Webster's II
`New College Dictionary
`Houghton Mifflin Company
`Boston • New York
`IROBOT 2003
`Shenzhen Silver Star v. iRobot


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`Illustrations azimuthal equidistant projection and sinusoidal
`projection© 1986 by The American Congress on Surveying and
`ISBN 0-395-96214-5
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Webster's II new college dictionary.
`(alk. paper)
`ISBN 0-395-70869-9
`1. English language - Dictionaries.
`Riverside University dictionary
`I. Webster's II new
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`Printed in the United States
`Editorial a
`Preface .
`Elements c
`Foreign We
`Four-Year C
`Two-Year I
`A Concise
`Forms of A
`Table of M
`Periodic Ta
`Signs and~


`spoon-fed e spotted fever
`spoon-fed (spoon I fed') adj. 1. Fed with a spoon. 2. Overindulged. 3.
`Given no chance to act or think independently.
`spoon-feed (spoon' fed') vt. -fed (-fed'), -feed•ing, -feeds. 1.
`To feed (another) with a spoon. 2. To treat (another) so as to discourage
`independence, as by overindulgence. 3. a. To inform or teach (another)
`in an oversimplified way. b. To provide (knowledge or information) in
`an oversimplified way.
`spoon•ful (spoon' fool') n., pl. -fuls. The amount a spoon holds.
`spoon•y also spoon•ey (spoo'ne) adj. -i•er, -i·est. 1. Enamored
`in a silly or sentimental way. 2. Feebly sentimental.
`spoor (spoor) n. [Afr. < MDu.] The track or trail of an animal, esp. a
`wild animal. - v. spoored, spoor•ing, spoors. - vt. To track by
`following a spoor. -vi. To track an animal by its spoor.

`spor- pref var. of SPORo-.
`spo•rad·ic (spa-rad 1lk, sp6-) also spo•rad·i·cal (+kal) adj.
`[Med. Lat. sporadicus < Gk. sporadikos, isolated < sporas, scattered.]
`1. Occurring at irregular intervals : having no pattern or order. 2. Ap(cid:173)
`pearing singly or at widely scattered localities, as a plant. 3. Occurring
`in isolated instances <sporadic static on the radio> -spo•rad'i·
`cal•ly adv. -spo•rad'i·cal•ness n.
`spo•ran•gi•a (spa-ran 1 je-a) n. pl. of sPoRANGIUM.
`spo•ran•gi•o•phore (spa-ran 1 je-a-f6r', -for') n. [SPORANGI(uM) +
`-PHORE.] A specialized branch or filament bearing sporangia.
`spo•ran•gi•um (spa-riin'je-am) n., pl. -gi·a (-je-a) [NLat.: SPOR(o)-
`-1; Gk. angeion, vessel.] A spore-bearing structure in certain plants, as
`fungi, mosses, and fems. - spo•ran I gi•al adj.
`spore (spar, spar) n. [NLat. spora < Gk., seed.] 1. An asexual, usu.
`single-celled reproductive organ characteristic of nonflowering plants
`such as fungi, inosses, or ferns. 2. A microorganism, as a bacterium, in
`a dormant or resting state. -vi. spored, spor•ing, spores. To
`produce spores. -spo•ra'ceous (spa-ra 1shas, sp6-) adj.
`spore case n. A structure containing spores : SPORANGIUM.
`spo•ri•cide (sp6r 1!-s!d', sp6r 1 -) n. A spore-killing agent. -spo'(cid:173)
`ri.cid'al (-s!d'l) adj.
`spo·rif•er•ous (spa-rlf'ar-as, sp6-, spa-) adj. Generating spores.
`sporo- or spor- pref. [ < NLat. spora, spore < Gk., seed.] Spore
`spo•ro•carp (sp6r'a-kiirp', sp6r 1 -) n. A multicellular structure in
`which spores are formed.
`spo•ro•cyst (sp6r 1a-s!st', spar'-) n. 1. A resting cell that produces
`asexual plant spores. 2. A protective case containing spores of certain
`protozoans. 3. A saclike larval stage in many trematode worms.
`spo•ro•cyte (sp6r'a-slt', spar'-) n. A cell that produces haploid
`spores during meiosis.
`spo•ro•gen•e•sis (s,l'6r'a-jfo'1-s!s, spar'-) n. Production or forma(cid:173)
`tion of spores. -spo ro•gen'ic (-j~n'lk), spo•rog'e•nous (spa(cid:173)
`roj 'a-nas, sp6-) adj.
`spo•ro•go•ni•um (sp6r'a-go'ne-am, spar'-) n., pl. -ni·a (-ne-a). A
`structure in mosses that generates asexual spores.
`spo•rog•o•ny (spa-rog'a-ne, sp6-) n. Production of spores resulting
`from sexual fusion of gametes prior to multiple fission, characteristic
`of certain protozoans. -spo'ro•gon'ic (sp6r'a-gon'lk, spar'-),
`spo•rog'o•nous (spa-rilg'a-nas, sp6-) adj.
