`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7.490,086 B2
`*Feb. 10, 2009
`Inventor: Raymond Anthony Joao, 122 Bellevue
`P1. Yonkers, NY (US) 10703
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 541 days.
`This patent is Subject to a terminal dis
`Appl. No.: 10/691,796
`Oct. 23, 2003
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2004/O1071.92 A1
`Jun. 3, 2004
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 09/612,528, filed on
`Jul. 7, 2000, now Pat. No. 6,662,194.
`Provisional application No. 60/146,776, filed on Jul.
`31, 1999.
`Int. C.
`G06F 7/30
`U.S. Cl. .......................... 707/10; 707/104.1, 707/3;
`707/4; 707/5
`Field of Classification Search .............. 707/104.1,
`707/3, 10, 103 R, 1, 2, 4,5; 705/1, 10, 11,
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`5,164,897 A * 1 1/1992 Clark et al. .................... 705/1
`5,416,694 A
`5/1995 Parrish et al.
`5,696,702 A 12/1997 Skinner et al.
`5,758.324 A
`5/1998 Hartman et al.
`5,794,207 A
`8, 1998 Walker et al.
`5,797,127 A
`8, 1998 Walker et al.
`5,832,497 A 1 1/1998 Taylor
`5,862,223. A
`1/1999 Walker et al.
`5,884.270 A
`3, 1999 Walker et al.
`5,884,272 A
`3, 1999 Walker et al.
`5,978,768 A * 1 1/1999 McGovern et al. ............. 705/1
`6,324,538 B1
`1 1/2001 Wesinger, Jr. et al.
`U.S. Appl. No. 60/144.984, filed Jul. 22, 1999, Desenberg.
`Primary Examiner Jean M Corrielus
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Raymond A. Joao, Esq.
`An apparatus, including a memory device which stores infor
`mation regarding a job opening, position, assignment, con
`tract, or project, and information regarding a job search
`request or inquiry, a processing device which processing the
`information regarding a job search request or inquiry upon an
`automatic detection of an occurrence of a searching event
`which is an occurrence of a job posting, a posting of new or
`revised data or information, a news release of a business
`event, an employment-related event, an economic report,
`industry-specific news, an event which creates an to fill a
`position, or an event which creates an interest to seek a posi
`tion, and generates a message, containing the information
`regarding a job opening, position, assignment, contract, or
`project, responsive to the job search request or inquiry, and a
`transmitter which transmits the message to a communication
`device associated with an individual.
`4,625,081. A * 1 1/1986 Lotito et al. ............. 379.88.26
`32 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 1 of 41
`processNG computer
`Perfor SEArct
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`12/2001 Callen et al.
`6,345,260 B1
`2/2002 Cummings, Jr. et al.
`6,363,376 B1
`3, 2002 Wiens et al.
`6,370,510 B1 * 4/2002 McGovern et al. ............. 70.5/1
`6,381,592 B1 * 4/2002 Reuning ...........
`... TO7.3
`6,385,620 B1* 5/2002 Kurzius et al. .
`6,567,784 B2 * 5/2003 Bukow .......................... 70.5/9
`6,662,194 B1* 12/2003 Joao ..............
`TO7 104.1
`6,873,964 B1* 3/2005 Williams et al. ............... 70.5/9
`7,139,732 B1
`1 1/2006 Desenberg
`7,148,991 B2 * 12/2006 Suzuki et al. ................ 358/15
`2003/020531 A1* 6/2003 Parker ........................... 70.5/8
`Garfinkel, et al., Web Security & Commerce, 1997, O'Reilly &
`Associates, U.S.A.
`Caglayan, et al., Agent Sourcebook a Complete Guide to Desktop,
`Internet, and Intranet Agents, 1997, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., U.S.A.
`Elmasri, et al., Fundamentals of Database Systems, Second Edition,
`1994. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, U.S.A.
`Berenson. et al., Basic Business Statistics Concepts and Applica
`tions, Sixth Edition, 1996, Prentice Hall, Inc., U.S.A.
`Hull, Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives. Third Edition, 1997.
`Prentice-Hall, Inc., U.S.A.
`Adam, et al., Electronic Commerce Technical, Business, and Legal
`Issues, 1999, Prentice Hall PTR, U.S.A.
`Lesnick, et al., Creating Cool Intelligent Agents for the Net, 1997.
`IDG Books Worldwide. Inc., U.S.A.
