`Europäisches Patentamt
`European Patent Office
`Office européen des brevets
`EP 1 065 844 B1
`(51) Int Cl.7: H04L 12/56
`(45) Date of publication and mention
`of the grant of the patent:
`02.05.2003 Bulletin 2003/18
`(21) Application number: 00660120.7
`(22) Date of filing: 28.06.2000
`(54) Connection selection method
`Procédé pour la selection de liaison
`(84) Designated Contracting States:
`(56) References cited:
`US-A- 4 884 263
`US-A- 4 953 162
`(30) Priority: 28.06.1999 FI 991470
`(43) Date of publication of application:
`03.01.2001 Bulletin 2001/01
`(73) Proprietor: Stonesoft Corporation
`00210 Helsinki (FI)
`(72) Inventor: Mäki-Kullas, Jukka
`02410 Kirkkonummi (FI)
`(74) Representative: Äkräs, Tapio
`Kolster Oy Ab,
`Iso Roobertinkatu 23
`00120 Helsinki (FI)
`• AKKIRAJU P ET AL: "Enabling Enterprise
`Multihoming with Cisco IOS Network Adress
`Translation" CISCO SYSTEMS INC, [Online]
`1997, XP002200273 Retrieved from the Internet:
`[retrieved on 2002-05-24]
`• YAMAMOTO K: "Multi-homed Sites in the IPv6
`Environment" IPNG WORKING GROUP, [Online]
`13 January 1999 (1999-01-13), XP002200274 IPng
`WG Mailing list Retrieved from the Internet:
`9901/msg00045.html> [retrieved on
`• GREENFIELD D: "Radware LinkProof"
`1999 (1999-12), XP002200275 Retrieved from the
`/ articles/linkproof.asp> [retrieved on
`Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give
`notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in
`a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art.
`99(1) European Patent Convention).
`Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)
`EP1 065 844B1
`EP1065844 B1


`EP 1 065 844 B1
`[0001] The invention relates to load balancing of IP
`traffic between more than one route between a node and
`an IP network. More particularly, the invention relates to
`such a method as described in the preamble of the in-
`dependent method claim.
`IP network technology is presently in wide-
`spread use, the Internet being a manifest example of a
`network realized using Internet Protocol (IP). The IP pro-
`tocol provides a basic packet data transfer mechanism
`without error checking, acknowledgments or flow con-
`trol. Other protocols used in combination with the IP pro-
`tocol such as the TCP protocol are used to provide a
`reliable data transmission mechanism with transmission
`error correction, flow control and many other functions.
`The IP protocol is defined in the specification RFC 791,
`and the TCP protocol is defined in the specification RFC
`793. An introduction to these protocols is presented in
`RFC 1180. In the following, a short overview of these
`protocols are given.
`[0003] The IP protocol version 4 (IPv4) defined by
`RFC 791 has a limited address space due to the source
`and destination addresses being only 32 bits long. The
`current expansion of the Internet and the development
`of technology, the address space is filling out quickly.
`Therefore, version 6 of the IP protocol (IPv6) has been
`designed. The addresses in IPv6 are 128 bits long, al-
`lowing a vastly larger address space. There are also fur-
`ther motivations behind IPv6 and other differences be-
`tween IPv4 and IPv6. The IPv6 protocol is described in
`the specification RFC 1883. Some details of the TCP
`and IP protocols relevant to the present invention are
`described in the following with reference to figures 1, 2,
`and 3.
`In the IP protocol, data is transmitted in so
`called datagrams, which contain a header part and a
`payload data part. Figure 1 shows the structure of an
`IPv4 header. In the following only some of the header
`fields are described. A detailed description can be found
`from the above mentioned RFC 791. The first field, the
`four bits long version field, contains the version number
`which for IPv4 is 4. The total length field gives the length
`of the datagram, header and data part combined, as the
`number of octets i.e. groups of 8 bits. The source and
`destination addresses specify the IP address of the
`sender and the intended receiver. Various options can
`be specified in the options field, which may vary in length
`from datagram to datagram. The number of different op-
`tions specified in the options field may as well vary. The
`options field is not mandatory, i.e. in some datagrams
`there may be no options field at all. The padding field is
`used to ensure that the header ends on a 32 bit bound-
`ary. The padding field is filled with zeroes. After the pad-
`ding field comes the payload data part, whose length
`can be found out by the recipient of the datagram by
`subtracting the length of the header from the value of
`the total length field.
