`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`12 May 2011 (12.05.2011)
`(10) International Publication Number
`, ,
`. _
`2 11/057195 A2
`International Patent Classification:
`m m 24/58 (201 1.oi)
`m m 12/71 (201 1.01)
`m m 13/648 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`8 November 2010 (08.1 1.2010)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`6 November 2009 (06.1 1.2009)
`U S
`(71) Applicant
`except US):
`(for all designated States
`MOLEX INCORPORATED [US/US]; 2222 Wellington
`Court, Lisle, Illinois 60532 (US).
`Inventor; and
`(for US only): REGNIER, Kent E.
`c/o Molex
`2222 Wellington
`Court, Lisle, Illinois 60532 (US).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
`NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG,
`ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`(74) Agent: SHELDON, Stephen L.; Molex Incorporated, — without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report (Rule 48.2(g))
`2222 Wellington Court, Lisle, Illinois 60532 (US).
`(57) Abstract: An electrical connector includes a dielectric housing having a mating face, a plurality of openings therein config
`ured as pairs of aligned openings and a receptacle for receiving a plurality of internal modules therein. A plurality of electrically
`conductive contacts are positioned within the housing with a portion of each contact extending into one of the openings for engag
`ing contacts of a mateable connector. At least one conductive inter-module shield is located within the receptacle and extends gen
`erally towards the mating face to define a plurality of module receiving cavities.
`U.D. Electronic Corp., Ex 1003


`This patent application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No.
`61/258,979, filed November 6, 2009, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
`The disclosure relates generally to modular telecommunications jacks and, more
`particularly, to a high data rate capable modular jack.
`Modular jack ("modjack") receptacle connectors mounted to printed circuit boards
`("PCBs") are well known in the telecommunications industry. These connectors are often used
`for electrical connection between two electrical communication devices. With the ever-
`increasing operating frequencies and data rates of data and communication systems and the
`increased levels of encoding used to transmit information, the electrical characteristics of such
`connectors are of increasing importance. In particular, it is desirable that these modjack
`connectors do not negatively affect the signals transmitted and where possible, noise is removed
`from the system. Based on these requirements and desires, various proposals have been made in
`order to improve modjack connectors used with communication or transmission links.
`When used as Ethernet connectors, modjacks generally receive an input signal from
`one electrical device and then communicate a corresponding output signal to a second device
`coupled thereto. Magnetic circuitry can be used to provide conditioning and isolation of the
`signals as they pass from the first device to the second and typically such circuitry uses
`components such as a transformer and a choke. The transformer often is toroidal in shape and
`includes primary and secondary windings coupled together and wrapped around a toroid so as to
`provide magnetic coupling between the primary and secondary wire while ensuring electrical
`isolation. Chokes are also commonly used to filter out unwanted noise, such as common-mode
`noise, and can be toroidal ferrite designs used in differential signaling applications. Modjacks
`having such magnetic circuitry are typically referred to in the trade as magnetic jacks.
`As system data rates have increased, improving the isolation between the ports of the
`magnetic jacks has become desirable in order to permit a corresponding increase in the data rate
`of signals that pass through the magnetic jacks without being influenced by adjacent magnetic


`jacks. Cross-talk and electro-magnetic radiation and interference between ports of the magnetic
`jack can have a significant impact on the performance of the magnetic jack and thus the entire
`system as system speeds and data rates increase. Improvements in shielding and isolation within
`the magnetic jack is thus desirable.
`An electrical connector includes a dielectric housing having a mating face, a plurality
`of openings therein configured as pairs of aligned openings and a receptacle for receiving a
`plurality of internal modules therein. A plurality of electrically conductive contacts are
`positioned within the housing with a portion of each contact extending into one of the openings
`for engaging contacts of a mateable connector. At least one conductive inter-module shield is
`located within the receptacle and extends generally towards the mating face to define a plurality
`of module receiving cavities.
`Various other objects, features and attendant advantages will become more fully
`appreciated as the same becomes better understood when considered in conjunction with the
`accompanying drawings in which like reference characters designate the same or similar parts
`throughout the several views, and in which:
`FIG. 1 is a front perspective view of a multiport magnetic jack assembly in
`accordance with a first embodiment;
`FIG. 2 a partially exploded view of the magnetic jack assembly of Fig. 1 with the
`front outer shielding and shield interconnection clip removed;
`FIG. 3 is a is a rear perspective view of the magnetic jack assembly of Fig. 1;
`FIG. 4 is a partially exploded rear perspective view of the magnetic jack assembly of
`Fig. 1 with the internal subassembly modules and inter-module shields in various stages of
`insertion within the housing and with the outer shielding removed for clarity;
`FIG. 5 is a rear perspective view similar to Fig. 4 but with each of the internal
`modules removed and the inter-module shields fully inserted;
`FIG. 6 is an enlarged fragmented perspective view of a portion of Fig. 5;


