`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`28 June 2007 (28.06.2007)
` (10) International Publication Number
`WO 2007/073294 A1
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`A47F 5/00 (200601)
`G09F 3/20 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`20 December 2006 (20.12.2006)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`22 December 2005 (22.12.2005)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): HL DIS-
`PLAY AB [SE/SE]; Horisontv’agen 26, $7128 34 Skarpr
`nack (SE).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): SJOBERG, Marten
`[SE/SE]; Frodingsv'agen 14, S—112 56 Stockholm (SE).
`JOSEFSSON, Bbrje [SE/SE]; Hoppvagen 3, 37860 30
`Sorberge (SE).
`(74) Agent: WENNBORG, Johan; Kransell & Wennborg KB,
`Box 27834, S—1 15 93 Stockholm (SE).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofnational protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS,
`JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS,
`MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS,
`RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SI), SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, IVID, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,
`FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT,
`GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`— with international search report
`For two—letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the ”Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations ” appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`(57) Abstract: A device (2, T) for releasably fixing accessories (5, 6) to a shelf (1), comprising an elongate channel element (10,
`10') which is adapted to be fastened to the front edge oIa shelf and which includes an axially extending channel (13, 13') for accom—
`N modating engagement parts (53) of a number of accessories disposed in juxtaposed relationship along the shelf, and a fixing element
`O (20, 20') which co—acts with the channel element such as to affix the engagefi ment parts accommodated in the channel element
`wherein the fixing element (20, 20') can be moved relative to the channel element for adjustment between a fixing mode, in which
`the engagement parts are fixed, and a release mode in which the engagement parts are released.
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`Field of invention
`The present invention relates to a fastening device for releasably fixing accessories to a shelf
`of the kind defined in the preamble of claim 1. The invention also relates to a system, and a
`shelf equipped with such a fixing device.
`The shelf accessories may be of different kinds, such as for instance shelf dividers, pushing
`devices, holders for information carriers, trays, etc.
`BackgrOund of the invention
`Stores that retail convenience goods or commodities on a daily basis often present their goods
`on shelves. In order to create an ordered display of these goods on the shelving and to enhance
`their presentation there is used a number of different accessories, such as shelf dividers,
`different types of devices for pushing the goods and different types of goods-carrying trays,
`etc. Such accessories are often mounted on the upper surface of the shelf.
`Known technology allows these accessories to be fastened to the shelf in a number of different
`ways, for instance mechanically with the aid of screws or technically equivalent devices, by
`frictional engagement or by adhesion with the aid of double-sided adhesive tape or by
`corresponding means.
`The devices used to fasten the accessories to the shelves will preferably have some
`fundamental properties. One important property is that it is possible to fasten the accessories
`at selected positions along the length of the shelving, so as to position the accessories in a
`chosen space relationship that is adapted to suit different packages and different quantities of
`goods. The accessories should further be securely held to the shelf in order to avoid that they
`are inadvertently loosened or displaced from their intended positions.
`Shelf dividers constitute an example of accessories where the mutual distance there between
`can be particularly important. The shelf dividers often consist of partitioning walls which are
`fastened to the shelving such as to extend at right angles to the longitudinal direction of the
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`shelving and to project outwardly perpendicularly therefrom. The primary purpose of the shelf
`dividers is to separate different groups of goods from one another and to create order on the
`shelving. Particularly when a goods advancing means is placed between two shelf dividers, it
`is essential that the shelf dividers are not displaced towards one another, not even to the
`slightest extent, since the friction between goods and shelf dividers may then become so great
`as to prevent advancement of the goods.
`The accessories will preferably also be held firmly, such as to ensure that they will not topple.
`In conjunction with this, it is highly important will be held firmly and that the fixing device
`will enable respective accessories to be readily fixed and removed.
`A particularly desirable property is that it is possible to fix a number of accessories to the
`shelf and to release a number of accessories from the shelf readily by hand. A system which
`‘ allows several accessories to be fixed and released at the same time can be used, for instance,
`in setting up shelf dividers on a new shelf or in reorganizing the whole of the shelf or a larger
`part thereof. In setting up shelf dividers on an empty shelf, the shelf dividers are first placed in
`roughly estimated positions along the shelf, with respect to the goods to be placed thereon.