`[0005] Figure 2 illustrates the structure of an IPv6
`header. The IPv6 header is simpler than the IPv4 head-
`er, allowing faster processing of datagrams in transmis-
`sion nodes. The first four bits of the header comprise
`the version field, which for IPv6 contains the value 6.
`The payload length field specifies the length of the data
`part in octets. The next header field specifies the type
`of any header following this header. The next header
`may for example be a TCP header in case the IP data-
`gram carries a TCP packet, or an extension header. The
`source and destination address fields, each consisting
`of four 32-bit words giving a total of 128 bits for each
`address, specify the sender and the intended receiver
`of the datagram. Instead of an options field, inclusion of
`optional data in the header is provided in IPv6 by so
`called extension headers. Various extension header
`types are described in RFC 1883. There may be zero,
`one or more than one extension headers in an IPv6 da-
`[0006] Figure 3 illustrates the structure of a TCP
`header. The most relevant fields are described in the
`following. The other fields in a TCP header are de-
`scribed in the above mentioned RFC 793.
`[0007] The TCP header indicates a destination port
`number at the receiving host, to which the packet is di-
`rected. The TCP protocol makes it possible for many
`different services to exist at a single IP address, by in-
`troducing the concept of a port. A program can listen to
`a specific port, and receive any data sent to that port.
`Conversely, a program can send a packet to a specific
`port on a distant host. Therefore, the destination port
`number defines which service or program will receive
`the packet at the host specified by the IP address. Sim-
`ilarly, the source port number indicates, which service
`or program sent the TCP packet.
`[0008] The TCP data octets sent by a host are num-
`bered sequentially. The number of the first octet of data
`in the data part is included in the TCP header in the se-
`quence number field. Based on this number, the receiv-
`ing second host can check whether TCP packets have
`arrived through the transmission network in the right or-
`der, and if any packets are missing. The second host
`conventionally sends an acknowledgment to the first
`host for each received packet. The acknowledgment
`message is included in a normal TCP packet sent by the
`second host to the first host. The acknowledgment is
`indicated by the ACK flag and the acknowledgment
`number. The acknowledgment number is the sequence
`number of the next octet, which the sender of the packet
`is expecting to receive from the other end. If there is no
`other data to be sent from the second host to the first
`host, the payload data part can be empty in such an ac-
`knowledgment packet. If the second host is transmitting
`EP1065844 B1


`EP 1 065 844 B1
`data to the first host, the acknowledgment can be indi-
`cated in the header of a packet containing some payload
`data. Therefore, the ACK messages do not always add
`transmission load. If a host does not receive an acknowl-
`edgment for some data within a timeout period, the data
`is retransmitted.
`[0009] The data part follows the TCP header. The
`length of the data part is carried by the IP protocol, there-
`fore there is no corresponding field in the TCP header.
`[0010] Due to the small number of IP addresses avail-
`able in the IPv4 protocol, a technique known as network
`address translation (NAT) is used. With NAT, a private
`network such as the local area network of a company
`can be connected to the public Internet using only a
`small number of IP addresses of the public Internet,
`while allowing almost free use of IP addresses for traffic
`within the private network. Sessions with nodes in the
`public Internet are initiated from the private network. The
`network element connecting the two networks and per-
`forming the NAT function stores the source address of
`the initiating node within the private network, and replac-
`es it by one of the small number of IP addresses of the
`public Internet. The network element stores the pair of
`an internal address and a public address, and performs
`source address translation for packets traversing from
`the internal node to the public Internet and destination
`address translation for packets traversing from the pub-
`lic Internet to the internal node. The network element
`retains the pair of addresses i.e. the binding until the
`internal node terminates all its connections to the public
`Internet, whereafter the network element may allocate
`the public address for use by another node of the inter-
`nal network. The NAT function may also use the TCP
`port address in translation, whereby a binding specifies
`the pairing of an internal IP address and TCP port and
`an external IP address and a TCP port. Use of TCP ports
`in translation is used especially in the typical situation,
`in which the private traffic uses only one IP address of
`the public Internet. In such a situation, packets belong-
`ing to different connections from/to different hosts in the
`private network are kept separate by using different TCP
`ports for the connections.
`[0011] The NAT functionality can also be used to in-
`crease the security of the internal network, since the
`NAT function hides the internal addresses, whereby the
`structure of the internal network is more difficult to de-
`duce from the outside.
`[0012] The use of more than one route between an
`internal network and an external network is also known.
