Case 4:20-cv-00180-ALM Document 44-7 Filed 05/01/20 Page 1 of 16 PageID #: 1723
`Exhibit G


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`Washington D.C. 20436
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 3 3 7-TA-__
`I, Dr. Anne (Tiehong) Wong, declare as follows:
`1. I am the President and CEO of Innovation Sciences, LLC of Plano, Texas (hereafter
`"Innovation" used collectively for several United States companies as identified below),
`successor of Virginia Innovation Sciences, Inc. of Alexandria, VA. I have held this
`position since Innovation's formation in 2005.
`2. The facts stated in this declaration are true and based on my personal knowledge and my·
`experience as CEO of Innovation.
`3. I received a Bachelor's degree in 1994 at Beijing University of Aeronautics and
`Astronautics in Beijing China. In 1998 I came to the United State with a full tuition
`scholarship for a dual master's degree program from the George Washington University,
`in Washington, DC.
`4. From 1998 to 2001, I was a full-time student at George Washington University and
`received my dual degrees in 2001 - a Master's Degree in Business Administration and a
`Master's in Arts majoring .in International Economics and Trade Policy. I continued at


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`George Washington University as a student and research assistant, and in 2007, received
`a Ph.D. in Innovation Technology Management and Information Systems.
`5. From 2002-2003, I was an Adjunct Professor at The Graduate School of the U.S.
`Department of Agriculture, and from 2005-2006 was an Assistant Professor at
`Marymount University teaching in the field of financial management and technology
`innovation management.
`6. From 2004-2013, I was an Associate Professor at the University of the District of
`Columbia teaching MBA students corporate finance, international finance,
`entrepreneurship, technology Innovation management, microeconomics, statistics, global
`economic competiveness, and quantitative business techniques.
`7. I became a citizen of the United States in 2013, and previously received permanent
`residency of the United States around 2007. At the same time I became a citizen, I
`changed my name from Tiehong Wang to Anne Wong.
`8. My brother, Dr. Teijun (Ronald) Wang, received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering
`from Northeastern University, China, a M.S. degree in Electric Engineering in 2002 from
`Columbia University, New York, and in 2006, a Ph.D. in Wireless Communications from
`the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).
`Plant and Capital
`9. Over the course of its history, Innovation has maintained a number of facilities to support
`its research & development, its patenting activities, and its licensing program. For
`example, Innovation currently maintains a headquarters facility at 5800 Legacy Circle in
`Plano, Texas, 75024, which supports Innovation's research and development, patent


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`procurement activities, and licensing program. The cost for Innovation's office includes a
`monthly rent of approximately
`10. In August of 2005, my brother and I founded our first U.S. company called SellerBid,
`Inc., ("SellerBid") in Virginia. Prior to the formation of SellerBid, and during its
`existence, we continued our work researching and developing various communications
`systems and methods, for example, the transmission of multimedia information using
`smart phones and smart home technology including integration of multiple wireless
`communication networks and conversion of wireless signals, data storage and cloud
`management, sensor and transmitter technology, and secure systems for payment
`information transmission and processing.
`11. In 2006, my brother and I founded our second U.S. company, Virginia E-Commerce
`Solutions, LLC. The business of Virginia E-Commerce Solutions, LLC was to undertake
`research and development activities, particularly in the areas of e-commerce, secure
`payment systems, wireless communications, and smart home technology systems.
`12. In 2010, Virginia E-Commerce Solutions, LLC sought commercialization of its
`intellectual property resulting from its USA based research and development. It was also
`during this time that Virginia E-Commerce Solutions, LLC became involved in litigation
`withe-Bay and Pay-Pal regarding the Virginia E-Commerce Solutions, LLC's U.S.
`Patent No. RE40,753 directed to secure payment systems. This litigation was settled,
`with both eBay and Pay-Pal ultimately taking licenses of all Innovation patent portfolios
`on July 11, 2011, which was the first license our company negotiated.


