(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2001/0021182 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Sep. 13, 2001
`US 20010021182A1
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Feb. 29, 2000 (JP) .................................... .. P2000-54028
`Publication Classi?cation
`(75) Inventor; Takashi Wakutsu, Kanagawa (Jp) Correspondence Address;
`(51) Int. Cl.7 ........................... .. H04B 7/208; (52) US. Cl. ......................... .. 370/344; 370/436; 370/482
`ARLINGTON VA 22202 (Us)
`Kanagawwken, Kawasaki_shi (JP)
`(21) Appl, No;
`(22) Filed:
`Feb. 26, 2001
`An improved transmitter apparatus, a receiver apparatus and
`a base station implemented With the transmitter and receiver
`apparatuses are described. These apparatuses and the base
`station serves to establish communication by making use of
`an orthogonal frequency division demultiplexing demodu
`lation and an inverse spectrum spreading demodulation in
`combination. The communication coverage thereof can be
`expaned by making use of an orthogonal frequency division
`demultiplexing demodulation and an inverse spectrum
`spreading demodulation in combination.
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`US 2001/0021182 A1
`Sep. 13, 2001
`[0001] The subject application is related to subject matter
`disclosed in the Japanese Patent Application No. Heil2
`54028 ?led in Feb. 29, 2000 in Japan, to Which the subject
`application claims priority under the Paris Convention and
`Which is incorporated by reference herein.
`[0002] 1. Field of the Invention
`[0003] The present invention is related generally to a
`transmitter apparatus, a receiver apparatus and a base station
`implemented With the transmitter and receiver apparatuses
`Which are communicated With each other by making use of
`an orthogonal frequency division demultiplexing modula
`tion and a spectrum spreading modulation in combination.
`[0004] 2. Prior Art
`[0005] In recent years, it becomes an important issue to
`cope With interference due to delay spread through multi
`paths While the signal transmission rates of Wireless com
`munication systems have been increased. OFDM (Orthogo
`nal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is a technique With
`Which the problem of the interference due to delay spread
`can be solved. OFDM is a block-oriented modulation
`scheme that maps data symbols onto a plurality of orthogo
`nal sub-carriers separated by a distance to provide excellent
`resistance characteristics against the interference due to
`delay spread through the multipaths. Also, OFDM is capable
`of compacting a substantially larger number of sub-carriers,
`as compared With a conventional FDM (Frequency Division
`Multiplexing), to provide an extremely high utiliZation of
`the frequency resources. OFDM is employed as a signal
`transmission scheme for digital broadcast in Europe, USA.
`and Japan, and, in addition to this, determined to be
`employed as part of the standard for Wireless system such as
`HIPER-LAN/2 (Europe), IEEE802.1la (U.S.A.), MMAC
`(Japan) Which are the next generations of the mobile com
`munication systems.
`[0006] MeanWhile, the next generations of the Wireless
`communication system are expected to support high speed
`signal transmission rates in the order of several Mbps to
`several tens of Mbps With a Wider bandWidth exclusively
`occupied by each channel. Because of this, it becomes
`furthermore important to improve the utiliZation of the
`frequency resources as compared With conventional sys
`tems. Furthermore, because of the limitation on the fre
`quency resources as available, a technical object resides in
`hoW to determine an effective arrangement of the frequency
`resources and an effective arrangement of the respective
`cells in the cellular system.
`[0007] Furthermore, the next generations of the Wireless
`communication system are expected to support different
`signal transmission rates to accommodate a variety of infor
`mation types for use in multimedia communications Which
`require different levels of QoS (Quality of Service). The
`support for different signal transmission rates can be imple
`mented by the use of different modulation systems and
`different encoding rates. Such a system capable of support
`ing different signal transmission rates is called as “a multi
`rate supporting system” in the folloWing description. The
`folloWing table shoWs the relationship among the transfer
`speeds, the encoding rates, the modulation schema and the
`receiver sensitivities.
