Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 1 of 55
`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 1 of 55


`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 2 of 55
`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,977,797 B2
`*Mar. 10, 2015
`Applicant: ACQIS LLC, McKinney, TX (US)
`Inventor: William W.Y. Chu, Los Altos, CA (US)
`Assignee: ACQIS LLC, McKinney, TX (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 275 days.
`This patent is Subject to a terminal dis
`Appl. No.: 13/649,084
`Oct. 10, 2012
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2013/OO97352 A1
`Apr. 18, 2013
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 13/560,924, filed on
`Jul. 27, 2012, now Pat. No. 8,626,977, which is a
`continuation of application No. 13/087,912, filed on
`Apr. 15, 2011, now Pat. No. 8,234,436, which is a
`Int. C.
`G06F I3/20
`G06F L/08
`U.S. C.
`CPC. G06F I/08 (2013.01); G06F 1/12 (2013.01);
`G06F 13/385 (2013.01); G06F 13/4068
`(2013.01); G06F 13/42 (2013.01)
`USPC .......................................................... 710/313
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC ................................................... GO6F 13f4081
`USPC ......... 710/300-304,313 315, 62-64, 72-74;
`709/214 21, 226 227; 726/2-9,
`726/16–21, 34, 36; 713/182-183, 192-194
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`4,769,764 A
`4,799,258 A
`9, 1988 Levanon
`1/1989 Davies
`T 1996
`O722138 A1
`10, 1994
`Boosten, “Transmission Overhead and Optimal Packet Size', Mar.
`11, 1998, printed on: Jan. 28, 2011, 2 pgs.
`Primary Examiner — Raymond Phan
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Cooley LLP
`A computer system for multi-processing purposes. The com
`puter system has a console comprising a first coupling site and
`a second coupling site. Each coupling site comprises a con
`nector. The console is an enclosure that is capable of housing
`each coupling site. The system also has a plurality of com
`puter modules, where each of the computer modules is
`coupled to a connector. Each of the computer modules has a
`processing unit, a main memory coupled to the processing
`unit, a graphics controller coupled to the processing unit, and
`a mass storage device coupled to the processing unit. Each of
`the computer modules is Substantially similar in design to
`each other to provide independent processing of each of the
`computer modules in the computer system.
`38 Claims, 31 Drawing Sheets
`Secondary Cwsr Staggy
`- T
`Prirary Power Supply


`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 3 of 55
`US 8,977,797 B2
`Page 2
`Related U.S. Application Data
`continuation of application No. 12/504,534, filed on
`Jul. 16, 2009, now Pat. No. 8,041,873, which is a
`continuation of application No. 12/077.503, filed on
`Mar. 18, 2008, now Pat. No. 7,676,624, which is a
`continuation of application No. 1 1/166,656, filed on
`Jun. 24, 2005, now Pat. No. 7,376,779, which is a
`continuation of application No. 1 1/097.694, filed on
`Mar. 31, 2005, now Pat. No. 7,363,415, which is a
`continuation of application No. 10/772.214, filed on
`Feb. 3, 2004, now Pat. No. 7,099,981, which is a con
`tinuation of application No. 09/569,758, filed on May
`12, 2000, now Pat. No. 6,718,415.
`Provisional application No. 60/134,122, filed on May
`14, 1999.
`Int. C.
`G06F L/2
`G06F I3/38
`G06F 3/40
`G06F 3/42
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 4 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`US 8,977,797 B2


`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 5 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 2 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
`st ACM Subsystem (Primary) f-213
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`22. Ethernet
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 6 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 3 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
`2.Éd AC& Suosyster
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`Gr. 3


`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 7 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 4 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
`issistics - 40.
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 8 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 5 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 9 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 6 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2


`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 10 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 7 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 11 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 8 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 12 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`US 8,977,797 B2


`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 13 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 10 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2


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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 11 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2


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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 12 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 16 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 13 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 17 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 14 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 18 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 15 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
`Data Rate
`Compute to Peripheral VS ata 3
`Computer to Peripheravos Data-to Peripheral WDS Data (-
`symbol T signal
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`PD+ i Synch. To PCK 10 x clock rate
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`Cornpitefio Periphera y Sata2
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 19 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 16 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2


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`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 17 of 31
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 18 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
`Receiver). PCK
`3. Drived Y.


