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`allegorical e allomorph
`alligator clip
`pheme> — al-lo-mor-phic \,a-lo-"
`all get—out \,0l-'get-,aut, -'git-\ 2 (1884) : the utmost conceivable degree
`>-,mor-,fi-zam\ 7
`(2): the obligation of an alien to the government un-
`or government
`— used in comparisons to suggest something superlative <is handsome
`der whichthe alien resides 2: devotion or loyalty to a person, group,
`ablonge \a-16"zh\ 7 [F,lit., length
`as all get-out and has a deft way with the ladies —John McCarten>
`al-lo-patric \,a-lo-'pa-trik\ adj [ai
`or cause syn see FIDELITY — al-le-giant \jont\ adj
`all hail inter] (14c) — used to express greeting, welcome, or acclama-
`her — more at FATHER] (1942)
`al-le-gor-i-cal \,a-lo-"g6r-i-kal, -'gr-\ adj (1528)
`1: of, relating to, or
`having the characteristics of allegory
`2 : having hidden spiritual
`reasor in isolation <~ speciatic
`All-hal-lows \olha-()l6z,-lez\ 1, p! Allhallows[short for All Hallows’
`meaningthat transcends theliteral sense of a sacred text — al-le-gor-i-
`sat-rivcalely \-tri-k(o-)le\ adv — 1
`Day) (1503) : ALL SAINTS’ DAY
`«-lophane \'a-lo-fan\ 2 [Gk alla
`calely \-k(a-)lé\ adv — al-le-gor-i-cal-ness \-kal-nos\ 7
`al-li-a-ceous \,a-Ié-'4-shas\ adj [L allium garlic] (1792) : resembling gar-
`al-le-go-rise Brit var ofALLEGORIZE
`iinesthai to appear, middle va
`lic or onion esp. in smell or taste
`FANCY] (ca. 1821) : an amorphou
`al-le-go-rist \'a-lo-,gor-ast, -gOr-\ 7 (1684) : a creatorof allegory
`ablivance \o-"li-an(t)s\ 7 (13c) 1a: the state of beingallied : the action
`cs often occurring in incrustatic
`al-le.go-ri-za-tion \,a-lo-,g61-0-'za-shon,~gor-, -gor-\ 2 (1847) : allegori-
`of allying b: a bond or connection between families, states, parties, or
`‘a hydrous aluminum silicate
`cal representation or interpretation
`individuals <a closer ~ between government and industry> 2: an as-
`al-lo-phone\'a-le-,fon\ 7 [allo- +
`al-le.go-rize \'a-lo-,g6r-1z, -1g0r-, -gor-\ vb -rized; -riz-ing vi (1581)
`sociation to further the commoninterests of the members; specif: a
`ariants of the same phoneme<th
`: to give allegorical explanations 2 : to compose or use allegory ~ vt
`confederation of nations by treaty 3: union by relationship in quali-
`ated \p\ of spin are ~~s of the p
`1; to treat or explain as an allegory 2: to makeinto allegory — alele-
`ties : AFFINITY 4:atreaty ofalliance
`O-riz-er n
`fa-nik\ adj
`al-lied \o~"lid, 'a-;lid\ adj (14c) 1: having or being in close association
`al-lo-poly-ploid \,a-16-'pa-li-,ploid
`-le-gorry \'a-lo-.g0r-é, -g6r-\ 7, pi -ries [ME allegorie, fr. L allegoria,
`: CONNECTED <a strong personal pride ~ with the utmost probity)
`rain having a chromosomeset
`fr. Gk allégoria, fr. allégorein to speak figuratively, fr. allos other +
`»me sets derived more orless ci
`<two families ~ by matriage> 2:joined in alliance by compact or
`-égorein to speak publicly, fr. agora assembly — more at ELSE, AGORA]
`treaty; specif, cap : oforrelating to the nations united against Germany
`(14c) 1: the expression by meansof symbolic fictional figures and ac-
`polyploid adj — aldo-poly-plo
`andits allies in World War I or those united against the Axis powers in
`tions of truths or generalizations about human existence; also : an in-
`World War II
`3 a: related esp. by common properties or qualities
`trug CsH4N,O used to promote €
`stance (as in a story or painting) of such expression 2: asymbolic rep-
`¢heraldry and ~ subjects> b : related genetically
`resentation : EMBLEM 2
`all—or-none\,0-lor-'non\ adj (1%
`allies pi ofALLY
`lalle-gret-to \,a-lo-'gre-())t6,,a-lo-\ adv or adj [It, dim. of allegro] (ca.
