WO 03/067497
`CA 02475319 2004-08-04
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`Page 201 of 394
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`WO 03/067497
`CA 02475319 2004-08-04
`41 I 42
`Figure 39: User interface for viewing discussions on a PalmOS-based mobile device
`Page 202 of 394


`WO 03/067497
`CA 02475319 2004-08-04
`42/ 42
`Figure 40: Case management master window view
`Page 203 of 394


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`Page 204 of 394


`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Application Number:
`Filing Date:
`Title of Invention:
`Hand held Electronic Device and Associated Method Providing Time Data in a
`Messaging Environment
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Gerhard D. Klassen
`Brett Joseph Slaney/Judith Martin
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Filed as Large Entity
`Utility under 35 USC 111 (a) Filing Fees
`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
`Basic Filing:
`Page 205 of 394


`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
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`Page 206 of 394


`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Application Number:
`International Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`Hand held Electronic Device and Associated Method Providing Time Data in a
`Messaging Environment
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Gerhard D. Klassen
`Customer Number:
`Brett Joseph Slaney/Judith Martin
`Filer Authorized By:
`Brett Joseph Slaney
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Receipt Date:
`Filing Date:
`Time Stamp:
`Application Type:
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`Page 208 of 394


`Application No. 13/615,419
`Appl. No.:
`KLASSEN, Gerhard D. et al.
`September 13, 2012
`Handheld Electronic Device and Associated Method Providing Time Data in a
`Messaging Environment
`Art Unit:
`LAI, Michael C.
`Docket No.:
`Mail Stop Amendment
`U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Sir:
`Pursuant to the duty to disclose under 37 CFR § 1.56, Applicant submits herewith a Form
`PTO/SB/08 listing references of which the Applicant is aware and which are brought to the attention
`of the Examiner. In accordance with 37 CFR §1.98(a)(2), a copy of each foreign patent document
`and non-patent reference document listed in the enclosed Form PTO/SB/08 is submitted herewith.
`Pursuant to 35 USC §120, this application relies on the earlier filing date(s) of the following
`prior application(s):
`Serial Number
`Filing Date
`May 19, 2011
`September 20, 2004
`The filing of this IDS shall not be construed as a representation that a search has been
`made, an admission that the information cited is, or is considered to be, material for patentability, or
`Page 209 of 394


`Application No. 13/615,419
`that no other material information exists. This filing shall not be construed as an admission against
`interest in any matter.
`This IDS is being submitted pursuant to 37 CFR 1.97(d).
`Applicant hereby certifies that each item of information contained in the present
`Information Disclosure Statement was cited in a communication from a foreign Patent Office
`in a counterpart foreign application not more than 3 months prior to the filing of the present
`Information Disclosure Statement.
`The fee amount prescribed under 37 CFR 1.17(p), pursuant to 37 CFR 1.97(d)(2), is to be
`paid by deposit account via EFS-Web. Should any additional fees be required the Office is
`authorized to charge Deposit Account No. 02-2553.
`A pplicant respectfully requests consideration of the items listed and requests the Examiner
`to return a copy of the attached Form PTO/SB/08 after being marked as being considered by the
`Respectfully submitted,
`U;:;......t_1e._J.. __ i /"""""J.__3;;;;,.__
`Date: _J....;,,,.
`199 Bay Street
`Suite 2800, Commerce Court West
`Toronto, Ontario, M5L 1A9
`Tel 416-863-2518
`Fax 41 6-863-2653
`(v') encl.
`Page 210 of 394


`Unlted States Patent aud Trademark OOlce
`P.O. Bo, 1450
`Ale.,andria, Virgjnia22313-1450
`www .uspto.g.ov
`Gerhard D. Klassen
`06/05/20 13
`7 590
`Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
`199 BAY STREET , SUIIB 4000
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`Notice of the Office communication was sent elecn·onically on above-indicated "Notification Date" to the
`following e-mail address(es):
`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Page 211 of 394