`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 22 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 19 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
`GN is
`Type Pins Description
`32 Multiplexes. Addressitata, Ai is driver to a waiti state when GN # is asserted.
`Ts s
`4. Multiplexed Cominanci? Ryte Enabies. For a two-address transaction, 1st
`address phase carries the Cominand, and the 2nd address phase carries the
`transaction type CBE is driver to a valid state when GNii is asserted.
`indicates beginning and durater of a PC trassaction. When the bus is ide.
`FRAAEii is driven to tigh for cycle. A pit-up resistor sustains SS sigtai.
`initiatif Ready, REY# is driven High for 4 cycle if bus is idie, and the state is
`sustaired by a pus-tip resistor.
`Target Ready. Wher biasis ice, TRYi is driven High for cycle if bus is die.
`An exterial put-up fesistor sistains STS signat,
`Device Select. DEVSEii is asserted by target to indicate it is teady to accept
`the transaction. C decodes address of a transaction to decide the feed to
`assert DEVSEli. As at isitiator, Hit waits for 5 cycles to detect assertion of
`DEWSEiff by the target; otherwise iC terminates with a master abort,
`EWSEii is riven High for cycle when bus is die, aid the state is sustaired
`by a pisii-ig resistor.
`targe regiest to steg tiansaction, iere ar:3 cases,
`SQFi, RDYi & EWSEli asserted: disconnect with data transfer
`Oriy SOP. & DEWSE: asserted: seques: initiato? to fety later
`Oniy SiOPi asserted: target abort
`STOPi is driver high for cycie wheir biasis idis, and tie state is sustained by
`a pti-iip resistoi,
`Evergarity for 36 bits of AD & CBEii. PAR is sent one cycle after address or
`data is waii, in write transaction, initiato sentis PAR (fe cycle atte write data
`is valid in read transaction, arget sends PARge cycie after tead cata is waiti.
`initiator request lock on target downstream. OCK# is asserted clock cycle
`after address phase by a? initiatof wanting to performan atonic operation that
`take more that of 8 transation to Complete. HC passes the C-CK# request to
`the secondary PC bus. HiC does not drive OCK# or propagate OCK
`Chip Select for type () configuration access. During a type () configuratic:
`transaction, the initiator asserts DSEii disting the address phase to selectiiC,
`HIC responds by asserting DEVSEff.
`tata arity Error of ai: transactions except Special Cycie. PERRii is driven one
`clock cycle after FAR. PERRii is asserted by target during write transactions,
`andy initiator ifing read transactic}{S,
`System Error. HiCasserts SERRif inder the following conditions:
`Address parity effor, Secondary bus SERRig asserted.
`Posted write transaction: data parity error on target bus. Posted write transaction discarded.
`siasteratisfi, Taigeiaisoft
`Delayed read or write trafsaction discarded, and
`Detayed transactia master tireout.
`Reguest for bus, if a target retry of discon?ect is received in Fesponse to
`initiating a transaction, C deasserts REQi for at teast 2 cycles before
`asserting it again.
`Bus is grated io iC, HiC cai initiate transaction if Shi'i is asserted and the
`bus is idle. When HC is not requesting bus and GNii is asserted, HC Yust
`drive AD, CIBE, and PAR to waiti is gig levels.
`ingiit indicating clock status. HiC car request the Central clock resource to start,
`spead up or maintain the PC clock. There are 3 clocking states:
`Clock running, Clock about to stopistow down, a?id Clock stopped slowed.
`PC cock, Ai inputs are sampted or the rising edge of PCCK Frequency
`inp; it


