`, ·,
`Fourth Edition

`·. · ·

`· ·. · _
`Michael Agnes
`David B. Guralnik
`Petitioners Lenovo Holding Co., Inc., Lenovo (United States) Inc.
`and Motorola Mobility LLC - Ex. 1016, p. Cover-1


`Webster's New World™ College Dictionary, Fourth Edition
`Copyright© 2001, 2000, 1999 by IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
`This edition is a major revision of Webster's New World?' College Dictionary,
`Third Edition, copyright© 1997, 1996, 1994, 1991, 1988 by IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
`All rights reserved
`including the right of reproduction
`in whole or in partin any form
`IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
`An International Data Group Company
`919 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Suite 400
`Foster City, CA 94404
`A Webster's New Woricl™ Book
`WEBSTER'S NEW WORLD is a trademark of IDG BO!)ks Worldwide, Inc.
`Dictionary Editorial Offices:
`New World DictionarieEJ
`850 Euclid Avenue
`Cleveland, OH 44114
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication·Data
`Webster's New World college dictionary/ Michael Agnes, editor in chief. - 4th ed.
`p. cm.
`ISBN 0-02-863118-&(thµ.ml>-indexed). -
`ISBN 0-02-863119-6 (plain).
`ISBN 0-02-863120-X (leatherkraft). -
`ISBN 0-02-863471-3 (deluxe).
`1. English language-Dictionaries. I. Agnes, Michael.
`PE1628.W5629 2000
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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`Petitioners Lenovo Holding Co., Inc., Lenovo (United States) Inc.
`and Motorola Mobility LLC - Ex. 1016, p. Cover-2


`726 bark formerly used in rope making by the Indiana 2 If ~
`£IQ> <ae.i..
`Indexation I indict
`lndlan llcorlce JEQUIRITY (sense 2J
`th f rmula expressing this relation /era-
`Indian m_allow a tall weed <Abutilon tlu!ophraati) of
`nialei~8J:1 b)~onU:~; us:d C:.O measure change in pri_ce~, wages,
`family, with smell, yellow flowers end large, heart-1ha the ~
`em lo
`roduction etc.: it shows percenta_ge venation from
`an p arfutrary ~tandard 'usually 100, representmi the stat ue. 8
`Ped, •elvety
`• ~ El::i'ONENJ 11lndlan meal meol made from corn !maize); cornmeal
`some earlier time (in full Index number) 6 Mat
`lndlan Ocean <!Coon south of A81ot between Africa & A
`(sense 3) bl a subscript cl.iw in~r or ~~bol P a~
`':.. vel~~
`to the left of a radical [ ~ 8, .zy''Y,/ 7 Printing 8 ~•IIJ1ex of'!r fo~
`u.trali(cid:127) ;
`28 360,600 sq ,ni (73,427,61 I sq km1
`attention to something; fist -vt. 1 a )~ make 0:bindex 2 to be 111ndlan paintbrush ony of, o ler"e irenus CCa,tilk)a ) of
`the flgwort family, with br1lliently colored orange or ~J1;"t(cid:127) flf
`b) to include in an index c ) to supplydj~it~ ( th~ 8 interest rates
`.w.~ _'._ln'•dtX'tr n. _'.
`an index, or sign, of; indicate. 3 to 8 us
`end red or yellow upper leaves
`etc.) automatically to ch~s m the cost of IIVI · g
`111ndlan pipe a lcofless, fleshy, white, H prophytic plant (M
`ln•dex'l•cal adj.
`f . d
`'flora) of the heath fomlly, native to the fore,ta of th ~'IOI~
`8 ,1 fl~
`ln•dexa•tlon (in'dek sA'shen) n. the practice O m exmg wages, H~'misphere: ita unbranched, erect etalk1 each bear
`n e, llOd,
`interest rates, etc.
`. h
`scd in
`ding, white flower
`* lndlan pudding e cornmeal pudding made with milk mo•••-!
`Index card a small card1 ofte!;,1 3 me~ by ~!"~:s, u
`preparing en index or cara file, ,or reco ng no
`, •
`· , [ModL
`eks;.e!'8 f°"~t toth:t ~~~ Rome~
