Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 1 of 41
`Richard A. Smith
`Savannah Rose
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883
`Attorneys for Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
` Plaintiff,
` Defendant.
`This action is a citizen suit brought under Section 505 of the Clean Water Act
`(“CWA”) as amended, 33 U.S.C. § 1365. Plaintiff Puget Soundkeeper Alliance seeks a
`declaratory judgment, injunctive relief, the imposition of civil penalties, and the award of costs,
`including attorneys’ and expert witnesses’ fees, for Defendant Pacific Pile & Marine LP
`(“PPM”)’s repeated and ongoing violations of effluent standards and limitations under the CWA,
`as defined at 33 U.S.C. § 1365(f), particularly the terms and conditions of its National Pollutant
`Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) permit authorizing certain stormwater discharges of
`pollutants from PPM’s Seattle, Washington facility to navigable waters.
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 2 of 41
`The Court has subject matter jurisdiction over Puget Soundkeeper Alliance’s
`claims under Section 505(a) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(a). PPM is in violation of an
`“effluent standard or limitation” as defined by Section 505(f) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(f)
`and “an order issued by the Administrator” as defined by Section 505(a)(1)(B) of the CWA, 33
`U.S.C. § 1365(a)(1)(B). The relief requested herein is authorized by Sections 309(d) and 505(a)
`and (d) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. §§ 1319(d) and 1365(a) and (d).
`Under Section 505(b)(1)(A) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(b)(1)(A), Puget
`Soundkeeper Alliance notified PPM of its violations of the CWA and of Puget Soundkeeper
`Alliance’s intent to sue under the CWA by letter dated and postmarked March 18, 2022 and
`delivered to PPM’s registered agent on March 24, 2022 (“Notice Letter”). A copy of the Notice
`Letter is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit 1. The allegations in the Notice Letter are
`incorporated herein by this reference. In accordance with section 505(b)(1)(A) of the CWA, 33
`U.S.C. § 1365(b)(1)(A) and 40 C.F.R. § 135.2(a)(1), Puget Soundkeeper Alliance notified the
`Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”), the Administrator
`of EPA Region 10, and the Director of the Washington Department of Ecology (“Ecology”) of
`its intent to sue PPM by mailing copies of the Notice Letter to these officials on March 18, 2022.
`At the time of filing this Complaint, more than sixty days have passed since the
`Notice Letter and copies thereof were served in the manner described in the preceding paragraph.
`The violations complained of in the Notice Letter are continuing or are reasonably
`likely to recur.
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 3 of 41
`At the time of the filing of this Complaint, neither the EPA nor Ecology has
`commenced any action constituting diligent prosecution to redress the violations alleged in the
`Notice Letter.
`The source of the violations complained of is located in King County within the
`Western District of Washington, and venue is therefore appropriate in the Western District of
`Washington pursuant to Section 505(c)(1) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(c)(1), and 28 U.S.C. §
`Puget Soundkeeper Alliance is suing on behalf of itself and its members.
`Puget Soundkeeper Alliance is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws
`of the State of Washington. Puget Soundkeeper Alliance is dedicated to protecting and
`preserving the environment of Washington State, especially the quality of its waters. Puget
`Soundkeeper Alliance is a membership organization and has at least one member who is injured
`by PPM’s violations.
`Puget Soundkeeper Alliance has representational standing to bring this action.
`Puget Soundkeeper Alliance’s members are reasonably concerned about the effects of discharges
`of pollutants, including stormwater from PPM’s facility, on water quality and aquatic species and
`wildlife that Puget Soundkeeper Alliance’s members observe, study, and enjoy. Puget
`Soundkeeper Alliance’s members are further concerned about the effect of discharges from
`PPM’s facility on human health. In addition, discharges from PPM’s facility lessen Puget
`Soundkeeper Alliance’s members’ aesthetic enjoyment of nearby areas. Puget Soundkeeper
`Alliance’s members’ who live, work, fish, and recreate around or use the Duwamish Waterway
`and Puget Sound, and other waters affected by PPM’s discharges. Puget Soundkeeper Alliance’s
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 4 of 41
`members’ concerns about the effects of PPM’s discharges are aggravated by PPM’s failure to
`record and report information about its discharges, violations, and pollution controls. The
`recreational, economic, aesthetic and/or health interests of Puget Soundkeeper Alliance and its
`members have been, are being, and will be adversely affected by PPM’s violations of the CWA.
