Official - Subject to Final Review
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` LTD., ET AL.,
` Petitioners : No. 15-777
` v.
` Respondent.
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` Washington, D.C.
` Tuesday, October 11, 2016
`The above-entitled matter came on for oral
` argument before the Supreme Court of the United States
`at 10:05 a.m.
`KATHLEEN M. SULLIVAN, ESQ., New York, N.Y.; on behalf of
` the Petitioners.
`BRIAN H. FLETCHER, ESQ., Assistant to the Solicitor
`General, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.;
`for United States, as amicus curiae, supporting
`neither party.
`SETH P. WAXMAN, ESQ., Washington, D.C.; on behalf of the
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` C O N T E N T S
`On behalf of the Petitioners
` For United States, as amicus curiae,
` supporting neither party 20
` On behalf of the Respondent 32
` On behalf of the Petitioners 52
`Alderson Reporting Company

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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` (10:05 a.m.)
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: We'll hear argument
` first this morning in Case No. 15-777, Samsung
` Electronics v. Apple, Incorporated.
` Ms. Sullivan.
` MS. SULLIVAN: Mr. Chief Justice, and may it
` please the Court:
` A smartphone is smart because it contains
` hundreds of thousands of the technologies that make it
` work. But the Federal Circuit held that Section 289 of
` the Patent Act entitles the holder of a single design
` patent on a portion of the appearance of the phone to
` total profit on the entire phone.
` That result makes no sense. A single design
` patent on the portion of the appearance of a phone
` should not entitle the design-patent holder to all the
` profit on the entire phone.
` Section 289 does not require that result,
` and as this case comes to the Court on the briefing,
` Apple and the government now agree that Section 289 does
` not require that result. We respectfully ask that the
` Court hold that when a design patent claims a design
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` that is applied to a component of a phone or a component
` of a product, or, to use the language of Section 289,
` when a design patent is applied to an article of
` manufacture within a multi-article product, we request
` that you hold that Section 289 entitles the
` patent-holder to total profit on the article of
` manufacture to which the design patent is applied, and
` not the profits on the total product.
` JUSTICE KENNEDY: The problem is, is how to
` instruct the jury on that point. Both parties, not the
` government, both parties kind of leave it up and say,
` oh, give it to the juror. If I were the juror, I simply
` wouldn't know what to do under your -- under your test.
` My preference, if -- if I were just making
` another sensible rule, is we'd have market studies to
` see how the -- the extent to which the design affected
` the consumer, and then the jury would have something to
` do that. But that's apportionment, which runs headlong
` into the statute.
` You can't really have apportionment, so it
` seems to me you leave us with no -- one choice is to
` have a de minimis exception, like the cup-holder example
` that's in the car -- maybe the boat windshield, which is
` a little more difficult -- and just follow the -- and
` just follow the words of the statute. But it seems to
`Alderson Reporting Company

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` me neither side gives us an instruction to work with.
` MS. SULLIVAN: Your Honor --
` JUSTICE KENNEDY: One -- I mean, it's one
` thing to leave it to the jury. It's the other thing --
` if I were the juror, I wouldn't know what to do under
` your brief.
` MS. SULLIVAN: Your Honor, we do not propose
` a test that simply leaves it to the jury without
` guidance. The instruction we proposed and that was
` rejected by the district court appears in the blue brief
` at page 21, and what we would have told the jury is that
` the article of manufacture to which a design has been
` applied is the part or portion of the product as sold
` that incorporates or embodies the subject matter of the
` So, Justice Kennedy, our test is very
` JUSTICE KENNEDY: If I'm the juror, I just
` don't know what to do. I'd have the iPhone in the jury
` room; I'd -- I'd look at it. I just wouldn't know.
` MS. SULLIVAN: Your Honor, what we
` respectfully suggest is that there are two parts to the
` test for what constitutes an article of manufacture.
` And to be clear, I'm now stressing our
` article-of-manufacture argument, not the causation
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` argument we gave as an alternative.
