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`encaenia o encumber
`en-cae.nla \efl-'Sé-nya\ n pl but sing 0r
`pl in constr, often cap [NL. fr. L.
`ggilgation festival. fr. Gk enkainia, fr. en + kainos new -—- more at
`NT] (169.1) ' .3“ annual university ceremony (as at Oxford) of
`grgemoration With recnal of poems and essays and conferring of de-
`enicage “ll-'15)}. en-\ vi (1592) : CAGE 1
`en'camp \in-'kamp. en-\ vi 1563 : t
`: to place or establish in a cémp )
`0 set up or occupy a camp
`eg-camp-ment \_-mant\ n (1598)
`1 a : the place where a group (as a
`Ody 0f troOps) is encamped b : the individuals that make up an en-
`campment 2 : the act of encamping : the state of being cncamped
`epocap-su-late \in—‘kap-se—Jat, en—\ vb -lat-ed: -lat-ing v! (1872)
`.21? enclose in or as if in a capsule (a pilot encapsulated in the cockpit)
`. EPITOMIZE. SUMMARIZE <~ an era in an aphorism) ~ vi : to be-
`come encapsulated - enicap-su-la-tion \~.kap—se-'l§-shan\ n
`encapsulated ad] (1894)
`1 : surrounded by a gelatinous or membra—
`nous envelope <~ water bacteria) 2 : CONDENSED
`en-cap-sule \in-‘kap-sal. -(.)st'il. en-\ vt -suled: -sul-ing (1877) : EN-
`~ vt
`en-case \In-‘kas. en-\ vi (1633) : to enclose in or as if in a case
`en-case-ment \In-‘ka-smant. en-\ n (1741) : the act or process of encas-
`ing : the state of being encased; also : CASE. COVERING
`enocash \in—‘kash, en-l vt (1861) Brit : CASH ~— en»cash-able \-'ka-
`She-b9“ 09'], chiefly Brit — en-cash-ment \—mant\ n, chiefly Brit
`en-cauS-tlc \in-‘ko;s_tik\ n [encaustia adj.. fr. L encausticus, fr. Gk en—
`katastzkos, fr. enkaiem to burn in, fr. en- + kaiein to burn] (1601) i a
`paint made from pigment mixed with melted beeswax and resin and af-
`ter application fixed by heat; also : the method involving the use of en—
`caustic or a work produced by this method —— encaustic adj
`wince n sufl‘rx (ME, fr. AF. fr. L ~enzia, fr. ~ent—, —ens. prp. ending + -ia
`1 : action or process (emergence) : instance of an action or pro-
`1 “355 (reference) 2 : quality or state (despondence)
`ep-ceinte )a“(n)-'sant\ adj [F, perh. fr. VL *incenta, alter. of L incient-,
`increns being vath young, modif. of Gk enkyas pregnant. fr. 271- + kyei‘n
`2 to be pregnant — more at CYME] (1602) : PREGNANT 4
`encemte n IE, fr. QF, enclosing wall. fr. enceindre to surround. fr. L
`Incmgere, fr. .m- :1- cmgere to gird -- more at CINCFURE] (ca. 1708) : a
`c ose
`liliie (at fortification enclosing a castle or town; also : the area so en-
`encephal- or encephalo- combform [F encéphal—, fr. Gk enkephal-. fr.
