`New College Dictionary
`I I
`I L
`. .. _
`• •
`Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation – Exhibit 2006 - Page 1
`Apex Tool Group, LLC v. Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation
`PGR2020-00056 U.S. Patent No. 10,422,617


`Words are included in this Dictionary on the basis of their usage. Words that are
`known to have current trademark registrations are shown with an initial capital
`and are also identified as trademarks. No investigation has been made of common(cid:173)
`law trademark rights in any word, because such investigation is impracticable.
`The inclusion of any word in this Dictionary is not, however, an expression of the
`Publisher's opinion as to whether or not it is subject to proprietary rights. Indeed,
`no definition in this Dictionary is to be regarded as affecting the validity of any
`Copyright© 2008, 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All
`rights reserved.
`This book was originally published in a slightly different form as Webster's II New
`College Dictionary, Third Edition © 20p5 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
`No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
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`ISBN-13: 978-0-618-95315-8
`ISBN-10: 0-618-95315-9
`The Library of Congress has cataloged the earlier edition as follows:
`Webster's 11 new college dictionary. -- 3rd ed.
`p. cm.
`ISBN 0-618-39601-2
`1. English language- Dictionaries. I. Title: Webster's two new
`college dictionary. II. Title: Webster's 2 new college dictionary.
`PE1628.W55164 2005
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`Illustration credits: Academy Artworks; Alan Witschonke; Carlyn lvers~n;
`Cecile Duray-Bito; Chris Costello; Elizabeth Morales; Gail Piazza; Jerry Malone;
`Laurel Cook Lhowe; Library of Congress; Mapping Specialists, Ltd.;
`Office of Information, Dept. of the Navy, Washington, DC; Precision Graphics;
`Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation – Exhibit 2006 - Page 2
`Apex Tool Group, LLC v. Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation
`PGR2020-00056 U.S. Patent No. 10,422,617


`proctor • profile
`proc•lor (prok'~r) n. [ME, university officer < procuratour, procu-
`volvcd in the creation of goods and services to produce wealth or
`value. 5. Resulting in <investigations productive of discoveries>
`rator.) A supervisor, esp. of an examination or dormitory in a school.
`-,ro•duc'lfve•ly adv. -,ro'duc•tlv'loty (pr<Y.diik-tlv'i-tc, prod':ik-),
`--vt. •torecl, ·lor•ln&, ·ton To supervise (an examination). -,roe•
`pro•duc'lfve•ness n.
`to'ri•II (-tor'e-:il) ad;. --,roc'tor•ship' n.
`proc•fo-scope (prok1t:i-skop') n. [Gk. proktos, anus+ -SCOPE.] An in- pro•em (pr<Vcm') n. (ME proheme < OFr. < Lat. prooemium < Gk.
`strumcnt for dilating and.examining the rectum. --,roc'to•scop'I<
`prooimion, prelude: pro-, before+ oimi, song.I A short introduc-
`lion: PREFACE. -fNl•l'ffll•II (pro-c1mc-:il, -cm 1c-) adj.
`(-skop'ilc) adj. -,n<•tos'a»•py (-tos'k:i-pe) n.
`pro•an•beat (pro-kiim'b:int) adj. (Lat. procumbens, procumbent-, pro 0en•zyme (pro-cn'zim') n. Zymogcn.
`pr.pan. of procumbere, to bend down : pro-, forward + cumbere, pro•es•tnls (pro-cs'tr:is) n. The period of preparation for pregnancy
`• immediately preceding estrus in female mammals .
`to lie down.] 1. Bot. Trailing on the ground <a procumbent vine>
`prof (prof) n. Informal. A professor.
`. 1 Lying face down : PRONE.
`proc•u•ra•tor (prok'y;i-ra'r:ir) n. [ME procuratour < OFr. < Lat. pro-fam•loly (pro-fam':i-lc, -fam'le) n. Favoring or supporting.values
`pr0atrator < procurare, to take care of. -sec PROCURE.) I. An agent
`held to promote traditional family life, typically values identified
`with power of attorney. 2. A Roman official acting as a financial with social conservatism.
