Page 1
` _________________________
` _________________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` _________________________
` Case IPR2020-00116
` U.S. Patent No. 9,871,671
` _________________________
` Case IPR2020-00147
` U.S. Patent No. 10,027,505
` Zoom Deposition of MAHDI SHAHBAKHTI, Ph.D.
` (Reported Remotely via Web Videoconference)
` Edmonton, Alberta (Deponent's location)
` Thursday, October 8, 2020
` Reported by:
` Rebecca L. Romano, RPR, CSR, CCR
` Job No.: 28541
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`Page 2
` _________________________
` _________________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` _________________________
` Case IPR2020-00116
` U.S. Patent No. 9,871,671
` _________________________
` Case IPR2020-00147
` U.S. Patent No. 10,027,505
` Ph.D., taken on behalf of the Petitioner, with the
` deponent located in Edmonton, Alberta, commencing
` at 8:04 a.m., Thursday, October 8, 2020, remotely
` reported via web videoconference before
` REBECCA L. ROMANO, a Registered Professional
` Reporter, Certified Shorthand Reporter, Certified
` Court Reporter.
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` (All parties appearing via web videoconference)
`Page 3
` For the Petitioner:
` 8300 Greensboro Drive
` Suite 500
` McLean, Virginia 22102
` (571) 765-7700
` /////
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`3 4
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1020
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` (All parties appearing via web videoconference)
`Page 4
` For the Patent Owner:
` 370 E. Maple Road
` Third Floor
` Birmingham, Michigan 48009
` Axel Nix, Smartpat PLC 400
` /////
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`3 4
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1020
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` I N D E X
`Page 5
` MR. HELGE 9, 145
` MR. NIX 143
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit 1001 U.S. Patent No. 9,871,671 B2;
` Exhibit 1004 U.S. Patent No. 7,737,831 B2;
` Exhibit 1014 U.S. Patent No. 6,812,832 B2;
` Exhibit 1015 Taube Comparison of
` CAN Gateway Modules for
` Automotive and Industrial
` Control Applications;
` /////
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`4 5
`7 8
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1020
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` E X H I B I T S (cont'd)
`Page 6
` Exhibit 1018 U.S. Patent Application
` Publication US
` 2007/0016342 A1;
` Exhibit 1101 U.S. Patent No. 10,027,505 B2;
` Exhibit 2028 Declaration of Mahdi
` Shahbakhti, Ph.D.
` Case IPR2020-00116
` U.S. Patent No. 9,871,671;
` Exhibit 2028 Declaration of Mahdi
` Shahbakhti, Ph.D.
` Case IPR2020-00147
` U.S. Patent No. 10,027,505.
` /////
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`Page 7
` Edmonton, Alberta; Thursday, October 8, 2020
` 8:04 a.m.
` ---o0o---
` (Exhibits previously marked.)
` THE COURT REPORTER: Good morning. My
` name is Rebecca Romano. I am a Certified Shorthand
` Reporter.
` Due to the current National Emergency of
` the COVID-19 pandemic, this deposition is being
` handled via remote videoconference.
` At this time, I will ask counsel to agree
` on the record that there is no objection to this
` deposition officer administering a binding oath to
` the deponent via remote videoconference, starting
` with the noticing attorney, please.
` MR. HELGE: No objection for Dataspeed.
` MR. GOSS: No objection for Patent Owner.
` THE COURT REPORTER: If you could raise
` your right hand for me, please.
` THE DEPONENT: (Complies.)
` THE COURT REPORTER: You do solemnly
` state, under penalty of perjury, that the testimony
` you are about to give in this deposition, shall be
` the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
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` truth?
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` /////
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`Page 9
` having been administered an oath, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Doctor. Again, my name is
` Wayne Helge here appearing for Dataspeed. I am
` looking at a couple documents here, and I want to
` bring you up to speed on that.
` But first, I just want to be sure I'm
` pronouncing your name correctly.
` Is it Dr. Shahbakhti? Is that correct?
` A. Correct. Yeah. If it's difficult for
` you to pronounce, you can say Mahdi.
` Q. I'll call you Dr. Shahbakhti, if that's
` okay?
` A. Thank you. Sure.
` Q. Thank you.
` So, Doctor, as I mentioned, I've got a
` couple documents sitting in front of me here. One
` is labeled Exhibit 2028 from the IPR No. 2020-00116
` related to the '617 patent.
