

`Copyright © [985 by Merriam—Webster lnc.
`Philippines Copyright I985 by Merriam-Webster lnc.
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster’s ninth new collegiate dictionary.
`Based on Webster‘s third new international
`Includes index.
`I. English language—Dictionaries.
`Webster Inc‘
`ISBN 0-8771'9-508—8
`ISBN 0-81779-509-6 (indexed)
`ISBN 0-37779-5l0—X (deluxe)
`l. Merriam-
`Webster‘s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary principal copyright 1983
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`dippcrful 0 [lide
`ouzel 2: one that di 5: as a: a worker who dips articles b: some-
`thing (as a long—hand ed cup) used for dipping e slang : PtcxPocKET
`3 cap a :1 the seven principal stars in the constellation ol Ursa Major
`arranged In a form resembltngJa dipper —- called also Big Dipper
`the seven principal stars in
`inor similarly arranged with the
`North Star onnin the outer end of the handle — called also Little
`Dipper :— dip-per-flt \-,lul\ n
`clip-py \'d1p-é\ adj di pI-er: -est [origin unknown] (1903): roonsn
`dip-so \ dip-(.)sfi\ n
`y shortening]
`[880) : one affected with dipsoma-
`sa-‘ma-né-o. -n a\ n [NL. lr. Gk dipsa thirst + LI,
`dip-so-ma-nla \§di
`: an uncontrol able craving for alcoholic liquors —
`mania] (ca.
`I 4
`H J'
`dipsu-ma-nlaae \—né-.ak\ n — dip-sn-ma-ni-e-cal \.dip-so-ma-'nt-a-kal\
`flip-stick \‘dip-.stik\ rr (192'!) i a graduated rod [or indicating depth (as
`of oil in a crankcase)
`dlp-ler-an \‘dip-ta-ram adj [deriv. of Gk di'ptems] (ca. 1342) : ol, relat-
`ing to. or being a two-win cd fly —- dipteran it
`dip-tero-carp \di —ta-ro-.karp\ 11 [NL. deriv. ol dipterus dipternus +
`~ccrpus -carpous (ca. 1876}: any of a family (Dipterocar aceae) ol tall
`trees ol tropical Asia, Indonesia. and the Philippines t at have a 2:
`wtnged lruit and are the source of valuable timber. aromatic oils. and
`resins; esp: a member of the type genus (Dlpterocarpas)
`dip-ter-on \‘dip-ta-.ran\ n. pl -tera \-r:\ [Gk. neut. o diptems] (ca. 1391)
`dip-tetanus \'dip-ta-ras\ adj NL di rev-us, tr. Gk dlptems, lr. di- 4- ptemri
`wing — more at FEATHER (11'?
`t : having two wings or winglike
`2 : of or relatirtiig to the two-winged flies
`flat-«yell \dip-(.)tik\ n [LL I'ptpcha. p|.. fr.
`. fr. neut, pl. of di' rychos o ded in two.
`fr. di— + pt c éfold] 1622]
`l : a lvleaved
`hinged tab et
`folding together to protect
`writing on its waxed surfaces
`2 : a picture
`series of pictures
`an altarpiece)
`painted or carved on two hin ed tablets
`: a work made up of two male ing parts
`n [di- + quaternary}
`(I 60) t ahpowerful nonpersistent herbicide
`1 that has been used to control
`water weeds (as the water hyacinth)
`dir-dam \‘di(a)rdcm, 'dard-\ ti [ME (north-
`em dial.) dum‘dn,
`fr. ScGael. grumbling.
`hum. dim. of durd hum] Scot
`(110 )
`dire \‘di(a)r\ adj dir-er: dirtiest [L dims: akin
`to Gk deinot terrible. Skt dvesn' he hates;
`(I 567)
`a : exciting horror (~ suffering
`h : DISMAL. OPPRESSIVE <~ days)
`2 : warn-
`ing of disaster (a 1‘» lorecast.)
`a : desperately urgent (~ need) b
`: EXTREME (w poverty) — direoly adv — directness l'l
`‘di-roct \da-‘rekt. d1-\ vb [ME directen. tr. L director straight — more at
`DRESS] vi (14c)
`a obs :
`to write (a letter) to a person b : to mark
`with the name and address of the intended recipient
`c :
`to impart
`orally d :
`to adapt in expression so as to have particular applicability
`{a lawyer who our his appeals to intelligence and character) 2 a t
`regulate the activities or course of
`b : to carry out the organizing.
`energizin . and supervising of
`e : to dominate and determine the
`course 0
`d :
`to train and cad performances of 3 :
`Io cause to turn.
