`‘1 Merriam- I
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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
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`( b : elevated
`. fr. estmier to
`route I STRAY.
`side : aslride a
`stretched wide
`n each side of
`lying ~ a riv.
`' state of being
`mtringens, prp.
`ht — more at
`tissues : err-
`e of an aslrin.
`v comments);
`)LOGY — as-
`)ed cell of the
`Ia-ta \-ma-te\
`t dome in the
`vigator makes
`AF artrelabe,
`tor, fr. arlr- +
`ct instrument
`lies before the
`res a‘ilt'alngy
`mum’nxhi. fr.
`( 2 : the div-
`:ts on human
`:ts — as-tro-
`:a-)]é\ adv
`:tronomy that
`s) of celestial
`Inaut)] (1929)
`Lin : a trainee
`constr (1928)
`s for travel in
`\-tik\ or as-
`s-)]é\ adv
`skilled in as-
`\-ml'k\ mil
`2 : enor-
`onomy equal
`ut 93 million
`. fr. AF. fr. L
`Idy of objects
`physical and
`. 1858) : pho-
`i-gra-isr\ n
`' [ISV] (1890)
`hysical prop-
`ienomena —
`'icial turf
`565) : having
`my) (a. r..-
`IiB¢iY «(iv -*
`‘ and Andro-
`torn ~) 2
`'l as loyal)
`:h, as well a:
`asym-met-rI-cal-ly \-tri-k(a-)lé\ adv —— asym-me-trv \(.)5—'si-ma—iré\
`asymp‘tonile-ln \hid.)-iiilllJan'nIn-lild mi! (iHSh)
`: “rt-milling nn
`«ylillllnlns ul' lli
`— Baynip-tom‘alolrcal-iy \-t|-kin-i]h‘\ util-
`”.ymp-toie \' mlplqlfin u [prnh rr. NL ‘nwmpmilm,
`il , Lil:
`agvnprrirm nut meeting.
`in a-
`nigh-in to I T! — rim
`s‘i’Ml’l'lJM] “(150) : n sii'fllght iltiL' liahrlitinlrcl ll'ilh ll L‘Ili'VD Ruth "1.1 :h n
`point Innvus JliDIIB :m inllniti~ hrmirll oi tilt.- IJIII He the lliulnncu {mm the
`point to the lim- upprnnchei 21cm illlli the slope a!‘ “‘10 :i Vt: at tin.- pnnil
`ltm .‘llnpi: hi the
`- as-ymp-th-lc
`my — aa-ymp-tot-l-caI-lv \-
`la—Jlm mn-
`asyn-ap-sis hit-m nap-sun n. pl -ap-ses \-.sez\ [NL 1a- + synapsis]
`(1930) 2 failure of pairing oi homologous chromosomes in meiosis
`ssyn-chro-nous \ifli-‘NEn-km-nns‘ -'sin~\ lit-if i l MRI
`1 : nrll synchro-
`nlmb' 2 I Llf. uscrl III. III' lining lligilni cummunicallllll (RH IH'JWCBII cilnl-
`putcrs) in which lheri.‘ is Ill:
`ing requirement l'rlrlmn'a'ni .. an and in
`which lhi: iilnri of “Uh Uh.
`. clcr in in
`cllmliy rigilulrll ivy the Inim-
`niiliin licvirti‘. i asynchronous-iv adv
`nsrn-c mvny \-i:ro-ufi\ m- asvn-nhru-nlam \i-in-
`.IIi-z:m\ n um;
`: illr qllulily UI
`:liitlu (Ii ill-ling nsylluilluliuu: : .ibscnuu UI luck of cult-
`chi-retire in time
`ag-yn-det-lr. \.;l-s“|i-'ila—lik\ my [Elly 1364i : millkcil by nsyiniclnll —
`na-vu-det-i-cnl-lr \- ~l-.l_:i—)li'\ mir
`asyn-de-ion \n-‘sin-i .