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`13. In 2011, SellerBid began substantial licensing activities for its patent portfolio including
`licensing discussions with companies such as
`. In connection with its licensing effort, SellerBid
`initiated patent litigation in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
`against Groupon, Living Social, Open Table, Gilt City, Inc., Gilt City Limited, Gilt
`Groupe, Inc., and MWB Wind Down Inc. (F/K/A BUYWITHME, Inc.). The patent
`litigation was settled and each of the defendants negotiated a separate license under all
`Innovation's patents between October and December of 2011.
`14. In 2012, our company's name of Seller Bid, Inc. was changed to Virginia Innovation
`Sciences, Inc. to reflect the nature of its business operation and market position.
`Meanwhile, ownership of the intellectual property was transferred from Virginia E(cid:173)
`Commerce Solutions, LLC to Virginia Innovation Sciences, Inc. in order to promote our
`licensing program in the U.S. market. Almost at the same time, I quit my job as an
`associate professor to work full-time as a researcher and co-inventor of Innovation's
`patents and as a full-time manager ofinnovation's licensing program.
`15. In 2013, we bought a facility at 6301 Edsall Road, Suite 517, Alexandria, VA to support
`Innovation's research and development, patent procurement, and licensing of
`Innovation's patented technology. The investment for the facility was approximately
` in 2013, and this amount is not brought in any of the present calculations.


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`16. Prior 2013, Virginia E-Commerce Solutions, LLC maintained a facility at 1600 S. Joyce
`St., Suite 1406, Arlington, VA with a monthly rent around
` dollar per month beginning in 1998 for about a decade.
`17. In 2018, Virginia Innovation Sciences was merged into Innovation, organized and
`existing under the laws of the State of Texas, with its office located at 5800 Legacy
`Circle, Suite 311, Plano, Texas 75024. The cost for running this office includes
`and technology innovation at the frontier of smart home, smart city, and IOT technology
` based technology company, for R&D
`· development.
`18. Since 2005, Innovation has spent as least
` on
`research equipment and products including computers, scanners, printers, telephones,
`server and disks, databases, smart phones, smart TV, Amazon Echo products, Apple TV,
`smart home products.
`19. The total cost of equipment and facilities including rent and utilities since 1998 through
`present related to Innovation's R&D operations has accumulated to
`U.S. dollars. To estimate conservatively and simplify our illustration, the costs for
`equipment, rent, facilities, utilities, were all not used in the calculations set forth
`Domestic Industry - R&D and Licensing
`20. Innovation's smart home technology patents, comprising U.S. Pat. No 10,136,170
`(hereafter the"' 179 patent") and U.S. Pat No. 10,104,425 (hereafter the"' 425 patent"),


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`the patents herein asserted in this ITC Investigation, cover smart phone and smart home
`products including the alleged infringing_ articles that are the subject of this ITC
`Investigation. Innovation has made a substantial investment in the exploitation and
`commercialization of its intellectual property to satisfy the domestic industry requirement
`of the statute, in particular with respect to the significant cost spent for licensing smart
`phone and smart home technology and its own R&D costs that Innovation estimated as
`being attributable to the asserted '179 and '425 patents.
`21. The total investment by Innovation, from 1998 through the present, and its parent
`companies, can be broken down as follows:
` has been spent
`since 1998 through present for research and development, patent procurement, market
`and technological research, and related activities for the patented smart phone and smart
`home technology; at least
` has been spent in its patent licensing program in
`order to further commercialize Innovation's intellectual property of smart home
`technology. These costs include substantial investments on legal professionals for patent
`portfolio evaluation, infringement analysis, market product and technology research,
`license drafting, and negotiations with prospective licensees.
`Innovation's Research and Development
`22. Since Innovation's founding in 2005, it has made substantial investments on researching,
`developing, and patenting its technologies in the United States. In addition to the specific
`examples listed above, since Innovation's formation, Innovation has prepared and filed
`nearly one hundred patent applications based on its R&D in the United States and


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`received more than fifty patents. To date, Innovation has developed strong patent
`portfolios as detailed in Exhibit A to this Declaration.
`23. Innovation paid
`24. Since 1998, my brother and I have undertaken research and development in the United
`States on a variety of communication technologies including, but not limited to, e(cid:173)
`commerce systems and methods for online and mobile secure payment, real time reverse
`bidding and group transaction, smart home technology systems for monitoring and
`control of wireless devices such as smart phone, smart TV, and smart home appliance,
`conversion and transmission of high definition multimedia content for user terminals,
`integration of different communication networks in connection with the advancement of
`cloud technology, etc. Over time, based on our own research and development efforts we
`have sought and obtained several patent portfolios, including the following five (5) core
`patents on smart home technology: US Patent Nos. 9,942,798; 9,729,918; 9,912,983;
`10,104,425 and 10,136,179.
`25. Since 2005, Innovation has invested at least
` within the United States in labor,
`facilities, and equipment to support its research and development activities, to develop


