Comcast, Exhibit-1013
`Comcast, Exhibit-1013


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`Abbreviations an


`Italian greyhound o -ization
`Italian greyhound n (1743) : any of
`a breed of toy dogs resembling the
`standard greyhound in miniature
`ital-ian-ise often cap, Brit var of
`Ital-ian-ism \a-',
`also I-\ n (1594)
`1 a : a quality
`characteristic of Italy or the Italian
`people b : a characteristic feature
`of Italian occurring in another lan-
`guage 2 a 2 specialized interest in
`or emulation of Italian qualities or
`b : promotion or
`love of Italian policies or ideals
`ital-ian-ize \a-'tal-ya-.niz, i- also I-\
`vb -ized; -iz-ing often cap, vi (ca.
`Italian greyhound
`1611) : to act Italian; specljf: to fol-
`low the style or technique of recog-
`nized Italian painters ~ vt : to make Italian (as in appearance or be-
`havior) — Ital-ian-i-za-tion \-.tal-ye-no-'za-slI9n\ n
`Italian sandwich n (ca. 1953) : SUBMARINE 2
`Italian sonnet n (1879) : a sonnet consisting of an octave rhyming abba
`abbu and a sestet rhyming in any of various patterns (as ode cde or cdc
`dad) # called also Petrarchan sonnet
`‘ital-ic \9-‘ta-lik, i-, I-\ adj (1612)
`1 a : of or relating to a type style with
`characters that slant upward to the right (as in “these words are italic")
`— compare ROMAN b : of or relating to a style of slanted cursive
`handwriting developed in the 15th and 16th centuries 2 cap : of or re-
`lating to ancient Italy, its peoples, or their Indo-European languages
`‘italic rt (1676)
`I : an italic character or type
`2 cap : a branch of the
`Indo-European language family that includes Latin, Oscan, and Um-
`brian — see INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES table
`ital-i cise Brit var ofITALICIZE
`1 : to print in
`ital-i-cize \a-‘ta-la-.siz. i-, i-\ vt -cized; -ciz-ing (1795)
`italics or underscore with a single line
`2 2 EMPHASIZE the micro-
`phone rvs every curdled top note ———P. G. Davis) — ital-I-ci-za-tion
`\-.ta-lo-so-'25-shan\ n
`Ita-lo- \i-‘ta-lo also 'i-t°l-6\ comb form 1 : Italian (Italophile) 2 : Ital-
`ian and (Italo-Austrian)
`Ita-lo-phile \i-‘ta-lo-.fil\ adj (ca. 1902) : friendly to or favoring what is
`Italian —- Italophile IL
`litch \'ich\ vb [ME icchen, fr. OE giccan; akin to OHGjucchen to itch] vi
`(hef. 12c)
`1 a : to have an itch (her arm ~ed) b : to produce an itchy
`sensation (long underwear that ~es)
`2 : to have a restless desire or
`hankering for something (were -ring to go outside) ~ vt
`1 : to cause
`to itch 2 : VEX,1'RRITATE
`’itcl1 n (bef. 12c)
`1 a : an uneasy irritating sensation in the upper sur-
`face of the skin usu. held to result from mild stimulation of pain recep-
`tors b : a skin disorder accompanied by such a sensation; esp : a con-
`tagious eruption caused by a mite (Sarmptes scabiei) that burrows in
`the skin and causes intense itching 2 a : a restless usu. constant often
`compulsive desire (an ~ to travel)
`b : LUST, PRURIENCE — itch-i-
`ness \'i-che-nas\ n —— itchy \'i—ché\ adj
`it’d \'i-tad, .id\ (1859) : it had 2 it would
`1 a : na-
`1—ite n suffix [MI-3, fr. OF & L; OF, fr. L -ita, -ites, fr. Gk -iiés]
`c : adher-
`tive : resident (Brooklynite) b : descendant (Ephrairnite)
`ent : follower (Jacobite) (Puseyite)
`2 a (1) : product (metabolite)
`(2) : commercially manufactured product (ebonite) b : -ITOL (man-
`3 [NL -ites, fr. L] : fossil (amrnonite)
`4 : mineral (erythrite)
`: rock (anorthosite) 5 [F, fr. L -ita, -ites] : segment or constituent part
`of a body or of a bodily part (somite) (dendrite)
`1-ite n suflix [F, alter. of -ate —ate, fr. NL -atum] : salt or ester of an acid
`with a name ending in -nus (nitrite)
`‘item \'i-.tem, ‘i-tam\ utlv [ME, fr. L, fr. ita thus] (14c) 2 and in addition
