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88912680 | Trademark

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Filed May 12, 2020
Serial No. 88912680
Class Mobile telephones; smartphones; mobile devices for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, text messages, electronic mail, and other digital data, and for use in providing access to the internet; network communication apparatus, namely, mobile electronic devices for the sending and receiving of text, data, audio, image, and video files across networks; electronic communication equipment and instruments, namely, mobile electronic devices for sending and receiving of text, data, audio, image, and video files; wireless communication devices for the transmission of voice, data, images, audio, video, and multimedia content; computers; handheld computers; recorded and downloadable computer software for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; cases for mobile phones; cases for smartphones; 021; 023; 026; 036; 038
Status New application will be assigned to an examining attorney approximately 3 months after filing date.
Last Updated: 4 years ago
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