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`no-ta-bil-i-ty (no’ta-bfl’i—te) n., pl. -ties 1. The state or quality
`of being eminent or worthy of notice. 2. A prominent or nota-
`ble person.
`no-ta-ble (no’ta-bal) adj. 1 . Worthy of note or notice; remarka-
`ble. 2. Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent. See
`Syns at noted. ‘3' n. 1. A person of distinction or great reputa-
`tion. 2. often Notable One of a council of prominent persons in
`pre—Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at
`times of emergency. —no/ta-b|e-ness n. —no’ta-bly adv.
`no-tar-i-al (no—tar’e—al) adj. 1. Of or relating to a notary public.
`2. Executed or drawn up by a notary public. —no-tarli-a|-|y
`no-ta-rize (no’ta-riz’) tr.v. -rized, -riz'ing, -riz-es To certify or
`attest to (the validity of a signature on a document, for example)
`as a notary public. —no’ta- ri'za’tion (-ri—za’shan) n.
`no-ta-ry (no’ta-re) n., pl. -ries A notary public, [ME notarie
`< OFr. notaire, notarie < Lat. notarius, relating to shorthand,
`shorthand writer < nota, mark. See norm]
`notary public n., pl. notaries public A person legally empow-
`ered to witness and certify the validity of documents and take af-
`fidavits and depositions.
`no'tate (no’tat) tr.v. -tat-ed, -tat-ing, -tates To put into nota—
`tion. [Back-formation < NOTATION]
`no-ta-tion (no-ta’shan) n. 1a. A system of figures or symbols
`used in a specialized field to represent numbers, quantities, tones,
`or values: musical notation. b. The act or process of using such a
`system. 2. A brief note; an annotation: marginal notations. [Lat.
`notatio, notation- < notatus, p. part. of nature, to note < nota,
`notei See NOTE] —no-ta’tion-a| adj.
`notch (noch) n. la. A V-shaped cut. b. Such a cut used for keep—
`ing a record. 2. A narrow pass between mountains. 3. Informal A
`level or degree: a notch higher.
`tr.v. notched, notch-ing,
`notch -es 1. To cut a notch in. 2. To record by or as if by making
`notches: notched the score on a stick. 3. Informal To achieve; score.
`[Prob. < a notch, alteration of an otch < Fr. oche < OFr. < ochier,
`to notch]
`note (not) n. 1. A brief record, esp. one written down to aid the
`memory. 2. A brief informal letter. 3. A formal written diplo-
`matic or official communication. 4. A comment or explanation,
`as on a passage in a text. 5a. A piece of paper currency. b. A cer-
`tificate issued by a government or a bank and sometimes negotia-
`ble as money. c. A promissory note. 6. Music a. A tone of definite
`pitch. b. A symbol for such a tone, indicating pitch by its position
`on the staff and duration by its shape. c. A key of an instrument,
`such as a piano. 7. The characteristic vocal sound made by a song-
`bird or other animal. 8. The sign of a particular quality or emo-
`tion. 9. Importance; consequence. 10. Notice; observation. 11.
`Obsolete A song, melody, or tune. 6‘ tr. v. not-ed, not-ing, notes
`1. To observe carefully; notice. See Syns at see‘. 2. To make a
`note of; write down: noted the time of each arrival. 3. To show;
`indicate. 4. To make mention of; remark. [ME < OFr. < Lat. nota,
`annotation. See gno— in App.] —not’er n.
`note-book (not'bo‘ok’) n. 1. A book of blank pages for notes. 2.
`A light portable computer, usu. thinner than a laptop.
`not-ed (no'tid) adj. Distinguished by reputation; famous: a
`noted physician. —not’ed'ly adv.
`SYNONYMS noted, celebrated, eminent, famed, famous,
`ous, notable, preeminent, renowned These adjectives mean widely
`known and esteemed: a noted author; a celebrated musician; an
`eminent scholar; a famed scientist; a famous actor; an illustrious
`judge; a notable historian; a preeminent archaeologist; a renowned
`painter. ANTONYM obscure
`note of hand 11., pl. notes of hand See promissory note.
