`Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00516
`__________________________________ )
` v.
` #2995820 v.1
`U.S. and Texas v. DuPont and PMNA – Sabine Texas Facility
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`JURISDICTION AND VENUE ......................................................................................6
`APPLICABILITY ............................................................................................................ 7
`DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................9
`APPROVAL OF DELIVERABLES ..............................................................................19
`PERMITS ........................................................................................................................20
`CIVIL PENALTY ...........................................................................................................21
`REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................24
`STIPULATED PENALTIES ..........................................................................................27
`FORCE MAJEURE ........................................................................................................36
`DISPUTE RESOLUTION ..............................................................................................38
`INFORMATION COLLECTION AND RETENTION .................................................41
`EFFECT OF SETTLEMENT/RESERVATION OF RIGHTS .......................................43
`COSTS ............................................................................................................................45
`NOTICES ........................................................................................................................46
`XVII. EFFECTIVE DATE ........................................................................................................50
`XVIII. RETENTION OF JURISDICTION ................................................................................50
`XIX. MODIFICATION ...........................................................................................................51
`TERMINATION .............................................................................................................51
`PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ...........................................................................................55
`INTEGRATION .............................................................................................................56
` #2995820 v.1
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`XXIV. FINAL JUDGMENT ......................................................................................................56
`XXV. APPENDICES ................................................................................................................56
`XXVI. 26 U.S.C. § 162(f)(2)(A)(ii) IDENTIFICATION ..........................................................56
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`WHEREAS, concurrent with the lodging of this Consent Decree, Plaintiffs, the United
`States of America, on behalf of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”),
`and the State of Texas (the “State”) by and through the Texas Commission on Environmental
`Quality (“TCEQ”), have filed a Complaint in this action against Defendants E. I. du Pont de
`Nemours and Company (“DuPont”) and Performance Materials NA, Inc. (“PMNA”)
`(collectively “Defendants”) for alleged environmental violations during their respective periods
`of ownership and operation of the Sabine River Operations Facility (also referred to as “the
`Facility”) located in Orange, Texas.
`WHEREAS, the Complaint alleges that Defendants have violated the following
`environmental statutes and their implementing federal and state regulations at the Facility located
`in Orange County, Texas: the Clean Air Act (“CAA''), 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401-7671q; the Resource
`Conservation and Recovery Act (“RCRA”), 42 U.S.C. §§ 6901-6992k; and the Clean Water Act
`(“CWA”), 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251-1387; the Texas Clean Air Act (“TCAA”), Tex. Health & Safety
`Code §§ 382.001-.510; the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act (“TSWDA”), Tex. Health & Safety
`Code §§ 361.001-.992; and Chapters 7 and 26 of the Texas Water Code (“TWC”), Tex. Water
`Code ch. 7, 26.
`WHEREAS, in August 2017, DuPont and The Dow Chemical Company (“TDCC”) each
`merged with subsidiaries of DowDuPont, Inc. (“DowDuPont”) and, as a result, TDCC and
`DuPont became subsidiaries of DowDuPont.
`WHEREAS, DuPont owned and operated the Facility until February 1, 2019.
`WHEREAS, on February 1, 2019, ownership and operation of the Facility was
`transferred from DuPont to PMNA, then a subsidiary of DuPont.
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`WHEREAS, on April 1, 2019, Dow, Inc. (“Dow”) was spun out of DowDuPont as a
`standalone publicly traded company, and PMNA became a subsidiary of TDCC, itself a
`subsidiary of Dow.
`WHEREAS, on May 4, 2020, Dow and PMNA sold ownership and operation of the
`Facility’s waste incineration operations to Heritage Thermal of Texas, LLC (“Heritage”),
`including (i) a rotary kiln, afterburner chamber and associated facilities, and (ii) the Title V
`Operating Permit for operation of the Sabine Region Incinerator (Regulated Entity No.
`RN100542711), Permit No. O1896, issued on August 3, 2016, including all existing or
`applicable permits by rule.
`WHEREAS, pursuant to the Asset Transfer Agreement dated December 8, 2019, (i)
`Heritage acknowledged and agreed that the transferred assets may become subject to a
`multimedia enforcement consent decree, (ii) Heritage and PMNA agreed to communicate,
`consult, and reasonably cooperate with one another in the design, engineering, procurement,
`construction, installation and commissioning of capital projects related to the transferred assets
`as and when and to the extent required pursuant to this Consent Decree, and (iii) PMNA has the
`right, exercisable at any time, to assume responsibility for such projects and to otherwise comply
`with any of the obligations in the Consent Decree related to the transferred assets, and to access
`the transferred assets in connection therewith.
