`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`I IIIII IIIIIIII II IIIIII IIIII IIII I II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll llll 1111111111111111111
`(43) International Publication Date
`3 May 2001 (03.05.2001)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 01/31476 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification 7:
`G06F ] 7/00
`(21) International Application Number: PCT/AU00/01320
`(22) International Filing Date: 27 October 2000 (27.10.2000)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`PQ 3733
`28 October 1999 (28.10.1999) AU
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): THAT
`GAME PTY LTD [AU/AU]; Level 9, 123 Queen Street,
`Melbourne, Victoria 3000 (AU).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): CRANE, Richard,
`Anthony [AU/AU]; 23 Cyprus Avenue, Burwood, Victoria
`3056 (AU). SIMMONS, Wayne, John [AU/AU]; 7 Clegg
`Avenue, Croydon, Victoria 3136 (AU). PALMER, Bene(cid:173)
`dict, Byron [GB/AU]; 7 Ballarat Road, Brunswick, Victo(cid:173)
`ria 3056 (AU).
`(74) Agents: WEBER, David, Brian et al.: Davies Collison
`Cave. 1 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY. BZ, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ,
`DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES. FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR,
`HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC. LK, LR,
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ,
`NO. NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA. ZW.
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM. AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG,
`CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML MR, NE, SN, TD. TG).
`With international search report.
`For /:\Vo-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`iiiiiiiiiiiiiii -
`iiiiiiiiiiiiiii -iiiiiiiiiiiiii
`2 I
`\,C r-
`"" ~
`~ (57) Abstract: A system for providing a game to be played between a plurality of players over a network, including: server means
`~ (20, 25) in communication with the netwo:k and a~apted to receiv_e first and second tum requests from respective first and second
`players and to send first and second tum mfonnat10n correspondmg to the first and second tum requests to the second and first
`0 players, respectively; a server engine (10) in communication with the server means (20, 25) and adapted to process the first and
`> second tum requests to become first and second tum information, whereby the first and second tum information enables the first and
`;;-,-- second players to send and receive subsequent tum requests directly to and from each other.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`5 The present invention relates to a method and system for providing a tum-based game and,
`more particularly, a tum-based game to be played by communication over a network.
`1 O It has been possible to play games, such as chess, over the Internet by simply logging into
`a remote server which is designed to facilitate the game. In the example of the chess game
`server, the connection may be established by the user by a telnet command and, once
`registered with the game server as a player, the user can engage in real-time games with
`other users who are concurrently logged on. The players do not communicate directly with
`one another but instead send all game moves and personal messages to the game server
`which sends them on to the relevant player or number of players. The quality of the
`graphical user interface (GUI) varies from mere ASCII characters to high resolution
`graphical representations of the playing board and the pieces, depending on the service
`The known systems for game playing over a remote server generally require that the
`players register with, and log into, the server in order to play. These systems do not
`provide for non-real-time playing and do not allow the players to communicate with each
`other outside of the server while playing the game.
`The present invention provides a method of providing a game to be played between a
`plurality of players over a network, including the steps of:
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`receiving at a server system in communication Vvith the network first turn request
`information from a first player relating to a first tum request to begin the game with a
`second player;
`sending from the server system first tum information including the first turn request
`to the second player;
`receiving at the server system second turn request information from the second
`player relating to a second tum request; and
`sending from the server system second tum information including the second tum
`request to the first player;
`10 wherein the first and second tum information enables the first and second players to send
`and receive subsequent tum requests to and from each other Vvithout communicating with
`the server system.
`The present invention further provides a system for providing a game to be played between
`a plurality of players over a network, including:
`server means (20,25) in communication with the network and adapted to receive
`first and second tum requests from respective first and second players and to send first and
`second tum information corresponding to the first and second tum requests to the second
`and first players, respectively;
`a server engine (10) in communication with the server means (20,25) and adapted
`to process the first and second tum requests to become first and second tum information,
`whereby the first and second tum information enables the first and second players to send
`and receive subsequent tum requests directly to and from each other.