`The person responsible for setting up the shelf will normally start at one end of the shelf and
`work towards the other end thereof. When arriving at the other end of the shelf it may become
`apparent that there is not sufficient room on the shelf to place a last shelf divider. All of the
`earlier placed shelf dividers must then be adjusted by displacing the same somewhat in either
`direction so as to provide space for the last shelf divider so as to fill out the earlier occurring
`free end of the shelf. In respect to the work involved in making this adjustment it is highly
`beneficial when the shelf dividers are not fixed to the shelf, so as to avoid the necessity
`loosening and re-fastening the dividers. When all of the shelf dividers have been finally
`positioned, it is desirable that all dividers can be fixed simultaneously in their respective
`positions readily by hand. This will readily ensure that non of the dividers will topple or be
`displaced or loosened on their respective intended positions while fixating the dividers or
`when subsequenetly placing goods on the shelf.
`Even when the shelf is placed in order and the shelf dividers are placed in their respective
`positions, it is sometimes necessary to reorganize the shelf, requiring one or more of the shelf
`dividers to be moved, removed or fixed in position. For example, this is the case when the
`spacing between two adjacent shelf dividers must be adjusted in order to accommodate a new
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`item of goods or package of goods of other dimensions. In addition, it may often be desirable
`to subsequently fasten other accessories, such as information carriers, for instance flag holders
`or coupon holders on a shelf that has earlier been placed in order. In order to facilitate such
`reorganization of parts of a shelf that has already been placed in order it is desirable that
`individual accessories can be removed and then secured in a new position and to affix new
`accessories without needing to release remaining shelf dividers.
`It is also desirable that the means for fixating the accessories will have an aesthetic
`appearance and will not be an unnecessary obstacle to placing or removing goods on and from
`a shelf or from adjacent shelving. It is also important that the accessory fixing means are of
`simple construction and can be produced and mounted at low cost.
`It is also desirable that the means for securely holding accessories to a shelf can be applied to
`existing shelves without requiring the shelves to be replaced or modified in some way.
`In addition to the aforesaid accessories that are normally placed on the shelf or shelving there
`are also often used different types of holders for price labels and other information carriers
`that refer to the goods place on the shelves.
`One example in this respect resides in the data-carrying strips comprised of an elongate
`profiled element fastened to the front edge of respective shelving such as to extend along the
`full length of a shelf or along several juxtaposed shelf sections. This data-carrying strip
`includes a longitudinally extending transparent plastic pocket in which price labels can be
`placed side by side in front of the goods to which the information carried thereby relates.
`In recent times there has been found wider use for so—called mother profiles or holder profiles,
`primarily in convenience stores. The mother profiled sections are also comprised of an
`elongate profiled element which is fastened to the front edge of a shelf along its full length or
`along mutually juxtaposed sections thereof. Instead of an elongate plastic pocket the mother
`profiles include an elongate engagement part to which separate plastic pockets for labels or
`other information-carrying holders, such as flag holders, can be fastened in selective positions
`along the front edge of the shelf. The use of mother profiles provides greater flexibility and
`more possibilities for achieving an informative, striking and aesthetically attractive
`presentation of goods—related information.
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`WO 2007/073294
`Prior art techniques
`W02004/112549 describes a system for fastening accessories to a shelf. The system includes
`an accessory which has a foot, and a channel element that has an outwardly open channel. The
`channel element is comprised of extruded aluminium and is fastened along the front edge of a
`shelf. A fixing device, for instance in the form of an elongate leaf spring, is disposed in the
`channel. The fixing device can be adjusted between a fixing position in which the feet of
`respective accessories accommodated in the channel are fixed and a release position in which
`said feet are released through the medium of a manoeuvring device accessible from outside
`the channel.