`egent of the emperor or as an administrator of a minor province. pro•fane (pro-fan', p~) adj. [ME prophane < OFr. <
`-,roc'U•rl•to'rt•II (-y;ir--:i-tor'NI) adj.
`: pro-, before+ fanum, temple.) I. Showing irreverence_ ~r coi:itempt
`proomre (pro-kyoor', pn-) 11. -awed. -curolllt,-awes [ME p·,ocu,en <
`toward God or sacred things: BLASPHEMOUS. 2. Nonrch~ous an. sub-
`jeer matter, form, or use. J. Not initiated into the mysteries of ritual.
`OFr. procurer < Lat procurare, to manage : pro-, for + curare, to
`4. Coarse: vulgar. -vt. -flnecl,-f1n•lnr,-flnes 1. To t_rcat irreverently.
`care for.) -vt. I. To obtain : acquire. 2. To bring ,about : EFFECT
`<.procure a settlement of a strike> 1 To obtain for another (a per-
`2. To put to an improper, ·unworthy, or dcgradmg use :_ A~USE.
`son) for sexual intercourse. -vi. To work as a procurer. -pn1oeur11°
`-,,of'1•na'llon (prof':i-na 'sh:in) n. -,ro•fln'1•to'ry (pro-fan':i-
`bte adj. -,n,•cur'ance. pro•are'ment n.
`tor'c, pr:i-) adj. -,ro•flne'ly adv. -,ro•flne'III§ n. -,ro•f1n'er n.
`prooar-er (pro-kyoor'~r, pr.>-) n. L One who procures <a procurer of
`new executive talent> 2. PANDER 1.
`core meaning: not religious in subject matter, form, or use <sacred
`proomr•ess (pro-lcyoor'is, pn-) n. A woman who procures.
`and profane music> llllfNyffl: SACRED
`Proo(J•Olt (pro'sc-on') n. [Lat. < Gk. Prokuon : pro-, before+ ltuon, pro•fan•loty ('i-te, pr:i-) n., pl. -4les I. The quality or state of be-
`ing profane. :za. Abusive, vulgar, or irreverent languag~. b. Use of
`• d~.] A_double star in the constellation Canis Minor.
`prod (prod) vt. prod•ded, prod•clins. prads [Orig. unknown.) I, To poke
`abusive, vulgar, or irreverent language.
`or jab, as with a pointed instrument. 2. To rouse to action: GOAD. pro•fm (pn-res', pro-) 11 • • fessed. -fess•lnr, •fess•es [Lat. profiter,,
`-ff. L ~mcthing for proddipg: GOAD. 2. An incitement: stimulus.
`profess- : pro-, for:t1} + fateri, to acknowledge.) - vt. 1. To affirm
`-prod'cler n.
`openly : DECLARE <professed my igno~ance> 2. To make a prct~nsc
`of <" .. . professed to despise everythmg that had happened since
`prod•i•pl (prod'i-g;il) a4i, [Lat. prodigu.s < prodigere, to squander :
`prod-, before (var. of pro-) + agere, to drive.] L Recklessly wasteful
`1850" -Louis Auchincloss> J. To claim skill in or knowledge of
`: EXTRAVAGANT. 21.. Profuse in giving. b. Exceedingly abundant. J, <profes; pharmacy> 4. To teach (a subject) a.s a professor: ~· To af-
`firm belief in <profess Hinduism> 6. To receive mto a rehgaous or-
`Profusc: lavis~ <prodigal praise> -n. One inclined to luxury or ex-
`travagance. -,rod'i•pl•ly adv.
`dcr. -vi. l. To m'akc an open affirmation. 2. To take the vows of a
`prod0 i0p1oi, ty (prod'i-gil'i-te) n., pl. ·ties I. Extravagant wasteful-
`religious order. -,ro•fess'ed•ly (-fcs'id-le) adv.