`enkepitqlos, fr. en— + kephalé head —— more at CEPHALIC] : brain (en—
`cephalitis) (encephalomyocarditis)
`en-ceph-a-lI-tIS \'li-tos\ n. pl -li1-i»des \—'li-te—.déz\ (1843) : in-
`flarnmationpf the brain —— en-ceph-a-lit-ic \—'li—tik\ adj
`en-cephfaolido-gen-ic \—to-'je-nik\ ad; (1923) : tending to cause en-
`cephalitis an ~ virus) —- en-ceph-a-li-to-gen \-'li-te—jan, -.jen\ n
`en-ceph-a. o-gram \in-‘se—fo—lo-.gram\ n (1928) : an X-ray picture of
`the brain made by encephalography
`en-ceph-a-Io-graph \-igraf\ n (1928)
`en-ceph-a-log-ra-phy \'la-gre-fé\ n (1922) : radiography of
`the) brain after the cerebrospinal fluid has been replaced by a gas (as
`en-eephm-lmmyseli-tis \i'é-.mi—a-'li-tas\ n, pl -EIit-i-des \-o-
`'1i-ta-.déz\ [NL] (1908) : concurrent inflammation of the brain and spi-
`nal cord; spec-if : EQUINE ENCEPHALITIS
`en-ceph~a-lo-myo-car-di-tis \-.mi-a-kar-'di-tes\ 11 [NL] (1947) : an
`acute febrile disease esp. of swine and some nonhuman primates
`caused by a picornavirus (species Encephalomyocarditis virus of the ge—
`nus Cardr‘ovims) and marked by degeneration and inflammation of
`skeletal and cardiac muscle and lesions of the central nervous system
`en~ceph-a-lon \in-‘se—fe-Jan. -19n\ n, pl -la \-19\ [NL, fr. Gk enkepha—
`103] (1741) : the vertebrate brain
`en-ceph-a-lop-a-thy \in—.se-fe-'1a-pc-thé\ n, pl -1hies (1866) : a disease
`of the brain; esp : one involving alterations of brain structure —— en-
`ceph-a-lo-path-ic \-le-'pa-thik\ adj
`en-chain \in—‘chan\ vt [ME encheynen, fr. AF enchaener, fr. en- 4-
`chaene chain] (14c) : to bind or hold with or as if with chains — en-
`chain-ment \-mont\ n
`en-chanl \in-‘chant, en-\ vt [ME, fr. AF enchanter, fr. L incantare, fr.
`in— + cantare to sing — more at CHANT] (14c)
`1 : to influence by or as
`if by charms and incantation : BEWITCH 2 : to attract and move deep-
`ly : rouse to ecstatic admiration (the scene ~ed her to the point of
`tears —Elinor Wylie)
`syn see ATTRACT
`en-chant-er 71 (13c) : one that enchants; esp : SORCERER
`elnccldiant-ing adj (1593) : CHARMING (an ~ smile) — en-chant-ing-
`y a v
`en-chant-ment \in-‘chant—mant, en-\ in (13c)
`1 a : the act or art of en—
`chanting b : the quality or state of being enchanted 2 : something
`that enchants (the ~s of sailing)
`1 : a Woman who practices
`en-chanbress \in-‘chamtres. en-\ 11 (14c)
`magic : SORCERESS 2 : a fascinating or beautiful woman
`en-chase \in—‘chas\ vt [ME to emboss, fr. AF enchaser to set (gems), fr,
`en- + case, chase case, box, shrine, fr. L capsa case — more at CASE]
`1 : ORNAMENT: as a : to cut or carve in relief b : INLAY 2
`: SET (~ a gem)
`en-chi-la-da \.en—cho-'la-do\ n [AmerSp. fr. fem. of enchilada, pp_ of
`enchilar to season with chili. fr. Sp en- ‘en- + Chile chili] (1887)
`1 - a
`usu. corn tortilla rolled around a savory mixture, covered with chili
`sauce, and usu. baked 2 : SCI-IMEAR, BALL or WAX (the whole ~)
`en-chi-rid-i-On \—'ri-dé-on, «.ki-'\ n, pl -rid-ia \—dé-e\ [LL fr Gk
`enchez'n'dion, fr. en in + chez'r hand —— more at IN, CHIR-] (15c) {HAND-
`Boog, MANUAL bf
`—enc yma it com arm, p -enc yma a or -enc ymas
`[NL‘ fr.paren.
