
` Official - Subject to Final Review
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` Petitioner : No. 16-149
` v.
` Respondent.
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
` Washington, D.C.
` Wednesday, March 1, 2017
` The above-entitled matter came on for oral
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` argument before the Supreme Court of the United States
` at 10:09 a.m.
` MIGUEL A. ESTRADA, ESQ., Washington, D.C.; on behalf
` of the Petitioner.
` ZACHARY D. TRIPP, ESQ., Assistant to the Solicitor
` General, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.;
` for United States, as amicus curiae, in support
` of the Petitioner.
` MATTHEW W.H. WESSLER, ESQ., Washington, D.C.; on behalf
` of the Respondent.
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` C O N T E N T S
` On behalf of the Petitioner
` For United States, as amicus curiae,
` in support of the Petitioner
` On behalf of the Respondent
` On behalf of the Petitioner
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`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` (10:09 a.m.)
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: We'll hear argument
` this morning in Case 16-149, Coventry Health Care
` Missouri v. Nevils.
` Mr. Estrada.
` MR. ESTRADA: Thank you, Mr. Chief Justice,
` and may it please the Court:
` The issue in this case is whether FEHBA
` preempts State laws that forbid subrogation by insurance
` carriers. The Missouri Supreme Court upheld the State
` rule, but we believe that is wrong for at least three
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` Number one, antisubrogation laws relate to
` benefits and coverage, as this Court concluded in FMC v.
` Holliday, and at the very least, they relate to payments
` with respect to benefits.
` Number two, if there's any ambiguity on this
` point, OPM's notice-and-comment regulation answers a
` question in favor of preemption.
` And number three, although the majority of
` the Supreme Court of Missouri thought otherwise, we
` believe there's no constitutional infirmity in
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` Section 8902(m)(1) under the Supremacy Clause.
` If I could turn to my first point, it seems
` to us that the antisubrogation rule in this case is
` preempted for basically the same reasons this Court
` considered in FMC in concluding that the same rule was
` preempted under ERISA. That is to say that it
` effectively requires plan administrators to calculate
` benefits on the basis of different liability conditions
` that vary from State to State; that very importantly, it
` undermines the statute's goal of uniformity; and third,
` that it could encourage plan sponsors, in this case, the
` Federal government, to reduce the scope of coverage.
` In addition to those reasons, this statute
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` gives you an additional reason to find that it is
` preempted, and that is that it also preempts those rules
` that relate to payments with respect to benefits.
` It is quite clear to us that the subrogation
` and reimbursement claims that are at issue in these
` rules quite plainly refer to and relate to payments with
` respect to benefits; and therefore, the Supreme Court of
` Missouri was wrong in overlooking that part of the
` statute and also wrong in overlooking your decision in
` FMC v. Holliday.
` JUSTICE GINSBURG: Is there any -- any room
` at all for State regulation of carriers who have these
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` contracts with OPM?
` MR. ESTRADA: Well, to be sure, the -- the
` statute, if you focus on the last clause -- now, the
` statute appears in page 2 of the blue brief -- if you
` focus on the last clause, the statute only reaches those
` State laws that, quote, "relate to health insurance or
` plans." And there are any number of subjects that may
` not be reached by these laws, or by other laws, and also
` subjects that are not related to benefits, coverage or
` payments with respect to benefits.
` Congress dealt separately in Section -- in
` Section 8909(f) with the subject of taxation in the
` context of these plans and generally provided that
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` carriers may be subject to generally-applicable laws
` that are applicable to all businesses under profits and
` -- and the like, but that States, you know, may not tax,
` you know, the benefits and the payments.
` And so Congress has, in fact, crafted a
` limited preemption provision that singles out those laws
` that are most likely to apply to the insurance plans at
` issue, and then only say that the scope of the
` preemption will be defined by particular terms of the
` contract. And so in our view, in some ways, the reach
` of this law is somewhat more limited than the -- that of
` the ERISA statute because, although your "relate"
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` Official - Subject to Final Review
` language is identical and they should have identical
` scope with respect to benefits coverage and -- and
` payments with respect to benefits, it does not reach all
` laws of the State. It targets, to begin with, only the
` health insurance -- those laws that relate to health
` insurance or plans.
