what I'm more
`interested in is to direct your attention to Figures
`5, Figures 6A and 6B. Just let me know when you're
` (Whereupon, the court reporter
` marked Pearson Exhibit Nos. 4 and 5
` for identification.)
` A Mm-hmm.
` Q If 31 is the optical fiber and 32 is an
`outside coating, is what's shown in Figure 5 a -- an
`optical fiber ribbon, in your opinion?
` A Yes.
` Q Same question with respect to 6A: Would
`that be an optical fiber ribbon?
` A Not in the context of the 600 patent.
` Q Same question with respect to 6B: Would
`that be an optical fiber ribbon, in your opinion?
` A Not in the context of the 600 patent.
` Q And so turning back to your opinion in
`paragraph 23 of your declaration, is it accurate to
`say that you were relying on the language you cite in
`the background, the invention section of the 600 and
`the 227 patents, to say that an optical fiber ribbon
`requires that all fibers are coated with a ribbon
`common layer?
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.22


`Page 23
` A Please restate that question. Repeat the
` MR. EBERSPECHER: Read it back for me, will
` you, please.
` (Whereupon, the court reporter read back
` the previous question on page 22, line 19.)
` Q (By Mr. Eberspecher) And I think we already
`touched on this, but ribbons were known I think you
`said back -- as far as back as the 1980s?
` A My earliest reference for ribbons is
`approximately 1975 in an ATT patent for ribbon cable.
` Q You state in your declaration at paragraph
`20 that the general functions of ribbons dated back
`to the 1980s?
` A What did I say in 20? I said since at
`least the 1980s. I did not remember exactly when I
`started following ribbons, but I did have a reference
`at about that time or shortly thereafter to the AT&T
` Q So you actually further -- just you
`clarified that actually as far back as 1975 you were
`aware of ribbons and their functions?
` A I wasn't aware, but I was aware ribbons
`existed at that time.
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.23


`Page 24
` Q That's fine.
` Do you have any understanding of what an
`embodiment means in the context of a patent
` MR. HAYES: I'll object to the extent it
` calls for a legal conclusion.
` THE WITNESS: One implementation of the
` claims or an exemplary implementation of the
` claims.
` Q (By Mr. Eberspecher) I don't think I asked
`this earlier: Do you -- are you the named inventor on
`any U.S. patents?
` A No.
` Q And I think I covered this, but if I
`aligned fibers and then put them between two pieces
`of tape sticky side to sticky side, would that
`constitute coating the fibers with a ribbon common
` MR. HAYES: Objection. Hypothetical.
` THE WITNESS: Not in the context of the 600
` patent.
` Q (By Mr. Eberspecher) And if I aligned fibers
`and encased them in a small block of plastic, if I
`created channels, for example, in the plastic and then
`encased them, would that be an optical fiber ribbon?
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.24


`Page 25
`Would that constitute a ribbon common layer, in your
` MR. HAYES: Objection. Hypothetical.
` Asked and answered.
` Q (By Mr. Eberspecher) Have you ever worked
`with optical fiber tapes?
` A No.
` Q I will mark Pearson Exhibit 6 your
`declaration with respect to U.S. Patent 6,869,227.
`And we've already been referring to it as the 227
`patent and will continue to do so.
` While we're at it, I'll put in front of you
`what we'll mark as Pearson Exhibit 7, which is
`Publication Number H11-160542 which is a publication
`to a Mr. Toyooka. And we will refer to this as
` Now, you -- have you reviewed the Toyooka
` (Whereupon, the court reporter
` marked Pearson Exhibit Nos. 6 and 7
` for identification.)
` A Yes.
` Q I will direct your attention to paragraph
`21 of this reference. And the multi-core connector
`Panduit Corp. v. Corning Optical
`Panduit Ex. 1014, p.25


`Page 26
`of Toyooka is described as symmetrical and one
`dimensional. Do you agree that that describes a
`generally planar array?
` A Please repeat the question.
` Q Directing your attention to paragraph 21 of
`Toyooka, it describes a multi-core connector that is
`symmetrical and one dimension. Do you agree that
`that describes a generally planar array of optical
` A Yes.
` Q Directing your attention to the 227 patent
`for a moment. And, specifically, go to column 4 on
`Claim 1.
` MR. HAYES: I'm not sure we have the 227
` patent, Kelly.
` MR. EBERSPECHER: Did I not --
` Let's go off the record briefly.

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