`'Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley CA 94720
`2 Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore CA 94550
`(Published in Information Systems Journal, April, 1995)
`L.T.Chen ,R.Drach,M.Keating,S.Louis,D.Rotem ,A.Shoshani
` LawrenceBerkeleyLaboratory,BerkeleyCA 
`(PublishedinInformationSystemsJournal,April, )
`andsimulationandexperimentalresultsthatshow toordersofmagnitudeinaccessimprovements
`climatemodels,incooperationwiththeinternationalclimatemodelingcommunity[ ].Todate,
`Scientists working with spatio-temporal data do not naturally think of their data in terms of
`files or collections of files, but rather in terms of basic abstractions such as spatial and temporal
`variables, multidimensional arrays, and images. This work is directed toward providing support
`for such abstractions within the context of current hierarchical mass storage systems. One of the
`most critical issues for scientific investigators is the increased volume of data generated by large-
`scale supercomputer simulations and physical experiments. In addition, the automated collection
`of observations by monitoring devices and satellites produce vast data at increasingly faster rates.
`These large datasets have, in some cases, led to unreasonably long delays in data analysis. In these
`situations, the speed of supercomputers is no longer an issue; instead, it is the ability to quickly
`select subsets of interest from the large datasets that has become the major bottleneck.
`To address this need, we have developed algorithms for partitioning datasets into "clusters"
`based on anticipated data access patterns and storage device characteristics, as well as enhance-
`ments to current storage server protocols to permit control over physical placement of data on
`storage devices. The access patterns considered in this paper are range specifications in the mul-
`tidimensional space. The techniques developed can be applied to any multidimensional datasets,
`although our emphasis and example applications is on spatio-temporal datasets.
`In order to have a practical and realistic environment, we choose to focus on developing effi-
`cient storage and retrieval of climate modeling data generated by the Program for Climate Model
`Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI). PCMDI was established at Lawrence Livermore Na-
`tional Laboratory (LLNL) to mount a sustained program of analysis and experimentation with
`climate models, in cooperation with the international climate modeling community [1]. To date,
` This paper addresses the problem of urgently needed data management techniques for
`Abstract (cid:9)
`efficiently retrieving requested subsets of large datasets from mass storage devices. This problem is
`especially critical for scientific investigators who need ready access to the large volume of data generated
`by large-scale supercomputer simulations and physical experiments as well as the automated collection
`of observations by monitoring devices and satellites. This problem also negates the benefits of fast
`networks, because the time to access a subset from a large dataset stored on a mass storage system is
`much greater than the time to transmit that subset over a fast network. This paper focuses on very
`large spatial and temporal datasets generated by simulation of climate models, but the techniques
`described here are applicable to any large multidimensional grid data. The main requirement is to
`efficiently access relevant information contained within much larger datasets for analysis and interactive
`visualization. Although these problems are now becoming more widely recognized, the problem persists
`because the access speed of robotic storage devices continues to be the bottleneck. To address this
`problem, we have developed algorithms for partitioning the original datasets into "clusters" based
`on analysis of data access patterns and storage device characteristics. Further, we have designed
`enhancements to current storage server protocols to permit control over physical placement of data on
`storage devices. We describe in this paper the approach we have taken, the partitioning algorithms,
`and simulation and experimental results that show 1 to 2 orders of magnitude in access improvements
`for predicted query types. We further describe the design and implementation of improvements to a
`specific storage management system, UniTree, which are necessary to support the enhanced protocols.
`In addition, we describe the development of a partitioning workbench to help scientists select the
`preferred solutions.
`Page 1 of 30


`L.T. CHEN et al.
`PCMDI has generated over one terabyte of data, mainly consisting of very large, spatio-temporal,
`multidimensional data arrays.