`Indian red 1 e yell~wish-red _ocher, orig. ,from an illand .
`ln•dex Ex•p~r-ga•to•,tus ~in'1d
`expurgatory mdexJ [Histonca a 18 0
`, In !be
`·an Gulf used m early times as a yi,ment "2
`n=~~e iron oxide used by ~forth ~erican Indian, Ila. ~hPUrt
`Catholic Church forbadde its me%1>r~thto r!~ral~n:es:e d~leted
`passages condemned as engerous
`paint, and by early ~encan_pam_ters
`* Indian sign a hex or JlllX: chiefly m the phraae have (or PIil) the
`l~d:C~er the finger next to the thumb; forefinger
`Index fossil. any fossil j tde iftaph:{~ ~s~tu~~!:1!id 1~"31':~
`~ttC: and Agencl_es [His~~cal) ~e group of P8rtl
`corre 8
`short r~ m 11,me,.1us
`independent states and agenCJes of Bntish India
`ihre8r'u ,or Dallle
`compute 8 ~cular stock-market index, thus tying its perform- ~ ! t s1 of ift.!1 a u~ 2 'the~itl pe~od,e:S 0'ta :e~ ~
`their assOC1ated 10581 s
`r [INDIAN _,,, 2 + SUMMER'·
`f mi.Id.,
`index fund a mutual fund that invests in the stocks used to * 'n Ian summe 'od
`arded 88 tranquil, serene, etc.
`ance to that mdex , .
`Territory [Historical) territory (1834-90) of th S
`ln•dexl•cal-(in dek s1 kal) Logic, Lmgur.s. n. a word or exp~sds10~
`f Oklah e U.S.,
`whose reference may vary from speaker to speaker: some m en-
`n an
`1 .
`cals are "I" "this• "now," and "here" -ad/. of, having to do with, or
`reserved for Amenn~an peop es. now a pert o
`. 0111a
`* Indian tobacco a potSonous annual pl_ant ~bel!4 tn/lata) of the
`serving ~ an indexical -ln•dex'l•cal'•lty n.
`/n•dex U •bro•rum Pro•hlbl•to•f1!'!' (in'deks' le _brii'~m• ~ro
`!>9llftower f~Y. coDUl:'on over the E U.S., with light-blue flowers
`hib'e to'rOi!lm') [ModL, index of prohibited books) [Histoncal) a list m slender spikes, ~d ~eted ~ .
`of books that the Roman Cath(!liC Church forbade its meml,>ers to * Indian turnip the Jack-m-the-p~p1t o_r its root
`read (except by special permission) because the books were Judged * Indian wrestling 1 a contest m v.:hich two _persons grasp eacli
`other's hand, witli their elbows resting on a fta~ surface: the one
`to be dangerous to faith or morals
`index of refraction the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence who forces the other's arm do:wn to the surfac~ WUl8 2 a contest in
`to the sine of the angle of refraction for a ray of light crossing from which two persons, each _plaong a foot alongside the other's corn(cid:173)
`sponding foot and graspmg a hand of the other, try to forte eacli
`one medium into another
`ln•dia (in'de a) (L < Gr < Indos, the Indus < OPers Hir,4it, Inc!ia:
`other off balance
`India paper (after INDIA m. generalized sense "Far East1 1 a
`see HINDU) 1 region in S Asia, south of the Himalayas mcludin_g
`a large peninsula between the Arabian Sea & the Bay of Bengal: 1t
`thin, absorbent paper made m China and Japan from _vegetable
`fiber, used in taking proofs ,fro_m en~aved ~Ia+es 2. a thin, st:rone,
`contains the republic of India, Pakistan, Bangl~desh,. Nepal, &
`Bhutan 2 republic in the central & S Pe.rt of this region: e~ta!J-
`opaque P.aper used for pnntmg Bibles, dictionanes, etc.: often
`lished by the British Parliament (1947), 1t became a republic m
`called Bible paper
`India (or indla) rubber crude, natural rubber obtained from
`1950: member of the Commonwealth: 1,222,243 sq mi (3,165,596
`latex; caoutchouc -ln'dla·rub'ber adj.
`sq km); pop. 846,303,000; cap. New Delhi: see also JAMMU AND
`indic abbreo. 1 indicative 2 indicator

