`GARCIA, individually and on behalf of all
`others similarly situated,
`Civil Action No.:
`Defendant Luna Pharmaceuticals, Inc. d/b/a Premama (“Premama”) is a fertility
`supplement company that peddles false hope to people who are trying to have children.
`Conception can sometimes be difficult, and modern interventions — while
`sometimes effective — can be expensive. So it’s not surprising that some people would consider
`supplements as a possible way to improve the chances of conception. Deceptive claims about
`fertility supplements can play on the emotions of individuals who are struggling to conceive.
`At best, bogus fertility supplements give false hope and are a waste of time and
`money. At worst, they can result in harmful side effects.
`Fertility supplements that falsely imply they can improve the chances of
`conception can also potentially harm consumers who use these products instead of seeking
`effective treatments, such as drugs or assisted reproductive technology approved by the U.S.
`Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”). The FDA has not approved fertility supplements as a
`method for increasing the chances of conception.
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 2 of 21 PageID #: 2
`The fertility supplement industry is facing booming growth, due in part to
`declining fertility rates. The fertility supplement market was estimated at USD $1.7 billion in
`2020 and is expected to grow to $2.6 billion by 2026.1
`Premama is one of several companies in the United States that preys on people
`having difficulties conceiving. Premama markets and sells two related supplement products
`called “Fertility Support for Her” and “Fertility Support for Him” (collectively “Fertility
`Support”) that claim to increase chances of conception. The products are expensive and the
`marketing is bold. Displayed prominently on the product packaging, directly underneath the
`product name, is the large word “Conceive.” Premama claims that Fertility Support “optimizes
`your chances of conception” and tells purchasers to use the product “for at least 3 months or until
`you become pregnant.” Premama implies that certain marquee ingredients in Fertility Support
`like myo-inositol and folate are clinically proven to increase the chances of conception, but that
`is false. Taking Fertility Support does not improve the chances of conception, yet that is the
`product’s only purported purpose.
`Premama knows perfectly well that its products do not help people conceive. In
`2019, Premama privately admitted in an email to a non-profit watchdog organization that “I
`think you'll be hard pressed to find any supplement company that can definitively say that
`their product increases the chances of becoming pregnant. If you do, I’d be very curious to
`see.” That admission is directly contrary to everything Premama says and implies about Fertility
`Support’s effectiveness.
`Therefore, Plaintiffs Victoria Garcia and Jenny McClough have filed this class
`action on behalf of themselves and other U.S. purchasers of Fertility Support. They seek actual
`1 https://www.expertmarketresearch.com/reports/fertility-supplements-market
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 3 of 21 PageID #: 3
`damages, statutory damages, restitution, injunctive relief, and all other relief available under the
`causes of action asserted here.
`Plaintiff Victoria Garcia is domiciled in New York. In or around January 2021,
`she purchased Fertility Support for Her and Fertility Support for Him. The products cost
`approximately $35 each. Ms. Garcia purchased the products directly from Premama’s website,
`and she was in New York when she made her purchase. Before purchasing the products, Ms.
`Garcia reviewed and relied on the representations made on the product packaging and the
`information provided about the products on Premama’s website. Based on the product name,
`packaging, and information disclosed on the website, Ms. Garcia believed that Fertility Support
`for Her and Fertility Support for Him would improve her chances of conception. It did not have
`that effect. Had Ms. Garcia known the truth about the products’ ineffectiveness, she would not
`have purchased them.
`Plaintiff Jenny McClough is domiciled in California. On April 15, 2021, she
`purchased Fertility Support for Her. The product cost approximately $35. Ms. McClough
`purchased the products from a Target store in California. Before purchasing the products, Ms.
`McClough reviewed and relied on the representations made on the product packaging and the
`information provided about the products on the product page of Premama’s website. Based on
`the product name, packaging, and information disclosed on the website, Ms. McClough believed
`that consuming Fertility Support for Her would improve her chances of conception. It did not
`have that effect. Had Ms. McClough known the truth about the product’s ineffectiveness, she
`would not have purchased it.
`Defendant Luna Pharmaceuticals, Inc. d/b/a Premama (“Premama”) is a
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 4 of 21 PageID #: 4
`Delaware corporation with its headquarters in Providence, Rhode Island.