`* cited by examiner
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 2 of 41
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 3 of 41
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 3 of 41
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 1 of 16
`US 7,490,086 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 2 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`„LTldNI (EST)
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`US. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 3 0f 16
`US 7,490,086 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 4 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`7 "SDIH20°
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`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 5 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
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`FIG. 5A
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 6 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 8 of 41
`FIG. 5B
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 7 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`REcevi Employers - ?
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 9 of 41
`FIG. 5C
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 8 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 10 of 41
`F.G. 5D GD
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 9 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 11 of 41
`FIG. 5E
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 10 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 12 of 41
`F.G. 6A
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 11 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 13 of 41
`F.G. 6B
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 12 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 14 of 41
`FIG. 6C
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 13 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 15 of 41
`FIG. 6D GD)
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 14 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 16 of 41
`FIG. 6E
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 15 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 17 of 41
`FIG. 7
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 10, 2009
`Sheet 16 of 16
`US 7.490,086 B2
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 18 of 41
`FIG. 8
`US 7,490,086 B2
`This is a continuation application of U.S. patent applica
`tion Ser. No. 09/612,528, filed on Jul. 7, 2000, and entitled
`U.S. Pat. No. 6,662,194, the subject matter of which is hereby
`incorporated by reference herein. U.S. patent application Ser.
`No. 09/612,528, filed on Jul. 7, 2000, now U.S. Pat. No.
`6,662,194, claims the benefit of priority of U.S. Provisional
`Patent Application Ser. No. 60/146,776, filed Jul. 31, 1999,
`VICES, the subject matter of which is hereby incorporated
`by reference herein.
`The present invention is directed to an apparatus and a
`method for providing job searching services, recruitment Ser
`vices and/or recruitment-related Services and, in particular, to
`an apparatus and a method for providing job searching Ser
`vices, recruitment services and/or recruitment-related Ser
`vices as they may relate to individuals, independent contrac
`tors, freelancers, employers and/or hiring entities, in a
`network environment.
`Job searching activities and recruitment activities typically
`require efforts in introducing parties to one another, pre
`screening the parties prior to, and/or Subsequent to, an intro
`duction, acting as an information gathering entity for a party,
`exchanging information in order to determine ifa relationship
`is appropriate and/or desirable, negotiating a deal, and/or
`consummating a deal between the respective parties. While
`individuals and/or employers and/or hiring entities can act on
`their own behalf during most of the process, one of the parties
`may typically enlist the efforts of an employment agency or
`agencies, a recruiter(s), a so-called "headhunter(s)', an
`employment and/or career consultant(s), a temporary
`employment agency or agencies, a personal agent(s), a per
`Sonal manager(s), and/or another intermediary or intermedi
`aries, sometimes at great expense.
`The enlistment of employment agencies, recruiters, so
`called "headhunters', employment and/or career consultants,
`temporary employment agencies, personal agents, personal
`managers, and/or other intermediaries, can be costly and can
`lead to job search efforts and/or recruitment efforts which
`may be limited in breadth and/or scope by the personal and/or
`individual contacts, limitations and/or constraints associated
`with the employment agency, recruiter, so-called "head
`hunter, employment and/or career consultant, temporary
`employment agency, personal agent, personal manager, and/
`or other intermediary.
`In this regard, job search efforts and/or recruitment efforts
`may be limited, thereby depriving an individual and/or an
`employer and/or hiring entity of being introduced to the best
`possible candidates. In some instances, an employer and/or
`hiring entity may forgo access to certain candidates simply
`because they cannot and/or refuse to enlist the efforts of a
`recruiter and/or other intermediary.
`Job searching efforts and recruitment efforts may be lim
`ited by and/or be constrained by limited personal contacts,
`geographical constraints, monetary constraints, and/or time
`constraints. Oftentimes, individuals, employers and/or hiring
`entities, do not have the resources to conduct their own
`respective job searching efforts or recruitment efforts. The
`enlistment of employment agencies, recruiters, so-called
`"headhunters', employment and/or career consultants, tem
`porary employment agencies, personal agents, personal man
`agers, and/or other intermediaries, may not be sufficient to
`overcome these limitations and/or constraints, particularly, if
`the respective employment agency or agencies, recruiter(s),
`so-called "headhunter(s)', employment and/or career con
`Sultant(s), temporary employment agency or agencies, per
`Sonal agent(s), personal manager(s) and/or other intermedi
`ary or intermediaries, are working with similar limitations
`and/or constraints.
`The job search process and/or the recruitment process can
`typically be rendered more difficult in instances when addi
`tional information may be requested by one or by both of the
`parties concerning a counterpart. This typically results in time
`delays and/or additional expense to the party having to com
`ply with Such a request.