`. fin. t.)a'l-'Hln-\ n, pl dons u:- ~1a \inJ-l-H ILL, l'r.
`(iii. fl'. Ilctil. rli'lr.i‘,‘i'iirlr'rrm‘ uncln cclcd‘ if. {r- + mirror lioLtnil togeth-
`cn ir.
`.ij-im'uln l:
`l mgr-1h“
`.rlwi- + nil-m tn ilillti — ”151'“
`nn of the cuiliulwlium lillll ordinarily join C(1-
`urrihullu words 01' s 1115c:- [as it] "I cunw‘ I saw. I cmi
`13mm 'Ri\,‘ll'('fl [ME r‘ UE.1rt,‘ui-lllltnl'li-ll'ir
`:11. La. umr 12c]
`1 u-
`used mi :1 funcllnll word in imli 1m: |'il sunuu nr (1r.
`in. out or
`near (.
`tiring “u u liulul) (- . 9 1y) (sick ~ in.
`> 2 — uM‘il in It
`i'ullclinll wnl'rl to inilicllic Ill: gnu] Iliim irillirtllull (ll illlnlirtl iiiliun lnr
`inulliin (him M iii!) lnrgrlt) {L'i'L'ililflH- are ~— hinl ilgnin) 3 ,
`, liwrl :1».-
`.t imlctiiltt Wind [0 ilitllCéllc lluii wilh which mil: ii- ilccupiuii Lll' cm—
`llluyctl {nu work; ("a ilil: L'otllrtiih') (500d «— chess)
`4 -— limiri. as it
`I'unclinll ward in indicate situation in in} active ur I main: .«llili: nr cun-
`iiilinn (~ liberty) (- reti)
`5 — third at: mictinn ward to indicate
`lhi: Ilielllls. muse. lxr n
`!' {mlrl ~ alilL‘l mi) (Inlishril ~— m5- inks}
`(act ~ your own (lis '
`tloli) 6 a — llriirrl [Ls :i {unciiml \i\-uni to lnlli—
`rah: illl‘ t'rllt. ilcnrum or Imslllnn in ii seah- ni hi‘liL‘h {the trinprimuiu
`"w 90} (he iirsl} I) —- llsrrl as :l itlnuliun word In il1liiCfliL'
`.IML‘ 0r puni—
`Iiull in tin": will l'ctirl: «a 65)
`‘at aim at! “it ii. p." at «lira at! [,Luul {1955) -— see My Ill Mum-x mhic
`33! "MN 1 airtight 2 atrnnsphcrl: 3 atomic
`Al .rymeri’ fl'iiili inc
`AT abbr
`1 air temperature 2 ampere-turn 3 automatic transmission
`at- — see AD-
`at-a-brlne \'a-ta-bran\ n [fr. Ambrine, a trademark] (1933) : QUINA-
`ntuc-ttc \llii-'li||l-Iik\ may [ISV ‘ii- + Jamie] ll95‘ll ' ul. l'claihlv. lit. Hr
`llcirtg .1 pt ymcr exhibiting nn ‘tLicnltl'nl cal mgu nrily nf Sli'llt‘llil'v.‘
`A-a-an-tn \.u—l
`an-t.1\ N {L fr Lil; :imimrn‘i (l-icl :
`(in. lelypl'rgpylen '} — compare '
`Itlllllre-lfi in Greek Iliylhnlugy Wili‘ i'ilitiintllgcs Iltrl rtlIiIImi in II
`l'iIL'i: illlii
`in dcicntcll by Hippomehes whrn sin: illnps to pick. up illl'c'c gullirn lul-
`nlrs‘ Ill: iths dropped
`Pit Ell nah {1-16) 3 ill any may or its LIL'l
`ll) illr.‘ least extent or ileum-l:
`I Iimlcr any circumstances {(lnesn‘l small: a! a”)
`ht-a-man \.a-Ie"mnn\» [him] “835) : HIi'I'MAN
`at-a-maa-co Illilr \ifl-ta-'ma3‘i.]ii6-\ H [Virginia Alglinuniau urirrmmr'u]