`move, or point undeviatingly or to follow a straight course {X rays are
`owed through the body)
`to point. extend. or project in a specified
`line or course
`5 : to request or enjoin with authcrit
`6 :
`to show or
`point oul the wa for flu vi
`1 :
`to point out. prescri
`, or determine a
`course or proce ure
`2 : to act as director
`syn see COMMAND. ooN-
`diptych 2
`l afd celestial body : moving in
`'direct adj ME. fr. L directus] {14c}
`the genera planetary direction iron-I west
`to east : not retrograde
`a : stemming immediately from a source (fi- result)
`In being or pass-
`ing in a straight line of descent from parent to oilsprin : LINEAL (n-
`e : having no compromising or impairing e ement (cu in-
`a : prooee ing lrom one point to another in time or space
`without deviation or interruption : STRAIGHT It
`: proceedin
`by the
`shortest way (the ~ route) 4 : NATURAL, STRAIGHTFORWARD ~ man-
`5 a : marked by absence of an interveninlgl agenc . instrumen-
`tality, or influence
`II: effected by the action of t e peop e or the elec—
`torate and not by representatives
`1: : consisting of or reproducing the
`exact words of a speaker or writer
`6 : characterized b; close logical.
`causal. or consequential
`relationship ("~— evidence)
`: capab e of
`fleeing without the aid ofa mordanl : SUBSTANTIVE
`rect adv (14c):
`in a direct way: as a: from point to point without
`deviation : by the shortest way (suggesting I write to her ~ ——John
`h : from the source without interruption or diversion (the
`writer must
`take his material on from life —Douglas Stewart)
`: without an intervening agency or step (those who did go on to the
`peoplge . .. rallicd a considerable majority of the voters —H. 5. Ash-
`direct action Pl (I 843) : action that seeks to achieve an and directly and
`by the most immediately effective means (as boycott or strike)
`direct current n (ca. I389) : an electric current flowing in one direction
`only and substantially constant in value - abbr. DC
`di-reet-ed adj {1391]
`1 : subject to supervision or regulation (a m read-
`ing program for students)
`2 : having a positive or negative sense {-
`line segment) — diorect-ed-ltesa n
`di-rec-llon \do-‘rek-shan. di-\ n (lie)
`: guidance or supervision of
`action or conduct : MANAGEMENT 2 archaic : SUPERSCRIPTION 3
`: an explicit instruction : ORDER
`h : assistance in pointing out the
`proper route — usu. used in pl. (received ~s to get to the beach)
`the line or course on which something is moving or is aimed to move
`or along which something is pointing or facing
`archaic : DIRECTOR-
`ATE l
`a : a channel or direct course of thought or action it : TEN-
`oEch. TREND e: a guiding. governing. or motivating purpose 7 a
`: the art and technique of directin an orchestra. handr or a show (as
`for stage or screen)
`I: : a word.
`rose. or sign indicating the appro—
`lorecd‘ion s \-los\ adj
`priate tem .rnood, or intensity 0 a passage or movement In music --
`l : of. relating to. or indicat-
`dioree-fion-al \-shnol. -shan-*l\ adj {1881)
`ing direction in space:
`a : suitable for detecting the direction from
`w Ich radio signa 5 come or for sending out radio signals in one direc-
`tion only
`It : operating most elfectively in a particular direction
`: relating to direction or guidance esp. of thought or efforl — til-rec-
`tlon-aJ-i-ty \-.rek-sho—'nal-at-e\ rt
`direction angle In (ca. 1909) : an angle made by a given line with an axis
`of reference: spee‘If: one of these angles made by a straight line with the
`three axes of a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system — usu. used in
`dll'ection cosine :1 (ca.
`[891) : one ol the cosine-s of the three angles
`between a directed line in space and the positive direction of the axes of
`a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system — usu. used in
`direction finder it 0913) : a radio receiving device for determining the
`direction of incoming radio waves that typically consists of a coil an—
`tenna rotating freely on a vertical axis
`l : serving or intended to guide.
`1di-recotlve \da—‘rek-tiv. di-\ adj llSc)
`govern. or influence
`2 : serving to point direction: spectf : DIREC-
`TIONAL lb 3: of or relatin to psychotherapy or counseling in which
`the counselor introduces in Ormalion. content. or attitudes not previ~
`ously expressed b the client
`lairectlve n (1899 : something that serves to direct. guide. and usu.
`impel toward an action or goal; esp : an authoritative instrument is-
`sued b a high-level body or official
`the property of being
`di-rec-t Vol-t3! \da-.rek-'tiv—aI-E. (.)di-\ it (I903) :
`direct lighting It (1923) : lighting in which the greater part of the light
`oes directly from the source to lhearea lit
`‘ Meet-1y \da—‘rek—(t)le, di-. in sense2 do-‘rek-le or'drek-lfl adv (lie)
`in a direct manner {- relevant} {the road runs cu east and west)
`a: without delay:
`IMMEDIAIELY h: in aliitle while: sitoItTLY
`lcli-rect-ly \da-'re —(t)le. di-.'
