`Knoll Lowney
`Marc Zemel
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Katelyn Kinn
`130 Nickerson Street, Suite 107
`Seattle, WA 98109
`(206) 297-7002
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
` Plaintiff,
` Defendant.
`This action is a citizen suit brought under Section 505 of the Clean Water Act
`(“CWA”) as amended, 33 U.S.C. § 1365. Plaintiff Puget Soundkeeper Alliance seeks a
`declaratory judgment, injunctive relief, the imposition of civil penalties, and the award of costs,
`including attorneys’ and expert witnesses’ fees, for Defendant Union Pacific Railroad
`Company’s repeated and ongoing violations of Sections 301(a) and 402 of the CWA, 33 U.S.C.
`§§ 1311(a) and 1342, and the terms and conditions of its National Pollutant Discharge
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 2 of 88
`Elimination System (“NPDES”) permit authorizing discharges of pollutants from Defendant’s
`Seattle, Washington, facility to navigable waters.
`The Court has subject matter jurisdiction under Section 505(a) of the CWA, 33
`U.S.C. § 1365(a). The relief requested herein is authorized by 33 U.S.C. §§ 1319(d) and
`Under Section 505 (b)(1)(A) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(b)(1)(A), Plaintiff
`notified Defendant of Defendant’s violations of the CWA and of Plaintiff’s intent to sue under
`the CWA by letter dated and postmarked July 24, 2020 and delivered July 27, 2020 (“Notice
`Letter”). A copy of the Notice Letter is attached to this complaint as Exhibit 1. The allegations
`in the Notice Letter are incorporated herein by this reference. Plaintiff notified Defendant’s
`Registered Agent, the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency
`(“USEPA”), the Administrator of USEPA Region 10, and the Director of the Washington
`Department of Ecology (“WDOE”) of its intent to sue Defendant by mailing copies of the Notice
`Letter to these officials on July 24, 2020.
`More than sixty days have passed since the notice was served and the violations
`complained of in the Notice Letter are continuing or are reasonably likely to continue to occur.
`Defendant is in violation of its NPDES permit and the CWA. Neither the USEPA nor the
`WDOE has commenced any action constituting diligent prosecution to redress these violations.
`The source of the violations complained of is located in King County,
`Washington, within the Western District of Washington, and venue is therefore appropriate in
`the Western District of Washington pursuant to Section 505(c)(1) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. §
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 3 of 88
`Plaintiff Puget Soundkeeper Alliance (“Soundkeeper”) is suing on behalf of itself
`and its member(s). Soundkeeper is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the
`State of Washington. Soundkeeper is a membership organization and has at least one member
`who is injured by Defendant’s violations. Soundkeeper is dedicated to protecting and preserving
`Puget Sound including all waters flowing into Puget Sound and adjacent lands.
`Plaintiff has representational standing to bring this action. Soundkeeper’s
`members are reasonably concerned about the effects of discharges of pollutants, including
`stormwater from Defendant’s facility, on aquatic species and wildlife that Plaintiff’s members
`observe, study and enjoy. Soundkeeper’s members are further concerned about the effect of
`discharges from Defendant’s facility on human health. In addition, discharges from Defendant’s
`facility lessen Soundkeeper’s members’ aesthetic enjoyment of nearby areas. Soundkeeper has
`members who live, work, fish and recreate around or use the Duwamish River, tributaries
`thereto, and waters to which the Duwamish River is tributary, Elliott Bay and Puget Sound.
`These members are affected by Defendant’s discharges and permit violations. Soundkeeper’s
`members’ concerns about the effects of Defendant’s discharges are aggravated by Defendant’s
`failure to record and report information about its discharges and pollution controls. The
`recreational, economic, aesthetic and/or health interests of Soundkeeper and its member(s) have
`been, are being, and will be adversely affected by Defendant’s violations of the CWA. The relief
`sought in this lawsuit can redress the injuries to these interests.
`Plaintiff has organizational standing to bring this action. Soundkeeper has been
`actively engaged in a variety of educational and advocacy efforts to improve water quality and to
`address sources of water quality degradation in the waters of western Washington, including the
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 4 of 88
`Duwamish River and Puget Sound. Defendant has failed to fulfill monitoring, recordkeeping,
`reporting and planning requirements, among others, necessary for compliance with its NPDES
`permit and the CWA. As a result, Plaintiff is deprived of information necessary to properly
`serve its members by providing information and taking appropriate action to advance its mission.
