Telephonic hearing
`Paper No. 11
`Entered: April 25, 2018
`Page 1
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2018-00082
`Patent 6,088,802
`CHARLES J. BOUDREAU, Administrative Patent Judges.
`FISHMAN, Administrative Patent Judge.
`MAY 9, 2018
`12:00 P.M. (C.S.T.)
` Job Number: 141987
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`4 5
`7 8
`SPEX Technologies, Inc.
`IPR2018-00082 Ex. 2006
`Western Digital Corp. v SPEX Technologies, Inc.


` Telephonic hearing
`Page 2
` Brian Buroker, Esquire
` Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
` 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW
` Washington, DC 20036
` Alfred Fabricant, Esquire
` Peter Lambrianakos, Esquire
` Vincent Rubino, III, Esquire
` Enrique Iturralde, Esquire
` Brown Rudnick
` Seven Times Square
` New York, NY 10036
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`Page 3
` Telephonic hearing
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: Conference call
` regarding two cases: IPR 201800082, IPR
` 201800084.
` Patent Owner, you've requested this
` call to discuss SAS issues. Please
` proceed.
` MR. LAMBRIANAKOS: Thank you, Your
` Honor. This is Peter Lambrianakos for the
` patent owner. We asked to address these
` issues because as the Board is aware,
` these are two of the first cases where the
` Board has instituted on the entirety of a
` petition, even though the petitioner only
` met its burden as to a subset of the
` challenged claims.
` 82 IPR, petitioner met its burden
` only with respect to two of the challenged
` claims, which are claims 38 and 39 of the
` patent, and in the 84 IPR, the petitioner
` met its burden with respect to three
` claims but not claim 56.
` And so we're seeking the Board's
` guidance on how to proceed, specifically
` first with respect to the 82 IPR. Our
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` Telephonic hearing
` question there is: If the patent owner
` elects to waive its patent owner response,
` would the petitioner be permitted to file
` any paper in response to the institution
` decision?
` And specifically, our question is
` whether it would be permitted to present
` arguments or evidence addressing the
` claims as to which the petitioner did not
` meet its burden on institution in its
` original petition.
` would you like to chime in?
` MR. BUROKER: Yes, Your Honor. This
` is Brian Buroker on behalf of the
` petitioner. First, I'd like to say that
` we haven't had an opportunity to really
` consider that issue. We were asked to
` join a conference call, status conference
` with the Board. We asked what they wanted
` to address, and they just said generally
` they wanted to address the post-stat
` issues and how the Board might react. And
` there wasn't a specific proposal made to
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` Telephonic hearing
` us before this call, except two hours ago
` in an email, that they might be waiving
` their patent owner response.
` And so we really haven't had a
` chance, Your Honor, to consult with the
` client and see what we would do, what we
` believe an accurate position to be. So I
` think that's my initial reaction is that
` this call may be a bit premature and that
` we may need to have a further
` meet-and-confer in either a follow up
` commission or a status conference. But in
` general, we believe we should be entitled
` to supplement the record in some form or
` fashion with respect to the claims that
` the Board found, at least in the
` institution decision, where there had not
` been a reasonable likelihood of showing
` unpassability. And that either through
` supplemental information or additional
` briefing and expert declaration testimony,
` if necessary, that that should be what
` happens in these post-stat cases in which
` the Board institutes on more claims than
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`Page 6
` Telephonic hearing
` they would have previously or where they
` were doing partial institutions.
` Otherwise, the institution decision
` becomes a final decision, and that does
` not seem to be consistent with the
` statutory framework laid out. Again, this
` is our preliminary view point. We haven't
` had a chance to really consult with the
` client on this. And I just wanted to put
` that on the record because, you know, of
` the timing here, we got the proposal from
` them about two hours ago, and really want
` more time to consider it.
` Judge Fishman. Let me make clear first
` and foremost, that our guidance for, in
` the trial practice guide as well as the
` recent guidance that was issued regarding
` the SAS decision makes clear that the
` parties should confer. It's a bit of a
` waste of our time when the parties have
` not discussed the issue and tried to work
` it out before bringing the Board in.
` So first and foremost, let me
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` Telephonic hearing
` instruct the parties, please don't
` initiate another conference call where the
` parties have not conferred and tried to
` narrow the focus of the issues.
` Responding to the question of, in
` general, I would direct both parties to
` the trial practice guide and the online
` guidance regarding the SAS decision.
` Given that our institution decision is
` very recent, just a little over a week
` ago, I can't perceive of any need for
` additional time or additional pages of
` briefing.
` As to strategy for patent owners or
` petitioner, we would offer no guidance to
` either side as to what is an appropriate
` strategy to proceed. I think, Patent
` Owner, your question is, if you waive
` altogether your option to file a POR, does
` the petitioner have an opportunity to
` reply at all, is that your question?
` MR. LAMBRIANAKOS: That is our
` question. Our understanding is normally a
` petitioner would get a reply to respond to
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` Telephonic hearing
` issues raised in the patent owner
` response. There would be no patent-owner
` response. We would assume under the rules
` that there would be no opportunity for a
` reply since no further argument was
` presented.