`(”43] : Jilly of :I gonna in‘pthmnIimrl (Ii Anlrrluul llillbmn ln'rhs iii
`the animyllis family with pi
`it. while. or yL-llan-lh [Emmi-i; yr;
`: um:
`[2 Minimum) ul Ihe Htlull‘le
`rm “.5, with while finwrrs Lisu. tinged
`with mrpli:
`aha- 5m \‘n-la-lvi-anfl N [ii al’nrinmrr,
`l'r. L arm-m: ancestor. l'r. iti-
`( I'oli akin in am: Muddy] 4- mun! gramliallwr— morn.- al UNCLE] [ I333]
`a : rL-currence in an organism (II II mm or character typical cl‘ .ln .‘nr
`l'ctlral l'llrm rlnll linu. (tub in gunulit turtlitlllthlnliml b : [L‘t'LITI'ClI
`or lcvunimi to :1 past style. manner, unilnnll. :ipprmlch. or aclivlti (“1-,
`chilrctural nu) 2 .' one ihall malnil’csls mam-m :‘I'quwnm‘u — lit-a—
`vie-tic \.n-
`'irisitiln at!) i at-a-via-ti-cal-Iy \-Il-ki.1-ilf:\ mir
`Mill-la \a-‘mk-sé-a‘ i,lfi-\ ii [UL [r. a- -r (flA‘J‘t‘l'i'l In pm in (ll'Li
`l'] i iii'i‘lI]
`I an illiihllily In cnnrrlinnli: Vflillllli‘it'y n'lun‘clllur murmur-I
`1. that
`symptomatic of some cuntrul ncrvmui system (I
`h'durs uml injuries
`flllll nu! lIIJC ln llllIHClI: wc-litllc‘i.» — ciilictl him irimm'ri'i'rrrmrm — all“,
`he \-.~tiii\ nail
`max-Ia—tel-anngl-ec-taosla \ '
`mm in.
`: uu lnhrrilcrl systemic disartl
`nn kinl
`iw |'lrl
`pathological L'ilElllgii'i in thr: I'It‘l'VtImi swim?“ I'
`ling in loss of motor
`coordination and It}; inure-Moll H|I<triliil1ililv lo unlicirr uni. Hi" lylutillnlll
`at birth (194:: : llli afl'iuial turn a: balling churned to u miseball player
`except when the prayer walk. , sacrifices, 15 1111 by ii pitched ball. or is
`interfered with by Ina catcher (three hits In live at hum)
`ATC «(blur :lir trafiii: uunlrul
`atepm—t of EM'
`a“ n [Gk [HF] (1583} : n (.ii'cck amides-:- Jtvl'fiunii'y-
`Ale Vii-PE. '
`‘ Eng funihnrtl
`turd ru nuln impulse
`"Me if Suffix M '3 1:1. in . F. in [- ramr «Hum. music. N: Jarhl. n! «this.
`Ill)- ending]
`1 I on: ltulcd Upon iii) at specified Wily) (distillate) 2 [NL
`I'I'. L] 1 chemical compound (‘II' CDIIIpira anion derived from :1
`(hncr'li'icd) Climpulllnl or Human ([IilL'nnlu'r‘t’): mp 7 Mlli u:
`"ill-r 01' it“
`Ilcld with n nmnc ending in -:'r and not beginning with Jumim— (balmy)
`“Gian suffix [ME 1r. fr. A13. in L «mu.
`m, hem wiwL-l (\I
`isl gun} +
`I'i'I'Ji ui' verb mung]
`: off
`unullon: uni. '
`mm hulding a lane
`I'irci) office or rank or having a (lipUJiicdi IUI'IL'
`liull (Viczlmn-‘J 2 . sluic : dominion : Jurisdiction (ctiiil'rn‘i‘? (killin-
`'31!) tiryn'wlt‘ [ME «m. it'.