`6 Mbps
`9 Mbps
`12 Mbps
`18 Mbps
`27 Mbps
`36 Mbps
`54 Mbps
`16 QAM
`16 QAM
`64 QAM
`—82 dBm
`—81 dBm
`—79 dBm
`—77 dBm
`—74 dBm
`—70 dBm
`—65 dBm
`[0008] In the case of this example, there are seven modes
`M1 to M7 are implemented. Needless to say, a good Wireless
`transmission condition is required for communication at a
`high speed transmission rate. As described in the above
`table, it is necessary to secure a higher reception electric
`?eld strength in order to change the transition mode from the
`loW rate transition mode to the high rate transition mode, i.e.,
`from the mode M1to the mode M7. Inversely, When the
`transition mode is changed from the high rate transition
`mode to the loW rate transition mode, i.e., from the mode M7
`to the mode M1, the reception electric ?eld strength as
`required is loWered. Namely, in the case of the multi-rate
`supporting system, it is possible to vary the extent (cover
`age) of the area (cell) to Which radio Waves can be effec
`tively transmitted from one base station by changing the
`signal transmission rate. More speci?cally speaking, it is
`possible to expand the coverage of a cell by decreasing the
`signal transmission rate. Such a system capable of changing
`the coverage of a cell is called as “a dynamic cell structure
`system” in the folloWing description.
`[0009] Exemplary prior art dynamic cell structure systems
`are described in “Studies of Zone Generation Algorithm in
`Adaptive Variable Zone Structure System”, Institute of
`Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers,
`B-5-204, 1998 and described in “Studies of Adaptive Vari
`able Zone Structure System Implemented With a Directional
`Antenna in a Base Station”, Communications Society Con
`ference, B-5-81, 1998. In the case of these exemplary prior
`art techniques, it is accomplished to lessen the load on a base
`station due to disparity of the number of mobile stations to
`be linked With the base station and decrease the distance
`betWeen adjacent Zones utiliZing the same frequency by
`making use of an adaptive array antenna and adaptively
`modifying the pro?le of the Zone in accordance With the
`distribution of mobile stations.
`[0010] Furthermore, another exemplary prior art dynamic
`cell structure system is described in “Area Con?guration
`Method in Multi-Rate Compatible High Speed Wireless
`LAN”, Communications Society Conference, B-5-89, 1999.
`The coverage of a cell is changed by modifying the Zone
`pro?le in the case of the exemplary prior art technique as
`described above by making use of an adaptive array antenna.
`Contrary to this, in accordance With the above described
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1053
`Page 16


`US 2001/0021182 A1
`Sep. 13, 2001
`B-5-89 reference, the coverage of a cell is changed by
`varying the transmission rate of the beacon signal.
`[0011] The system becomes more ?exible as the variable
`range of the coverage of a cell is increased in the dynamic
`cell structure system. For this reason, it is a technical issue
`hoW to expand the variable range of the coverage of a cell.
`[0012] Furthermore, it is inevitable that the interference
`With an adjacent cell is increased While the coverage of a cell
`is expanded. In other Words, the expansion of the coverage
`is closely related to the arrangement of cells in the cellular
`system. From this fact, there is a problem as to hoW to
`arrange cells in the dynamic Zone structure.
`[0013] Also, the utiliZation of the frequency resources has
`to be improved in a Wireless communication system. Par
`ticularly, in the case of the Wireless communication system
`in the next generations Where the occupied signal bandWidth
`per channel is designed to be broad, the frequency resources
`as available are limited so that an appropriate system design
`is required to accomplish highly utiliZation of the frequency
`[0014] The intelligent antenna (smart antenna) is a Wire
`less communication system improving the utiliZation of
`channels. The intelligent antenna technology has been
`explained, for example, in “Intelligent Antenna Technol
`ogy”, Communications Society Conference Vol.1, TB-S-l,
`1999. The exemplary prior art dynamic cell structure sys
`tems as described in “Studies of Zone Generation Algorithm
`in Adaptive Variable Zone Structure System” and “Studies
`of Adaptive Variable Zone Structure System Implemented
`With a Directional Antenna in a Base station” are also
`examples of application of the intelligent antenna.