`Plaintiff’s efforts to educate and advocate for greater environmental protection for the benefit of
`its members are also precluded. Finally, Plaintiff and the public are deprived of information that
`influences members of the public to become members of Soundkeeper, thereby reducing
`Soundkeeper’s membership numbers. Thus, Plaintiff’s organizational interests have been
`adversely affected by Defendant’s violations. These injuries are fairly traceable to Defendant’s
`violations and redressable by the Court.
`Defendant is a corporation authorized to conduct business under the laws of the
`State of Washington.
`Defendant owns and operates a facility used for railcar storage, switching,
`maintenance, equipment and material storage and related activities, located at or about 402 S.
`Dawson St., Seattle, WA, including contiguous or adjacent properties owned or operated by
`Defendant (the “facility”).
`Section 301(a) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1311(a), prohibits the discharge of
`pollutants by any person, unless in compliance with the provisions of the CWA. Section 301(a)
`prohibits, inter alia, such discharges not authorized by, or in violation of, the terms of a NPDES
`permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1342.
`The State of Washington has established a federally approved state NPDES
`program administered by the WDOE. Wash. Rev. Code § 90.48.260; Wash. Admin. Code ch.
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 5 of 88
`173-220. This program was approved by the Administrator of the USEPA pursuant to 33 U.S.C.
`§ 1342(b).
`Pursuant to Section 402(a) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1342(a), the WDOE has
`repeatedly issued the Industrial Stormwater General Permit, most recently on November 20,
`2019, (the “General Permit”). The General Permit, in its various iterations since its first issuance
`in 1993 containing comparable requirements, authorizes those that obtain coverage under the
`General Permit to discharge stormwater, a pollutant under the CWA, and other pollutants
`contained in the stormwater to the waters of the State subject to certain terms and conditions.
`The General Permit imposes certain terms and conditions on those covered
`thereby, including monitoring and sampling of discharges, reporting and recordkeeping
`requirements. To reduce and eliminate pollutant concentrations in stormwater discharges, the
`General Permit requires, among other things, that Permittees develop and implement best
`management practices (“BMPs”) and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (“SWPPP”), and
`apply all known and reasonable methods of prevention, control and treatment (“AKART”) to
`discharges. When a Permittee’s stormwater discharge exceeds benchmark values for
`concentrations of certain pollutants (and action levels for concentrations of certain pollutants in a
`previous version of the General Permit), the General Permit requires the Permittee to complete
`the applicable Level 1, 2, or 3 corrective action requirements. The specific terms and conditions
`of the General Permit are described in detail in the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1,
`and incorporated herein by this reference.
`Pursuant to Condition S2 of the General Permit, Defendant filed with the WDOE
`an Application for General Permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity.
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 6 of 88
`WDOE granted Defendant coverage under the General Permit for Defendant’s facility under
`Permit Number WAR001155. WDOE previously granted Defendant coverage under an earlier
`version of the General Permit for Defendant’s facility under Permit Number SO3001155.
`Defendant’s facility is engaged in industrial activity and discharges stormwater
`and other pollutants to the Duwamish River via drains, pipes, ditches, runoff, municipal storm
`sewer system and the ground.
`Discharges from Defendant’s facility contribute to the polluted conditions of the
`waters of the State, including to the sediment and water quality impairment of the Duwamish
`River. Discharges from Defendant’s facility contribute to the ecological impacts that result from
`the polluted state of these waters and to Plaintiff’s and their members’ injuries resulting
`therefrom. The requirement not to cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards,
`General Permit Condition S10.A, and Defendant’s violations thereof are described in section I of
`the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated herein by this reference.
`Defendant has caused or contributed to violations of water quality standards for turbidity,
`copper, zinc, oil, designated uses and aesthetics in the Duwamish River, including every day
`Defendant discharged pollutant concentrations in excess of the General Permit benchmarks or
`maximum daily limits.
`The vicinity of the facility, the Duwamish River and Elliott Bay are used by the
`citizens of Washington and visitors, as well as at least one of Plaintiff’s members, for
`recreational activities, including boating, biking, fishing and nature watching. Plaintiff’s
`member(s) also derive(s) aesthetic, spiritual and cultural benefits from the receiving waters.
`Plaintiff’s and its members’ enjoyment of these activities and waters is diminished by the
`polluted state of the receiving waters and by Defendant’s contributions to such polluted state.
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 7 of 88
`Defendant has violated the General Permit and Sections 301(a) and 402 of the
`CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1311(a) and 1342, by discharging pollutants in violation of an NPDES
`Permit. Defendant’s violations of the General Permit and the CWA are set forth in full in
`sections I through VIII of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated
`herein by this reference. In particular and among the other violations described in the Notice
`Letter, Defendant has failed to collect representative discharge samples, failed to prepare and
`implement a compliant SWPPP, failed to comply with corrective action requirements, violated
`daily effluent limits, and failed to implement best management practices to control stormwater
`quality as required by the General Permit.
