
`C. Pujary, M. Savage, Y. Mendelson
`Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Bioengineering Institute
`Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609.
`Abstraci—Low power management without
`provided an easy way to simulate various PD areas by
`signal quality is a key requirement in the optimal design of a
`connecting in parallel multiple PBS to the common
`wearable pulse oximeter.
`This paper
`advantage gained by using a photodetector with a larger active
`Additional circuitry, consisting of amplifiers and band pass
`area. Preliminary in viva experiments have demonstrated that
`filters, were used to produce two different signals (a
`by increasing the area of the photodetector it is possible to
`pulsatile AC component and a non-pulsatile DC component)
`reduce the overall power requirement of a wireless sensor.
`from each PPG. Analog data streams were digitized at
`intended for telemedicine applications.
`501—12 for 30s periods by a National Instrument DAQ card
`Keywords—pulse oxinieter, telemedicine, wearable sensor
`installed in a PC matting LABYIEW 6.0 software.
`In- Vitro Experiments
`Dark Tests: To test the background noise level generated
`by each PD, we performed a series of dark measurements by
`switching off the LEDs in the sensor and blocking ambient
`light from reaching the six PDs.
`Multiple Photodetectors Tests: Each PD was randomly
`connected through the hub: ‘to determine
`the spatial
`uniformity of the illuminating field incident on the PDs. To
`produce a constant level background illumination, a signal
`composed of a DC bias voltage modulated by a small lI-Iz
`AC sine wave was generated by a programmable function
`generator. The signal from the function generator was
`applied to a separate LED that was used to simulate a
`typical PPG signal. The external LED was attached to a
`translucent flat medium serving as an optical difi'user. The
`surface of the diffuser was positioned at a distance of 30cm
`away from the planar surface of the sensor.
`In- Viva Experiments
`A series of in vivo experiments were performed to
`determine the signal improvement gained by using different
`PD areas. The prototype sensor was attached to the base of
`a volunteer’5 finger and the peak currents supplied to the red
`and infrared LEDs were adjusted to 3m and 1.9mA,
`respectively As the driving currents were adjusted, ,the
`output of each amplifier was monitored to assure that (i) a
`distinguiShable and stable PPG was observed when a single
`PD was employed, and (ii) maximal PPG signals were
`produced without causing amplifier saturation when all 6
`PDs we're connected in parallel through the hub.
`to note that
`the final currents selected were
`significantly lower compared to the typical driving currents
`employed in commercial pulse oximeters.
`Commercially available sensors used in reflectance
`mode pulse oximeters employ a single photodetector (PD)
`element typically with an active area of about 12-15mm2.
`The light
`intensity detected by the photodetector in a
`reflectance pulse oximeter depends on the incident light
`intensity, absorption by skin, reflection by bones, tissue
`backseattering and the amount of blood in the vascular bed
`Compared to transmittance mode pulse oximetry,
`reflected photoplethysmograms
`(PPGs) have generally
`lower amplitudes.
`Low power management without compromising signal
`quality is a key requirement in optimizing the design of a
`wearable telesensor. One approach to lowering the power
`consumption of a wireless pulse oximcter, which is
`dominated by the current required to drive the LEDs, is to
`reduce the LED duty cycle [2]. Alternatively, lowering the
`current supplied to the red and infiared LEDs can also
`reduce power consumption. However, with reduced current
`drive, there is a direct impact on the quality of the detected
`'PPGss Mendelson et a1. [3] showed that a concentric array
`of PDs could be used to increase the
`amount of
`backseattered light detected-by a reflectance type pulse
`oximeter sensor. In this paper We investigate the advantages
`of increasing the PD area and minimizing LED driving
`currents to optimize the overall power requirement of a
`reflectance mode pulse oximeter
`intended for 'future
`applications in telemedicine.
`Experimental setup
`To study the effect of different PD areas, we constructed
`and tested a prototype reflectance sensor employing 6
`identical (3mm x 4mm) PDs. The" equally spaced PDs were
`' concentrically arranged in a 18mm diameter planar
`configuration around a pair of red and infrared LEDs. Each
`PD was individually connected to‘a central hub. The hub
`The Rent Mean Square (RMS) values corresponding to
`the amplitude of the AC components measured frOm each
`PD are plotted1n Fig.1. During darkness the average noise
`0-7803-7767-21031'31 7.00 ©2003 IEEE
`Page 1
`Page 1


`} IConatant light ilbani'tltion i
`UCahullIed :5
`IMeesured j;
`i i E !
`I l
`Fig. 1. Individual photodetectar perfonnance under complete darkness and
`a constant light illumination.
`individual PBS was 0.114V.
`generated by the
`comparison, the average PPG amplitude measured in vitro
`by the 6 PBS under a spatially uniform illumination field
`produced by the external LED source was 0.647V.
`Fig. 2 shows the signals detected in vitro with multiple
`combinations of PBS using the
`simulated uniform
`illumination produced by the external LED. The right-side
`bars represent the measured RMS values corresponding to
`different PD areas. For comparison, the left-side bars were
`0.647n, where
`corresponds to the number of PBS connected in parallel. The
`trend observed provide sufiicient evidence of a linear
`improvement in signal intensity as a filnction of an increase
`in the active area of the PDs.
`Fig. 3 shows the magnitude of the pulsatile red and
`infrared PPGs measured
`different PD
`Minimizing the current required to drive the LEDs is a
`critical design consideration in optimizing the power
`consumption of a wearable pulse oximeter. However,
`reduced LED driving currents has a direct impact on the
`incident light intensity produced by the sensor and could
`lead to deterioration in the quality of
`the PPGs.
`it could result
`in unreliable and therefore
`inaccurate calculation of oxygen saturation.
`From the data presented in Fig. 3, it can be observed that
`the overall increase in the reflected PPG signals achieved in
`viva when all 6 PBS were connected in parallel is smaller
`and does not follow the same linear relationship observed in
`vitra as shown in Fig. 2. This deviation was most likely
`caused by the non-uniform backseattered light distribution
`emanating from the finger.
`The data presented in this study demonstrate that the
`driving currents of the LEDs in a reflectance pulse oximeter
`canbe lowered significantly without compromising the
`Fig. 2. Signal improvement observed in-virro with multiple photodetectars.
`Fig. 3. Signal improvement observed in vivo with multiple photodetectors.
`quality of the PPGs simply by increasing the overall size of
`the PD in the sensor. Hence, with reduced LED driving
`currents, maximizing the backseattered light collected by
`the sensor and optimized digital switching techniques, a
`very low power consuming sensor can be developed thereby
`extending the overall battery life of a pulse oximeter
`intended for telemedicine applications.
`This research was supported in part by Department of
`Defense Cooperative Agreement DAMDl7-03-2-0006.
`[1] Y. Mendelson, B. Ochs, “Noninvasive Pulse Oximetry
`Utilizing Skin Reflectance Photoplethysmography,” IEEE
`Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 35, no. 10,
`pp. 798-805, Oct. 1988.
`[2] S. Rhee, B.H. Yang and H. Asada,” The Ring Sensor: A
`new Ambulatory Wearable Sensor for twenty Four Hour
`Patient Monitoring,” Proc. of the 20th Annual International
`Conference ofthe IEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
`Society. Hong Kong. Oct. 1998.
`[3] Y. Mendelson, 10. Kent, BL. Yocum and MJ. Birle,”
`Design and Evaluation of new reflectance pulse oximeter
`sensor,” Medical Instrumentation, Vol.22, NO. 4, pp. 167-
`173, Aug. 1988.
`Page 2
`Page 2

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