`Ravindraraj Ramaraju, David R. Bearden, Wilham C. Moyer
`Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
`Moalt-Core System On Chip
`Serial No.:
`November 13, 2009
`Kenneth Tang
`Group Art Unit:
`Docket No.:
`Customer No.:
`Filed Electronically
`December 28, 2012
`This paper is responsive to the Office Action dated October 12, 2012, having a shortened
`statutory period expirmg on Decermber 12, 2012. Further oxamination and reconsideration are
`respectfully requested in view of the amendments and remarks set forth below.
`INTEL 1011
`INTEL 1011


`(Previously Presented)
`A method for operating a multi-core processing
`device, comprising:
`moasuring a processing speed parameter for each of a plurality of cores;
`storing cach measured processing speed parameter for each ofthe plurality of cores in a
`storage device; and
`upon identifying a processing task that can not be run by the plurality of cores, selecting 4
`core from the plurality of cores having a fastest measured processing speed parameter to run the
`processing task.
`The method of claini 1, where measuring the processing speed
`parameter comprises measuring a maximum operating frequency parameter for each of the
`pluralityof cores.
`The methodof claim 1, where measuring a processing speed
`parameter comprises periodically measuring the processing speed parameter on a predetermined
`The method of claim 1, where measuring the processing speed
`parameter comprises measuring a maximumoperating frequency parameter for cach ofthe
`plurality of cores using a critical path monitoring circuit located at each core.
`The method of claim 1, where storing cach measured processing
`speed parameter comprises storing cach measured processing speed parameter in a device control
`The method of claim 1, where storing cach measuredprocessing
`speed parameter comprises tagging each core with a corresponding measured maximum
`operating speed parameter.
`The method of claim 1, where an operating system selects the core
`having the fastest measured processing speed parameter to run the processing task,


`The method of claim 1, where the multi-core processing device is
`constructed on a single integrated circuit system on a chip.
`The method of claim 1, where moasuring the processing speed
`parameter for each of the plurality of cores comprises:
`measuring afirst processing speed parameter for each of the plurality of cores operating
`with a first operating supply voltage; and
`measuring a second processing speed parameter for each ofthe plurality of cores
`operating with a second operating supply voltage that is different fromthe first operating supply
`A multi-core system on chip (SOC), comprising:
`a plurality of cores, each core comprising a performance measurement circuit for
`measuring a performance parameter value for said core; and
`at least a first storage device for storing the performance parameter values for the
`plurality of cores for use in selecting a core having maximized or minimized performance
`parameter value to run a processing task that can not be run by the phurality of cores,
`The multi-core SOC of claim 10, where the performance
`measurement circuit at each core comprises a critical path monitoring (CPM)circuit.
`The multi-core SOC of claim 10, where the first storage device
`comprises a device control registry located at a first core.
`The multi-core SOC of claim 10, where the first storage device
`comprises a device control registry which stores a core identification value and a measured
`maximumoperating frequency value for cach core.
`The multi-core SOC of claim 10, where thefirst storage device
`comprises a device control registry which stores, for cach core, a core identification value, a
`moasured maximum operating frequency value and a corresponding operating voltage value.


`The nmilti-core SOC of claim 10, where the plurality of coresall
`share a common external voltage supply.
`The nmilti-core SOC of claim 10, where a plurality of external
`voltage supplies are provided to the plurality of cores.
`The multi-core SOC of claim 10, where cach of the plurality of
`cores comprises a core-specific clock circuit for applying a clock multiplier value to a received
`clock reference signal.
`The multi-core SOCof claim 10, where the at least a first storage
`device stores a maximumoperating frequency value for each of the plurality of cores for use in
`selecting a core having the fastest maximumoperating frequencyvalue to run the processing task
`that can not be run bythe plurality of cores.
`The multi-core SOCof claim 10, further comprising control logic
`for selecting a sub-plurality of cores to run a processing task that can not be run bythe plurality
`of cores by using the performance parameter values to identify the fastest sub-plurality ofcores.
`Ina multi-core processor comprising multiple cores which are
`controlled by system logic, a method for executing single core applications and multi-core
`applications comprising:
`measuring a maximum processing speed value for each of the multiple cores for at least a
`first operating voltage value;
`storing cach measured maximum processing speed value for each of the multiple cores;
`running a multi-core application on a plurality of the multiple cores by contrallmg each
`of the plurality of the multiple cores to run at a speed whichis identified fromthe stored
`maximumprocessing spoed values to be the slowest maximumprocessing speed of the plurality
`of the multiple cores; and
`running a single core application on a single core whichis identified fromthe stored
`maximum processing speed values for the multiple cores as berg the fastest core.