`W02005/7025 3 86 describes a similar system which comprises a channel element formed by
`extruded aluminium and having an outwardly open channel which is fastened to the front edge
`of a shelf for accommodating the feet of respective accessories. An elongate fixing device that
`has an outwardly open and axially extending groove is provided in the channel and can be
`adjusted between an accessory fixing position and an accessory released position. This system
`differs from the known system described above by virtue of the fact that the fixing device can
`be adjusted between its respective positions by manipulating one of the accessories
`accommodated in the channel element, among other things.
`Both of the known systems described above thus enable all accessories accommodated in the
`channel to be readily fixed and released respectively by hand. The systems also allow
`subsequent adjustment of the accessories to be achieved readily when the accessories are
`located in the channel element and the fixing device is in its accessory release mode.
`The design of the systems that include an outwardly open channel in which the feet or
`corresponding engagement parts of the accessories are accommodated ensures that the
`accessories will be held stably in their fixed positions and that the accessories will stand
`relatively firmly on the shelf even in the release mode of the system, so as to facilitate
`subsequent adjustment of the accessories. Fastening of the accessories in the channel element
`disposed on the front edge of the shelf also enables the systems to be formed in the absence of
`parts that project up from the shelving if so desired.
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`W02001/78043 describes a mother profile or holder profile for securing, for instance, label
`holders on the front edge of shelving. The mother profile is comprised of an elongate profiled
`element which is mounted on the front edge of a respective shelf. The profiled element
`includes a rear mounting part for fixing the element to the shelf and a front securing part to
`which label holders and other accessories of a corresponding design can be releasably snapped
`into the profiled element at chosen positions along the element.
`Summary of the invention
`One object of the present invention is to provide a fixing device of the kind defined in the first
`paragraph of this description, wherein the fixing device has a simple and reliable construction
`and is simple and inexpensive to manufacture, mount and use.
`Another object of the present invention is to provide such a fixing device which enables a
`number of accessories to be fixed and released simultaneously to and from a shelf with the aid
`of a simple handgrip.
`Another object of the invention is to provide such a fixing device that enables a mother profile
`or holder profile to be integrated in the fastening device.
`Still another object of the invention is to provide such a fixing device that can be readily
`manufactured, for example extruded in a single piece.
`These and other objects of the invention are achieved with a fixing device of the kind defined
`in the preamble of claim 1 and having the special features set forth in the characterising clause
`of the claim.
`Because the fixing device is arranged generally outside the channel in the channel element
`there is obtained a significantly simpler construction than that of earlier known fixing devices
`that include an open channel for accommodating the engagement parts of respective
`accessories. Because the channel need only have sufficient space to accommodate the
`engagement parts of respective accessories, the channel element can be given a much smaller
`cross-section in a forward direction from the front edge of the shelf than what was earlier
`possible. This enables the channel element to be formed from a suitable polymer material
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`while still obtaining sufficient torsional stiffiiess along the full length of the channel element,
`even in the case of fixing devices of relatively large lengths. Moreover, placement of the
`fixing element generally outside the channel enables the entire fixing device, including
`channel element and fixing element, to be produced in one single piece through the medium
`of a generally simple and inexpensive injection moulding process or an inexpensive extrusion
`The fixing element is conveniently connected to the channel element by means of an axially
`extending hinge about which the fixing element can be rotated relative to the channel element.
`This results in an integrated unit which can be readily produced in the absence of subsequent
`mounting of separate details.
`The fixing device will conveniently include a profiled section which projects forwardly from
`the shelf and which is intended for holding further shelf accessories or information carriers
`and which is connected to the fixing element. There is obtained in this way a combined fixing
`device for fixing first shelf accessories, such as shelf dividers, pusher devices, trays and the
`like on top of the shelf and for securing second accessories and/or labels and the like on the
`front edge of the shelf. This embodiment thus enables a simple extruded element to be
`combined as an integral part with the fixing device for shelf accessories disposed there above
`with a mother profile or information carrying strip.