`Job searching efforts and/or recruitment efforts may fur
`ther be rendered more difficult when the parties are not prop
`erly pre-screened, thereby resulting in wasted time and effort,
`and/or when the parties are not properly informed as to the
`needs and/or demands of a counterpart. The needs and/or
`demands can include job description, job needs, project
`description, assignment description, salary, compensation,
`and/or other related information. The failure to pre-screen the
`parties and/or to conduct a dialog and/or initiate interviews
`and/or discussions when the parties may be so far apart
`regarding their respective needs, requests and/or expecta
`Individuals, independent contractors, and/or freelancers,
`can expend great efforts and a great deal of time in job
`searching efforts. Individuals, independent contractors, and/
`or freelancers, typically place a great deal of importance on
`their job searching efforts, on efforts directed to securing
`employment, both permanently and/or temporarily as a tem
`porary employee and/or "contract’ employee, and/or on
`efforts directed to obtaining and/or securing projects and/or
`Employers and/or hiring entities require that they have a
`satisfactory workforce in order to meet the demands of doing
`business. In this regard, employers and/or hiring entities very
`often need to find and/or recruit new employees, replace
`former employees, find employees with new skills to meet
`their business needs, and/or obtain the services of temporary
`workers, independent contractors, and/or freelancers.
`Growing businesses and markets have been created by the
`need for individuals, independent contractors, and/or
`freelancers to find and/or to secure jobs, employment,
`projects and/or assignments, and by the need of employers
`and/or hiring entities to recruit and hire new employees, inde
`pendent contractors, and/or freelancers. These businesses and
`markets include employment agencies, recruiters, so-called
`"headhunters', employment and/or career consultants, tem
`porary employment agencies, personal agents, personal man
`agers, and/or other intermediaries, who or which, respec
`tively, bring the respective parties together and/or assist them
`in obtaining introductions, establishing a dialog between par
`ties, reaching agreement on, and/or establishing an employ
`ment, an independent contractor, and/or a freelance relation
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 19 of 41
`US 7,490,086 B2
`tions, for example, those involving job duties and/or salary,
`can result in wasted time and effort.
`Confidentiality is typically another concern in job search
`ing activities and/or in recruitment activities. Individuals,
`employees, and/or hiring entities may have an interest in,
`and/or a desire for, maintaining confidentiality during at least
`Some initial stages of any job search and/or recruitment effort.
`In some instances, once an initial interest is expressed, any
`confidentiality which may have existed may be lost for the
`remainder of the process. Sometimes, it may be desirable for
`an individual, an employer and/or hiring entity, to retain at
`least some level of confidentiality and/or anonymity further
`into the job search and/or recruitment process. In this manner,
`at least Some confidentiality and/or anonymity can be pre
`served, especially if a deal between the parties is not ulti
`mately reached.
`Job searching activities and/or recruitment activities may
`be far too widespread and may be far too important to be
`limited by the above-described limitations and/or constraints.
`Individuals, employers and/or hiring entities would be better
`served by a system which overcomes the shortcomings of the
`prior art.
`and at least one or more employer computers. Each of the
`herein-described computers may communicate with any and
`all of the computers which are utilized in conjunction with the
`apparatus of the present invention. The present invention may
`be utilized in any communication network Such as the Inter
`net, the World Wide Web, a telecommunications network,
`and/or any other communication network described herein
`and/or otherwise.
`Each of the central processing computer(s), the individual
`computers, and/or the employer computers can include any
`and/or all components, peripherals, hardware, and/or soft
`ware, for facilitating the use thereof in a manner consistent
`with the present invention as described herein.
`The central processing computer may also include, and/or
`be linked to, a database(s) and/or other storage and/or
`memory device(s) for storing any and/or all of the data and/or
`information described as being utilized, and/or which may be
`utilized, in conjunction with the present invention.
`The present invention provides job search services, recruit
`ment services, and/or recruitment-related services, while pre
`serving confidentiality among and/or between the parties and/
`or between the parties and third parties, and may further
`provide for varying layers of confidentiality for the parties
`involved. The present invention can also provide enhanced
`information services for the parties utilizing same, including
`but not limited to, links, hyperlinks, and/or other pointing
`and/or linking devices for linking a user to additional and/or
`Supplemental information concerning any of the individuals,
`employers, hiring entities, and/or other parties, involved in a
`dialog, negotiations and/or discussions.
