`Van Gemert et al .
`( 10 ) Patent No .: US 10,667,469 B2
`Jun . 2 , 2020
`( 45 ) Date of Patent :
`( 72 )
`( 71 ) Applicant : PLANTLAB GROEP B.V. , Berghem
`( NL )
`Inventors : John Van Gemert , Berghem ( NL ) ;
`Martinus Kers , Tiel ( NL ) ; Gerardus
`Johannes Jozef Maria Meeuws ,
`Sterksel ( NL )
`( 73 ) Assignee : PLANTLAB GROEP B.V. , Berghem
`( NL )
`Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 0 days .
`( 21 ) Appl . No .: 14 / 707,134
`May 8 , 2015
`( 22 ) Filed :
`( 65 )
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2015/0237810 A1 Aug. 27 , 2015
`( * ) Notice :
`( 62 )
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Division of application No. 13 / 123,942 , filed as
`application No. PCT / NL2009 / 050617 on Oct. 13 ,
`2009 , now abandoned .
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`( NL )
`( 30 )
`Oct. 13 , 2008
`( 51 )
`Int . Cl .
`A01G 7/02
`A01G 9/02
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2018.01 )
`( Continued )
`U.S. CI .
`A01G 9/02 ( 2013.01 ) ; A01G 7702
`( 2013.01 ) ; A016 77045 ( 2013.01 ) ; A01G 9/24
`( 2013.01 ) ; YO2P 60/146 ( 2015.11 )
`( 52 )
`( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
`47 / 66.7 , 17 , 18 , 88 , 65.5 , 58.1 R ,
`47 / 58.1 LS , 58.1 SC , DIG . 6 , DIG . 10 ,
`( Continued )
`References Cited
`( 56 )
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`“ Plants under Climatic Stress ” Plant Physiol . ( 1971 ) 47 , 713-718 ,
`A. ) . Taylor and J. A. Rowley . *
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`Primary Examiner Andrea M Valenti
`( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm — Young & Thompson
`( 57 )
`A system
`for growing a plant ( 1 ) in an at least partly
`conditioned environment includes a cultivation base ( 11 ) for
`receiving a culture substrate ( 3 ) with a root system ( 4 ) of the
`plant therein . Root temperature control elements ( 12 ) are
`provided which are able and adapted to impose a predeter
`mined root temperature on the root system , and lighting
`elements ( 20,21,22 ) which are able and adapted to expose
`leaves of the plant to actinic artificial light . Leaf heating
`elements are also provided , which are able and adapted to
`impose on the leaf of the plant a leaf temperature varying
`from an ambient temperature . In a method for growing the
`plant a carbon dioxide assimilation management of a leaf
`system of the plant is thus influenced , and a supply of actinic
`light , the root temperature and the carbon dioxide assimila
`tion management are adapted to each other .
`12 Claims , 1 Drawing Sheet
`Petitioner Syngenta
`Exhibit 1001 - Page 1 of 7
`US 10,667,469 B2
`Page 2
`( 51 ) Int . Ci .
`( 2006.01 )
`A01G 7/04
`A01G 9/24
`( 2006.01 )
`( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
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`* cited by examiner
`Petitioner Syngenta
`Exhibit 1001 - Page 2 of 7
`U.S. Patent
`Jun . 2 , 2020
`US 10,667,469 B2
`- 2
`Petitioner Syngenta
`Exhibit 1001 - Page 3 of 7
`US 10,667,469 B2
`important factor . Traditional greenhouses do after all require
`entry of sunlight and take up a relatively large amount of
`expensive land area in these areas , which could otherwise be
`employed for offices , house - building or infrastructure . In
`5 order to address this problem , low - daylight , in particular
`underground , daylight - free and multi - layer solutions are
`being sought in order to enable multiple use of the same land
`Field of the Invention
`area . Because not only heat but also actinic light will in such
`The present invention relates to a system for growing a
`a case be supplied artificially , the energy management is
`plant in an at least partly conditioned environment , com- 10 even more of a problem , and there is therefore a need for a
`prising a cultivation base for receiving a culture substrate
`cultivation of plants which is as efficient as possible .