`The relief sought in this lawsuit can redress the injuries to these interests.
`Puget Soundkeeper Alliance has organizational standing to bring this action.
`Puget Soundkeeper Alliance has been actively engaged in a variety of educational and advocacy
`efforts to improve water quality and to address sources of water quality degradation in the waters
`of Western Washington, including the Duwamish Waterway and Puget Sound. As detailed herein
`and in the Notice Letter, PPM has failed to comply with numerous requirements of its NPDES
`Permit including benchmark limitations, effluent limits, sampling and monitoring, corrective
`actions, reporting and record keeping, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (“SWPPP”), illicit
`and unpermitted discharges, and failed to comply with Administrative Order 16312. As a result,
`Puget Soundkeeper Alliance is deprived of information necessary to properly serve its members
`by providing information and taking appropriate action to advance its mission. Puget
`Soundkeeper Alliance’s efforts to educate and advocate for greater environmental protection and
`to ensure the success of environmental restoration projects implemented for the benefit of its
`members are also obstructed. Finally, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance and the public are deprived of
`information that influences members of the public to become members of Puget Soundkeeper
`Alliance, thereby reducing Puget Soundkeeper Alliance’s membership numbers. Thus, Puget
`Soundkeeper Alliance’s organizational interests have been adversely affected by PPM’s
`violations. These injuries are fairly traceable to PPM’s violations and are redressable by the
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 5 of 41
`PPM is a partnership doing business under the laws of Washington State. Its
`property at issue is a storage and transloading facility for marine equipment and materials
`associated with construction activities located in Seattle, Washington that is authorized to
`conduct operations and discharge pollutants in the State of Washington.
`PPM’s facility is located at or about 700 S Riverside Dr, Seattle, WA 98108 (the
`Section 301(a) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1311(a), prohibits the discharge of
`pollutants by any person, unless in compliance with the provisions of the CWA. A discharge of a
`pollutant from a point source to waters of the United States without authorization by an NPDES
`permit, issued under Section 402 of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1342, constitutes a violation of
`Section 301(a) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1311(a), and an “effluent standard or limitation” under
`Section 505(a)(1) and (f) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(a)(1) and (f). Conditions of NPDES
`permits are effluent standards or limitations under Section 505(a)(1) and (f) of the CWA, 33
`U.S.C. § 1365(a)(1) and (f). Section 505(a)(1) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(a)(1), authorizes
`citizen suits against violators of effluent standards or limitations.
`Section 505(a)(1)(B) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(a)(1)(B) authorizes citizen
`suits against violators of orders issued by the Administrator of the NPDES permit.
`The state of Washington has established a federally approved state NPDES
`program administered by Ecology. Wash. Rev. Code § 90.48.260; Wash. Admin. Code ch. 173-
`220. This program was approved by the Administrator of the EPA pursuant to Section 402(b) of
`the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1342(b).
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 6 of 41
`Under Section 402(a) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1342, Ecology first issued PPM
`coverage under the Industrial Stormwater General Permit NPDES number WAR301516 (the
`“Permit”), on January 2, 2014. PPM was granted coverage under the subsequent iteration of the
`Industrial Stormwater General Permit, under the same permit number WAR301516, on
`December 3, 2014, which became effective on January 2, 2015 and expired on December 31,
`2019. PPM was again granted coverage under the subsequent iteration of the Industrial
`Stormwater General Permit, under the same permit number WAR301516, on November 20,
`2019, which became effective on January 1, 2020 and expires on December 31, 2024. The
`Permit authorizes PPM to discharge stormwater to waters of the state, subject to certain terms
`and conditions.