`Defendant has discharged stormwater containing levels of pollutants that exceed
`the benchmark values and numeric effluent limits established in the General Permit, as specified
`in Tables 1 and 2 below. Defendant’s stormwater discharges are causing or contributing to
`violations of water quality standards and therefore violate the General Permit, Condition S10.A.
`Additionally, Defendant’s exceedances of the benchmark values and effluent limits demonstrate
`that Defendant is failing to apply AKART to its discharges and/or is failing to implement an
`adequate SWPPP and BMPs. These requirements and violations are described in detail in
`section I of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated herein by this
`Defendant has sampled its stormwater discharges in the calendar quarters
`identified in Table 1 of this Complaint and determined that such discharges contained pollution
`in amounts exceeding benchmarks, as shown in Table 1.
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 8 of 88
`Quarter in
`which sample
`(sample location
`2Q 2019 (001)
`2Q 2019 (002)
`2Q 2019 (004)
`2Q 2019 (005)
`2Q 2019 (006)
`3Q 2019 (004)
`1Q 2020 (004)
`Table 1 – Facility Benchmark Exceedances
`25 NTU)
`no sheen)
`(Benchmark 14
`(Benchmark 117
`28.3 NTU
`36.4 µg/L
`355 µg/L
`The stormwater samples identified in Table 1 are representative of and accurately
`characterize the quality of stormwater discharges generated by the facility during the associated
`calendar quarter.
`Defendant discharges to the Duwamish River, which is 303(d) listed for sediment
`quality and Defendant has violated the General Permit’s corresponding numeric effluent limit for
`Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Condition S6.C, Table 6. Defendant has sampled its stormwater
`discharges on the dates identified in Table 2 of this Complaint and determined that such
`discharges contain pollution in amounts exceeding maximum daily effluent limits for TSS, as
`shown in Table 2. These General Permit violations are reasonably likely to recur.
`Table 2 – Facility Numeric Effluent Limit Violations
`Quarter in which sample collected
`(outfall number)
`2Q 2019 (004)
`2Q 2019 (005)
`2Q 2019 (006)
`Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration
`(limitation: 30 mg/L)
`95 mg/L
`49 mg/L
`55 mg/L
`Defendant has not developed and/or implemented a SWPPP in accordance with
`the requirements of the General Permit, Condition S3. Defendant’s SWPPP does not specify all
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 9 of 88
`of the BMPs that are necessary to provide AKART and to ensure that discharges do not cause or
`contribute to violations of water quality standards, and does not include all of the specific
`requirements of the General Permit, including certain mandatory BMPs, a compliant facility
`assessment, a compliant inventory of industrial activities and materials, a compliant site map,
`compliant maintenance BMPs and a compliant sampling plan, among other deficiencies. These
`SWPPP requirements and violations are described in detail in section II of the Notice Letter,
`attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated herein by this reference.
`Defendant has violated the monitoring requirements in the General Permit,
`Conditions S4 and S9.B and E. Defendant has failed to collect representative stormwater
`samples and/or submit discharge monitoring reports for all distinct discharge points during all
`quarters as required by the General Permit.
`Defendant failed to collect stormwater samples and/or to submit DMRs for
`Outfalls 002, 003, 004, 005, and 006 at all between 4th Quarter 2015 and 2nd Quarter 2019.
`These monitoring requirements and violations are described in section III.A of the Notice Letter,
`attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated herein by this reference.
`Defendant failed to collect stormwater samples and/or to submit DMRs for the
`following discharge points at all in the last five years: points of discharge from two separate and
`distinct chassis storage areas, discharges from area MSH-5, discharges from area VM-1,
`discharges from area VM-8, discharges from area DTL-1, points of discharge from a drainage
`area south of System B, points of discharge from access roads throughout the facility that do not
`drain to any of the currently identified sample points, points of discharge from the Packer
`Staging Area that do not flow to System B, points of discharge from the railyard at the northeast
`of the facility including discharges that flow to Systems X1 or X2, and other discrete points of
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 10 of 88
`runoff along the perimeter of the facility. These monitoring requirements and violations are
`described in section III.A of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated
`herein by this reference.
`Defendant has not reported all sampling results on Defendant’s quarterly DMR as
`required by the General Permit, Condition S9.E.
`Defendant has not conducted and/or documented inspections as required by the
`General Permit, Condition S7. These inspection requirements and violations are described in
`detail in section III.B of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated
`herein by this reference.