`pro•fes•sion (pn-fcsl'i':in) n. [ME, vow made on entering ·a religious
`'ncss. 2. Profuse generosity. J. Extreme abundance.

`pro•di•gious (pn-dij ':is) adj. [Lat prodigiousus < prodigium, omen.]
`order < O.Fr. < Lat. professio, declaration < profiteri, to declare.
`-sec PROFESS.) 'IL A career or occupation. b. An occupation such as
`1. Awesomely great in size, force, or extent: ENORMOUS. 2. Extraor-
`law that requires considerable training and specialized study. :i. The
`dinary : marvelous. l. Ominous : portentous. -,ro•cli'pous•ly adv.
`:-,ro-cl'gious•IIISS n.

`body of qualified persons of a specific occupation or field. J. An act
`pro4•i•IY (prod':i-je) n., pL ~ [Lat. prod{gium, omen.] I. One with
`or irlstancc of professing: DECLARATION. 4. Acknowledgment of rc-
`remarlcablc talents or powers <a child prodigy> 2. An act or event
`ligious faith.
`pro•fes•Ucln•al (pn-fcsh':i-n:il) adj. 1. Of, relapng to, engaged in,.or
`so rcmarlcable or rare as to inspi,re wonder. J. An omen.
`pro•drome (pro'drom') n., pl. -dromes or-dro•ffll•bi (-dro'm:i-r:i) [Fr.
`appropriate for a profession. 2. Engaged in a specific activity as a
`< Gk. prodromos, precursor : pro-, forward + dromos, !~nning.J A means of livelihood : CAREER <a professional musician> J. Per-
`symptom of the onset of a disease. -pro•clro'mal (-dro m:il), pro•
`formed by persons receiving pay <professional soccer> 4L Posscss-
`chm'k (-drom'ik) ad;.
`ing great skill or experience in a field or activity. b. Informal.
`pro•duce (pr.rdoos', -dyoos', pro-) 11, ~uced, -duc•ln&, -duc."es [Lat.
`Behaving in such a way as. to appear ~rofcssional <a professiof!al
`prodi,~e : pro-, forward+ d_ucere, to lead.]-vt. 1, To bnng forth
`grouch>-n. 1. One following a profession. 2. One who makes a hv-
`ing as an athlete. J( One with assured competence in a field. -,ro•
`: YIELD, 2. To create by, physic/ii or mental effort; J. To 111:anufac-
`· turc. 4. To give rise to. 5. To bnng forward : EXHIBIT. 6. To sponsor
`fes'slon•ll•ly adv.
`and present to the public <produ_ce a mus_icaJ ~cvuc> 7. T<_> extend (an pro•fes•slon•alolsm (pr:i-fcsh':i-n;-liz':im) n. 1. Professional status,
`·area or volume) or lengthen (a hoe). -vr. To make or yield the cus-
`methods, character, or standards. 2. Use of professional players in
`tomary-~ro~uef or products. ~n. (prod'oos, pro~dpos) A product,
`organized athletics.
`esp. farm products as a whole. -,n,•duc'l•bte adJ.
`pro•fes•sion•IJ.lze (pr:i-fcsh' :i-n:i-liz') vt. -!zed, -lz•ln&,-lz•IS To make
`pro0 duc•er (pr.rdoo's~r, -dyoo'-, pro-) n. 1. O!lc that produces, esp.
`professional. -,ro•fes'slon•11ol•u'tlon n.
`one that manufactures or grows"go~s or _servic~ to sell, >:, One who pro•fes•sor (prrfcs':ir) n. [ME professour <Lat.professor< profiteri,
`to profess.] 11. A teacher of the highest rank in an institution of
`finances aJ)d supervises the production of public cntcrtammcnt, as
`a play. J. A furnace for manufacturing producer gas. 4• Ecol. An au-
`higher learning. b. A teacher : instructor. l. One who professes.