`India ink 1 a black pigment, as of specially prepereddlamdripedbl~ck,
`ln•dlc (in'dik) ad/. (L Indicus < Gr Indikos) 1 of India; ,Indian 2
`INDo-ARYAN -n. IND<>-ARYAN (sense 1)
`or carbon black, mixed with a gelatinous substance an .
`. ~to
`cakes or sticks 2 a liquid ink made from this, used lll wnting,
`ln•di•can (in'di kan') n. (< L indicum, INDIGO+ -AN) 1 a glucoside,
`C1Jl17NO6 , found in a natural state in the indigo plant: it is coo-
`drawing, etc.
`lndia•man (in'de a man) ~;b:l, -men (see MAN, n. 10) a largde
`verted by water and oxygen into indigo 2 an indigo-forming sub-
`CsHaN:OSO2OH, the potassium salt of which is present in
`merchant ship formerly s · · g regularly between England an
`animat urine
`ln•dl•cant (in'di kant) ad/. (L indicans) indicating; pointing out-
`ln•dian (in'de an) ad/. (LL Indianlis < L India) 1 ~) ·of Indi~ or its
`n. something that indicates or points out
`peoples, languages, or cultures b) of the East _Indies or their peo-
`, •
`pies or cultures 2 of American Indians or ,their language~ or cul-
`ln·di•cate (in'di kat') vt. -•cat'ed, -•cat'•lng (< L indicatus, pp. of
`tures; Native American 3 of a type used or made by In~~ ~ indicare to indicate show < in• in to + dicare· to point out,
`declare: ~ee DICTIONJ' 1 to direct atter{tion to; point to or point out;
`made of maize, or Indian com -n. 1 a· person h?m' or Ii~ m
`show 2 to be or give a sign, token, or indication of; signify; betoken
`India or the East Indies 2 AMERICAN INDIAN; Na~ve Am~ncan
`{fever indicates illness] 3 to show the need for; call for; ~
`popularly, any of the languages spoken by Amencan Indian peo-
`necessary [a fabric for which dry cleaning is indicated] 4 to pomt
`ln·di·ana (in'de an'a) [ModL, "land of the Indians") Midwestern
`to as the required treatment [bed rest is indicated] 5 to expres.,
`state of the U.S.: admitted, 1816; 35,870 sq mi (92,903 sq km); pop.
`briefly or generally [to indicate guidelines for action/
`in•dl•ca•tion (in'di ka'shan) n. (L indicatio) 1 the act of indicating
`5,544,000; cap. Indianapolis: abbrev. IN, In, or Ind
`2 something that indicates points out, or signifies; sign 3 8011!8'
`*Indian ·agent !Historical) in the U.S. or Canada, an official repre-
`thing that is indicated as necessary 4 the amount or degree regis-
`senting the government in dealings with native peoples, es on
`tered by an indicator
`in•dlca•tive (in dik'a tiv) adj. (Fr indicatif <Li~~~· 1
`l!"'·dl·a.nan(in'dean'an)adj.oflndiana-n. aperson"!Jomorliving
`[a look indicative of joy}: also ln•dlca•tory (in'di ka t6r'e, ~ ta:
`in Indiana; Hoosier Also ln'•dl•an'•lan (-iln'e an) '
`giving an indication suggestion or intimation; showing; " ' I I~
`ln•di•an:apo•lis (in'de a nap'a lis) [INDll\NA + G polis, city: see
`2 designating or of the mood of a verb used to identify ancf a d C'.
`POIJS) capital of Ind 1, in the central pert! pop. 742,000 (met. area,
`or occurrence as actual, or to ask a question of fact: . • S .
`, •
`TIVE, IMPERATIVE -n. 1 the indicative mood 2 a verb in thiS DI
`*Indian bread 1 bread made from· cornmeal 2 TUCKAHOE
`* •~~Ian clu,b :a !><>ttle-shaped club. of wood, metal etb. swung in the
`. di
`-:ln•dlc'a•tlve_ly a~.
`ln•c:11:ca•tor (m'di !tat'ar) n. 1 a pei:9on or. thing that. ~ cs that
`. ~d for ,et~~ !!
`specif., a) any deVIce, as a .~uge1 di_al, register, or p01ll t~ that
`* lnd1~n corn · ~ CORN' (sense 3) 2 [Informil.lJ 'any primitive com
`~easures or recon:J.s and. V1s1bly indicates b) ~ !!P~tion 2
`~~ ears with kjlmels of various colors, often used for decora-
`diagrams the varying flwd pressure of an engine. m O aJkalinit'
`tion ,in autumn:
`of 8 solution, th!l begtl_l.ruJlg or end of a che~cal rs 3-Ecol, a
`lnd!an Desert THAR DESERT
`any of v~ous substan~es _used to indicate the a~dity or ction, the
`lnd,an eleptiant pee ELEPHANT
`presence of certain substances, etc., by changes m co or urrenee
`ln•dl·cla (in dish'a, -e ~>°pi.%. ·sing. --clum (-am) (L, pl. of i~=
`Indian Empl e te ·