`The fixing device conveniently includes an abutment part which is comprised of an elastically
`friction enhancing material for affixing abutment with the shelf accessories received in the
`channel. This provides more secure fixing of the accessories in the fixing mode of the device
`and counteracts displacement of the accessories along the shelf.
`The channel element may include an abutment surface which is intended to engage the
`abutment part when the fixing device is in its accessory release mode, so as to releasably keep
`the fixing device in its release mode. This will ensure that the fixing device is kept in its
`release mode even in the case of a simple fixing device that is comprised of polymer material
`that has relatively small torsion stiffness along its length.
`The fixing device will conveniently include a manoeuvring arm on that side of the channel
`element facing away from the shelf. This enables easy access to the fixing device from in
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`front of the shelves, for adjustment purposes. The manoeuvring arm also produces a lever-
`arm—effect which facilitates fixing and releasing of accessories, even when many engagement
`parts are fixed in the channel element with a relatively large tensioning force.
`By providing the channel element and the manoeuvring arm With co-acting engagement
`means for releasable securement of the fixing device in its fixing mode it is ensured that the
`fixing device will be retained in its fixing mode along its full length even when its torsional
`stiffiiess is relatively low.
`If the abutment part and the manoeuvring arm are each placed on a respective side of the
`hinge, it is possible to obtain a transmission which amplifies the lever—arm-effect of the
`manoeuvring arm.
`The abutment part of the fixing device is preferably disposed outside the channel in order to
`obtain the simplest possible cross—section construction and manufacture of the integrated
`fixing device by injection moulding or extrusion of the integrated fixing device. It is also
`possible, however, to design the fixing device so that the abutment part will be located in the
`channel when the fixing part of the device is in a fixing and/or releasing mode if so desired.
`The profiled element will also conveniently include a mounting section which is designed for
`abutment with the shelf surface so that the channel element will project down beneath the
`shelf surface, in front of the front edge of the shelf. This enables the fixing device to be
`readily fitted to a standard shelf, for instance with the aid of double-sided adhesive tape.
`Moreover, this will enable the fixing device to be placed in a position in which it does not
`prevent access to the goods on the shelf and which will also allow labels placed on the front
`profile section of the fixing device to be easily read.
`Other objects of the invention and benefits afforded thereby will be apparent from the
`following detailed description of the invention and from the accompanying claims.
`Brief description of the drawings
`The present invention will now be described with reference to various embodiments thereof
`and also with reference to the figures of the accompanying drawings, in which
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`Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a shelf on which three different accessories have been mounted
`with the aid of an accessory fixing device according to a first embodiment of the invention
`Fig. 2 is a perspective View of the fixing device shown in figure 1.
`Fig. 3a and 3b are side views of the fixing device illustrated in figures 1 and 2 respectively
`and show the device in an accessory fixing mode and an accessory releasing mode
`Fig. 4a, 4b and 4c are respectively perspective views taken obliquely from the rear, from one
`side of the device and from beneath the device, showing a part of an accessory that can be
`used together with the accessory fixing device shown in figure 1.
`Fig. 5a and 5b are side views corresponding to the views of figures 3a and 3b respectively and
`also show part of an accessory.
`Fig. 6 is a perspective View of a fixing device according to a second embodiment of the
`invention, as seen obliquely from the front.
`Fig. 7 is a side view of the fixing device shown in figure 6.
`Detailed description of embodiments
`There have been used in the following description directional and positional designations,
`such as up, down, forwards, rearwards, over, under, in front of, behind, upper, lower, front
`and rear. These designations relate to directions and positions of a horizontal shelf or of
`details when fixed to such a shelf. By the front edge of a shelf is meant that edge of the shelf
`that faces towards a person in normal use of the shelf. The designations are used to provide
`greater clarity to this description and shall not be considered to limit the protective scope of
`the claimed invention.
`Figure 1 shows a front part of a typical store shelf 1 that has an upper shelf surface 1a and a
`front edge 1b. A system fixing device 2 according to a first embodiment of the invention is
`fastened to the shelf surface 1a with the aid of double-sided adhesive tape 3 such that part of
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`WO 2007/073294
`the fixing device will project down immediately in front of the front edge 1b of the shelf.