`with a root system of the plant therein , root temperature
`control means which are able and adapted to impose a
`predetermined root temperature on the root system , and
`comprising lighting means which are able and adapted to 15
`The present invention has for its object , among others , to
`expose leaves of the plant to actinic artificial light . The
`provide a system and method for growing a plant in an at
`invention moreover relates to a method for growing a plant
`least partly conditioned environment which enable a further
`in at least partly conditioned manner , wherein actinic light is
`improvement in efficiency .
`supplied to the plant and wherein a root temperature of a root
`In order to achieve the stated object , a system has the
`system of the plant is maintained at a desired value .
`20 feature according to the invention that leaf heating means
`are provided , which are able and adapted to impose on the
`Description of the Related Art
`leaf of the plant a leaf temperature varying from an ambient
`temperature . The system according to the invention thus
`Such a system and such a method are applied on a
`provides the option of a controlled evaporation and carbon
`significant scale in the glass horticulture in greenhouses . An 25 dioxide assimilation via the leaf by regulating a correct
`artificial climate is created here in an at least substantially
`amount of energy on the leaf , in addition to a controlled
`closed and conditioned environment behind glass , and is
`lighting , both in respect of the amount of light and in respect
`adapted as far as possible to the optimal growth conditions
`of spectral ratios , with a view to plant growth reactions , such
`of the plant for cultivating . It is hereby possible to grow
`as blue / red and red / far - red ratios , and in respect of light
`plants in areas and seasons in which the plant would not 30 spectra necessary for specific reactions such as pigment
`survive outdoors , or would at least not reach full develop
`formation , and in addition to a control and optimization of
`ment . Furthermore , the production of the plant can thus be
`the root pressure activity . This all takes place in an at least
`precisely adapted to a desired harvesting time . It is thus
`partly conditioned environment in which the climate can be
`possible to estimate relatively precisely beforehand how
`controlled within narrow limits in respect of , among other
`much of which plant will be ready , and when . If desired , the 35 factors , an air humidity balance , a room temperature and a
`same product can moreover be grown throughout the year
`carbon dioxide concentration as well as water and nutrition
`and plants and flowers at all stages of life can be cultivated .
`for the plant .
`In traditional glass horticulture sunlight is applied as the
`The invention is based here on the insight that three
`main source of actinic light , i.e. optionally visible light of a
`factors are essentially responsible for a successful plant
`wavelength such that a plant response is thereby initiated or 40 development , i.e. the photosynthesis , the sap flow in the
`influenced , such as a photosynthesis in the leaf or a deter
`plant pushed upwards under the influence of a prevailing
`mined mode of growth . Sunlight moreover provides heat in
`root pressure , and the carbon dioxide assimilation through
`the form of infrared radiation , whereby an increased air
`mainly the leaf system of the plant , and that these three
`temperature can be maintained in greenhouses relative to an
`factors must at all times be adapted to each other in order to
`outside temperature . In the absence of sunlight , such as 45 actually realize an optimal plant growth . In addition to the
`particularly at night , heating is possible in order to maintain
`root temperature and the entry of actinic light , a carbon
`such an increased air temperature , while excessive entry of
`dioxide assimilation management of the plant can also be
`sunlight can be prevented during the day by means of partial
`controlled by providing the leaf heating means in the system
`blinding and filtering , and the climate can also be regulated
`according to the invention . Due to additional heating the
`by means of ventilation . All in all , a climate in a greenhouse 50 stomata in the leaf will open further , so enhancing entry of
`can thus be controlled within certain limits and can be
`carbon dioxide to the leaf and evaporation of moisture from
`adapted to a desired growth development of a plant for
`the leaf . This latter is particularly important if a sap flow in
`cultivation , which is further controlled by means of a
`the plant is stimulated by an increased root temperature , as
`controlled dosage of moisture and nutrients , in addition to
`this flow will have to exit via the same stomata . Conversely ,
`pesticides . An additional component here is the root tem- 55 the leaf temperature can be decreased at a lower sap flow in
`perature . It has been found that the growth of the plant can
`order to prevent undesired plant dessication . All in all , the
`be influenced by control of the root temperature . With a view
`most important climate parameters responsible for the devel
`hereto , root temperature control means can be provided in
`opment of the plant can thus be controlled so that an optimal
`order to maintain a root temperature varying from the air
`efficiency can be realized in each of these components with
`60 a minimal energy consumption .
