`CHPH Agency, Inc.
`625 E. Girard Ave 1st FLR
`Philadelphia PA 19125
`Case No: _______
`Medi-Home Health Care Agency Company
` and
`Medi-Home Health Care Agency
`3634-3638 N. Broad St.
`Philadelphia, PA
` Defendant
` Plaintiff CHPH Agency, Inc. files this cause of action against Defendants Medi-Home
`Philadelphia PA 19140
`Health Care Agency and Medi-Home Health Care Agency Company for trademark
`infringement. Defendants are using a mark in commerce that has the same design and is
`confusingly similar to Plaintiff’s federally registered trademark. Defendants have full
`knowledge of the infringement and continue to infringe after Plaintiff told Defendants about
`Plaintiff’s trademark and demanded that Defendants stop the infringement. Plaintiff states:
` Plaintiff CHPH Agency, Inc. is a corporation organized under the laws of
`Pennsylvania with a place of business at 625 E. Girard Ave 1st FLR, Philadelphia PA 19125.
` Defendant Medi-Home Health Care Agency Company is a corporation
`organized under the law of Pennsylvania with a place of business at 3634-3638 N. Broad St.,
`Philadelphia PA 19140.
` Defendant Medi-Home Health Care Agency is a corporation organized under
`Case 2:21-cv-01452 Document 1 Filed 03/26/21 Page 2 of 11
`the law of Pennsylvania with a place of business at 3634-3638 N. Broad St., Philadelphia PA
` Ikishia Jackson owns the trademark registered with the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office (“USPTO”) with registration number 6,123,756 (“CHPH Trademark”). Ms.
`Jackson also is the sole owner of Plaintiff. Prior to the first use in commerce of the CHPH
`Trademark, Ms. Jackson exclusively licensed full use of and rights related to the CHPH Trademark
`to Plaintiff. That License is exclusive to Plaintiff and it includes all rights to enforce the CHPH
`Trademark, including the right to prevent others from using the CHPH Trademark and to recover
`damages caused by infringement or other violations regarding the CHPH Trademark.
` The CHPH Trademark was first used in commerce on or before April 28, 2017.
` CHPH Trademark is an illustration drawing which includes letters.
` CHPH Trademark consists of the stylized letters "CHPH" at bottom, then 3 stick-
`figure bodies with heads directly above the letters "HP" with each letter having an elongated side
`separating the three figures. Behind the figures is a heart overlapped by a roof with a chimney.
` This is a copy of the drawing of the CHPH Trademark filed with the USPTO:
`[Space intentionally left blank]
`Case 2:21-cv-01452 Document 1 Filed 03/26/21 Page 3 of 11
` Defendants infringe because they use in commerce a mark that has the same design
`and is confusingly similar to CHPH Trademark. The following is a picture of the mark used by
`Defendants (“Defendants’ Mark”):
`10. Defendants at times use infringing Defendants’ Mark with its name as shown in
`the following picture:
`Case 2:21-cv-01452 Document 1 Filed 03/26/21 Page 4 of 11
` l?
`Defendants” Mark is not registered with the USPTO.
`Defendants’ Mark and the CHPH Trademark both have a heart, broken up by a
`roof with a chimney and three stick people underneath.
`Plaintiff has received comments by people who were actually confused about
`whether Defendants” Mark was referring to services provided by Plaintiff.
`Plaintiff and Defendants are home health care agencies and direct competitors.
`All three are operating in Philadelphia, PA.
`A comparison bylsight of the pictures of CHPH Trademark and Defendants”
`Mark reveals that Defendants” Mark is likely to cause confusion in the minds of consumers about
`the source of services offered under their respective marks.
`Because the marks have the same design and a high degree of similarity in
`appearance and Plaintiff and Defendants provide the same services, consumers are likely to assume
`(mistakenly) that the services come from a common source.
`_ The use of Defendants” Mark infringes the CHPH Trademark.
`Defendants use Defendants” Mark all around the City of Philadelphia. Copies of
`pictures of Defendants’ use of the Defendants” Marks in commerce are attached as Exhibit A.
`Defendants placed the infringing Defendants” Mark on billboards in Philadelphia
`Case 2:21-cv-01452 Document 1 Filed 03/26/21 Page 5 of 11
`after Plaintiff told Defendants that Defendants were infringing, that the CHPH Trademark was
`federally registered, and Plaintiff provided to Defendants a picture of Plaintiff’s registered
`20. On December 17, 2020, through counsel Plaintiff sent Defendants a letter by
`regular Mail and by email putting Defendants on notice of infringement (“First Notice”). In the
`First Notice, Plaintiff provided the registration number of the federally registered CHPH
`Trademark, a copy of a picture of the CHPH Trademark filed with the USPTO and a copy of
`Defendants’ mark to illustrate the similarity between the two marks.