`: ALSO — used to introduce each article in a list or enumeration
`‘item \'i-tom\ n (1571)
`I obs : WARNING, HINT 2 : a distinct part in an
`enumeration, account, or series : ARTICLE 3 : an object of attention,
`concern, or interest 4 : a separate piece of news or information 5 : a
`couple in a romantic or sexual relationship
`syn ITEM, DETAIL, PARTICULAR mean one of the distinct parts of a
`whole. ITEM applies to each thing specified separately in a list or in a
`group of things that might be listed or enumerated (every item on the
`list)‘ DETAIL applies to one of the small component parts of a larger
`whole such as a task, building, painting, narration, or process (leave
`the details to others), PARTICULAR stresses the smallness, singleness,
`and esp. the concreteness of a detail or item (a description that in-
`cluded fewparticulars).
`’item \'i-tom\ vi (1601)
`1 archaic : COMPUTE, RECKON 2 archair‘ : to
`set down the particular details of
`item-ise Brit var 0fI'TEMIZE
`item-I-za-tion \.i-to-ma-'25-shan\ n (1894) : the act of itemizing; also
`: an itemized list
`itemize \'i-to-.n‘Iiz\ vt -ized; -iz-ing (1857) : to set down in detail or by
`particulars : LIST (itemized all expenses)
`it-er-ance \'i-to-ron(t)s\ n (1604) : REPETITION
`it-er-ant \-ront\ adj (I626) : marked by repetition, reiteration, or recur-
`rence (~ echoes)
`it-er-ate \'i-ta-.rat\ vt -at-ed; -at-ing [L iteratus, pp. of iterare, fr. itemm
`again; akin to L is he, that, im thus, Skt itara the other, iti thus] (I533)
`: to say or do again or again and again : REITERATE
`it-er-a-tion \.i-ta-'r§-sharI\ n (15c)
`1 : the action or a process of iterat-
`ing or repeating: as a : a procedure in which repetition of a sequence
`of operations yields results successively closer to a desired result
`: the repetition of a sequence of computer instructions a specified
`number of times or until a condition is met — compare RECURSION 2
`: one execution of a sequence of operations or instructions in an itera-
`it-er-a-tive \'i-to-.r€1-tiv,
`-re-\ adj (150) : involving repetition: as a : ex-
`pressing repetition of a Verbal action b : relating to or being iteration
`of an operation or procedure — it-er-3-five-ly adv
`ithy-phal-lic \.i-(hi-'fa-lik\ adj [LL ithyphallicus, fr. Gk ithyphallikos, fr.
`ithyplmllos erect phallus, fr. ithys straight + plmllos phallus] (1795)
`: of or relating to the phallus carried in procession in ancient festivals
`evb suflix [ME -isen, fr. ()l-‘ -iser, fr. LL -izare,
`0 use to be or conform to or resemble (syste
`cause to be formed into (unionize)
`(2) : subje
`on (plagiarize)
`(3) : impregnate or treat or c
`b : treat like (idolizc)
`c : treat accordi
`2 a 2 become : become like (crysta
`ve iI1 or of (hypothesize) : engage in a (specifi
`c : adopt or spread the manner of activi
`usage The suffix -ize has been productive in En
`j \'ja\ n, plj’s or js \'jaz\ often
`1 a : the 10th letter of the En
`speech counterpart of orth
`graphic device for reproduci
`unit vector parallel to the y-
`edj esp. as the 10th in order 0
`shaped like the letter I
`‘jah \'jab\ vb jabbed; jab-l)'
`strike] vt (1827)
`1 a : to pier
`sharp object : STAB b 2 to po
`ly : Tl{RUS'l' 2 : to strike with
`~ vi
`1 : to make quick or
`harp object 2 : to strike a person with a short st
`Elm (1872) : an act ofjabbing; esp : a short strai
`BlJ_-her \')'a-b9r\ vb jab-bered; jab-her-ing \'ja-b
`llmlt. origin] vi (15c) : to talk rapidly, indistinctl
`Hto speak rapidly or intlistinctly ——_iab-ber-er
`ahber n (1727) : GIBBERISI-I, CHATTER
`it-her-wocky \'ja-bar-,wa—ké\ n [Jabberwaclcy,
`'15 Carroll] (1908) : meaningless speech or wri
`‘I'll \.zha-ba-'ri.'1\ 77 [Pg, fr. Tupi & Guarani 1'
`Ial large tropical storks
`-0-ran-di \.zha-be-.ran-‘tie, -‘ran-dé\ )1 [Pg, fr.