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`software and prototypes, to patent its innovations and inventions, including significantly
`smart home technology, and to support its licensing program and to protect against the
`unauthorized use of those patented smart home technologies. For example, my brother
`and I have worked on software and prototypes to explore and integrate advantages of
`different wireless communications in our patented smart home solutions including
`Zigbee, Z-wave, NFC, WP AN, WLAN, and cellular network communications. Our
`smart home solutions are patented in both of the '179 and '425 patents asserted in this
`ITC Investigation.
`26. Innovation's R&D cost is conservatively estimated based on the payments to Dr. Tiejun
`Wang, myself,
`. Dr. Tiejun Wang, has received
` from
`Innovation for his work in the U.S. related to Innovation's patent portfolios. At least 80%
`of Dr. Wang's work is directly involving R&D for Innovation's patent portfolios.
`Innovation currently owns eight patent portfolios including six on smart home
`technology. As a result, 75% (6/8) of the 80% of Dr. Wang's total income, or
`is attributable to Innovation's R&D for smart home technology.
`27. Further, I received
` from Innovation for my work on both R&D and its
`licensing program. 50% of my work time is spent on R&D as an inventor for
`Innovation's patent portfolios, and 75% (6/8) of that work relates to Innovation's smart
`home technology patents. As a result,
` is estimated as the cost of my R&D
`work on smart home technology.
` for support of Innovation's smart home
`technology innovation and patent development.


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`29. In summary, a total of
` is conservatively estimated as the R&D cost for
`Innovation's smart home technology innovation and patent development since 1998
`through present.
`30. Since there are five (5) smart home technology patents in Innovation's smart home
`technology patent portfolio, the two smart home technology patents being asserted at the
`ITC, the '179 and '425 patents, amount to 40% of the smart home patents Innovation
`, owns. From thatbasis 40% of the above total, or
`, is attributable to the two
`asserted' 179 and '425 patents for smart home technology R&D.
`Innovation's Licensing Program
`31. In addition to Innovation's internal investments, Innovation has also hired outside
`professionals to assist in Innovation's licensing program for its patents. Innovation has
`made significant and substantial investments for the services of licensing professionals
`including licensing experts, technological experts, damage experts, patent attorneys, and
`technical support staffs. In total, Innovation has incurred approximately
` in
`fees for its patent licensing program on smart home technology for professional work
`including evaluation of the patented smart home technology, infringement analyses,
`evaluation of the damages caused by unauthorized use of the patented inventions,
`negotiations related to licensing agreements, and related services for Innovation's smart
`phone and smart home patents.
`32. During 2005 through 2011, Innovation retained multiple law firms including Sughrue
`Mion, HDP, and Simon Law to develop and assist in its licensing program. HDP and
`Simon Law also represented Innovation in the eBay/Pay-Pal litigation. Mr. Kelly


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`Hyndman from Sughrue worked closely with inventors for more than five years on
`development of our patent portfolio and licensing program. Sughrue was paid
`33. During 2011, HDP and Simon Law litigated against eBay, accusing its Pay-Pal's online
`payment technology of patent infringement oflnnovation's RE40753 patent. HDP and
`Simon Law spent several months studying, analyzing, evaluating the Company's patent
`portfolio, and along with my own licensing efforts, Innovation negotiated a license
`agreement with eBay and Pay-Pal. Our leading counsel at HDP was Terry Clark and at
`Simon the principle attorney, Mr. Tony Simon. Collectively HDP/Simon were paid
` of which at least 20% or
` was specifically directed to their licensing
`work for evaluation of Innovation's patent portfolio, review of the competitive landscape
`in secure payment, smart home, smart phone, and smart TV technology, negotiating and
`preparation of license agreements.
`34. During 2011-2015, Innovation retained the law firm ofNelson Bumgardner of Fort
`Worth, Texas for its licensing program in connection with litigation with Samsung
`asserting Innovation's patents related with smart phone and smart home technology. The
`lead counsel, Ed Nelson, and his team, spent years reviewing Innovation's patent
`portfolios and the competitive landscape of smart phone and smart home technology,
`conducting meetings with Samsung and potential customers that might benefit from
`Innovation's patented technology, and negotiating the terms oflicense with Samsung.
`The Samsung litigation spanned from 2013 to 2015, and after a number oflower court
`decisions and appeals a settlement was negotiated by myself and Ed Nelson culminating