`Defendant has not implemented maintenance of facility stormwater systems as
`required by the General Permit, Conditions S3.B.4.b.i.2-3 and S7.B.6, including maintenance of
`System Z.
`Defendant has not conducted and/or completed the corrective action responses as
`required by the General Permit. Condition S8.B of the General Permit requires a permittee to
`undertake a Level 1 corrective action whenever it exceeds a benchmark value identified in
`Condition S5. A Level 1 corrective action comprises an inspection to investigate the cause of the
`benchmark exceedance within 14 days of receipt of the corresponding sample results, review of
`the SWPPP to ensure permit compliance, revisions to the SWPPP to include additional
`operational source control BMPs with the goal of achieving the applicable benchmark values in
`future discharges, including signature and certification of the revised SWPPP, summary of the
`Level 1 corrective action in the annual report, and full implementation of the revised, signed and
`certified SWPPP as soon as possible, but no later than the DMR due date for the quarter the
`benchmark was exceeded. Defendant was required to complete a Level 1 corrective action for
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 11 of 88
`every benchmark exceedance identified in Table 1 above. Defendant has not completed all of
`these corrective actions as required. These corrective action requirements and violations are
`described in section IV.A of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated
`herein by this reference.
`Condition S8.C. of the General Permit requires a permittee to undertake a Level 2
`corrective action whenever it exceeds a benchmark value for any two quarters during a calendar
`year. A Level 2 corrective action comprises review of the SWPPP to ensure permit compliance,
`revision of the SWPPP to include additional structural source control BMPs with the goal of
`achieving the benchmark in future discharges, including signature and certification of the revised
`SWPPP in accordance with Condition S3.A.5, summary of the Level 2 corrective action (planned
`or taken) in the annual report, and full implementation of the revised SWPPP by August 31st of
`the following year, including installation of necessary structural source control BMPs.
`Defendant triggered Level 2 corrective action requirements for copper in 2019. Defendant has
`not completed all of the corrective actions as required. These corrective action requirements and
`violations are described in section IV.B of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are
`incorporated herein by this reference.
`Defendant has violated the recordkeeping requirements of the General Permit.
`The recordkeeping requirements are outlined in Conditions S4.B.4-5 and S9.D of the General
`Permit.1 General Permit Condition S4.B.4 requires recording and retention of specified
`information for each stormwater sample taken. General Permit Condition S9.D requires the
`retention of the records identified for a minimum of five (5) years. Defendant is in violation of
`1 These requirements were outlined in the prior iteration of the General Permit, effective January 2, 2015 and
`expired December 31, 2019 (the “2015 Permit”), at Conditions S4.B.3-4 and S9.C.
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 12 of 88
`these conditions by failing to record and retain the sampling documentation of Condition S4.B.4,
`the inspection documentation of Condition S7, equipment calibration records, all BMP
`maintenance records, all original recordings for continuous sampling instrumentation, copies of
`all laboratory reports as described in S3.B.5, all DMRs, or copies of any other reports required
`by the Permit for the specified five-year period.
`Defendant has violated the reporting requirements of the General Permit,
`Condition S9.C and F.1 For example, Defendant submitted annual reports that did not include all
`the required elements and did not report General Permit violations as required. These reporting
`requirements and violations are described in section VIII of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as
`Exhibit 1, and are incorporated herein by this reference.
`A significant penalty should be imposed against Defendant pursuant to the
`penalty factors set forth in 33 U.S.C. § 1319(d).
`Defendant’s violations of the CWA degrade the environment and the water
`quality of the receiving water bodies.
`Defendant’s violations were avoidable had Defendant been diligent in overseeing
`facility operations and maintenance.
`Defendant has benefited economically as a consequence of its violations and its
`failure to implement improvements at the facility.
`Defendant is the principal operating company of Union Pacific Corporation, an
`extremely profitable publicly traded business enterprise with over $20 billion of operating
`revenue in 2019, over $60 billion in assets and billions of dollars of annual profit. Given its size
`1 2015 Permit Conditions S9.B and E.
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 13 of 88
`and resources, Defendant can afford to pay a significant penalty. Indeed, such penalty is
`required to meet the deterrence goals of the Clean Water Act’s penalty factors.
`The preceding paragraphs and the allegations in sections I through VIII of the
`Notice Letter are incorporated herein.
`Defendant's violations of its NPDES permit described herein and in the Notice
`Letter constitute violations of "effluent standard(s) or limitation(s)" as defined by section 505, 33
`U.S.C. § 1365.