`gacte operation or effect or by na
`al-li-ga-tor \'a-lo-,ga-tor\ n [Sp el lagarto the lizard, fr. ef the (fr. L ille
`wll-or—noth-ing \-'n>-thin\ adj (1'
`1740) : faster than andante butnotso fast as allegro — used as a direc-
`tion in music
`that) + Jagarto lizard, fr. (assumed) VL lacartus, fr. L lacertus, lacerta —
`z no less than everything <he’s
`more at LIZARD] (1579) 1a: either of two crocodilians (genus Alliga-
`*allegretto 7, pl -tos (ca. 1846) : a musical composition or movementin
`-rything <an ~~ combat strategy)
`tor) having broad heads not tapering to the snout and a special pocket
`allegretto tempo
`aito-sau-rus \,a-lo-'sor-as\ 2 [NI
`in the upper jaw for reception of the enlarged lower fourth tooth b
`any of a genus (Allosaurus) of bh
`lable-gro \o-"le-(gr6, -1a-\ n, pl -gros (1683) : a musical composition
`+ CROCODILIAN 2: leather made from alligator hide
`or movementin allegro tempo
`pod dinosaursof the Upper Juras
`alligator clip 7 (ca. 1941) : a spring-loaded clip
`uito-ste-ric \,a-16-'ster-ik, -'stir-\
`2allegro adv or adj [It, merry,fr. (assumed) VL alecruslively, alter. of L
`that has jaws resembling an alligator’s and is
`or being a change in the shar
`alacr-, alacer] (ca. 1721) : at a brisk lively tempo — used as a direction
`in music
`used for making temporary electrical connec-
`me) that results from combina!
`cher than the chemically active
`allele \o-"lé(o)I\ n [G Allel, short for Allelomorph] (1928) 1: any of the
`alligator pear n [by folk etymology fr. Sp
`‘vy — al-lo-estesry
`alternative forms of a gene thal may occur at a given locus 2: either
`aguacate — more at AVOCADO] (1763) : AvO-
`e-lot \o-"lat\ vt allotted; aldlot«
`of a pair of alternative Mendelian characters (as smooth and wrinkled
`L ad-) + lot, of Gmcorigin; a
`seed in the pea) — al-le-lic \-'lé-lik,-"le-\ adj — al-lel-ism \-"lé(9)-,li-
`zom,-"le-\ 1
`alligator snapper 7 (1884) : a snapping turtle
`a share or portion <~ 10 min
`(Macrochelys temminckii) of the rivers of the
`allelo- combform {Gkalléion of each other,fr. allos...allos one... the
`oy or as if by lot <~ seats to the
`Gulf states that may reach nearly 150 pounds (68 kilograms) in weight
`other,fr. allos other — more at ELSE] 1: alternative <allelomorph>) 2
`and 5 feet (1.5 meters) in length
`ai-lo-te-tra-ploid \,a-16-'te-tro-,pl
`: reciprocal <allelopathy>
`»-te-tra-ploi-edy \-,ploi-dé\ n
`all-im-por-tant \,6-lim-"por-t?nt, -tont\ adj (1837) : of very great or
`ement \o-"lat-mant\