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`in Samsung taking a license of all Innovation patents on October 2, 2015. Ed Nelson,
`and the Nelson Bumgardner firm, was paid
` of which at least 30%, i.e.
`, directly related to licensing Innovation's patented smart phone and smart home
`technology to Samsung.
`35. Further, in 2016-2017, Innovation initiated litigation against LG Electronics, Inc.
`("LG") of the Republic of South Korea based on the belief that its smart phones infringed
`Innovation's smart phone and smart home patents. Innovation retained the law firm of
`DiNovo, Price, Ellwanger & Hardy LLP of Austin, Texas. The LG litigation team
`included Andrew DiNovo, Nicky Glauser, Chris Goodpastor, etc. The Dinovo Price firm
`reviewed Innovation's patent portfolios and the competitive landscape of smart phone
`and smart home technology, conducted licensing meetings, and negotiated the terms of
`licenses with LG. The LG litigation began in early 2016. Based on market application
`and valuation ofinnovation's patents a settlement was achieved in a few months. On
`June 21, 2016, under the licensing efforts of Mr. DiNovo and his team and myself, LG
`became another licensee ofinnovation's patent portfolios. The DiNovo Price firm, which
`assisted Innovation with its efforts to license LG Innovation's patent portfolios, was paid
` of which at least 90%
` was for its licensing efforts with
`Innovation's smart phone and smart home patents.
`36. For the purpose of a conservative estimation of the cost for Innovation's licensing
`program for smart phone/home technology patents, all the payments to licensing
`professionals that did not directly involve patent litigations of smart phone/home
`technology have been excluded. For the payments paid to the licensing professionals


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`directly involving both smart phone/home patent litigation and licensing, only 30% of the
`payment to Nelson law firm and 90% of the payment to Dinovo law firm are included in
`the calculation.
`37. Innovation paid Nelson law firm
` for its litigation effort and work on
`Innovation's licensing program during 2012-2015 in connection with litigation ·against
`Samsung. At least 30% of Nelson team's effort directly involved infringement analysis,
`evaluation of the smart home patents, and negotiation with Samsung for licensing
`Innovation's smart home patents. As a result, only 30% of the
` is included in the calculation of the cost ofinnovation's licensing program.
`38. Innovation paid Dinovo law firm
` in 2016 for its effort and work on licensing
`Innovation's smart home patents to LG in connection with litigation against LG asserting
`Innovation's smart home patents. At least 90% of Dinovo team's effort and work directly
`involved infringement analysis, patent evaluation, and negotiation with LG for licensing
`Innovation's smart home patents. Therefore, 90% of the total payment to LG
` is included in the calculation of the cost of the licensing program.
`39. Mr. Greg Bosch and Dr. Jose Melendez worked for Innovation providing technical
`support and expert services including claim charts, infringement analysis, and valuation
`of the Innovation's smart home patents in connection with Innovation's patent litigations.
`At least 70% of Mr. Bosch's work is about Samsung/LG's products infringement
`analysis. At least 20% of Dr. Melendez's work is about Innovation's smart home patent
`infringement analysis and licensing. Therefore, 7 0% of Mr. Bosch's payment of


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`and 20% of Dr. Melendez' payment of
` are included in the calculation of the
`cost of Innovation's licensing program.
`40. Lastly, I spent half of my work time on Innovation's licensing program regarding smart
`home patents. Therefore, 50% of my total income of
` from Innovation, i.e.
`, is included in the calculation of Innovation's cost of its licensing program on
`smart home patents.
`41. In summary, the total cost for Innovation's licensing program regarding smart home
`patents is conservatively estimated to be
`. Since there are five (5) smart home
`technology patents Innovation currently owns, the two smart home technology patents
`being asserted at the ITC, the '179 and '425 patents, amount to 40% of the Innovation's
`smart home patent portfolio. Therefore, 40% of the total estimated cost ofinnovation's
`licensing program regarding smart home technology, or
`, is the amount that is
`attributable to the '179 and '425 patents asserted in this ITC Investigation.
`42. Of the total investment of Innovation's R&D and licensing program directly related with
`smart phone and smart home technology is
`. 40% of the total is attributable to
`the '179 and '425 patents asserted in current ITC Investigation which is calculated as
` .
`. 43. The foregoing costs have been incurred in the normal course of Innovation's business.
`Innovation does not account for costs on a patent-by-patent basis. However, the listed
`costs and the estimated amounts spent on licensing Innovation's smart phone and smart
`home technology patents, and on R&D, as are set forth herein, have been proportioned


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`for the amounts estimated as being attributable to the '179 and '425 patents asserted in
`this ITC Investigation.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the Laws of the United States of America that the
`foregoing is true and correct.
`Dr. Anne (Tiehong) Wong

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