` As the case comes to the Court, all we ask
` is that you rule in favor of us on article of
`And, Justice Kennedy, the statute tells us
`what to look at --
`JUSTICE KAGAN: Could I really quickly make
`sure I understand that, that in other words, you're --
`you're saying we should only look to what an article of
`manufacture is and not your other argument that there
`should be apportionment as to any particular article of
` MS. SULLIVAN: That is correct, Your Honor.
`We're pressing here, as you all you need to resolve the
` case, that a jury should be instructed that total profit
`must be profit derived from the article of manufacture
` to which the design has been applied.
`And, Your Honor, the statute does support
`our test because the statute asks us to look at the
`article of manufacture to which the design has been
`JUSTICE GINSBURG: And what is that in
` this -- in this case?
` MS. SULLIVAN: Your Honor, in this case it
` is -- there are three patents. The D'677 is on the
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` front face of a phone. The rectangular, round-cornered
` front face of a phone.
` In the D'087, it's also the rectangular,
` round-cornered front face of the phone with certain
` aspect ratio and corner radii.
` In the D'305, it is the display screen on
` which the graphical user interface appears.
` So, to answer Justice Kennedy's question,
` the jury should have been instructed either with our
` instruction: Instruction 42.1 would have said to the
` jury, I'm giving you guidance. There's an article of
` manufacture here, but it may be less than the entire
` phone. The article of manufacture may be a part or
` portion of the phone, and you should look at two things,
` Your Honor.
` You should look at the patent, and, Justice
` Kennedy, with respect -- you shouldn't just look at
` the -- at the phones in the jury room. You ought to
` look at the patent because, Justice Ginsburg, the patent
` is going to be the best guide to what the design is
` applied to in many, many cases, as in this case.
` JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Ms. Sullivan, you seem
` to be arguing, as when you opened, that as a matter of
` law, you were right. And I don't see that as a matter
` of law.
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` I believe that your basic argument, everyone
` is in agreement, that the test is an article of
` manufacture for purposes of sale.
` do we announce the right test for that? Because the
` phone could be seen by a public -- a purchasing consumer
` as being just that rounded edge, slim outer shell. That
` might be what drives the sale. I don't know.
` Certainly your expert didn't tell me how to
` But I am like Justice Kennedy, which is, how
` figure out the component part. I don't know where in
` the record you would have enough to survive your
`MS. SULLIVAN: So, Your Honor, let me back
` up and restate the test, the burden, and the evidence.
`The -- the test -- and I want to agree with
` Your Honor. To be clear, we say that what the Federal
`Circuit held was wrong as a matter of law. It is wrong
` as a matter of law to hold that the entire product is
`necessarily the article of manufacture from which you
`measure total profit. That's wrong as a matter of law,
`but we did not argue, Your Honor, that the test has to
`hold we're right on the article as a matter of law.
`It's an -- it's a -- it's a question of
`either fact or, as you said in Markman, a mongrel
`question of law and fact.
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` And why does it involve both? Because we
` know that district courts look at patents. You assign
` them that task in Markman, and we perform it daily. And
` when they look at a patent for a claim construction,
` we're asking for part of the test to be very similar.
` The district court can look at the patent
` and say, oh, this is Apple's front face patent. This
` isn't one of Apple's 13 other patents on other parts of
` the phone, or Apple's other patent on the design of the
` entire case. This is the front face patent.
` JUSTICE GINSBURG: Then how do -- how would
` you determine the profit attributable to the relevant
` article of manufacture?
` MS. SULLIVAN: Three ways, Your Honor.
` First, through ordinary accounting that
` would look to the cost of goods sold in relation to
` revenues for the relevant component.
` You could look, if -- if a company buys the
` component from an original equipment manufacturer, you
` would look to their profit margins and apply that.
` If, as sometimes happens within a company,
` one division makes the glass front face and another
` division makes the innards of the phone, you would find
` out the transfer pricing between the divisions.
` JUSTICE KENNEDY: So we find out the -- the
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` production cost if -- if a billion dollars were spent on
` the inner parts and a hundred million was spent on the
` face, then it's a 10:1 ratio.
` MS. SULLIVAN: That's absolutely right, Your
` Honor. Apple didn't --
` JUSTICE KENNEDY: So you'd have expert
` testimony on all of that.
` MS. SULLIVAN: Yes, Your Honor, you would.