` Now, if I could get to the second point, we
` recognize that --
` JUSTICE KAGAN: Before you do, I mean, we
` appeared to find this a difficult question in McVeigh.
` We said there were two plausible readings. We said it
` was a hard statute. We didn't want to decide as between
` the two. You know, what do you make of that case?
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` MR. ESTRADA: I actually was going to be the
` headline on my second point, Justice Kagan. So thank
` You know, we recognize that McVeigh
` considered the same statute and concluded that the
` statute did not give rise to a cause of action in
` Federal subject matter jurisdiction. And we believe
` that that question was indeed difficult, because unlike
` ERISA, where Congress expressly provided a cause of
` action in Section 502 of that statute, Congress had not
` done so here. And the Court was basically being asked
` to imply common law cause of action out of the terms of
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` Official - Subject to Final Review
` what otherwise appears to be a defensive preemption
` prohibition, which is relatively rare.
` The background rule in the Federal system is
` that Federal preemption is a defense only, as we learned
` in the Motley case. And the difficulty that the Court
` had was in transforming what it otherwise would be a
` defense into a cause of action and implying Federal
` I think that context is extremely important
` to understand the Court's caveat as to the text of the
` statute, because the question then was will the statute
` would bear a construction that was expansive indeed with
` respect to an entirely different subject matter.
` With -- with respect to the question of
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` whether the Court considered the statute as being
` susceptible on the merits of the defense to plausible
` alternative constructions, I think if you look at the
` relevant passage, what the Court said was that different
` constructions were being urged upon the Court; on the
` one hand, one by the United States, and on the other
` hand, another one by the Cruz plaintiffs out of the
` Seventh Circuit.
` The Court described both of them generally
` as plausible and wrote to saying that it didn't have to
` pick either of them. We do not believe that that sort
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` of description of the litigants' position really rises
` to the finding that the statute is ambiguous as a
` threshold for even a Chevron analysis, because the Court
` was not considering any canon of construction, was not
` considering context, was not considering purpose. It
` was simply describing the position of litigants in front
` of this Court and concluding that it was unnecessary to
` pick one or the other.
` JUSTICE KENNEDY: Counsel, in this case you
` have an express-preemption provision. You have a
` Federal entity that makes the contract. So that may be
` all you need to say in order to prevail. But there --
` are there some limiting principles that we -- should
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` just be in the back of our mind when we think about
` preemption? The case in Boyle was, I think, a close
` case. Completely different from this because there was
` no express preemption.
` So it's not really your obligation to
` direct -- to address a parade of horribles that isn't in
` this case, but are there some general limiting
` principles that we should keep in mind when determining
` whether or not preemption, A, existed; B, is permitted?
` MR. ESTRADA: Well, of course. You know,
` you have, really, three headings of preemption under
` this Court's doctrine. You have conflict where you take
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` the text of the statute and decide whether the State
` rule actually conflicts as a -- as the label says. And
` I think that's the common form that comes in front of
` the Court, and I think that's just a question of
` ordinary statutory interpretation applying all the
` relevant canons and considering as well the -- the
` purpose of Congress.
` The harder cases are ones like Hillman v.
` Maretta where you're not dealing with actual language of
` the statute, but you're considering whether the State
` law is an obstacle to what Congress wanting -- wanted to
` get at. And this case does not involve that problem
` except as an a fortiori type argument as to how this
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` would be out even under that rule.
` But the issue in this case seems to me to be
` what you have here, where Congress had exercised an
` appropriate level of Federal power under Section --
` under Article 1 Section 8, and then has gone further by
` itself declaring what it views as the consequences with
` a Federal/State balance. And in this context, it seems
` to us that it is especially inappropriate to consider
` what the conceivable limits would be of a doctrine that
` arises practically in every case.
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: Well, maybe one
` doctrine has to do with the delegation issue.