`• &
`dis I d . 1r947 rntones lll near India, un'der, British control:
`species of plant or animal, or 8 community, wh(!S!l OCC •st
`~o ve
`serves as evidence that certain environmental conditions exi
`*Indian file ~INGLE Fll..E: f~om the notion of Amerindian people's
`ln•dl•ces (in'di sez') n
`l of INDEX
`. •
`war of w!l1.king along a trail .
`a notice, information < in~ (~en. indicis): see INDEX) 1 ail or
`* lnd,i~n giver a pe~son who gives somet~g and ~hen asks for it
`teristic marks or tokens *2 pnnted designs or legends on JJlail to
`ba~. from ~he noti(!n th~t a ~(!rth Amenc!lll Ipdian exp~cted an
`eqwv~ent m re~~ when giymg s~mething: now regarded by on a mailing label, as for bulk mail or business reply DI
`m~y as an offenSive term .

`signify that postage has been paid
`* lnd1~n hemp 1 a pere~al Al?iencan Jll!lllt (Apocynum can-
`ln•dlct (in dit') vt. l[altered (inf!. by L) < ME enditen, t;<> wnte .d st +
`nabium) of the dogbane family, with a me cmal root and a tough
`accuse < Anglo-L indictare < LL *indictare < L rn, ag8]11
`Petitioners Lenovo Holding Co., Inc., Lenovo (United States) Inc.
`and Motorola Mobility LLC - Ex. 1016, p. 726


`MDT abbre11. Mountain Daylight Time
`MDII abbre11. Middle Dutch
`e (Ille) pron. ~ ~ 0~, akin to Ger mich, acc., mir1 dat. < IE base
`~me-:> L me, acc., mi(hi), dat.] objective form·ofl2 [help me; give me
`t}le 1,o0kl: al_so used 11:s a 6{edicate complement with a linking verb,
`sitJiough this usa_ge 1s o ~ected to by some [it's me]
`Me abbre11, 1 M~e 2 methyl
`ME abbrell, 1 Mame. 2 Master of Education: also M.E. 3 Mechani(cid:173)
`cal Engi.D,eer 4 M~cal Examiner 5 Methodist Episcopal 6 Mid(cid:173)
`dle English 7 Military Engineer 8 Mining Engineer 9 Most
`:~:i~a (mii.'a kul'pa) [LJ (by) my fault; I am to blame
`eadl (med) n. [ME mede < OE meqdu, akin to·Ger met < IE base
`~,nedhu-, honey ::- S!111s miidhu, Gr methy, wine, Welsh medd,
`inesd) an al~oholic ~quor made of fermented honey and water,
`rten with spices, fruit, malt, etc. added
`~ead2 (med)·n. [ME mede < OE m.aid, MEADOW) [Oid Poet.) 11ar. of
`~7med), Margaret 1901-78; U.S. anthropologist
`Mead2 (med), Lake [aftei:; E . Mead (1858-1936),, U.S. engineer]
`Jake in SE Nev. & NW (',riz., formed oy Hoover Dam on the Colo(cid:173)
`rado River: c. 250 sq mi (647 sq km)
`Meade (med) 1 Georg, Gordo!'I 1815-72; Union general in the
`Civil War 2 James Edward 1907-95; Eng. economist
`meadow (med'o) n. lME medow < OE m.aidwe, oblique case of
`meed < Gmc *mredwa- < IE base *me-, to MOW1] 1 a piece of
`grassland, esp. one used as a pasture or whose grass is grown for
`use as hay 2 low, level grassland near a stream, lake, etc. -
`mead'•OWV adj.
`*meadow beauty any of a genus (Rhexia) of perennial North
`American plants of the melastome family, with pink or lavender
`flowers and large stamens
`meadow fescue a tufted perennial grass (Festuca pratensis) with
`narrow, lustrous leaves, used for hay meadows and lawns
`meadow•land (med'o land') n. land used as a meadow
`meadow•lark. (-lark'). n., pl. -•lar~s• or -•lark' any of a genus
`(Sturnell(!1 family Ictendae) of Amencan passerine birds; esp. any
`ohhe yeuow-breasted North American species (S. magn.a ~d S.
`neglecta) with a black, V-shaped collar
`*meadow Illy CANADA LILY
`meadow mouse FIELD MOUSE
`meadow mushroom a common edible mushroom {Agaricus
`campestris) with pinkish or brown gills, found in open, grassy
`meadow nematode any of a number of roundworms (genus
`Pratylenchus), parasitic on the roots of various plants '
`meadow rue any of a genus (Thalictrum) of perennial plants of
`tb'.e buttercup family, with leaves like those of rue
`meadow saffron coLCmCUM (sense 1)
`meadow,sweet (med'o swet') n. 1 an)' of several spireas; esp.,
`either of two common s~es (Spiraea alba and S. latifolia) 2 any
`of a genus (Filipendula) of plants of the rose family, with fragrant,
`white, pink, or purple flowers in clusters
`mea,ger (me'gar) ad/. [ME megre < OFr megre (Fr maigre) < L
`macer, lean, thin < IE *makro- < base *mak-, long and thin > Gr
`makros, long, OE mreger, meager) 1 thin; lean; emaciated' 2 of
`poor quality or small 'amount; not full or rich; maqequate Brit.,
`etc. sp. mea'•gre -mea'•gerly adv. -mea'•ger•ness n.
`SYN.-meager literally implies an emaciatedthinness .and,(cid:173)
`h_ence, connotes a lack of those qualities which give something i
`1 !1~ess, vigor, strength, etc. [meager cultural resour~esJ. scanty
`unplies an inadequacy in amount, number, quant1% etc. of
`' sometbin2 esaential fa scanty income]; -~cmt is applied. ,to a ;1
`I barely sufficient amount or a stinted quantity [the scant .attend-
`' bance ~t the con/l9rtli spare implies less than a. suffici_ent amount 1
`u~ does n.ot neC!!ssarily connote grea~ har~hip [to _live ~n spa_re
`f ra_tioiaj· ~p,rse a_P_Plies to a ·scantr quantity that 18 thinly dis(cid:173)
`trid bu~ over a wide area [his sparse hair] -ANT. ample, abun-
`ant, plentiful