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: Let me consult
` with the panel.
` (Pause.)
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: I apologize to
` the parties. Obviously, the SAS decision
` has raised a number of interesting, unique
` fact patterns that have not all been
` addressed yet. Question for petitioner:
` If it were the case that patent owner were
` waiving its opportunity for a patent owner
` response, waiving it in writing on the
` record, would the petitioner be requesting
` any further briefing or reply or whatever
` form it may be?
` MR. BUROKER: Again, Your Honor, this
` is Brian Buroker. We would like the
` opportunity to consult with the client
` regarding that issue. I suspect that we
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` Telephonic hearing
` will narrow claims, for example, that you
` in the initial petition decision found
` there wasn't sufficient, you know,
` evidence to show a reasonable likelihood
` of a quote on unpassability, we would like
` the opportunity to address those points at
` a minimum so that we, you know, there is a
` complete record on those points.
` But, you know, that's why -- and
` you're right, there is a lot of issues
` that have been raised by the SAS decision,
` and that's why we were thinking that a
` good solution would be for the parties to
` meet and confer. If we can't reach
` agreement on what should happen, then we
` could each -- either each file a motion or
` one of us could file a motion where we
` could set forth our arguments in writing
` and give Your Honors an opportunity to
` think about these issues, rather than
` being forced to address them on a
` conference call without having either
` party have an opportunity to see the other
` side's argument and respond to it in
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` Telephonic hearing
` writing.
` So if we may, that's where we, you
` know, go down the road of making the final
` determination on whether we will or won't
` file a response or have a right to or not,
` we think we should be given an opportunity
` to put something in writing in the record.
` MR. LAMBRIANAKOS: Your Honor, this
` is Peter Lambrianakos for the patent
` owner. My understanding is that counsel
` for SPEX raised the issue in a
` meet-and-confer last week with counsel for
` the petitioner. And the issue that was
` raised was whether if the patent owner,
` who is a plaintiff in district court
` litigation, were to agree to withdraw
` claims 38 and 39 of the 802 patent from
` the case, therefore, to not allege
` infringement of those claims any longer,
` whether -- whether the petitioner would
` agree to drop the IPR. And the answer
` that came back was no, and that the
` petitioner intended to submit additional
` evidence with respect to the other claims.
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` Telephonic hearing
` So our understanding was that on that
` issue, which we expected to raise here
` today, that there has been a
` meet-and-confer and that the petitioner
` has already consulted with his client and
` made a decision that it was intended to
` present additional evidence and/or
` arguments as to the claims as to which it
` failed to show a substantial or reasonable
` likelihood of success.
` So we believe that the issue -- that
` specific issue of whether additional
` information was -- has to be brought
` before the board has already been
` conferred on and was ripe for discussion.
` I just wanted to point out as well
` that the timing on this call is
` necessitated by the fact that today is the
` deadline for a motion for rehearing, which
` we believe may be the proper way to raise
` certain issues that we are raising here
` today, and we were concerned about losing
` that deadline.
` For that reason, while we just
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` Telephonic hearing
` recently finalized the strategy and the
` issues that we wanted to bring before the
` Board, we felt it necessary so as not to
` lose any rights in connection with filing
` additional papers.
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: Let me confer
` with the panel again.
` MR. BUROKER: I have one point, Your
` Honor. This is Brian Buroker. The
` meet-and-confer he's referring to was
` between litigation counsel and was in
` context of how they were going to handle
` the litigation going forward. It was not
` in context with what they were going to
` propose in this call today to Your Honors.
` So I don't think that that's an accurate
` representation of what the context of that
` conversation was. I wanted to make sure
` that was clear before getting on this call
` today.
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: Let's not argue
` how we got to the phone call today. We
` are in the phone call today and we will
` work to resolve it. Again, my general
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` Telephonic hearing
` suggestion, guidance, request is the
` parties should always confer before
` requesting a conference call, period.
` So let me just leave that standing.
` Let me confer with the panel regarding the
` underlying request. Hold on a moment.
` (Pause.)
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: One question.
` Since the patent owner raised the issue,
` does either patent owner or petitioner
` intend to file a request for rehearing on
` the decision to institute?
` MR. LAMBRIANAKOS: This is Peter
` Lambrianakos for patent owner. We were
` going to ask today of the Board, you know,
` in connection with the request we just
` made, whether in the alternative, if the
` patent owner were to withdraw from the
` underlying litigation Claims 38 and 39 of
` the 802 patent, such that there is no
` controversy anymore between the patent
` owner and petitioner concerning any claims
` as to which the petitioner had met its
` burden, whether we would be permitted or
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` Telephonic hearing
` whether the board would be receptive to a
` motion for rehearing requesting that the
` Board denies institution as to the
` remaining claims.
` So that is something we are
` considering doing today as well as perhaps
` a motion for rehearing with respect to the
` issue that was presented in the reply and
` surreply reached earlier in this
` proceeding which concerned the issue of
` the petitioner taking contradictory claim
` construction positions in the district
` court and in this proceeding.