`\o-lé-lo-morf, -"le-lo-\ n (1902) : ALLELE — al-le-lo-
`greatest importance {an ~ question>
`“NT 2: something that is allot
`mor-phic \s-,lé-lo-'mor-fik,-le-lo-\ adj — al-ele-lo-mor-phism \o-'lé-ls-
`> an individual for cultivation
`all-in \,6-"lin\ adj (1890)
`1 chiefly Brit : ALL-INCLUSIVE 2 chiefly Brit
`mor-,fi-zom,-"le-lo-\ 7
`: being almost without restrictions <~~ wrestling>
`ai-lo-trope \'a-lo-,trop\ » [ISV, bz
`al-le-lop-a-thy \o-!é-le-ypa-thé, —le-lo-; also ,a-la-"la-po-thé\ 1 {Isv]
`all in ad 41908) : TIRED, EXHAUSTED <after a day of wood-splitting he
`was aif
`(1948) : the suppression of growth of one plants ecies by another due
`2 form showingallotropy
`to stewae of toxic substances — al-le-lo-path-ic \o-,Jé-lo-'pa-thik,
`«-lot-ro-py \o-"14-tra-pé\ n, pl -pic
`-la-la-\ adj
`all-in-clussive \,0-lin-'klii-siv, -ziv\ adj (ca. 1855) ; including everything
`i esp. an element in two or ma
`<a broader and more nearly ~ view> — |-in-clu-sive-ness 7
`the same phase — al-lo-trop-
`alledlucia \,a-lo-'lii-yo\ interj [ME, fr. LL, fr. Gk allélouia,
`fr. Heb
`ablit-er-ate \o-'li-ta-,rat\ vb -at-ed; -at-ing [back-formationfr. allitera-
`halaliiyadh praise ye Jehovah] (14c) : HALLELUJAH
`aif ot-ta-va \,a-lo-"ta-vo, ,4-16-\ a
`tion] vi (1816) 1: to form an alliteration 2: to write or speakalliter-
`al-leemande \'a-lo-man(d), -mon, -mand, Ja & 2 also 1a-la-"\ n, often
`atively ~~ vt: to arrange or place so as to makealliteration <~ sylla-
`cap [F,fr. fem. of allemand German] (1685) 1: a musical composition
`si-lot-tee \o-14-'té\ 1 (1846) : one
`bles in a sentence>
`or movement(as in a baroque suite) in moderate tempo and duple or
`al-lo-type \'a-lo-,tip\ 1 (1960) : a
`al-lit-er-a-tion \o-,li-to-'ra-shon\ n [ad- + L littera letter] (ca. 1656) : the
`crotein (as an antibody) — al-lo-
`quadruple time 2a: a 17th and 18th century court dance developed
`repetition of usu. initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring
`in Egpuce from a Germanfolk dance b: a dance step with armsinter-
`-al-ly \-pi-k(o-ié\ adv — alb-lo-ty
`t-out \'o-‘laut\ adj (1908) 1:
`words or syllables (as wild and woolly, threatening throngs) — called
`also head rhyme, initial rhyme
`°GHGOING <an ~ effort to wir
`all—em-braceing \,0-lim-"bra-sin\ adj (ca. 1649) : COMPLETE, SWEEPING
`al-lit-er-a-tive \o-'li-tor-o-tiv, -to-ra-tiv\ adj (1764):of, relating to, or out adv (1895) : with full dete
`Ablen wrench \'a-lan-\ 7 [4ilen Manufacturing Co., Hartford, Conn.]