`25 The present invention further provides a method of facilitating a game to be played
`between a plurality of players over a network, including the steps of:
`receiving at a first player terminal in communication with the network first tum
`request information from a second player relating to a first tum request to begin the game
`with the second player; and
`sending from the first player terminal a second turn request to a game server in
`communication Vvith the network, whereby in response to receiving the second tum
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`WO 01/31476
`- 3 -
`request, the game server is adapted to send second turn information including the second
`tum request to the second player, the first and second turn information enabling the first
`and second players to send and receive subsequent turn requests directly to and from each
`The present invention further provides a method of facilitating a game to be played
`between a plurality of players over a network, including the steps of:
`sending from a first player terminal in communication with the network a first turn
`request to begin the game with a second player to a game server in communication with
`the network, whereby in response to receiving the first turn request, the game server is
`adapted to send first turn information including the first turn request to the second player;
`receiving at the first player terminal second turn information from the game server,
`the first and second turn information enabling the first and second players to send and
`receive subsequent turn requests directly to and from each other.
`The present invention further provides a method of providing a tum-based game to a
`plurality of players over a network, including the steps of:
`receiving at a server system in communication with the network a first turn request
`from a first player for starting a game, . the first turn request including first information
`relating to a second player and second information relating to a first turn to be played in
`the game;
`adding to the first turn request first advertising information; and
`forwarding the first tum request from the server system to the second player.
`The present invention further provides a system for providing a tum-based game to a
`plurality of players over a network, including:
`server means (20,25) in communication with the network and adapted to receive a
`first move request from a first player of the plurality of players for starting a game, the first
`30 move request including first identification information relating to a second player and
`second information relating to a first move to be played in the game;
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`server engine means (10) adapted to add to the first move request a game
`executable program for instantiation in a terminal of the second player and first advertising
`information and to then forward the first move request to the server means for delivery to
`the second player.
`The present invention further provides a method of facilitating a game to be played
`between a plurality of players over a network, each player using a system having therein a
`game executable program, the method including the step of:
`sending to a second player a first communication from a first player including a
`first game packet representing a game move for execution by the game executable program
`in the system of the second player.
`The present invention further provides a method of facilitating a game to be played
`between a plurality of players over a network, at least one player using a player terminal
`having therein a game executable program, the method including the step of:
`sending to a second player a first communication from a first player including a
`game executable program and a game move, for instantiating the game executable program
`in a player terminal of the second player and thereby enabling the second player to accept
`the game move.
`The present invention further provides a game system for facilitating a game to be played
`between a plurality of players over a network, each player using a terminal having therein
`a game executable program, the game system including:
`server means (25) adapted to send to a second player first information corresponding to a
`first communication from a first player, the first information including a first game packet
`representing a game move for execution by the game executable program in the system of
`the second player.
`The present invention further provides a system for facilitating a game to be played
`30 between a plurality of players over a network, at least one player using a player terminal
`having therein a game executable program, the method including the step of:
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`WO 01/31476
`- 5 -
`server means (25) adapted to send to a second player a first communication from a
`first player including a game executable program and a game move, for instantiating the
`game executable program in a player terminal of the second player and thereby enabling
`the second player to accept the game move.
`The present invention further provides a method of providing a turn-based game over a
`network, including the steps of:
`receiving at a server system in communication with the network first information
`from a first player, at least a part of the first information relating to a first move to be
`played in the turn-based game;
`forwarding second information from the server system to a second player, at least a
`part of the second information corresponding to the first move and a further part of the
`second information relating to advertising information to be displayed to the second player.
`15 The present invention further provides a system for providing a tum-based gl:Ulle over a
`network, including:
`server means (20,25) adapted to receive first information from a first player, at least
`a part of the first information relating to a first move to be played in the tum-based game,
`and to forward second information to a second player, at least a part of the second
`information corresponding to the first move and a further part of the second information
`relating to advertising information to be displayed to the second player.
`The present invention further provides a method of providing a turn-based game over a
`network, the steps including:
`receiving at a server system in communication with the network a first email
`communication including first information from a first player, the first information
`including game move information relating to a first move;
`sending from the server system a second email communication including second
`information to a second player, the second information including advertising information
`to be displayed to the second player and game move information relating to the first move,
`selected by the first player, to be played in the turn-based game.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`The present invention further provides a system for providing a tum-based game over a
`network, including:
`a game server in communication with the network adapted to receive a first email
`communication including first information from a first player, the first information
`including game move information relating to a first move selected by the first player to be
`played in the tum-based game, and to send a second email communication including
`second information to a second player, the second information including the game move
`information and advertising information to be displayed to the second player.