`21. Defendants did not respond to the First Notice but instead continued to use
`Defendants’ Mark in commerce. A copy of First Notice is attached as Exhibit B.
`22. On January 13, 2021, through counsel by email, Plaintiff again sent Defendants
`the letter originally sent on December 17, 2020 with the same copies of the CHPH Trademark and
`Defendants’ Mark sent on December 17, 2020. In that email, Plaintiff’s counsel said, “[t]he attached
`letter and exhibits to that letter provide that MediHome HealthCare Agency is violating a federally
`registered trademark owned by my client; and demands that MediHome HealthCare Agency stop that use.
`Please send this information to the appropriate person at MediHome HealthCare Agency. Thank you.”
`(“Second Notice”). A copy of the Second Notice is attached as Exhibit C.
`23. Minutes after the email with the Second Notice was sent to Defendants, counsel
`for Plaintiff called Defendants’ office and the person receiving the call confirmed that the email
`had been received by Defendants and that the Second Notice would be given to a person with
`authority for Defendants to respond to the notice.
`24. Other than confirming that the Second Notice had been received, Defendants did
`not respond to the Second Notice but instead continued to use Defendants’ Mark in commerce,
`including on billboards.
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`25. Defendants have not attempted explain to Plaintiff why it is continuing to infringe.
`Defendants’ infringement is willful.
`This is a civil action for trademark infringement and unfair competition under the
`Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §§1114 and 1125 and violation of Pennsylvania's Unfair Trade
`Practices and Consumer Protection Law.
`26. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over Plaintiff’s Lanham Act
`claims pursuant to 15 U.S.C. §1121 and 28 U.S.C. §§1331 and 1338(a).
`27. This Court has supplemental jurisdiction over the pendent state law claims
`pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1367 in that the state law claims are integrally interrelated with
`Plaintiff’s federal claims and arise from a common nucleus of operative facts such that the
`administration of Plaintiff’s state law claims with its federal claims furthers the interest of
`judicial economy.
`28. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants as they maintain
`places of business in Eastern Pennsylvania and within the jurisdiction of this Court; and
`many and perhaps all acts of infringement occurred within the jurisdiction of this Court.
`29. Venue is proper here pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) because Defendants
`maintain a place of business in Eastern Pennsylvania and within the jurisdiction of this
`Court; and perhaps all acts of infringement occurred within the jurisdiction of this Court.
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`Infringement of Federally Registered Trademark
`15 U.S.C. § 1114(1)(a)
`30. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates all allegations above.
`31. Plaintiff has used its federally registered CHPH Trademark in commerce.
`32. Defendants’ infringement includes, but is not limited to, infringement after
`Defendants had both actual and constructive knowledge of Plaintiff’s ownership of and rights in
`CHPH Trademark.
`33. Defendants adopted and continue to use in commerce Defendants’ Mark with
`full knowledge that infringing use of CHPH Trademark would cause confusion, mistake and/or
`34. Defendants offer their goods and services under the infringing mark in the
`same channels of trade as those in which Plaintiff’s legitimate goods and services are offered.
`35. Defendants’ actions constitute knowing, deliberate, and willful infringement
`of Plaintiff’s federally registered mark. The knowing and intentional use renders this an
`exceptional case under 15 U.S.C. § 1117(a).
`36. As a result of Defendants’ infringement, Plaintiff has suffered substantial
`damages, including lost revenue and profit as well as the continuing loss of the goodwill and
`reputation established by Plaintiff in its federally registered mark. This continuing loss of
`goodwill cannot be properly calculated and thus constitutes irreparable harm and an injury for
`which Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law. Plaintiff will continue to suffer irreparable harm
`unless this Court enjoins Defendants’ conduct.
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`Federal Unfair Competition and False Designation of Origin
`37. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates all allegations above.
`15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)
`38. Defendants have deliberately and willfully attempted to trade on Plaintiff’s
`goodwill in its name and marks and the reputation established by Plaintiff in connection with
`its products and services, as well as in order to confuse consumers as to the origin and
`sponsorship of Defendants’ goods and to pass off their products and services in commerce as
`those of Plaintiff.