`The Permit imposes certain terms and conditions on authorized dischargers,
`including discharge limits, monitoring requirements, corrective action requirements, and
`reporting and recordkeeping requirements. The Permit requires, among other things, that PPM
`properly operate and maintain all systems of treatment and control at all times.
`On January 2, 2014, Ecology granted PPM coverage for the facility under the
`NPDES Industrial Stormwater General Permit number WAR301516.
`PPM discharges stormwater and pollutants to the Duwamish Waterway which
`then flows to Puget Sound.
`PPM does not own or operate a stormwater treatment system to manage
`stormwater at its facility. PPM discharges untreated stormwater into the Duwamish River.
`PPM has violated and continues to violate “effluent standards or limitations,” as
`defined by Section 505(a)(1) and (f) of the CWA, 33 U.S.C. § 1365(a)(1) and (f), including
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 7 of 41
`conditions of the Permits. PPM’s violations of the Permit are set forth in sections I through IX of
`the Notice Letter attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and are incorporated herein by this reference. In
`particular, and among the other violations described in the Notice letter, PPM has violated the
`Permit by discharging stormwater containing levels of pollutants greater than the benchmark
`limitations and effluent limits established in the Permit, failing to meet sampling and monitoring
`requirements, failing to meet reporting and record keeping requirements, failing to comply with
`corrective action requirements, failing to comply with SWPPP requirements, failing to comply
`with Administrative Order 16312, and failure to prevent illicit and unpermitted discharges.
`PPM discharges stormwater from its facility containing levels of pollutants that
`exceed the benchmark limitations established by the Permit, including the days on which PPM
`collected samples with the results identified in Tables 1-5 below, and is likely to continue
`discharging comparably unacceptable stormwater effluent:
`Table 1: Monitoring Point 001 Benchmark Exceedances
`Quarter in which
`sample was collected
`25 NTU)
`14 µg/L)
`First Quarter 2020
`Second Quarter 2020 56.7
`Third Quarter 2020
`Third Quarter 2021
`Fourth Quarter 2021
`First Quarter 2022
`Table 2: Monitoring Point 002 Benchmark Exceedances
`Quarter in which
`sample was collected
`25 NTU)
`14 µg/L)
`Second Quarter 2017
`Third Quarter 2017
`Fourth Quarter 2017
`First Quarter 2018
`Second Quarter 2018 29
`Fourth Quarter 2018
`117 µg/L)
`117 µg/L)
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 8 of 41
`First Quarter 2019
`Second Quarter 2019
`Third Quarter 2019
`Fourth Quarter 2019
`First Quarter 2020
`Second Quarter 2020 26.8
`Third Quarter 2020
`Fourth Quarter 2020
`First Quarter 2021
`Second Quarter 2021 29
`Third Quarter 2021
`Fourth Quarter 2021
`First Quarter 2022
`Table 3: Monitoring Point 003 Benchmark Exceedances
`Quarter in which
`sample was collected
`25 NTU)
`14 µg/L)
`Second Quarter 2017
`Third Quarter 2017
`Fourth Quarter 2017
`First Quarter 2018
`Second Quarter 2018 41
`Fourth Quarter 2018
`Fourth Quarter 2019
`First Quarter 2020
`Second Quarter 2020
`Third Quarter 2020
`Fourth Quarter 2020
`First Quarter 2021
`Third Quarter 2021
`Fourth Quarter 2021
`First Quarter 2022
`Table 4: Monitoring Point 004 Benchmark Exceedances
`Quarter in which
`sample was collected
`25 NTU)
`14 µg/L)
`Fourth Quarter 2017
`First Quarter 2018
`Second Quarter 2018 92
`Fourth Quarter 2018
`Second Quarter 2019 45
`Third Quarter 2019
`117 µg/L)
`117 µg/L)
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 9 of 41
`Fourth Quarter 2019
`First Quarter 2020
`Second Quarter 2020 86.5
`Third Quarter 2020
`Fourth Quarter 2020
`Second Quarter 2021 266
`Third Quarter 2021
`Fourth Quarter 2021
`First Quarter 2022
`Table 5: Monitoring Point 005 Benchmark Exceedances