`375) : the dried leaves of two So. American sh
`P. microphyllus) of the rue family that
`'\ n [F] (I823)
`1 : a fall 0
`“C6 or cloth attached to the front of a. neckban
`“ll Worn esp. by men in the 18th century 2 :
`lealed frill of cloth or lace attached down th
`filler front of a woman's blouse or dress
`i80'll-Ca-I13 \zho-.bii—ti-'kéi-ba\ n [Pg, fr. Tupi
`_ 24) : a Brazilian tree (Myrciaria cauli/lortz) o
`5 Hlwtle family cultivated in warm regions to
`lsedlblc usu. purplish fruit
`\ho-'kal\ rt, pl ja-ca-les \-'kii-(.)las\ also ja
`I 5,lMexSp, fr. Nahuatl xahcalli] (I838) : a hut i
`6'3XlC0 and southwestern U.S. with a thatche
`[gig and walls made of upright poles or sticks cov
`C. and clnnked with mud or clay
`-' any of a family (Galbulidae) of usu. irides
`m3’maI‘ \'zha-ks-.mar\ n [F, fr. Tupijacamti-ciri
`131931 forests
`mtfireen or bronze insectivorous birds of Cent
`53) : a
`'9-'k‘a1-no, .zha-s°n-'a“\ n [Pg jacand, fr.
`. ny of a family (Jacanidae) of long-legged
`I wadlflg birds that frequent coastal freshwater
`us ':.'a“'da‘\.1a—ka-‘ran-da\ 11 [NL, fr. Pg jacara
`,061¢’-ITUDI] (ca. 1753) : any of a genus (Jacaran
`me n3 Iixmcrican trees of the trumpet-creeper fa
`\ m}:>W'efs In pantcles
`\:a-s°p(t)th, 'ja-\ 71 [ME iacinct, fr. OF j
`mil“ fl_0We1-Ing plant, a gem] (13_(:)
`“ck {flange In color than a hyacinth
`3 kn -l3-k\ 71 [ME Jacke, familiar term of addres
`.‘‘me for Johan John] (1548)
`1 a : MAN —
`SEX:-,1 Such phrases as every man jack b often
`h,niC“NT. LABORER (2) : LUMIJERIACK 2 : an
`mchagsdevlces: as
`a : a device for turning a spi
`hon di 1111 or device for exerting pressure or lif
`an has ance 3 : something that supports or ho
`mad “I: bar at a topgallant masthead to supp
`‘in a 5 }'0Yal shrouds la : a wooden brace fast
`nus 51486 _Set to prop it up 4 a : any of sever
`‘1 jnlflrangrds b : a male donkey c : JAC
`_ a Sm 5685 a Jackdaw) 5 a : a small white target
`a D13 national flag flown by a ship c (1) pl
`‘we iayed _W1th a set of small objects that are
`he Ea
`11 VaI_1ous figures
`(2) : a small 6-pointed
`a : a playing card carrying t
`,,g: M and ranking usu. below the queen I)
`lug ‘D ONEY 8 : a female fitting in an electri
`nmmmake a Connection with another circuit
`3' 1341) : to hunt or Fish at night with aj
`of Bacchus 2 a : having an erect penis —- usu. used of figures in an an
`representation b : OBSCENE, LEWD _
`il1'n~er-an-cy \i—'ti-no-ran(t)—sé\ n (1789)
`1 : a system (as in the Me[h0d_
`ist Church) of rotating ministers who itinerate 2 a 2 the act of itinerar-
`ing I) : the state of being itinerant
`itin-er-ant \-rant\ adj [LL itinerant-, itinerans, prp. of itinemrl to jam.
