`Case 2:20-cv-01850 Document 1-1 Filed 12/28/20 Page 1 of 12
`(12) United States Patent
`Wright et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 6,819,539 B1
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Nov. 16, 2004
`(75) Inventors: David G. Wright, Woodinville, WA
`Stothy J. Williams, Bellevue,
`(73) Assignee: Cypress Semiconductor Corp., San
`Jose, CA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(*) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/933,254
`(22) Filed:
`Aug. 20, 2001
`(51) Int. Cl." .................................................. HO2H 3/24
`(52) U.S. Cl. ......................................................... 361/90
`(58) Field of Search .............................. 361/86, 87, 90,
`361/911, 93.1, 93.9
`References Cited
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`“A Quick Response Peak Detector for Variable Frequency
`Three-Phase Sinusoidal Signals, By Ching Tsai Pan et al.,
`IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 41, No. 4,
`Aug. 1994, pp. 434-440.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Primary Examiner Adolf Berhane
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Christopher P. Maiorana,
`A method for circuit recovery from OverStreSS conditions,
`comprising the Steps of (A) detecting an event and (B)
`resetting a device when the event is a first predetermined
`type and providing recovery when the event is a Second
`predetermined type.
`14 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`Case 2:20-cv-01850 Document 1-1 Filed 12/28/20 Page 2 of 12
`US 6,819,539 B1
`Page 2
`“Design Considerations for Low-Voltage On-Board
`DC/DC Modules for Next Generations of Data Processing
`Circuits’, By Michael T. Zhang et al., IEEE Transactions on
`Power Electronics, vol. 11, No. 2, Mar. 1996, pp. 328-337.
`“Analog Fault Diagnosis Based on Ramping Power Supply
`Current Signature Clusters”. By Shyam S. Somayajula et al.,
`IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Analog and
`Digital Processing, vol.43, No. 10, Oct. 1996, pp. 703–712.
`“Design Strategies and Decoupling Techniques for Reduc
`ing the Effects of Electrical Inteference in Mixed-Mode
`ICs”, By Mark Ingels et al., IEEE Journal of Solid-State
`Circuits, vol. 32, No. 7, Jul. 1997, pp. 1136-1141.
`“Active Feedback Circuit for Minimization of Voltage Tran
`sients During Pulsed Measurements of Semiconductor
`Devices”. By Albert M. Young et al., IEEE Transactions on
`Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 50, No. 1, Feb.
`2001, pp. 72-76.
`“Low-Voltage Power System Surge Overvoltage Protec
`tion', By Dev. Paul, IEEE Transactions on Industry Appli
`cations, vol. 37, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 2001, pp. 223-229.
`* cited by examiner
`Case 2:20-cv-01850 Document 1-1 Filed 12/28/20 Page 3 of 12
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 16, 2004
`Sheet 1 of 5
`US 6,819,539 B1
`FIG 1b.
`FIG. 1 a
`200 N
`Case 2:20-cv-01850 Document 1-1 Filed 12/28/20 Page 4 of 12
`FIG. 2
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 16, 2004
`Sheet 2 of 5
`US 6,819,539 B1
`FIG. 3a
`Case 2:20-cv-01850 Document 1-1 Filed 12/28/20 Page 5 of 12
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 16, 2004
`Sheet 3 of 5
`US 6,819,539 B1
`FIG. 3C
`400 N
`Case 2:20-cv-01850 Document 1-1 Filed 12/28/20 Page 6 of 12
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 16, 2004
`Sheet 4 of 5
`US 6,819,539 B1
`500 N
`Case 2:20-cv-01850 Document 1-1 Filed 12/28/20 Page 7 of 12
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 16, 2004
`Sheet 5 of 5
`US 6,819,539 B1
`700 N
`FIG. 7
`Case 2:20-cv-01850 Document 1-1 Filed 12/28/20 Page 8 of 12
`US 6,819,539 B1
`The present invention relates to a method and/or archi
`tecture for implementing microcontrollers and Systems that
`execute firmware generally and, more particularly, to a
`method and/or architecture for recovery from circuit StreSS
`conditions in a microcontroller.