`Figure 4 shows an example of such a configuration. Fig-
`ure 4 shows an internal IP network 10, an external net-
`work 40, a network element 20, three different routes 30
`between the network element 20 and an external net-
`work 40, and a node 50 in the external network. Typically
`each of the routes 30 correspond to an Internet Service
`Provider (ISP). The network element 20 can have a mo-
`dem connection or even a fixed high speed connection
`to each of the ISP:s 30. The main advantages of using
`more than one route to the Internet are the higher trans-
`mission capacity of more than one route and reliability:
`if one of the routes 30 fail, the traffic can be directed to
`proceed via two other routes. Typically, the network el-
`ement 20 also performs network address translation.
`[0013] A known way to divide the traffic between the
`internal network 10 and the external network 40 is the
`so called Multihomed AS (Autonomous System) config-
`uration. In Multihomed AS configuration, a route to spe-
`cific destination in the Internet is selected based on the
`path information received by routers via Border Gate-
`way Protocol (BGP-4) protocol. The BGP-4 protocol is
`described in detail in RFC 1771. However, there are lim-
`itations in this approach. There is no way to guarantee
`that the selected route has the best performance be-
`cause the route is selected only based on destination IP
`address. Additionally the BGP4 protocol does not re-
`spond quickly to changes in the network topology, which
`may cause outages on connections to parts of the Inter-
`[0014] Network address translation can also be used
`for load sharing. One such method is described in RFC
`2391 "Load Sharing using IP Network Address Transla-
`tion (LSNAT)". In the method, a new session is directed
`to a certain server in a pool of servers using the NAT
`technique. RFC 2391 also discloses some common al-
`gorithms for making load sharing decisions, i.e. to which
`server a certain connection is to be directed. Some ex-
`amples of such algorithms are:
`Round-Robin algorithm, i.e. new connections are
`directed to the servers in a repeating sequence.
`This algorithm has the drawback, that differences
`in the load of servers are not taken into account.
`Least Load first algorithm, i.e. the server with least
`number of sessions bound to it is selected to service
`a new session. This algorithm has the drawback,
`that differences in the resource requirements of the
`new sessions are not taken into account, and that
`the capacities of the servers are neither taken into
`Least traffic first algorithm, in which the volume of
`traffic of each server is measured by monitoring
`packet or byte count transferred by the server over
`a period of time.
`Least Weighted Load first algorithm, in which differ-
`ent session types are given different weights, and
`servers having differing capacities are given differ-
`ent weights. The total weight of current session on
`each server is calculated, and the result is divided
`by the capacity weight value. A new session is di-
`rected to such a server, which has the smallest re-
`sult value.
`Response time monitoring algorithm, in which each
`server is periodically sent a packet, and the time
`elapsed until receiving the response packet is used
`as a measure of load. This algorithm has the draw-
`back, that the load may vary between consecutive
`EP1065844 B1


`EP 1 065 844 B1
`monitoring times, whereby the measured response
`time might not always represent the present situa-
`tion. The accuracy may naturally be increased by
`decreasing of the testing interval, but this increases
`the traffic load.
`[0015] Some further load sharing algorithms dis-
`closed in RFC 2391 take into account the cost of ac-
`cessing a server in combination with the previous algo-
`[0016] The patent US 5371852 shows an example of
`an application of techniques described in RFC 2391.
`The patent discloses a system, which translates ad-
`dresses in ingoing and outgoing packets between a
`cluster of computer nodes and an external network,
`making the cluster of computer nodes to appear as a
`single node to the external network.
`[0017] Document AKKIRAJU P ET AL: 'Enabling En-
`terprise Multihoming with Cisco IOS Network Address
`Translation' CISCO SYSTEMS INC, 1997 (retrieved
`from the Internet:
`method and system for load sharing of IP traffic between
`a number of routes.
`[0018] The prior art does not disclose a method for
`load sharing of IP traffic between a number of routes,
`which method is transparent for the communicating par-
`ties, adjusts quickly to changes in the properties of the
`routes, and does not require a large processing power
`and data transfer capacity. A new solution is clearly
`[0019] An object of the invention is to realize a method
`for load sharing of IP traffic between a number of routes
`between a computer node and an IP network 1 and to
`realize a method for finding the fastest route among a
`number of routes from a computer node to a destination
`in an IP network.
`[0020] The objects are reached by replicating connec-
`tion setup packets through each route to be tested, en-
`suring that reply packets come back through the same
`route, and by selecting the fastest route.