`WHEREAS, by agreeing to entry of this Consent Decree, Defendants deny and do not
`admit any liability to the United States or the State arising out of the transactions or occurrences
`alleged in the Complaint.
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`WHEREAS, the Parties recognize, and the Court by entering this Consent Decree finds,
`that this Consent Decree has been negotiated by the Parties in good faith and will avoid litigation
`among the Parties, and that this Consent Decree is fair, reasonable, and in the public interest.
`NOW, THEREFORE, before the taking of any testimony, without the adjudication or
`admission of any issue of fact or law except as provided in Section I (Jurisdiction and Venue), and
`with the consent of the Parties, IT IS HEREBY ADJUDGED, ORDERED, AND DECREED as
`This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action and over the
`Parties pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1345, 1355, and 1367; Section 113(b) of the CAA,
`42 U.S.C. § 7413(b); Section 3008(a)(l) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. § 6928(a)(l); and Section 309(b) of
`the CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1319(b). Venue lies in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b) and
`(c) and 1395(a), because the violations alleged in the Complaint are alleged to have occurred in,
`and Defendants conduct business in, this judicial district. This venue is also consistent with
`Section 113(b) of the CAA, 42 U.S.C. § 7413(b); Section 3008(a) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C.
`§ 6928(a); and Sections 309 of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1319.
`For purposes of this Consent Decree, or any action to enforce this Consent
`Decree, Defendants consent to the Court's jurisdiction over this Consent Decree and any such
`action, and over Defendants, and Defendants consent to venue in this judicial district.
`For purposes of this Consent Decree, Defendants agree that the Complaint states
`claims upon which relief may be granted pursuant to Section 113 of the CAA, 42 U.S.C. § 7413;
`Sections 3004, 3005 and 3008 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. §§ 6924, 6925 and 6928; Section 309 of the
`CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1319 and 1321; Section 382.085 of the TCAA, Tex. Health & Safety Code §
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`382.085; Sections 7.101 and 26.121 of the TWC, Tex. Water Code §§ 7.101 and 26.121; and
`applicable state and federal regulations.
`The obligations of this Consent Decree apply to and are binding upon the United
`States, the State, and upon Defendants and their respective successors, assigns, or other entities
`or persons otherwise bound to this Decree by law. Notwithstanding the transfer of certain assets
`to Heritage in May 2020, Defendants remain responsible for performance of their obligations
`under this Consent Decree that relate to the transferred assets, and Defendants will not argue that
`the transfer of assets to Heritage has any effect on their obligations to perform injunctive relief
`under this Decree.
`At least thirty 30 Days prior to any proposed transfer of ownership or operation of
`all or substantially all of the assets comprising the Facility (“Transfer”), or within such shorter
`time as the United States and the State may agree to in writing, the transferring Defendant shall
`provide a copy of this Consent Decree to the proposed transferee and shall provide written notice
`describing the prospective Transfer (and Defendant’s confidentiality expectations), together with
`a copy of the relevant portions of the draft Transfer agreement, to the United States and the State
`in writing, in accordance with Section XVI (Notices). No Transfer, whether in compliance with
`the procedures of this Paragraph or otherwise, relieves the transferring Defendant of its
`obligation to ensure that the terms of this Consent Decree are implemented, unless (i) the
`transferee agrees to undertake the obligations of this Consent Decree and to be substituted for the
`transferor as a Party under this Decree and thus bound by the terms hereof, (ii) the United States
`and the State consent to relieve the transferor of its obligations, or this Court orders such
`substitution over the objection of the Plaintiffs through the process set forth in Paragraph 7, or a
`Defendant is merged into its corporate parent existing at the date of Lodging and the surviving
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`corporation, by operation of law, assumes all of the assets and liabilities of the Defendant, and
`(iii) the Court modifies this Consent Decree and the transferee becomes a Party to this Consent
`After the submission to the United States and the State of the notice of the
`proposed Transfer, as required by Paragraph 5, transferor may request the Plaintiffs’ consent to
`file a joint motion requesting the Court to approve a modification substituting the transferee for
`transferor as a Defendant responsible for complying with all or some of the obligations of the
`Consent Decree. Plaintiffs may consent to such a filing or the United States shall notify the
`transferring Defendant, after consultation with the State, that Plaintiffs do not agree to modify
`the Consent Decree to relieve the transferor of responsibility, substitute the transferee for the
`transferor, and make the transferee responsible for complying with all or some of the obligations
`of the Consent Decree, as requested.
