
`e ster
`Ex. 1044
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`Ex. 1044
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`exoneration • exponent
`di .
`ding what is usual
`\-,>•'ra-sh:m\ 11
`ex,or,bt-tant \lg-'zor-b:>-t:mt\ a
`• excee
`\ b clsed· -cls,Jng 1 : to
`or proper
`ex,or,clse \'ek-,sor-,s,z. -s;ir- v •
`' d 2 • to free of
`get rl~ of ?Y or as if by 50181~n\· ~?-r;;;,n n _ · ex,or,clst
`an evil spirit -
`ex,pend \lk-'spend\ vb 1 : lo pay OUl : SPEND i: , ..... _
`uze.; also: USE UP -
`ex,pend,able _aq}
`v 11
`ex,pen,dl-ture \ik-' spen-dl-char, -,.chur\ n 1 : the act
`rocess of expending 2 : somethmg expended
`e~-pense \ik-'spens\ n 1 : BXPBNDlTURB 2 : COST 3 .
`cause of expenditure 4 : SACRIFICE (had a laugh at • a
`ex,pen-slve \ik-'spen-s1v\ a<-tJ. COSTLY, OBAR_ ex.Pen.
`slve,ly adv
`. _
`,ex,pe,rl,ence \ik-'spir-e-;ii:is\ n 1 . obs:rvat1on of or tlar.
`ticipation in events resultm~ In or te~dmg t?ward knowi.
`edge 2 : knowledge, prac~1ce, or skill denved frorn b(cid:173)
`servation or participation m ev~nts; also : the . lengtho f
`such participation 3 : something encountered, Unde~(cid:173)
`gone, or lived through (as by a pers~n or community)
`2experience vb -enced; -enc,lng 1 . FIND our, Discov.
`ER 2 : to have experience of : UNDERGO
`ex,pe,ri,enced adj : made capable through experience (an
`...... pilot)
`1ex,per,i,ment \ik-'sper-;,-m;,nt\ n : a controlled procedure
`carried out to discover,. test, or demo!1strate something;
`ex-per,I,men,tal \-,sper-;i.
`also : the process of testmg -
`ex,per,i-men,tal,ly \-'men-t~l-e\ adv
`•men-t~l\ adj -
`2ex,per,i,ment \-,ment\ vb : to ma~:, - ex.
`per,l,men,ta,tion \ik-,sper-;,-m;,n- ta-sh;,n\ n - ex,per,I.
`men,ter n
`1ex,pert \'ek-,sp;irt\ adj : showing special skill or knowl(cid:173)
`edge - ex-pert-ly adv -
`ex,pert,ness n
`2ex,pert \'ek-,sp3rt\ n : ~ expert pers~n : SPECIALIST
`ex,per,tise \,ek-(,)sp.>r-'tez\ n : the skill of an expert
`expert system n : computer software that attempts to
`mimic the reasoning of a human specialist
`ex,pl,ate \'ek-spe-,iit\ vb -at,ed; -at-ing : to give satisfac(cid:173)
`ex,pi,a,tion \,ek-spe-'a-sh;,n\ n
`tion for : ATONE -
`ex,pl,a-to,ry \'ek-spe-3-,tor-e\ adj : serving to expiate
`expiration date n 1 : the date after which something is no
`longer in effect 2 : the date after which a product is ex(cid:173)
`pected to decline in quality or effectiveness
`ex-pire \ik-'spi(·.>)r, ek-\ vb ex,pired; ex,plr-ing 1 : to
`breathe one's last breath : DIE 2 : to come to an end 3
`: to breathe out from or as if from the lungs - ex,pl,ra(cid:173)
`tion \,ek-sp;i-'rii-sh;,n\ n
`ex.plain \ik-'splan\ vb [ME explanen, fr. L explanare, lit.,
`to make level, fr. planus level, flat] 1 : to make clear 2
`ex-pla,na,tion \,ek-spld"'na(cid:173)
`: to give the reason for -
`sh;,n\ n -
`ex-plan,a-to,ry \ik-'spla-n;,-,t6r-e\ adj
`ex,ple,tive \'ek-spJ3-tiv\ n : a usu. profane exclamation
`ex,pli,ca,ble \ek-'spli-k;,-b;,l, 'ek-(,)spli-\ adj : capable of
`being explained
`ex,pli,cate \ 1ek-spl;,-,kat\ vb -cat,ed; -cat,ing : to give a
`ex-pli,ca,tion \,ek-spli-'ka(cid:173)
`detailed explanation of -
`sh;,n\ n
`ex,plic,it \ik-'spli-s;,t\ adj : clearly and precisely expressed
`ex,plic,it,ness n
`ex,plic,it,ly adv -
`ex,plode \ik-'splod\ vb ex,plod,ed; ex,plod,ing [L e.x(cid:173)
`plodere to drive off the stage by clapping, fr. ex- out +
`p/audere to clap] 1 : DISCREDIT (......., a belief) 2 : to
`burst or cause to burst violently and noisily<......., a bomb)
`(the boiler exploded) 3 : to undergo a rapid chemical or
`nuclear reaction with production of heat and violent ex(cid:173)
`pansion of gas (dynamite .......,s) 4 : to give forth a sudden