`The two products at issue in this case are called “Fertility Support for Her” and
`“Fertility Support for Him.”
`Premama manufactures, distributes, advertises, and sells Fertility Support for Her
`and Fertility Support for Him.
`Premama sells Fertility Support for Her and Fertility Support for Him directly to
`consumers through its website premamawellness.com and through its Amazon store.
`Premama also sells Fertility Support for Her and Fertility Support for Him through
`major U.S. retailers like Target and Walmart.
`The conduct at issue here occurred at all times during the last four years, at least.
`Premama’s Expensive, Four-Stage Pregnancy “System”
`Premama sells maternity supplements for people who want to conceive, who are
`already pregnant, or who have recently given birth. Premama does not target any other
`demographic for its products.
`Premama sells a four-stage nutritional supplement “system” that supposedly
`supports women “through each stage of maternity.” The four stages of the system are called
`“Cleanse,” “Conceive,” “Carry,” and “Care.” For each stage of the system, Premama sells a
`variety of corresponding supplements and drink mixes.
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 5 of 21 PageID #: 5
`The products in Premama’s system are expensive. For a couple trying to conceive,
`adhering to Premama’s recommended daily intake of the products can easily cost $400 or more.
`Stage 1 of the Premama system is called “Cleanse” and involves a berry-flavored
`drink mix called “Birth Control Cleanse.” Premama claims this Stage 1 product “resets” and
`“prepares the body for pregnancy” by offsetting the effects of synthetic birth control hormones.
`One package of Birth Control Cleanse costs about $60 and provides enough drink mix to last a
`month. Premama tells consumers they should use Birth Control Cleanse for two to three months.
`Stage 2 of Premama’s system is called “Conceive,” and its corresponding products
`are two, related drink mixes called Fertility Support for Her and Fertility Support for Him.. These
`are the product at issue in this lawsuit and they are addressed more fully below. In a nutshell,
`Premama falsely claims that taking Fertility Support helps people conceive. One package of
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 6 of 21 PageID #: 6
`Fertility Support cost about $30-35 and provides enough drink mix to last a month. Premama tells
`consumers that they should use Fertility Support for three months “or until conception occurs.”
`Unlike products associated with the other stages of Premama’s system, Fertility Support is
`marketed to women and men.
`Stage 3 is called “Carry,” and the corresponding Stage 3 products are for people
`who are already pregnant. These products include a range of prenatal vitamins, gummies, and
`drink mixes for use during the entire nine months of pregnancy. Stage 3 products cost around $25-
`$35 per bottle, with each bottle containing about one month of supplements.
`Stage 4 is called “Care,” and includes a range of postnatal vitamins and drink mixes
`that Premama claims promote recovery after giving birth, support lactation, and alleviate
`postpartum depression. Stage 4 products cost $20-$50 per bottle, with each bottle containing
`about one month of supplements.
`Premama Misleads Consumers into Believing That “Fertility Support” Products
`Increase the Chance of Becoming Pregnant
`Premama makes numerous misleading statements on the product labeling and on its
`website that have the tendency or capacity to confuse or mislead reasonable consumers into
`believing that Fertility Support improves the chances of conceiving, and shown in the photos
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 7 of 21 PageID #: 7
`First and foremost, the front of every product packaging displays the product name
`“Fertility Support for Her” or “Fertility Support for Him” with the word “Conceive” prominently
`displayed under the product name. This strongly suggests that the purpose of the product is to
`improve the chances of conception.
`Several other statements on the side of the packaging reinforce the impression that
`the purpose of Fertility Support is to improve the chances of conception. The side of the
`packaging of Fertility Support for Her states, “Premama Fertility Support should be taken every
`day, including during menstruation, while trying to conceive.”
`The same side of the packaging also highlights two marquee ingredients in the
`product called myo-inositol and folate, stating, “Myo-Inositol is clinically shown to support
`ovulatory function and egg quality,” and that folate is “the necessary ingredient in prenatal
`vitamins for early fetal development.” These statements are misleading in the context of the
`packaging because consuming myo-inositol or folate do not increase the chances of conception.
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 8 of 21 PageID #: 8
`Similarly, the side of the packaging of Fertility Support for Him states the product
`should be taken “once daily while trying to conceive.”