` And you would -- but that's just one way.
` JUSTICE KENNEDY: Suppose -- suppose you had
` a case where it's a stroke of genius, the design. In --
` in two days, they come up with a design -- let's --
` let's assume the Volkswagen Beetle analogy that some of
` the briefs refer to. Suppose the Volkswagen Beetle
` design was done in three days, and it was a stroke of
` genius and it identified the car. Then it seems to me
` that that's quite unfair to say, well, we give three
` days' profit, but then it took 100,000 hours to develop
` the motor.
` MS. SULLIVAN: Well, Your Honor, here's what
` we would do with the Beetle.
` JUSTICE KENNEDY: I mean, that's what -- it
` seems to me that that's what you would be arguing.
` MS. SULLIVAN: It's not, Your Honor. To
` answer Justice Ginsburg's question, there are three ways
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` Apple could have but did not even attempt to prove the
` total profit from the relevant article of manufactures
` here, the front face, or the display screen. One could
` have been accounting. One could have been consumer
` demand evidence, Justice Kennedy, as you suggested.
` Apple could have said well, people really like the front
` face disproportionately to all the other parts of the
` phone, so they could have used consumer survey evidence
` to prove that. But -- and so accounting evidence or
` indirect evidence through consumer survey. But, Your
` Honor, as to the Beetle, we concede that the total
` profit from the article of manufacture may sometimes be
` a substantial part of the total profit on the product.
` Let's take the Beetle, or let's take a cool,
` shark-shaped exterior body on a car like the Corvette.
` It may be that the article of manufacture to which the
` design patent is applied is just the exterior body of
` the car, but it may be that nobody really wants to pay
` much for the innards of the Corvette or the Beetle.
` They want to pay for the cool way it looks.
` If that's so, it should be open to the
` patent-holder to prove that the bulk of the profits come
` from the exterior of the car.
` JUSTICE ALITO: Is there any difference in
` practical terms between that and your causation argument
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` or apportionment?
` MS. SULLIVAN: Yes, Justice Alito.
` JUSTICE ALITO: What is the difference?
` MS. SULLIVAN: The difference is we concede
` under article of manufacture that the holder of the
` patent gets profit from the article, even if the profit
` does not come entirely from the design.
` Let me give you an example with a phone's
` front face. Consumers may value the front face because
` it's scratch-resistant, because it's water-resistant,
` because it's shatterproof. We're going to give the
` patent-holder under our article-of-manufacture test all
` the profits for the front face, even if it includes
` profit from those non-design features of the front face,
` where the pure apportionment test or pure causation test
` would limit the profits to the profits from the design
` parts rather than the functional parts. So, Your Honor,
` that's a little bit overinclusive. We're getting a
` little more with article of manufacture than we do with
` a pure causation test, and plaintiffs should be happy
` for that.
` But the reason we think it's consistent with
` Congress's purpose, Your Honor, is that what Congress
` was trying to do was provide a rule that gives
` design-patent holders total profit from the article of
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` That's a little bit overinclusive, because
` if you get total profit on the rugs that were at issue
` in the Dobson cases, you'll get a little profit from the
` design, and there will be a little extra you're getting
` perhaps from the fiber or the weave. We think Congress
` was entitled to exercise its fact-finding power to say
` that it is appropriate as a matter of causation to say
` that design causes value in a single article product
` like a rug.
` JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Now, I look at this
` record, and they were claiming the profits on the whole
` phone. If you read the Federal Circuit's decision, they
` were saying people buy -- bought this product mostly --
` this was their argument to the jury and it sold the
` Federal Circuit -- because of the look of this phone,
` that, you know, all smartphones basically function the
` same. People don't really put much value on the unit.
` This is what they were arguing, and they put on an
` expert that gave total profits. If the jury credited
` them, could you -- and you were properly -- it was a
` properly instructed jury, could you overturn that
`MS. SULLIVAN: Your Honor, let's go back to
`the proper instruction. The jury was not properly
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` instructed here.
` JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: I accept that,
` Miss Sullivan. I'm asking you --
` MS. SULLIVAN: Two answers, Your Honor. If
` the article of manufacture was the entire ornamental
` appearance of the phone and Apple does have a patent on
` the entire outside of the phone, why didn't they assert
` it here? Because the entire outside of a Samsung phone
` does not look substantially similar to the entire
` outside of a Samsung phone. The reason why design
` patencies carve the product up into multiple partial
` design claims is so they can make a narrow infringement
` argument and find a little sliver of the phone on which
` infringement can be found, and it's inappropriate to
` give total profit when they do that.
` So, Your Honor, if there had been a design
` patent on the entire case, then, yes, absolutely, Apple
` could have tried to get total profit on the entire case.
` JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: And you're answering
` "no" to my question. You're saying a properly
` instructed jury on the evidence presented in this case
` could not have found for Apple. Is that what --
` MS. SULLIVAN: That is correct, Your Honor.
` That is very much our position.
` JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: So besides the jury
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` instruction, what was the legal error?
` MS. SULLIVAN: The legal error was in the
` jury instruction --
` JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: I said besides a
` properly instructed jury, could they have found in favor
` of Apple on the evidence presented?
` because --
` MS. SULLIVAN: They could not, Your Honor,
` JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: And so what, besides the
` jury instruction -- 'cause I'm assuming that a proper
` instruction was given -- what would have been the legal
`MS. SULLIVAN: There would have been -- no
` reasonable jury could have found on this record that the
`entire product was the article of manufacture to which
` the design has been applied. Two reasons.
`One, design patents cover ornamental
` appearance. They cannot, by definition, cover the
`innards of the phone. So the functional innards of the
`phone cannot be part of what is claimed by the design
`JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Well, you can't claim
`the design patent for a Volkswagen doesn't cover the
`innards, but you just admitted that a jury could find
`its -- could find that the consumers and others would
`Alderson Reporting Company

`Official - Subject to Final Review
` perceive the Volkswagen to be a Volkswagen by its looks
`MS. SULLIVAN: Your Honor, we're talking
`about design patents, not trademark or copyright.
`There's no requirement of consumer confusion here on
`the --
`JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: I don't disagree with
`you, but --
`MS. SULLIVAN: Your Honor, let me answer
`your question as precisely as I can. Just because you
`can show that most of the profit comes from the Beetle
`exterior does not mean the car is the article of
`manufacture. There's two steps here in our test.
`First, determine what is the article of
`Then second step, determine the quantum of
`damages, quantum of profits in this case, from that
`Under your hypo, what -- if Apple got almost
`all its profits from the exterior case, people were
`indifferent to whether they could read their e-mail,
`navigate, take photos, or any other functions. If you
`could prove that it's a counterfactual that couldn't
`happen, but if you could prove that, as in the Corvette
`or the Beetle hypo, then the total profit from the
`Alderson Reporting Company

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` article of manufacture could be a substantial portion of
` the total product and the profit. That's not this case.
` JUSTICE GINSBURG: Did Samsung, at the
` trial, propose basing damages on profits from an article
` less than the whole phone?
` MS. SULLIVAN: Six times, Your Honor. And
` we were rebuffed every time. At the -- in the jury
` instruction -- sorry. At the -- before the trial began,
` we submitted a legal brief. It's Docket 1322. We said
` very clearly article of manufacture is less than the
` total phone and profit should be limited to the profit
` from the article. We said again in the jury
` instructions -- and here I would refer you respectfully
` to joint Appendix 206, 207 and to the result of that on
` petition Appendix 165A. What happened is we went to the
` court and we said please listen to us about article of
` manufacture, if you only get the total profit on the
` article. The district court said, no, I already said no
` apportionment back in the Daubert. Because I said no
` apportionment, she shut us out of both theories. The
` district court shut us out of article of manufacture as
` the basis for total profit, and it shut us out of
` causation or apportionment, which we don't press here.
` So that's twice. Our legal brief, our
` charge conference. And then again in our 50A and the
`Alderson Reporting Company

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` key rulings on 50A at the close of evidence, we again
` said article is separate from apportionment, and the
` article here is less than the phone. At 197 we said
` at -- sorry. At JA197 we again said article is less
` than the phone. And in the 50B at the close of the
` first trial, we again said article is less than the
`Second trial happens on certain phones.

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