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79260626 | Trademark

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Filed Feb. 14, 2019
Serial No. 79260626
Examining Attorney ELLEN AWRICH
Class Installation, maintenance and repair of apparatus for measuring and for dosing chemicals for use in in the field of the treatment, purification, conditioning, disinfection and clarification of water or waste water, apparatus for checking water quality, including drinking water, and parts and components of the aforesaid goods; installation, maintenance and repair of apparatus and installations for the purification of water and waste water, apparatus and installations for clarifying water, apparatus and installations for the treatment of water and waste water, including by settling or flotation, filter apparatus and installations for the treatment and purification of water, filters for use in the treatment and purification of water, apparatus and installations for filtering water, including by ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and microfiltration, reverse osmosis filtration units being water treatment equipment, apparatus and installations for softening water, apparatus and installations for water demineralization, ionization apparatus for water treatment, electrodeionization apparatus for water treatment, apparatus and installations for treating water by means of remineralization, apparatus and installations for desalination of water, apparatus and installations for treating water by ultraviolet irradiation, pure steam generators, apparatus and installations for degasification and decarbonization intended for water treatment, apparatus and installations for the purification of waste water, bioreactors for the treatment of water or waste water, apparatus and installations for recycling and re-use of waste water, apparatus for disinfecting water, and parts and components of the aforesaid goods; technical advice and information with respect to the installation, maintenance and repair of apparatus for measuring and dosing chemicals for use in the field of the treatment, purification, conditioning, disinfecting and clarification of water or waste water, apparatus for checking water quality, including drinking water, and parts and components of the aforesaid goods; technical advice and information with respect to the installation, maintenance and repair of apparatus and installations for the purification of water and waste water, apparatus and installations for clarifying water, apparatus and installations for the treatment of water and waste water, including by settling or flotation, filter apparatus and installations for the treatment and purification of water, filters for use in the treatment and purification of water, apparatus and installations for filtering water, including by ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and microfiltration, reverse osmosis filtration units being water treatment equipment, apparatus and installations for softening water, apparatus and installations for water demineralization, ionization apparatus for water treatment, electrodeionization apparatus for water treatment, apparatus and installations for treating water by means of remineralization, apparatus and installations for desalination of water, apparatus and installations for treating water by ultraviolet irradiation, pure steam generators, apparatus and installations for degasification and decarbonization intended for water treatment, apparatus and installations for the purification of waste water, bioreactors for the treatment of water or waste water, apparatus and installations for recycling and re-use of waste water, apparatus for disinfecting water, and parts and components of the aforesaid goods; 100; 103; 106; 100; 101; 102; 013; 021; 023; 031; 034; 021; 023; 026; 036; 038
Status Application has been published for opposition. The opposition period begins on the date of publication.
Last Updated: 4 years, 3 months ago
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