`strong and noisy outburst of emotion 5 : to increase rap·
`idly (the city's population exploded)
`explo~ed ~di : showing the parts separated but in correct
`relat1onsh1p to each other (an ,...,_, view of a carburetor)
`1ex,ploit \'ek-,spl6it\ n; DEED; esp: a notable or heroic act
`2ex,ploit \ik-1spl6it\ vb 1 : to make productive use of: UTI·
`LIZE 2 : to use unfairly for one's own advantage - ex(cid:173)
`ploi.ta.tlon \,ek-,spl6i-'ta-sh3n\ n
`e~,plore \ik-'spl6r\ vb ex-plored; ex,plor,ing 1 : to Jook
`into or travel over thoroughly 2 : to examine carefully
`<......., a wound) -
`ex,plo,ra.tion \,ek-spl3•'ra-shan\ 11 -
`ex,plor,ato,~ \ik-'splor-;,-,t6r-e\ adj -
`ex,plor-er n
`ex,plC:>•Slon \1k-'splo-zhan\ n : the act or an instance of e:i:
`ex,plo,sive \~k-'splo-siv\ adj 1 : relating to or a~le t~
`cause explosion 2 : tending to explode -
`ex,plo,sive,ly adv
`ex.po \'ek-,spo\ n, pl expos : EXPosmoN 2
`ex,po,nent \ik-'spo-n3nt, 'ek-,spo-\ n 1 : a symbol \"f:,n
`ten above and to the right of a mathematical express
`e~~:!~h~re \'ek-so-,sfir\ n : the outermost region of the
`· d by or
`exo-ther,mlc \,ek-so-'thar-m1k\ adj : c arac enze
`fonned with evolution of heat
`\ . • • tik\ a'" 1 • introduced from anot er
`t I
`ex,o • c 1g- za-

`• ·
`country<....., plants) 2: strikingly. exc1tmg Y, or m
`ously different or unusual <,_, flavors>. - exotic!" - ex(cid:173)
`ex-ot,l,cIsm \-ta-,s1-z;,m\ n
`ot,i,cal-Jy \-ti-k(a-)le\ adv -
`exp abbr 1 expense 2 experiment 3 export 4 express
`ex,pand \ik-'spand\ vb 1 : to open up : UNFOLD 2 : EN·
`LARGB 3 : to develop in detail • Synonyms AMPLIFY,
`\-'span-da-b;,I\ adj -. ex,pand,er n
`ex,panse \ik-'spans\ n : a broad extent (as of land or sea)
`ex,pan,slon \ik-'span-ch:m\ n 1 : the act or process of ex(cid:173)
`panding 2 : the quality or state of being expanded 3 : an
`expanded part or thing
`expansion slot n : a socket on a mothe~b~ard for a c~r~~it
`board (expansion card) offering add1t1onal capabilities
`ex,pan,slve \ik-'span-siv\ adj 1 : tending to expand or to
`cause expansion 2 : warmly benevolent, generous, or
`ready to talk 3 : of large extent or scope - ex,pan,slve-
`ly adv - ex,pan,sive,ness n
`ex par,te \eks-'par-te\ adv or adj (ML] : from a one-sided
`point of view
`ex,pa,tl,ate \ek-'spii-shihiit\ vb -at,ed; -at,ing : to talk or
`ex,pa,tl,a-tlon \ek-,spa-she-'a-sh;m\ n
`write at length -
`1ex,pa,trl,ate \ek-'spa-tre-,iit\ vb -at,ed; -at,ing : BXILE -
`ex,pa,trl,a-tion \ek-,spii-tre-'a-sh;in\ n
`2ex,pa,tri,ate \ek-'spa-tre-,iit, -tre-at\ adj : living in a for(cid:173)
`eign country - expatriate n
`ex,pect \ik-'spekt\ vb 1 : SUPPOSE, THINK 2 : to look
`forward to : ANTICIPATE 3 : to consider reasonable, due,
`or necessary 4 : to consider to be obliged
`ex,pec-tan,cy \-'spek-tan-se\ n, pl -cles 1 : EXPECTA(cid:173)
`TION 2 : the expected amount (as of years of life) -
`ex,pec-tant \-t;int\ adj : marked by expectation; esp : ex(cid:173)
`pecting the birth of a child - ex,pec,tant-ly adv
`ex,pec,ta,tlon \,ek-,spek-'tii-sh;in\ n 1 : the act or state of
`expecting 2 : prospect of inheritance -
`usu. used in pl.
`3 : something expected
`ex-pec,to.rant \ik-'spek-ta-r;,nt\ n : an agent that pro(cid:173)
`motes the discharge or expulsion of mucus from the re•
`spiratory tract - expectorant adj
`ex,pec-to,rate \-,rat\ vb -rat,ed; -rat,lng : SPIT -
`to,ra,tion \-,spek-ta-'ra-sh;,n\ n
`ex,pe,di,ence \ik-'spe-de-ans\ n : EXPEDIENCY
`ex,pe,dl,en,cy \-;in-se\ n, pl -cles 1 : fitness to some end
`2 : use of expedient means and methods; also : something
`1ex,pe,dl,ent \-:mt\ adj [ME, fr. AF or L; AF, fr. L expedi(cid:173)
`ens, prp. of expedire to extricate, prepare, be useful, fr.