`temperature .
`Classic glass horticulture does however also have draw
`A particular embodiment of the system has the feature
`backs . Firstly , the environment must be particularly taken
`according to the invention that the lighting means are able
`into account here . It costs energy to keep a greenhouse warm
`and adapted to emit a lighting spectrum which can be
`and , for some plants , lighted day and night . It is therefore
`adapted to an intended photosynthesis and / or mode of
`important to regulate the energy management as efficiently 65 growth of the plant to be cultivated . The actinic light
`as possible . Where greenhouses are built in or close to
`components necessary for the development of the plant can
`densely populated areas , the aspect of space is moreover an
`thus be supplied only in precisely sufficient intensity , while
`Petitioner Syngenta
`Exhibit 1001 - Page 4 of 7
`US 10,667,469 B2
`according to the invention provides the option of arranging
`non - actinic components or an excess can be avoided as far
`this mutual relation in the form of for instance a plant
`as possible in order to limit the overall energy consumption
`dependent and / or growth phase - dependent modification of
`of the system and / or possible harmful effect on the plant
`development .
`these growth factors .
`In a particular embodiment the method according to the
`In a further particular embodiment the system according 5
`invention is characterized in that the carbon dioxide assimi
`to the invention is characterized here in that the lighting
`means comprise a set of light - emitting diodes , these diodes
`lation management is influenced by regulating a leaf tem
`being able and adapted to emit radiation at different wave
`perature of the leaf system so that it differs from an ambient
`lengths and being individually controllable , optionally in
`temperature . The above described system according to the
`groups . Such so - called LED elements produce substantially 10 invention is highly suitable for an implementation of this
`monochromatic light and are obtainable for different wave
`method in that the leaf temperature can hereby be regulated
`lengths , particularly in the far - red , yellow , green and blue
`so that , if desired , it differs from
`the environment , in
`visible part of the spectrum . A photosynthetically active
`a control of the other stated growth factors . In a
`( PAR ) spectrum which best suits the concrete needs of the
`further particular embodiment the method according to the
`plant can thus be constructed , and optionally modified , by 15 invention is characterized here in that the supply of light , the
`combination and selection of individual LEDs .
`root temperature and the leaf temperature are adapted to
`The leaf heating means can be formed per se in various
`each other depending on the plant .
`ways , although in a preferred embodiment the system
`For the purpose of an optimal photosynthesis and mode of
`according to the invention is characterized in that the leaf
`growth of the plant , a further particular embodiment of the
`heating means comprise at least one heat source able and 20 method according to the invention has the feature that
`adapted to irradiate the leaf with infrared radiation . Other
`actinic artificial light is supplied with a spectrum adapted to
`than heating means which , wholly or partially through
`an intended photosynthesis and / or mode of growth of the
`guiding of an intervening medium , are capable of heat
`plant . By thus specifically adapting the mutual ratio and
`exchanging contact with the leaf , such a heat source enters
`intensity of the various light components which play a part
`into heat - exchanging contact mainly through direct irradia- 25 in the photosynthesis and growth development of the plant ,
`tion . Not only does this result in a highly effective and
`a high yield can nevertheless be realized at a relatively low
`efficient heating of the leaf system , the intended temperature
`total light intensity and energy consumption . Within the
`difference with the environment contributing toward a
`context of the present invention a further particular embodi
`desired widening of the stomata is hereby also achieved in
`ment of the method according to the invention has the
`particularly effective manner . In a further preferred embodi- 30 feature here that the artificial light spectrum , a leaf tempera
`ment the system according to the invention is characterized
`ture of the leaf and the root temperature are controlled
`here in that the lighting means and the heat source are
`individually of each other but in mutual relation , depending
`accommodated in mutually separated fittings in order to thus
`on the plant .