`chyma] : cellular tissue (collenchyma)
` \in—‘si-far, en-\ vt (1577) : to convert (a message) into ciphe
`— en-ci-pher-er \-far-or\ n -— ench-pheroment \-fer-m9nt\ n
`en-cir-cle \in-‘scr—kal, en-\ vt [ME enserclen] (15c)
`1 : to form a Circle
`around : SURROUND 2 : to pass completely around —— en-cirucle-
`mam \"'-13Iit\"
`di [F ‘
`or a
`en clair \a k1er\ a
`, in c ear (ca. 1897) . in plain language
`(a message sent en clair)
`en-clasp \ianlasp, en-\ vt (1584) : to seize and hold : EMBRACE
`'en- klav, 'an—.klav\ n_[F, fr, ME, fr. enc
`eGLcL?:§a\arelto lockup. fr. L 1n- + claws Key “131%,: t
`(1868) : a distinct territorial, cultural, or social unit e
`e at C
`as if within foreign territory (eth’llc ~s)
`en-clit«lc \en.Ikli-tik\ {1 [LL enclittcus, fr_ Gk enklitikas
`to lean on. fr. en~ + ldmezn to lean _ more at LEAN] (ca 1 e’lkline
`that is associated With a preceding word __ enclitic adj 663) . Wm
`en-close \in-‘kloz. en-\ also In-close \1n-\vt 1MB, prob
`AF, pp. of enclare to enclose, fr_ VL *i'lClaud' fr‘
`1 a (1): to close heir?" alter
`(2) I to fence 0ft: (common land) ' SURRQof L
`b ' to hold in : CONFINE 2 ; to lnClude alo Wilfrindmdll.
`’11 a arcel or envelope (a check is enclosed her
`sum ,
`eflfgllo-sgre \in-‘kIO‘Zh?‘" 9““ also In-clo-sure nut-33138
`act or action of enclosmg . the quality or state of bein 5°)
`1 .
`: something that encloses 3 . something enclosed (a legtégclos‘iatn;
`with by
`ezsgode \in-‘kéd, en-\ vt (ca. 1919)
`1 a : to come” (as a
`f communicat'
`formation) from on? system 0
`Ion mt" a
`y 0 '
`convefl (a messagelnito1 code Jb btoqciinvey symbolic1;,.li(1),t,h§'trfI “tailin-
`ity offpoetryeaocrgdlgionOEY — .
`- ”’9 2 = to specify the: Cam:
`or ,— ’
`' —
`gen I
`\en"k°'inefl'a1§i $155999)"
`[Gk err/c6
`in to raise. _ r. en ~ mipn
`: one th
`p_ me \.I 0-me-'as-tik\adj
`GIST —- en»c0umI-a§
`prams :31.
`en-co-mi-um \eano—me-am\ mp1 -mI-ums also ~mia \
`Gk enkémion, fr. en in +.komos revel, celebration] (1567) . g]
`warmly enthusiastic praise; also : an expresswn of this
`0‘" “g and
`fomaj expression of praise. ENCpMIUM implies enthusi mean a
`warmth in praising a person. or a thing (received encamiumgasm and
`erary critics). EULOGY applies to a prepared speech or wfitifromllt.
`ling the virtues and serwces of a person (delivered the among exmi.
`funeral service). PANEGYRlC suggests an elaborate often may at the
`plinient (her lyrical memmr was a painegyrzc to her mentor) TIC com.
`implies deeply felt praise conveyed either through Words or £11me
`significant act (the concert was a muSical ("blue to the early 3' Ough a
`tars), CITATION applies to the formal praise of a person offered‘l‘as.
`military dispatch or in awarding an honorary degree (earned a in a
`tion for braveI‘Y)-
`en-com-pass \in-‘kem-pes. en- also -'1<am—\ v1 [ME] (14c)
`i a .