`The main requirement is to efficiently access relevant information contained within much larger
`datasets for analysis and interactive visualization. Although the initial focus of this work is on
`spatial and temporal data, our results can be applied to other kinds of multidimensional grid
`The developmental and operational site for our work is the National Storage Laboratory, an
`industry-led collaborative project [2] housed in the National Energy Research Supercomputer Cen-
`ter (NERSC) at LLNL. The system integrator for the National Storage Laboratory, IBM Federal
`Sector Division in Houston, has projects already in place that are investigating improved access
`interface and data reorganization techniques for atmospheric modelers at NCAR [3]. Many aspects
`of our work complement the goals of the National Storage Laboratory.
`interfaceanddatareorganizationtechniquesforatmosphericmodelersatNCAR[ ].Manyaspects
`systemuntilitisrequiredtoretrievethemforanalysisorvisualizationasshowninFigure .For
`uptoonehundredmagnetictapes,cartridges,oropticaldisks(currentIBM tapecartridge
`servingSystem(EOS)currentlybeingdevelopedbyNASA[ ,],isexpectedtoproduceverylarge
`datasets( sofgigabyteseach).Thetotalamountofdatathatwillbegeneratedisexpectedto
`Large-scale scientific simulations, experiments, and observational projects, generate large mul-
`tidimensional datasets and then store them temporarily or permanently in an archival mass storage
`system until it is required to retrieve them for analysis or visualization as shown in Figure 1. For
`example, a single dataset (usually a collection of time-history output) from a climate model sim-
`ulation may produce from one to twenty gigabytes of data. Typically, this dataset is stored on
`up to one hundred magnetic tapes, cartridges, or optical disks (current IBM 3480 tape cartridge
`technology, used in the storage systems at LLNL, allows 200-250 megabytes per cartridge). These
`kinds of tertiary devices (i.e., one level below magnetic disk), even if robotically controlled, are
`relatively slow. Taking into account the time it takes to load, search, read, rewind, and unload
`a large number of cartridges, it can take many hours to retrieve a subset of interest from a large
`This inefficiency generally requires that the entire set of original data be retrieved and down-
`loaded to a disk cache for the researcher to analyze or interactively visualize a subset of the data.
`Future hardware technology developments will certainly help the situation. Data transfer rates are
`likely to increase by as much as an order of magnitude as will tape and cartridge capacities. How-
`ever, new supercomputers and massively parallel processor technologies will outstrip this capacity
`by allowing scientists to calculate ever finer resolutions and more time steps, and thus generating
`much more data. Because most of the data generated by models and experiments will still be
`required to reside on tertiary devices, and because it will usually be the case that only a subset of
`that data is of immediate interest, effective management of very large scientific datasets will be an
`ongoing concern.
`A similar situation exists with many scientific application areas. For example, the Earth Ob-
`serving System (EOS) currently being developed by NASA [3,4], is expected to produce very large
`datasets (100s of gigabytes each). The total amount of data that will be generated is expected to
`reach several petabytes, and thus will reside mostly on tertiary storage devices. Such datasets are
`usually abstracted into so called "browse sets" that are small enough to be stored on disk (using
`coarser granularity and/or summarization, such as monthly averages). Users typically explore the
`browse sets at first, and eventually focus on a subset of the dataset they are interested in. We
`address here this last step of extracting the desired subsets from datasets that are large enough to
`be typically stored on tape.
`It is not realistic to expect commercial database systems to add efficient support for various
`types of tertiary storage soon. But even if such capabilities existed, we advocate an approach
`that the mass storage service should be outside the data management system, and that various
`software systems (including future data management systems) will interface to this service through
`a standardized protocol. The IEEE is actively pursuing such standard protocols [6] and many
`commercially available storage system vendors have stated that they will help develop and support
`this standards effort for a variety of tertiary devices. Another advantage to our approach is that
`existing software applications, such as analysis and visualization software, can interface directly to
`the mass storage service. For efficiency reasons, many applications use specialized internal data
`Page 2 of 30


`Access of Multi-Dimensional Datasets on Tertiary Storage Systems
`Simulation/Experimental System
`Simulation/Experimental System
`A multi-dimensional
`A multi-dimensional
`dataset from models
`dataset from models
`or observations
`or observations
`may be stored over
`may be stored over
`multiple volumes
`multiple volumes
`Data not optimally stored for:
`Data not optimally stored for:
`• Access patterns
` Access patterns
`• Storage device
` Storage device
` characteristics
`Data Storage
`Data Storage
`Archival Mass Storage System
`Archival Mass Storage System
`@e G
`A multi-volume dataset
`A multi-volume dataset
`(typically 1-20 GBytes
`(typically 1-20 GBytes
`stored on 5-100 tapes)
`stored on 5-100 tapes)
`. . .