`FIG. 7 is a front perspective view of the magnetic jack assembly of Fig. 1 with the
`outer housing removed for clarity;
`FIG. 8 is a fragmented front perspective view of the housing taken generally along
`line 8-8 of Fig. 7;
`FIG. 9 is a fragmented front perspective view taken generally along line 9-9 of Fig. 7
`but with the circuit board and connector of the internal subassembly module un-sectioned for
`FIG. 10 is an enlarged fragmented perspective view of a portion of Fig. 9;
`FIG. 11 is a fragmented front perspective view similar to Fig. 9 but with an inter
`module shield un-sectioned, an additional internal subassembly module inserted and the shield
`interconnection clip extended for clarity;
`FIG. 12 is a rear perspective view of an internal subassembly module;
`FIG. 13 an exploded perspective view of the internal module of Fig. 12 with the
`windings removed for clarity;
`FIG. 14 is a side elevational view of the twisted wires that may be used with the
`transformer and noise reduction components of the disclosed embodiments; and
`FIG. 15 is a side elevational view of a transformer and choke subassembly that may
`be used with the disclosed embodiments.
`The following description is intended to convey the operation of exemplary
`embodiments to those skilled in the art. It will be appreciated that this description is intended to
`aid the reader, not to limit the invention. As such, references to a feature or aspect are intended
`to describe a feature or aspect of an embodiment, not to imply that every embodiment must have
`the described characteristic. Furthermore, it should be noted that the depicted detailed
`description illustrates a number of features. While certain features have been combined together
`to illustrate potential system designs, those features may also be used in other combinations not
`expressly disclosed. Thus, the depicted combinations are not intended to be limiting unless
`otherwise noted.
`Fig. 1 illustrates the front side of a multiple input, magnetic, stacked jack 30 having a
`housing 32 made of an insulating material such as a synthetic resin (for example, PBT) and


`includes front side openings or ports 33 arranged in vertically aligned pairs 33' with each port
`configured to receive an Ethernet or RJ-45 type jack (not shown). The magnetic jack 30 is
`configured to be mounted on circuit board 100. A metal or other conductive shield assembly 50
`surrounds the magnetic jack housing 32 for RF and EMI shielding purposes as well as for
`providing a ground reference.
`It should be noted that in this description, representations of directions such as up,
`down, left, right, front, rear, and the like, used for explaining the structure and movement of each
`part of the disclosed embodiment are not intended to be absolute, but rather are relative. These
`representations are appropriate when each part of the disclosed embodiment is in the position
`shown in the figures. If the position or frame of reference of the disclosed embodiment changes,
`however, these representations are to be changed according to the change in the position or frame
`of reference of the disclosed embodiment.
`Shield assembly 50 fully encloses housing 32 except for openings aligned with ports
`33 and the bottom or lower surface of the housing and includes a front shield component 52 and
`a rear shield component 53. Additional shielding components 54 are positioned adjacent and
`generally surround ports 33 to complete shield assembly 50. The joinable front and rear shield
`components are formed with interlocking tabs 55 and openings 56 for engaging and securing the
`components together when the shield assembly 50 is placed into position around the magnetic
`jack housing 32. Each of the shield components 52, 53 includes ground pegs 57, 58,
`respectively, that extend into ground through-holes 102 in the circuit board 100 when mounted
`As depicted in Figs. 4-6, the rear portion of the magnetic jack housing 32 includes a
`large opening or receptacle 34 with three evenly spaced metal inter-module shields 60 positioned
`therein to define four subassembly receiving cavities 35. Each cavity 35 is sized and shaped to
`receive an internal subassembly module 70. While three inter-module shields 60 are depicted, a
`different number of shields may be used to define a different number of cavities. More
`specifically, to provide vertical electrical isolation or shielding between each module 70, one
`shield fewer in number than the desired number of modules is utilized. Shield 60 as depicted is
`stamped and formed of sheet metal material but could be formed of other conductive material
`such as die cast metal or plated plastic material.