`exclude a possibly disruptive influence of an inevitable heat
`dissipation in the heat source itself from the conditioning 35
`sphere of the actinic light source .
`Although the root temperature control means per se can
`also be realized in diverse ways , a preferred embodiment of
`The invention will now be further elucidated on the basis
`the system according to the invention has the feature that the
`of an exemplary embodiment and an accompanying draw
`root temperature control means comprise a closed conduit 40 ing . In the drawing :
`system for receiving therein during operation a liquid flow
`FIG . 1 shows a cross - sectional partial view of a device in
`with a controlled temperature , wherein the conduit system is
`an exemplary embodiment of a system according to the
`able and adapted to enter into heat - exchanging contact with
`invention .
`the culture substrate . Such a conduit system can for instance
`The FIGURE is otherwise purely schematic and not
`be formed by a system of tubes or fins in or under the culture 45 drawn to scale . Some dimensions in particular may be
`substrate , in which a liquid flow meanders alternatingly . The
`exaggerated to greater or lesser extent for the sake of clarity .
`root temperature can be uniformly controlled by thus heating
`Corresponding parts are designated as far as possible in the
`or cooling the culture substrate in which the root system is
`FIGURE with the same reference numeral .
`received . A further embodiment of the system according to
`the invention has the feature here that a control is provided 50
`between the leaf heating means and root temperature control
`means which imposes a mutual dependence on the leaf
`temperature and the root temperature . In for instance a
`The system shown in FIG . 1 makes use of a multi - layer
`normal growth trajectory the leaf temperature will thus
`cultivation of plant 1 so as to enable the best possible use of
`follow , optionally in directly proportional manner , a change 55 an available surface area . The plant is accommodated here in
`in root temperature so that the assimilation management
`culture trays 2 with a suitable culture substrate 3 therein ,
`such as earth , glass wool , rockwool or simply water , for the
`keeps pace with a variation in the root pressure .
`In order to achieve the stated object , a method has the
`purpose of receiving a root system 4 of the plant therein .
`feature according to the invention that a carbon dioxide
`Culture trays 2 are placed one above the other on beams 11
`assimilation management of a leaf system of the plant is also 60 of a frame 10 constructed almost entirely from stainless
`influenced , and that a supply of actinic light , the root
`steel . Any desired number of such carriages 10 can thus be
`temperature and the carbon dioxide assimilation manage
`combined to form a complete cultivation system in a con
`ment are adapted to each other . This method is in line with
`ditioned environment , wherein the plant is brought to full
`the above described insight that the root temperature , the
`development in fully controlled manner . Irrigation and fer
`supplied light spectrum and the carbon dioxide assimilation 65 tilizing provisions ( not further shown ) are arranged at or in
`management of the leaf are not separate entities but will only
`carriages 10 in order to provide the plant with sufficient
`arrive at the optimal result in mutual relation . The method
`water and the necessary nutrients .
`Petitioner Syngenta
`Exhibit 1001 - Page 5 of 7
`US 10,667,469 B2
`synthesis , the root pressure and the carbon dioxide assimi
`Beams 11 of the carriages each comprise a closed conduit
`lation , can thus be regulated individually in the system
`system 12 of a hose or tube which meanders at a regular
`according to the invention , and these factors are precisely
`pitch . In this respect a system of successive hollow fins can
`adapted in mutual relation at each stage of growth and for
`optionally also be applied as conduit system . This conduit
`system 12 , through which a heat - carrying medium such as 5 each plant in order to enhance optimum growth and mode of
`water of a controlled temperature can be guided in order to
`growth .
`control a temperature of the root system , forms part of root
`Although the invention has been further elucidated above
`temperature control means . The heated medium relinquishes
`on the basis of only a single exemplary embodiment , it will
`heat during operation to for instance the beams , which in
`be apparent that the invention is by no means limited thereto .