` Do you have a copy of that in front of
` you as well?
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`Page 10
` A. No. Basically, they told me you will be
` putting the documents in the eDepoze, so I can get
` it from there.
` MR. HELGE: Yeah. Well, we don't have
` that. We probably need to go off the record right
` now here.
` (Recess taken.)
` MR. HELGE: Back on the record.
` Q. (By Mr. Helge) All right.
` Dr. Shahbakhti, I think that, hopefully, you're all
` situated now with a few exhibits.
` Do you have access on your computer now
` to electronic copies of the exhibit that you
` submitted in both IPR2020-00116 and
` IPR2020-00147?
` A. Yes, I do have access.
` Q. Okay. So Doctor, let's talk about the
` exhibit that you submitted -- or the declaration
` you submitted in 2020-00116 first.
` For the purposes of -- of the deposition
` today, I'm going to call this the '671 declaration.
` Does that make sense to you?
` A. Sure. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And then I'll call the declaration
` you submitted in 2020-00147 as the
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`Page 11
` '505 declaration.
` Okay?
` A. Sure. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And I think for the most -- well,
` let's talk about the '505 declaration first.
` Did you review your declaration in
` preparation for today's deposition?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. Okay. And did you review it carefully?
` A. I read the text and also the -- reviewed
` the figures. So I would consider, yes, I reviewed
` it carefully.
` Q. Okay. During that review of the
` '505 declaration, did you find any errors in the
` declaration?
` A. I did not.
` Q. In your review of the '505 declaration,
` did you find anything that you want to correct or
` supplement today?
` A. I do not have.
` Q. And you signed the '505 declaration on
` August 29th, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And so because you have no corrections or
` amendments or changes to the '505 declaration, you
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`Page 12
` stand by all of this testimony today, correct?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. Doctor, I'm going to ask you all
` those same questions for the '671 declaration.
` Did you review this carefully in
` preparation for today's deposition?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. Did you find any errors or omissions
` during your review of the '671 declaration in
` preparation for today's deposition?
` A. I did not.
` Q. Is there anything you want to clarify or
` correct today with regard to the '671 declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. You signed the '671 declaration on
` August 28th of 2020, correct?
` A. Yes, that is correct.
` Q. Okay. And so the '671 declaration
` remains your testimony and contains all of your
` opinions with regard to the '671 patent; is that
` right?
` A. Yes, that is correct.
` Q. Okay. So Doctor, we're going to work off
` of the '671 declaration. I think, for the most
` part, there's a lot of overlap in these two
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`Page 13
` declarations. And just to make it easy, so you
` don't have to go back and forth between the two, if
` you can have that '671 declaration handy, it may
` make it easier for your logistical manipulation of
` files.
` A. Thank you. Sure. I will do it.
` Q. Okay. Doctor, do you understand what I
` mean when I use term "gateway" in the context of
` the '671 patent?
` A. Let me -- can you -- what do you mean by
` "gateway"?
` I mean, can you explain -- or you mean
` what I'm [sic] understand from the "gateway"?
` Q. Yeah, because I'm asking you what you
` understand of a "gateway" in the technological
` space of the '671 patent.
` A. Yes, I reflected my understanding in the
` declaration.
` Q. Okay. Can you tell me today what your
` understanding is of the "gateway"?
` A. Sure.
` So according to my declaration on
` page 69, paragraph 90, "Gateways are complex
` devices, which are used by car manufacturers to
` connect separate busses that have been designed to
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`Page 14
` be separate ab initio."
` Q. So, Doctor, you say "gateways are complex
` devices."
` What do you mean by that?
` A. By complexity, I mean that it will
` take -- it will -- it will not be trivial to do it.
` So it will need professional to get involved and
` consider so many different factors into a design.
` Q. Doctor, in your experience, have you ever
` designed a gateway?
` A. I have used devices that they use the
` gateway.
` Q. What sort of devices have you used that
` use a gateway?
` A. So in my research group at the
` university, the majority of the work we do are
` related to the automotive controls. And these
` devices, they -- the majority of them use CAN
` system. And then because we deal with the whole
` detail in some of the projects that I was involved
` that includes different CAN buses, and then gateway
` is typically used between the two different CAN
` buses.
` Q. So your testimony is that gateways are
` usually used between two different CAN buses; is
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`Page 15
` that right?