`form a circle about : ENCLOSE b obs : to go completely around .210
`: ENVELOP b : INCLUDE, COMPREHEND {a plan that ~es a numb:
`aims) 3 : BRING ABOUT, ACCOMPLISH <~ a task) _ en-com-parsgf
`men! \-pe-smant\ n
`en-core\'in—.k61‘\ n [F, still, again] (1712)
`1 : a demand for repetitio
`or reappearance made by an audience 2 a : a reappearance or add:
`tional performance demanded by an audience b : a second achievg
`ment esp. that surpasses the first —— encore vb
`1ewcoun-ter \in—‘kaun-tor. en-\ vb en-coun-tered; En-coun-ler-ing
`\-'kat'in-t(e-)rin\ [ME encountren, fr. AF encuntrer, fr. ML incommre
`fr. LL incontra toward, fr. L in- + contra against — more at COUNI‘ERj
`v1 (14c)
`1 a : to meet as an adversary or enemy b : to engage in con-
`flict with 2 : to come upon face-tojface 3 g to come upon or experi-
`2 once esp. unexpectedly <~ difficulties) ~ VI : to meet esp. by chance
`encounter it (Me)
`1 : a meeting between hostile factions or persons
`: a sudden often violent clash (an ~ between the police and demon~
`strators) 2 _a : a chance meeting (an accidental ~) b : a particular
`kind of meeting or experience with another person (a romantic ~) 3
`: a comiiitg> into the vicinity of a celestial body (the Martian ~ of a
`encounter group n (1967) : a usu. unstructured group that seeks to
`develop the capacity of the individual to express feelings and to form
`emotional ties_by unrestrained confrontation of individuals
`en-cour-age \1n-'kor—Ij, —'ke—rij, en-\ vi -a ed; -ag-ing [ME 87190743?”
`fr. AF encorqgcr, fr. en- + curage courage (150)
`1 a : to 11151”.re With
`courage, Spmt. or hope : HEARTEN (she was encouraged to continue by
`her early Success) b : to attempt to persuade : URGE (they WW"
`ageihhlm t0 go back to school)
`2 .: to spur on : STIMULAT'E (W523:
`(ea er ~s plant growth) 3 : to give help or patronage to . FO-ern
`government grants deSigned to ~ conservation) "" en-couf'? With
`“oufage 0? Strength of purpose. ENCOURAGE Suggests the rantgem
`ggc S confidence esp. by an external agency (the teachera53%;“all:
`imwlcilege' thrilstudents to greater efforts). INSPIIUT, some“;hing (pm.
`“Spin: 1,“?! idlng life, energy, courage, or Vigor into 5,0111%“? lifting of
`dis imp? 3
`the people to reSISt).
`'HEABTEN implies image or zeal
`(a 1})10
`c_ 21655 01‘ despondency by an InquIOH of fresh CON implies the
`patient heqrtened by good news). EMBOLDIiuctzmCg (em-
`b01:113:21 gofiage suffICient to overcome timidity 0‘ gfficuitdimb)
`en-couna ey er first success, she tried an even more 1:
`: the stateg {Elem \-IJ-mant, -ni-\ n (1549) ' 1 : the ac Omages
`en-cour-a (fin 8mg encouraged -2 : something that encgr promise <~
`news _ anal-rs rm?“ “90 0-593) = W W
`en-cnm-son \in-‘krirgi-izggi ¥t\(—115[J9_%‘3\-‘1dvmake or dye crimson
`en-croach \ian - h
`' 0
`size, ff- Alfie
`rOC , en \ v1 [ME encrachen to 36 l S
`1 ,to 9
`Cher. fr. en- + croc crock h
`ET] (15
`e ook —- more at CROCH ‘
`- his 0
`er by gradual steps or by stealth into the 1105565510“?83:grafiégl
`other 2 - to adVanc
`6 beyond the usual or proper 11ml
`"(mg sea)
`syn see TRESPASS — en-croach-er n - en- mac
`e}; kmch‘mQHfl n
`cmilgitrfiéfi’ 328$: \irtiJkrcst, in-\ vb [prob fr.