`note-pad (not’pad’) n. A pad or tablet of usu. lined paper.
`note-pa-per (not’pa'par) n. Writing paper used esp. for brief
`letters or notes.
`note-worthy (not’wfir’the) adj. -thi-er, -thi-est Deserving
`notice or attention; notable: a noteworthy advance in cancer re-
`search. —noteIwor’thi-|y adv. —note'wor’thi-ness n.
`noth-er (mirth/9r) adj. Informal Other. Usu. used in the phrase
`a whole nother, as in That’s a whole nother story. [< alteration of
`ANOTHER (interpreted as a nother).]
`noth-ing (nfith'ing) pron. 1. No thing; not anything: The box
`held nothing. 2. No part; no portion: Nothing remains of the old
`house. 3. One of no consequence, significance, or interest: He is
`nothing to me. 4’ n. 1. Something that has no existence. 2. Some—
`thing that has no quantitative value; zero: a score of two to noth—
`ing. 3. One that has no substance or importance; 3 nonentity. ‘1'
`adj. Insignificant or worthless. '1' adv. In no way or degree; not
`at all: She looks nothing likeyou. —idioms: for nothing 1. Free of
`charge. 2. To no avail. 3. For no reason. nothing doing Informal
`Certainly not. [ME < OE nathing: na, no; see NO2 + thing, thing;
`see THING.]
`USAGE NOTE According to the traditional rule, nothing is invari-
`ably treated as a singular, even when followed by an exception
`phrase containing a plural noun: Nothing exceptyourfears stands
`(not stand) in your way.
`noth'ing'ness (nuth’ing-nis) n. 1. The condition or quality of
`being nothing; nonexistence. 2. Empty space; a void. 3. Lack of
`consequence; insignificance. 4. Something inconsequential or in-
`no-tice (noltis) n. 1. The act of noting or observing; perception
`or attention: That detail escaped my notice. 2. Respectful attention
`or consideration. 3. A written or printed announcement. 4a. A
`formal announcement, notification, or warning, esp. an aim
`nouncement of one’s intention to withdraw from an agreement
`or leave a job. b. The condition of being formally warned or noti-
`fied. 5. A printed critical review, as of a play or book. '3 tr.v.
`-ticed, -tic-ing, -tic~es 1. To take notice of; observe. See Syns at
`see'. 2. To perceive with the mind; detect. 3. To comment on;
`mention. 4. To treat with courteous attention. 5. To give or file a
`notice of. [ME, knowledge < OFr. < Lat. natitia < notus, known,
`p. part. of noscere, to get to know. See gn6— in App.]
`no-tice-a-ble (no’ti-sa—bal) adj. 1. Evident; observable. See Syns
`at perceptible. 2. Worthy of notice; significant. —no’tice-a-
`bil’i-ty n. —no/tice-a'bly adv.
`no'ti'fi°ca'tion (no’ta-fi—ka/shan) n. 1. The act or an instance
`of notifying. 2. Something, such as a letter, by which notice is
`no'ti'fy (no/ta-fi’) tr.v. —fied, -fy'ing, —fies 1. To give notice to;
`inform: notified them of the curfew. 2. Chiefly British To give no-
`tice of; make known. [ME notifien < OFr. notifier < Lat. notifi-
`care : notus, known, p. part. of noscere, to get to know; see gno-
`in App. + -ficare, —fy.] —no’ti'fi’er n.
`no-till (no’til’) n. A cultivation system that reduces soil erosion
`and preserves soil nutrients by the avoidance of plowing and the
`reliance on herbicides.
`no-tion (no'shan) n. 1. A belief or opinion. 2. A mental image
`or representation; an idea or conception. 3. A fanciful impulse; a
`whim. See Syns at idea. 4. notions Small lightweight items for
`household use, such as needles and buttons. [ME nocioun, con-
`cept < Lat. notio, notion- < notus, known, p. part. of noscere, to
`get to know. See gno- in App.]