`~- out + ped-, pes foot] 1 : adapted for achieving a par(cid:173)
`ticular end 2 : marked by concern with what is advanta(cid:173)
`geous; esp : governed by self-interest
`2expedlent n : something expedient; esp : a temporary
`means to an end
`ex,pe,dlte \'ek-spa-,dit\ vb -dit,ed; : to carry out
`promptly; also : to speed up
`ex,pe,dit,er \-,di-t;,r\ n : one that expedites; esp : one em(cid:173)
`ployed t~ ensure efficient movement of goods or supplies
`ma busmess
`e~,pe,di,tion \,ek-sp;i-'di-sh;in\ n 1 : a journey for a par(cid:173)
`ticular purpose; also : the persons making it 2 • efficient
`ex,pe,~i•t!on,ary \·'di-sh;,-,ner-e\ adj : of, relating to or
`~~~~~utmg an expedition; also : sent on military se~ice
`ex,pe,dJ.tio~s. \-'di-sh;,s\ adj : marked by or acting with
`prompt efficiency • Synonyms SWIFT FAST
`e;e,pel \ik-'spel\ vb ex,pelled; ex,pel,llng . : to dn·ve or
`,orce out : EJECT
`Ex. 1044
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`Inhere • innovate
`Ink-Jet n : a computer printer that sprays electrlcally
`Ink-Jet aq/
`charged droplets of ink onto paper -
`ln,kllng \'io-klil)\ n 1 : HINT, IN'fJMATION 2 : a vague
`lnk,stand \'i1Jk-,stand\ n : INKWBLL; also : a pen a.nd Ink
`lnk,well \-,wel\ n : a container for ink
`ln,laid \'in-'lad\ adj : decorated with material set into a
`11n,land \ 'in-,land, -l;md\ a4} 1 chiefly Brit : not foreign
`: DOMESTIC<--- revenue> 2: of or relating to the interi•
`or of a country <the ,..._, states)
`2lnland n : the interior of a country
`3inland adv : into or toward the interior
`In-law \'in-,16\ n : a relative by marriage
`1in,lay \(,)in-'la, 'in-,la\ vb ln,lald \-'lad\; ln,lay,ing : to set
`(a material) into a surface or ground material esp. for
`2in,lay \'in-,la\ n 1 : inlaid work 2 : a shaped filling ce(cid:173)
`mented into a tooth
`ln,let \'in-,let, -1:it\ n 1 : a small or narrow bay 2 : an
`opening for intake esp. of a fluid
`In-line skate n : a roller skate whose four wheels are set
`in-line skater n -
`in-line skating n
`in a straight line -
`in,mate \'in-,mat\ n : any of a group occupying a single
`place of residence; esp : a person confined (as in a hospi(cid:173)
`tal or prison)
`in me,di,as res \in-,ma-de-~s-'ras\ adv [L, lit., into the
`midst of things) : in or into the middle of a narrative or
`in me,mo,ri,am \,in-m~-•mor-e-:im\ prep [L) : in memory
`in,most \'in-,most\ adj : deepest within : INNERMOST
`inn \'in\ n : HOTEL, TAVERN
`ln,nards \'i-Mrdz\ npl [alter. of inwards] 1 : the internal
`organs of a human being or animal; esp : VISCERA 2 : the
`internal parts of a structure or mechanism
`in,nate \i-'nat\ adj 1 : existing in, belonging to. or deter(cid:173)
`mined by factors present in an individual from birth : NA·
`ln,nate,ly adv
`in,ner \'i-n:ir\ adj 1 : situated farther in (the,..._, bark) 2
`: near a center esp. of influence (the ,...,_, circle) 3 : of or
`relating to the mind or spirit <an ,..._, voice) 4 : being a
`usu. repressed part of one·s psychological makeup (the
`,...._, child)
`inner city n : the usu. older, poorer, and more densely
`lnner-<:ity adj
`populated section of a city -
`ln,ner-di,rect,ed \.i•n;)r-d:i-'rek-t;)d, -(,)di-\ adj : directed
`in thought and action by one's own scale of values as op(cid:173)
`posed to external norms
`inner ear n : the part of the ear that is most important for
`hearing, is located in a cavity in the temporal bone and
`C?~tai~s sense organs of hearing and of awareness ~f po(cid:173)
`s1t1on m space::
`in,ner,most \'i•n;)r-,most\ aqj : farthest inward : INMOST
`ln,ner,sole \'i-n:>r-'s61\ n : INSOLE
`in,ner,spring \'i-n:ir-'spril)\ aqj : having coil springs inside
`a padded casing <an ,...., mattress)
`inner tube n : an airtight rubber tube inside a tire to hold
`air under pressure
`ln.nlng \'i-nil)\ n 1 sing or pl : a division of a cricket
`match 2 : a baseball team's turn at bat; also : a division
`of a baseball game consisting of a turn at bat for each
`lnn, \'in-'ke-p:ir\ n 1 : a proprietor of an inn 2
`: a hotel manager