`spo•ro•phore (sp6r'a-f6r', spor'a-for') n. A spore-bearing struc(cid:173)
`ture, esp. in fungi.
`spo•ro•phyll (spar' a-fl!', spar'-) n. A leaf or leaflike organ that
`bears spores.
`spo•ro•phyte (sp6r 1a-f!t', sp6r 1 -) n. The spore-producing phase in
`plants that reproduce by metagenesis. -spo1ro•phyt'ic (-f!t1lk)
`spo•ro•pol•len•in (sp6r'a-pill'a-n!n, spar'-) n. A polymer that
`comprises the exine of spores and pollen grains.
`-sporous suff. [ < SPOR(E) + -ous.] Having a specified number or
`kind of spores <heterosporous>
`spo•rO•Zo•an (sp6r'a-zolan, spar'-) n., pl. -zo•a (-zola) [< NLat.
`Sporozoa, class name : SPORO- + Gk. zoia, pl. of zoion, animal.] Any
`of numerous parasitic protozoans of the class S,rorozoa, many of which
`have complex reprodnctive processes. - spo ro•zol an adj.
`spo•ro•zo•ite (spar' a-z6'1t', spar'-) n. [sPORozo(A) + -ITE.) A spo(cid:173)
`rozoan that has been released from a spore and is ready to penetrate a
`new host cell.
`spor•ran (sp6r'an, spar'-) n. [Sc. Gael. sporan < LLat. bursa, bag<
`·Gk., leather.] A leather or fur pouch worn by Scottish Highlanders at
`the front of the kilt.
`sport (sport, sport) n. [ME sporten, to amuse< disporten. -see Dis•
`PORT.] 1. An active pastime: RECREATION. 2. A specific diversion, usu.
`involving physical exercise and having a set form and body of rules l'
`GAME. 3 •. f..fockery : jest. 4. One known for the manner of one's ac(cid:173)
`ceptance of the rules of a game or of a difficult situation <a good
`sport> 5. Informal. ·one who lives a gay, extravagant life. 6. Genetics,
`An organism that shows a marked change from the parent stock: MU•
`TATION. 7. Archaic. Amorous dalliance. -v. sport•ed, sport•ing ·
`sports. - vi. 1. To play or frolic. 2. To trifle or joke. 3. To mutat~
`- vt. To display or show off <sported a large yellow hat> - adj. OJ
`relating to, or appropriate for sports. -in sport. In jest. -sport!:
`ful adj. -sport' adv. -sportlful·ness n.
`sport•ing (spar' ting, spar'-) adj. 1. Appropriate for or used in
`sports. 2. Marked by sportsmanship. 3. Of or having to do with gam.
`bling. - sport' ing•ly adv.
`sporting chance n. Informal. An even chance for success.
`spor•tive (sp6r't!v, spar'-) adj. 1. Playful: frolicsome. 2. Relating
`to or interested in sports. 3. Obs. Amorous : wanton. - spor'tive.
`ly adv. -spor'tive•ness n.
`sports car n. A car equipped for racing, esp. an aerodynamically~
`shaped one- or two-passenger vehicle having a low center of gravity,
`and steering and suspension designed for precise control at high spe8'
`on curving roads.
`sports•cast (sp6rts 1kast', sp6rts 1 -) n. [SPORTS+ (BROAD)CAst,)1\
`television or radio broadcast of a sports event or of sports news,
`-sports'cast'er n.
`sports•man (sp6rts 1man, sports'-) n. 1. A man active in sports,2.
`One who abides by the rules of a contest and accepts victory or defest
`graciously. -sports 1rnan·like 1, sports 1man•ly adj.
`sports•man•ship (sp6rts'man-sh!p', sports'-) n. The qualities
`and conduct befitting a sportsman or sportswoman.
`sports medicine n. Medicine dealing with the diseases and iniu·
`ries resulting from sports participation.
`sports•wear (sports 1 wiir', sports 1 -) n. Comfortable, casual clothes.
`sports•wom•an (sports'woom' an, sports':) n. 1. A woman activ~
`in sports. 2. A woman who abides by the rules of a contest and
`victory or defeat graciously.
`sports•writ•er (sp6rts'rl'tar, sports'-) n. A writer about
`r sport•y (sp6r 1te, sp6r 1 -) adj. -i·er, -i·est. Informal. 1. A
`ate to sport or participation in sports. 2. Casual in style
`pants> 3. Carefree: gay. -sport'i·ly adv. -sport'ion
`spor•u•late (spor'ya-lat', sp6r 1 -) vi. -lat•ed, -lat•mg,
`[ < NLat. sporula, small spore, dim. of spora, spore.] To produce
`lease spores. -spor'u•la'tion n.