`Quarter in which
`sample was collected
`25 NTU)
`14 µg/L)
`Fourth Quarter 2019
`PPM discharges stormwater from its facility containing levels of pollutants that
`violate the total suspended solids effluent limitation of 30 mg/L established by the Permit,
`including the days on which PPM collected samples with the results identified in the paragraph
`below, and is likely to continue violating this limitation:
`Date of Violation
`June 15, 2017
`April 10, 2018
`October 5, 2018
`April 18, 2019
`November 18, 2019
`January 10, 2020
`January 10, 2020
`May 30, 2020
`May 30, 2020
`September 25, 2020
`November 16, 2020
`January 11, 2021
`January 11, 2021
`May 27, 2021
`September 27, 2021
`September 27, 2021
`October 26, 2021
`Reported Total Suspended
`Solids Value in mg/L
`(Effluent Limit 30 mg/L)
`Monitoring Point
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 10 of 41
`October 26, 2021
`February 28, 2022
`February 28, 2022
`February 28, 2022
`May 2, 2022
`May 2, 2022
`May 2, 2022
` The stormwater monitoring data provided in in Tables 1-5 and paragraph 23
`shows benchmark exceedances and effluent limitations included in the stormwater monitoring
`results that PPM submitted to Ecology.
`Condition S4.B.1.d of the Permits requires PPM’s monitoring to be representative
`of discharges from the facility. The stormwater monitoring results that PPM routinely submits to
`Ecology are not representative of the facility’s stormwater discharges.
`PPM’s stormwater discharges are causing or contributing to violations of water
`quality standards and therefore violate Condition S5 and S6 the Permits. Discharges from PPM’s
`facility contribute to the polluted conditions of the waters of the state, including the water quality
`standards of the Duwamish River and Puget Sound. Discharges from PPM’s facility contribute to
`the ecological impacts that result from the pollution of these waters and to Puget Soundkeeper
`Alliance and its members’ injuries resulting therefrom. These requirements and PPM’s violations
`thereof are described in detail in section I.A and II of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as
`Exhibit 1, and incorporated herein by this reference.
`PPM’s exceedances of the benchmark values and effluent limits indicate that
`PPM is failing to apply AKART to its discharges and/or is failing to implement an adequate
`SWPPP and BMPs. PPM violated and continues to violate Condition S3 of the Permits by not
`developing, modifying, and/or implementing BMPs in accordance with the requirements of the
`Permits, and/or by not applying AKART to discharges from the facility. These requirements and
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 11 of 41
`PPM’s violations thereof are described in detail in section I.B and section III of the Notice
`Letter, attached as Exhibit 1, and incorporated herein by this reference.
`Condition S4.B.2.c of the 2015 Permit and S4.B.3.a of the 2020 Permit require
`PPM to collect stormwater samples at each distinct point of discharge offsite except for
`substantially identical outfalls. PPM has multiple distinct points of discharge where stormwater
`is leaving the facility that PPM is not sampling and analyzing appropriately. There are other
`points of stormwater discharge from the facility and PPM is in violation of Condition S4 of the
`Permits by failing to collect and analyze samples from them during every quarter for the last five
`years. These violations will continue until PPM commences proper monitoring all distinct points
`of discharge. PPM failed to collect stormwater samples for all parameters for Monitoring Point
`002 during the first quarter 2017, and third quarter 2018; Monitoring Point 003 during the first
`quarter 2017, third quarter 2018, and first quarter 2019; Monitoring Point 004 during first quarter
`2017, third quarter 2017, third quarter 2018, and first quarter 2019.
