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88368475 | Trademark

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Filed April 2, 2019
Serial No. 88368475
Class Accepting and administering monetary charitable contributions; Charitable foundation services, namely, providing financial assistance for programs and services of others; Charitable foundation services, namely, providing financial support to individuals who are seeking to be with family during the holidays but are unable due to financial constraints; Charitable foundation services, namely, providing financial support to law enforcement officers, fire fighters, paramedics and other first responders for educational materials, recreational fitness and field instruction programs, educational outings, camps, scholarships, social events; Charitable foundation services, namely, providing fundraising activities, funding, scholarships and/or financial assistance for law enforcement officers, fire fighters, paramedics and other first responders and their families; Charitable fundraising services by means of musical concerts; Charitable fundraising services for law enforcement officers, fire fighters, paramedics and other first responders and their families; Charitable fundraising services, by means of organizing and conducting fundraising food tasting events; Charitable fundraising services, by means of organizing and conducting musical entertainment events featuring food and wine; Charitable fundraising in view of disaster precautions and prevention; Charitable fundraising services; Charitable fundraising services by means of a website where donors search for and make monetary donations to specific charities or projects aimed at providing recreational fitness and field instruction, education, team building exercises, and events, assistance and programs for injured and active-duty law enforcement officers, fire fighters, paramedics and other first responders and their families; Charitable fundraising services by means of an entertainment event; Charitable fundraising services for promoting research, education and other activities relating to assisting injured and active-duty law enforcement officers, fire fighters, paramedics and other first responders and their families; Charitable fundraising to support law enforcement officers, fire fighters, paramedics and other first responders and their families; Charitable services, namely, fundraising services by means of organizing special events for law enforcement officers, fire fighters, paramedics and other first responders and their families; 100; 101; 102
Status A non-final Office action has been sent (issued) to the applicant. This is a letter from the examining attorney requiring additional information and/or making an initial refusal. The applicant must respond to this Office action. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page.
Last Updated: 4 years, 2 months ago
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