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` Suppose Congress passed a law that said,
` well, any professional responsibility -- any
` professional responsibility rule adopted by the ABA will
` preempt contrary State law.
` Is that okay under preemption doctrine?
` MR. ESTRADA: Well, it seems to me likely
` not, but let me take apart what I think are the key
` aspects of the consequence of the -- of that answer.
` First, Congress has to identify a part of
` Article 1, Section 8 that gives it a head of
` constitutional authority to do what you just described.
` Second, to my --
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: Are you just -- are
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` you just saying this is beyond -- regulating the --
` MR. ESTRADA: Well --
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: -- profession is
` beyond Congress's power?
` MR. ESTRADA: -- as described, is not
` self-evidently connected to any one of the --
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: Right. Well, assume
` it is within Congress's power to legislate.
` MR. ESTRADA: When -- then there's a
` question of identifying what it is that Congress is
` trying to do. It is, in fact, true that Congress has
` adopted what otherwise would be State -- State rules for
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` the government of certain issues. You know, you have
` things like you have -- like the assimilated crime
` statute, for example. And, you know, the question is
` how closely it is tied to the relevant heading of power
` and then whether Congress has provided enough
` governmental supervision for the activity so that it is
` subject to a delegated exercise of power under
` appropriate standards by an ultimately responsible
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: I guess, is it --
` you know, in some of those areas, you're talking about
` State governments. Is -- is it permissible for Congress
` to delegate the authority to decide what laws are
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` preempted to a private entity?
` MR. ESTRADA: I think it depends on how it
` does it. I would be reluctant to say that considering
` whatever crisis or problem Congress may be considering,
` that there's a particular avenue of dealing with them
` that is completely foreclosed. But to the extent that
` there are limits to the ability of Congress to do such
` things, it seems to me that a precondition for Congress'
` ability to do that would be to do something like has
` happened, for example, in the securities markets where
` you have what are called self-regulatory organizations
` where trade groups, in effect, have rules that apply to
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` parts of the industry, but they're strictly supervised
` and approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission
` and there is recourse for their violation to go in
` Federal court.
` Now, those rules in some cases are
` considered preemptive, and so I don't want to foreclose,
` you know, the proposition that as a category using an
` industry group or a private group, so long as it is
` subject to appropriate government supervision, could not
` be a possible tool that Congress could use.
` MR. ESTRADA: But in that event -- if I
` could just finish -- but in that event, you would also
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` have the additional layer of involvement having to do
` with the limit that this Court itself has placed on the
` -- on the delegation by Congress -- Congress of any
` authority. You do have something called the
` Nondelegation Doctrine.
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: But what about two
` private parties, whether, you know -- whatever they are,
` a railroad and a shipper, in other words, and Congress
` says, whatever you agree to will preempt contrary State
` MR. ESTRADA: I believe --
`CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: I know you're going
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` to suggest --
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: -- it's not this
` MR. ESTRADA: No, no. I understand --
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: -- but assume it is.
` MR. ESTRADA: I understand that, Mr. Chief
` case --
` Justice. I find it hard to believe that Congress could
` lawfully give a blank check to private individuals
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` without any subject -- without any government
` supervision and/or without appropriate standards as to
` what it is that they may do or not do. But I want to
` distinguish the hypothetical that you posit from what's
` at issue in this case.
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: Well, before you
` get -- get to that, I mean, it would seem to me that you
` could deal with the concerns you have and still address
` the problem. In other words, it's not a blank check.
` You know, it -- any rate between, you know, $10 per mile
` and $30 per mile, but you, the parties, you know, we
` want to give the -- the free enterprise system a little
` more scope than having the government set it. So
` whatever rate you set between $10 and $30 a ton or a
` mile will preempt contrary State regulation.
` MR. ESTRADA: Again, it seems to me that
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
`this is a question to some extent of conceptualizing. I
`think I am agreeing with the basic premise of your
`question, Mr. Chief Justice, but there are, of course,
`limits to the ability of Congress to delegate to private
`JUSTICE BREYER: The question, I think,
`which is perhaps truly speculative, but it is rather
`interesting, if we go back to the sick chicken,
`Schechter --
`MR. ESTRADA: Well, I was going to go there.