`PPM has violated Condition S9.A of the 2015 Permit and Condition S9.B of the
`2020 Permit by failing to correctly and timely submit Discharge Monitoring Reports (“DMR”) to
`Ecology. PPM has violated these conditions by failing to submit a DMR within the time
`prescribed for the first quarter 2017, first quarter 2018, fourth quarter 2019, and second quarter
`PPM has violated Condition S7.A and S7.B of the Permits by failing to conduct
`monthly visual inspection reports, by qualified personnel, each and every month since PPM was
`granted coverage under the Permits. Additionally, PPM violated Condition S7.C of the Permits
`by failing to prepare and maintain the requisite inspection reports or checklists and failed to
`make the requisite certifications and summaries. These visual monitoring and inspection
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 12 of 41
`requirements and PPM’s violations thereof are described in section IV.C of the Notice Letter,
`attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and incorporated herein by this reference.
`PPM has not conducted or completed the Level One Corrective Action responses
`as required by the Permits. These requirements of the Permits and PPM’s violations thereof are
`described in section V.A of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and incorporated
`herein by this reference.
`Condition S8.B of the Permits require a permittee to undertake a Level One
`Corrective Action whenever it exceeds a benchmark value identified in Condition S5.A and
`Table 2 of the Permits. A Level One Corrective Action comprises of conducting an inspection to
`investigate the cause, review of the SWPPP to ensure permit compliance, revisions to the
`SWPPP to include additional operational source control BMPs with the goal of achieving the
`applicable benchmark values in future discharges, signature and certification of the revised
`SWPPP, summary of the Level One Corrective Action in the Annual Report, and full
`implementation of the revised SWPPP as soon as possible, but no later than the DMR due date
`for the quarter the benchmark was exceeded. Condition S8.A of the 2020 Permit requires that the
`permittee implement any Level One Corrective Action required by the 2015 Permit.
`PPM triggered Level One Corrective Action requirements for each benchmark
`exceedance identified in Tables 1-5 above. PPM’s failures to comply with the Level One
`Corrective Action requirements include the failure to perform the required review, revision, and
`certification of the SWPPP; perform required implementation of additional BMPs; and complete
`the required summarization in the Annual Report each and every time since PPM was granted
`coverage under the Permits, its quarterly stormwater sampling results were greater than a
`benchmark or outside the benchmark range, including the benchmark exceedances listed in
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 13 of 41
`Tables 1-5 above. These corrective action requirements and PPM’s violations thereof are
`described in section V.A of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated
`herein by this reference.
`PPM has not conducted and/or completed the Level Two Corrective Action
`responses as required by the Permits. These requirements of the Permits and PPM’s violations
`thereof are described in section V.B of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and
`incorporated herein by this reference.
`Condition S8.C of the Permits require a permittee to undertake a Level Two
`Corrective Action whenever it exceeds a benchmark value identified in Condition S5.A and
`Table 2 of the Permits during any two quarters during a calendar year. A Level Two Corrective
`Action comprises review of the SWPPP to ensure permit compliance, revisions to the SWPPP to
`include additional structural source control BMPs with the goal of achieving the applicable
`benchmark values in future discharges, signature and certification of the revised SWPPP,
`summary of the Level Two Corrective Action in the Annual Report, and full implementation of
`the revised SWPPP as soon as possible, but no later than August 31 of the year following the
`triggering of the Level Two Corrective Action. Condition S8.A of the 2020 Permit requires that
`the permittee implement any Level Two Corrective Action required by the 2015 Permit.
`PPM triggered Level Two Corrective Action requirements for each benchmark
`exceedance identified in Tables 1-5 above that occurred in any two quarters of a calendar year.