` MR. GOSS: Objection. Form.
` THE DEPONENT: The gateways that I have
` worked with in the experimental setup that we have
` had, those were between the two different CAN
` buses.
` Q. (By Mr. Helge) Okay. And for a gateway
` that is set up between two different CAN buses,
` what sort of components did that gateway include?
` A. Can I refer to the -- one of the exhibit
` file that it was there because that one includes
` details related to the design of the gateway.
` Q. Okay. Do you know what reference that is
` you're talking about?
` A. Let me go to the list here so I can be
` accurate in mentioning the exhibit number.
` To make it simple, and also I notice you
` have already put Exhibit 1015 into the list. I can
` go to that file and then discuss from there.
` Q. Okay. Please do.
` A. So if you look at the Exhibit 1015 in --
` you will notice that it's providing to the
` different structures that possible gateways.
` In the example you can see the figure 1,
` figure 2, figure 3, figure 4. And as you notice,
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`Page 16
` there are different components that are involved in
` design of the gateway. And there are different
` inputs and outputs. So all those needs to be
` carefully taken into consideration in a design.
` Q. Okay. Doctor, did you review
` Exhibit 1015 in preparation for today's deposition?
` A. I reviewed this one when I was preparing
` my declaration. But I did not read these documents
` before the -- today's deposition.
` Q. Okay. So according to your understanding
` of Exhibit 1015, is this reference teaching a
` person of ordinary skill in the art that they
` should not use gateways?
` A. Going back to the -- what I mentioned
` from my declaration, so gateways are useful devices
` and it should be used whenever the needs is
` appropriate and the amount of efforts will make
` sense.
` That's why if you see the sentence that I
` mentioned in -- from my declaration, I said
` "Gateways are complex devices, which are used by
` car manufactures to connect separate busses that
` have been designed to be separate ab initio."
` In it added -- I added sentence there
` "Designing an aftermarket device as a gateway
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`Page 17
` rather than a simple pass-through makes Munoz
` unnecessarily complex."
` So as part of design, you will always try
` to avoid complexity. But if it is necessary, then
` you will go and then go after a design gateway.
` Q. You would agree with me that Exhibit 1015
` identifies advantages of different gateway
` implementations, correct?
` A. I agree that reading from the title and
` abstract of the Exhibit 1015, this document is
` providing a comparison of different CAN gateway
` modules for automotive and industrial control
` applications.
` And it does mention "Caused by the rising
` numbers of sensors, actuators and electronic
` control units over the last years, modern control
` concepts demand devices supporting
` cross-linking of these channels. This
` interconnection is realized with a CAN gateway that
` connects" -- as you see here is mentioned --
` "several CAN buses between sub networks at
` different speeds."
` So depending on the needs, if the need is
` necessary, of course, the gateway will provide
` benefit and the useful. And then this document is
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`Page 18
` providing different architectures, and then what
` are the advantage and disadvantage of each of those
` architectures.
` Q. Doctor, you can refer to 1015,
` Exhibit 1015, if you would like, or, you know, your
` declaration or whatever, but what functions can a
` gateway perform, in your experience?
` A. Just reading the same sentence I
` mentioned to you, that explains what -- one very
` good function. You saw the last sentence I
` mentioned. "This interconnection is realized with
` a CAN gateway that connects several CAN buses" --
` so that's one benefit -- "between sub networks."
` So if I have different sub networks, that would be
` benefit of having gateways and that allowing to
` have CAN buses. And those CAN buses that they are
` different speeds, or they would be at different
` baud rates.
` Q. Can a CAN --
` A. These two would be just two examples of
` mention of the benefits.
` Q. Okay. Can a gateway connect to CAN buses
` that operate at the same speed?
` A. It will become -- going back to the point
` that I mentioned that what is the necessity to have
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`Page 19
` a gateway, if you got a system that they are at
` different speeds then it provides a good reason to
` have a gateway. But if they are the same speed,
` then there would be less reason. But, of course, a
` person can go and put a CAN -- a gateway between
` the -- the CAN buses that they have the same speed.
` But, again --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- it needs to be justified and then not
` adding extra complexity.
` Q. Okay. So as I understand your testimony,
` there are engineering factors that -- that govern
` what an engineer might do.
` But you would agree that a POSITA, a
` person of ordinary skill in the art, could connect
` two CAN buses that operate at the same speed with a
` gateway, correct?