`The data and/or information utilized in conjunction with
`the present invention can also be utilized by the various indi
`viduals, employers, hiring entities, contractors, applicants,
`recruiters, headhunters, third party intermediaries, and/or the
`operator and/or the administrator of the apparatus, and can be
`uploaded to, downloaded from, and/or be stored and/or be
`resident on any of the central processing computer(s), the
`individual computer(s), and/or the employer computer(s).
`The apparatus and method of the present invention can be
`utilized to perform various job-searching services, recruit
`ment services and/or recruitment-related services and/or
`functions. The present invention may be utilized by an indi
`vidual, a prospective employee, an independent contractor, a
`freelancer, either permanent or temporary, to find or to locate
`a job, a position, a project and/or an assignment, for which
`they may wish to apply. The present invention can also be
`utilized by an employer and/or hiring entity to recruit and/or
`to search for, an individual, a prospective employee, an inde
`pendent contractor, and/or a freelancer, either permanent or
`The present invention can also be utilized by a recruiter, a
`headhunter, and/or a third party intermediary, in order to
`assist an individual, a prospective employee, an independent
`contractor, and/or a freelancer, in searching for a job, a posi
`tion, a project, and/or an assignment, and/or for assisting an
`employer and/or a hiring entity in searching for, and/or for
`recruiting an individual, a prospective employee, an indepen
`dent contractor, and/or a freelancer, in order to fill a hiring
`and/or other need.
`The present invention may also be utilized to notify an
`individual, a prospective employee, an independent contrac
`tor, and/or freelancer, of the existence and/or the availability
`of an opportunity for and/or related to a job, a position, a
`project and/oran assignment. The present invention may also
`be utilized to notify an employer and/or a hiring entity of the
`availability of an individual, a prospective employee, an inde
`pendent contractor, and/or freelancer.
`The apparatus and method of the present invention over
`comes the shortcomings of the prior art and provides an
`apparatus and a method for providing job searching services,
`recruitment services and/or recruitment-related services. The
`present invention utilizes the technologies and advances in
`information technology and in communication technology in
`order to provide these services in a network environment.
`The present invention is directed to an apparatus and a
`method for providing job searching services, recruitment Ser
`vices and/or recruitment-related services, for the respective
`individuals, employees, independent contractors, freelancers,
`employers and/or hiring entities, described herein in a net
`work environment. The present invention also provides a
`centralized apparatus, which can also serve as a clearing
`house, which provides job searching services, recruitment
`services, and/or recruitment-related services, as well as any
`of the services and/or activities described herein.
`The apparatus and method of the present invention can can
`be utilized by individuals, independent contractors, freelanc
`ers, and/or other entities, desirous of securing a job, a posi
`tion, a project, an assignment, and/or an employment rela
`tionship, either permanent and/or temporary, with an
`employer and/or a hiring entity. The apparatus and method of
`the present invention can also be utilized by employers and/or
`by other hiring entities desirous of securing the services of an
`individual, an employee, an independent contractor, and/or
`freelancer, either permanently and/or temporarily.
`The present invention can also be utilized by an employ
`ment agency, a recruiter, a so-called "headhunter, or other
`intermediary, in order to assist and/or to act on behalf of any
`of the individuals, employers and/or hiring entities described
`herein. The present invention can also be utilized in order to
`provide agency services for any of the herein described par
`ties, i.e., individual, employees, independent contractors,
`freelancers, employers, hiring entities, recruiters, headhunt
`ers, etc.
`The apparatus and method of the present invention can be
`utilized in a network environment in order to effectuate any of
`the services described herein on, or over, any communication
`The apparatus can include a central processing computer or
`server computer, at least one or more individual computers
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 20 of 41
`include a new individual listing, a new employer and/or hiring
`entity listing, a departure of an individual from an employer,
`the completion of a job, project and/or assignment, changes in
`an economic factor(s), changes in a market factor(s), an
`increase in an unemployment rate, the unemployment of an
`individual, a detected need for jobs having a certain skill(s),
`and/or any other event, situation, and/or any other occurrence
`which may be deemed to have some relationship and/or effect
`related to job searching efforts and/or recruitment efforts.
`The apparatus and method of the present invention can also
`be utilized for performing and/or for facilitating the provision
`of recruitment services for Schools, colleges, universities,
`and/or any organizations of any kind.
`The apparatus of the present invention can also be pro
`grammed in order to be self-activating and/or activated auto
`The apparatus of the present invention can also be pro
`grammed in order to generate and/or transmit any of the
`e-mails, electronic message transmissions, electronic notifi
`cation transmissions, and/or any of the communications,
`described herein between any of the parties utilizing the
`present invention.