`As best seen in Fig. 8, each inter-module shield 60 is a generally rectangular, planar
`member and includes a plurality of spaced apart tails 62 for insertion into ground through-holes
`102 in circuit board 100. The leading or front edge 63 of inter-module shield 60 extends the full
`height of housing 32 (from the lower surface of the housing to the top wall 42) and to a location
`generally adjacent the front face 36 of housing 32. In addition, the rear surface of inter-module
`shield 60 extends to the rear face 39 of housing 32, the upper surface of inter-module shield 60
`extends to the top wall 42 of housing 32 and the lower surface of inter-module shield 60 extends
`downward so as to be generally in line with the lower edges of sidewalls 37 of housing 32 and
`generally adjacent circuit board 100 upon mounting the magnetic jack 30 on circuit board 100.
`Accordingly, inter-module shield 60 extends the full depth of magnetic jack 30 in the insertion
`direction "A" (Fig. 1) of the Ethernet plugs (not shown) that are inserted into ports 33 as well as
`the full height (perpendicular to direction "A") of the magnetic jack. Thus, the shield creates a
`vertical barrier to isolate one pair of vertically aligned ports and their internal subassembly
`module 70 from a pair of adjacent aligned ports and the internal subassembly modules associated
`with such adjacent ports.
`While shields 60 extend essentially the full depth of ports 36 (in the insertion
`direction) in order to create the vertical barrier between vertically aligned ports, in some
`circumstances, it may be possible for the shields 60 to extend only partway to the front face 36
`(e.g., extending only 50% of the way between a rear surface of port 33 and front face 36) while
`still providing sufficient shielding. This may be desirable, for example, in situations in which it
`is difficult to mold the necessary slots 44 that extend to the front face 36 of housing 32.
`Each inter-module shield 60 includes two pairs of guide projections 64, 65 that extend
`in opposite directions into cavities 35 in order to guide and provide support to modules 70. More
`specifically, each inter-module shield 60 includes a first pair of guide tabs 64 that are sheared,
`drawn and formed out of the shield and extend in a first direction (to the left as seen in Fig. 6)
`and a second pair of guide projections 65 formed in a similar manner and extending in an
`opposite direction (to the right as viewed in Fig. 6). Together, the guide projections 64, 65 of the
`pairs of inter-module shields 60 define guide rails that are dimensioned to engage a channel 72
`on each side of module 70. Each cavity 35 (defined by a pair of inter-module shields 60)
`includes guide rails defined by projections 64 on one side of the cavity and projections 65 across
`cavity 35 on the other side of the cavity. The two outer cavities 35' that are defined by the side


`walls 37 of housing 32 and one of the module shields 60 have a first guide rail defined by the
`guide projection of the module shield and a second guide rail defined by projection 38 extending
`along the inside of side wall 37 of housing 32. As a result, the modules 70 are supported on both
`sides within housing 32 regardless of whether the sides of the cavities 35 are defined by a pair of
`inter-module shields 60 or a single inter-module shield 60 and a side wall 37 of housing 32.
`As depicted, inter-module shields 60 are inserted from the rear face or surface 39 of
`housing 32 and are received in slots or channels 4 1 (Fig. 6) that extend along the inner surface of
`top wall 42 of housing 32 in a direction generally parallel to the insertion direction "A" of the
`Ethernet or RJ-45 type plugs. The front portion 43 of housing 32 at which the ports 33 are
`located includes vertical slots 44 (Figs. 7-9) into which the leading edge 63 of inter-module
`shield 60 is inserted in order to permit the leading edge 63 of module shield 60 to extend to or
`almost to the front face 36 of housing 32 in order to provide vertical shielding between vertical
`pairs of ports 33'.
`In other words, vertical shielding is provided by inter-module shields 60 from
`adjacent the rear face 39 of housing 32 to adjacent the front face 36 of housing 32.
`Rear tab 66 extends from the rear edge 67 of each inter-module shield 60 and through
`slot 57 in rear shield component 53 and then is folded over as best seen in Fig. 3 in order to
`mechanically and electrically connect inter-module shield 60 to rear shield component 53. Front
`tab 68 extends from the front edge 63 of each module shield 60 and through slot 112 of shield
`interconnection clip 110 and then is folded over as best seen in Fig. 10 in order to mechanically
`and electrically connect inter-module shield 60 to clip 110.
`Clip 110 is a generally elongated, conductive member that extends along the front
`face 36 of housing 32 between the upper and lower ports 33 and is configured to mechanically
`and electrically interconnect various shielding components generally adjacent the front portion of
`jack 30. More specifically, elongated section 113 of clip 110 includes a plurality of slots 112
`corresponding in number to the number of inter-module shields 60 of jack 30 and a plurality of
`alignment holes 114 located between slots 112 and corresponding in number to the number of
`vertically aligned pairs of ports 33. Clip 110 is dimensioned to be positioned within a recessed
`area 45 of the housing in the front face 36 of housing 32 with alignment projections 46 extending
`from the recessed area 45 into alignment holes 114 in order to property position the clip 110
`relative to housing 32.