`2 0 C
`r a
`Crust ~ vz : to form a crust over, line, or ove
`encrustation var of INCRUSTATION
`' Vt
`en-crvm \in-‘kript en\
`desire .2 =
`r'a‘t'on \m-ukal-che-'ra~shcn, (.)en—\ n (1948) : t
`Which an individual lea
`t of a Culture 2n Vb
`new vim maintenanceeel-cw tie-n
`{ME en' 9' \m-'kem-bcr\ vt -cum-bered; -Cum‘b
`‘ ;
`aiming"! ff- AF encumbrer fr en- + MF comb' luggage
`' WEIGH DOWN. BURDEN (iourists ~€d by heavy
`. +


`ed· pac·lng vi {1513) 1 a : to waJk with
`' ~pace vbe~~~ead' b : to move al~ng : PROCEED 2 : to g~ ati~ ~a"c': ~
`111el!Su~ of a horse ,_ vt 1 a . to measure by pacing -
`used {J'<Paced off a 10-yard penalty) b : to cover at a walk (' us~~
`with g.mpacing the Ooor) 2 : to cover (a course) by pacing_ u~e~u f
`1 °
`1ieat t 3 a . to set or regulate the pace of (taught them how ·
`a h~rse Jos fo~ ... impact -Richard Goldstein); also : to estabJ'o h~
`their :~te or steady pace f~r (oneself). b (1) : to go before: PRE~~o:
`rrio~c 0 set an exaJ?.lple f~r. LE~D c . to keep pace with
`(2). \•pa-(,)se; 1pa-(,)cha
` -(,)ka\~rep (L, abl. of pac-, pax oeace, pcr-
`3pa:~ n _more at PACT (1863) • contrary to the opinion of_ u
`rn1sJ1~ an expressioi:t of d~ference to someone's contrary opinion· u:u.
`~e <easiness is a VJrtue m grammar, ,...,_, old-fashioned gramm.;_ri~~~
`ital· iliP Howard)
`-Pll car n (1965) : an automobile t~~t Jea~s the field of competitors
`pace h a pace lap but does not part1c1pate m the race
`wrol~P n (1911) : a lap of an auto racecourse by the entire field of
`pace petitors befort: the start of a race to allow the engines to warm u
`cornto permit a flymg start
`ande.mak·er \'pas-,mii·k;)r\ n (1884) 1 a : one that sets the pace for
`ps~ther b : one that takes th«? lead or sets an example 2 a : a group
`8'( cells or a bo~y p~rt (as the s1!lus n~~e of the heart) that serves to es(cid:173)
`o b!"sh and maintain _a rhythmic activity b : an electrical device for
`ta. 'utating or steadying the heartbeat or reestablishing the rhythm of
`stun rrested heart - pace.mak·lng \-kil)\ n .
`a.i::~er \'pa-s;)r\ ~ ~ca. 1661) 1 : one that paces; specif: a horse whose
`pa dominant gait is the pace 2 : PACEMAKER
`/:Ce.set~ter \'pas-,se-t;;,r\ n (1895) : PACEMAKER 1 -
`• h" "\ CH' d" & U
`- -
`\·tilJ\ a4)
`tn 1
`rdu pac1S1, fr. pacis twenty-five]
`8.chi•SI \p;)· c e-ze n
`~JS67): an an?ient !>oard game played with dice and counters on a cru(cid:173)
`ciform board m which players attempt to be the first to reach the home
`• h .. ( )k "\
`pa·chU·CO \p~ c u- 1 .o n, P
`-cos AmerSpJ (1943) : a young
`Mexican-Amencan ~avmg a t~te for flashy clothes and a special jar(cid:173)
`gon and usu. belonging to a neighborhood gang
`pachY·derm \'pa-ki-,d;;,nn\ n CF pachydenne, fr. Gk pachydermos
`thick-skinned, fr. pachys thick + derma skin; akin to Skt bahu dense
`much - more at DERM-] (1838)": any of various nonruminant mam:
`mals (as an elephant, a rhinoceros, or a hippopotamus) of a former
`group (Pachydermata) that have hooves or nails resembling hooves and
`usu. thick skin; esp : ELEPHANT
`pachY· \,pa-ki-'d;)r-m~H~s\ adj [ultim. fr. Gk pachys +
`dermal-, derma skm] (1823) 1 : of or relating to the pachyderms 2 a
`ach•Y•SSn·dra \,pa-ki-'san-dr;)\ n [NL, irreg. fr. Gk pachys + NL
`•0ndrus -androus] (1813) : any of a genus (Pachysandra) of perennial
`evergreen plants of the box family often used as a grnund cover
`pachy•tene \'pa-ki-,ten\ n [ISV pachy- (fr. Gk pachys) + -teneJ (1912)