`[0015] The exemplary prior art as described in “Unnec
`essary Waves Suppression Characteristics for Multi Carrier
`CMA Adaptive Array” is an example of application of the
`intelligent antenna to the OFDM system. In this example,
`the respective signals as received through a plurality of
`antenna elements are appropriately Weighted and then syn
`thesiZed by means of a synthesiZer. The signals as synthe
`siZed are converted into the signals in the frequency domain
`by means of FFT. The Weight factor is determined on the
`basis of CMA (Constant Modules Algorithm) in order to
`make equal all the amplitudes of the respective sub-carriers.
`In the case Where the reception electric poWer of the target
`Waves is sufficiently large, the control scheme on the basis
`of CMA is considered to be effective.
`[0016] The reception electric ?eld strength as required is
`depending on the signal transmission rate in the case of the
`multi-rate supporting system. For this reason, it is important
`hoW to effectively control the Weight factors given to an
`adaptive array antenna in such an environment Where dif
`ferent coverages are given to users.
`[0017] Also, in the case of such a system in Which the
`communication range is expanded by the antenna gain as
`obtained by directing the beam from an adaptive array
`antenna to the target mobile station, it is impossible to
`continue communication unless the antenna is directed to the
`mobile station. In other Words, While communication can be
`continued Without controlling the direction of the antenna in
`the case Where the mobile station is located Within the
`service area, it is impossible to establish communication
`With a mobile station located outside of the service area
`unless the antenna is directed to the mobile station by beam
`control. The antenna is controlled in order to appropriately
`direct the beam on the basis of the information obtained
`from the received signals. Accordingly, it is impossible to
`obtain information necessary for taking appropriate control
`of the antenna in order to direct a beam to the mobile station
`that is located in a remote position Where a communication
`link can be established only by securing a necessary antenna
`gain through the adaptive array antenna directed to that
`mobile station.
`[0018] In this manner, the next generations of the Wireless
`communication system are expected to support high speed
`signal transmission rates in the order of several Mbps to
`several tens of Mbps With a Wider bandWidth exclusively
`occupied by each channel. Because of this, it becomes
`indispensable to improve the utiliZation of the frequency
`resources as compared With conventional systems. Further
`more, because of the limitation on the frequency resources
`as available, the technical object resides in the arrangement
`of the frequency resources and the arrangement of the
`respective cells in the cellular system.
`[0019] Furthermore, the system becomes more ?exible as
`the variable range of the coverage of a cell is increased in the
`dynamic cell structure system. For this reason, it is a
`technical issue to expand the variable range of the coverage
`of a cell. Furthermore, it is inevitable that the interference
`With an adjacent cell is increased While the coverage of a cell
`is expanded. Namely, it shall not be the case that the
`interference With an adjacent cell is increased While the
`coverage of a cell is expanded. From this fact, it is a
`technical issue hoW to arrange cells in the dynamic Zone
`[0020] Also, it is important hoW to effectively control the
`Weight factors given to an adaptive array antenna in Which
`the utiliZation of the frequency resources is improved by
`making use of the adaptive array antenna. Furthermore, it is
`impossible to obtain information necessary for taking appro
`priate control of the antenna in order to direct a beam to the
`mobile station that is located in a remote position Where a
`communication link can be established only by securing a
`necessary antenna gain through the adaptive array antenna
`directed to that mobile station. In consequence, it is an
`important technical problem hoW to determine the initial
`position of a remote mobile station (the initial position
`[0021] The present invention has been made in order to
`solve the shortcomings as described heretofore. It is an
`object of the present invention to provide a transmitter
`apparatus, a receiver apparatus and a base station imple
`mented With the transmitter and receiver apparatuses in
`Which it is possible to expand the variable range of the
`coverage of a cell in the dynamic cell structure system.
`[0022] It is another object of the present invention to
`provide a transmitter apparatus, a receiver apparatus and a
`base station implemented With the transmitter and receiver
`apparatuses in Which the interference betWeen adjacent cells
`is effectively prevented even in the cell arrangement Where
`the frequency resources as available are limited.