`Three accessories in the form of two shelf dividers 5 and a pusher device 6, are fixed to the
`shelf with the aid of the fixing device as is described below in more detail. At least the shelf
`dividers 5 have to this end a foot that includes an engagement part as described in more detail
`below with reference to figures 4a-4c.
`The fixing device 2 illustrated in figures 2, 3a and 3b is comprised of an integrated profiled
`element which is produced in one piece by the co—extrusion of two different polymer
`materials. The fixing device 2 can thus be produced very readily and at low cost. The
`construction provides, at the same time, a high degree of freedom with respect to the design of
`the fixing device 2, so as to provide an aesthetically attractive construction which will
`conform to the shelf to which it shall be fastened and to other goods presentations and
`furnishing details. The extruded profiled element can be cut into lengths that correspond to
`different standard shelves, for instance in lengths of 600, 900, 1200 and 1330 mm. If the
`fixating system is applied to shelves of other lengths, the fixing device is simply sawn situ
`with the aid of a saw or hacksaw. Lengths that differ from standard lengths may also be
`provided in the manufacturing process.
`The fixing device 2 includes a channel element 10 and a fixing element 20. The channel
`element 10 includes a mounting section 11 and a part 12 that projects down from the surface
`la of the shelf. The mounting section 11 is intended to lie in abutment with the shelf surface
`la via the intermediate double-sided adhesive tape 3 (figure 1). The fastening device may,
`alternatively, be secured to the shelf with the aid of screws or other fasteners with the
`mounting section lying directly against the shelf surface.
`The downwardly projecting part 12 has a generally U-shaped cross section comprising a rear
`leg 12a and a front leg 12b which define an upwardly open channel 13 therebetween. At the
`upper end of the rear leg 12a an upper rear flange 14 projects obliquely outwards through a
`short distance in a forwardly and upwardly direction. An upper front flange 15 projects out
`rearwardly through a short distance at the upper end of the front leg 12b. An abutment surface
`15a is arranged on the upper front flange 15. A rear upper engagement flange 16 and a front
`lower engagement flange 17 project out in the channel 13 from the rear leg 12a and the front
`leg 12b respectively in a direction inwards the channel. A first latching flange 18 is provided
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`on the outer surface of the downwardly projecting part 12 slightly in front of the bottom of
`said downwardly projecting part 12.
`The fixing element 20 includes an engagement part 21 and a manoeuvring arm 22. The
`engagement part 21 is comprised of a string of elastic polymer material that has a high
`coefficient of friction and that has been co-extruded with the polymer material that forms the
`remainder of the fixing device 2. The manoeuvring arm 22 is formed by a generally J-shaped
`part 22a and a part 22b that projects out at right angles to the channel element 10. A second
`latching flange 23 projects out towards the channel element 10 from the lower tip of the J-
`shaped part 22a. A gripping flange 24 also projects out from the lower part of the J-shaped
`part 22a in a direction away from the channel element 10.
`The fixing element 20 is connected to the channel element 10 by means of a hinge 30 that
`forms an axle which extends along the system and which allows the fixing element 20 to be
`rotated relative to the channel element 10. In the case of the illustrated embodiment, the hinge
`is comprised of a relatively thin bridge of the same material as that from which the channel
`element 10 and the fixing element 20 are made, with the exception of the deformable element
`21. However, the hinge may altematively be formed from some other flexible material that is
`co-extruded with the other materials included in the accessory fixing system.
`At the embodiment illustrated in figures 1 — 3b, 5a and 5b the fixing device also includes a
`front profiled section 25, 26 which constitutes an engagement profile for securing further
`accessories, such as label holders or flag holders (not shown). The front profile section
`includes an upper hook-shaped projection 25 and a lower forwardly arched portion 26 that has
`a lower rounding whose radius of curvature is smaller than that of the arched portion. The
`hook—shaped projection 25 and the arched portion 26 extend out from the J—shaped portion 22a
`of the manoeuvring arm 22 in a direction away from the channel element 10 and are formed
`integrally as a one-piece structure with the remainder of the fixing device 2.