`JUSTICE BREYER: -- there first is a
`question --
`MR. ESTRADA: Uh-huh.
`JUSTICE BREYER: -- of whether Congress has
`this Article 8 power to legislate at all in the area.
`MR. ESTRADA: Uh-huh.
`JUSTICE BREYER: You assume the answer's
`The second is a nondelegation question.
`There, the delegation had run riot. But suppose they'd
`used the words "unfair competition" instead of "fair
`competition" and, therefore, they had satisfied the
`Nondelegation Doctrine.
`Given the satisfaction of the -- of the
`source of power and satisfaction of the delegation
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` doctrine or nondelegation, is there additional
` requirement? Does the preemption matter, assuming there
` were parts of that that preempted as there must have
` been, is that a separate doctrine that imposes yet a
` further restriction, or once the first two are
` satisfied, have you automatically satisfied the third?
` MR. ESTRADA: I find it hard to say that
` there's an independent limit on the basis of preemption,
` because, as I understand the power of Congress, Congress
` could pass a statute that displaces all law in a subject
` matter and renders it a law-free area, for example. And
` so I don't know that I would ever say that in dealing
` with a crisis like the Great Depression, for example,
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` Congress could not turn to the type of remedies that it
` tried in the Schechter case and that those would be
` completely foreclosed to Congress. But --
` idea -- the concern is -- raised by your friend on the
` other side is, yes, Congress can do that.
` MR. ESTRADA: Uh-huh.
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: But we're talking
` about the preemption of State law. And the question is
` whether or not they've authorized someone not subject to
` the political constraints that Congress is subject to to
` undertake that pretty significant step of telling State
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` law -- State legislators that they can't legislate.
` MR. ESTRADA: But if I could just pivot to
` what -- why the -- the argument doesn't really fit what
` the problem is that we have in this case, even though it
` is preemption, is that it arises ostensibly because the
` statute literally says that the terms of its statute
` would supersede and preempt. It is quite evident from
` the statute that what Congress actually intended to say
` and the words will bear is that the terms of the statute
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` shall be effective notwithstanding the contrary, et
` cetera, et cetera.
` And that although I understand that the
` whole delegation going down, you know, the -- the road
` of delegation is very interesting, I will point out that
` nowhere has a delegation challenge as such been raised
` in this case in any of the lower courts, and that it was
` only in this Court that this was reconceptualized as
`I think the proper way to conceptualize what
`Congress has done in this statute, as it has in many
`other statutes, is that it has displaced State law to
`create room for the operation unimpeded of certain
`contract terms that it believed should be encouraged for
`the public interest. The Federal Arbitration Act is one
`example of that, even though it is a purely private
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` statute. You know, the -- the statute that we're
` mentioning earlier, ERISA, is another.
` I will simply say that if Congress can do
` that to make room for the operation of purely private
` contracts, a context that involves Federal benefits for
` the Federal workforce under Federal contracts
` administered by a Federal agency is something that
` Congress can clearly deal with, because under Clearfield
` Trust and its progeny, these contracts would be governed
` by Federal common law in any event, and that law would
` be preemptive, at least in certain circumstances.
` So it is certainly appropriate for Congress
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
` to identify itself the outlines and limits of the
` preemption than to leave it to ad hoc adjudication of
` common law claims by the Federal courts in this country.
` Thank you, Mr. Chief Justice. And I would
` like to reserve the remainder of my time for rebuttal.
` CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS: Thank you, counsel.
` Mr. Tripp.
` MR. TRIPP: Mr. Chief Justice, and may it
` please the Court:
` OPM's regulations answer the question
`Alderson Reporting Company


` Official - Subject to Final Review
` presented here, and I'd like to just make three points
` about how they work, why they're important --
` JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Do you think the
` MR. TRIPP: -- and --
` JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Do you think this is
` statute --
` M

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