`Conventional approaches to robust operation in the pres
`ence of Severe environmental Stresses include Specifying
`high device immunity to stress conditions. While elecro
`Static discharge (ESD) immunity levels are typically speci
`fied for all parts, they do not provide robust operation in the
`presence of all StreSS conditions. ESD tests normally provide
`immunity for powered off conditions (i.e., protection during
`handling), and as a natural consequence, provide protection
`during Some operation stresses (i.e., over/under Voltages or
`currents). However, the trip level of ESD protection may not
`prevent other modes of failure that occur at lower levels. For
`example, an ESD protection circuit may trip at 8V OverStreSS
`on the pin of a 5V part. However, the ESD protection circuit
`will not trip for a 7V overstress that allows a hazardous noise
`glitch. Additional devices are implemented to increase noise
`immunity (i.e., adding bypass capacitors to relevant signals)
`that have associated cost and Space penalties.
`Other conventional approaches include watchdog reset
`circuits to reset a device that is no longer in the normal
`operating mode. Watchdog reset circuits can allow recovery
`from a fault condition caused by an overStreSS. Watchdog
`reset circuits are effective in cases of Significant failure that
`places the device in a recognized fault mode. Such resets
`occur when program code is vectored to an illegal location,
`which causes code execution to halt until the watchdog reset
`However, a StreSS condition can cause faulty operation
`that is not recognizable by the watchdog reset device. For
`example, a device can vector to an unintended part of code,
`resulting in faulty operation. The device can continue to
`operate within legal parts of the code and is unable to detect
`that a problem has occurred. In another example, corruption
`of memory (i.e., RAM) that occurs during an event is
`undetected and causes failure at another event.
`The present invention concerns a method for circuit
`recovery from OverStreSS conditions, comprising the Steps of
`(A) is detecting an event and (B) resetting a device when the
`event is a first predetermined type and providing recovery
`when the event is a Second predetermined type.
`The objects, features and advantages of the present inven
`tion include providing a method and/or architecture for
`implementing microcontrollers and Systems that execute
`firmware to provide recovery from StreSS conditions that
`may (i) detect over-stresses to increase the robustness of
`device operation, (ii) implement a device that may either
`directly reset itself or monitor itself and take appropriate
`recovery action when stress conditions occur, (iii) provide
`flexibility in response to stress conditions, (iv) call for a
`quick and complete reset after stress conditions, (v) perform
`Self checking, issue warnings, perform back-up operations,
`shut-down, or other recovery Steps before or in place of a full
`Case 2:20-cv-01850 Document 1-1 Filed 12/28/20 Page 9 of 12
`reset in response to a predetermined criteria, (vi) register and
`monitor Stress conditions, and/or (vii) allow a device to take
`any appropriate action when StreSS conditions are occurring.
`These and other objects, features and advantages of the
`present invention will be apparent from the following
`detailed description and the appended claims and drawings
`in which:
`FIGS. 1(a-b) are flow charts illustrating preferred
`embodiments of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary
`implementation of the present invention;
`FIGS. 3(a-c) are block diagrams of overvoltage detect
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of an underVoltage detect
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of a short pulse detect circuit
`implemented in connection with the present invention;
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of an overVoltage detect circuit
`with a differential amplifier; and
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram of a high current detect circuit.
`Referring to FIGS. 1a and 1b, a block diagram of a
`process (or method) 100 is shown in accordance with a
`preferred embodiment of the present invention. The proceSS
`100 may allow recovery from circuit stress conditions (or
`events) that may cause a device to stop operating properly.
`In particular, the process 100 may apply to microcontrollers
`and Systems that execute firmware to provide recovery from
`overstress conditions (to be described in connection with
`FIG. 2). Stress conditions include those covered by industry
`Standard tests for electrostatic discharge (ESD), electrical
`fast transient/burst (EFTB), radiated EMI, and operation in
`Severe environments where significant noise coupling may
`occur and upset the operation of an electronic device. The
`process 100 may allow devices to detect stress events and
`take appropriate action (e.g., initiating a reset or recovery
`routine) to recover from possible undesirable effects. The
`circuit 100 may also be configured to detect and recover
`from an undesired voltage drop in a System (e.g., grounding
`of a power line). Such a fault condition typically causes large
`current to flow in the System, resulting in detectable differ
`ences between two points in a Supply (e.g., a ground signal
`or a power signal).
`FIG.1a illustrates the process 100 comprising a state 102,
`a state 104, a state 106 and a state 108. While in the state
`102, the process 100 may detect fault causing conditions
`(e.g., a fault causing event may occur). The process 100 may
`then continue to the state 104. While in the state 104, the
`process 100 may store the event. In one example, the event
`may be stored in a register (not shown). The process 100
`may then proceed to the state 106. While in the state 106, the
`process 100 may read an event detector (e.g., an event table)
`to determine a type of event. The process 100 may read the
`event detector (or table) as part of a continuous monitoring
`process. The process 100 may then continue to the state 108.
