`Case 8:22-cv-00240 Document1-1 Filed 02/15/22 Page1of11 Page ID#:5
`Case 8:22-cv-00240 Document 1-1 Filed 02/15/22 Page 2 of 11 Page ID #:6
`Assigned for all purposes to: Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Judicial Officer: John Doyle
`Electronically FILED by S perior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 12/28/2021 11 :37 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by R. Perez.Deputy Clerk
`{SBN 278028)
`11845 W. Olympic Blvd., Ste. 800
`Los Angeles, California 90064 ·
`Telephone: (323) 979-2063
`(323) 488-6748
`Attorney for Plaintiff
`Premier Spine Neurosurgery, Inc.
`Premier Spine Neurosurgery, Inc.
`Case No.: 21STC:V47278
`Complaint For:
`(Jury Trial Requested)
`Total Damages - $100,000.0~
`CIGNA Health and Life Insurance
`15 Co. and DOES 1-10,
`16 ·
`Case 8:22-cv-00240 Document 1-1 Filed 02/15/22 Page 3 of 11 Page ID #:7
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`Plaintiff Premier Spine Neurosurgery, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as
`"PLAINTIFF", or "Medical Provider") complains and alleges:
`Plaintiff, Medical Provider, is and at all relevant times was a medical
`corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of California.
`7 Medical Provider is and at all relevant times was in good standing under the laws of
`the State of California.
`1 o
`DEFENDANT, CIGNA Health and Life Insurance Co.
`("DEFENDANT") is and was licensed to do business in and is and was doing
`business in the State of California. DEFENDANT is, in fact, transacting business in
`the State of California and is thereby subject to the laws and regulations of the State
`of California.
`The true names and capacities, whether individual, corporate,
`associate, or otherwise, of defendants DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, are unknown
`to PLAINTIFF, who therefore sues said defendants by such fictitious names.
`PLAINTIFF is informed and believes and thereon alleges that each of the
`defendants designated herein as a DOE is legally responsible in some manner for
`the events and happenings referred to herein and legally caused injury and damages
`proximately thereby to PLAINTIFF. PLAINTIFF will seek leave of this Court to
`amend this Complaint to insert their true names and capacities in place and instead
`of the fictitious names when they become known to it.
`· At all times herein mentioned, unless otherwise indicated,
`24 DEFENDANT ls were the agents and/or employees of each of the remaining
`defendants, and were at all times acting within the purpose and scope of said
`agency and employment, and each defendant has ratified and approved the acts of
`his agent. At all times herein mentioned, DEFENDANT/s had actual or ostensible
`authority to act on each other's behalf in certifying or authorizing the provision of
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`Case 8:22-cv-00240 Document 1-1 Filed 02/15/22 Page 4 of 11 Page ID #:8
`services; processing and administering the claims and appeals; pricing the claims;
`approving or denying the claims; directing each other as to whether and/or how to
`pay claims; issuing remittance advices and explanations of benefits statements;
`making payments to Medical Provider and its Patients.
`All of the claims asserted in this complaint are based upon the
`individual and proper rights of Medical Provider in its own individual capacity and
`are not derivative of the contractual or other rights of the Medical Provider's
`This complaint arises out of the failure of DEFENDANT to make
`proper payments and/or the underpayment to Medical Provider by DEFENDANT
`and DOES I through 10, inclusive, of amounts due and owing now to Medical
`Provider for emergent surgical care, treatment and procedures provided to Patient,
`who was an insured, member, policyholder, certificate-holder or was otherwise
`covered for health, hospitalization and major medical insurance through policies or
`certificates of insurance issued and underwritten by DEFENDANT and DOES I
`through I 0, inclusive.
`7. Medical Provider is informed and believes based on DEFENDANT's
`oral and other representations that the Patient was an insured of DEFENDANT
`either as a.subscriber to coverage or a dependent of a subscriber to coverage under a
`policy or certificate of insurance issued and underwritten by DEFENDANT and
`DOES I through 10, inclusive, and each of them. Medical Provider is informed
`and believes that the Patient entered into a valid insurance agreement with
`DEFENDANT for the specific purpose of ensuring that the Patient would have
`access to medically necessary treatments, care, procedures and surgeries by medical
`practitioners like Medical Provider and ensuring that DEFENDANT would pay for
`the health care expenses incurred by the Patient.
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`Case 8:22-cv-00240 Document 1-1 Filed 02/15/22 Page 5 of 11 Page ID #:9
`8. Medical Provider is informed and believes that DEFENDANT and
`2 DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, and each of them, received and continue to receive,
`valuable premium payments from the Patient and/or other consideration from
`Patient under the subject policies applicable to Patient.