`A pair of vertically aligned, deflectable contact arms 115 are located on opposite
`sides of each slot 112. Each contact arm is dimensioned and configured to engage one of the
`conductive ground contact pads 73 located on circuit board 74 of internal subassembly module
`70. An enlarged shield engagement section 116 extends around each side wall 37 of housing 32
`for engaging front shield 52 once front shield 52 is mounted on the front portion of housing 32.
`Raised embossments 117 extend outward from engagement sections 116 to provide areas of
`increased contact pressure in order to create a reliable electrical connection between clip 110 and
`front shield 52.
`Each inter-module shield 60 is secured within magnetic jack 30 on three surfaces.
`The leading edge 63 is located within vertical slot 44 in housing 32 and tab 68 extends through
`slot 112 of shield interconnection clip 110. The upper surface of shield 60 is located within
`channel 4 1 in upper wall 42 of housing 32 and the rear edge 67 of shield 60 is secured by rear tab
`66 that extends through slot 57 in rear shield component 53. Each shield 60 is thus electrically
`and mechanically connected to rear shield component 53 and is electrically connected to front
`shield component 52 and each circuit board 74 through clip 110.
`As best seen in Fig. 8, inter-module shield 60 fully divides or splits receptacle 34 and
`extends from front face 36 of housing 32 to the rear edge 39 of housing 32 and from upper wall
`42 to the lower mounting surface of housing 32. As a result, each module shield 60 provides
`vertical shielding between adjacent pairs 33' of upper and lower ports 33 and Ethernet or RJ-45
`type plugs (not shown) that are inserted therein as well as the subassembly modules 70 inserted
`into subassembly receiving cavities 35.
`Referring to Figs. 12-13, internal subassembly module 70 includes a component
`housing 75 having transformer circuitry and filtering components therein. An upper circuit
`board 74 is mounted generally adjacent an upper surface of component housing 75 and includes
`upper and lower contact assemblies 76, 77 mechanically and electrically connected thereto.
`Lower circuit board 78 is mounted generally adjacent a lower surface of component housing 75.
`The upper and lower circuit boards 74, 78 include resistors, capacitors and other components
`associated with the transformers and chokes located inside the component housing 75.
`Subassembly module 70 includes an upper contact assembly 76 and a lower contact
`assembly 77 for providing a stacked jack, or dual jack, functionality. The upper contact
`assembly 76 is mounted to an upper surface of upper circuit board 74 and provides physical and


`electrical interfaces, including upwardly extending contact terminals 79, for connecting to an
`Ethernet plug inserted within port 33 in the upper row of ports. The lower contact assembly 77
`is mounted to a lower surface of upper circuit board 74 and includes downwardly extending
`electrically conductive contact terminals 8 1 for connection to an Ethernet plug inserted within a
`port 33 in the lower row of ports. Upper contact assembly 76 is electrically connected to the
`upper circuit board 74 through leads, which are soldered, or electrically connected by some other
`means such as welding or conductive adhesive, to a row of circuit board pads 82 that are
`positioned along the top surface of upper circuit board 74 generally adjacent a forward edge of
`component housing 75. Lower contact assembly 77 is similarly mounted on a lower surface of
`upper circuit board 74 and is connected to second, similar row of circuit board pads (not shown)
`on a lower surface of upper circuit board 74.
`Referring to Fig. 13, component housing 75 is a two-piece assembly having a left
`housing half 75a and right housing half 75b, one for holding the magnetics 120a of the upper
`port and the other for holding the magnetics 120b of the lower port of each pair of vertically
`aligned ports. The left and right housings halves 75a, 75b are formed from a synthetic resin such
`as LCP or another similar material and may be physically identical for reducing manufacturing
`costs and simplifying assembly. A latch projection 84 extends from the left sidewall (as viewed
`in Fig. 13) of each housing half. A latch recess 85 is located in the right sidewall of each
`housing half and lockingly receives latch projection 84 therein.
`Each housing half 75a, 75b is formed with a large box-like receptacle or opening 86
`that receives the filtering magnetics 120 therein. The receptacles 86 of the two housing halves
`72a, 72b face in opposite directions and have an internal elongated shield member 190
`positioned between the housing halves. The surface of each housing half facing the elongated
`shield member 190 includes a projection 87 and a receptacle 88 positioned such that when the
`two housing halves 72a, 72b are assembled together, the projection of each housing half will be
`inserted into the receptacle of the other housing half. The elongated shield member 190 includes
`a pair of holes 192 aligned with the projections 87 and receptacles 88 such that upon assembling
`the housing halves 72a, 72b and shield member 190, each projection 87 will extend through one
`of the 192 holes and into its receptacle 88 in order to secure shield member 190 in position
`relative to the housing halves.