`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 23 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 20 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 23 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 24 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 28 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 25 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 29 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 26 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 30 of 55
`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 30 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 27 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 31 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 28 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
`A cyster
`hiouie (ACAA)
`Pig &
`USE3 Keyboard/Mouse
`Ašacies: C3 pister vitatissie with a “Pg & Eisiay' part as direct a swer is section.
`GRE a


`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 32 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 29 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2


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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 30 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
`• 8,3
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`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 34 of 55
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 10, 2015
`Sheet 31 of 31
`US 8,977,797 B2
`~--~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~--~~~--~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~• • • • •~~~~~~} ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~--~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ·


`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 35 of 55
`US 8,977,797 B2
`This application is a continuation of U.S. patent applica
`tion Ser. No. 13/560,924, filed Jul. 27, 2012, which is a
`continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/087,912,
`filed Apr. 15, 2011 (Now U.S. Pat. No. 8,234,436), which is a
`continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/504,534,
`filed Jul. 16, 2009 (Now U.S. Pat. No. 8,041,873), which is a
`continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/077.503,
`filed Mar. 18, 2008 (Now U.S. Pat. No. 7,676,624), which is
`a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/166,656,
`filed Jun. 24, 2005 (Now U.S. Pat. No. 7,376,779), which is a
`continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/097.694,
`filed Mar. 31, 2005 (Now U.S. Pat. No. 7,363,415), which is
`a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/772.214.
`filed Feb. 3, 2004 (Now U.S. Pat. No. 7,099,981), which is a
`continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/569,758,
`filed May 12, 2000 (Now U.S. Pat. No. 6,718,415), and which
`claimed priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No.
`60/134,122, filed May 14, 1999. These applications are
`hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.
`a typewriter format. The keyboard also has the length and
`width for easily inputting information by way of keys to the
`computer. The mouse also has a Sufficient size and shape to
`easily move a curser on the display from one location to
`another location.
`Other types of computing devices include portable com
`puting devices such as "laptop' computers and the like.
`Although somewhat Successful, laptop computers have many
`limitations. These computing devices have poor display tech
`nology. In fact, these devices often have a smaller flat panel
`display that has poor viewing characteristics. Additionally,
`these devices also have poor input devices such as Smaller
`keyboards and the like. Furthermore, these devices have lim
`ited common platforms to transfer information to and from
`these devices and other devices such as PCs.
`Up to now, there has been little common ground between
`these platforms including the PCs and laptops in terms of
`upgrading, ease-of-use, cost, performance, and the like.
`Many differences between these platforms, probably some
`what intentional, have benefited computer manufacturers at
`the cost of consumers. A drawback to having two separate
`computers is that the user must often purchase both the desk
`top and laptop to have “total computing power, where the
`desktop serves as a “regular computer and the laptop serves
`as a “portable' computer. Purchasing both computers is often
`costly and runs “thousands of dollars. The user also wastes a
`significant amount of time transferring software and data
`between the two types of computers. For example, the user
`must often couple the portable computer to a local area net
`work (i.e., LAN), to a serial port with a modem, and then
`manually transfer over files and data between the desktop and
`the portable computer. Alternatively, the user often must use
`floppy disks to "Zip' up files and programs that exceed the
`storage capacity of conventional floppy disks, and transfer the
`floppy disk data manually.
`Another drawback with the current model of separate por
`table and desktop computer is that the user has to spend
`money to buy components and peripherals which are dupli
`cated in at least one of these computers. For example, both the
`desktop and portable computers typically include hard disk
`drives, floppy drives, CD-ROMs, computer memory, host
`processors, graphics accelerators, and the like. Because pro
`gram Software and Supporting programs generally must be
`installed upon both hard drives in order for the user to operate
`programs on the road and in the office, hard disk space is often
`One approach to reduce some of these drawbacks has been
`the use of a docking station with a portable computer. Here,
`the user has the portable computer for “on the road use and
`a docking station that houses the portable computer for office
`Similar to separate desktop and portable computers, there
`is no commonality between two desktop computers. To date,
`most personal computers are constructed with a single moth
`erboard that provides connection for CPU and other compo
`nents in the computer. Dual CPU systems have been available
`through Intel's slot 1 architecture. For example, two Pentium
`II cartridges can be plugged into two 'slot 1' card slots on a
`motherboard to form a Dual-processor system. The two
`CPU's share a common hostbus that connects to the rest of
`the system, e.g. main memory, hard disk drive, graphics Sub
`system, and others. Dual CPU systems have the advantage of
`increased CPU performance for the whole system. Adding a
`CPU cartridge requires no change in operating systems and
`application software. However, dual CPU systems may suffer
`limited performance improvement if memory or disk drive
`bandwidth becomes the limiting factor. Also, dual CPU sys
`The present invention relates to computing devices. More
`particularly, the present invention provides a system includ
`ing a plurality of computer modules that can independently
`operate to provide backup capability, dual processing, and the
`like. Merely by way of example, the present invention is
`applied to a modular computing environment for desktop
`computers, but it will be recognized that the invention has a
`much widerrange of applicability. It can be applied to a server
`as well as other portable or modular computing applications.
`Many desktop or personal computers, which are com
`monly termed PCs, have been around and used for over ten
`years. The PCs often come with state-of-art microprocessors
`such as the Intel PentiumTM microprocessor chips. They also
`include a hard or fixed disk drive such as memory in the
`giga-bit range. Additionally, the PCs often include a random
`access memory integrated circuit device Such as a dynamic
`random access memory device, which is commonly termed
`DRAM. The DRAM devices now provide up to millions of
`memory cells (i.e., mega-bit) on a single slice of silicon. PCs
`also include a high resolution display Such as cathode ray
`tubes or CRTs. In most cases, the CRTs are at least 15 inches
`or 17 inches or 20 inches in diameter. High resolution flat
`panel displays are also used with PCs.
`Many external or peripheral devices can be used with the
`PCs. Among others, these peripheral devices include mass
`storage devices such as a ZipTM Drive product sold by Iomega
`Corporation of Utah. Other storage devices include external
`hard drives, tape drives, and others. Additional devices
`include communication devices Such as a modem, which can
`be used to link the PC to a wide area network of computers
`such as the Internet. Furthermore, the PC can include output
`devices such as a printer and other output means. Moreover,
`the PC can include special audio output devices such as
`speakers the like.
`PCs also have easy to use keyboards, mouse input devices,
`and the like. The keyboard is generally configured similar to