`ln-no,cence \'i·D;)•S::>ns\ n 1 : BLAMELESSNESS; also
`: freedom from legal guilt 2 ; GUILELESSNESS, SIMPUCI·
`in,no,cent \-S;)nt\ adj [ME, fr. AF, fr. L innocens, fr. no(cid:173)
`cens wicked, fr. nocere to harm) 1 : free from guilt or sin
`: BLAMELESS 2 : harmless in effect or intention; also
`: CANDID (an ,_. remark) 3 : free from legal guilt or
`cent n -
`in,no,cent,ly adv
`in,noc.u,ous \i-'na-ky:,-w~s\ adj 1 : HARMLESS 2 : not
`offensive; alvo : INSIPID <--- jokes)
`in,nom,i,nate \i-'na-md·n:>t\ adj : having no name; also
`Jn-hered; ln,her-lng : to be inherent
`\in-'hlf\ vb nt -'her•\ ad.i : established as an essen-
`111·h8~~ent \ifl•'hl~-~i;g : INTRINSIC (risks ,_ in the ven-
`10·!18 sJ1 of s0111 nt,IY adv
`ital P __ 1n,ner,e t\ vb 1 : to receive esp. from one's an-
` \irt•'tier·:ceive by genetic transmission -
`111·11e0r5 2 : to rl\ ad.i _
`in,her,1,tance \•;}•t;1ns\ n -
`cest te ,.;)-t;,•b:i
`8:i.tor \-:i•t~~~~\ vb 1 : PROHlBIT, FORBID 2 : to hold
`ll~ft,•it \in•'h1
`ln,hib,i,tor \-b;}-t:.1r\ n -
`• 'fRAIN -
`111'" ,. ck : R6S •
`tor-e\ a
`In c,,e
`to•l'Y \b:i·,
`·n-h~·'bi-sh;m\ n
`1~.hi•l>l•~0 ~ :'~ u~u. inner check on free activity, expres-
`S'fp.AIN functio1ung
`. t·
`. .
`. \ d).
`: e~1s, ongmatmg, or
`sion, or \'in-,haus, -'haus a
`'thin a group or orga01zat1on
`· don wt
`I k'

`• .. \ dj 1
`: ac mg pity,
`\( )in-'hyu-m:m, - yu• a
`10.11u,man / mercy : SAVAGE (an ,...._, tyrant) 2 : COLD,
`1d11dness, 0 L 3 : not worthy of or conforming to the
`1~1pSRS~~~an beings (,...._, living conditions) 4 : of or
`needS ~ a nonhuman class of beings -
`. ,hl.l•man,ness n
`in e \ in-hyil-'man, -yu-\ ad) : not humane : INHU·
`(ldV -
`~/\N 1 an,i,ty \-'ma-n;)-te\ n, pl -ties 1 : the quality or
`ln•hu•mf being cruel or barbarous 2 : a cruel or barbarous
`state o
`act I al \i-'ni-mi•k;)l\ adj 1 : being adverse often by
`ln•llfl• .c of hostility (forces ,...._, to change) 2 : HOSTILE,
`in•i!"•i•Cal,ly adv
`reason BNDLY <,.._, factions) -
`ta ble \(,)i-'ni-m~t~·b;)I\ ad) : not capable of being
`10,m• · •
`f AF ·
`l ti

`[ME · ·
`,I ,ul,ty \i-'ni-kw;):te n, P : ~s
`zmqulle, r.
`1~ \ e fr. L iniquitas, fr. zmquus uneven, fr. aequus
`~:~ad 1 : w!CK.EDNESS 2 : a wicked act -
`tous \•t:is\ adj
`linlotlal \i•'ni-shal\ adj 1 : . of or relati~g to the beg~nn!ng
`: INCIPIENT <mY ,._. reaction) 2 ; bemg at the beginning
`_ ini,tlal,ly adv
`zinilial n : the first letter of a word or name
`sfnltial vb -t!aled or -tialled; -tial,ing or -tial,llng : to affix
`an initial to
`11n!,tl,ate \i-'ni-she-,at\ vb -at,ed; 1 : START,
`BEGIN 2 : to induct into membership by or as if by spe(cid:173)
`cial ceremonies 3 : to instruct in the rudiments or prin(cid:173)
`lnl,tl,a,tlon \-,ni-she-'a-shan\ n
`ciples of something -
`21nt,tiate \i-'ni-she~t\ n 1 : a person who is undergoing or
`has passed an initiation 2 : a person who is instructed or
`adept in some special field
`lni,tla-tlve \i·'ni-sha-tiv\ n 1 : an introductory step 2
`: self-reliant enterprise (showed great,_) 3 : a process
`by which laws may be introduced or enacted directly by
`vote of the people
`lni,tia,to.ry \i-'ni-she-a-,tor-e\ aqj 1 : INTRODUCTORY 2
`: tending or serving to initiate ( - rites)
`ln,ject \in-'Jekt\ vb 1 : to force into something<-- serum
`with a needle) 2 : to introduce as an element into some
`situation or subject <,....., a note of suspicion) -
`tion \-'jek-sh:m\ n
`ln,Junc,tion \in-'j;)l)k-Sh;)n\ n 1 : ORDER, ADMONITION
`2: a court writ whereby one is required to do or to re(cid:173)
`frain from doing a specified act
`ln,jure \'in-j~r\ vb ln,jured; ln,jur,lng 1 : WRONG 2 : to
`damage or hurt esp. physically • Synonyms HARM, IM·
`in,ju,ry \ 'in•J~-re\ n , pl -rles 1 : an act that damages or
`u~ : WRONG 2 : hurt, damage, or loss sustained -
`u,n,o~s \in-'Jur-e-;>S\ adj
`ln:Jus,t1ce \(,)ln-'j;:,s-t;}S\ n 1 : violation of a person's
`. nghts : UNFAIRNESS 2 · an unjust act or deed · WRONG
`1ink \Ii k\
`n [ME enke, fr. AF encre, enke, fr. LL encaus-
`et·. f:· L encaustus burned in, fr. Gk enkaustos, fr.
