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90354448 | Trademark

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Filed Dec. 2, 2020
Serial No. 90354448
Class Film production; film studios; video production services; film distribution; operating of film studios; production of motion picture films; production of films; production of television programs; video film production; movie studio services; movie studios services; distribution of films and movies; entertainment services in the nature of live stage entertainment, namely, musicals, concerts, theatrical stage shows, dramatic performances; entertainment services in the nature of production and distribution of films, documentaries, television programs, web series, and webisodes; distribution via the Internet of downloadable and non-downloadable digital media content, namely, audio and visual recordings featuring music, music videos, films, television programs, photographs, and downloadable and non-downloadable publications in the nature of articles, brochures and pamphlets in the field of music, movies, and television programs, all for charitable fundraising purposes; book publishing; entertainment services, namely, online downloadable and non-downloadable photographs in relation to films, movies, music, and television programming provided through a website and social media; multimedia entertainment services in the nature of development, recording, production and post-production services in the nature of movies, music, films, documentaries, television programs, web series, and webisodes; entertainment services in the nature of development and creation of films, documentaries, television programs, web series, and webisodes; Organizing film exhibitions for cultural, educational, and entertainment purposes; music publishing services; providing information in the field of entertainment, namely, information on motion pictures, films, television programs and musical performances by means of a global computer network; entertainment services, namely, providing a website containing non-downloadable pre-recorded musical performances, stage performances, public appearances, photographs, and other information and multi-media materials relating to film, television, music and musical entertainment; entertainment services, namely, providing a website featuring news and non-downloadable articles relating to films, documentaries, television programs, web series, and webisodes; 100; 101; 107
Status A suspension inquiry has been sent (issued) to the applicant. The applicant must respond to this suspension inquiry. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page.
Last Updated: 2 months, 3 weeks ago
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