`[0023] It is further object of the present invention to
`provide a transmitter apparatus, a receiver apparatus and a
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1053
`Page 17


`US 2001/0021182 A1
`Sep. 13, 2001
`base station implemented With the transmitter and receiver
`apparatuses in Which it is possible to obtain information
`necessary for taking appropriate control of the antenna in
`order to direct a beam to the mobile station that is located in
`a remote position Where a communication link can be
`established only by securing a necessary antenna gain
`through the adaptive array antenna directed to that mobile
`[0024] In brief, the above and other objects and advan
`tages of the present invention are provided by a neW and
`improved transmitter apparatus making use of an orthogonal
`frequency division multiplexing modulation and a spectrum
`spreading modulation in combination comprising: an
`orthogonal frequency division multiplexing circuit Which
`selectively modulates information signals to be transmitted
`by orthogonal frequency division multiplexing; a spectrum
`spreading circuit Which selectively performs a spectrum
`spreading modulation of said information signals to be
`transmitted; and a transmission signal processing circuit
`Which transfers said information signals Which have been
`modulated by either said orthogonal frequency division
`multiplexing modulation or said spectrum spreading modu
`lation to a receiver apparatus as a transmission signal,
`Wherein, When said receiver apparatus and said transmitter
`apparatus are located so close to each other that the received
`signal level of said receiver apparatus is suf?cient to main
`tain the communication betWeen said receiver apparatus and
`said transmitter apparatus With signals Which are modulated
`on the basis of said orthogonal frequency division multi
`plexing modulation but not modulated on the basis of said
`spectrum spreading modulation, said orthogonal frequency
`division multiplexing circuit performs the modulation of
`said information signals to be transmitted While said spec
`trum spreading circuit does not perform said spectrum
`spreading modulation of said information signals to be
`transmitted, and Wherein, When said receiver apparatus and
`said transmitter apparatus are located so remote from each
`other that the received signal level of said receiver apparatus
`is not sufficient to maintain the communication betWeen said
`receiver apparatus and said transmitter apparatus With sig
`nals Which are modulated on the basis of said orthogonal
`frequency division multiplexing modulation but not modu
`lated on the basis of said spectrum spreading modulation,
`said orthogonal frequency division multiplexing circuit does
`not perform said orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
`modulation of said information signals to be transmitted
`While said spectrum spreading circuit performs said spec
`trum spreading modulation of said information signals to be
`[0025] In a preferred embodiment, further improvement
`resides in that said orthogonal frequency division multiplex
`ing circuit is provided With a serial-to-parallel converter
`Which converts said information signals to be transmitted
`from a serial data sequence to a parallel data sequence, a
`modulator Which serves to map said parallel data as con
`verted by said serial-to-parallel converter onto symbols in
`the frequency domain, an inverse fast Fourier transform unit
`Which performs the inverse fast Fourier transformation of
`said information signals as mapped and a parallel-to-serial
`converter Which converts the output data sequence of the
`IFFT unit 16 from a parallel data sequence to a serial data
`[0026] In a preferred embodiment, further improvement
`resides in that said spectrum spreading circuit is provided
`With a spectrum spreading pattern generation circuit Which
`generates a plurality of spectrum spreading patterns for use
`in said spectrum spreading modulation.
`[0027] In a preferred embodiment, further improvement
`resides in that said transmission signal processing circuit is
`provided With an adaptive array antenna and Wherein, When
`said receiver apparatus and said transmitter apparatus are
`located so remote from each other that the received signal
`level of said receiver apparatus is not sufficient to maintain
`the communication betWeen said receiver apparatus and said
`transmitter apparatus With signals Which are modulated on
`the basis of said orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
`modulation but not modulated on the basis of said spectrum
`spreading modulation, the direction of said receiver appa
`ratus relative to said transmitter apparatus is detected by
`making use of a transmission signal Which is modulated by
`said spectrum spreading modulation, folloWed by directing
`a beam of the adaptive array antenna to said mobile station
`to increase the received signal level of said receiver appa
`ratus and make it possible to perform the communication
`betWeen said receiver apparatus and said transmitter appa
`ratus by orthogonal frequency division multiplexing.