`If, for any reason, transferor does not secure the agreement of Plaintiffs to file a
`joint motion within 30 Days after requesting the Plaintiffs’ consent to file a joint motion under
`Paragraph 6, transferor and the transferee may file, without the agreement of the United States or
`the State, a motion requesting the Court to approve a modification substituting the transferee for
`the transferor as the Party responsible for complying with some or all of the obligations of the
`Consent Decree. The United States or the State may file an opposition to the motion objecting to
`the Transfer (a) because EPA or TCEQ has determined that the transferee lacks the financial or
`technical ability to assume the obligations of the Decree; (b) because the proposed modification
`fails to effectively transfer all relevant portions of the Consent Decree’s obligations to the
`transferee; or (c) for any other good cause. The motion to modify the Decree shall be granted
`unless: (i) the transferor and the transferee fail to show that the transferee has the financial and
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`technical ability to assume the obligations of the Decree, as requested; (ii) the transferor and the
`transferee fail to show that the modification language effectively transfers such obligations to the
`transferee; or (iii) the Court finds other good cause for denying the motion.
`Each Defendant shall provide a copy of relevant portions of this Consent Decree
`to all officers, employees, and agents that are responsible for compliance with any provision of
`this Decree, as well as to any vendor, supplier, or contractor retained to perform work required
`under this Consent Decree. Each Defendant shall condition any such contract upon performance
`of the work in conformity with the terms of this Consent Decree. A contractor's failure to
`perform the work in conformity with the terms of this Decree shall not excuse the Defendant’s
`obligations under this Decree.
`In any action to enforce this Consent Decree, neither Defendant shall raise as a
`defense the failure by any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, or contractors to take any
`actions necessary to comply with the provisions of this Consent Decree.
`Terms used in this Consent Decree, including the Appendices hereto, that are
`defined in the CAA, RCRA, CWA, TCAA, TSWDA, TWC, or in federal and state regulations
`promulgated thereunder, shall have the meanings assigned to them in the applicable statute or
`such regulations, unless otherwise provided in this Decree. Whenever the terms set forth below
`are used in this Consent Decree, the following definitions shall apply:
`a. “Complaint” shall mean the complaint filed by the United States and the State in
`this action;
`b. “Consent Decree” or “Decree” shall mean this Consent Decree and all
`appendices attached hereto listed in Section XXV (Appendices);
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`c. Date of Lodging” shall mean the date on which the United States initially lodges
`the Consent Decree with the Court prior to commencement of the public
`comment period required by Section XXI (Public Participation) or this Consent
` “Day” or “day” shall mean a calendar day unless expressly stated to be a
`business day. In computing any period of time under this Consent Decree,
`where the last day would fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal or State of Texas
`holiday, the period shall run until the close of business of the next business day;
`e. “Defendants” shall mean E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (“DuPont”)
`and Performance Materials NA, Inc. (“PMNA”);
`“EPA” shall mean the United States Environmental Protection Agency and any
`of its successor departments or agencies;
`g. “Effective Date” shall have the definition provided in Section XVII (Effective
`h. “Environmental Management System” or “EMS” refers to the comprehensive,
`facility-wide system to ensure environmental compliance, achieve pollution
`prevention, and accomplish pollution reduction at the Facility;
` “Facility” or “Sabine River Operations Facility” shall mean those portions of
`the Sabine River Operations Chemical Manufacturing Complex, located at 3055
`FM 1006, Orange, Orange County, Texas, including real property and operating
`or closed units or equipment owned or operated by either Defendant and subject
`to the provisions of this Consent Decree, but not including units or equipment
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`currently operated by INVISTA s.a.r.l. and the real property underlying such
`units or equipment;
` “Month” or “monthly” shall mean a calendar month;
`k. “Paragraph” shall mean a portion of this Decree identified by an Arabic
`“Parties” shall mean the United States of America, the State of Texas, DuPont
`and PMNA;
`m. “Plaintiff(s)” shall mean the United States of America and the State of Texas;
`n. “Section” shall mean a portion of this Decree identified by a roman numeral;
`o. “TCEQ” shall mean the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, an
`agency of the State of Texas, or any successor departments or agencies of
`p. “Texas” or “the State” shall mean the State of Texas, acting on behalf of the
`q. “United States” shall mean the United States of America, acting on behalf of
`Benzene Waste Operations National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
`Pollutants. Defendants shall undertake the measures set forth in Appendix A of this Consent
`Decree relating to 40 C.F.R. Part 61, Subpart FF (“Benzene Waste Operations NESHAP”).
` Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing National Emission Standards for
`Hazardous Air Pollutants. Defendants shall undertake the measures set forth in Appendix B of
`this Consent Decree relating to 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subpart FFFF (“Miscellaneous Organic
`Chemical Manufacturing NESHAP,” or “MON”) and the applicable requirements for wastewater
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`streams and liquid streams in open systems with a miscellaneous organic chemical
`manufacturing process unit, as set forth in Subpart FFFF, Table 7, at the Facility.
`RCRA Requirements. Defendants shall undertake the measures set forth in
`Appendix C of this Consent Decree relating to the RCRA and related State law at the Facility.
`CWA Requirements. Defendants shall undertake the measures set forth in
`Appendix D of this Consent Decree relating to the CWA, related State law and permits at the
`Environmental Management System (“EMS”) Requirements. Defendants shall
`undertake the measures set forth in Appendix E of this Consent Decree.
`Defendants shall be jointly and severally liable for the performance of injunctive
`relief requirements set forth in Sections IV, V, VI, VII, IX and XIII of this Consent Decree.
`Defendants may designate one Defendant to be lead point of contact for submission of
`deliverables related to such injunctive relief requirements, and each Defendant shall advise
`Plaintiffs of that designation.
`In accordance with Appendices A-D, Defendants shall hire Independent Third
`Parties to conduct environmental compliance evaluations or audits at the Facility. Defendants
`shall bear all costs associated with the Independent Third Party evaluations or audits, cooperate
`fully with the Independent Third Party consultant, and provide the consultant with reasonable
`and timely access to all records, employees, contractors, units, and facilities that the consultant
`deems necessary to effectively perform the duties described in this Section and in Appendices A-
`The Independent Third Parties shall be informed of and be required by contract to
`comply with all applicable workplace safety and health procedures while onsite at the Facility.
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`Representatives of Independent Third Parties responsible for overseeing the duties
`set forth in this Section and in Appendices A (BWON), B (MON), C (RCRA), and D (CWA) of
`this Consent Decree shall:
`a. have a bachelor's or higher degree in a relevant discipline and a license in
`professional engineering; and
`b. have expertise and competence in the relevant regulatory programs under
`federal and state environmental laws, and at least five years of experience,
`including current experience and training, with the requirements of relevant
`laws and permits.
`c. have conducted audits covering these regulatory programs within the last five
`(5) years.
`To ensure independence, each Independent Third Party and its personnel, or
`subcontractors, that perform duties pursuant to this Consent Decree shall act impartially when
`performing all activities under this section. To demonstrate independence and impartiality,
`Defendants shall have no financial interest in the Independent Third Party and shall require in the
`auditing contract with the Independent Third Party, that:
`a. The Independent Third Party, and its personnel or subcontractors performing the
`audit work, shall not have any conflict of interest that will compromise, in any
`way, the independence of the evaluation or audit;
`b. The Independent Third Party, and its personnel or subcontractors performing the
`audit work, shall not have conducted past research, development, design,
`construction services, or consulting for either Defendant within the last 3 years
`prior to the auditing contract, and not have ever worked at the Facility. For
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`purposes of this Section, the term “consulting” shall not include performing or
`participating in other third-party audits or evaluations required by this Consent
`c. The Independent Third Party, and its personnel or subcontractors performing the
`audit work, shall not provide other business or consulting services to
`Defendants, including advice or assistance to implement the findings or
`recommendations in the audit report, for a period of at least 3 years following
`the Independent Third Party's submittal of the final Audit report without the
`prior written consent of the United States in consultation with TCEQ;
`d. All Independent Third Party personnel who conduct or otherwise participate in
`the evaluation/audit sign and date a conflict of interest statement attesting that
`the personnel:
`i. have met and followed the Independent Third Party requirements in this
`Section V, Paragraph 20; and
`receive no financial benefit from the outcome of the evaluation or audit, apart
`from payment for the performance of such evaluation or audit services;
`e. Defendants shall not hire as an employee or consultant any of the Independent
`Third Party's personnel, or contractors retained by the Independent Third Party,
`who conducted or otherwise participated in the evaluation/audit during the
`period of the evaluation/audit and for a period of at least 3 years following the
`Independent Third Party's submittal of its final audit report(s) without the prior
`written consent of the United States in consultation with TCEQ;
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`f. The Independent Third Party shall retain for five (5) years after completion of
`its final audit report(s), and if directed by Defendants shall produce for
`Defendants, and for EPA and TCEQ, copies of any of the evaluation or audit-
`related reports and records specified in this section; and
`g. The Independent Third Party shall have in place policies and procedures to
`memorialize conditions (a) through (f), above, to ensure the Independent Third
`Party's competence, impartiality, judgment, and operational integrity when
`auditing under this section.