`turn conduct the heat via the culture trays to the culture 10 On the contrary , many other variations and embodiments are
`substrate with the root system of the plant therein . Con
`possible without requiring a skilled person to depart from
`versely , heat can also be extracted from the root bed by
`the scope of the invention in a manner which is less obvious .
`means of a cooled heat - carrying medium . The root system is
`The root temperature control means can thus also comprise
`thus kept more or less precisely at a desired root temperature
`a conduit system directly in the culture substrate which is in
`during operation according to the method described here . In 15 more or less direct heat - exchanging contact with the root
`order to give this heat transport a more specific control , and
`system . In the case of cultivation on water or a watery
`thereby a more efficient heat - exchanging capacity , the beams
`substrate , such as glass wool or rockwool , the root tempera
`take a multi - layer form with an insulating base 13 of foamed
`ture can also be controlled by a controlled control of the
`plastic such as polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam , with
`temperature of the water supplied thereto .
`a reflective top layer 14 , for instance a reflective metal 20
`Use is made in the example of artificial light by means of
`coating or an additional intermediate layer provided with
`light - emitting diodes ( LEDs ) , although within the scope of
`such a coating , followed by conduit system 12 and thereon
`the invention conventional incandescent growing lamps are
`a metal plate 15 , for instance of stainless steel , having good
`also suitable instead , and the invention can also be applied
`thermal conductivity .
`in full or partial daylight .
`Each layer of cultivation system 10 is provided with an 25
`Use is made in the given example of multi - layer cultiva
`artificial light source 20 in the form of a light fitting having
`tion on mobile carriages , although cultivation in a single
`therein groups 21 of light - emitting diodes ( LEDs ) , in addi
`layer and / or cultivation in a fixed arrangement can also be
`tion to possible other light sources 22 such as ultraviolet or
`envisaged within the scope of the invention .
`infrared radiators . The LED diodes in the first groups emit
`Within the scope of the invention the carbon dioxide
`light at least mainly in the visible part of the spectrum , in 30 assimilation and moisture evaporation via the leaf system
`particular red , yellow , green or blue light , while the second
`can be controlled and adapted to particularly the root pres
`groups 22 add invisible components such as infrared light
`sure . Instead of by means of direct infrared lamps , this can
`and near - ultraviolet light thereto . Light fittings 20 are pro
`also be achieved by means of spiral fila
`heat panels or
`vided with a control ( not further shown ) with which the
`the like disposed close to the leaf system . If desired , the leaf
`different groups and the elements within the groups can be 35 heating means , such as the infrared radiators in the example ,
`controlled selectively and individually in order during
`can further be integrated in the same fitting as the artificial
`operation to then adapt a specific spectral composition of the
`lighting means , for instance for the purpose of saving space
`emitted light to the requirements and type of the plant 1
`and / or ease of installation .
`being cultivated . Because the beams are optically separated
`What is really important in the invention is that the growth
`from each other to a significant extent , a different spectrum 40 development of the plant is determined by the weakest link
`can if desired thus be supplied per beam in order to thus
`in a chain of the most important growth factors , i.e. photo
`cultivate different plants in combination with each other and
`synthesis , root pressure and carbon dioxide assimilation , and
`provide each with an optimal spectrum . The system is highly
`that all these factors are controlled in mutual relation accord
`suitable here for application in
`a low - daylight or even
`ing to the invention and , if desired , are artificially modified
`daylight - free environment , such as for instance in an under- 45 in order to realize an optimal chain .
`ground situation .