`While in the state 108, the process 100 may take appropriate
`action (e.g., a particular action in response to a particular
`event type). For example, one case of an event may call for
`a quick and complete reset after StreSS events, while another
`case of an event may perform Self checking, issue warnings,
`perform back-up operations, shut-down, or other recovery
`StepS may be implemented before or in place of a full reset.
`312. The register 312 may be clocked by the resistance
`circuit (RLOAD) 310. The register 312 may be configured
`to generate (and/or store) a signal (e.g., EVENT OVER).
`The signal EVENT OVER may be configured as a fault
`causing event signal. In one example, the Signal EVENT
`OVER may be configured as an over-Voltage event signal.
`The transistor 308 may remain OFF until a voltage of the
`pad 304 rises above the VCC voltage. When the pad voltage
`is approximately a PMOS threshold above VCC, current
`may flow in the from the pad, through the transistor 308 to
`ground. The resistance block (RLOAD) 310 may be imple
`mented to develop a voltage from the current. In one
`example, the resistance block (RLOAD) 310 may be imple
`mented as a Single resistor or combination of resistors. In
`another example, the resistance block (RLOAD)310 may be
`implemented as an inductor configured to generate a Voltage
`pulse in response to a current pulse. The resistance block
`(RLOAD) 310 may then provide a pulse to trigger the event
`detect register 312. The output EVENT OVER of the
`register 312 may then be available for monitoring. In one
`example, the register 312 may be implemented as a flip-flop
`memory element. In another example, the register 312 may
`be implemented as a latch element, a memory cell, a
`non-volatile memory, or a flash memory. However, the
`register 312 may be implemented as another appropriate
`type device in order to meet the criteria of a particular
`embodiment. Optionally, a device for clearing the register
`312 may be included to allow detection of Subsequent
`The resistance block (RLIMIT) 306 may be optionally
`implemented. The current limiting element RLIMIT 306
`may be implemented to protect the transistor 308 from
`damage. The current limiting element RLIMIT 306 may
`reduce the sensitivity of the circuit 300. However, such an
`implementation may be both advantageous (e.g., to avoid
`tripping on Smaller, non-hazardous events) and disadvanta
`geous (e.g., difficult to trip on the fault causing events).
`FIG. 3b illustrates a circuit 300' that may be similar to tip
`the circuit 300. The circuit 300' may be implemented with
`out the register 312 (of FIG. 3a). However, the circuit 300'
`may implement a reset circuit 314. The reset circuit 314 may
`generate (and/or store) a signal (e.g., DEVICE RESET).
`The reset circuit 314 may be implemented as a storage type
`circuit or other appropriate circuit to meet the criteria of a
`particular implementation. FIG. 3c illustrates a circuit 300"
`that may be similar to the circuits 300 and 300'. The circuit
`300" may comprise the register 312 and the reset circuit 314.
`The circuit 300 may illustrate an implementation of the
`process 100 (of FIG. 1a). The circuit 300' may illustrate an
`implementation of the process 100' (of FIG. 1b). The circuit
`300" may illustrate an implementation of the process 100 (of
`FIG. 1a) and the process 100' (of FIG. 1B).
`Referring to FIG. 4, a circuit (or system) 400 for detecting
`under-voltages (e.g., excursions beyond a negative Supply)
`is shown. The circuit 400 generally comprises a pad circuit
`402, a pad 404 a resistance block 406, a transistor 408, a
`resistance block 410 and a register 412. The resistance block
`406 may have a predetermined resistance value (e.g.,
`RLIMIT). The resistance block 410 may have a predeter
`mined resistance value (e.g., RLOAD).
`The pad circuit 402 may be coupled to the pad 404. The
`pad 404 may be coupled to an external device (not shown).
`The pad 404 may also be coupled to a first side of the
`resistance block (RLIMIT) 406. A second side of the resis
`tance block (RLIMIT) 406 may be coupled to a drain of the
`transistor 408. A gate of the transistor 408 may be coupled
`Case 2:20-cv-01850 Document 1-1 Filed 12/28/20 Page 10 of 12
`US 6,819,539 B1
`The process 100 may detect (e.g., the state 102) and store
`(e.g., the State 104) the occurrence of an overstress condi
`tion. The process 100 may allow events that cause faulty
`operation to be detected, that would otherwise go undetec
`ted. The process 100 may then provide fault operation
`recovery. The process 100 may detect and recover from
`StreSS events as well as provide fault operation detection. For
`example, the process 100 may detect an overStreSS event and
`Store the fault causing event occurrence for later action. The
`fault causing event may then be recognized and appropriate
`action may be taken for device recovery.