`The method of claim 20, where storing cach measured maximum
`processing speed value comprises storing cach measured maximumprocessing speed value for
`each of the multiple cores in a device control registry along with an operating voltage value at
`which the maximum processing speed value is measured.
`(Currently Amended) The method of claim 20 [[19]], where storing each
`measured maximamprocessing speed value comprises storing cach measured maximum
`processing speed value for each of the multiple cores in a device control registry along with an
`operating voltage value at which the maximum processing speedvalue is measured.


`tn the Office Action dated October 12, 2012, claims 1-8, 10-13, 15-20, and 22 were
`rejected under as obvious over a number ofreferences, inchiding primary reference U.S. Patent
`Publication No. 20090055826 to Bernstein et al, Pursuant to 37 C\F.R. § 1.116, Applicants
`respectfully request that the amendment presented herein be entered to place the claims tn better
`form for consideration on appeal or otherwise place the application in condition for allowance
`Consideration of Reponses After Final Rejection under 37 CFR $1.116(b} under the After Final
`ConsiderationPilot(AFCP) (April 2012).
`In particular, Applicants have amended claim 22 to
`clarify a typographical error and clarify the plainly understood dependencyto claim 20. To the
`extent that the amendment to claim 22 appears to conform to the Examiner’s understanding of
`the claim, Applicants submit that amendment requires only a limited amount of further
`consideration or search, and therefore should be entered and considered.
`As for the rejection of claims over the base combinations of Bernstein and Ghiasi (claims
`20) or Bernstein and Kim, alone (claims 1-8, 10-13, 16, and 18} or in combination with four
`other cited references (namely, Wang (claim 15), Chu (claim 17), Vestal (claim19), and Vestal
`and Ghiasi (claim 22}}, Applicants respectfully request that the rejection be reconsidered and
`withdrawn because the Examiner has fundamentally misunderstood the requirements ofthe
`claims and/or mischaracterized the disclosure of the cited art.
`In support of this request,
`Applicants would note that the Examiner cites Bernstein’s disclosure (Bernstein Fig. 2, Abstract,
`and paragraphs 3-4, 11, 16-17, 29-30, and 33) forits teaching of “identifying cores that have a
`sleep/idie state such that tasks cannot be run,” and upon conceding that “Bernstein does not
`specifically teach identifying a processing task that cannot be run by a plurality of cores,” the
`Examinerasserts that the missing claim requirements are met by Kim’s disclosure (Kim,
`With this rejoction analysis, the Examiner mischaracterizes claims 1-19 as requiring “identifying
`cores that have a sleep/idie state suchthat tasks cannot be run.” See, Office Action, pp. 3 and 5.
`There is simply no such requirement recited, and claims 1-19 are not directedto identifying
`sleeping tasks as tasks that cannot be run on multiple cores. Instead, Applicants have plainly
`disclosed and claimed a method and multi-core system of chip which identifies a processing task