`'drek-IE\ conj. chiefly Brit (”95) :
`a“?! after : as SDDN as {eh I received it I rang up the shipping company
`— . W. Crofts)
`direct mail it (I923) : printed matter (as circulars) pre
`red for solicit-
`ing business or contributions and mailed directly to in ividuals
`di-rect-ness \do-‘rekltl-nos. di-\ n {1598)
`l :
`the character of being
`accurate in cours: or aim 2 : strict pertinence : STRAIGH'I Fonwatto.
`direct object it (ca. [904) : a grammatical ob 'cct representing the pri-
`mary goal or the result oi the action of a ver
`(me In "he hit me" and
`house III “we built a house" are direct objects)
`di-rec-tol' \da-‘rek-tar. di-\ it (I So) : one that directs: as
`a :
`the head of
`an organized group or administrative unit (as a bureau or school) h
`: one of a group of persons entrusted with the overall direction of a
`corporate enterprise i:
`: one that supervises the production of a show
`(as for stage or screen) usu. with responsibility for action. lighting,
`music. and rehearsals
`d : CUNIJL'C'TGR c — di-rec-tor-ship \-.ship\ it
`dlwec-toc-ate \da-‘rek-tta-lrat. di—\ n (133?)
`l : the office of director
`a : a board of directors [as ol a corporation)
`b : membership on a
`board of directors 3 2 an executive staff (as of a program, bureau. or
`di-reCatori-al \da—.rek-‘tor-é~el. (.ldi-. -'tc‘Ir-\ adj {IT-'70)
`l : serving to
`direct 2.: of or relating to a director or to theatrical or motion picture
`direction 3: of. relating to. or administered by a directory
`director's chair n [in its use by motion picture directors on the set
`(1953) : a lightweight lolding armchair with a back and seat usu. o
`cotton duck
`'di-roc-to-I'y \da—‘rek-t(a-)re. di—\ ad' (l5c) : serving to direct: specif
`: providing advisor but not compu sory guidance
`n. pl ~ries ML direemn'um. tr. cent. of LL di'rectorius directo
`rial. fr.
`directus. pp.L(15c)
`l a : a book or collection of directions.
`rules, or ordinances
`: an a] habetica] or classified list (as of names
`and addresses) 2: a body of
`rimary n (1900) t a primary in which nominations of candidates
`for 0 Ice are made by direct vote
`direct product it (ca.
`t925) : CARTESIAN PRODUCT: esp : a group that is
`the Cartesian product of two other
`di-recvtress \da—‘rek-tras. di-\ n (153
`: a woman who is a director
`di-rec-lrice \do~.rek-'tres\ n [F. Er. ML directric-. directri'x] (163l) : o!-
`dl-rec-trix \-triks\ l’l. pl -trix-es \-trik-scz\ also -tri-ees \-tra-.séz\ [ML
`lem. of L1. director.
`r. L directtts. pp] (1622)
`l archaic : meanness
`2 : a fixed curve with which a generatrix maintains a given relationship
`in generating a geometric figure: speri'f: a straight line the distance to
`which from any point of a conic section is in fixed ratio to the distance
`from the same point to a focus
`direct sum it (ca. 1928) : CARTFSIAN rRooL'ct — compare DIRECT PROD-
`direct tax it (”76): a lax exacted directly from the person on whom the
`pltimate burden of the tax is expected to fall
`dire-Eu] \‘dttalr-fal\ adj (1533)
`1 : DREADFL‘L 2: oumous— direofui-
`ly \—fa-lé\ adv
`dlre wolf n (1925) : a large lupine mammal [Cents dir-us or Aenocyon
`dirus) found in Pleistocene deposits of No. America
`dime \'dar_|\ n EME din'ge. the Office of the Dead, lr. the first word of a
`LL antiphcn.
`r. 1.. im r. of dir-igere to direct —more at oarss] llSe)
`l : a son or hymn otpgricf or lamentation: esp : one intended to ac-
`company uneral or memorial rites 2 : a slow. solemn. and mournful
`dir e
`piece of music 3 : something (as a poem) that has the qualities of a
`dir-Earn \da—‘rarn\
`it [An fr. L drachma drachma] (1339)
`I — see
`MONEY table 2 — seedimir. riyal at MONEY table
`1tlj-l'logi-hle \‘dir-o-jo~bal. do-‘rij-3-\ adj [L diri'gere] (1531) : capable ol
`li'llrigt e n [dir-i ible (balloon); [1385) : AtRsHiP
`li‘lirk \‘dork\ n [in dark] ([55 ): a long straight-bladed dagger
`2i'llrlt vi (1599): to stab with a dirk
`'dirlall. 'darl\ vi [prob alter. of Hair Smitl'llS]: TREMELE.QL‘IVER
`\‘dam-d‘h n [s on for G dirndllt ci'd. fr. 6 dial. dimdl girl + G
`kteid dress, fr. MHG Heir; akin to CE cloth cloth] (193?)