` MR. BUROKER: And, Your Honor, for
` the petitioner, I believe our deadline is
` 30 days, and we're not there yet, so we
` haven't finalized a determination with the
` client, whether we would seek a rehearing
` at this point.
` moment.
` (Pause.)
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: Again, apologies
` for the lengthy delay. We're discussing a
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` Telephonic hearing
` lot of subtopics here. First off, our
` interpretation of the rules would suggest
` that, indeed, if patent owner were to
` waive its option for filing a patent owner
` response, waive it in writing, that the
` petitioner would have no basis for which
` to file a reply, reply brief. That's the
` first, the answer to the ultimate question
` that patent owner was raising in this
` discussion.
` We also want to point out that,
` Petitioner, you made a statement that we
` believe is in error in accordance with our
` rules, and that is a request for rehearing
` we believe would be a 14-day deadline, if
` you consider Rule 42.71(d)1. This was a
` decision to institute with at least one
` ground or one claim institution, rather
` than a complete denial of institution.
` So I believe your deadline for
` request for rehearing would be 14 days. I
` don't have a calendar in front of me to
` note if that's today or tomorrow or next
` week, but 14 days we believe would be the
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` Telephonic hearing
` deadline.
` Yes, it's been pointed out to me,
` this was not merely an institution of one
` claim because of SAS, it was an
` institution of all claims. So the
` deadline is 14 days, not 30 days.
` That said, we believe that resolves
` the issues raised in this phone call. We
` will issue a very short order to
` memorialize this order. We would also
` request that whoever engaged the services
` of the court reporter, please file a
` transcript of this as soon as possible.
` Is there any questions?
` MR. BUROKER: Brian Buroker for
` petitioner. I'm sorry for misreading the
` rule. I was doing that on the fly and
` will take a look at the rule again in
` light of your guidance. Thank you.
` further?
` MR. LAMBRIANAKOS: Yes, in response
` to the Court's ruling, we had a follow-up
` question. And that is, if we waive the
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` Telephonic hearing
` POR, then is the Board's institution
` decision considered part of the record,
` you know, with respect to the Board
` considering its institution decision as a
` basis for its final written decision? And
` secondly, would the waiver of the POR have
` an effect on the timing of the final
` written decision?
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: Everything is
` part of the record including, yes, the DI,
` unless something gets excluded from the
` record for some reason. But, yes, the DI
` is part of the record. I would point out
` to both parties, the standard of proof for
` a final decision is different than the
` standard of proof for the decision
` institution. It's a preponderance of the
` evidence in the final decision. I can't
` tell you right now if -- if it's --
` whether the preponderance of evidence
` standard has been met with regard to
` everything.
` MR. LAMBRIANAKOS: Then with respect
` to the timing, given the waiver of a POR
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` Telephonic hearing
` and the lack of any reply, would we expect
` that the timing to final written decision
` would be expedited?
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: Would either
` party be requesting an oral hearing?
` MR. LAMBRIANAKOS: Patent owner would
` not request an oral hearing.
` MR. BUROKER: Your Honor, it's a
` hypothetical. I'm not sure what's down
` the road, and we don't know what we would
` do in that regard, again, haven't had a
` chance to talk to the client about how
` they would want us to how to handle that
` issue.
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: Yes, it is a
` hypothetical question. I can't tell you
` right now that the schedule would be
` expedited. It's certainly a possibility.
` MR. LAMBRIANAKOS: Thank you very
` much, Your Honor.
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: Hold on, one
` moment. Let me consult further with the
` panel.
` (Pause.)
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`Page 19
` Telephonic hearing
` YOUR HONOR FISHMAN: We will issue a
` brief order. It might be a day or two
` before it gets entered. Just a final
` reminder, that we really need the parties
` to confer further on issues of this nature
` before requesting a phone call or
` requesting any kind of additional briefing
` or filing. We don't want to work these
` things out in this kind of lengthy phone
` call. Anything further?
` MR. LAMBRIANAKOS: Nothing further
` from patent owner, Your Honor.
` MR. BUROKER: No, Your Honor, not
` from petitioner at this time.
` you, everyone.
` MR. LAMBRIANAKOS: Thank you very
` much.
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` Telephonic hearing
`Page 20
` I hereby certify that I reported the
` telephone conference on the MAY 9, 2018 in
` Minneapolis, Minnesota, and that the witness
` was by me first duly sworn to tell the whole
` truth;
` That the testimony was transcribed under
` my direction and is a true record of the
` testimony of the witness;
` That the cost of the original has been
` charged to the party who noticed the
` deposition, and that all parties who ordered
` Telephonic hearing 21
` such copies;
` That I am not a relative or employee or
` attorney or counsel of any of the parties or a
` relative or employee of such attorney or
` counsel;
` That I am not financially interested in
` the action and have no contract with the
` parties, attorneys, or persons with an
` interest in the action that affects or has a
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`Page 21
` substantial tendency to affect my
` impartiality;
` That the right to read and sign the
` deposition was not reserved by the witness.
` 9TH DAY OF MAY, 2018.
` ___________________________________
` Mari A. Skalicky RMR
` NOTARY PUBLIC, Hennepin County, Minnesota
` My commission expires 1/31/2020
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 800-702-9580

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