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98085822 | Trademark

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Filed July 14, 2023
Serial No. 98085822
Class Downloadable and recorded digital application software for providing access to health, medical, and wellness information and resources; downloadable and recorded computer software for providing medical information about the health; downloadable software for providing information about health management, rehabilitation, and treatment; downloadable and recorded computer program for monitoring health progress; downloadable and recorded software featuring motion analysis for rehabilitation purposes; downloadable and recorded software for body motion recognition that analyzes and identifies characteristics of body motion; downloadable computer operating software for medical devices; downloadable and recorded software that performs motion analysis in conjunction with medical devices; downloadable computer software for remote monitoring and analysis of health; downloadable and recorded computer software for making medical electronic charts; downloadable and recorded computer software for medical disease diagnosis; downloadable and recorded computer software for medical decision support systems, namely, evaluating medical issues, controlling and managing patient medical information, providing health care information; downloadable and recorded software featuring motion analysis for rehabilitation exercise; downloadable computer application software for smartphones for measuring, collecting, and providing body information; downloadable and recorded computer operating software linked with rehabilitation exercise equipment; 021; 023; 026; 036; 038; 100; 101; 100; 101
Status New application awaiting assignment to an examining attorney. <a href="">See current trademark processing wait times </a> for more information.
Last Updated: 8 months, 1 week ago
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