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97814289 | Trademark

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Filed Feb. 27, 2023
Serial No. 97814289
Examining Attorney CURTIS W FRENCH
Class Recorded health monitoring software for monitoring wound treatment, wound healing, and wound care stakeholder inputs, namely, bandage compression pressure, patient pain score, wound size, and wound healing rate; Downloadable healthcare computer software using artificial intelligence for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, reimbursement data collection, and reporting, namely, predicting optimal patient treatment plans, and patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring and insight driven patient visit scheduling; Downloadable healthcare computer software using machine learning for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, and reimbursement data collection and reporting, namely, predicting optimal patient treatment plans, and patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring and insight driven patient visit scheduling; Downloadable platform software for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, reimbursement data collection and reporting, namely, predicting the optimal patient treatment plan, and patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring, insight driven patient visit scheduling; Downloadable collaboration software platforms software for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, reimbursement data collection and reporting, namely, predicting the optimal patient treatment plan, and patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring, insight driven patient visit scheduling; Downloadable revision control platforms software for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, reimbursement data collection and reporting, namely, predicting the optimal patient treatment plan, and patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring, insight driven patient visit scheduling; Downloadable Real-Time Collaborative Editing RTCE platforms software for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, reimbursement data collection and reporting, namely, predicting the optimal patient treatment plan, and patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring, insight driven patient visit scheduling; Wearable video display monitors; Wearable computers in the nature of smartwatches; Wearable computer hardware in the nature of smartglasses; Wearable computer peripherals in the nature of wireless mice; Wearable activity trackers; Wearable communications apparatus in the nature of cell phones; Downloadable mobile applications for use with wearable computer devices for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, reimbursement data collection and reporting, namely, predicting the optimal patient treatment plan, and patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring, insight driven patient visit scheduling; Downloadable computer application software for use with wearable computer devices for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, reimbursement data collection and reporting, namely, predicting the optimal patient treatment plan, and patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring, insight driven patient visit scheduling; sensing input devices for use with motion sensors; Downloadable mobile apps for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, reimbursement data collection and reporting, namely, predicting the optimal patient treatment plan, and patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring, insight driven patient visit scheduling; Remote controls for mobile electronic devices, namely, smart devices, wearable devices, IoT devices, connected health hardware, personal computers, namely, smart phone, tablets, desktop computers, laptop computers; Electric mobile digital communication devices, namely, cellphones; Downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, reimbursement data collection and reporting, namely, predicting the optimal patient treatment plan, and patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring, insight driven patient visit scheduling; Downloadable mobile applications for the transmission of data; Downloadable mobile applications for the transmission of information; Downloadable mobile applications for the management of information; Downloadable mobile applications for the management of data; Downloadable digital telephone platforms and software for use in electronic communication; Cloud computer servers; Downloadable cloud computing software for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, reimbursement data collection and reporting, namely, predicting the optimal patient treatment plan, and patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring, insight driven patient visit scheduling; Downloadable application software for cloud computing services for clinical decision support for wound treatment, wound healing prognosis, health economic assessment, wound care resource management, wound treatment optimization, patient management optimization, reimbursement data collection and reporting, namely, predicting the optimal patient treatment plan, patient management optimization, namely, remote patient monitoring, and insight driven patient visit scheduling; 021; 023; 026; 036; 038; 026; 039; 044; 100; 101; 102; 100; 101
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