`no'tion 'al (no/sha-nol) adj. 1. Of, containing, or being a notion;
`mental or imaginary. 2. Speculative or theoretical. 3. Linguistics
`Conveying an idea of a thing or action; having full lexical mean-
`ing as distinguished from relational meaning. The word did is no-
`tional in We did the work and relational in We did not agree.
`—no’tion-al-Iy adv.
`no-to-chord (no'ta-kord’) n. 1. A flexible rodlike structure that
`forms the main support of the body in the lowest chordates; a
`primitive backbone. 2. A similar structure in embryos of higher
`vertebrates, from which the spinal column develops. [Gk. noton,
`back + CHORD2.] —no’to-chordla| adj.
`No-to-gae-a or No-to-ge-a (no’ta-jé’a) n. A zoogeographic
`region including Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the
`SW Pacific Ocean.
`nO°to'ri-e°ty (no'ta-fi’i—te) n. The quality or condition of
`being notorious; ill fame.
`no-to-ri-ous (no-tor’e-as, -torl-) adj. Known widely and usu.
`unfavorably; infamous: a notorious gangster. [< Med.Lat. noto-
`rius, well~known < Lat. notus, known, p. part. of noscere, to get
`to know. See gno- in App.] —no-to’ri-ous-|y adv. —no-to/ri-
`ous-ness n.
`no-tor-nis (no-tor'nis) n., pl. notornis Any of several flightless
`New Zealand birds, now rare, of the genus Notarnis. [NLat. No-
`tornis, genus name : Gk. notos, south + Gk. ornTs, bird]
`no-trump (no/trump’) n. 1. A declaration to play a hand without
`a trump suit in bridge and other card games. 2. A hand played
`without a trump suit. ——-no’-trump’ adj.
`Not-ta-way (not’a-wa’) A river of SW Quebec, Canada, flowing
`c. 644 km (400 mi) into lames Bay.
`Not-ting'ham (not’ing—am) A borough of central England N of
`Leicester. Charles I raised his standard here in 1642, marking the
`beginning of the English Civil War. Pop. 282,590.
`no-tum (no’tam) n., pl. -ta (-ta) The dorsal part of the thoracic
`segment of an insect. [NLat. notum < Gk. noton, back]
`not-with-stand-ing (not’with—stan’ding, ~with—) prep. In spite
`of: We walked, notwithstanding the rain. £0 adv. All the same; nev-
`ertheless: We proceeded, notwithstanding. ‘1' conj. In spite of the
`fact that; although. [ME notwithstandinge (transl. of Lat.
`obstante) : not, not; see NOT + withstanding, pr. part. of withstan—
`den, to resist; see WITHSTAND.]
`Nouak'chott (nwak-shot’) The cap. of Mauritania, in the W
`part on the Atlantic Ocean. Pop. 150,000.
`nouogat (no—o’gst) n. A confection made from a sugar or honey
`paste into which nuts are mixed. [Fr. < Provencal < nougo, nut
`< O Provencal noga < VLat. *nuca < Lat. nux, mic», nut.]
`nought (not) n., pron, & adj. Variant of naught.
`Nou-mé'a (no‘o—ma'a) The cap. of New Caledonia, on the SW
`coast of the island of New Caledonia in the SW Pacific Ocean.
`Pop. 65,110.
`nou'me'non (nob/ma-non’) n., pl. —na (-na) In the philosophy
`of Kant, an object as it is in itself independent of the mind, as
`opposed to a phenomenon. [Gen < Gk. < neut. pr. passive part.
`of noein, to perceive by thought < nous, mind] ———nou'men-al
`(-ma-nal) adj.
`noun (noun) n. 1. The part of speech that is used to name a per—
`son, place, thing, quality, or action and can function as the sub-
`ject or object of a verb, the object of a preposition, or an apposi-
`nose ring
`sewing notions
`a pat
`a pay
`ar care
`a father
`e pet
`i pit
`i pie
`ir pier
`6 pot
`oi boy
`ou out
`o'o took
`o’o boot
`fir urge
`th thin
`hw which
`111 Vision
`Stress marks:
`’ (Primary);
`’ (secondary), as in
`lexicon (lek'si-kon’)
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1019 - Page 5
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1019 - Page 5


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