`um effort — used chiefly in th
`marked by alliteration — allit-er-a-tive-ly adv
`(1943) : an L-shaped hexagonal metal bar either end of whichfits the
`socket of a screw or bolt
`ell-over \'6-,16-var\ adj (1859) : c
`al-lieum \'a-lé-om\ 2 [NL, genus name,fr. L, garlic] (1807) : any of a
`large genus (Allium) of bulbous herbs ofthelily family including the
`al-ler-gen \'a-lor-jan\ 7 [ISV allergy + -ger] (1910) : a substance that in-
`eater with an ~ pattern)
`onion, garlic, chive, leek, and shallot
`allover n (1838) 1: an embroid
`duces allergy — al-ler-gen-ic \,a-lor-"je-nik\ adj — al-ler-ge-nic-i-ty
`-avering most of the surfac
`\a-lor-ja-"ni-so-té\ n
`all-night \'ol-'nit\ adj (1888) 1: lasting throughout the night <an ~
`= unit is repeated so as to cc
`abler-gic \o-"lar-jik\ adj (1911)
`1: of, relating to, inducing, or affected
`poker game> 2: open throughout the night <an ~ diner>
`aver adv (1577) 1: over the v
`all-night-er \'ol-'ni-tar\ n (1967) : something thatlasts all night; specif
`by allergy 2: having an aversion <~ to work>
`: an all-night study session
`ywer pattern> 2: EVERYWHE
`al-ler-gist \'a-lor-jist\ 7 (1928) : a specialist in allergy
`allo- — see ALL-
`nm every respect : THOROUGHL)
`al-ler-gy \'a-lor-jé\ , pl -gies [G Allergie, fr. all- + Gk ergon work —
`more at WORK] (1910) 1: altered bodily reactivity (as hypersensitivi-
`al-lo-an-ti-body \,a-16-'an-ti-,ba-dé\ 7 (1964) : an antibody produced
`allow \o-‘lau\ vb [ME, fr. MF ai
`wer to approve,fr. L allaudare
`following introductionof an alloantigen into the system of an individu-
`ty) to an antigen in responseto a first exposure <a bee venom ~ so se-
`more at ALLOCATE] vt (14c)
`vere that a second sting may be fatal) 2: exaggerated or pathological
`al of a species lacking that particular antigen — called also isoantibody
`~ount (as of time or money) <-
`reaction (as by sneezing, respiratory embarrassment, itching, or skin
`al-lo-an-ti-gen \,a-16-'an-ti-jon\ 1 (1964) : an antigen present only in
`deduction or an addition <~ a
`rashes) to substances, situations, or physical states that are without
`someindividuals (as of a particular blood group)of a species and capa-
`= & Midland : to be of the op
`comparable effect on the average individual 3: medical practice con-
`ble of inducing the production of an alloantibody by individuals which
`lack it — called also isoantigen
`cerned with allergies 4: a feeling of antipathy or repugnance
`to express an opinion — usu.
`suthern & Midland : INTEND, |
`al-lo-ca-ble \'a-lo-ko-bal\ adj (1916) : capable of being allocated
`al-le-thrin \'a-ls-thran\ 7 [allyl + pyrethrin] (1950) : a light yellow vis-
`sat money causes problemsin
`oe oily synthetic insecticide Ci9H26O03 used esp. in household aero-
`al-lo-cate \'a-lo-;kat\ vt -cat-ed; -cat-ing [ML allocatus, pp. of allocare,
`people to smokein his home)
`fr. L ad- + locare to place,fr. locus place -—— more at STALL] (ca. 1641)
`event <~ the dog to roam> ~
`al-le-vieate \a-"é-vé-,At\ vt -at-ed; -at-ing [LL alleviatus, pp. ofalleviare,
`1: to apportion for a specific purpose or to particular personsor things
`fr. L ad- + levis light — more at LIGHT] (15c) : RELIEVE, LESSEN: as a
`— used with of <evidence that ~
`: DISTRIBUTE <~ tasks among human and automated components> 2
`~nsideration to circumstances
`: to make(as suffering) more bearable <her sympathy alleviated his dis-
`: to set apart or earmark : DESIGNATE <~ a section of the building for
`= expansion>
`tress) b: to partially remove or correct Syn sce RELIEVE —— al-le-vi-
`special research purposes) — al-lo-cat-able \-,k4-to-bal\ adj — al-lo-
`allow-able \o-lat-o-bal\ adj (1