`makine~l1 (mel) n. [ME ~le < OE =l, a measure, fixed time, meal,
`to Ger mal, time, mahl, meal < IE base •me-, t(! MEASURE) 1
`f1Y of the times, esp. the custo'inary times, for eatmg, as break(cid:173)
`ast, lunch, or dinner 2 the food served or eaten at such a time
`~eal2 (mel) n. [ME mele < OE melu, akin to Ger mehl < IE base
`mel-, to grind, soft :> MILL1] 1 any edible gi:ain, or the edible part
`~Y.~~. coarsely ground and unbolted [co,rnmeal] 2 any sub-
`ce similarly grounii or powdered
`(mel) [ME -mele < OE -mrelum < mrel, measure, time (see
`MEAL ) + ,adv. dat. -um] suffix forming ad11erbs by a (specified)
`:~unt done or used at one time: obs. except in inchmeal, piece-
`~~ (m~'le) n. [Afrik milje < Port ,mil~o., millet (in milho
`, lll8J.ze) < L miliurn MILLET] [South rur.] 1 CORN1 (sense
`Me UBually used in pl. 2 an ear of this
`to 3J: on Wheels an agency or service that _qelivers cooked meals
`on ~bled people and senior citizens in their homes: also meals'•
`*tn ·W eels' n.
`llleal ticket 1 a ticket entitling the holder to a specµied v~ue in
`tha~ at a Particular restaurant 2 [Slang] a person, Job, skill, etc.
`?ne depends on as one's means of suppo~
`"1 eal time (mel'tim') n. the usual time for servmg 'or eatmg a meal
`('.l~al•w~rm (-wwm') n. the wonnlike larva of any of a genus
`in:;ebno)_of darkling beetles, which destroys ~our, meal, etc.
`ly (me'le) ad/. meal'l•er, meal'l•est 1 a) like meal; powdery,
`MDT / means test
`dry soft etc b) dry and somewhat crumbly or coarse in texture,
`with little fl~vor [a mealy apple] 2 of or cont~g meal 3 sprin(cid:173)
`kled or covered with meal 4 spotty or flecked: said of color, ·etc. 5
`floury in color- pale 6 MEALY-MOUTHED -meal'l•ness n.
`mealy,bug (-bug') n. any of a family (Pseudococcidae) of des~c-
`tive hoinopteran insects, ha~g a soft body protected by a white,
`flourlike or cottony wax secretion
`mealy-mouthed (-mouthd', -mou_tht~) ad/: not outspoken or bl~~;
`not willing to state the facts in sunple, direct words; euphemistic
`and insincere
`mean1 (men) vt. meant (me~t), IT!ean'•lng [M~ menen < ~E
`mrenan, to mean, tell, complain, akin ,to Ger ~ine~, to have m
`mind have as opinion < IE base •memo·, opllllon, mtent > Olr
`mian' wish desire) 1 to have in mind; intend; purpose [he means
`to g~J 2 al' to intend or design for a certain pei:son or purpose [a
`gift meant for/ouJ b) to destine or seem_ to ~estm~ lh~ was meant
`to be a doctor 3 to intend to express, signify or indicate [to say
`wh11t one means] 4 a) to be used to _con~ey;_de'!,ote [the German
`word "ja" means "yea"] b) to be a sign, mrucation, o~ her~d (!f;
`si~fy [this means war!] -vi. 1 to have a purpo~e or mtention m
`mind: chiefly in mean well, to have good mtentions 2 to have a
`(specified) degree of importance, effect, or influence [honors _mean
`little to him] -SYN. INTEND -mean well by to have good mten(cid:173)
`tions or friendly, helpful feelings toward
`mean2 (men) ad/. [ME mene1 common, hence' m~an < qE (geJ!fUEne,
`akin to Ger gemein, plentifw, COMMON] 1 low m ~uality, ~wue, or
`importance· paltry; poor; inferior: rlow usuallr m ~egative con(cid:173)
`structions /paid no mean sum] 2 [Rare] low m social status or
`· rank· of humble origin 3 poor in appearance; s~bby [ a . mean