`The present invention can be utilized in conjunction with
`intelligent agents, Software agents and/or mobile agents, in
`order to provide for these respective agents to act for, or on
`behalf of a respective party.
`The present invention can also be utilized in order to gen
`erate electronic catalogs and/or electronic coupons for adver
`tising and/or for publicizing the availability of individuals,
`independent contractors, and/or freelancers, for work, and/or
`for advertising and/or publicizing jobs, employment posi
`tions, projects and/or assignments, which employers and/or
`hiring entities are seeking to fill.
`The present invention can also be utilized in order to moni
`tor, record and/or keep track of all offers and/or rejections
`involving any and all jobs, employment positions, projects
`and/or assignments, which occur in conjunction with and/or
`via use of the present invention. The information compiled
`can be provided to individuals, employers, and/or recruiters
`for use in any appropriate and/or suitable manner.
`The present invention, can also store individual and/or
`employer data and/or information with various and/or vary
`ing levels of specificity and/or confidentiality.
`The apparatus and method of the present invention can be
`utilized as an electronic and/or network-based recruiting
`apparatus and/or clearinghouse. The present invention can be
`utilized in order to reduce recruiting costs and so-called head
`hunter fees to employers as well as job search efforts and/or
`expenses to individuals. The present invention provides an
`apparatus and a method for eliminating intermediaries and/or
`unnecessary efforts and/or expense involved in job search
`and/or recruitment processes for any of the individuals,
`employers and/or hiring entities described herein.
`The present invention can also be utilized in conjunction
`with the bartering and/or trading of services between parties,
`Such as individuals, employers, and/or hiring entities.
`The present invention also provides an apparatus and a
`method for providing enhanced confidentiality during the
`job-search, recruitment, and/or related interactions, negotia
`tions and/or other dealings between the parties involved in
`same. The present invention can monitor and/or record any
`interaction between any of the parties which utilize the
`present invention.
`The present invention can also be utilized in conjunction
`with job searches and/or recruiting efforts for any kind of job,
`profession, employment position, project, and/or assignment,
`Case 6:20-cv-00651-ADA Document 1-3 Filed 07/17/20 Page 21 of 41
`US 7,490,086 B2
`Any and/or all of the communications between the parties
`may be effected via electronic message transmission, e-mail,
`electronic forms Submission, a telephone call, telephone mes
`Saging, facsimile messaging, pager and/or beeper messaging,
`physical mailing, and/or via any other appropriate method,
`means and/or mechanism.
`Employers and/or other hiring entities can post data and/or
`list information regarding jobs, employment positions, tem
`porary positions, assignments, freelance assignments, con
`tracting assignments and/or jobs, as well as any other assign
`ments, projects and/or efforts which require and/or which
`may require the services of an individual, an employee, an
`independent contractor, a freelancer, a temporary employee,
`etc., with the present invention.
`Similarly, individuals, job applicants, prospective employ
`ees, independent contractors, temporary workers, and/or
`freelancers, etc., can also post and/or list data and/or infor
`mation regarding themselves with the present invention.
`The present invention can be utilized in order to allow
`employers and/or hiring entities to bid for individuals,
`employees, independent contractors, and/or freelancers. The
`present can also be utilized in order to allow individuals
`and/or their agents and/or managers to auction and/or offer
`their services to employers and/or to hiring entities.
`The present invention can be utilized for managing work
`schedules, and/or for maintaining information regarding
`work Schedules for an individual or entity, including, but not
`limited to any job applicant, temporary worker, independent
`contractor, and/or freelancer. An employer and/or hiring
`entity can obtain information regarding the work, temporary
`assignment, and/or project or assignment, Schedules for any
`individual or entity utilizing the present invention. An
`employer and/or hiring entity may hire and/or reserve the
`time of and/or the services of the individual and/or entity via
`the present invention.
`The present invention can also provide an individual and/or
`an employer and/or hiring entity with data and/or information
`regarding the latest developments and/or current develop
`ments in the employment and/or recruiting fields, including,
`but not limited to, growth areas, demand information for
`certain jobs and/or professions, salary Surveys, etc. In this
`manner, the present invention can provide information for
`allowing an individual, an employer and/or hiring entity to
`determine the state of the job market and/or to utilize this
`information in any appropriate manner so as to minimize the
`time, effort and/or expense of job searching efforts and/or
`recruitment efforts.
`The present invention can also provide notification to any
`of the individuals, employers and/or hiring entities, when
`and/or if information is being and/