`that cannot be executed across a plurality of cores so that tasks that cannot run across multiple
`processors (single-core tasks} are confined to not do so:
`sing data structure 216, the
`[O20] Usingthe information in the DC
`R 215/ta
`eading the DCR215 to identify the core having the fastest Fmax value, and then sending
`the job to the core tagged with the highest operating frequency, thereby onabling the
`identified core to operate at its maximumoperating frequency for the sare nominal
`voltage. This approach allows single core applications to have improved performance by
`runningontheSoC’sfastestavailablecore. The improved performance may be obtained
`without significantly increasing the power consumption. This results from the fact that
`static powerleakage 1s the same across all cores, regardless of operating frequency, and
`can be the dominant component of power consumption as comparedto the dynamic
`power. As a result, the operation of the fastest core changes only the dynamic power, not
`the static power, so there is no substantial power increase by running the single core
`application through the fastest core.
`[022] Figure3dlustratesaflowdiagram300fortheoperationofamulli-core
`processor system which performs iobs that can not be distributed across multiple cores by
`sendingthe job to the core having the highest operating frequency. Cince the sequence
`begins at step 301, the critical path monitoring (CPM) circuit is used to measure each
`core to determine or estimate the maximum operating frequency (MOF) at a given
`voltage (step 302).
`In selected embodiments, the measurement step 302 may be repeated
`to obtain MOF values for different operating voltage or performance classes so that a low
`voltage MOFand high voltage MOFare obtained. Additional or other performance
`parameters can be measured by the CPMcircuit to assist with evaluating and selecting a
`core for running an application, task, or job. At step 303, cach core is tagged with tts
`maxinium operating frequency (MOF) value. The tagging may be accomplished by
`storing the MOF value in one or more device control registers that can be read by the
`operating systern when deciding howto distribute the work load.
`[023] Subseguently at step 304,
`the operating systemassesses a particular
`305), the operating system assigns the application/task to the appropriate cores for
`execution (step 306), after which the sequence returns to evaluate the next
`application/task (step 304). However,iftheapplication/taskcannotmakeuseof
`multiple cores (negative outcome to decision 305),
`the operating systern identifies core
`havingthe highest MOFvalue at step 307. This may be accomplished by accessing the
`device control regisiry(s) to determine which core identifier has the highest MOF value
`ard is available for use (though the availability determination may be made separately}.
`At step 308, the operating system assigns the application/task to the identified core
`having the fastest speed for execution, after which the sequence returns to evaluate the
`ext application/task (step 304}.
`See, Application, paragraphs 20, 22-23 (emphasis added).


`In short, the rejection analysis argument -- that a sleeping task is a task that cannot be run
`on multiple cores -- misses the pomt entirely. This is seen quite plainly fromthe claim
`requirement of “selecting a core from the plurality of cores having a fastest measured processing
`speedparameter to run the processing task.” See, claim 1 (ernphasis added}. Underthe
`Examiner’s interpretation, the fastest core is selected to run a sleeping task. Applicants
`respectfully submit that a person having ordinaryskall in the art would not viewthe claim
`requirernent or the cited art disclosure in this way. Since the claims do not require selection of a
`core having the fasted measured processing speed to run a sleeping task, and since the cited art
`references fail to disclose or suggestion identifying tasks “that cannot be ran bythe plurality of
`cores” and assigning such single-core tasks to the fastest core, Applicants respectfully submit
`that a prima_facie case of obviousness has not been established because the rejection analysis
`does not make “a searching comparison of the claimed invention — including all its limitations ~
`with the teaching of the prior art.” In re Ochiai, 71 F.3d 1565, 1572 (Fed. Cir, 1995) (emphasis
`added). Because ofat least these defictencies, Applicants respectfully request that the
`obviousness rejection of claims 1-8, 10-13, 15-20, and 22 be reconsidered and withdrawn, and
`that the claims be allowed.
`In view of the amendment and remarks set forth herein, Applicants respectfully request
`that the armendment be entered, and subrmut that all pending claims are in condition for
`allowance. Accordingly, Applicants request that a Notice of Allowance be issued. Nonetheless,
`should any issues remain that might be subject to resolution through a telephone interview, the
`Examiner is requested to telephone the undersigned at 512-338-9100,
`Reg. No. 34,791
`that on December 28, 2012. this correspondence
`Thereby c¢
`is being transmitted via the US. Patent & Tr.
`rk Office’s
`electronic filing system.
`/Michael Recca Cannatti/
`Respectfully submitted,
`‘Michael Rocca Canmattt/
`Michael Rocco Cannatti
`Attorney for Appheants

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