`The same side of the packaging of Fertility Support for Him also highlights the
`presence of vitamin E in the product, stating vitamin E “is clinically proven to increase sperm
`mobility and function.” This statement is misleading in the context of the packaging because
`consuming vitamin E does not improve the chances for conception.
`30. Many people buy Fertility Support directly from Premama through its website.
`That website contains several statements about Fertility Support for Her that reinforce the
`impression that drinking Fertility Support will increase the chances of conception:
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 9 of 21 PageID #: 9
` “Proven to optimize your chances of conception with Myo-Inositol.”
` “Optimize egg quality & ovulation while trying to conceive.”
` “Take Fertility Support For Her daily while trying to conceive for at least 3
`months or until you become pregnant.”
` “If trying to conceive, we recommend pairing this drink mix with our Prenatal
`Premama’s website also contains several statements about Fertility Support for Him
`that reinforce the impression that drinking Fertility Support will increase the chances of
` “It takes two to tango, support your partner’s sperm health to optimize chances of
` “It’s recommended that you take Fertility Support For Him for 3 months (the time
`required to nurture new sperm to maturity), or until conception occurs.”
` “A chocolate flavored drink mix formulated with male fertility vitamins to
`support male reproductive health and improve sperm quality, motility,
`morphology, and function.”
`The packaging and website do not suggest that Fertility Support is suitable or
`recommended for anything other than improving the chances for conception.
`Taking Fertility Support Does Not Increase the Chances of Becoming Pregnant.
`Drinking Fertility Support does not optimize or improve the chances of becoming
`pregnant. None of the ingredients in Fertility Support improve the chances of becoming pregnant,
`or alternatively, the amounts of the ingredients in Fertility Support are too low to improve the
`chances of becoming pregnant.
`In 2019, Premama made a statement that contradicts everything it tells consumers
`about Fertility Support. That year, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (“CSPI”) asked
`Premama whether there are any scientific studies showing that women who take Fertility Support
`are more likely to become pregnant. Here was Premama’s response:
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 10 of 21 PageID #: 10
`We do not have funding at this juncture to conduct clinical studies on the
`effectiveness. We rely on clinical research of our active ingredients. I think you'll
`be hard pressed to find any supplement company that can definitively say
`that their product increases the chances of becoming pregnant. If you do, I’d
`be very curious to see.
`35. Moreover, as alleged above, the packaging for Fertility Support for Her states,
`“Myo-Inositol is clinically shown to support ovulatory function and egg quality,” but that
`statement is misleading. No specific studies are cited on the packaging. In 2019, the CSPI asked
`Premama to identify the myo-inositol studies that are alluded to on the product packaging.
`Premama cited two studies, but neither study showed that myo-inositol was any more effective
`than a placebo. None of these facts are disclosed on the packaging of Fertility Support for Her.
`Although Premama lacks substantiation for its claims that Fertility Support supports
`fertility and improves the chances of conception, that is not the basis for the claims alleged here.
`Instead, the crux of this case is that—irrespective of Premama’s lack of substantiation—Fertility
`Support does not improve the chances for conceiving, which is contrary to the product labeling and
`This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this civil action pursuant to 28
`U.S.C. § 1332(d) because there are more than 100 class members and the aggregate amount in
`controversy exceeds $5,000,000, exclusive of interest, fees, and costs, and at least one Class
`member is a citizen of a state different from Defendant Premama. This Court has supplemental
`jurisdiction over state law claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367.
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over Premama because Premama’s
`headquarters are in Providence, Rhode Island.
`Venue is proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(1) because Premama resides in this
`judicial district.
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 11 of 21 PageID #: 11
`Venue is proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(2) because a substantial part of the
`events giving rise to Plaintiffs’ claims took place within this judicial district.
`Class Definition: Plaintiffs brings this class action on behalf of themselves and as
`a class action on behalf of the following putative classes:
`(a) Nationwide Class: All people in the United States who purchased Fertility
`(b) California Sub-Class: All people in California who purchased Fertility
`(c) New York Sub-Class: All people in New York who purchased Fertility
`Excluded from each of the above-listed putative classes are: (1) Premama and all
`directors, officers, employees, partners, principals, shareholders, and agents of Premama; and (2)
`the Judges presiding over the Action and members of their families and judicial staff.