` A. Hypothetically, if this is a very general
` question, I would expect the POSITA will use the
` judgment if it is necessary or not.
` If the question is that if the POSITA can
` do it, yes, he can do it. But it should be based
` on the necessity. The POSITA should be able to
` design a gateway that goes from one CAN bus to the
` other one whether they are in same speed or
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`Page 20
` different. But, again, it needs to be based on the
` necessity.
` Q. Doctor, in a gateway that connects two
` CAN buses, can that gateway manipulate the data
` that it receives?
` A. I need you to define what you mean by
` manipulation.
` Q. Okay. So I'll ask you this, Doctor.
` In a gateway that connects two CAN buses,
` can that gateway remove data from a CAN bus message
` that it receives from one of those CAN buses?
` A. What I'm doing, I'm just looking at the
` Exhibit 1015 and also the design to see if I can
` see that one as well there.
` Q. Okay. Well, Doctor, it may help you if
` you look at the second column on page 1 of
` Exhibit 1015, second paragraph down.
` A. You said the second page, column 1 or 2?
` Q I'm sorry, Doctor, we had some noise
` outside. Can you ask me your question again,
` please.
` A I just was trying to remember what you
` said.
` You said second page, column 2?
` Q First page, column 2, second paragraph
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` down.
` A. Okay. Are you talking about the
` paragraph that starts with "These functions"?
` Q. Correct.
` Doctor, let me take a step back. Let me
` guide you through this a little bit. I'm on
` page 1, second column, top paragraph of
` Exhibit 1015. I'm going to read it to you.
` That paragraph reads: "In automotive and
` industrial control applications, the term gateway
` is preferred even though the data is transferred
` between networks using the same protocol, because
` these gateways perform more functions than the
` forwarding of messages."
` Did I read that correctly?
` A. Yes, you did.
` Q. So you would agree that gateways perform
` more functions than just forwarding messages
` between CAN buses, correct?
` A. According to the statement, yes, but I am
` trying to think of other functions.
` Q. Okay. Well, you don't have to think
` about them because Exhibit 1015 tells us what they
` are. So I'm going to ask you again.
` Do you agree with that last sentence that
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`Page 22
` I just read that "gateways perform more functions
` than the forwarding of messages" in a CAN bus
` application?
` MR. GOSS: Objection. Form.
` THE DEPONENT: I see that in the
` declaration -- sorry -- in the document we are
` referring, the second paragraph. It's mentioning
` one of those functions. "These function can/must
` be message filtering (to prevent overload of a
` low-speed network when transferring messages from
` the high-speed network)."
` So kind of -- it's referring to when you
` have a lower-speed network and you also have a
` high-speed network, and you have different network
` with different speed. And because one of them
` cannot basically handle the highest speed of the
` messages from the other CAN bus, so then here you
` go and then you will be -- to avoid the overload,
` so you will be adjusting that -- the data that is
` mentioned here.
` So that's an example of those functions
` that is mentioned in this document.
` Q. (By Mr. Helge) Okay. Doctor, I'm going
` to look at Exhibit 1015, page 1, column 2, the
` second paragraph, the same paragraph you just read
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` from.
` A. Correct.
` Q. If you go down about six lines, do you
` see one example of a function that this reference
` discloses is "message integration," which describes
` "(combining parts of the data of several messages
` into a new message)."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I can see it.
` Q. Do you agree that combining parts of data
` of several messages into a new message is the same
` thing as altering data?
` A. Let me read it carefully.
` Q. Please do.
` A. So my understanding from reading this and
` also trying to connect to just the sentence that is
` previously mentioned, you see here in the sentence
` it's mentioned -- I'm just going to read the first
` sentence and then go to the second sentence and
` provide my rational.
` "These functions can/must be message
` filtering (to prevent the overload of low-speed
` network when transferring messages from a
` high-speed network), message transfers with
` identifier translation, message integration
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`Page 24
` (combining parts of the data of several messages
` into a new message), and the synchronisation of
` time-triggered networks (when implemented) to
` guarantee that information is updated."
` So a POSITA after reading this
` sentence -- these two sentences and put them next
` to each other, so we understand that we are talking
` about two CAN bus system, that they are at
` different speeds. And then what happens, one of
` them is at higher speed. The other one is at lower
` speed.