`dwe~gl 4 ignoble; base; small-minded; petty· 5 stingy; ~serly;
`penurious *6 bad-tempered; vicious; unmanageable: said of. a
`horse, etc. * 7 pettily or contemptibly selfish, bad-tempere!!, ~(cid:173)
`agreeable malicious, etc. *8 humiliated or ashamed *9 1,1.nIOr(cid:173)
`mal) in ~r health; not well; ill; indisposed *10 [SI~] a) ~d to
`cope with; difficult [to throw a mean curve in baseball} b) skillful;
`expert [to play a mean game of chess] -SYN. BASE2 -mean'ly adv.
`-mean'•ness n.
`mean3 (men) ad/. [ME mene < OFr meien (Fr moyen) < L medi(cid:173)
`anus: see MEDIAN) 1 halfway between extremes; in a middle or
`:intermediate position as to place, time, Q.Uantity, quality, kind,
`value, degree, etc. 2 medium; average; middling -n. 1 what is
`between extremes; intermediate state, quality, course, or pro(cid:173)
`cedure · 2 avoidance of extremes or excess; moderation 3 Math. a)
`a number between the smallest and largest values· of a set of
`quantities, obtained by some prescribed method: unless otherwise
`qualified, the ARITHMETIC MEAN b) the number obtained by multi(cid:173)
`plying each value of x by the probability (or probability density) of
`x and"then summing (or integrating) over the range of x c) the
`·second or third term of a four-term proportion: see also GEOMETRIC
`me,ander (me an'dar) n. IL maeander < Gr maiandros < Maian(cid:173)
`dros, the MAEANDER (noted for its winding course)) 1 [pl.) wind(cid:173)
`ili_gs !Ir convo~utions, _as of a stream ~ an ornamental pattern of
`winding or cnsscrossmg lines 3 an aimless wandering· rambling
`-vi. 1 to take a winding or tortuous course: said of a sb'eam 2 to
`wander aimlessly or idly; ramble -me•a11'drous (-dras) adj.
`Me•ander (me an'dar) alt. sp. o f~ER
`mean deviation a measure of variability equal to the average of
`the absolute values of a. set of deviations from a specified value
`usually the arithmetic mean
`mean distance the average of the greatest and least distances in
`the orbit of a celestial body from its focus
`meal'!le or meany (me'ne) n., pl. mean'•les [Informal) a person
`who 1s mean, selfish, cruel, etc.
`~~an•l!'lg (me~llll)) ~- ~ what is meant; what is intended to be, or
`~ fact 18, Sl~fied, indicated, r1;fe1!ea to, or understood; significa(cid:173)
`tion, P!JlllOI"!, rmp~rt, sense, or significance [the meaniTl/1 of a word}
`2 [Archaic] ~tentio~; puryose -:-'-a_d/. 1 the~ has meaning; signifi(cid:173)
`cant; e_xpress1ve 2 mtending; l].avmg purpose -mean'•lngl~ adv.
`mean,ing•ful (-!al) ad/. full of ,meaning; having significance or
`purpo~e -mean •Ing-fully adv. -mean'•lng•ful-ness n.
`mean•ing•less (-lis) ad/. havinp10 meaning; without significance
`or purpose; senseless ;-mean •lng•lessly adv. -mean'•lng-less•
`ness n.
`3, n.) 1 [with sing. or pl. 11.) that by
`me~ns (menz~ pl,ri. [< ~
`which something 1s done or obtained; agency [the fastest means-.of
`travelJ ~- resources or available wealth; often, Bl_)ecif., _great
`wealth; 11~es [ a_ ,person of means] -by all means 1 without fail 2
`of course; certainly -by any means in any way possible· at all·
`somehow -by means of by usin~; with the aid of; through .:_by no
`(manner of) ~eans not at all;, !11 no way -means to an end a
`method 9f gettiµg or accomplisrung what one wants
`meah .. solar day see DAY (n. 2)