`PPM has violated the requirements of the Permits described above by failing to conduct a Level
`Two Corrective Action for discharge from its facility in accordance with Permits’ conditions,
`including the required review, revision and certification of the SWPPP by the August 31
`deadline; the required implementation of additional BMPs, including additional structural source
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 14 of 41
`control BMPs by the August 31 deadline; and the required summarization in the Annual Report
`each time since PPM was granted coverage under the Permits, quarterly stormwater sampling
`results from the facility were greater than a benchmark or outside the benchmark range for any
`two quarters during a calendar year, including the benchmark exceedances listed in Tables 1-5
`above. These violations include PPM’s failure to perform a Level Two Corrective Action for
`zinc in third quarter 2017, copper in third quarter 2017, turbidity in fourth quarter 2017, turbidity
`in second quarter 2018, copper in second quarter 2018, zinc in second quarter 2018, copper in
`second quarter 2019, turbidity in third quarter 2019, zinc in fourth quarter 2019, turbidity in
`second quarter 2020, copper in second quarter 2020, zinc in second quarter 2020, turbidity in
`second quarter 2021, copper in second quarter 2021, and zinc in second quarter 2021, as
`identified in Tables 1-5. These corrective action requirements and PPM’s violations thereof are
`described in section V.B of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated
`herein by this reference.
`Condition S8.D of the Permits require a permittee to undertake a Level Three
`Corrective Action whenever it exceeds a benchmark value identified in Condition S5.A and
`Table 2 of the Permits during any three quarters during a calendar year. A Level Three
`Corrective Action comprises review of the SWPPP to ensure permit compliance, revisions to the
`SWPPP to include additional treatment BMPs and operational and/or structural source control
`BMPs if necessary, with the goal of achieving the applicable benchmark values in future
`discharges, signature and certification of the revised SWPPP, summary of the Level Three
`Corrective Action in the Annual Report, and full implementation of the revised SWPPP as soon
`as possible, but no later than September 30 of the year following the triggering of the Level
`Three Corrective Action. Condition S8.D also requires that before implementation of any BMPs
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 15 of 41
`that require site-specific design or sizing of structures, equipment, or processes, that the
`permittee submit an engineering report, plans, and specifications, and an Operation and
`Maintenance Manual to Ecology for review, which must be submitted no later than May 15 prior
`to the Level Three Corrective Action deadline. Condition S8.A of the 2020 Permit requires that
`the permittee implement any Level Three Corrective Action required by the 2015 Permit.
`PPM triggered Level Three Corrective Action requirements for each benchmark
`exceedance identified in Tables 1-5 above that occurred in any three quarters of a calendar year.
`PPM has violated the requirements of the Permits described above by failing to conduct a Level
`Three Corrective Action in accordance with Permit conditions, including the required review,
`revision, and certification of the SWPPP by the September 30 deadline; the required
`implementation of additional BMPs by the September 30 deadline; the required submission of an
`engineering report and Operation and Maintenance Manual by the May 15 deadline; and the
`required summarization in the Annual Report, each time that its quarterly stormwater sampling
`results were greater than a benchmark for any three quarters during a calendar year, including the
`benchmark excursions listed in Tables 1-5 above. These violations include PPM’s failure to
`perform a Level Three Corrective Action for copper triggered in fourth quarter 2017, turbidity
`triggered in fourth quarter 2018, copper triggered in fourth quarter 2018, zinc triggered in fourth
`quarter 2018, copper triggered in third quarter 2019, turbidity triggered in fourth quarter 2019,
`turbidity triggered in third quarter 2020, copper triggered in third quarter 2020, zinc triggered in
`third quarter 2020, turbidity triggered in third quarter 2021, and copper triggered in third quarter
`2021, as indicated by Tables 1-5. These corrective action requirements and PPM’s violations
`thereof are described in section V.C of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are
`incorporated herein by this reference.
`Smith & Lowney, PLLC
`2317 East John Street
`Seattle, Washington 98112
`(206) 860-2883


`Case 2:22-cv-00848 Document 1 Filed 06/16/22 Page 16 of 41
`PPM failed and continues to fail to comply with recording and record keeping
`requirements of the Permits outlined in Condition S4.B of the Permits and Condition S9.C of the
`2015 Permit and S9.D of the 2020 Permit. These requirements and PPM’s violations thereof are
`described in section VI of the Notice Letter, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and are incorporated
`herein by this reference.
`PPM has failed and continues to fail to comply with Administrative Order 16312
`issued by Ecology on October 24, 2019 by failing to submit all documentation r

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