`Subject to additional information obtained through discovery, the foregoing class
`definitions may be modified or narrowed by an amended complaint, or at class certification,
`including through the use of multi-state subclasses to account for material differences in state
`law, if any.
`44. Members of the putative classes are so numerous that their individual joinder is
`impracticable. On information and belief, members of the putative classes number in the
`thousands. The precise number of class members and their identities are unknown to Plaintiff sat
`this time but may be determined through discovery. Class members may be notified of the
`pendency of this action by mail and/or publication through the distribution records of Defendant.
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 12 of 21 PageID #: 12
`Common questions of law and fact exist as to all class members and predominate
`over questions affecting only individual class members. Common legal and factual questions
`include, but are not limited to:
`whether Defendant committed the conduct alleged herein;
`whether Defendant’s conduct constitutes the violations of laws alleged
`whether Defendant’s labeling and advertising alleged herein are
`unlawful, untrue, or are misleading, or reasonably likely to deceive;
`whether Defendant knew or should have known that the representations
`were false or misleading;
`whether Defendant’s representations, concealments and non-disclosures
`concerning Fertility Support are likely to deceive the consumer;
`whether Plaintiffs and the Class are entitled to actual damages, statutory
`damages and/or restitution
`The claims of the named Plaintiffs are typical of the claims of the putative class
`members in that the named Plaintiffs and the class members sustained damages as a result of
`Defendant’s uniform wrongful conduct.
`Plaintiffs are adequate representatives of the putative class because their interests
`do not conflict with the interests of the class members they seek to represent; they retained
`competent counsel experienced in prosecuting class actions; and they intend to prosecute this
`action vigorously. The interests of class members will be fairly and adequately protected by
`Plaintiffs and their counsel.
`The class mechanism is superior to other available means for the fair and efficient
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 13 of 21 PageID #: 13
`adjudication of the claims of class members. Each individual class member may lack the
`resources to undergo the burden and expense of individual prosecution of the litigation necessary
`to establish Defendant’s liability. Individualized litigation increases the delay and expense to all
`parties and multiplies the burden on the judicial system presented by the complex legal and
`factual issues of this case. Individualized litigation also presents a potential for inconsistent or
`contradictory judgments. In contrast, the class action device presents far fewer management
`difficulties and provides the benefits of single adjudication, economy of scale, and
`comprehensive supervision by a single court on the issue of Defendant’s liability. Class
`treatment of the liability issues will ensure that all claims and claimants are before this Court for
`consistent adjudication of the liability issues.
`Violations of New York GBL § 349
`Plaintiffs incorporate by reference and realleges each and every allegation
`contained above, as though fully set forth herein.
`Plaintiff Garcia brings this claim individually and on behalf of members of the
`proposed New York subclass against Defendant.
`New York’s General Business Law § 349 prohibits deceptive acts or practices in
`the conduct of any business, trade, or commerce.
`In its sale of goods throughout the State of New York, Defendant conducts
`business and trade within the meaning of New York’s General Business Law § 349.
`Plaintiff Garcia and members of the subclass are consumers who purchased
`products from Defendant for their personal use.
`By the acts and conduct alleged herein, Defendant has engaged in deceptive,
`unfair, and misleading acts and practices.
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 14 of 21 PageID #: 14
`The foregoing deceptive acts and practices were directed at consumers.
`The foregoing deceptive acts and practices are misleading in a material way
`because they fundamentally misrepresent the characteristics of Fertility Support to induce
`consumers to purchase same.
`By reason of this conduct, Defendant violated New York’s General Business
`Defendant’s actions are the direct, foreseeable, and proximate cause of the
`damages that Plaintiff Garcia and members of the subclass have sustained from having paid for
`and consumed Defendant’s products.
`As a result of Defendant’s violations, Plaintiff Garcia and members of the
`subclass have suffered damages because: (a) they would not have purchased Fertility Support on
`the same terms if they knew that the products were not sold as advertised; (b) they paid a price
`premium for Fertility Support due to Defendant’s misleading conduct; and (c) Fertility Support
`does not have the characteristics, ingredients, uses, or benefits promised.