`The violations committed by Defendant are ongoing or are reasonably likely to
`continue to occur. Any and all additional violations of the General Permit and the CWA which
`occur after those described in Plaintiff’s Notice Letter but before a final decision in this action
`should be considered continuing violations subject to this Complaint.
`43. Without the imposition of appropriate civil penalties and the issuance of an
`injunction, Defendant is likely to continue to violate the General Permit and the CWA to the
`further injury of the Plaintiff, its member(s) and others.
`A copy of this Complaint was served upon the Attorney General of the United
`States and the Administrator of the USEPA as required by 33 U.S.C. § 1365(c)(3).
`Wherefore, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court grant the following relief:
`Issue a declaratory judgment that Defendant has violated and continues to be in
`violation of the General Permit and Sections 301 and 402 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §§
`1311 and 1342;
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 14 of 88
`Enjoin Defendant from operating its facility in a manner that results in further
`violations of the General Permit or the Clean Water Act;
`Order Defendant to immediately implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention
`Plan that is in compliance with the General Permit, and to provide Plaintiff with a copy of this
`Order Defendant to allow Plaintiff to participate in the development and
`implementation of Defendant’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan;
`Order Defendant to provide Plaintiff, for a period beginning on the date of the
`Court’s Order and running for one year after Defendant achieves compliance with all of the
`conditions of the General Permit, with copies of all reports and other documents which
`Defendant submits to the USEPA or to the WDOE regarding Defendant’s coverage under the
`General Permit at the time it is submitted to these authorities;
`Order Defendant to take specific actions to remediate the environmental harm
`caused by its violations;
`Order Defendant to pay civil penalties of $55,800.00 per day of violation for each
`violation committed by Defendant since November 2, 2015 and $37,500.00 per day of violation
`for each violation committed by Defendant before November 2, 2015 pursuant to Sections
`309(d) and 505(a) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1319(d) and 1365(a), and 40 C.F.R. § 19;
`Award Plaintiff their litigation expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ and
`expert witness fees, as authorized by Section 505(d) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(d); and
`Award such other relief as this Court deems appropriate.
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 15 of 88
`RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 7th day of October, 2020.
`Smith & Lowney, pllc
`By: s/Knoll Lowney
`Knoll Lowney, WSBA #23457
`By: s/Marc Zemel
`Marc Zemel, WSBA #44325
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`2317 E. John St.,
`Seattle, WA 98112
`Tel: (206) 860-2124
`Fax: (206) 860-4187
`E-mail: knoll@smithandlowney.com
` marc@smithandlowney.com
`By: s/Katelyn Kinn
`Katelyn Kinn, WSBA # 42686
`130 Nickerson Street, Suite 107
`Seattle, WA 98109
`Tel: (206) 297-7002
`Fax: (206) 297-0409
`E-mail: katelyn@pugetsoundkeeper.org
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 16 of 88
`Smith & Lowney, p.l.l.c.
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883, Fax (206) 860-4187
`July 24, 2020
`Via Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested
`Managing Agent
`Union Pacific Railroad Company
`Argo Yard
`402 South Dawson Street
`Seattle, WA 98108
`Managing Agent
`Union Pacific Railroad Company
`1400 Douglas Street
`Omaha, NE 68179-1001
`Managing Agent
`Union Pacific Railroad Company
`301 NE 2nd Ave
`Portland, OR 97232-2764
`Dear Managing Agent:
`We represent Puget Soundkeeper Alliance (“Soundkeeper”), 130 Nickerson St. #107,
`Seattle, WA 98109, (206) 297-7002. Any response or correspondence related to this matter
`should be directed to us at the letterhead address. This letter is to provide you with sixty
`days’ notice of Soundkeeper’s intent to file a citizen suit against Union Pacific Railroad
`Company (“Union Pacific”) under section 505 of the Clean Water Act (“CWA”), 33 U.S.C. §
`1365, for the violations described below. This letter is also a request for a copy of the
`complete and current stormwater pollution prevention plan (“SWPPP”) required by Union
`Pacific’s National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) permit.
`Union Pacific was granted coverage under Washington’s Industrial Stormwater
`General Permit (“ISGP”) issued by the Washington Department of Ecology (“Ecology”)
`effective January 2, 2015 and expired on December 31, 2019 under NPDES No. WAR001155
`(the “2015 Permit”). Ecology granted Union Pacific coverage under the current iteration of
`the ISGP effective January 1, 2020, and set to expire on December 31, 2024 (the “2020
`Permit”) and maintains the same permit number, WAR001155.
`Notice of Intent to Sue - 1
`Case 2:20-cv-01483 Document 1 Filed 10/07/20 Page 17 of 88
`As detailed below, Union Pacific has violated and continues to violate the CWA (se