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85802897 | Trademark

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Filed Dec. 14, 2012
Serial No. 85802897
Examining Attorney NANCY G ULRICH
Class Cosmetic preparations; hair styling preparations; hair coloring preparations; makeup; face creams, skin moisturizers; body creams, body sprays; fragrances, hair shampoos, hair conditioners, hair sprays, nail polish, non-medicated nail moisturizing treatments; non-medicated eyelash growth treatments; non-medicated foot moisturizing treatments, non-medicated toenail moisturizing treatments; non-medicated anti-aging serum treatments, non-medicated cosmetic treatments for body slimming purposes; 001; 004; 006; 050; 051; 052
Status Abandoned because no Statement of Use or Extension Request timely filed after Notice of Allowance was issued. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page.
Last Updated: 1 year, 3 months ago
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