`i kaie~~ to bum in] : a usu. liquid and colored material
`inky adj
`i1nr WTitmg and Printing -
`1 vb : to put ink on; esp : SIGN
`~~~l~t test \'iIJk-._blat-\ n : any of several psychological
`lnk,horased 0_n the mterpretation of irregular figures
`n \-,horn\ n : a small bottle (as of horn) for holding
`other th~'??'-__ nd\ ad) : consisting of something (as goods)
`Ex. 1044
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`peradventure • period
`the year<- streams) 2 : contlnufna to live from year to
`Y~r <- plants) 3 : recurring reaularly : PERMANENT
`< problems> ♦ Synonyms LASTING, PERJ>BTUAL, BN-
`2 DURJNO, EVERLASTING - pe-ren,nl-al,ly adv
`perennial n : a perennial plant
`pert abbr 1 perfect 2 perforated
`1Per,fect \'p~r-fikt\ adj 1 : being without fault or defect
`2 : EXACT, PRECISE 3 : COMPLETE 4 : relating to or
`being a verb tense that expresses an action or state com(cid:173)
`pleted at the time of speaking or at a time spoken of -
`per, adv - per,fect,ness n
`2per,fect \p::>r•'fekt\ vb : to make perfect
`3per,fect \'p:>r-fikt\ n : the perfect tense· also : a verb form
`per,fect.ible \p:>r-'fek-t:>-bal, 'p:>r-fik-\ a4} : capable of im(cid:173)
`provement or perfection - per,fect.Jbll-1,ty \p:>r-.fek-t:>(cid:173)
`'bi-1:>-te, ,p:>r-fik-\ n
`per:fec,tion \p;)r-'fek-sh:>n\ n 1 : the quality or state of
`bemg perfect 2 : the highest degree of excellence 3 : the
`act or process of perfecting
`per.fec,tlon-ist \-sha-nist\ n : a person who will not accept
`or be content with anything less than perfection
`per,fec,to \p:>r-'fek-to\ n, pl -tos : a cigar that is thick in
`the middle and tapers almost to a point at each end
`per,fi,dy \'p:>r-fa-de\ n, pl -dies [L perfidia, fr. perjidus
`faithless, fr.per- detrimental to+ fides faith): violation of
`faith or loyalty : TREACHERY - per,fid,i,ous \par-'fi-de(cid:173)
`:>s\ aqj - per,fid-i,ous-ly adv
`per,fo,rate \'p:>r-fo-,riit\ vb -rat,ed; -rat,ing : to bore
`through : PJERCB; esp : to make a line of holes in to facil(cid:173)
`itate separation -,ra,tion \,p:>r-fa-'ra-sh:>n\ n
`per.force \p:>r-'fors\ adv : of necessity (we attended ,.._,>
`per.form \p:>r-'form\ vb 1 : FULFILL 2 : CARRY OUT,
`DO 3 : FUNCTION 4 : to do in a set manner 5 : to give
`a performance - per,form,er n
`per,for,mance \par-'f6r-,m:>ns\ n 1 : the act or process of
`performing 2 : DEED, PEAT 3 : a public presentation
`1per,fume \p:>r-'fyilm, 'p:>r-,fyilm\ n 1 : a usu. pleasant
`odor : FRAGRANCE 2 : a preparation used for scenting
`2per.fume \p:>r-'fyilm, 'p:>r-,fyilm\ vb per.fumed; per-fum(cid:173)
`ing: SCENT
`per,fum,ery \,p:>r-'fyu-ma-re\ n, pl -er,les 1 : the art or
`process of making perfume 2 : PERFUMES 3 : an estab(cid:173)
`lishment where perfumes are made
`per,func-to,ry \par-'fol)k-t:;i-re\ adj : done merely as a
`duty - per,func-to,ri-ly adv
`per,go,la \'par-g:>-fo\ n [It] : a structure consisting of posts
`supporting an open roof in the form of a trellis
`perh abbr perhaps
`per-haps \p:>r-'haps\ adv : possibly but not certainly
`per,l,gee \'per-::>-Je\ n [MF, fr. NL perigeum, fr. Gk
`perigeion, fr. peri around, near + ge earth] : the point at
`which an orbiting object is nearest the body (as the earth) ·
`being orbited
`,p11rsdv~i,u-late \p: foot _ per,am,bu,la,tlon \-,ram-by:>(cid:173)
`1 . ooUBT 2 : CHANCE 4
`·•ram-by:>-,liit\ vb -lat,ed; -lat,lng : to
`01ure 11
`per,srf'I ver esP• 0
`,rttvf ~\ 11
`\pa-'ram-by:>-,lii-t:>r\ n, chiefly Brit : a
`•Ja-s •~.i,u,Ja•tor
`r-'a-nam\ adv (ML] : in or for each year
`l)!lbY ,,urn \(,)p:>
`'ka"I •par-,; (,)p:>r-'kal\ n : a fine woven
`. ,.,,,,
`\( )p:ir-
`. r,cale
`~ 1100 cloth \(,)p:>r-'ka-p:>-t:>\ adv or a4} (ML, by heads]
`r caP·1·ta , h person
`P_8by or for ea~'sev\ vb per,ceived; per,ceiv,ing 1 : to at(cid:173)
`.:er.celve \par 5