`On behalf of herself and other members of the subclass, Plaintiff Garcia seeks to
`recover her actual damages or fifty dollars, whichever is greater, three times actual damages, and
`reasonable attorneys’ fees.
`Violations of New York GBL § 350
`Plaintiffs incorporate by reference and realleges each and every allegation
`contained above, as though fully set forth herein.
`Plaintiff Garcia brings this claim individually and on behalf of members of the
`proposed New York subclass against Defendant.
`New York’s General Business Law § 350 prohibits false advertising in the
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 15 of 21 PageID #: 15
`conduct of any business, trade, or commerce.
`Pursuant to said statute, false advertising is defined as “advertising, including
`labeling, of a commodity … if such advertising is misleading in a material respect.”
`Based on the foregoing, Defendant has engaged in consumer-oriented conduct
`that is deceptive or misleading in a material way which constitutes false advertising in violation
`of Section 350 of New York’s General Business Law.
`Defendant’s false, misleading, and deceptive statements and representations of
`fact were and are directed to consumers.
`Defendant’s false, misleading, and deceptive statements and representations of
`fact were and are likely to mislead a reasonable consumer acting reasonably under the
`Defendant’s false, misleading, and deceptive statements and representations of
`fact have resulted in consumer injury or harm to the public interest.
`As a result of Defendant’s false, misleading, and deceptive statements and
`representations of fact, Plaintiff and the subclass have suffered economic injury.
`As a result of Defendant’s violations, Plaintiff Garcia and members of the
`subclass have suffered damages because: (a) they would not have purchased Fertility Support on
`the same terms if they knew that the products were not sold as advertised; (b) they paid a price
`premium for Fertility Support due to Defendant’s misleading conduct; and (c) Fertility Support
`does not have the characteristics, ingredients, uses, or benefits promised.
`On behalf of herself and other members of the Subclass, Plaintiff seeks to recover
`her actual damages or five hundred dollars, whichever is greater, three times actual damages, and
`reasonable attorneys’ fees.
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 16 of 21 PageID #: 16
`California’s Consumers Legal Remedies Act, Cal. Civil Code § 1750, et seq (“CLRA”)
`Plaintiffs incorporate by reference and realleges each and every allegation
`contained above, as though fully set forth herein.
`Plaintiff McClough brings this claim individually and on behalf of members of
`the proposed California subclass against Defendant.
`California’s Consumers Legal Remedies Act, Cal. Civ. Code § 1770(a)(5),
`prohibits “[r]epresenting that goods or services have sponsorship, approval, characteristics,
`ingredients, uses, benefits, or quantities which they do not have or that a person has a
`sponsorship, approval, status, affiliation, or connection which he or she does not have.”
`California’s Consumers Legal Remedies Act, Cal. Civ. Code § 1770(a)(7),
`prohibits “[r]epresenting that goods or services are of a particular standard, quality, or grade, or
`that goods are of a particular style or model, if they are of another.”
`California’s Consumers Legal Remedies Act, Cal. Civ. Code § 1770(a)(9),
`prohibits “[a]dvertising goods or services with intent not to sell them as advertised.”
`Defendant violated these provisions by making the false and misleading
`statements alleged in this complaint.
` As a result of Defendant’s violations, Plaintiff McClough and members of the
`subclass have suffered damages because: (a) they would not have purchased Fertility Support on
`the same terms if they knew that the products were not sold as advertised; (b) they paid a price
`premium for Fertility Support due to Defendant’s misleading conduct; and (c) Fertility Support
`does not have the characteristics, ingredients, uses, or benefits promised.
`Before filing this action, a CLRA notice letter was served on Defendant which
`complies in all respects with California Civil Code § 1782(a). The letter was sent via certified
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 17 of 21 PageID #: 17
`mail, return receipt requested, advising Defendant that it violated the CLRA and demanding that
`Defendant cease and desist from such violations and make full restitution by refunding the
`monies received therefrom.
`Plaintiff McClough seeks all available relief under the CLRA.
`Violation Of Unfair Competition Law, Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200, et seq.
`Plaintiffs incorporate by reference and realleges each and every allegation
`contained above, as though fully set forth herein.
`Plaintiff McClough brings this claim individually and on behalf of members of
`the proposed California subclass against Defendant.