`: the stage of meiotic prophase that imm ediately follows the zygotene
`and that is characterized by paired chromo~omes thickened and visibly
`divided into chromatids and by the occurrence of crossing-over -
`pachytene adj
`pa·Clf•iC \pa-'si-fik\ adj [ME pacifique, fr. L pacijicus, fr. pac-, paJC
`peace+ -i- + -ficus -fie - more at PACT] (ca. 1548) 1 a : tending to
`lessen conflict: CONCILIATORY b : rejecting the use of force as an in(cid:173)
`strument of policy 2 a : having a soothing appearance or effect {mild
`,..,, breezes) b : mild of temper : PEACEABLE 3 cap : of, relating to,
`bordering on, or situated near the Pacific Ocean - pa 0 cif·i·cal·IY \-fi(cid:173)
`k(a-)le\ adv
`pac•i-fi•Ca•tion \1pa-s~-fa-'ka-sh;m \ n (l 5c) 1 a : the act or prncess of
`pacifying : the state of being pacified b : the act of forcibly suppress(cid:173)
`ing or eliminating a population considered to be hostile 2 : a treaty of
`PS•Clf·i·Ca•tor \p;)-1Si-fa-,ka-t~r\ n (1539) : PACIFIER I
`pa.clf·i·cism \pa-'si-fa-,si·Z;)ffi\ n (1910) : PACIFISM -
`\·sist\ n
`Pacific salmon n (1888) : any of several anadromo1;1s. sa.lmoni~ fishes
`(genus Oncorhynchus) chiefly of the northern Pac1f1c mcludmg the
`coho, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon, and pink salm(cid:173)
`Pacific time \p~-'si-fik-\ n [Pacific Oce_an) (1883) : th~. time of the
`eighth time zone west of Greenwich that mcludes the Pacific coastal re-
`gion of the U.S. -
`see TIME ZONE illustration
`Pacific yew n (ca. 1890) : a small or medium slow-growing irregularly
`branched yew (Taxus brevifolia) of the Pacific c;oast of the U.S. an~
`Canada that yields a fine-grained hardwood and 1s the source of pach(cid:173)
`PSC·i·fl·er \'pa·S;)·,fi(-a)r\ n (1533) 1. : one that pacifies 2 : a usu.
`nipple-shaped device for babies to suck or bite on
`Pac 0 i 0flsm \'pa-s;)·,fi·z;)m\ n [F pacifisme, fr. pacifique pacific] (1902)
`1 : opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes; specif
`: refusal to bear arms on moral or religious grounds 2 : an attitude or
`pac·i·fist \-fist\ n
`policy of nonresistance -
`PSC·l·flst \'pa-sa-fist\ or pac·i-fiS•tiC \,pa-sa-'fis-tik\ adj (1908) 1 : of,
`relating to, or characteristic of pacifism or pacifists 2 : strongly and
`actively opposed to conflict and esp. war -
`pac·i-fis·ti•CaMy \,pa-sa-
`'fis-ti-k(a-)le\ adv
`Pac.i-fy \'pa-s~·,fi\ vt -tied; -fv·lng [ME paci./ien, fr. AF pacifier, fr. L
`Pacificare, fr. pac-, pax peace] (15c) 1 a : to allay the anger or agita(cid:173)
`tion of : SOOTHE <-- a crying child) b : APPEASE, PROPITIATE 2 a
`: to restore to a tranquil state : SETTLE <made an attempt to ,..._. the
`commotion) b : to reduce to a submissive state : SUBDUE {forces
`moved in to ,._, the country) - pac·l·fi·able \,pa-s;)·'fi-;)-b;>J\ adj
`mean t~ ease tht; anger or ~1sturbance of. PACIFY suggests a soothing
`~r ~almmg (pacified by a smcere apology). APPEASE implies quieting
`tns1s~ent demands by making concessions (appease their territorial
`ambJtJ~ns). PLACATE suggests changing resentment or bitterness to
`:od~ll (a mo".e to PICfc_ate local opposition). MOLLIFY implies
`on~~hmg h)Jrt feeJmgs or nsmg anger (a speech that mollified the dem(cid:173)
`a su~:~?~~ · 1'.ROPmA1:E. irnpli~s averting anger or malevolence esp. of
`bemg (proptt1ated his parents by dressing up). CONCILIATE
`pace • packing
`< ra~l~e171ent Y persuas10n, concession, or set·
`suggests ending an est
`tling of differe
`Pa. I •1•
`nces conc1 latmg the belligerent nations).