`Figures 4a—c illustrates an example of an accessory that is suited for being held by the fixing
`device according to the invention. The figures show the front portion of a shelf divider 5,
`although it will be understood that other accessories with a corresponding engagement part
`53, that is described further below, are suited for being fixed at shelves which are provided
`with a fixing device according to the invention. The shelf divider 5 includes a dividing wall
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`51 and a front plate 52 Whose lower part forms an engagement part 53 which is intended to be
`received by and affixed in the fixing device 2 (see figure 1). In order to achieve effective
`stability when the shelf divider is placed on the shelf, the engagement part 53 includes a
`portion that has a given extension parallel with the longitudinal direction of the fastening
`device below that part of the accessory that is placed on the shelf surface.
`The engagement part 5 3 also includes a front surface 54 which is generally vertical, and a
`lower portion which tapers downwardly into a tip 55 that includes draughts or clearances 55a
`in the sides of the engagement part 53. Slightly above the bottom tip 55 there extends
`rearwardly an upper horizontal flange 56 that has a generally constant cross-section over the
`full width of the engagement part 5 3. There is provided in the engagement part 53 a rear-
`wardly open aperture 57 of round cross-section beneath the upper flange 5 6. A beak—like
`projection 58 extends rearwardly beneath the aperture 57. The beak-like projection 58
`includes laterally facing and downwardly facing clearances 58a, 58b in the engagement part
`Figures 5a and 5b illustrate how the shelf divider 5 shown in figures 4a-c can be affixed to a
`shelf (not shown in figures 5a-b) and released with the aid of a fastening device 2, shown in
`figures 2—3.
`Figure 5 a shows the fixing device in its release mode. The fixing element 20 has herewith
`been rotated anticlockwise about the hinge 30, wherewith the abutment part 21 has come into
`abutment with the abutment surface 15a on the channel element 10. As a result of the
`resilience of the abutment part 21 and its relatively high coefficient of friction the fixing
`element 20 is kept in its release mode along its full length. This is particularly beneficial since
`it allows the fixing element 20 to be formed from a material that has a relatively small rigidity
`and can also be readily caused to take and be retained in a distinct release position so as to
`enable accessories to be positioned, removed and displaced along the full length of the
`fastening device 2. In this position of the fixing element 20 it is possible to insert the
`engagement parts 53 of a desired number of accessories 5, 6 into the channel 13 of the
`channel element 10. The tip 55 of the engagement part 53 and the lower clearance 58b of the
`beak-like projection 58 allows the tip 55 and the projection 58 to pass the rear upper engage-
`ment flange 16 of the channel element 10 and take the position shown in figure 5a. In this
`position, the rear upper flange 6 is in engagement with the aperture 57 in the engagement part
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`53 between the flange 56 and the projection 58, at the same time as the lower front engage-
`ment flange 17 of the channel element lies against the tip 55 below the fiont vertical surface
`54 of the engagement part. This engagement between the engagement flanges 16, 17 of the
`channel element and the engagement part 53 of the accessory ensures that the accessory will
`stand relatively firmly on the shelf while, at the same time, enabling the accessory to be easily
`displaced along the shelf in the longitudinal direction of the fixing device 2.
`When all accessories have been moved into the fastening device in the manner described
`above and adjusted to desired positions in the longitudinal direction of the shelf, all of the
`accessories are fixed simultaneously by turning the fixing element 20 clockwise to the
`position shown in figure 5b. During this rotation of the fixing element 20, the abutment
`surface releases its frictional engagement with the abutment surface 15a and, instead, is
`caused to abut the vertical surface 54 on the engagement part 53 of the shelf divider 5. During
`this rotation, the distance of the abutment part 21 from the hinge 30 gives rise to a force that
`urges the engagement part rearwards. This results in the application of a tensioning force
`along three contact lines of the engagement part 53 in the fixing device 2. This tension force is
`obtained by the abutment of the abutment part 21

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