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88541065 | Trademark

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Filed July 26, 2019
Serial No. 88541065
Examining Attorney FONG HSU
Class Providing a website for the storing, sharing, and viewing of images, audio, videos, online journals, blogs, podcasts, and multimedia content; publication of books, periodicals, newspapers, newsletters, manuals, blogs, journals, and other publications, namely, electronic magazines; providing websites featuring online non-downloadable books, periodicals, newspapers, newsletters, manuals, blogs, journals, and other publications, namely, electronic magazines, in the fields of business, entertainment, health and wellness, hobbies, lifestyle, news in the field of current events, science and technology, sports, style and beauty, arts and culture; 100; 101; 107; 100; 101
Status A non-final Office action has been sent (issued) to the applicant. This is a letter from the examining attorney requiring additional information and/or making an initial refusal. The applicant must respond to this Office action. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page.
Last Updated: 3 years, 8 months ago
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