`spot (spot) n. [ME.] 1. A specific place with relatively small an
`inite limits. 2. a. A mark on a surface differing sharply in color
`the surroundings, esp. a stain. b. A mark on a playing card indi
`its value <a two-spot> 3. A position : location. 4. Informal. A
`blesome situation. 5. A personal defect or injury, as in one'
`tion. 6. pl. spots or spot. An edible marine fish, L ·
`xanthurus of North American Atlantic waters, with a dark spot
`each pectoral fin. 7. Chiefly Brit. A small amount: BIT <a spot
`8. Informal. A spotlight. 9. A short presentation or commercial
`dio or television between major programs, esp. by a local stati
`network broadcast. -v. spot•ted, spot•ting, spots. -vt.
`cause a spot or spots to appear on, esp.: a. To dirty with spots,
`decorate with spots. 2. To place in a specific location. 3. To disc
`To yield as a handicap in a sport <spotted their opponents 14 p
`- vi. 1. To become marked with spots. 2. To make a stain :
`3. To locate targets from the air during combat or training
`- adi. 1. Made, paid, or delivered at once <spot cash> 2.
`between major radio or television programs <a spot com
`-hit the spot. Informal. To be exactly what is needed. -
`spot. 1. Without delay or movement : at once. 2. At the
`action. 3, Under pressure. - spotlta.ble adj.
`spot check n. An inspection or investigation carried out at
`or in a limited way.
`spot-check (spot'cMk') v. -checked,, -ehe
`vt. eJ vi. To subject to or make a spot check.
`spot•less (spilt'lis) adj. 1. Entirely clean. 2. Free from blemish
`PECCABLE. -spot 1less·ly adv. -spot'less•ness n.
`spot•light (spot'lH') n. 1. a. A strong beam of light that ill·
`only a small area, used esp. to focus attention on a stage perfo
`A lamp that produces such a light. 2. Public notoriety. 3. An
`light source with a strongly focused beam, as on a car. -vt . •
`ed or -lit (-llt), -light•ing, -lights. 1. To illuminate with a
`light. 2. To focus attention on.
`spot price n. A commodity's market price.
`spot•ted (sp6t'ld) adj. Marked or stained with spots.
`spotted cranesbill n. The wild geranium.
`spotted fever n. 1. An often fatal infectious disease, as typh~
`Rocky Mountain spotted fever, caused by Rickettsiae, that is
`mitted by ticks and mites and is characterized by skin eruptions.2.
`epidemic form of cerebrospinal meningitis.
`ii pat
`i tie
`a pay
`Ir pier
`ar care
`6 pot
`ii father e pet
`e be
`6 toe
`6 paw, for
`spotted sandpipe1
`shore bird, Actitis mac
`spot•ter (spot' ar) n. J
`locates, and reports sc
`lookout. b. Informal. P
`ployees, as in a bank. 3
`for a television or radio
`responsible for watchir
`prevent injury, as in gy
`a dry cleaner to remov'
`spot•ty (spot' e) adj.
`spots : SPOTTED. 2. Inc
`ti-ly adv. -spot' ti•
`spot weld·ing n. We
`areas by application of!
`.weld·mg, -welds).
`spou•sal (spon'zal, -s
`-n. o~en spousals.
`spousal equivalern
`habits and shares respc
`(Ive of the same sex in
`maintain indefinitely
`-spousal equivale
`spouse (spous, spouz) '
`< p.part. of spondiire,
`spous) spoused, sp01
`spout (spout) v. spm
`-vi. 1. To gush forth
`aliquid continuously o
`. tediously. - vt. 1. To
`pously and volubly. 3. (
`Ill'. pipe through which
`liquid. 3. Chi_efly_Brit . .
`sprach•ge·fiihl (shp:
`Cally correct or appropr
`5p1ag (sprag) n. [Perh. 1
`·wedged beneath a wheel
`lng. b. A pointed stake
`·vehicle to prevent mov1
`sprain (spriin) n. [Orig
`the ligaments of a join
`characterized by pain, '
`sprained, sprain·inl
`sprang (sprang) v. var.
`sp'l'at (sprat) n. [Altera
`-. )ll:arine food fish, Clupe
`•·A fish, as a young herri
`)Jtrawl (sprol) v. spra1
`<OEspreawlian.] -vi.
`• outawkwardly. 2. To s1
`<slums sprawling towa
`astraggling or disorderec
`t. Haphazard grow th 01
`111\W housing on the out
`ayJ (spra) n. [ < M[
`JllOVing in.a mass of dis]
`scharged from '
`from a contai
`sprays. - vt. 1. •
`To apply a spray
`. 2. To move in th
`1 (spra) n. [ME.]
`. 2. Something re
`gun n. A gunlil<
`spred) v. spre:
`.] -Vt. 1. 1
`farther apai
`face in a layer
`paint> 4. To
`> 5. To caus(cid:173)
`he news> 6. a.
`meal) on a tab
`idely distribut
`<The bad new
`To become sepa
`ion, as of news. 2
`nd. 3. The exte
`RANGE. 4. A clot
`Informal. An ab
`d on bread or c
`with related r
`th ti

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