`mean solar t_ime time ba_sed on the mean sun: used as the basis
`for standard time because 1t has exactly equal divisions· also mean

`mean-spirited (men's~ir'it id) ad/. characterized by or displ
`~fs~o~~ns1ty to be mean; selfish, malicious, etc. -mean'-spi~J
`means test an . investigation of a person's financil!J resource
`mage to determine wh~ther that person is eligible for w If 8
`8 are
`payments, low-cost housmg, etc.
`See the Inside _front coyer for pronunciation !nformation.
`The syrobol * 1s used to 111ark teJms .qf ~rican origin.
`Petitioners Lenovo Holding Co., Inc., Lenovo (United States) Inc.
`and Motorola Mobility LLC - Ex. 1016, p. 891


`~ ded Jllolding; reedinl
`Reed / reference
`~~~~~r~~·~yre~ ~:~)r ~~~1:~~~:~
`re•!!ntrant or re-entrant (-trant) ad/. that reenters; 1specif.,
`~~ J device that vibrates in a current of l d)0
`po~ted inward, as an angle -n. a reentrant angle or part -re•
`en trance n. or re-en'trance
`~tl 0[~:-1!.~ed
`re~mhtrant angle in a polygon, an interior angle greater than 180°,
`~ents of ~ ~rtj1e~tra, ~and, e~. or the players of these
`wit its point turning back into the ,figure rather than out from it
`)ll,Ot(Ulllents --a!',•, . esignatmg an instrument whose sound is
`re•eniftry or re-entry (re en'tre) n.1 pl. -tries 1 a reentering;
`iJIS_,iuced bl' a ~ra~g reed or reeds, specif., the oboe, clarinet
`spec ., a coming back, as of a space verucle, into the earth's atmos(cid:173)
`plV" bOne, En¥lish liorn, or bassoon 2. composed of or for such ~
`~_!1111ent or instruments [a reed sectio~ -vt. to thatch or deco(cid:173)
`Pl?,ere 2 a second or repeated entry 3 Card Games a card that can
`Vl(lll a trick and thus regain the lead 4 Law a coming into posses(cid:173)
`lll";;Jth reeds
`sion again under a right reserved in a prior transfer of property
`'!...i (red) 1 John 1887-1920; U.S. journalist & radical 2 Walter
`r:evf,ei (rev) n. (ME reu!!4.earlier irefe < OE gerefa < ge- + base of
`R9i.190~; u.s .. ~
`·s~ n & bacteriologist
`ro 1 ~ow, number) 1 in l!inglish history, a) the chief officer, under
`~~-blrd'(red'l>lird) n. dtal. name for BOBOLINK
`tl\e Kmg, of a town or district b) the overseer and chief peasant of
`*~,buck {-buk') n., pl. -·buck' or ·•bu~ks' [transl. of Du rietbok)
`aC manor 2 the elected head of a village or town council in certain
`~of a genus (Red~nca) of small Afncan antelopes with widely
`anadian provinces
`~ad hooves and, m the males, ba~ard-sloping, ringed horns
`eve2 (rev) vt. rove or reeved, rove or rov'en, reev'•ln.9 (prob. <
`sr-ed inward and forwax:d near the tips
`u reuen, to reef, in sense "use a rope in or as in reefing"] Naut. 1
`-~•lnO (-i.o) n, 1 a s~all, rounded, decorative molding 2 a set pf
`to pass (tlie end of a line) through a block, ring, etc. 2 to fasten by
`~ moldings, as on a column 3 knurling along the edge of a cdin
`passing through or around something 3 to pass a line through {a
`~ mace Brit. name for CATrAil.
`block, ring, etc.)
`reed-man (red'man') n., pl. -•men' (-men',) Jazz a person, esp. a
`reeve3 (rev) n. [? >I a 'female RUFF1 (sense 3)
`811 who plays a ~ed mstrument or, often, several such instru-
`re,examl•na•tlon· or re-examination {re'ig zam'a na'shan) 11. 1
`:ents, usually vanous S8;J:ophones
`·a second or repeated examination 2 Law the questioning of one's
`reed organ an organ with a set of free metal reeds instead of
`own witness afte,, and about matters taken up m, the cross-exami-
`•pesto produce the tones: cf. REED PIPE
`• ·
`~ pl~-~ OI'P;ll pi~ in whit;h the tone ~s p~duced by a current
`re,exam•lne or re-examine {re'ig zam'in) vt. -lned, -ln•lng 1 to
`of air 8triking a vibrating reed m an opening m the pipe: cf. FLUE
`examine again 2 Law to subject to reexamination
`refi (reO [Informal) n. short for REFEREE (seQSe 2 ) -vt-, vi. reffed,
`~ stop 1, a set of reed pipes (in an organ) operated by one knob
`ref'•flng short for REFEREE
`2theknob •
`ref2 abbreu. 1 referee 2 refere~ce 3 reformed 4 refund
`re-edu•cate: or re-educate {re ej'a kat') vt. -cat'•ed -cat'•lng to
`re-face (re fas') vt. -•faced', -•fac'•lng to put a new face, facing, or
`educa~ agam or ~ew1 esp. so as to rehabilitate or adant to .new
`surface on

`situations -re•ed u•ca.•tlon n! or re-ed'uca'tlon -re•ed,u•ca'•tlve
`Ref Ch abbreu. Reformed Church
`adj, or re-ed~uca'tlv~
`re-feet (ri fekt') vt. (LME refecken < pp. of L reficere: in later use,
`reedy (redre) ad~. reed'l•er, reed'l•est 1 _ full of reeds 2 made of
`back-form. < fol.) [Archaic) to refresh with food or drink
`reed ~r ~ 3 like. a,~; slender, ~ragile,.etc. 4 sounding like a
`re,fec•tion (ri fek'shan) n. [OFr < L refectio <',ep. of reficere, to
`reed mstrument; ~ ; pipmg -reed l-ly a.dv. -reed'l•ness n.
`remake, restore < re•, again+ facere, to make, DO'J 1 food or drink
`reefl (ref) n. (pr.ob. via Du or MLowG rif < ON, lit., RIB) 1 a line or
`taken after a period of hunger or fatigue; refreshment 2 a light
`ridge of rock, coral, or sand, lying at or near the surface, of the
`meal; lunch

`water 2 Mining a bed or vein of ore; lode -SYN. SHOAL2
`reef' (ref) n. [ME riff< or ~ to ON rif ( < IE *reip-, a strip < base
`re•fec•tory (-tare) ndi~~~;rles [LME < LL refectorium < pp. of L
`re/u:ere: see prec.) a
`' . ·
`hall in a ·monastery, college, etc. ·
`•m·, to teaJ:\ cut .> RIVE): ong. used of cords for reefing) Naut. a
`refectory table a long, narrow, table, as that used in
`part of a Bllll which can be ,folded or rolled up and made fast to
`a refectory

