`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`P.O. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`TTAB Assistance Center: 571-272-8500
`General Email: TTABInfo@uspto.gov
`March 24, 2021
`Opposition No. 912663211
`Beyond Meat, Inc.
`Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd.
`By the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board:
`On March 16, 2021, Applicant filed an abandonment of its application Serial No.
`88576629 with prejudice under Trademark Rule 2.68.
`Trademark Rule 2.135 provides that if, in an inter partes proceeding, the
`Applicant files an abandonment without the written consent of every adverse party
`to the proceeding, judgment shall be entered against Applicant.
`In view thereof, and because Opposer's written consent to the abandonment is not
`of record, judgment is hereby entered against Applicant, the opposition is sustained
`and registration to Applicant is refused.
`1 Notice of opposition filed against Classes 29 and 30 only.