`FIG. 1b illustrates another preferred embodiment 100' of
`the present invention. At the state 102, the process 100' may
`detect a fault causing event. The process 100' may then
`proceed to a state 110. At the state 110, the process 100' may
`perform a direct device reset. The process 100' may be less
`flexible than the process 100. However, the process 100' may
`be applicable when monitoring for fault conditions is not
`available (e.g., no System processor), or where fault condi
`tions are generally known to need a device reset (e.g., other
`prior responses are not needed).
`Referring to FIG. 2, a system (or a circuit) 200 is shown
`illustrating an exemplary implementation of the present
`invention. The circuit 200 generally comprises a stress
`detection circuit 202 and a monitoring circuit 204. In one
`example, the monitoring circuit 204 may be implemented as
`a processor. In another example, the monitoring circuit 204
`may be implemented as a microcontroller or other proceSS
`ing device. The microcontroller 204 may implement the
`states 102, 104 and 106 of FIG. 1a.
`Detection of over/under-Voltage typically occurs on an Ad
`input pin. Over/under-voltages may result from ESD events,
`or other transient events generally tested for by the EFTB
`test. For example, in the EFTB test, a fast, high voltage
`transient is coupled onto either a power line or device cables
`of a tested System. Such events provide a variety of possi
`bilities for failure in a device. Determining the exact Sub
`Sequent corruption or failure with certainty is generally
`difficult. The process 100 may register the presence of Such
`an event and respond by taking appropriate action.
`Referring to FIGS. 3 (a-c), a circuit (or system) 300 for
`detecting over-Voltages in a typical CMOS process (e.g.,
`excursions beyond a positive Supply) is shown. However,
`other processes may be implemented accordingly to meet
`the design criteria of a particular implementation. FIG. 3a
`illustrates the circuit 300 comprising a pad circuit 302, a pad
`304 a resistance block 306, a transistor 308, a resistance
`block 310 and a register 312. The resistance block 306 may
`have a predetermined resistance value (e.g., RLIMIT). The
`resistance block 310 may have a predetermined resistance
`value (e.g., RLOAD). While the transistor 308 is shown as
`a PMOS device, an NMOS device may be implemented with
`an appropriate adjustment to the Signal before being pre
`sented to the gate of the transistor 308 (to be discussed in
`more detail in connection with FIG. 4).
`The pad circuit 302 may be coupled to the pad 304. The
`pad 304 may be coupled to an external device (not shown).
`The pad 304 may also be coupled to a first side of the
`resistance block (RLIMIT) 306. A second side of the resis
`tance block (RLIMIT) 306 may be coupled to a source of the
`transistor 308. A gate of the transistor 308 may be coupled
`to a power supply (e.g., VCC). A drain of the transistor 308
`may be coupled to a first Side of the resistance block
`(RLOAD) 310. A second side of the resistance block
`(RLOAD) 310 may be coupled to ground. The resistance
`block (RLOAD) 310 may also be coupled to the register
`US 6,819,539 B1
`to a ground supply. A source of the transistor 408 may be
`coupled to a first side of the resistance block (RLOAD) 410.
`A second side of the resistance block (RLOAD) 410 may be
`coupled to the power Supply (e.g., GND). The resistance
`block (RLOAD) 410 may also be coupled to the register
`412. The register 412 may be clocked by the resistance
`circuit (RLOAD) 410. The register 412 may be configured
`to generate (and/or store) a signal (e.g., EVENT UNDER).
`The signal EVENT UNDER may be configured as a fault
`causing event signal. In one example, the Signal EVENT
`UNDER may be configured as a under-Voltage event signal.
`The circuit 400 may operate similarly to the circuit 300,
`where the NMOS device 400 may remain off, until an
`under-Voltage event Sufficiently below ground Voltage
`causes current flow, setting the output EVENT UNDER.