`A first set of electrically conductive pins or tails 9 1 extend out of the lower surface of
`the housing halves 75a, 75b and are inserted through holes 78a in the lower circuit board 78 and
`soldered thereto. Pins 9 1 are long enough to extend past lower circuit board 78 and are
`configured to be subsequently inserted into holes (not shown) in circuit board 100 and soldered
`thereto. A second, shorter set of pins 92 also extend out of the lower surface of the housing
`halves 75a, 75b. A third set of electrically conductive pins 93 extend out of the upper surface of
`housing halves 75a, 75b and are inserted into holes 74a in upper circuit board 74 and soldered
`The magnetics 120 provide impedance matching, signal shaping and conditioning,
`high voltage isolation and common-mode noise reduction. This is particularly beneficial in
`Ethernet systems that utilize cables having unshielded
`twisted pair ("UTP") transmission lines, as these line are more prone to picking up
`noise than shielded transmission lines. The magnetics help to filter out the noise and provide
`good signal integrity and electrical isolation. The magnetics include four transformer and choke
`subassemblies 121 associated with each port 33. The choke is configured to present high
`impedance to common-mode noise but low impedance for differential-mode signals. A choke is
`provided for each transmit and receive channel and each choke can be wired directly to the RJ-45
`Referring to Fig. 13, elongated shield member 190 is a generally rectangular plate and
`includes seven downwardly depending solder tails 193 configured for insertion and soldering in
`holes 78a in lower circuit board 78. Tails 193 are long enough to extend past lower circuit board
`78 and are subsequently inserted into holes (not shown) in circuit board 100 and soldered
`thereto. Two upwardly extending solder tails 194, 195 extend from a top surface or edge 196 of
`shield member 190 and are configured for insertion and soldering in holes 74a in upper circuit
`board 74. Shield member 190 is configured to shield the transformers 130 and chokes 140 as
`well as other circuit components of each housing half from those of its adjacent housing half in
`order to shield the circuitry of the lower port from that of its vertically aligned upper port and to
`provide a conductive ground or reference path between upper circuit board 74 and lower circuit
`board 78.
`As described above, the magnetics 120 associated with each port 33 of the connector
`include four transformer and choke subassemblies 121. Referring to Fig. 15, one embodiment of


`a transformer and choke subassembly 121 can be seen to include a magnetic ferrite transformer
`core 130, a magnetic ferrite choke core 140, transformer windings 160 and choke windings 170.
`Transformer core 130 is toroidal or donut-shaped and may include substantially flat
`top and bottom surfaces 132, 133, a central bore or opening 134 that defines a smooth,
`cylindrical inner surface and a smooth, cylindrical outer surface 135. The toroid is symmetrical
`about a central axis through its central bore 134. Choke core 140 may be similarly shaped. If
`desired, transformer core 130 and/or choke core 140 may be rectangular, cylindrical, linear, E-
`shaped or shaped in other manners so long as they operate to efficiently couple the primary and
`secondary windings.
`Fig. 14 illustrates a group of four wires 150 that are initially twisted together and
`wrapped around the transformer toroid 130. Each of the four wires is covered with a thin, color-
`coded insulator to aid the assembly process. As depicted herein, the four wires 150 are twisted
`together in a repeating pattern of a red wire 150r, a natural or copper-colored wire 150n, a green
`wire 150g, and a blue wire 150b. The number of twists per unit length, the diameter of the
`individual wires, the thickness of the insulation as well as the size and magnetic qualities of the
`toroids 130 and 140, the number of times the wires are wrapped around the toroids and the
`dielectric constant of the material surrounding the magnetics are all design factors utilized in
`order to establish the desired electrical performance of the system magnetics.
`As shown in Fig. 15, the four twisted wires 150 are inserted into central bore or
`opening 134 of toroid 130 and are wrapped around the outer surface 135 of the toroid. The
`twisted wires 150 are re-threaded through central bore 134 and this process is repeated until the
`twisted wire group 150 has been threaded through the central bore a predetermined number of
`times. The ends of the twisted wires adjacent the lower surface 133 of the toroid 130 are bent
`upward along the outer surface 135 of toroid 130 and wrapped around the other end of the
`twisted wires to create a single twist 152 that includes all of the wires of the second end wrapped
`around all of the wires of the first end. The individual wires from the first and second ends are
`untwisted immediately beyond (or above as viewed in Fig. 15) the single twist 152. One wire
`from a first end of the group of twisted wires is twisted with a wire from the other end of the
`group of wires to create twisted wire sections 153. A choke twisted wire section 154 is slid into
`central opening 142 of choke toroid 140 and looped around the choke toroid the desired number
`of times. Four transformer and choke assemblies 121 are inserted into each receptacle 86 and the