`Office Action Summary
`Application No.
`Art Unit
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address -(cid:173)
`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a). In no event, however, may a reply be timely filed
`after SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`If NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed, may reduce any
`earned patent term adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b).
`1 )IZI Responsive to communication(s) filed on 23 Mav 2013.
`2a)IZI This action is FINAL.
`2b)O This action is non-final.
`3)0 An election was made by the applicant in response to a restriction requirement set forth during the interview on
`__ ; the restriction requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`4)0 Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayle, 1935 G.D. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims
`5)1Zl Claim(s) 1-17is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s) __ is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`6)0 Claim(s) __ is/are allowed.
`7)1Zl Claim(s) 1-17is/are rejected.
`8)0 Claim(s) __ is/are objected to.
`9)0 Claim(s) __ are subject to restriction and/or election requirement.
`* If any claims have been determined allowable, you may be eligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution Highway
`program at a participating intellectual property office for the corresponding application. For more information, please see
`htto:/iwww.us_gto.aov/oatents/init events/gQh/index.[s_g or send an inquiry to PPHfeedback@us_gto.qov.
`Application Papers
`10)0 The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`11 )0 The drawing(s) filed on __ is/are: a)O accepted or b)O objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121 (d).
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)0 Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`a)O All b)O Some * c)O None of:
`1.0 Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.0 Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No. __ .
`3.0 Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`*Seethe attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`1) 0 Notice of References Cited (PT0-892)
`2) 0 Information Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date __ .
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 09-12)
`3) 0 Interview Summary (PT0-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date. __ .
`4) 0 Other: __ .
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20130529
`Page 212 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 2
`1. This office action is responsive to communication filed on 05/23/2013.
`Response to Amendment
`2. The examiner has acknowledged the amended specification and amended
`claims 1, 5, 8, 9, 13, and 15-17. The objections to claims 5, 8, 13, 15, and 16
`have been corrected and withdrawn accordingly. The objection to the
`specification has been addressed and withdrawn accordingly. Claims 1-17 are
`Response to Arguments
`3. Applicant's arguments filed on 05/23/2013 have been fully considered but they
`are not persuasive.
`In the remarks, the applicant argues in substance that: A) Although Lapuyade
`shows a prompt allowing the user to select an option to change to a new time
`zone, it is unclear to Applicant how such a feature would suggest automatically
`changing time information in an instant messaging conversation. B) There is
`nothing to motivate a person skilled in the art to make a modification to
`Appelman. Consequently, at most, the two features would be used in the same
`device which says nothing more than in addition to displaying time stamps for
`instant messages, the device can also prompt a user of a new time zone.
`In response to A), Appelman displaying a first time information for an instant
`message in the conversation in response to a first input [see at least Figs. 17-18,
`the display of timestamp "13:21 :12"; col. 9, lines 49-67. The examiner considers
`Page 213 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 3
`the entry of "How are you?" in Fig. 17 as the input]. Lapuyade discloses
`displaying time and time zone information when a change in time zone has
`occurred [see at least Fig. 7 and col. 6, lines 21-43]. As the user travels (i.e.,
`time progress) from time zone 1 (first time information) to time zone 2 (second
`time information), displayed time is automatically changed from time zone 1 to
`time zone 2. Thus the combination of Appelman and Lapuyade clearly meets the
`limitation of "automatically changing the first time information for the instant
`message to a second time information as time progresses and displaying the
`second time information instead of the first time information" as recited in claim 1.
`For B), in response to applicant's argument that there is no teaching,
`suggestion, or motivation to combine the references, the examiner recognizes
`that obviousness may be established by combining or modifying the teachings of
`the prior art to produce the claimed invention where there is some teaching,
`suggestion, or motivation to do so found either in the references themselves or
`in the knowledge generally available to one of ordinary skill in the art. See
`In re Fine, 837 F.2d 1071, 5 USPQ2d 1596 (Fed. Cir. 1988), In re Jones, 958
`F.2d 347, 21 USPQ2d 1941 (Fed. Cir. 1992), and KSR International Co. v.