`-pro'fes•so'rt•1I (pro'fi-sor'e-:il, prof'i-) adj. -pro'fes•so'rt•1loly

`totrophic organism in an ecosys~em.
`producer gas n. A gas used as fuel? generated by .!?ass~~ air wi¢ s~cam
`adv. --,ro•fes'sor•shlp' n.
`over burning coke or coal to yield a combustible mixture of mtro- pro•fes•SO•ri•lte or pro•fes~so•rt•1t (pro'fi-sor'e-:it, -at', prof'i-) n. I.
`gen, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen.
`The office or rank of a professor. 2. University and college profcs(cid:173)
`proclucer goods or producers' pc1s pl.n. Goods, as raw materials or
`tools for making consumer goods.
`sors as a group.
`'producer price index n. A comprehensive index of ':"ho.lcsalc price PfQfofer (prof';r) vt. -fered, -f1r0 ln1, •fen [ME profren < OFr. poroffrir
`changes, often an indicator of future retail pnce changes.
`: por-, forth (< Lat. pro-) + offrir, to offer < Lat. offe"e. -sec oF-
`procl•Ud (procf':ikt) n. [Lat. productum < p.part. of producere, to
`FER.] To offer : tender. -prof'fer n. -prof'fer•er n.
`bring forth. -see PRODUCE.) 1. Something prod~ccd by human or pro0 fi 0 dent (pr:i-fish':int) adj. [Lat. proficiens, proficient-, pr.part. of
`mechanical effort or by a natural process. 2. A direct. result : CON-
`proficere, to advance. -sec PROAT.] Performing in a given art, skill,
`SEQUENCE. J, Chem. A substance produced by a <:he.m1<:al change. 4.
`or branch of learning with correctness and facility. -11. An expert.
`Math. L The result arrived at by performing mulnphcataon. b. A sea-
`-,ro•fi'den•cy (pr:i-fish':in-sc) n. -,ro•fi'denloly adv.
`pro•file (pro'fil') n. [Obs. Ital. profi/o < profilare, to draw in outline
`tar product. c. A vector product.
`pro•dUC•lion (pr:i-diik'sh:in, pro-) n. 1. An act. or process of pro?uc-
`: pro-, forward(< Lat.)+ filare, to draw a line < LLat., to spin < Lat.
`ing. 2. Creation of value or wea,lth by producing goods and services.
`filum, thread.] IL A side view of an object or structure, esp. of a hu-
`man head. b. A representation of an object or structure seen from
`J. Something produced: PRODUCT. 4. The total output, as of a com-
`modity <increased prpduction at the factory> 51. A wo~~ of art or
`the side. 2. An outline of an object. J. A biographical essay prcscnt-
`literature. b. A work produced for the stage, screc!1, telcv1s1on, or ra-
`ing the subject's most remarkable characteristics and accomplish-
`dio. c. A staging or ·presentation of a theatrical work. -fNI• mcnts. 4. A set of characteristics that identify or are thought to
`dllC'11oa•II adj.
`identify a particular type of person <a profile of the thief> 5. A graph
`prooduc•llve (prrdiik'tiv, pro-) adj. 1, Producing or a c to pro ucc.
`or table representing numerically the extent to which a ~rson or
`2. Producing abundantly : FERTILE, J. Yieldin~ us~ful or favorable ~e-
`thing shows various tested features <a corporation profile> - vt.
`•filed, -flloln&, ·files To draw or produce a profile of.
`suits : CONSTRUCTIVE <productive marketing ideas> 4. Of or m-
`a pat a pay ar care a father ar c~ c pct c be
`ir pier o pot 6 toe o paw or core
`i bite
`i pit
`ii cut ur urge zh vision
`:i about, item
`th thin
`oi boy ou out 00 took oor lure oo boot
`th this
`Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation – Exhibit 2006 - Page 3
`Apex Tool Group, LLC v. Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation
`PGR2020-00056 U.S. Patent No. 10,422,617

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