`Referring to FIG. 5, a circuit (or system) 500 illustrating
`detection of a noise coupling event is shown. A StreSS event,
`Such as ESD, may cause circuit malfunction by coupling
`noise onto a critical node, with or without an over/under
`Voltage. For example, a clock oscillator Signal may couple
`noise Such that it appears to have additional, unwanted
`transitions. Such a case may lead to circuit failure if a clock
`period becomes insufficiently short for circuit delays to
`complete as needed within each clock cycle. The circuit 500
`may implement a timing element tuned to an average value
`of a clock to detect a shortened clock pulse. The circuit 500
`generally.comprises a pad 502, a pad 504, an oscillator
`circuit 506, a tunable delay circuit 508, a short pulse detect
`circuit 510 and a register 512.
`The pad 502 and the pad 504 may be coupled to the
`oscillator circuit 506 and an external device (not shown). For
`example, the pad 502 may be coupled to a crystal. The
`oscillator circuit 506 may be configured to generate a signal
`(e.g., DEVICE CLOCK). The signal DEVICE CLOCK
`may be presented to the tunable delay circuit 508 and the
`short pulse detect circuit 510. The tunable delay circuit 508
`may be configured to present a signal to the short pulse
`detect circuit 510. The short pulse detect circuit 510 may
`then present a signal to the register 512 in response to the
`tunable delay circuit 508 and the signal DEVICE CLOCK.
`The short pulse detect circuit 510 may be configured to clock
`the register 512. The register 512 may generate a signal (e.g.,
`EVENT CLOCK). The signal EVENT CLOCK may indi
`cate additional transitions of the system clock DEVICE
`Referring to FIG. 6, a circuit (or system) 600 configured
`to detect over-voltage is shown. The circuit 600 may be
`similar to the circuit 300. However, the circuit 600 may be
`implemented using a differential amplifier. The circuit 600
`generally comprises a pad circuit 602, a pad 604 a resistance
`block 606, a transistor 608, a resistance block 610, an
`amplifier 612 and a register 614. The resistance block 606
`may have a predetermined resistance value (e.g., RLIMIT).
`The resistance block 610 may have a predetermined resis
`tance value (e.g., RLOAD).
`The pad circuit 602 may be coupled to the pad 604. The
`pad 604 may be coupled to an external device (not shown).
`The pad 604 may also be coupled to a first side of the
`resistance block (RLIMIT) 606 and a first input of the
`amplifier 612. A second side of the resistance block
`(RLIMIT) 606 may be coupled to a source of the transistor
`608 and a second input of the amplifier 612. A gate of the
`transistor 608 may be coupled to the power supply VCC. A
`drain of the transistor 608 may be coupled to a first side of
`the resistance block (RLOAD) 610. A second side of the
`resistance block (RLOAD) 610 may be coupled to ground.
`Case 2:20-cv-01850 Document 1-1 Filed 12/28/20 Page 11 of 12
`The output of the amplifier 612 may be coupled to the
`register 614. The register 614 may be clocked by the
`amplifier 612. The register 612 may be configured to gen
`erate a signal (e.g., EVENT OVER). The signal EVENT
`OVER may be configured as a fault causing event Signal. In
`one example, the signal EVENT OVER may be configured
`as an over-Voltage event Signal.
`Referring to FIG. 7, a circuit (or system) 700 for detecting
`high currents is shown. The circuit 700 may be configured
`to detect and Store high current fault conditions. The circuit
`700 generally comprises a comparator 702 and a register
`704. The comparator 702 may present a signal to the register
`704 in response to a signal (e.g., SUPPLYPTA) and a signal
`(e.g., SUPPLYPTB). The register 704 may be clocked by the
`comparator 702. The register 704 may be configured to
`generate (and/or store) a signal (e.g., EVENT
`HIGHCURRENT). The comparator 702 may contain hys
`teresis Such that when a particular monitoring point (e.g. the
`signal SUPPLYPTA or SUPPLYPTB) is sufficiently higher
`or lower in Voltage than another point (e.g., the other signal
`SUPPLYPTA or SUPPLYPTB), the comparator 702 may
`Switch States.
`Hysteresis is the measure for a comparator for which an
`input threshold changes as a function of the input (or output)
`level. More Specifically, when the input passes the input
`threshold, the output changes State and the input threshold is
`Subsequently reduced So that the input must return beyond
`the initial input threshold before the output of the compara
`tor changes State again.
`By Switching States, the comparator 702 may indicate a
`possible fault condition. A second comparator (not shown)
`may also be implemented with opposite polarity to detect a
`power Supply difference of the opposite polarity from the
`comparator 702.