`Teleflex, Inc., 550 U.S. 398, 82 USPQ2d 1385 (2007). In this case, as applicant
`indicated that the two features would be used in the same device: in addition to
`displaying time stamps for instant messages, the device can also prompt a user
`of a new time zone. It would be well within the knowledge generally available to
`one of ordinary skill in the art to combine these two features to automatically
`Page 214 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 4
`change the first time information in the first time zone for the instant message to
`a second time information as time progresses (i.e., cross time zone boundary)
`and displaying the second time information in the second time zone instead of
`the first time information.
`Thus, in view of such, the rejection is sustained as follows:
`Claim Objections
`4. The following claims are objected to because of the following informalities:
`Claim 9, in line 11, the term "displaying" should be "display".
`Claim 17, in line 8, the term "displaying" should be "display".
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`5. The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103(a) which forms the basis for all
`obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action:
`(a) A patent may not be obtained though the invention is not identically disclosed or described as set forth in
`section 102 of this title, if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art
`are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to
`a person having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains. Patentability shall not be
`negatived by the manner in which the invention was made.
`6. Claims 1-4, 9-12, and 17 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being
`unpatentable over Appelman et al. (US 7, 181,497 B1, hereinafter Appelman), in
`view of Lapuyade et al. (US 7,219, 109 B1, hereinafter Lapuyade).
`Regarding claim 1, Appelman discloses a method of displaying an instant
`messaging conversation on a display of an electronic device, the method
`displaying a conversation of instant messages [see at least Figs. 16-17,
`"F>" (from) and "T>" (to) messages; col. 9, lines 23-48];
`Page 215 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 5
`displaying a first time information for an instant message in the
`conversation in response to a first input [see at least Figs. 17-18, the display
`of timestamp "13:21 :12"; col. 9, lines 49-67. The examiner considers the
`entry of "How are you?" in Fig. 17 as the input].
`Appelman does not disclose: automatically changing the first time information
`for the instant message to a second time information as time progresses and
`displaying the second time information instead of the first time information.
`However, Lapuyade disclose displaying time and time zone information as a
`result of user input when a change in time zone has occurred [see at least Fig. 7
`and col. 6, lines 21-43]. Thus it would have been obvious to a person with
`ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to incorporate
`Lapuyade's teaching into Appelman's method for the purpose of alerting the user
`when a time zone change has occurred by confirming and displaying time
`information according to desired time zone, thereby providing better
`management of time zone information on a handheld computer [see the
`Regarding claim 2, Appelman further discloses wherein the first time
`information comprises an absolute time [see at least Fig. 18, field 666].
`Regarding claim 3, Appelman and Lapuyade disclose the claim invention
`including wherein the second time information further comprises additional
`Page 216 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 6
`information [see at least Lapuyade: Fig. 2, time zone information, and col. 6, lines
`21-43]. See claim 1 for motivation.
`Regarding claim 4, Appelman and Lapuyade disclose the claim invention
`including wherein the additional information comprises an indication of a day on
`which the instant message was sent [see at least Lapuyade: Fig. 2, date, and col.
`6, lines 21-43]. See claim 1 for motivation.
`Regarding claim 9, Appelman discloses an electronic device for displaying an
`instant messaging conversation, the electronic device comprising:
`a display; a memory; and a processor electronically coupled with the
`display and the memory [see e.g., Figs. 1, 2, client stations], the processor
`configured to:
`display a conversation of instant messages [see at least Figs. 16-17,
`"F>" (from) and "T>" (to) messages; col. 9, lines 23-48];
`display a first time information for an instant message in the
`conversation in response to a first input [see at least Figs. 17-18, the
`display of timestamp "13:21 :12"; col. 9, lines 49-67. The examiner
`considers the entry of "How are you?" in Fig. 17 as the input].
`Appelman does not disclose: automatically change the first time information
`for the instant message to a second time information as time progresses and
`displaying the second time information instead of the first time information.
`Page 217 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 7
`However, Lapuyade disclose displaying time and time zone information as a
`result of user input when a change in time zone has occurred [see at least Fig. 7
`and col. 6, lines 21-43]. Thus it would have been obvious to a person with
`ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to incorporate
`Lapuyade's teaching into Appelman's method for the purpose of alerting the user
`when a time zone change has occurred by confirming and displaying time
`information according to desired time zone, thereby providing better
`management of time zone information on a handheld computer [see the
`Regarding claim 10, Appelman further discloses wherein the first time
`information comprises an absolute time [see at least Fig. 18, field 666].
`Regarding claim 11, Appelman and Lapuyade disclose the claim invention
`including wherein the second time information further comprises additional
`information [see at least Lapuyade: Fig. 2, time zone information, and col. 6, lines
`21-43]. See claim 1 for motivation.
`Regarding claim 12, Appelman and Lapuyade disclose the claim invention
`including wherein the additional information comprises an indication of a day on
`which the instant message was sent [see at least Lapuyade: Fig. 2, date, and col.
`6, lines 21-43]. See claim 1 for motivation.
`Regarding claim 17, Appelman discloses a non-transitory computer readable
`medium comprising computer executable instructions embedded thereon [see
`Page 218 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 8
`col. 3, lines 25-38] for execution by a processor of an electronic device such that,
`when executed, cause the processor to:
`display a conversation of instant messages [see at least Figs. 16-17, "F>"
`(from) and "T>" (to) messages; col. 9, lines 23-48];
`display a first time information for an instant message in the conversation
`in response to a first input [see at least Figs. 17-18, the display of timestamp
`"13:21 :12"; col. 9, lines 49-67. The examiner considers the entry of "How are
`you?" in Fig. 17 as the input].
`Appelman does not disclose: automatically change the first time information
`for the instant message to a second time information as time progresses and
`displaying the second time information instead of the first time information.
`However, Lapuyade disclose displaying time and time zone information as a
`result of user input when a change in time zone has occurred [see at least Fig. 7
`and col. 6, lines 21-43]. Thus it would have been obvious to a person with
`ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to incorporate
`Lapuyade's teaching into Appelman's method for the purpose of alerting the user
`when a time zone change has occurred by confirming and displaying time
`information according to desired time zone, thereby providing better
`management of time zone information on a handheld computer [see the
`Page 219 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 9
`7. Claims 5, 6, 13, and 14 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being
`unpatentable over Appelman and Lapuyade as applied to claim 1, and further in
`view of Mathewson, II et al. (US 7,305,441 B2, hereinafter Mathewson).
`Regarding claim 5, Appelman and Lapuyade disclose the method of claim 1,
`but are silent about wherein at least one of the first time information and the
`second time information comprises a relative time. However, Mathewson
`teaches that alternatively, time sensitivity may be indicated in terms of elapsed
`time [col. 7, lines 40-47]. Thus it would have been obvious to a person with
`ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to incorporate
`Mathewson's teaching into Appelman's and Lapuyade's method for the purpose
`of providing the user an expedited understanding of the time aspects of the
`message by displaying a relative time stamp representative of time elapsed
`between communication of the consecutive messages, thereby providing users
`greater convenience.
`Regarding claim 6, Appelman, Lapuyade, and Mathewson disclose the
`claimed invention including wherein the second time information comprises an
`absolute time after expiration of a predetermined duration of time [Lapuyade: Fig.
`2, time and date information, and col. 6, lines 21-43].
`Regarding claim 13, Appelman and Lapuyade disclose the electronic device
`of claim 9, but are silent about wherein at least one of the first time information
`and the second time information comprises a relative time. However,
`Mathewson teaches that alternatively, time sensitivity may be indicated in terms
`Page 220 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 1 O
`of elapsed time [col. 7, lines 40-47]. Thus it would have been obvious to a
`person with ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to
`incorporate Mathewson's teaching into Appelman's and Lapuyade's system for
`the purpose of providing the user an expedited understanding of the time aspects
`of the message by displaying a relative time stamp representative of time
`elapsed between communication of the consecutive messages, thereby providing
`users greater convenience.
`Regarding claim 14, Appelman, Lapuyade, and Mathewson disclose the
`claimed invention including wherein the second time information comprises an
`absolute time after expiration of a predetermined duration of time [Lapuyade: Fig.
`2, time and date information, and col. 6, lines 21-43].
`8. Claims 7, 8, 15, and 16 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being
`unpatentable over Appelman and Lapuyade as applied to claim 1, and further in
`view of MacPhail (US 6,636,243 B1, hereinafter MacPhail).