`A preferred embodiment of the present invention is hereinafter described, by way of
`example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:
`Figure 1 is an overall block diagram of an email game system of an embodiment of the
`present invention;
`Figure 2 is a block diagram of a game server for use in the email game system;
`Figure 3 is a flow diagram of a method of processing a received move request from a
`player, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
`Figure 4 is a first part of a flow diagram of a method of providing a tum-based game in
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
`Figure 5 is a second part of a flow diagram of a method of providing a tum-based game in
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
`25 Figure 6 is a third part of a flow diagram of a method of providing a tum-based game in
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
`Figure 7 is a fourth part of a flow diagram of a method of providing a tum-based game in
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
`Figure 8 is an example of an interface generated and seen by a player when playing a game
`30 of chess using the system of an embodiment of the present invention;
`Figure 9 is an example of an interface generated and seen by a player when playing a game
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`WO 01/31476
`of spades using the system of an embodiment of the present invention;
`5 An email game system 2 shown in Figure 1 includes a game server 4 and players A and B.
`Initially, the moves of the game can only be played through the game server 4, but after
`each player has played a move, they are allowed to communicate their moves directly to
`one another, outside of the game server 4. This serves to make sure that the game server 4
`can maintain version and integrity control over the games played and gather information
`about the demographics of the players and the number of times the games are played,
`while minimising the amount of traffic handled by the server. Importantly, routing the
`initial moves between the players allows for updated and demographically specific
`advertising information to be added to the communications which contain the game moves.
`15 The game server 4 can facilitate the initiation of a large number of games between a large
`number of players simultaneously and can provide a wide variety of tum-based games for
`the players to choose from. Demographic information is obtained from players by
`inspecting the global top level domain names of the player email addresses and by asking
`them to fill out questionnaires once they have played a game a certain number of times.
`The questionnaire, game executable code and game moves (in the form of game packets,
`described below) are all communicated over the network as email attachments in a known
`25 Screens generated for the game are similar to the examples shown in Figures 8 and 9. In
`the example of the chess game shown in Figure 8, there is a window 90, which includes an
`advertising area 80
`in a prominent position for showing an advertiser's banner
`advertisement and a text area 82 for allowing the players to communicate text messages to
`each other. The window 90 also includes buttons for executing game control commands,
`such as: a send button 83 for sending a move to the opposing player (along with a text
`message if present); a help button 84 for providing information on how to play the game; a
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`- 8 -
`new button 85 for starting a new game; an undo button 86 for taking back a move which
`the player has played but which has not yet been sent to the opposing player; an end button
`87 for ending the game. The window 90 also has a playing area 81 and provides for the
`communication of instructional text 88, preferably adjacent the playing area 81.
`The screen layout shown in Figure 9 is largely similar to that of Figure 8 and like features
`are designated by like numerals. Scoring games such as spades, unlike chess, will require
`the game to keep score of the relative points of the players, in which case the window 90
`has some means of displaying the current player scores.
`When the player wishes to begin a game, he or she need only run the executable code for
`the game as received from the server 4 and the game will show the game window 90. If the
`player has not run the code before, there is preferably a welcome message shown prior to
`showing the game window 90. To play the game, each player need only move a cursor to
`the relevant location on the screen, click on, or otherwise select, the desired playing option
`and, if a game piece 92 is to be moved, drag the game piece 92 to the desired location. If
`the player decides to send that move to the opponent, he or she must select the send
`command (for example, by clicking on the send button 83 or by selecting a menu option).
`If it is the first move, the game will prompt the player for the details of the prospective
`opponent before completing the send function. If it is the second move (i.e. the opponent's
`first move), the move will be routed via the game server 4 before being sent on to the
`initiating player. Otherwise the game move is sent directly to the opposing player by email
`in response to the send command.
`25 As shown in Figure 2, the game server 4 includes a central game server engine IO which
`communicates with a logging system 12, an incoming mail server 20, an email blocking
`database 21, a player database 22, a game database 23, an advertiser database 24 and an
`outgoing mail server 25.
`30 When an incoming email 14 is sent from a game client (for example, player A or B), it is
`received by the incoming mail server 20. The whole email 14 is forwarded to the game
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`- 9 -
`server engine 10 to check the validity of the details contained within the email 14. If any
`part of the email 14 is invalid, corrupt or has otherwise been tampered with, it is rejected.