`• • •
`Fig. :CurrentSituation
` ,thisproblemhasastorageorganizationcomponentandanaccesscomponent.Naturally,the
`thedesiredsubset.Thisleadstolongdelays( minutestoseveralhoursiscommon)depending
`system.WeshowschematicallyinFigure thatthedesiredsubset(whichconsistsofpiecesA,B,
`Access time too long due to:
`Access time too long due to:
`• Drive contention
` Drive contention
`• Seek delays
` Seek delays
`• Loading/unloading
` Loading/unloading
`• Concurrent access locks
` Concurrent access locks
`Data Access
`Data Access
`Visualization/Analysis System
`Visualization/Analysis System
`Desired subsets for
`Desired subsets for
`analysis retrieved from
`analysis retrieved from
`the original dataset
`the original dataset
`Fig. 1: Current Situation
`formats and often prefer to interface to files directly rather than use a data management system.
`As mentioned above, the main problem we address is the slow access of small subsets from a
`large dataset in archival storage needed for visualization and analysis. As can be seen in Figure
`1, this problem has a storage organization component and an access component. Naturally, the
`data access depends on the method used for the initial storage of this dataset. Because a dataset
`is typically stored on tertiary storage systems in the order it is produced and not by the order
`in which it will be retrieved, a large portion of the dataset needs to be read in order to extract
`the desired subset. This leads to long delays (30 minutes to several hours is common) depending
`on the size of the dataset, the speed of the device used, and the usage load on the mass storage
`system. We show schematically in Figure 1 that the desired subset (which consists of pieces A, B,
`C which belong to a single dataset) is scattered over multiple volumes of the Mass Storage System.
`We address the above problem by developing algorithms and software that facilitate the parti-
`tioning of a large dataset into multiple "clusters" that reflect their expected access. For example,
`if many desired subsets consist of certain variables over a period of a year, then reorganizing and
`Page 3 of 30


`4 (cid:9)
`L.T. CHEN et al.
`inFigure.ThesamebasicsystemcomponentsshowninFigure alsoexistinFigure,along
`allocationanalysis.ThedetailsofthetwocomponentsareshowninFigures and.
`OntheleftofFigure ,theDataAllocationAnalyzerisshown.Itacceptsspeci(cid:12)cationsof
`partitioning the data such that the corresponding variables are stored as "yearly clusters" in con-
`tiguous storage locations will facilitate efficiently reading the desired data. In general, the portions
`of a dataset that satisfy a query may be scattered over different parts of the dataset, or even on
`multiple volumes. For example, typical climate simulation programs generate multiple files, each
`for a period of 5 days for all variables of the dataset. Thus, for a query that requests a single
`variable (say "precipitation") for a specific month at ground level, the relevant parts of the dataset
`reside on 6 files (each for a 5 day period). These files may be stored on multiple volumes. Further,
`only a subset of each file is needed since we are only interested in a single variable and only at
`ground level. If we collected all the parts relevant to a query and put them into a single file, then
`we would have the ideal cluster for that query. Of course, the problem is one of striking a balance
`between the requirements of all queries, and designing clusters that will be as close as possible to
`the ideal cluster of each query.