`• REALIZE 2 : to become aware of
`0 awarenesns~s _ per,ceiv,able a4}
`uirough the 5-~sent\ adv [per + L centum hundred] : in
`Cent \p:ir
`each hull r1 percent or percents 1 : one part in a hun-
`d d
`ipercent n, p oREDTH 2 : PERCENTAGE
`<ired : 1:1tJN
`\ :>r-'sen-tij\ n 1 : a part of a whole ex(cid:173)
`per-cent,_ag:utdredths 2 : the result obtained by multi(cid:173)
`pr~sed !Dumber by a percent 3 : ADVANTAGE, PROFIT 4
`plying an JLITY' also : favorable odds
`: pROB~e poi~t n : one hundredth of a whole (rates rose
`percen a ntagepoint from 6.5 to 7.5 percent)
`oneper~fie \p:>r-'sen-,ti(-:>)l\ n : a value on a scale of one
`per.cend indicating the standing of a score or grade in
`huodfef the percentage of scores or grades falling with or
`terms o
`belOW it
`r,cept \'par-,sept\ n : an 1mpress1on o an o 1ect o -
`pe·ned by use of the senses
`ta; cep,tl,ble \par-'sep-t::>-b:>I\ adj : capable of being per(cid:173)
`~elved (a barely,_, light) - per,cep,ti-bly \-ble\ adv
`per,cep.tlon \p;ir-'sep-sh:>n\ n 1,: an a~t or result of per(cid:173)
`ceiving 2 : awareness o~ _ones env1ronment through
`physical sensation 3 : ab1hty to understand : INSIGHT,
`per-cep-tive \par-'sep-tiv\ adj : capable of or exhibiting
`keen perception : OBSERVANT - per,cep,tive,ly adv
`per,cep,tu-al \p;,r-'sep-ch:>-w:>l\ a4} : of, relating to, or in(cid:173)
`volving sensory stimulus as opposed to abstract concept
`- per-cep,tu,al,ly adv
`1perch \'parch\ n 1 : a roost for a bird 2 : a high station
`or vantage point
`2perch vb : ROOST
`3perch n, pl perch or perch,es : either of two small fresh(cid:173)
`water bony fishes used for food; also : any of various fish(cid:173)
`es resembling or related to these
`per.chance \p;ir-'chans\ adv : PERHAPS
`1>:r-cip,l,ent \p;ir-1si-pe-wt\ adj : capable of or character(cid:173)
`ized by perception - per,clp,i,ence \-:>ns\ n
`per,co,late \'p;,r-k:;i-,lat\ vb -lat,ed; -lat,ing 1 : to trickle
`or filter through a permeable substance 2 : to filter hot
`water through to extract the essence <,.._, coffee) - per(cid:173)
`co,!a,tor \-,la-t:>r\ n
`per con,tra \(,)p.,r-'kiin-tra\ adv (It, by the opposite side
`f~~e ledger)) 1 : on the contrary 2 : by way of con-
`i:r-~us.slon \p:>r-'k:l-sh:>n\ n 1 : a sharp blow : IMPACT;
`pl~ a ilow UPOn a cap (percussion cap) designed to ex(cid:173)
`of a e t e. cha~ge in a firearm 2 : the beating or striking
`strik'musical ~nstrument; also : instruments sounded by
`per dk!g, shak~~ or scraping
`diem,.~ \p:>r- de-:>m, -'cli-\ adv [ML) : by the day - per
`Per,dl,tlon \
`' .
`P:>r- d1-sh:>n\ n 1 : eternal damnation 2
`: l!i!LL
`Per,du,ra bl \(
`!)J?::>r-'dur::>-b:>l, .-'dyur-\ adj_ : very durable
`- Per,d~. e
`~~·~11·••ty \-.dur-.J-1b1-l:>-te, -,dyur-\ n
`about es
`tion \,per-:>-gr;)•'na-sh.Jn\ n : a traveling
`Per,e,grli~ ~n foot
`cosm0Polit alcon \'per-:>-gr;m, -gren\ n : a swift nearly
`Used in fal an falcon that often nests in cities and is often
`Pe,ren,p,t conry
`0;? \pa-'remp-t:>-re\ adj 1 : barring a right of
`~lion or
`· IMPEJlA~ay 2 : expressive of urgency or command
`: Synonym! 3 : marked by arrogant self-assurance
`e,ren,n1.81 \p;7 Pe•!emp,t~-rl,ly \-t~r~-le\ adv
`re-ne-;il\ aqj 1 : present at all seasons of
`perigee: P perigee, A apogee
`perl,he,llon \,per-:>-'hel-y;in\ n, pl -he,lla \-'hel-y:>\ : the
`point in the path of a celestial body (as a planet) that is
`nearest to the sun
`per,11 \'per-:>!\ n : DANGER; also : a source of danger : RISK
`_ per,11-ous a4i - per,il,ous,ly adv
`pe,rlm,e,ter \p:>-'ri-1?:>-t:>r\ n 1 : the ?oundary of a closed
`plane figure; also : its length 2 : a lme bounding or pro-
`tecting an area
`peri,na,tal \,per-:>-'nii-t I\ aqj : occurnn~ m, co~cerned
`with, or being in the penod around the time of birth (,-..,
`. d
`[ I ·
`f Gk
`. J
`1pe-rl,od \'pir-e-oo\ n u tim. r.