`I : a dress
`style with tight bodice. short sleeves. low neck. and gathered skirt
`: a full skirt with a tight waistband
`dirt \'dort} rt [)ME drir.
`lr. ON;
`mud. dust. or grime)
`c droi-
`tem tible person
`2 a: loose
`a : an abject or ii thy state : s
`: al uvial earth In placer mining
`: licentiousncss ol language or
`e: embarrassmg or_ine
`bllte n (1972): a usu. light
`tion on unpaved surfaces
`dirt farmer it (1920) t a farmer I
`land: esp : one who farms with:
`dirt-poor \‘d:rt-'pu(a)r\ ad; (19
`'dert-e ad' dirt-i-er: «a
`b : likely to belottl o
`disagreeable. and unrecognmet
`that no one else wanted to bod
`ing organisms (in- wounds) 1
`deeds): also: UNSPoa‘t‘SMaNuK
`table means :
`lbL-GD’TTEN ("_-
`It: Fooov. SIDRMY 5
`II of
`(war is a A» business)
`I: : :5:
`ua it
`-— us
`es . o
`dirt -pink wall:
`It: chafing“
`ggavelhirn a “H 100E)
`t has
`rt-loly \‘dart-‘l-a adv
`syn DIRTY. FILTHY. r-otJt. ism
`or impure. DIRTY e_m hasues
`ticnal reaction to it children
`FILIHY carries a stron spga
`gradually accumulat
`dirt 1
`greasy floor. utterligit‘tlty) Fl:
`accumulation of w t is roll:
`whilfs from the river —Henn
`ally foul or is repu ' ant to c-
`ness. or sweetness It’s a PI
`tice, nasty is often wakes-3
`synonym of unpleasant or ifi
`gave her a nasty shock) soon]
`that of slovenly neglect (Irvin!
`All these terms are appliceh
`obscenity. DIRTY then stresse
`ture's at his dirty work a
`FOL'L describe disgusting
`guage) (a foul story) and NAS
`antness (a cheap and nest)
`Wilkes} Distincttvely. SQUaLl
`and dirtiness (her life wasase
`2dirty adv (ca. 1934) :
`in a dif'
`HANDEDLY (fight '2')
`lg: moo
`3dirty vb dirtoied; dirty-mg W“.
`with dishonor: SULLY Ii: tot
`to become soiled
`dirty linen rt “946) : private
`distress and embarrassment -
`dirty old man n (1932): a let-he
`dirty pool n (1940): 1111:18th
`dirty word 210842): a word..-
`opprobrious, or dero_atcr_v III
`instant culture —I. R.
`merit has become a an; we!
`dis- prefix
`div. des-. fr.
`Dis \‘dis\ It Lg:
`the Roman
`akin to 0 le- a
`rt, L duct-
`site of (disestab Ish) h :
`'ect) (disable) (dispnnce) (
`l : opposite or absence of (i
`4 : completely (dual
`dis-ahil-i-ty \.di_s-a-fbtl-st€\
`disabled h : inability to put
`mental mall-"Wm 2 : latch
`Ills-able \
`v _
`: a disq d magpnarefincm’&
`deprive of legal right. quahfiu
`or inelfective; esp :
`stren th: CRIPPLE syuseeij'l
`dis-ab ed adj (1633) 5. incapac-
`disoahuse \dis-ov'byuz\ vi [F d
`(16] I): to free from error or!
`maltase or lactose _that hydro
`di-saocbaorlde \(‘)dt-'sak+,t1d
`sucrose) that yields on hydrd;
`dis-accord \.dis-a-'ko(a)rd\ u
`desoccrt disagreement. fr. dc!
`AGREE — dismord n
`dime-custom \.dIs-a-'kas—t:a-‘
`turner. fr. des- + acosiumeno
`Miami-vantage \.dIs-ad- vent-I
`rage. lr. 0F. fr_. des- + even!
`esp. to reputation. credit. orl
`able. inferior. or prejudicial eI
`(it put us under a serious e»)
`1disadvantage vt (153.4) :
`ed \-l}d\ ad;
`conditions as standard bolus:
`civil rights) believed to he one:
`dis-atl-van-taged-Iees \qu-s
`dis-ad-vanota-geous With-on
`tut‘ing a disadvantage 3 : :
`geous-ly adv —

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