`I.. «run: ir. pp. curling ill Isl can}. VCI'i‘M, Fr. -ri—i
`’itL‘nl vowel of ISI ('0111. + ‘i‘llu'. 13P- suflili — H10”! in 4211] : Flt-"irked by
`4 Iuwing (emulate)
`‘5'9 Iii? .ruflix [ME «JR-n. [1. L raim'. pp. ending] : nul an {ill it specified
`Why) {innuluhe} : L'lmew in he lnrlliiiicd tar .‘li'icctrrl Iiy (camphm'rri'c)
`. muss: II) [H.‘UUIIIL‘ (nuliwrtc) 1 i'urnll-‘ll Wilil <uaj)ili.'il(lfr:>
`asymmetrically o athwartships
`«shad my .l-iqm'x :
`‘-.a\l'l—.' (pilmn-d';
`ahel-ec-iaisis \
`\ u. pi den-see \,
`iltl‘lJIleIrlu. (ii:
`live (fr. it
`.I- + it'lns' anti) -l- m 5‘ ext:-
`h.'l‘m!.|'ri l0 r-tl'irls'h Hill.
`ir. m— 7|
`fr-im'ifl In .Ist
`Ich i mu
`'i'IlIN] [ I859) l CUilEIIISl: l
`'lhc cxpnniIL-ii lung; trim : llri'culivr Cliphnsinn
`l‘Il lhr plIIIIIiJ
`y {liven nl Iiirlli
`aieAlinr \.:i-I"I
`r: IF.
`l'r. MF m-lclier woodpile. fr. uncle splinter, fr.
`LL axially. dim. 0f 1. mini") (1699}
`1 : an artist's or designer's studio
`or u rk room 2 : wonlirfltnl'
`ate-morn \..’t'la-'moi~n.
`.a-\ n [ates sweetsop (fr. Tag) + cherlmaya]
`(I‘ll-lit :
`ii whim-Huh“
`tropical fruit of a tree that is a hybrid of the
`swcrinup nml Iiie L'Iicrinmya
`a iem-po \ii-‘tem-(Jpr‘fi adv ar adj [It] (1834) : in time — used as a di-
`rurliun in Mr In return to the original tempo
`[ )fi-‘tum—pio—)rol\ adj (1870) : independent of or unaffect-
`ull by [line .
`urn lL‘ix
`aten-o-Iol \s- te-na-.l(')l, —.h'il\ n [pi-.rll. fr, antihyperlensivc + -olol (as in
`propi'anoloD] (1972) : a bent hlnclcur CHI-122N203 used in the treatment
`of hypertension
`A‘l'F nih‘Jr [um-elm nil Alrnliui. 'iiliiilcci)‘ 1nd Fircarrm
`Ath-a-bas-can \..'i-l|in-‘|liu~km1\rir'Alh
`has-Kan \-'t -L~i~\ Him Aih-a-
`has—Ran \A'nzwhar Ath-n-pas-cart \-
`-\ n L-frhnims
`in C11-
`il. l‘rru liilli. rh‘irrpririrri'u', niilnr Inr hr :Irca arm of Lake mh
`ill“ (“‘11
`1-} there are ruciis !l'lL'
`hither] (Iii-iii)
`1 : a tau:
`irnn illiiil'll'l Ihngungt‘s spoken pr
`my in \Vcstbl’ll Cmmll Mits-
`kn ulirl
`. finiiihwul
`2 t n number ell
`ll pruple ape-1 l g in!