`[0028] In accordance With a further aspect of the present
`invention, the above and other objects and advantages of the
`present invention are provided by a neW and improved
`transmitter apparatus making use of orthogonal frequency
`division multiplexing modulations and a spectrum spreading
`modulation in combination comprising: an orthogonal fre
`quency division multiplexing circuit Which performs a ?rst
`orthogonal frequency division multiplexing modulation of
`information signals to be transmitted; a spectrum spreading
`circuit Which selectively performs a spectrum spreading
`modulation of the output of said orthogonal frequency
`division multiplexing circuit; and a transmission signal
`processing circuit Which transfers the output of said spec
`trum spreading circuit to a receiver apparatus as a transmis
`sion signal, Wherein, When said receiver apparatus and said
`transmitter apparatus are located so close to each other that
`the received signal level of said receiver apparatus is suf?
`cient to maintain the communication betWeen said receiver
`apparatus and said transmitter apparatus With signals Which
`are modulated by said ?rst orthogonal frequency division
`multiplexing modulation but not modulated on the basis of
`said spectrum spreading modulation, said orthogonal fre
`quency division multiplexing circuit performs said ?rst
`orthogonal frequency division multiplexing modulation
`While said spectrum spreading circuit does not perform said
`spectrum spreading modulation of the output of said
`orthogonal frequency division multiplexing circuit, and
`Wherein, When said receiver apparatus and said transmitter
`apparatus are located so remote from each other that the
`received signal level of said receiver apparatus is not suf
`?cient to maintain the communication betWeen said receiver
`apparatus and said transmitter apparatus With signals Which
`are modulated by said ?rst orthogonal frequency division
`multiplexing modulation but not modulated on the basis of
`said spectrum spreading modulation, said orthogonal fre
`quency division multiplexing circuit performs a second
`orthogonal frequency division multiplexing modulation hav
`ing a bandWidth Which is narroWer than that of said ?rst
`orthogonal frequency division multiplexing modulation
`While said spectrum spreading circuit performs said spec
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1053
`Page 18


`US 2001/0021182 A1
`Sep. 13, 2001
`trum spreading modulation of the output of said orthogonal
`frequency division multiplexing circuit.
`[0029] In a preferred embodiment, further improvement
`resides in that said orthogonal frequency division multiplex
`ing circuit serves to perform a phase shift keying modulation
`of said information signals.
`[0030] In accordance With a further aspect of the present
`invention, the above and other objects and advantages of the
`present invention are provided by a neW and improved
`transmitter apparatus making use of orthogonal frequency
`division multiplexing modulations and a spectrum spreading
`modulation in combination comprising: a mapping circuit
`Which serves to map information signals to be transmitted
`onto symbols in the frequency domain suitable for a ?rst
`orthogonal frequency division multiplexing modulation; a
`spectrum spreading circuit Which selectively performs a
`spectrum spreading modulation of the output of said map
`ping circuit; an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
`circuit Which performs said ?rst orthogonal frequency divi
`sion multiplexing modulation of the output signal of said
`spectrum spreading circuit; and a transmission signal pro
`cessing circuit Which transfers the output of said orthogonal
`frequency division multiplexing circuit to a receiver appa
`ratus as a transmission signal, Wherein, When said receiver
`apparatus and said transmitter apparatus are located so close
`to each other that the received signal level of said receiver
`apparatus is suf?cient to maintain the communication
`betWeen said receiver apparatus and said transmitter appa
`ratus With signals Which are modulated by said ?rst orthogo
`nal frequency division multiplexing modulation but not
`modulated on the basis of said spectrum spreading modu
`lation, said orthogonal frequency division multiplexing cir
`cuit performs said ?rst orthogonal frequency division mul
`tiplexing modulation While said spectrum spreading circuit
`does not perform said spectrum spreading modulation of the
`output of said mapping circuit, and Wherein, When said
`receiver apparatus and said transmitter apparatus are located
`so remote from each other that the received signal level of
`said receiver apparatus

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