`The email 14 is then scanned to detect what type of request it contains. Valid requests
`include the following: a game move; a request for advertiser information; a request for
`5 help in playing a game; or a request for the latest version of a particular game.
`If the email 14 is a game move, the email will contain a packet including the address
`information of each player, as well as information relating to the move to be played, which
`of a number of games is to be played, the version number of that game held by the player
`sending the email 14 and additional data relating to, for example, advertising or a
`questionnaire. The information in .the email 14 which relates to the game is called the game
`packet. The packet structure is described below.
`If the email 14 is a game move, the server engine IO checks the email blocking database 21
`to determine if either the sending email address or the receiver email address is valid.
`Email addresses are added to the blocking database 21 either by user request ( e.g. the user
`specifically requests not to be sent any game moves from prospective challengers), or the
`server engine 10 will automatically add the user's email address if they are deemed to have
`abused the service, for example by sending too many game moves during a small period of
`time, either to multiple recipients, or to a single recipient. If the sending player's email
`address is in the blocking database 21, he or she is not allowed to send emails through the
`game system, and the game packet will be rejected. If the receiving player's email address
`is in the blocking database 21, he or she is not allowed to receive emails from the game
`system, the received game packet is rejected and the sender is sent an email informing him
`or her of this action.
`If the email 14 is other than a requested game move, the game server engine will pass the
`request on to a system administrator for his or her personal attention. Alternatively, if the
`email is invalid, this is communicated to the sender by the server engine 10.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`WO 01/31476
`-10 -
`Every action· th~ game server engine performs is recorded in the logging system 12 to
`generate system measurement statistics and so that a system administrator can monitor the
`system as a whole.
`If the email 14 is valid and not blocked by the blocking database 21, the player database 22
`is then queried to see if either the sender or the receiver of the packet has previously played
`a game using the system. Information stored in the player database 22 includes the player's
`email address and questionnaire information, if they have completed one, and the version
`number of the game the player was last sent for each game they have taken part in. If either
`10 of the opposing players does not exist in there, he or she is added to the player database 22
`with default values for demographics and game tracking information. For example, the
`tracking information may include which version of the game the player is running, the
`number of games started by that player and the number of different opposing players they
`play with.
`Once the player database 22 has been queried, the game database 23 is then queried to find
`the latest game version number that uses the received game packet. This is then matched
`with the information pulled from the player database 22. If the receiver was last sent an
`older version of the game, the latest (most recent) game is added to the game packet on an
`outgoing email 16. In this way, the system ensures that all users are always playing the
`latest version of the game. The player database 22 is updated with the version number of
`the game sent to the receiver, if a new game was sent with the outgoing email 16.
`Next, the advertiser database 24 is queried to find the currently available advertising
`options that can be included in the outgoing game packet. The server engine 10 will choose
`one advertising option based on the demographics information read from the player
`database and the structure of the player's email address, and then insert the selected
`advertising information in the outgoing game packet. The advertising information may
`include, for example, text, graphics, sound, or other media, or a combination of these. The
`30 game packet is then prepared for transmission by the server engine 10 and sent out via the
`outgoing mail server 25 to the designated opponent.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`- 11 -
`Figure 3 shows a game initiation process flow diagram as seen from the perspective of the
`game server 4. When a player initiates a game and sends the first move or turn request at
`step 300, the game server engine 10 checks the incoming email 14 at step 305 to see if the
`5 player has filled out a questionnaire. If so, the game server engine 10 then distributes the
`information in the questionnaire to the appropriate databases at step 310, for example the
`player database 22. The game server engine 10 checks the game packet at step 315 to
`confirm whether or not it is the first move to be played in the game and, if so, then checks
`at step 320 whether or not the intended opponent is listed in the player database 22. If the
`intended opponent is not listed, his or her email address will be added to the player
`database 22 at step 325, together with any other relevant information such as the player's
`alias. At step 330, the game server engine 10 will determine whether or not to attach a
`questionnaire to the game packet when sending it on to the intended recipient. The
`questionnaire may be sent out to players who have played a game using the system 2, for
`example, 30 or 40 times. If the game server engine 10 determines that it is appropriate to
`attach a questionnaire, it is attached as a data packet to the outgoing email 16 at step 335.