`39. Defendants’ unauthorized conduct has also deprived and will continue to
` deprive Plaintiff of the ability to control the consumer perception of its products and services
`offered under CHPH Trademark, placing reputation and goodwill of Plaintiff in the hands of
`40. Defendants’ conduct is likely to cause confusion, mistake, or deception as to
`the affiliation, connection, or association of Defendants with Plaintiff, and as to the origin,
`sponsorship or approval of Defendants and their products and services, in violation of Section
`43 of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)(1).
`41. Defendants had knowledge of Plaintiff’s prior use of CHPH Trademark and
`continued to use Defendants’ Mark. The knowing, intentional, and willful nature of the acts
`set forth herein renders this an exceptional case under 15 U.S.C. § 1117(a).
`42. As a result of Defendants’ conduct, Plaintiff suffered commercial damage, as
`well as the continuing loss of the goodwill and reputation established by CHPH Trademark.
`This continuing loss of goodwill cannot be properly calculated and thus constitutes irreparable
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`harm and an injury for which Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law. Plaintiff will continue to
`suffer irreparable harm unless this Court enjoins Defendants’ conduct.
`Violation of Pennsylvania's Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law
`43. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates all allegations above.
`44. Defendants have engaged in unfair competition by intentionally using
`Defendants’ Mark in order to confuse consumers as to the origin and sponsorship of
`Defendants’ goods and services and to pass their products and services off as those of Plaintiff.
`45. Defendants’ conduct is likely to cause confusion, mistake, or deception as to
`the origin, sponsorship or approval of Defendants and their products and services.
`46. Defendants had direct and full knowledge of Plaintiff’s prior use of and rights
`in CHPH Trademarks before acts complained of herein.
`47. Defendants’ unlawful and unfair conduct has led to a material diminution of
`the reputation and goodwill of the CHPH Trademark.
`48. As a result of Defendants’ conduct, Plaintiff has suffered substantial damages,
`as well as the continuing loss of the goodwill and reputation of the CHPH Trademark. This
`continuing loss of goodwill cannot be properly calculated and thus constitutes irreparable
`harm and an injury for which Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law.
`Plaintiff requests a jury trial of all issues that may be tried to a jury in this action.
` WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for an Order and Judgment as follows:
`Case 2:21-cv-01452 Document 1 Filed 03/26/21 Page 10 of 11
`1. Entry of an order requiring that Defendants and their officers, agents, servants,
`employees, owners and representatives, and all other persons, firms or corporations in active
`concert or participation with them, be enjoined and restrained from:
`a. Using in any manner the Defendants’ Mark or any name, mark or
`domain name that is confusingly similar to CHPH Trademark.
`b. Doing any act or thing calculated or likely to cause confusion or mistake
`in the minds of members of the public or prospective customers of Plaintiff’s products or
`services as to the source of the products or services offered for sale, distributed, or sold,
`or likely to deceive members of the public, or prospective customers, into believing that
`there is some connection between Defendants and Plaintiff.
` Ordering Defendants to preserve through trial and then deliver up for
`destruction, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1118, all Internet webpages / scripts / html code, articles,
`packages, wrappers, products, displays, labels, signs, vehicle displays or signs, circulars, kits,
`packaging, letterhead, business cards, promotional items, clothing, literature, sales aids,
`receptacles, templates or other matter in the possession, custody, or under the control of
`Defendants or their agents bearing Defendants’ Mark.
` Directing Defendants to provide an accounting of revenue, expenses and
`profits made by Defendants as a result of Defendants’ conduct of using Defendants’ Mark.
` Ordering Defendants, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1116(a), to file with this Court
`and serve upon Plaintiff within thirty (30) days after entry of the injunction a written report under
`oath describing in detail the manner and form in which Defendants have complied with the
` Ordering Defendants to pay a judgment in the amount of Plaintiff’s actual
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`damages under 15 U.S.C. § 1117 and Pennsylvania law, and/or statutory damages as well as
`Defendants’ profits, and pre- and post-judgment interest pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1117, in an
`amount to be proven at trial.
` Ordering Defendants to pay Plaintiff’s attorney’s fees and costs of
`this action under 15 U.S.C. § 1117 and/or Pennsylvania law.
` Ordering Defendants to pay a judgment for enhanced damages under 15
`U.S.C. § 1117.
` Granting Plaintiff such other and further relief as the Court deems just
`and proper.
`William Mark Mullineaux, Esquire
`PA I.D. 40964
`1601 Market St., Suite 2500
`Philadelphia, PA 19103
`Phone: (610) 291-3850
`Fax: (215) 279-8267
`Email: mmullineaux@srstlaw.com