`penouos c1rcu1 , peno
`Ex. 1044
`Page 5 of 6


`period • persiflage
`of lime, rhetorical period, fr. p eri around+ hodos way} 1
`: SE NTENCE; also : the full pause closing the utterance of
`a entence 2 : E ND, STOP 3 : a punctuation mark . used
`esp. to mark the end of a declarative sentence or an ab(cid:173)
`breviation 4 : an extent of time; esp : one regarded as a
`stage or division in a process or development 5 : a por(cid:173)
`tion of time in which a recurring phenomenon completes
`one cycle and is ready to begin again 6 : a single cyclic
`occurrence of menstruation
`2perlod aqj : of or relating to a particular historical period
`<......, furniture)
`pe.ri-od,lc \,plr-e-'a-dik\ aqj 1 : occurring at regular in(cid:173)
`tervals of time 2 : happening repeatedly 3 : of or re~at(cid:173)
`ing to a sentence that has no trailing elements following
`full grammatical statement of the essential idea
`1pe-rl,od-l,cal \,pir-e-'a-di-kal\ aaj 1 : PERIODIC 2 : pub(cid:173)
`lished at regular intervals 3 : of or relating to a periodi(cid:173)
`cal - pe,rl,od•l•cal,ly \-k(a-)le\ adv
`2periodlcaf n : a periodical publication
`periodic table n : an arrangement of chemical elements
`based on their atomic structure and on their properties
`perl,odon,tal \,per-e-6-'dan-t"l\ aqj 1 : surrounding a
`tooth 2 : of or affecting periodontal tissues or regions
`per,l,pa.tet-lc \,per-a-pa-'te-tik\ aqj : performed or per(cid:173)
`forming while moving about : ITINERANT
`pe.riph,er-al \pa-'ri-far-al\ n : a device connected to a
`computer to provide communication or auxiliary func(cid:173)
`peripheral nervous system n : the part of the nervous
`system that is outside the central nervous system and
`comprises the spinal nerves, the cranial nerves except the
`one supplying the retina, and the autonomic nervous sys(cid:173)
`pe,rlph.ery \pa-'ri-fo-re\ n, pl -er-ies 1 : the boundary of
`a rounded figure 2 : outward bounds : border area -
`pe,rlph-er-al \-fa-r:,I\ aqj
`pe,riph-ra,sls \pa-'ri-frn-sas\ n, pl -ra,ses \-,sez\ : CIR(cid:173)
`perl,scope \'per-:,-,skop\ n : a tubular optical instrument
`enabling an observer to see an otherwise blocked field of
`per,lsh \'per-ish\ vb : to become destroyed or ruined
`; cease to exist
`per.fsh-able \'per-i-sha-bal\ aqj; easily spoiled{"-' foods)
`- perishable n
`peri-staJ.sis \,per-::>-'st61-sas, -'stal-\ n, pl -stal-ses : waves
`of contraction passing along the walls of a hollow muscu(cid:173)
`lar organ (as the intestine) and forcing its contents on(cid:173)
`ward - per-I-stal,tlc \-'stol-tik, -'stal-\ a<Q
` \'per-a-,stil\ n: a row of columns surrounding a
`building or court
`,ne,um \,per-:>-t:>-'ne-c?m\ n, pl -ne-ums or -nea
`: the smooth transparent serous membrane that lines the
`cavity of the abdomen -,al \-'ne-al\ aqj
`peri-to,nl,tls \,per-c?-tc?-'ni-tas\ n
`inflammation of the
`peri-wlg \'per-i-,wig\ n : WIG
`1per-i-win-kle \'per-i-,wil)-kal\ n : a usu .. blue-flowered
`creeping plant cultivated as a ground cover
`2perlwinkle n : any of various small edible seashore snails
`per,ju-ry \'par-ja-re\ n : the voluntary violation of an oath
`to tell the truth : lying under oath - per.Jure \'par-jar\
`vb - per,jur,er n
`1perk \'park\ vb 1 : to thrust (as the head) up impudently
`or jauntily 2 : to regain vigor or spirit 3 : to make trim
`or brisk : FRESHBN - perky aqj
`2perk vb : PBRCOLATE
`3perk n : PERQUISITE -
`usu. used in pl.