`Selection of the Independent Third Party. Unless otherwise set forth in this
`Consent Decree, no later than thirty (30) days after entry of this Consent Decree, for each
`evaluation or audit required by this Consent Decree Defendants shall submit to the United States
`and TCEQ a list of three or more proposed consultants to serve as an Independent Third Party,
`along with the name, affiliation, and address of the proposed Independent Third Party,
`information demonstrating how each proposed auditor satisfies the requirements of Paragraphs
`19 and 20, and a description of any previous work, contracts, or financial relationships with
`Defendants in the prior ten (10) years. Defendants shall state whether a proposed Independent
`Third Party is proposed to conduct more than one evaluation or audit or whether more than one
`Independent Third Party will participate on a single evaluation or audit. If, despite best
`reasonable efforts, Defendants cannot identify three proposed Independent Third Parties that
`meet all requirements of Paragraphs 19 and 20, Defendants shall so certify with an explanation
`of the efforts it has made to locate such Independent Third Parties, and shall submit to the United
`States and TCEQ a list of three or more proposed candidates to serve as an Independent Third
`Party, along with the information required under this Paragraph demonstrating that the
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`candidates can perform the duties under this Section in an independent manner, and an
`explanation of which requirements of Paragraphs 19 and 20 are met and which are not met by
`each candidate.
`a. The United States, in consultation with TCEQ, shall notify Defendants
`regarding whether it approves the proposed Independent Third Party
`consultant(s) on the list(s). If the United States, after consultation with TCEQ,
`does not approve any of the proposed consultants on Defendants’ list, then
`Defendants shall submit a second, and if necessary third list of proposed
`consultants to the United States and TCEQ within thirty (30) Days of receipt of
`the United States’ written notice of its disapproval of proposed consultants on
`the list. If the United States has not approved a proposed consultant on the first,
`second or third lists submitted by Defendants and the Parties are unable to agree
`on a proposed consultant, the Parties agree to resolve the selection of
`Independent Third Parties through the Dispute Resolution process in Section
`b. Within 60 Days after receipt of the United States’ approval, in consultation with
`TCEQ, Defendants shall select one consultant from those approved by the
`United States for the particular evaluation(s) or audit(s) and shall enter into a
`contract with the consultant to serve as Independent Third Party and to perform
`all the duties required for the particular evaluation(s) or audit(s) as required by
`this Consent Decree. Defendants shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to
`ensure that the Independent Third Party complies with the requirements set forth
`in this Decree, including the deadlines established thereunder and in approved
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`schedules. Defendants’ retention contract with the Independent Third Party shall
`include enforceable obligations paralleling applicable Consent Decree
`requirements and shall include remedies, including penalties, for
`nonperformance or delayed performance by the Independent Third Party. In the
`event the consultant(s) approved by the United States is no longer available or
`willing to accept the work described in this Consent Decree when notified of
`their selection by Defendants, then Defendants shall select another auditor
`approved by the United States and enter into the contract to perform the relevant
`evaluation(s) or audit(s) within sixty (60) Days.
`If, after retention by Defendants, the selected Independent Third Party cannot
`satisfactorily perform the evaluation or audit, then within sixty (60) Days of
`learning that the Independent Third Party cannot satisfactorily perform the
`evaluation or audit, Defendants shall submit a list of proposed replacement
`Third Parties to the United States and TCEQ for approval in accordance with
`this Paragraph.
`Upon receipt of written notice from the Independent Third Party, Defendants shall
`immediately notify EPA and TCEQ of any condition the Independent Third Party finds during an
`evaluation or audit that may present an imminent and substantial endangerment to public health,
`welfare, or the environment. Either Defendant’s or both Defendants’ contract with the
`Independent Third Party shall require the Independent Third Party to cooperate fully with any
`requests made by Defendants, EPA, or TCEQ in investigating the potential endangerment.
`Defendants shall cooperate fully with any requests made by EPA or TCEQ in investigating the
`potential endangerment. Nothing in this paragraph shall relieve Defendants of any other
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`obligation imposed by any applicable federal, state, tribal, or local law or order requiring
`notification or response to the potential endangerment. The notification requirement of this
`paragraph is in addition to and shall not substitute for any such obligation.
`General Evaluation or Audit Report Requirements. In addition to the specific
`requirements for each third party evaluation or audit set forth under this Consent Decree, either
`Defendant’s or both Defendants’ contract with the Independent Third Party shall require the
`Independent Third Party to include, as part of its final report after completion of the evaluation
`or audit, the following:
`the name and address of the Facility reviewed and the dates of the evaluation or
`b. a description of the info