`Defendant is subject to California’s Unfair Competition Law, Cal. Bus. & Prof.
`Code §§ 17200, et seq. The UCL provides, in pertinent part: “Unfair competition shall mean and
`include unlawful, unfair or fraudulent business practices and unfair, deceptive, untrue or
`misleading advertising ….”
`Defendant’s misrepresentations and other conduct, described herein, violated the
`“unlawful” prong of the UCL by violating the CLRA as described herein.
`Defendant’s misrepresentations and other conduct, described herein, violated the
`“unfair” prong of the UCL because its conduct is substantially injurious to consumers, offends
`public policy, and is immoral, unethical, oppressive, and unscrupulous, as the gravity of the
`conduct outweighs any alleged benefits.
`Defendant violated the “fraudulent” prong of the UCL by making false and
`misleading statements about Fertility Support, as described herein.
`Plaintiff seeks all available relief under the UCL.
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 18 of 21 PageID #: 18
`Breach of Express Warranty
`Plaintiffs incorporate by reference and realleges each and every allegation
`contained above, as though fully set forth herein.
`Plaintiffs bring this claim individually and on behalf of members of the proposed
`Class and the New York and California subclasses against Defendant.
`As the designer, manufacturer, marketer, distributor, and seller, Defendant
`expressly warranted that Fertility Support “optimizes your chances of conception.”
`However, Fertility Support cannot provide any appreciable benefit to consumers,
`and does not optimize or enhance an individual’s chances of conceiving.
`As a direct and proximate cause of Defendant’s breach of express warranty,
`Plaintiffs and members of the Class have been injured and harmed because: (a) they would they
`would not have purchased the Ginkgo Smart on the same terms if the true facts were known
`about the product; (b) they paid a price premium for Fertility Support due to Defendant’s
`promises that it would improve chances of conception; and (c) Fertility Support did not have the
`characteristics as promised by Defendant.
`On September 1, 2021, a pre-suit notice letter was served on Defendant which
`complied in all respects with U.C.C. § 2-607. Plaintiffs and the Class sent Defendant a letter via
`certified mail, return receipt requested, advising Defendant that it breached numerous warranties
`and violated state consumer protection laws, and demanding that Defendant cease and desist
`from such violations and make full restitution by refunding the monies received therefrom.
`Unjust Enrichment
`Plaintiffs hereby incorporate by reference the allegations contained in all preceding
`paragraphs of this complaint.
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 19 of 21 PageID #: 19
`Plaintiffs bring this claim individually and on behalf of the members of the
`proposed Class and the New York Subclass against Defendant.
`Plaintiffs and Class Members conferred benefits on Defendant by purchasing
`Fertility Support.
`Defendant has been unjustly enriched in retaining the revenues derived from
`Plaintiffs’ and Class Members’ purchases of Fertility Support. Retention of those monies under
`these circumstances is unjust and inequitable because Defendant misrepresented that Fertility
`Support would provide consumers with enhanced and increased likelihood of conception. This
`misrepresentation caused injuries to Plaintiffs and Class Members, because they would not have
`purchased Fertility Support if the true facts regarding the effectiveness of the products were
`Because Defendant’s retention of the non-gratuitous benefits conferred on it by
`Plaintiffs and Class Members is unjust and inequitable, Defendant must pay restitution to
`Plaintiffs and Class Members for its unjust enrichment, as ordered by the Court.
`99. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
`situated, seeks a judgment against Defendant as follows:
`For an order certifying the Class under Rule 23 of the Federal Rules
`of Civil Procedure and naming Plaintiffs representatives of the
`putative classes and/or subclasses and Plaintiffs’ attorneys as Class
`For an order declaring that Defendant’s conduct as described herein
`violates the law;
`For an order finding in favor of Plaintiff and the putative classes on
`all counts asserted herein;
`For prejudgment interest on all amounts awarded;
`Case 1:21-cv-00449 Document 1 Filed 11/10/21 Page 20 of 21 PageID #: 20
`For an order awarding damages, statutory damages, restitution, and
`any other relief deemed appropriate;
`For injunctive relief as pleaded or as the Court may deem proper;
`For an order awarding Plaintiff and the Class their reasonable
`attorneys’ fees