`Case 6:20-cv-00967 Document 1-6 Filed 10/15/20 Page 36 of 55
`US 8,977,797 B2
`tems have to time-share the processing unit in running mul
`tiple applications. CPU performance improvement efficiency
`also depends on software coding structure. Dual CPU sys
`tems provide no hardware redundancy to help fault tolerance.
`In running multiple applications, memory and disk drive data
`throughput will become the limiting factor in improving per
`formance with multi-processor systems.
`The present invention generally relates to computer inter
`faces. More specifically, the present invention relates to an
`interface channel that interfaces two computerinterface buses
`that operate under protocols that are different from that used
`by the interface channel.
`Interfaces coupling two independent computer buses are
`well known in the art. A block diagram of a computer system
`utilizing such a prior art interface is shown in FIG. 5. In FIG.
`5, a primary peripheral component interconnect (PCI) bus
`505 of a notebook PC 500 is coupled to a secondary PCI bus
`555 in a docking system 550 (also referred to as docking
`station 550) through high pin count connectors 501 and 502,
`which are normally mating connectors. The high pin count
`connectors 501 and 502 contain a sufficiently large number of
`pins so as to carry PCI bus signals between the two PCI buses
`without any translation. The main purpose for interfacing the
`two independent PCI buses is to allow transactions to occur
`between a master on one PCI bus and a target on the other PCI
`bus. The interface between these two independent PCI buses
`additionally includes an optional PCI to PCI bridge 560,
`located in the docking station 550, to expand the add on
`capability in docking station 550. The bridge 560 creates a
`new bus number for devices behind the bridge 560 so that they
`are not on the same bus number as other d

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