`per,llte \'p:,r-,lit\ n : volcanic glass that when expanded by
`heat forms a lightweight material used esp. in concrete
`and plaster and for potting plants
`1perm \ 1p:,rrn\ n; PERMANENT
`2perm vb : to give (hair) a permanent
`3perm abbr permanent
`per-ma.frost \'p:>r-m:>-,frost\ n : a permanently frozen
`layer below the surface in frigid regions of a planet
`1per,ma,nent \'par-ma-nant\ aqj: LASTING, STABLE- per(cid:173)
`ma-nence \•n;)ns\ n -
`per,ma,nen,cy \-nan-se\ n _
`per,ma-nent-ly adv
`2permanent n : a long-lasting hair wave or straightening
`permanent press n : the process of treating fabrics with
`order of an ordered set of objects + Syno~ ch~:
`chemicals (as resin) and heat for s
`etuna the •ba
`aiding wrinkle resistance
`per,me,able \'par-me-a-bat\ aqj • h
`that permit liq1!ids o_r gases to se;p t~ving ' lllaJJ
`bll•i•tY \,par-me-:,-1b1-la-te\ n
`rou&h ......_ O!lt,.._
`per-me,ate \'p:,r-me-,at\ vb -at.ed; _
`2 : to seep through the pores of . Pe t,lng 1 .
`· N~'l°E .:._, 91!-y>.tlt
`ation \,par-me-'a•shan\ n
`Perm-ian \'p:,r-me-;m\ aqj : of, relatin
`est period of the Paleozoic era_ Pe~ to, or bein
`per-mis,sI-ble \p:,r-1mi-s3-b:,l\ adj: th rnlan n &tbt~
`at lllay be
`per-mis,sion \par-'mi-shan\ n : format
`consent: A
`per,mis,sive \p;ir,'mi-siv\ aqj : grant'
` ad~n~T1uiSSi0ti;
`Per,rnta. qi
`ness n
` \par-'mit\ vb; per.n,
`ng 1 : to
`sent to : ALLOW 2 : to make possible
`2per-mit \'par-,mit, p:,r-'mit\ n : a Written
`penntssion . lJ.
`per,mu-ta,tion \,p:,r-myu-'ta-sh:,n\ n 1 . a

`damental change 2 : the act or proces~
`InaJor or 1
`per-ni,cious _\r;>ar-'ni-sh;is\ adj [ME, fr. AF, fr
`sus, fr. pem1c1es destruction, fr. per- throu h. Lpen,icio.
`violent death) : very destructive or injuni + l'lec-, ll(i
`per.ora.tion \'per-.i-,ra-shan, 'p:,r-\ n : the con 1
`of a speech
`c UdingPart
`1per-ox0 ide \p;i-'riik-,sid\ n : an oxide COntaiJtin
`proportion of oxygen; esp : HYDROGEN PllR0XI g a b1Jt
`2peroxide vb -id-ed; : to bleach With hydrDE
`perp abbr 1 perpendicular 2 perpetrator ·
`per-r;>en-dic,u-lar \,p:,r-pan-'di-kya-lar\ a4j 1 : stan,i; ••
`a_t nght angle~ to the plane of the horizon 2 : fo ""'.'""I
`nght angle ~1th each other or with a given line 0~
`per,pen.dic.u,lar.i,ty \·,di-k)?.
`perpendicular n -
`'la-ra-te\ n - adv
`,trate ~•par-pa-,trat\ vb -trat.ecl; -trat,ing: IOCU!J
`,tion \Jnr-p>
`ou! (as a cnme) : COMMIT -
`'tra-sh:,n\ n - \'p;>r-p:,-,tra-tar\ n

`per,pet,u,al \par-'pe-ch;:i-wal\ ·aqj 1 : continuing fortl't!
`: EVERLASTING 2 : occurring continually : CONSTM'!
`<......, annoyance) • Synonyms CEASELESS, UNCEASl!iG.
`per,pet,U,al,Jy adv
`,ate \p:,r-'pe-cha-,wat\ vb -at.ed; -at.Ing: lo
`make perpetual : cause to last indefinitely -
`lion \-,pe-ch;:>-'wa•shan\ n
`per-pe.tu,l.ty \,par-p:,-'tii-a-te, -•tyu-\ n, p/-ties 1: BTEJ.·
`NITY I 2 : the quality or state of being perpetual
`per,plex \p:,r-'pleks\ vb : to disturb mentally; esp : CO.\'
`FUSE - per.plex,i-ty \-'plek-sa-te\ n
`per,plexed \-'plekst\ a<Q 1 : filled with uncertaill!Y: ':
`ZLED 2 : full of difficulty : COMPLICATED -per,pleX
`ly \-'plek-s:,d-le\ adv
`per, \ 'par-kwa-z;;it\ n ; a privilege or profit be
`regular pay
`pers abbr person;· personal
`1per se \(,)p;;ir-'sa\ adv [L] : by, of, or in itself, as SU inattl!
`2per se aqj : being such inherently, clearly, or as a
`of law
`~er-se,cute \ 'par-si-,kyiit\ vb -cut,e~; ~~; eJP : io
`m such a way as to injure or affhct ·
`pe . hrii-tii1
`cause to suffer because of belief -
`\ 'p:>f•Sl•1~1• ~~
`\,p:,r-si.-'kyii.-shan\ n -
`. to JP-:
`per,se.vere \,par-s:>-'vir\ vb -vered; _-v:t! ·_
`(as in an undertaking) in spite of diffi
`. abJtanl oflt
`ver.ance \-'vir-:,ns\ n
`Per,slan \'par-zh;;in\ n 1 : a native or ~p1esofp]Ol-

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