`[0021] The method according to the invention is char-
`acterized by that, which is specified in the characterizing
`part of the independent method claim. The system ac-
`cording to the invention is characterized by that, which
`is specified in the characterizing part of the independent
`claim directed to a system. The network element ac-
`cording to the invention is characterized by that, which
`is specified in the characterizing part of the independent
`claim directed to a network element. The dependent
`claims describe further advantageous embodiments of
`the invention.
`[0022] The invention is concerned with a new method
`for distribution of connections between a plurality of pos-
`sible routes for transmission of IP packet traffic between
`a source node and end nodes, each of the routes being
`associated with a plurality of IP addresse. According to
`the invention, a route is selected for a new connection
`to be established between the source node and an end
`node for transmission of packet traffic, the selected
`route is taken into use by translating source IP address-
`es of packets transmitted from the source node to said
`end node to an IP address associated with the selected
`route, and said selection of a route is performed on the
`basis of predefined criteria.
`[0023] The selection of the route is performed on the
`basis of round trip times measured by a new method
`using packet replication. One or more IP packets carry-
`ing connection setup messages of a second protocol
`used on top of the IP protocol are replicated to traverse
`to the same end node in the external network through
`the available routes. The source addresses of the rep-
`licated packets are translated to addresses correspond-
`ing to the particular route used for transmission of the
`particular replicated packet to ensure, that the return
`packets come back the same route. The route that pro-
`vides the fastest response times from the end node is
`selected to be used for the new connection. The re-
`sponse times can be determined from the transmission
`of the initial packet to the reception of the response
`packet to the initial packet, or to the reception of a cer-
`tain later packet, such as the first packet after setup sig-
`nalling containing payload data.
`[0024] The invention is described in more detail in the
`following with reference to the accompanying drawings,
`of which
`Figure 1
`illustrates the structure of an IPv4 header,
`Figure 2
`illustrates the structure of an IPv6 header,
`Figure 3
`illustrates the structure of a TCP header,
`Figure 4
`illustrates a configuration, in which a private
`network or a computer node is connected to
`an external network via multiple routes,
`Figure 5
`illustrates a flow chart of a method accord-
`ing to an advantageous embodiment of the
`Figure 6
`illustrates a flow chart of a method accord-
`ing to a further advantageous embodiment
`of the invention,
`Figure 7
`illustrates signalling according to an advan-
`tageous embodiment of the invention,
`Figure 8
`illustrates a flow chart of an advantageous
`embodiment of the invention, and
`EP1065844 B1


`EP 1 065 844 B1
`Figure 9
`illustrates a system and a network element
`according to an advantageous embodiment
`of the invention.
`[0025] Same reference numerals are used for similar
`entities in the figures.
`[0026] Figure 5 shows an example of a method ac-
`cording to an advantageous embodiment of the inven-
`tion. Figure 5 shows an exemplary flow chart according
`to a method for balancing the load of connections be-
`tween at least two routes between a source and an IP
`network, which connections use the IP protocol and at
`least one second protocol. Each of the at least two
`routes is associated with a plurality of IP addresses.
`Each route may be for example a route via a certain ISP,
`which has its own IP address space registered for the
`ISP for use by the parties who access the IP network
`such as the Internet via the ISP.
`[0027] According to figure 5 the method comprises at
`least steps, in which
`a first IP datagram comprising a setup message of
`a second protocol is created 100 for initiating a new
`connection to an end node using said second pro-
`said first IP datagram is sent 105 through a first
`route of the routes between the source node and
`said end node,
`said first IP datagram is copied 110 for creating a
`second IP datagram for sending through a second
`route of the routes between the source node and
`said end node,
`the source IP address of said second IP datagram
`is translated 115 to an IP address selected from the
`plurality of IP addresses associated with said sec-
`ond route,
`said second IP datagram is transmitted 120 via said
`second route to said end node,
`a first datagram comprising information of a prede-
`fined type is received 125 from said end node via
`one of the routes, and
`the route from which said first datagram comprising
`information of a predefined type is received is se-
`lected 130 as the route to be used.
`[0028] The method may further comprise a step, in
`which the source IP address of said first IP datagram is
`translated to an IP address selected from the plurality
`of IP addresses associated with said first route. Howev-
`er, that step might not always be necessary, as for ex-
`ample in such a configuration, where the first route is
`the principal connection from a source network to the IP
`network, and the internal IP addresses of the source net-
`work can be used in the IP network as well without any
`need of network address translation.