`• ·
`reduce the area eXJ>Osed to,the wind, as durin~ a storm -vt. 1 to
`re•fer (ri fw") vt. -•ferred', -•fer'•rlng (ME referren < MFr referer <
`reduce th!l size of (a sail) by taking in part of it 2 to lower (a spar
`L referre < re-, back + ferre, to BEAR') 1 to assign or attribute (to)
`or.mast) or reduce the projection of (a bowsprit)
`~ cause or origin 2 to assign, or r!lgll!"(l or name as belonging (to' a
`reefer (re'far) n. 1 a person who reefs 2 a short_, thic~1 double(cid:173)
`kind, class, date, etc.) 3 to submit {a quarrel, question etc.) for
`breasted coat in the style of a seaman's jacket *3 1from tne rolled
`determination or settlement 4 to send or direct (someone) to some(cid:173)
`appearance of a reef (of a sail)) [Slang) a marijuana cigarette *4
`one or something_ for aid, information, etc. -vi. 1 to relate or
`la!teredcontr. of REFRIGERATOR) [Slang) a refrigerated freight-car,
`apply. (to); be .concerned or deal 2 to direct attention or make
`truck, ship, etc.
`reference or allusion (to) [to refer to an earlier event] 3 to turn for
`reef-knot a square knot used for reefing sails
`inforination, ,aid; .or authority (to) [to refer to a map] -ref-er-able
`reek (rek) n. [ME < OE rec, akin to ON reykr, Ger raru:h < ? IE base
`(ref'ar a bal, ri fw"-) ad/., re•fer'•ra•ble, or re•fer'•rl•ble -re-fer'•rer
`'reug., cloud, smoke) 11vapor; fume 2 a stro~g...,,unpleasant smell;
`stench 3 [Scot. or North Eng.) smoke -vi. (J.Vl.J!, reken <, OE reo•
`~Y~.-rete, implies ~eliber ~te,-~
`; and open mentii;ln ofs oine(cid:173)
`1 to give off steam or smoke 2 to haye a strong; 9ffensive
`~hin~ ~e ~ferred m detail to th~ 'COI'l'll_pt practices]· allude
`sme . 3 to be permeated with anything very unpleasant - vt. 1 to
`·implies mdirectho(tQn.casqal mention, as by a-·hint.ot a figun:'of ,
`riiose to !he action of smoke or fumes 2 to emit or exuae {vappr,
`speech [althoug she used different names, she was alluding to
`~es, etc.) -!eek'y,ap/.
`i -~-~•• - 'i
`reel. (rel) vi. [ME relen < ~ n.: from the sensation of whirling) 1
`• he~L _
`!"1 _
`·-•· ~
`- - - .. . _ ···-"·
`ref•~~ee (ref'a re') !1· 1 a ~rson to whom something is referred for
`!_~t_e way or fall back; sway, waver, or stagger as from be~
`•w...,.. 2 to lurch or stagger at,;,ut, as from drunkellI!ess or dizzi(cid:173)
`decision 2. an officia;I who e!'.llo~es the rules in certain sports con(cid:173)
`ness ~ to go around and around; whirl 4 to feel dizzy; have a
`tests; specif., the chief official m a football game 3 Law a person
`Be118ation of spimiing or whirw -vt. to cause to reel -n. [ME
`appointed by a court to stt?,dy, take_ testimony in, judge, and report
`for v:!> n. (prob.< prec., n.J 1 a) a lively Scottish dance b) short
`2< ?E hreol:. see REEL3) a reeling motion; whirl, stagger, etc.
`on, a ~atter 4 an acade_mic authonty :,vho examines and evaluates
`an _article, book, etc. with i:eglll"d to its fitness for publication 5
`·[Bnt.l. a persim, esp. one with good credentials, given. as a refer(cid:173)
`lNIA REEL 2 music for either of these
`·ence m ~eeking employment -vt., vi. -•eedr, -•ee'•lng to act as
`Btrilt (rel) n. lME < OE hreol < Gmc *hr'ehulaz < IE base *krek•, to
`referee (m) -SYN. JUDGE
`krek!~' ~ a weaving motion > Gr ~rekein, to w~ave, Latvian
`a net' ~ I 1 a frame or spool on which thread, wire, tape, fi!m,
`ref•er•enc~ (~ef'a rans, ref'rans~ n. 1 a referring or beu,ig referred;
`!!!d, t,, e : 18 wound 2-such a frame set on the handle of a fishing
`esp., submission of a1problem, dispute, ·etc. to a person ·committee
`filni, ta Wlnd up or let out the line 3 the quantity of wire, thread,
`or authority for settlement 2 relation; connection· re~ fm refe.,:.
`a set r.;,.etc. usually wound on one reel 4 in some lawn mowers,
`ence '.to his letter] 3 a) tpe directing of attentioii to a person or
`whee~ spiral steel b4tdes rotating on a horizontal bar s11t becy;een
`thing b) a mention or allusion 4 a) an indication as in a book or
`PUil in (vtfis.1 vi. to ~q on a r~l-reel In 1 to wind on.a reel ~ to
`article, of some other work or passage to be consuited b) the work
`or passage so indicated c) the mark or sign, as a number letter or
`Produ a n) br, wm<!ing a line on a reel -reel off to tell, wnte,
`"(rtghi' e;f · easily and quickly-reel out tQ unwind from a reel -
`symbol, directin~ the reader to a footnote, etc. (in full 'reference
`reel-to- 0
`!l'ark) 5 f-

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