`The microcontroller application 200 may allow firmware
`to poll the event detect lines as desired to determine if a
`potentially hazardous event has occurred. However, cou
`pling a high current to a pin may lead to an over/under
`voltage. Therefore, the circuits 300, 400, 600 and 700 may
`be implemented to detect over/under-Voltage StreSS as well.
`Alternatively, capacitive coupling may also be configured
`to detect events for a particular fault causing implementa
`tion. Implementing devices not normally found on inte
`grated circuits may enable Significant additional options. For
`example, a Zener diode may be implemented to detect
`over-Voltages. Such approaches may be viable for State
`machine type implementations in addition to microcontrol
`ler implementations. Various known implementations of the
`over/under-Voltage detection circuits may be implemented
`to meet the design criteria of a particular implementation.
`The process 100 may detect over-stresses to increase the
`robustness of device operation. The process 100 may allow
`a device to be either directly reset on a disturbance event, or
`to be monitored and take appropriate recovery action when
`events occur. The process 100 may also provide flexibility in
`response to StreSS conditions.
`Registering and monitoring the fault causing events may
`enable Such an appropriate configuration. For example, a
`mouse user may want to reset completely and Start over. A
`keyboard user may want to flush current keyboard buffers,
`reload default State values, and continue. A user of an
`external flash memory may need to check the integrity of
`previous data writes. In addition, the detection capability of
`the proceSS 100 may allow a device to take any appropriate
`recovery (or reset) action when stress events are occurring,
`or even when Such events do not actually cause a device
`US 6,819,539 B1
`failure. For example, a StreSS event may indicate that envi
`ronmentally harsh conditions are beginning, Such that a
`back-up operation may need to be started immediately.
`The process 100 may detect and store stress event occur
`rences. The process may be implemented to detect over/
`under-voltage conditions. The process 100 may enable a
`microcontroller to monitor StreSS events and respond by
`taking appropriate action. The proceSS 100 may allow
`devices to incorporate a method that responds to a detected
`StreSS event.
`While the invention has been particularly shown and
`described with reference to the preferred embodiments
`thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that
`various changes in form and details may be made without
`departing from the Spirit and Scope of the invention.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A method for circuit recovery from overstress
`conditions, comprising the Steps of
`(A) detecting an event;
`(B) storing said event;
`(C) comparing said stored event to a plurality of event
`types Stored in a table to determine if Said event is a first
`predetermined type or a Second predetermined type;
`(D) resetting a device when said event is a said first
`predetermined type and providing recovery when Said
`event is a Said Second predetermined type.
`2. The method according to claim 1, wherein step (D)
`further comprises:
`determined an appropriate recovery, wherein Said recov
`ery is selected from the group consisting of (i) self
`checking, (ii) issuing warnings, (iii) performing back
`up operations, and (iv) shutting-down.
`3. The method according to claim 2, wherein Said recov
`ery further comprises resetting.
`4. The method according to claim 1, wherein step (D)
`further comprises:
`performing recovery Steps before or in place of a full
`5. The method according to claim 1, wherein step (D)
`further comprises:
`determined if resetting or providing recovery is necessary.
`6. The apparatus according to claim 1, wherein steps (A)
`and (D) are performed by processor.
`7. An apparatus comprising:
`moans for detecting an event;
`means for Storing Said event;
`means for comparing Said event to a plurality of event
`types Stored in a table to determine if Said event is a first
`predetermined type or a Second predetermined type;
`means for (i) resetting a device when said event is a said
`first predetermined type and (ii) providing recovery
`when said event is a said Second predetermined type.
`8. An apparatus comprising:
`a detection circuit configured to generate a signal having
`on event condition; and
`a storage circuit configured to Store Said event;
`a table configured to Store a plurality of event types, and
`a circuit configured to (i) reset when said event condition
`is a first predetermined type and (ii) implement recover
`action when Said event condition is a Second predeter
`mined type, wherein Said first and Second predeter
`mined types are determined in response to a compari
`Son of Said event to Said plurality of event types Stored
`in Said table.
`9. The apparatus according to claim 8, wherein Said circuit
`is further configured to determine an appropriate recovery
`10. The apparatus according to claim 8, wherein Said
`circuit comprises a microprocessor.
`11. The apparatus according to claim 8, wherein Said
`detection circuit comprises an over/under-voltage detection
`12. The apparatus according to claim 8, wherein Said
`detection circuit comprises a high current detection circuit.
`13. The appar