`It is standard practice in the health care industry that when a medical
`provider enters into a written preferred provider contract with a health plan such as
`7 DEFENDANT, that a medical provider agrees to accept reimbursement that is
`I I
`discounted from the medical provider's total billed charges in exchange for the
`benefits of being a preferred or contracted provider.
`10. Those benefits include an increased volume of business, because the
`health plan provides financial and other incentives to its members to receive their
`12 medical care and treatments from the contracted provider, such as advertising that
`I 6
`the provider is "in network", and allowing the members to pay lower co-payments
`and deductibles to obtain care and treatment from a contracted provider.
`11. Conversely, when a medical provider, such as Medical Provider, does
`not have a written contract or preferred provider agreement with a health plan, the
`17 medical provider receives no referrals from the health plan.
`2 I
`12. The medical provider has no obligation to reduce its charges. The
`health plan is not entitled to a discount from the medical provider's total bill charge
`for the services rendered, because it is not providing the medical provider with in
`network medical provider benefits, such as increased patient volume and direct
`payment obligations.
`13. The reason why medical providers have chosen to forgo the benefits of
`a contract with a payor is that, in recent years, many insurers including
`25 DEFENDANT's contracted rates for in-network providers have been so meager,
`one-sided and onerous, that many providers like Medical Provider have determined
`that they cannot afford to enter into such contracts. As a result, a growing number
`of medical providers have become non-contracted or out of network providers.
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`Case 8:22-cv-00240 Document 1-1 Filed 02/15/22 Page 6 of 11 Page ID #:10
`Plaintiff believes that for non-contracted, out-of-plan, or out-of-
`network providers, DEFENDANT have unlawfully underpaid these providers for
`the medically necessary and appropriate services they have rendered to the insured
`of the DEFENDANT. Plaintiff believes that in some cases DEFENDANT has used
`flawed databases and systems to unilaterally determine what amounts it pays to
`6 medical providers and has colluded with other insurers to artificially underpay,
`decrease, -limit and minimize the reimbursement rates paid for services rendered by
`non-contracted providers.
`· 15. Often, the rates paid to medical providers such as Medical Provider by
`1 o pay ors such as DEFENDANT for the exact same procedure, treatment, surgery or
`service, were paid at different rates during the same year. At other times, medical
`providers were paid rates which were below what they would have received had
`they been a preferred or in-network provider, even though such volume-discounted
`rates would have been significantly lower than usual, reasonable or customary rates
`as defined by California law.
`16. Medical Provider is informed and believes and thereon alleges that
`17 DEFENDANT's system for paying out-of-network claims is flawed, that
`18 DEFENDANT improperly manipulat_es the data in its systems to underpay out-of-
`network Medical Provider claims and that DEFENDANT's system and method for
`calculating such rates violate California law.
`1 7. Medical Provider and its affiliated physicians have a reputation for
`providing high quality care, surgeries and procedures. Its charges for services are
`on par with the charges of other surgeons in the same general area for the same
`procedures and/or services. Medical Provider's billed charges are usual, reasonable
`and customary.
`18. The California Department of Managed Health Care has adopted
`regulations that define the amount that health care service plans such as
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`Case 8:22-cv-00240 Document 1-1 Filed 02/15/22 Page 7 of 11 Page ID #:11
`1 DEFENDANT is obligated to pay non-contracted providers such as Medical
`Provider. These regulations provide, in pertinent part:
`For contracted providers without a written contract and non-
`contracted providers, .. : [the Plan shall remit to the provider] the
`payment of the reasonable and customary value for the health care
`services rendered based upon statistically credible information that is
`updated at least annually and takes into consideration: (I) the
`provider's training, qualifications and length of time in practic'e; (ii)
`the nature of the services provided; (iii) the fees usually charged by
`the provider; (iv) prevailing provider rates charged in the general
`geographic area in which the services were rendered; (v) other aspects
`of the economics of the medical provider's practice that are relevant;
`and (vi) and unusual circumstances in the case.
`28 Cal. Code Regs. Section 1300.71(a)(3)(B). These definitions are the same
`criteria used by California Courts to determine the quantum meruit amounts that
`should be paid for services rendered by non-contracted providers by insurers in
`1 7 California.
`19. Based upon these criteria, Medical Provider's charges are usual,
`reasonable and customary. Medical Provider charged DEFENDANT the same fees
`that it charges all other payors. Medical Provider's fees are comparable to the
`prevailing provider rates for other surgeons in comparable geographic areas to the
`one in which the services were provided.