`[0029] The order of procedural steps shown in figure
`5 is only an example, and is not intended to limit the
`invention in any way. For example, the second IP data-
`gram may be created before the first IP datagram is
`sent. Further, the method may comprise steps, in which
`further copies of the IP datagram are created, their
`source IP addresses translated, and sent through fur-
`ther routes to said end node. For clarity, only two routes
`are shown in figure 5. The invention is not limited to any
`specific number of routes. Naturally, there needs to be
`at least two routes in order to allow selection of a route.
`In an advantageous embodiment of the inven-
`tion, said first datagram comprising information of a pre-
`defined type is a first response datagram sent by said
`end node as a response to one of said first and second
`IP datagrams.
`[0031] Advantageously, connection setup signalling
`according to said second protocol is continued via the
`selected route. The connection setup signalling via the
`other route or other routes is preferably aborted for ex-
`ample by sending a connection reset signal or a corre-
`sponding signal.
`[0032] Figure 6 illustrates a flow chart of a method ac-
`cording to a further advantageous embodiment of the
`invention. According to figure 6 the method comprises
`at least steps, in which
`a first IP datagram comprising a setup message of
`a second protocol is created 100 for initiating a new
`connection to an end node using said second pro-
`said first IP datagram is sent 105 through a first
`route of the routes between the source node and
`said end node,
`said first IP datagram is copied 110 for creating a
`second IP datagram for sending through a second
`route of the routes between the source node and
`said end node,
`the source IP address of said second IP datagram
`is translated 115 to an IP address selected from the
`plurality of IP addresses associated with said sec-
`ond route,
`said second IP datagram is transmitted 120 via said
`second route to said end node,
`after sending said first and second IP datagrams,
`connection setup signalling procedure is continued
`122 via said first and said second route,
`a first IP datagram containing payload data accord-
`ing to the second protocol is received 125 from said
`end node via one of said first and said second route,
`the route from which said first IP datagram contain-
`ing payload data according to the second protocol
`is received is selected 130 to be used for the new
`In the step of continuing 122 the connection
`setup signalling, the IP datagrams comprising setup sig-
`EP1065844 B1


`EP 1 065 844 B1
`nalling are replicated as in steps 110 and 115 for trans-
`mission through the second route.
`[0034] The embodiment according to figure 6 has an
`advantage in case of the second protocol being the TCP
`protocol. Some transparent proxies may participate ac-
`tively in the setup of a TCP connection, i.e. send by
`themselves a SYN+ACK packet
`to the originating
`source, before such a packet is received from the end
`node. If such a proxy or another network element par-
`ticipating actively in the setup of TCP connections is
`within a route to the end node, measuring the round-trip
`time from the reception of the SYN+ACK packet at the
`source may give erroneous results. Therefore, waiting
`until the first payload data packet can in some cases be
`advantageous, since payload data originates only from
`the end node.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention,
`said second protocol is the TCP protocol. This is advan-
`tageous at the time of writing this patent application,
`since the majority of data traffic in the Internet is HTTP
`(HyperText Transfer Protocol) traffic, and HTTP protocol
`is used on top of the TCP protocol. Therefore, the new
`connection whose route is selected according to the in-
`vention may be a TCP connection for transmitting HTTP
`[0036] Figure 7 shows signalling between a source
`10, a node 20, and two routes ROUTE 1 30a and
`ROUTE 2 30b. The node may be for example a gateway
`computer node connecting a company intranet 10 to ex-
`ternal networks via various routes 30a, 30b. Each of the
`at least two routes is associated with a plurality of IP
`addresses. Each route may be for example a route via
`a certain ISP, which has its own IP address space for
`use by the parties who access an IP network such as
`the Internet via the ISP. However, the source 10 and
`node 20 entities may also exist in the same physical de-
`vice such as a computer, in which case the IP datagram
`traffic is originated in the same computer which per-
`forms the functions of a node 20 as described in the fol-
`In the first step 100, the source 10 creates and
`sends a TCP SYN packet for initiating a TCP connection
`to the end node. After receiving the packet, the node 20
`may translate the source IP address i.e. perform net-
`work address translation, if that is needed for transmis-
`sion of the packet via the first route. In any case, the
`node 20 sends 105 the first SYN packet, i.e. a TCP pack-
`et in which the SYN bit is set and the ACK bit is not set
`to the end node via the first route 30a. Next, the node
`20 copies 110 the first packet, translates 115 the source
`IP address, and transmits 120 the packet to the end
`node via the second route 30b. The node 20 then waits
`for the first response SYN+ACK packet from either of
`the routes to arrive. When the SYN+ACK packet arrives
`125 in this example from the second route, the node se-
`lects 130 route 2 to be used for the continuation. The
`node 20 performs any necessary network address
`translations and forwards 135 the SYN+ACK packet to
`the source 10. Consequently, the source 10 finishes the
`three-way TCP handshake by sending 140 an ACK
`packet back, which packet is forwarded 145 after corre-
`sponding network address translations to the end node
`via the second route 30b. When the node 20 receives
`150 a SYN+ACK packet from the first route 30a, the
`node 20 sends 155 a RST packet to route 1 to cancel
`the connection via route 1.