`an~~i~n corpusc~e \p~•si-ne-;>n-~ .n CFiliPPo Pacini t1883 .Ital.
`oval ca 5J1 (ct. 18.60> .• a pressure-sensltlve mechanoreceptor that IS an
`e ermmatmg some sensory nerve fibers esp in the skin
`, P
`pa'i \ J'.'.ar n. often attrib CME. of W or o origin: akin ·to .MLG & MD
`pa pack 03c) 1 a : a bundle arranged for convenience in carrying
`f,i,.· ~p.t~~ ~dack1 b: a group or pile of related objects c (1): a num(cid:173)
`m 1v1 ua components packaged as a unit (a .-... of gum)
`• c
`fu O~TAINER (3) : a compact unitized assembly to perform a specific
`t nc 10d (~} : a stack of magnetic disks in a container for use as a
`s orage eVJce 2 a : the contents of a bundle b : a large amount or
`numtx:r : HEAP (a ,...,_, ?f lies) c : a full set of playing cards 3 a : an
`act or '.nstance of packmg b : a method of packing 4 a : a set of per(cid:173)
`s.~ms Wllh a common interest : CLIQUE b : an organized unit (as of
`Cub Scouts) 5 a (l): a group of domesticated animals trained to hunt
`or run together (2J : a group of often predatory animal of the same
`~md <a wolf.......,) (3): a large group of individuals massed together (as
`.b : WOLF PACK 6 : a concentrated or compacted mass (as
`m a race)
`of snow or ice) 7 : wet absorbent material for therapeutic application
`to the body 8 a : a cosmetic paste for the face b : an application or
`tre~tment ~foils or creams for conditioning the scalp and hafr 9 : ma-
`2 tenal used m packing
`pack vt {14c) 1 a : to make into a compact bundle b : to fill com(cid:173)
`pletely (fans .......,ed the stadium> c : to fill with packing (,..._,a joint in a
`pipe) d : to load with a pack (.......,a mule) e: to put in a protective
`?>ntainer (goods -ed for shipment) 2 a : to crowd together b : to
`increase the density of : COMPRESS 3 a : to cause or command to go
`without ceremony (,...,_,ed him off to school> b : to bring to an end
`: GrVE UP -
`used with up or in <might -.. up the assignment);
`esp. in the phrase pack it in 4 : to gather into tight formation : make a
`pack of (as hounds) 5 : to cover or surround with a pack 6 a : to
`transport on foot or on the back of an anfouJ <-- a canoe overland)
`b : to wear or carry as equipment <,.._,a gun) c : to be supplied or
`equipped with : POSSESS (a storm .......,;ng hurricane winds) d : to ~alee
`or be capable of making (an impact) {a book that --s a man-sized
`punch -C. J. Rolo) ,,...., vi 1 a : to go away without cere~tJOny : D~­
`used ~1th up or m
`PART (simply --ed up and left) b : QUIT. STOP -
`{why don"t you,-...., in, before you kill yourself -Millard Lampell) 2 a
`: to stow goods and equipment for transportation b : to be suitable
`for packfag (a knit dress ,......,swell) 3 a : to assemble in a group : CON(cid:173)
`GREGATE b: to crowd together 4: to become built up or compact(cid:173)
`ed in a layer or mass {the ore ,..._,ed into a stony mass) 5 a : to carry
`goods or equipment b : to travel with one's baggage (as by horse) -
`pack·abil·i·tY \ 1pa-ka-'bi-fa-te\ n - pack-able \'pa-k:rbal\ qc/J
`3 pack vt [obs. pack to make a secret agreement] (1587) 1 : to J.!1fluence
`the composition of so as to bring about a desired result <-a Jury) 2
`archaic : to arrange (the cards in a pack) so as to cheat
`4 pack adj [perh. fr. obs. pack to make a secret agreement] (1701) chiefly
`1 pack·age \ 1pa-kij\ n (1611) 1 archaic : the act or process of J?acking