`ney, fr. L itiner-. iter journey, way; akin to Hitt itar way, L ire to go _
`more at ISSUE] (ca. 1576) : traveling from place to place; esp : covering
`a circuit (~ preacher) — itinerant n — itln-er-ant-ly adv
`itin-er-ary \i-‘ti-na-.rer-é, 9-, chiefly Brit +-‘ti-n:->vré\ n, pl -ar-ies (15g)
`: the route of a journey or tour or the proposed outline of one 2 ; a
`travel diary 3 : a travelers guidebook —— itinerary adj
`itin-er-ate \i-‘ti-no—,rat, a-\ vi -at-ed; -at-' g (1775) : to travel a preach;
`ing or judicial circuit -—— itin-er-a-tiou \-.ti-no-'ra-shen\ 71
`-itious adj sufix [L -icius, -itius] : of, relating to, or having the charac.
`teristics of (excrementitious)
`-itis n .ruffi>t, pl -itises also -ifides ar -ites [NL, fr. L & Gk; L, fr. Gk, fr,
`fem. of —ité.s -ite]
`1 : disease or inflammation (bronchitis)
`2 pl um
`V-itises : condition likened to a disease —- chiefly in nunce formatiuns
`it 11 \'i-t”l\ (1824) : it will : it shall
`-itol rt suf/ix [ISV '~ite + ‘-ol] : polyhydroxy alcohol usu. related to a sug.
`,ar (mannital)
`its \'its, ats\ adj (1598) : of or relating to it or itself esp. as possessor,
`agent, or object of an action (going to ~ kennel) (a child proud o‘f~'
`first drawings) (rv final enactment into law)
`it’s \'its, ots\ (ca. 1555) : it is : it has
`" ‘
`it-self \it-‘self, at-, Southern also —'set\ pron (bet. 12c)
`1 : that identical
`one — compare IT 1 — used reflexively (watched the cat giving Aé I
`bath), for emphasis (the letter ~ was missing), or in absolute con-
`structions (~ a splendid specimen of classic art, it has been exhibited
`throughout the world)
`2 : its normal, healthy, or sane condition —- in
`itself : in its own nature : INTRINSICALLY (was not in itself had)
`it-ty-bit-ty \'i-té-‘bi-tE\ or it~sy—bitvsy \'it-sé-‘bit-sé\ adj [prob. fr. baby
`talk for little bit] (1938) : extremely small : TINY
`-ity n sujffix, pl -ities [ME -ite, fr. OF or L; OF -ite‘, fr. L -itat-, -itas, fr. -1‘-
`(stem vowel of adjs.) + -tat-, -tas -ity; akin to Gk -tét-, -tés -ity] : quality
`: state : degree (alkalinity) (theatricality)
`IUD \.i—(.)yii-'de\ n (1965) : INTRAUTERINE DEVICE
`-ium n suffix 1 [NL, fr. L, ending of some neut. nouns]
`a : a chemical
`element (sodium) b : cation (tetrazolium)
`2 pl -iums or -ia [NL, fr.
`L, fr. Gk -ion] : small one : mass — esp. in botanical terms (pollinium)
`IV \,;i-'vé\ n, pl IVs [intravenous] (ca. 1955) : an apparatus used _to~ad,
`cc Ing
`éniraister an intravenous injection or feeding; also : such an injectlonol‘
`-ive adj sufiix [ME
`-ive, fr. MF & L; MF
`fr. L -ivus] : that p -
`forms or tends toward an (indicated) action (amusive)
`I’Ve \'iv\ (1586) : I have
`iver-mec-tin \.i—var-'mek-ton\ n [perh. fr. dt'- + NL avermitilis (specific
`epithet of Streptomyces avermitilis. bacterium from which it is derived)
`+ E -ecl- (of unknown origin) + ‘-in] (1981) : a drug mixture of WV‘?