`action \-,1é-vé-'4-shon\ 7 — al-le-vi-a-tor \-Me-vé-,4-tor\ 7
`castion \,a-lo-"ka-shon\ n — al-lo-castor\'a-lo-ka-tor\ 7
`1g}-ley \'a-lé\ n, pl alleys [ME,[r, MF alee, fr. OF,fr. aler to go] (14c)
`al-lo-cu-tion \,a-lo-"kyii-shon\ n [L allocution-, allocutio, fr. alloqui to
`wi-low-ance\o-'lat-an(t)s\ 2 (14
`: a gardenor park walk borderedbytrees or bushes 2a(1):a grassed
`speak to, fr. ad- + loqui to speak] (1615) : a formal speech; esp : an au-
`thoritative or hortatory address
`enclosure for bowling or skittles
`(2) : a hardwood lane for bowling;
`granted b: asum granted as:
`also : a room or building housing a group of such lanes b: the space
`penses <salary includes cost-of-l
`all of adv (1829) : FULLY <she’sall of20 years old>
`4 for personal or household e:
`oneach side of a tennis doubles court between the sideline andtheser-
`al-log-a:mous \e-'lé-go-mas\ adj (ca. 1890) : reproducing by cross-
`ed or available amount <prov
`fertilization — al-log-aemy \-mé\ 7
`vice sideline ¢ : an area in a baseball outfield between two outfielders
`eduction fromalist price or st
`when they are in normal positions 3: a narrow street; esp 3 a thor-
`allo-ge-nesic \,a-16-jo-'né-ik\ also al-lo-gen-ic \-'je-nik\ adj [all- +
`sosed handicap (as in a horse ra
`oughfare through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots
`-geneic (as in syngeneic)] (1961) : involving, derived from,or being indi-
`ace between mating parts of a:
`or buildings — up one’s alley also down one’s alley : suited to one’s
`viduals of the samespecies that are sufficiently unlike genetically to in-
`own tastes or abilities
`teract antigenically
`SSION 5: a taking into ac
`2alley n, pl alleys [by shortening andalter. fr. alabaster] (1720) : a play-
`al-lo-graft \'a-lo-,graft\ 7 (1961) : a homograft between allogeneic indi-
`ing marble; esp : one of superior quality
`allowancevt -anced; -anc-ing (
`viduals — allograft vt
`wance (as of food and drin!
`al-‘ley—oop \,a-lé-'yiip\ 1 [alter. of allez-oop, cry of a circus acrobat
`al-lo-graph \'a-lo-graf\ 7 (1951) 1: a letter of an alphabetin a particu-
`cular quantity
`aboutto leap, F allez, 2d pers. pl. imper. ofaller to go + E-oop,
`lar shape (as Aor a)
`2: a letter or combination of letters that is one of
`eow-ed-ly \a-"lati-ad-lé\, adv (11
`perh.alter. of up] (1967) : a basketball play in which a leaping player
`several ways of representing one phoneme(as pp in hopping represent-
`e-lox-an \a-"lk-san\, n [G, fr. Ai
`catches a pass above the basket and immediately dunks the ball; also
`ing the phoneme \p\) — ablo-graph-ic \,a-lo-'gra-fik\ adj
`(853) : a crystalline compoun:
`: the usu. looping pass thrown on such a play
`al-lom-e-try \o-'la-ms-tré\ n (1936) : relative growth of a part in relation
`‘hen injected into experimenta.
`aes \'a-lé-;wa\ 7 (1788) 1: a narrow passageway 2: ALLEY 3
`to an entire organism or to a standard; also : the measure and study of
`All Wools’ Day n (1712) : APRIL FOOLS’ DAY
`uleloy \'a-l6i also o-ldi\ n [F alc
`such growth — al-lo-me-tric \,a-lo-'me-trik\ adj
`gare to bind — moreat ALLY
`all fours n p/ (1563) 1a: all four legs of a quadruped b : the twolegs
`allomorph 7 [allo- + morpheme] (1945) : one of a set of forms that a
`wese metals: FINENESS 2:asu
`and two arms of a person when used to support the body 2 sing in
`morpheme may take in different contexts <the -s of cats, the -en of
`or of a metal and a nonmeta
`constr : any of various card games in which points are scored for the
`oxen, and the zero suffix of sheep are ~s of the English plural mor-
`high trump, low trump,jack of trumps, and game
`a—_—_— _—
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