`2 a : a small or moderate.-sized pack : PARCEL b : a commodity or a
`unit of a product uniformly wrapped or sealed c : a preassembled
`unit 3 : a covering wrapper or container 4 : something that suggests
`a package: as a : PACKAGE DEAL b : a radio or television series of(cid:173)
`fered for sale at a Jump sum c : contract benefits gained through c:ol(cid:173)
`lective bargaining d : a ready-made computer program or collectton
`of related software e : a travel arrangement contract that offers for a
`fixed price transportation, accommodations, and often sightseeing and
`f : a collection of related items; esp : one to be consid(cid:173)
`ered or acted on together (presented his tax ,._ to the nation)
`2 package vt pack 0 aged; pack-ag·ing (1921) 1 a : to make into a
`package; esp : to produce as an entertainment package b : to present
`(as a product) m such a way as to heighten its appeal to the public 2
`: to enclose in a package or covering - pack 0 ag 0 er n
`package deal n (ca. 1948) 1 : an offer or agreement invoJ"V;ng a num(cid:173)
`ber of related items or one making acceptance of one item dependent
`on the acceptance of another 2 : the items offered in a package deaJ
`package store n (ca. 1918) : a store that sells bottled or canned alco(cid:173)
`holic beverages for consumption off the premises
`pack animal n (1836): an animal used for carrying packs
`pack· board \'pak-,b6rd\ n (1939): a usu. canvas-covered light wood or
`metal frame with shoulder straps used for carrying goods and equip(cid:173)
`packed \'pakt\ adj (1777) 1 a : COMPRESSED<-- snow) b : that is
`crowded or stuffed -
`often used in combination (an action-packed
`story) 2 : filied to capacity {played to a ....._,house)
`pack·er \'pa-br\ n (l4c) 1 : one that packs: as a : one engaged in
`processing food (as meat) and distributing it to retailers b : an auto(cid:173)
`motive vehicle with a closed body and a compressing device (as for
`compacting rubbish) in the rear 2 : PORTER I 3 : one that conveys
`goods by means of a pack
`P8£'.k•et \'pa-k<Jt\ n [MEpekette, pakat. fr. AF pacquet, of Gmc origin;
`akm to MD pak pack] (15c) 1 a : a small bundle or parcel b : a small
`thin packa~e c Brit_ (1): PAY ENVELOPE
`d chiefly Brit: a considerable amount {that trip will cost a'"'"') 2 a: a
`number of letters dispatched at one time b : a small group, cluster, or
`mass 3 .: a passenger boat usu. can)'ing mail and cargo 4 Brit : a
`p~ck of cigare~tf'.S 5 : a short fixed-length section of data that is trans(cid:173)
`mitted as a umt m an electronic communications network
`pack·!'Jorse \'pak-,h6rs\ n (ca. 1500): a horse used as a pack animal
`pack ice n (1850) : sea ice formed into a mass by the crushing together
`of pans, floes, and brash
`Pat;:k·!ng \'J?a-kiQ\ n (l4c) 1 a_: the action or process of p·acking some(cid:173)
`thmg, also . a method of packmg b : the processing of food and esp
`meat for future sale 2 : material (as a covering or stuffing) used t~
`. .
`\o~ abut \~\ kitte~, F table \;;,r\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \a\ mop, mar
`\i\ hit \i\ ice \j\ · b
`\g\ go
`\au\ out \ch\ chin
`\e\ bet \e\ easy
`\JJ\ sing \6\ go \6\ Jaw \6i\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \ii\ loot \Ii\ f,Jo t
`\ls;, n, ce, te, Y\ see Guide to Pronunciat:n
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision, beige

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