`wires are then soldered or otherwise connected to pins 92, 93. A shock absorbing foam insert 94
`is then inserted into each receptacle 86 over the transformer and choke assemblies 121 to secure
`them in place. A cover 95 is secured to each housing half 75a, 75b to secure foam insert 94
`within the respective housing half and to provide shielding to pins 92, 93.
`During assembly, module shields 60 are inserted into housing 32 and slid forward
`(opposite the direction of arrow "A" in Fig. 1) so that the shields are received in channels 4 1
`(Fig. 6) that extend along the inner surface of top wall 39 of housing 32 and into vertical slots 44
`(Figs. 7-9) of the front portion 43 of the housing in order to define a plurality of subassembly
`receiving cavities 35. A subassembly module 70 is then inserted into each cavity 35 as depicted
`in Fig. 4 with the channels 72 on the sides of each module engaging the guide rails formed either
`by projections 64, 65 extending from module shields 60 or projection 38 of the side wall 37 of
`housing 32.
`Clip 110 is then slip onto the front surface 36 of housing 32 with projections 46 of
`housing 32 extending into alignment holes 114 in the clip and with front tabs 68 from each
`module shield 60 extending into a slot 112 within the clip. Deflectable contact arms 115 slide
`onto upper circuit board 74 and engage contact pads 73. Front tabs 68 are then bent over to
`secure tabs 68 to clip 110. Front shield component 52 is then slid onto housing 32 with the inner
`side surfaces of front shield component 52 engaging raised embossments 116 of enlarged shield
`engagement section 115 to complete the electrical connection between inter-module shields 60,
`upper circuit boards 74, clip 110 and front shield 52. Rear shield 53 is then slid and secured onto
`front shield 52. Rear tab 67 extends from the rear edge of each inter-module shield 60 and
`through slot 57 in rear shield component 53 and then is folded over as best seen in Fig. 2 in order
`to secure inter-module shield 60 to rear shield component 53.
`With such structure, each inter-module shield 60 is secured within magnetic jack 30
`at its leading edge 63 within vertical slot 44 in housing 32, along its upper edge by channel 4 1 in
`upper wall 42 of housing 32 and along its rear edge by rear tab 67 that engages rear shield
`component 53. Module shield 60 fully divides opening 34 and extends from front face 36 of
`housing 32 to the rear edge of 39 of housing 32 and from upper wall 42 to the lower mounting
`surface of housing 32. As a result, each module shield 60 provides vertical shielding between
`adjacent pairs of upper and lower ports 33 and Ethernet or RJ-45 type plugs that are inserted
`therein as well as the subassembly modules 70 inserted into subassembly receiving cavities 35.


`Although the disclosure provided has been described in terms of illustrated
`embodiments, it is to be understood that the disclosure is not to be interpreted as limiting.
`Various alterations and modifications will no doubt become apparent to those skilled in the art
`after having read the above disclosure. For example, the modular jack is depicted as a right angle
`connector but may also have a vertical orientation. In addition, in some instances, it may be
`desirable to eliminate the magnetics 120 associated with each module 70 while still utilizing
`inter-module shields 60 to shield and support the modules 70. Numerous other embodiments,
`modifications and variations within the scope and spirit of the appended claims will occur to
`persons of ordi

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