`structurally similar scmisynthctic lactoncs that is used in vetenum’
`medicine as an anthelmintic, acaricide, and insecticide and in human
`medicine to treat onchocerciasis
`ivied \'i-véd\ adj (ca. 1771)
`I : overgrown with ivy 2 : ACADEMI
`ivoury \'iv-ré, 'i-vc-ré\ rt, pl -ries [ME ivorie, fr. OF ivnire, fr. Lebvf
`of ivory, fr. ebar-, ebur ivory, fr. Egypt Sb, ibw elephant, ivory] (130)
`a : the hard creamy-White modified dentine that composes the tuslts
`a tusked mammal (as an elephant, walrus, or narwhal) b : at tusk,
`yields ivory
`2 : a variable color averaging a pale yellow 3_Sl
`: TOOTH 4 : something (as a piano key) made of ivory or of a sunl
`substance — ivory adj
`-hill \- bi1\ n (1787) : IV()RY—BILLED WOODPECKER
`-billed Woodpecker \-'bi1d—\ n (1811) : a very large black
`white woodpecker (Campephilus principalis) of the southeastern
`and Cuba that has a showy red crest iII the male and is presume
`tinct in the US.
`ivory black n (1634) : a fine black pigment made by calcining IVOYY
`ivory nut n (ca. 1847)
`the nutlike seed of a So. American P.
`(Phytelzphas macrocama) containing a very hard endosperm U55‘-l
`carving and turning — compare VEGETABLE IVORY
`ivory tower n [trans. of F tour d’z'voire] (1911)
`1 : an impractical Q‘
`escapist attitude marked by aloof lack of concern with or Inter<‘«5
`practical matters or urgentvprolblems
`: a secluded place that Eff‘? .
`a place of
`learning — ivory—tower
`ivo-ry—tow-er-ish \-‘tau-(9-)rish\ adj
`-tow-ered \-'ta1'I(-a)rd\ adj (1937) : divorced from
`practical matters (an ~ recluse)
`‘ivy \'i-vé\ n, pl ivies [ME, fr. OE 1'/‘lg; akin to OHG ebah ivy] (bet
`1 : a widely cultivated ornamental climbing or prostrate or 50199 V‘
`shrubby chiefly Eurasian vine (Hedcra helix) of the ginseng family
`evergreen leaves, small yellowish flowers, and black berI16S
`SON IVY 3 often cap : an Ivy League college
`‘ivy adj [fr. the prevalence of ivy-covered buildings on the cam? _
`older U.S. colleges] (1933)
`E ‘(-3
`Ivy League adj (1939)
`1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of E E_l'°
`long-established eastern U.S. colleges Widely regarded as hlgh has
`lastic and social prestige Z : of, relating to, or characteristic 0“
`dents of Ivy League colleges
`M C
`Iyy Leaguer n (1943) : a student at or a graduate of an IVY L935
`iwis \é-‘Wis, I-\ adv [ME, fr. OE gewis certain; akin to OHG 81W’?
`tainly, OE witan to know — more at WIT] (120) archaic : SUREIB
`Ix-i-on \ik-'si-an\ n [L, fr. Gk Ixi6n] : a Thessalian king bound V
`to a burning wheel in Tartarus for attempting to seduce lI_CI‘3
`ix-0-did \'ik-so-.did, ik-'56-dad\ adj [ultim. fr. Gk ixédés stIckY«
`birdlime] (ca. 1909) : of, relating to, or being a typical tick (lam!
`didae) —— ixodid n
`,1 Ear
`Iyar \'e-.yar\ n [Heb Iyydr] (1737) : the 8th month of the civl {Y
`the 2d month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calenda
`MONTH table
`-i-za-tion \o-'7.a-shon also (.)i-'7.a-\ n sujffix : action, process, 0‘
`Inaking (socialization)

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