`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-2 Filed 10/15/20 Page 1 of 74
`Exhibit 2
`Exhibit 2
`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-2 Filed 10/15/20 Page 2 of 74
`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 9,703,750 B2
`*Jul. 11, 2017
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC ........................ 710/300–317, 62-64, 72-74;
`709/214-219, 226-227: 714/43-44, 11,
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`Primary Examiner — Raymond Phan
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Cooley LLP
`A computer system for multi-processing purposes. The
`computer system has a console comprising a first coupling
`site and a second coupling site. Each coupling site comprises
`a connector. The console is an enclosure that is capable of
`housing each coupling site. The system also has a plurality
`of computer modules, where each of the computer modules
`is coupled to a connector. Each of the computer modules has
`a processing unit, a main memory coupled to the processing
`unit, a graphics controller coupled to the processing unit,
`and a mass storage device coupled to the processing unit.
`Each of the computer modules is substantially similar in
`design to each other to provide independent processing of
`each of the computer modules in the computer system.
`51 Claims, 35 Drawing Sheets
`Applicant: Acqis LLC, McKinney, TX (US)
`William W. Y. Chu, Los Altos, CA
`Assignee: Acqis LLC, McKinney, TX (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 275 days.
`This patent is Subject to a terminal dis
`Appl. No.: 14/511,093
`Oct. 9, 2014
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2015.70026373 A1
`Jan. 22, 2015
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 14/209,922, filed on
`Mar. 13, 2014, now Pat. No. 9,529,768, which is a
`Int. C.
`G06F 3/20
`G06F 3/42
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC ............ G06F 13/4282 (2013.01); G06F I/08
`(2013.01); G06F 1/12 (2013.01); G06F
`I/I632 (2013.01);
`primary casus
`XP Bus---9
`-- Ssi
`993 -
`igs i-PDR3:O, PCNR
`--- 93.
`Asyrichorous S.
`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-2 Filed 10/15/20 Page 3 of 74
`US 9,703,750 B2
`Page 2
`Related U.S. Application Data
`continuation of application No. 13/744.287, filed on
`Jan. 17, 2013, now Pat. No. 8,756,359, which is a
`continuation of application No. 13/649,084, filed on
`Oct. 10, 2012, now Pat. No. 8,977,797, which is a
`continuation of application No. 13/560.924, filed on
`Jul. 27, 2012, now Pat. No. 8,626,977, which is a
`continuation of application No. 13/087,912, filed on
`Apr. 15, 2011, now Pat. No. 8,234,436, which is a
`continuation of application No. 12/504,534, filed on
`Jul. 16, 2009, now Pat. No. 8,041,873, which is a
`continuation of application No. 12/077.503, filed on
`Mar. 18, 2008, now Pat. No. 7,676,624, which is a
`continuation of application No. 1 1/166,656, filed on
`Jun. 24, 2005, now Pat. No. 7,376,779, which is a
`continuation of application No. 11/097.694, filed on
`Mar. 31, 2005, now Pat. No. 7,363,415, which is a
`continuation of application No. 10/772.214, filed on
`Feb. 3, 2004, now Pat. No. 7,099,981, which is a
`continuation of application No. 09/569,758, filed on
`May 12, 2000, now Pat. No. 6,718,415.
`Provisional application No. 60/134,122, filed on May
`14, 1999.
`Int. C.
`G06F 3/40
`G06F I/I6
`G06F I/2
`G06F I3/38
`G06F I/08
`G06F 3/10
`U.S. C.
`CPC ............ G06F 13/102 (2013.01); G06F 13/20
`(2013.01); G06F 13/385 (2013.01); G06F
`13/409 (2013.01); G06F 13/4027 (2013.01);
`G06F 13/4068 (2013.01); G06F 13/42
`(2013.01); G06F 13/4221 (2013.01); Y02B
`60/1228 (2013.01); Y02B 60/1235 (2013.01)
`Field of Classification Search
`USPC ............................................................ 714f13
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