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97631222 | Trademark

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Filed Oct. 13, 2022
Serial No. 97631222
Examining Attorney KELLY L NEAL
Class Motion picture films featuring comedy, drama, action, adventure and animation; motion picture films for broadcast on television featuring comedy, drama, action, adventure and animation; television programs featuring comedy, drama, action, adventure and animation; prerecorded CDs featuring music and motion picture sound tracks; digital media, namely, downloadable audio and visual recordings in the fields of comedy, drama, action, adventure and animation; downloadable audio and visual recordings featuring movies and television programs in the fields of comedy, drama, action, adventure and animation sound and video recordings featuring music, comedy, drama, action, adventure and animation; video games and computer games; mouse pads; Sound recordings featuring music and motion picture sound tracks; sound and video recordings featuring music and musical performances; sound and video recordings featuring motion pictures and television programs; prerecorded phonograph records, compact discs, laser discs, videotapes, audio video discs and dvds featuring movies, television programs and music; 021; 023; 026; 036; 038; 100; 101; 107
Status Abandoned because the applicant failed to respond or filed a late response to an Office action. To view all documents in this file, click on the Trademark Document Retrieval link at the top of this page.
Last Updated: 1 month, 1 week ago
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