`Ath-a-na-SIan \.a-tlln 'ifi-zhan, -shan\ adj (1586) : of or relating to
`Athanasius or his minor-airy of the homoousian doctrine against Arian-
`Alhanasian Creed :1 (1586) : a {'hri-tli-
`rructi originating in linrupr
`:ilmnl M) v10"
`lrrlmin men. In the 'l niiy .lml In
`ill. ii
`i\ H M i" rrihéi'n'mu. i'
`(Inf: hi
`{iii other”
`+ fin xgmlllIS-Itii 1::ri'l'hm UNuomJM memen-
`I lliriicliri ill
`lill‘ cxixlcnrc 01' duily h : illi: linirlrinr. [lull
`athe-ist \‘fl-IIIé-isfl n (1551) : one who believes that there is no deity —
`t‘llhe-ia-llc \h 115
`-iiL\ ”r atho-ls-li«cal \Illvli'li'
`l'l-iiJl‘ adj —
`athe-is-llocai-lv \—1l
`(a-jifl mn-
`aih-E-lln \':i-lIIn-liu. -J_I_1-1-\ n (ME, h. 01-: Minding.
`.mi'ai'ln nobility.
`aiiitl ii! i. ”G rill”! nuliilily] (licl'. 12¢] : lit] Anglo-Sunni prince ul nu-
`Illt‘ IIL-i'l'
`:I Ipill'elli lIr ll prince {if the royal Il‘linily
`Atl'lo-nn \TI-Iiilt'f-l'lJ\ in" Allied“! km“ I! [L zli‘J‘lflm. [1. UR Ami-ME] {1-1121
`2 tin: (irrelt [tackle-+5: lII wlriilinll — rump-'1 re MINERVA
`aih-e-nao m or ath-e-ne-urn \Id’li‘i‘"! and H [L zin‘n’il'i‘i‘i’fl‘tifll,
`leili Home for the siudy 0i :Irls. ir. ('ik :lrhfimriun. n lernpli:
`01 All
`lr. (Mn-mi] “799} 1 : il hillltling m' r
`inn in WlliL'll Imnksi
`s. liliii Iit‘WSDJlfIL'I'S .‘irc LL'pL Fur use 2 t n ilicmry or scientific
`slim-ovl'ot-l-cai \lli'.iill:"i*lffl'll"k-‘Il. -.ll|ir-'c-\ mil ”969} : not based on
`m- irnncrrnctl \i'illi rhemy
`athera- rmili’ jun” [till erii'ni'm]
`Illicrun‘m (urirmugL-uic)
`nth-aro-gen-e-sis \.ii-lllJ-Iu-|
`IJ'oJ)\ l: ([953] 2
`Ill: formation 01'
`ath-oro-gnn-lc \-'je-nik\ adi (1954) : relating to or causing atherogene-
`sis (an ...., iliL-t)
`ath-erimma \Ia-lhak'rfi-inn n, pl -mas also -ma-ta \-ms-ts\
`ritilt'fl:Nl’rJ!-, min-Hum fr. l.‘ a llIlllUl' rlJnlnlninu. Il1illlr.'i' rcstlilliliilg [gru-
`cl, fr. Gk whim-3m”
`irJ‘Ji'"J'rI grucl] H81 J
`.lllyI llcg'
`‘rnilun of
`the Ttlllt’l' mm of l'hc .II it‘licfl 2 : nn :liJnormill l'l'lllirI llupmut in :m m"
`lcl y — ath-er-a-ma-loua \ 'r6—mo-tos\ my
`ath-ero-scIe-ro-sis \.iillha—.i' Wkl:—'rfi-hn~\ n [NL] (1910) : an arterio-
`nrlurizcr! by :llltcrnnmtlills liclJl‘H-ilfi in and fibrosis of the
`III Ilu: illi
`'lus — HIl1-Bm-SDIB-rUl-lc\‘Hkir’lr‘riiriik\mfl
`atlilrsl \‘r-‘iliarstA ad; l
`‘ DE nflhymi, mi. of rifi'hyi.