`The term "partitioning algorithm" is used to indicate that as a result of the algorithm a dataset
`will be partitioned (or restructured) into many such clusters. The term "cluster" is used to convey
`the idea that all the data that satisfy a query should ideally reside in a single cluster. The goal is
`to minimize the amount of storage that has to be read when a subset of the data is needed.
`The way that the above techniques interact with the existing software is shown schematically
`in Figure 2. The same basic system components shown in Figure 1 also exist in Figure 2, along
`with additional components. The component labeled "Data Allocation and Storage Management"
`is responsible for determining how to reorganize a dataset into multiple "clusters", and for writing
`the clusters into the mass storage system in the desired order. The parts of the dataset that go into
`a single cluster may be originally stored in a single file or in multiple files (as mentioned above, a
`typical climate modeling dataset is stored in multiple files, each containing 5 days worth of data).
`The component labeled "Data Assembly and Access Management" is responsible for accessing the
`clusters, and for assembling the desired subset from clusters (rather than reading the dataset).
`One consequence of this component is that analysis and visualization programs are handed the
`desired subset, and no longer need to perform the extraction of the subset from the file. Note
`that the schematic illustration in the Archival Mass Storage System is intended to show that the
`desired cluster "ABC" may be stored in contiguous storage space for efficiency as a result of the
`allocation analysis. The details of the two components are shown in Figures 3 and 4.
`On the left of Figure 3, the Data Allocation Analyzer is shown. It accepts specifications of
`access patterns for analysis and visualization programs, and parameters describing the archival
`storage device characteristics. This module selects an optimal solution and produces an Allocation
`Directory that describes how the multidimensional datasets should be partitioned and stored.
`The Allocation Directory is used by the File Partitioning Module. This module accepts a
`multidimensional dataset, and reorganizes it into "clusters" that may be stored in consecutive
`archival storage allocation spaces by the mass storage system. The resulting clusters are passed
`on to the Storage Manager Write Process. In order for the Storage Manager Write Process to
`have control over the physical placement of clusters on the mass storage system, enhancements to
`the protocol that defines the interface to the archival mass storage system were developed. Unlike
`most current implementations that do not permit control over the direct physical placement of
`data on archival storage, the enhanced protocol permits forcing of "clusters" to be placed adjacent
`to each other so that reading adjacent "clusters" can be handled more efficiently. Accordingly,
`the software implementing the mass storage system's bitfile server and storage servers, needs to be
`enhanced as well. More details on the modified protocols are given Section 7.
`In Figure 4, we show the details of reading subsets from the mass storage system. Upon request
`for a data subset, the Storage Manager Read Process uses the Allocation Directory to determine
`the "clusters" that need to be retrieved. Thus, reading of large files for each subset can be avoided.
`Here again, the bitfile server and storage server of the mass storage system needs to be extended
`to support enhanced read protocols. Once the clusters are read from the mass storage system,
`they are passed on to the Subset Assembly Module. Ideally, the requested data subset resides
`in a single cluster (especially for queries that have been favored by the partitioning algorithm).
`But, in general, multiple clusters will have to be retrieved to satisfy a subset request, where only
`part of each cluster may be needed. Still, the total amount of data read will typically be much
`Page 4 of 30


`Access of Multi-Dimensional Datasets on Tertiary Storage Systems (cid:9)
`Simulation/Experimental System
`A multi-dimensional
`A multi-dimensional
`dataset from models
`dataset from models
`or observations
`or observations
`may be stored over
`may be stored over
`multiple volumes
`multiple volumes
`(See Figure 3 for details)
`(See Figure 3 for details)
`Cluster data
`Cluster data
`according to
`according to
`access patterns
`access patterns
`Data Allocation and
`Data Allocation and
`Storage Management
`Storage Management
`Archival Mass Storage System
`. . .
`Frequently accessed
`Frequently accessed
`subsets partitioned
`subsets partitioned
`into clusters
`into clusters
` . .ThePartitioningProcess
`(See Figure 4 for details)
`(See Figur

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