`Regarding claim 7, Appelman and Lapuyade disclose the method of claim 1,
`but are silent about wherein the first time information is displayed for only a
`predetermined duration of time. However, MacPhail teaches a blinking is
`initiated upon the range crossing, and continued for a predetermined time
`interval, where the time interval may be set by, for example, a developer of an
`application using the display representation, or a viewer of the display [see Fig. 4
`and col. 9, line 37 through col. 10, line 2]. Thus it would have been obvious to a
`person with ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to
`Page 221 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 11
`incorporate MacPhail's teaching into Appelman's and Lapuyade's method to
`display the first time information for only a predetermined duration of time. The
`motivation is to provide effective displays on devices having diverse sizes
`including those with small, monochrome displays and capabilities [see the
`abstract and col. 2, lines 53-56].
`Regarding claim 8, Appelman and Lapuyade disclose the method of claim 1,
`but are silent about wherein at least one of the first input and the second input
`comprises detecting a pointing device in proximity to the instant message.
`However, MacPhail teaches a timestamp indicating the most recent time of a
`status change could be displayed only upon request by a viewer (or "user"), as
`illustrated in FIG. 4(b), icon 80. MacPhail further discloses by simply positioning
`a pointer over an icon (read as a request or an input) may be sufficient to cause
`display of the timestamp [see col. 10, lines 3-22]. Thus it would have been
`obvious to a person with ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was
`made to incorporate MacPhail's teaching into Appelman's and Lapuyade's
`method for the purpose of providing displays on-demand by outputting a time
`stamp responsive to detecting a pointing device in proximity to the instant
`message, thereby providing effective displays on devices having diverse sizes
`including those with small, monochrome displays and capabilities [see the
`abstract and col. 2, lines 53-56].
`Regarding claim 15, Appelman and Lapuyade disclose the electronic device
`claim 9, but are silent about wherein the first time information is displayed for
`Page 222 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 12
`only a predetermined duration of time. However, MacPhail teaches a blinking is
`initiated upon the range crossing, and continued for a predetermined time
`interval, where the time interval may be set by, for example, a developer of an
`application using the display representation, or a viewer of the display [see Fig. 4
`and col. 9, line 37 through col. 10, line 2]. Thus it would have been obvious to a
`person with ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to
`incorporate MacPhail's teaching into Appelman's and Lapuyade's method to
`display the first time information for only a predetermined duration of time. The
`motivation is to provide effective displays on devices having diverse sizes
`including those with small, monochrome displays and capabilities [see the
`abstract and col. 2, lines 53-56].
`Regarding claim 16, Appelman and Lapuyade disclose the electronic device
`of claim 9, but are silent about wherein at least one of the first input and second
`input comprises detecting a pointing device in proximity to the instant message.
`However, MacPhail teaches a timestamp indicating the most recent time of a
`status change could be displayed only upon request by a viewer (or "user"), as
`illustrated in FIG. 4(b), icon 80. MacPhail further discloses by simply positioning
`a pointer over an icon (read as a request or an input) may be sufficient to cause
`display of the timestamp [see col. 10, lines 3-22]. Thus it would have been
`obvious to a person with ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was
`made to incorporate MacPhail's teaching into Appelman's and Lapuyade's
`system for the purpose of providing displays on-demand by outputting a time
`Page 223 of 394


`Application/Control Number: 13/615,419
`Art Unit: 2457
`Page 13
`stamp responsive to detecting a pointing device in proximity to the instant
`message, thereby providing effective displays on devices having diverse sizes
`including those with small, monochrome displays and capabilities [see the
`abstract and col. 2, lines 53-56].
`THIS ACTION IS MADE FINAL. Applicant is reminded of the extension of
`time policy as set forth in 37 CFR 1.136(a).
`A shortened statutory period for reply to this final action is set to expire
`THREE MONTHS from the mailing date of this action. In the event a first reply is
`filed within TWO MONTHS of the mailing date of this final action and the advisory
`action is not mailed until after the end of the THREE-MONTH shortened statutory
`period, then the shortened statutory period will expire on the date the advisory
`action is mailed, and any extension fee pursuant to 37 CFR 1 .136(a) will be
`calculated from the mailing date of the advisory action. In no event, however, will
`the statutory period for reply expire later than SIX MONTHS from the mailing
`date of this final action.
`Examiner's Note: Examiner has cited particular columns

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