`.5” to whet
`ii'utii [iii
`1 Unfit“. in
`”(an iuliliHI — mi
`‘ ill ()I-‘] “Jul. 12:)
`1 rm'h
`: TllIlirt’l‘i'
`“Hill, n slmng rapier closure (I illill fm c\'|.‘f
`l'r.-cl A— inr 3h
`syn :ier BAUER
`nth-late \'mh-
`in [ME ir. l. .‘ri'lri'ufrii‘
`I‘ll GK ritlrifihlr.
`urlifrin In some (i for :1 [II
`it (Jillian nil/.r. annuallii Sc) : at Penn”
`will} ix ll'lllncl'l UI akillrd in
`uicisrs, spurts. ul 1;;
`Ilt‘tl Icquiriiig plund-
`L‘nl slrengtii. ugliity. or stalilnnli
`athlete's loot n (1928): Ii-UEJ' um of tin: feet
`: mm whiting lu nih-
`ath-IBI-lc \nih-‘lc‘tik.
`”(yummy 1
`lrlcs I'll' :IlliJuIlL'N 2
`lit: ui' illl .llhlrli‘: 435]:
`: \‘EUUHOIJH. M‘—
`'11 we
`: mud by silliietes — ath-Iat-l-cal-ly
`\~li-kifl~llfl‘\ mir _. alli-Iel-I-clsm \-'It.‘-l;i-.Vil-ZJITI\ u
`ath-lot-ics \:ilil
`'ld-\ n pp“ in" .rl'lig rlr {1! ill i'miwir (HAW)
`: cm “1.28.
`i. Lllgtigtfli in by lnhlelcs 2 l the practice
`or trillclpirs i‘il :illlllilic'l
`8H1 ellc supporter rI [1927] : {I supporter for the genitals worn by ”it!”
`pnrllulpnling in spur“: lit all'l'ntlutlfi nc'livitim
`film-hull“: \air'hflm. ':
`It'snl\ ("if (1951')
`1 : lttluudul m attitilblc I'ot
`nilc‘s home (an en t
`s) 2 : hizing nr occurring .1t nnL-‘s- home <~
`clllci tninmrnt)
`at home n {”45}: il
`L'crilmn given :it nnc's lirimi:
`miller! r: L‘rrrrihti’rm [mrlmi‘n‘lmil : Wall in nutivil)‘ Insllng :l lung Ihm- nr
`involving il mum liL‘iii nl sulncliiiui: (tullmihuu)
`‘ailiwart \J-‘Iliu'i'n‘l. mm! uflwi —'Ihi'lrt\ pn’p (I5l'l
`I M11033 2 :
`— .i'i. (kiln)
`(inflofliiim in (n [IFOCELIIIIL‘ directly 'v illi.‘ Nl‘.\\' England prejudices
`2I'lll‘lllll'Ell'l ml;- lL'AL 15””)
`2 .‘lm'nm "
`in: l|l1iil|LIL' Liil'uL'lil'ill
`2 i ll!
`llpplisiliun to (In: riglll l'il' expccteri DI
`(:llll‘l llulil: ru anus :11] licen—
`ruru “-S'llJiL}
`athwal‘l-Bhlp busing“ infill-W5) I being ilcrusr. tilt: shlp [tum biKIL' [LI shit
`("~— Jtt'lli lifmgiill
`uthwart-ships \ .. ti|1*~'\ r “313) : iIL'l'l)\\ tllr Sllip l'rurn siriu [0 side—_
`\a\ abut \°\ kitten. F table \er\ further \a\ ash \i\ ace \ii\ mop. mar
`\al'1\ out
`\ch\ chin \e\ bet
`\é\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit
`\i\lce \i\]ob
`\n\ sing \(‘I\ go \o\ law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \i.‘l\]oot
`\lll\ foot
`\y\ yet
`\Zh\ vision. beige
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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
`Page 4
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`Nichia Exhibit 1012
`Page 4

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