`20. At all relevant times, Medical Provider expected to be paid by
`defendants at the lesser of its billed charges or the then-current usual, customary
`and reasonable rate, which is defined-by California law as follows:
`A "usual" charge is the amount that is most consistently charged by
`an individual physician for a given service. A "customary" charge is
`the amount that falls within a specified range of usual charges for a
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`Case 8:22-cv-00240 Document 1-1 Filed 02/15/22 Page 8 of 11 Page ID #:12
`given service billed by most physicians with similar training and
`experience within a given geographical area. A "reasonable" charge
`is a charge that meets the Usual and Customary criteria, or is
`otherwise reasonable in light of the complexity of treatment of the
`particular case. Under a UCR Program, the payment is the lowest of
`the actual billed charge, the physician's usual charge or the area
`customary charge for any given covered service.
`Patient YW
`21. On January 1, 2021, Medical Provider provided emergency medical
`services to Patient DW a policyholder of DEFENDANT at El Camino Hospital,
`12 California.
`22. Medical Provider was obligated under California Health and Safety
`14 Code § 131 7 et seq. to provide medical services to the Patient without regard for
`15 whether the Patient or the Patient's insurance plan would pay for Medical
`Provider's services.
`Following the procedure, Patient provided Patient's insurance
`information to Medical Provider who then submitted a total bill for $73,400.00 to
`Patient's insurer, DEFENDANT, for payment.
`24. DEFENDANT processed Medical Provider's bill made a payment of
`$0 to Medical Provider.
`$0 is far less than the UCR value of Medical Provider's services.
`26. According to the Knox-Keane Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975,
`24 Health & Safety Code, §§ 1340, et seq., ("Knox-Keane Act"), Medical Provider is
`prohibited from balancing billing Patient. According to the Knox Keene Act,
`26 Medical Provider is obligated to resolve all billing disputes with Patient's insurer,
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`Case 8:22-cv-00240 Document 1-1 Filed 02/15/22 Page 9 of 11 Page ID #:13
`27. As Medical Provider is prohibited by California Law, specifically the
`2 Knox Keene Act, from balancing billing and resolving billing disputes with a
`patient seen in the emergency room, Plaintiff Medical Provider now seeks to
`resolve this dispute and obtain payment from DEFENDANT as is required by
`5 California Law.
`Plaintiff incorporates all allegations set forth in the above paragraphs
`as though fully set forth herein.
`29. Medical Provider provided emergency medical services, surgeries,
`procedures and other medical care and treatment to Patient, who is and was insured
`30. DEFENDANT has failed and refused to pay Medical Provider at the
`14 UCR rate for the amounts incurred by Medical Provider in rendering treatment,
`care, surgery and procedures to the Patient.
`31. DEFENDANT is and was required to resolve all payment disputes
`17 with Medical Provider and to not attribute liability or involve the Patient in said
`32. As a result, DEFENDANT owes Medical Provider the total UCR value
`of Medical Provider's services.
`33. The quantum meruit or total UCR value of Medical Provider's services
`is determined according to what providers in the area usually charge for the same or
`similar medical services in the absence of preferred provider or participating
`provider contractual rates. 1
`1 UCR (Usual Customary and Reasonable), healthcare.gov,
`https :/ /www.healthcare.gov/ glossary /ucr-usual-customary-and-reasonab le/ (last
`· viewed September 26, 2019)
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`Case 8:22-cv-00240 Document 1-1 Filed 02/15/22 Page 10 of 11 Page ID #:14
`34. DEFENDANT has refused to pay, and continues to refuse to pay
`2 Medical Provider for the whole of the sums owed to Medical Provider.
`3 Accordingly, there is now due and owing, to Medical Provider an unpaid sum, plus
`statutory interest thereon.
`I I I
`I I I
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`Case 8:22-cv-00240 Document 1-1 Filed 02/15/22 Page 11 of 11 Page ID #:15
`WHEREFORE, Premier Spine Neurosurgery, Inc. prays for judgment
`against defendants as follows:
`· For compensatory damages in an amount to be determined, plus
`statutory interest;
`For restitution in an amount to be determined, plus statutory interest;
`For a declaration that DEFENDANTS are obligated to pay plaintiff all
`8 monies owed for services rendered to the Patient; and
`For such other relief as the Court deems just and appropriate
`11 Dated: December 28, 2021
`By: Isl Jonathan A. Stieglitz
`Attorneys for Plaintiff,
`Premier Spine Neurosurgery, Inc.
`Plaintiff, National Precision Neurosurgery, Inc. hereby demands a jury trial as
`provided by law.
`Dated: December 28, 2021
`By: Is/ Jonathan A. Stieglitz
`Attorneys for Plaintiff,
`Premier Spine Neurosurgery, Inc.
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