`Next, the version of the game with which the packet is associated is checked at step 340
`and the packet is converted to correspond to the latest version of the game, if necessary, at
`step 345. Otherwise, the packet is sent to the intended recipient at step 360 in the outgoing
`email 16. If the recipient was registered on the player database 22 at step 325, or if the
`packet was converted at step 345, the packet is loaded with new advertising information at
`step 350 and the packet is attached to the latest version of the game executable program at
`step 355 and the outgoing email is sent to the intended recipient at step 360.
`25 Figures 4 to 7 are interlocking flow diagrams (for example, "A" in Figure 4 connects to
`"A" in Figure 5, and "C" in Figures 5 and 6 connect to "C" in Figure 7) which show the
`process of the operation of the game from an overall system perspective. A prospective
`player may obtain a copy of the game executable code either by receiving it with the first
`move from a challenging player (step 405), or by downloading it from a web site (step
`400). These methods of obtaining the game are merely examples however, and should not
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`- 12 -
`be read as an exclusive list of the ways in which a player may initially receive a game
`executable program.
`Once a player has received a game at step 410 in Figure 4, he or she may execute the game
`at step 415 by double clicking on a game icon (as an attachment to an email or as stored in
`the computer system memory) or otherwise commanding the execution of the game
`executable program. The game executable code and game packets are represented by
`different, but associated, icons. The server engine 10 checks at step 420 whether the
`player playing the move has played any games using the system 2 before. If not, the game
`is flagged at step 425 to ask for the player's details, such as email address and alias, before
`sending off the move. If the player has played a game using the game system 2, then at
`step 430 the server engine 10 checks whether the player has played the particular game
`before. If not, then at step 435 the game register extension is installed in the user's system
`registry (so as to associate game packets having that file name extension with that game).
`If that game has been played before, then at step 440 the version of the game is checked for
`currency. If the received game is a new version, the new game is written to memory in
`place of the older version at step 450. If the player does not have a new version of the
`game, the game will ask whether the player wishes to install the new version or not. If the
`player chooses not to install the new version, the game will exit. Following steps 435 and
`450, the game is flagged to have a packet attached thereto and the new game version
`number is stored at step 455. Next, at step 460, the user's computer system (as instructed
`by game software) checks whether a game packet is attached to the packet in which the
`executable is contained, and if so, checks whether a move has been played at step 465. If
`no move has been played, then at step 4 70 a game packet is loaded into dynamic memory
`so as to be ready to be played and the move is flagged as an executable move. Generally,
`after a game is run and has checked the version number and whether the player is a first(cid:173)
`time player, the game then checks whether a game packet was attached to the end of the
`packet which contained the executable. If there is no game packet or there is a game
`packet and the move within the game packet has been played, the game continues as
`30 normal (to step 500) and waits for the player to start a new game. If there is a game packet
`attached to the executable, and the move has not been played, the game loads the packet ( at
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1004


`WO 01/31476
`- 13 -
`step 470) from the end of the packet into memory. The game then sets a flag to indicate
`that a move, which was attached to the executable packet, is waiting to be played. This
`allows the game to initiate a parsing sequence (described below) whenever required. For
`example, the game may indicate to the player on the title screen that there is a move
`5 waiting to be played. The player then has the option of playing that move or starting a new
`game. When the player finally sends a move after the game has set the executable move
`flag at step 470, the flag will be removed.
`As shown in Figure 6, a game may be started at step 600 by playing a move which was
`stored in memory or received by email. Each game has a unique filename and associated
`extension for the relevant game packets. This means that if a player double-clicks on a
`game packet, the game packet extension (recorded in the system's extension registry) will
`dictate which game executable code the game packet is associated with and the code for
`that game will automatically be executed, thereby beginning the game. This is analogous
`to, for example, launching a resident Microsoft Word application by double-clicking on a
`file having a ".doc" file extension. If the game move is initiated by double clicking the
`game packet at step 605, the game packet is loaded into memory at step 610, and at step
`620 the game checks if there is a game already in progress. If there is no other game
`running, the game continues as normal at step 655 and proceeds to step 500. If there is
`already a game running, then the move data is sent to that game at step 635.
`If a stored move (stored on disk or on the email server) is dragged onto the game at step
`625, the game packet is loaded into dynamic memory reserved for the game executable at
`step 630. Following steps 630 and 635, the game checks whethe

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