` So when you have high speed, the amount
` of the data you could get would be more
` substantial. And then what -- the one that go to
` the lower speed, he's suggesting the idea of the
` combining of those data that go to the CAN messages
` that go to the lower speed CAN bus.
` So for this example that you have two CAN
` buses with two different speeds in the -- this will
` be helpful because it will allow that -- the data
` to be send it to the other one.
` And another part might happen is that you
` might have even the one -- the identifier being 11
` bits, the other one might be 29 bits. So you also
` need to adjust that.
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`Page 25
` So data I will be looking at the word
` "altering," let's say, it would be similar to if
` you look at the -- what I included in my
` declaration that I refer to tampering.
` So I'm just going to go to the part,
` paragraph 37. It says "Munoz broadly refers to
` 'removing or altering data' in Fig. 1. But Munoz
` does not explain how the data can be removed. A
` CAN bus does not provide any mechanism for
` 'removing' data."
` But then later on the lower POSITA will
` "expect that removing data from a CAN bus causes a
` convertible roof to open."
` Then it says "Elend and Adamson describe
` a possible tampering attack on a CAN bus in
` paragraph 2.2 of their paper. The tampering attack
` is useful since it gives the attacker the power to
` tamper with the messages that being sent on the
` bus."
` So this part become more important, to
` tamper with a message means altering the message.
` That means if you look at even the figure 2, then
` you got a message and you see that portion that is
` shown with the black and then you go and change it.
` And then I added in -- I said "In my
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`Page 26
` opinion, a POSITA would have understood Munoz's
` disclosure of 'altering data exchanged between
` integrated and closed systems' to be some sort of
` tampering attempt which adjusts a message that
` another node is currently sending on the bus as
` described by Elend and Adamson."
` Q So, Doctor, I want to come back to
` Exhibit 1015. You've directed me to paragraph 37
` and there's something I want to clarify here.
` In the second sentence and third sentence
` of paragraph 37 you say "But Munoz does not explain
` how data can be removed. A CAN bus does not
` provide any mechanism for 'removing' data."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. You then proceed to discuss your
` interpretation of altering data to be tampering,
` correct?
` MR. GOSS: Objection. Form.
` THE DEPONENT: What I did, I put myself
` in the positions of a POSITA. I said Munoz is
` using the word "altering." And then if you search
` the word "altering" in the whole document of Munoz,
` there is no description.
` Then I put myself in the shoes of the
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` POSITA and then I said what POSITA might think of.
` And that's how I notice the word "altering" or
` changing, it will be more relevant to the case
` that -- like figure 2 is explaining, that you have
` a portion of the data that is being changed, being
` modified, being altered.
` That's how I come with that description,
` putting myself in the position of POSITA, that in
` Munoz doesn't see any description. And then when
` it goes to the general documents that you included,
` like Bosch document, ISO, or the SAE documents,
` those -- they don't talk about these altering or
` removing.
` Q. (By Mr. Helge) So Doctor, you said you
` put yourself into the position of a POSITA while
` interpreting Munoz, correct?
` MR. GOSS: Objection.
` THE DEPONENT: Yes, that's what I tried
` to do when I was forming my opinions in the
` declaration.
` Q. (By Mr. Helge) Okay. So when you look
` at the second and third sentence of paragraph 37
` you say "Munoz does not explain how data can be
` removed. A CAN bus does not provide any mechanism
` for 'removing' data."
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` Are you telling me that a POSITA would
` not understand how data could be removed from a CAN
` bus network?
` A. What I was referring -- if you go to the
` documents, the Bosch documents that you provided,
` that it explains how CAN system works, in that one,
` it does not provide information how to go and then
` systematically remove the Adamson message.
` So that would be the -- the case of
` having only one CAN system. I got one CAN system
` and in that CAN system the -- the exhibit that you
` provided used in the petition, like Bosch, it does
` not explain how to remove.
` So if there's any place in those
` documents that you think it would be relevant, you
` can refer me to those documents.
` Q. Well, let's turn to paragraph 59 of your
` '671 declaration.
` A. I am there.
` Do you want me to read it?
` Q. Well, I will get to that. Let me ask you
` a question first, in paragraph 13 you talk about
` being an associate editor of a couple journals,
` correct?
` A. I'm currently associate editor of the
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`Page 29
` ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements
` Control.
` Q. Okay. What duties does th

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