`The invention claimed is :
`Further provided in the cultivation system are leaf heating
`1. A system for producing and harvesting a crop , com
`means 30 in the form of infrared radiators which are
`prising :
`disposed in layers on either side on the shelves of the
`a substantially daylight - free , at least partly conditioned
`carriages . The infrared radiators emit direct heat radiation in 50
`environment , said environment comprising a multi
`the direction of the leaf of the plant and thus , if desired ,
`layer cultivation system having a number of cultivation
`increase a leaf temperature of the leaf relative to the ambient
`layers above one another , each of said cultivation layers
`temperature . The carbon dioxide assimilation management
`above another comprising :
`of the leaf can thus be controlled to a significant degree and
`a cultivation base for receiving a root system of the crop
`particularly be adapted to the root pressure of the sap flow
`therein ;
`in the plant which is produced by root system 4. This
`irrigation and fertilization means to provide the crop with
`because heating of the leaf results in a widening of the
`sufficient water and necessary nutrients ;
`stomata in the leaf , whereby they will be better able to
`an artificial light source that exposes the leaves of each
`relieve surplus root pressure by allowing water to evaporate ,
`plant of the crop to artificial actinic light having a
`while a sufficient carbon dioxide assimilation required for 60
`lighting spectrum that is adapted to an intended pho
`the photosynthesis , which is in turn activated and controlled
`tosynthesis and / or mode of growth of the plant to be
`using the lighting means , nevertheless continues via these
`cultivated , said artificial light source comprising a set
`same stomata . If on the other hand cuttings of the plant are
`of light - emitting diodes , said diodes being able and
`taken , the leaf system is however not heated , or at least
`adapted to emit radiation at different wavelengths ;
`heated less , at an increased root simulation so as to thus limit 65
`a root temperature heat exchange system that controls the
`evaporation and ensure an excess of moisture on the cutting
`root temperature of the root system , the root tempera
`ture heat exchange system comprising a conduit system
`surface . All in all , the main growth factors , i.e. the photo
`Petitioner Syngenta
`Exhibit 1001 - Page 6 of 7
`US 10,667,469 B2
`1 , wherein said
`3. The system as claimed in claim
`for receiving therein , during operation , a fluid flow with
`light - emitting diodes are individually controllable .
`a controlled temperature , said fluid entering into heat
`4. The system as claimed in
`1 , wherein said
`exchanging contact with said root system of said plant ;
`light - emitting diodes are controllable in groups .
`leaf heating means that impose on the leaves of the plant
`5. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the leaf
`a leaf temperature that differs from an ambient tem- 5
`heater comprises at least one heat source adapted to irradiate
`perature within said environment ; and
`the leaf with infrared radiation .
`wherein a control of the leaf heating means , the root
`6. The system as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the light
`temperature heat exchange system and the artificial
`source and the heat source are accommodated in mutually
`light source that is capable of imposing a mutual
`dependence on the leaf temperature , the root tempera 10 spaced fittings .
`7. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the system
`ture and the exposure of said crop to said artificial light ,
`is multilayer with culture trays placed one above the other on
`within each layer ,
`beams of a frame .
`wherein the mutual dependence requires that any change
`8. The system as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the frame is
`to any one of these three parameters results in a change
`to at least one of the other two of these three parameters 15 formed from stainless steel .
`9. The system as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the beams
`in a defined proportion , and
`each comprise a closed conduit system for a hose or tube that
`wherein changes in leaf temperature and root temperature
`meanders at a regular pitch .
`are directly proportional ,
`10. The system as claimed in claim 7 , wherein the beams
`so as to control the carbon dioxide assimilation manage
`ment of the leaves , by regulating the root temperature 20 each comprise an insulating base of foamed plastic and a
`reflective top layer .
`and the leaf temperature that is different from the
`11. The system as claimed in claim
`7 , wherein the
`ambient temperature , and a mutual ratio and intensity
`reflective top layer is a reflective metal coating .
`of various light components which play a part in the
`12. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mutual
`photosynthesis and growth development of the plant .
`2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the light 25 dependence requires and necessitates that any change to any
`one of the three parameters results in a change to both of the
`source emits light with a lighting spectrum that is adaptable
`other two parameters in a defined proportion .
`to said intended photosynthesis and / or mode of growth of
`the plant to be cultivated .
`Petitioner Syngenta
`Exhibit 1001 - Page 7 of 7