`In a SYN+ACK packet, the SYN and ACK bits
`are set, and in a RST packet, the RST bit is set.
`[0039] The order of steps in figure 7 is an example
`only, and may be different in other embodiments of the
`invention. Further, the step of copying a packet may be
`effected in the step of sending a packet. For example,
`in one advantageous embodiment of the invention the
`node 20 comprises a buffer, to which the node 20 writes
`the packet received from the source. The node 20 can
`then translate the source IP address in the buffer to cor-
`respond to the route to which the packet will be sent
`next, and send a copy of the packet to the route.
`[0040] The invention is not limited only to TCP con-
`nections for transmitting HTTP traffic since the invention
`can be used with many other protocols used on top of
`the IP protocols. For example, various protocols for car-
`rying speech data can be used as the second protocol,
`whereby the inventive method allows load sharing of
`speech connections. The invention may be used with
`many different protocols, such as protocols for data
`transfer, speech, and video transmission. A reliable im-
`plementation of the invention only requires, that the start
`and the end of a connection according to the second
`protocol can be recognized by the entity such as a net-
`work element performing the method according to the
`invention. For example, the start of a TCP connection
`can be observed by observing the status bits of a TCP
`header: a TCP connection is started with a packet hav-
`ing the SYN bit set and the ACK bit not set, and the end
`of a connection is marked by a TCP packet having the
`FIN bit set. For speech connections according to for ex-
`ample some of the H.300-series protocols, the contents
`of the IP packets carrying the messages need to be read
`and interpreted for recognizing the messages indicating
`the start and the end of a connection. The second pro-
`tocol may also be the RTSP protocol (real time stream-
`ing protocol), for example. The start and end of a con-
`nection is readily detected from signalling according to
`the RTSP protocol.
`[0041] The inventive method can be used with both
`IP version 4 and IP version 6 protocols.
`In a further advantageous embodiment of the
`invention, the time elapsed between the sending of the
`first datagram via a route and the reception of a first da-
`tagram comprising information of a predefined type from
`the routes is measured for each route, and the route
`having the shortest measured time is selected to be
`used for the new connection. Further, the measured
`time for the routes to a end node may be stored in a
`memory means. Later, if a new connection is to be es-
`EP1065844 B1


`EP 1 065 844 B1
`tablished to the same end node, the stored times may
`be used as a basis for selection of a route without rep-
`lication of packets to various routes, if the stored time
`results are recent enough to have any trustworthiness.
`Such an arrangement can reduce signalling caused by
`the inventive method.
`[0043] Further, the steps of setting or translating of
`source IP address of a datagram may also comprise the
`step of setting or translating of source TCP address of
`the datagram.
`In an advantageous embodiment of the inven-
`the network element performing the inventive
`method performs the load sharing of connections only
`for a certain protocol or certain group of protocols used
`on top of the IP protocols. For example, the network el-
`ement may for example only perform load sharing of
`TCP connections, or load sharing of TCP connections
`and speech connections. For the rest of IP traffic, the
`network element may function as a transparent proxy
`using a predefined route for the rest of the IP traffic. The
`network element may also act as a conventional net-
`work address translating function for the rest of the IP
`traffic, if that is needed in a particular configuration.
`[0045] The previous embodiments represent particu-
`larly advantageous embodiments of the invention. In the
`following, a more general view of the invention is pre-
`sented with reference to figure 8. According to the meth-
`a route is selected 170 for a new connection to be
`established between the source node and an end
`node for transmission of packet traffic,
`the selected route is taken into use by translating
`175 source IP addresses of packets transmitted
`from the source node to said end node to an IP ad-
`dress associated with the selected route, and
`said selection of a route is performed on the basis
`of predefined criteria.
`[0046] Preferably, said selection of a route is per-
`formed to balance the load of new connections between
`the plurality of possible routes.
`[0047] Preferably, the source node is connected to

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